diagrams-lib-1.4.4: Embedded domain-specific language for declarative graphics
Safe HaskellNone




newtype Deformation v u n Source #

Deformations are a superset of the affine transformations represented by the Transformation type. In general they are not invertible. Deformations include projective transformations. Deformation can represent other functions from points to points which are "well-behaved", in that they do not introduce small wiggles.


Deformation (Point v n -> Point u n) 


Instances details
Semigroup (Deformation v v n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Diagrams.Deform


(<>) :: Deformation v v n -> Deformation v v n -> Deformation v v n #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Deformation v v n) -> Deformation v v n #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Deformation v v n -> Deformation v v n #

Monoid (Deformation v v n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Diagrams.Deform


mempty :: Deformation v v n #

mappend :: Deformation v v n -> Deformation v v n -> Deformation v v n #

mconcat :: [Deformation v v n] -> Deformation v v n #

class Deformable a b where Source #


deform' :: N a -> Deformation (V a) (V b) (N a) -> a -> b Source #

deform' epsilon d a transforms a by the deformation d. If the type of a is not closed under projection, approximate to accuracy epsilon.

deform :: Deformation (V a) (V b) (N a) -> a -> b Source #

deform d a transforms a by the deformation d. If the type of a is not closed under projection, deform should call deform' with some reasonable default value of epsilon.


Instances details
(Metric v, Metric u, OrderedField n, r ~ Located (Trail u n)) => Deformable (Located (Trail v n)) r Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Diagrams.Deform


deform' :: N (Located (Trail v n)) -> Deformation (V (Located (Trail v n))) (V r) (N (Located (Trail v n))) -> Located (Trail v n) -> r Source #

deform :: Deformation (V (Located (Trail v n))) (V r) (N (Located (Trail v n))) -> Located (Trail v n) -> r Source #

r ~ Point u n => Deformable (Point v n) r Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Diagrams.Deform


deform' :: N (Point v n) -> Deformation (V (Point v n)) (V r) (N (Point v n)) -> Point v n -> r Source #

deform :: Deformation (V (Point v n)) (V r) (N (Point v n)) -> Point v n -> r Source #

(Metric v, Metric u, OrderedField n, r ~ Path u n) => Deformable (Path v n) r Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Diagrams.Deform


deform' :: N (Path v n) -> Deformation (V (Path v n)) (V r) (N (Path v n)) -> Path v n -> r Source #

deform :: Deformation (V (Path v n)) (V r) (N (Path v n)) -> Path v n -> r Source #

asDeformation :: (Additive v, Num n) => Transformation v n -> Deformation v v n Source #

asDeformation converts a Transformation to a Deformation by discarding the inverse transform. This allows reusing Transformations in the construction of Deformations.