{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances       #-}

module Discokitty.Examples.LesJustesVector where

import           Data.Semigroup
import           Discokitty
import           Discokitty.Examples.LesJustesUniverse
import           Discokitty.Models.Vectorspaces
import qualified Discokitty.Multiwords                 as M

-- The real numbers have the obvious semiring structure.
instance Semiring Double where
  plus = (+)
  mult = (*)
  unit = 1
  zero = 0

yanek' :: Words (Vectorspace Universe Double)
yanek' = Words (fromList
  [ ([Yanek] , 1)
  , ([Poet]  , 0.7)
  , ([Revolutionary] , 0.9)
  ]) [N] "Yanek"

dora' :: Words (Vectorspace Universe Double)
dora' = Words (fromList
  [ ([Dora] , 1)
  , ([Revolutionary] , 0.9)
  , ([Poet] , 0.3)
  ]) [N] "Dora"

likes' :: Words (Vectorspace Universe Double)
likes' = Words (fromList
  [ ([Yanek , IsTrue , Dora] , 0.9)
  , ([Dora , IsTrue , Yanek] , 0.8)
  , ([Stepan , IsTrue , Dora] , 0.6)
  , ([Dora , IsTrue , Poetry] , 0.8)
  , ([Dora , IsTrue , Chemistry] , 1)
  , ([Yanek , IsTrue , Poetry] , 1)
  , ([Yanek , IsTrue , Life] , 0.9)
  , ([Dora , IsTrue , Life] , 0.8)
  , ([Stepan , IsTrue , Propaganda] , 0.9)
  , ([Stepan , IsTrue , Life] , 0.1)
  , ([Boris , IsTrue , Life] , 0.3)
  , ([Boris , IsTrue , Propaganda] , 0.6)
  ]) [L N , S , R N] "likes"

combat' :: Words (Vectorspace Universe Double)
combat' = Words (fromList
  [ ([Yanek , IsTrue , Duke] , 1)
  , ([Yanek , IsTrue , Skouratov] , 0.7)
  , ([Dora , IsTrue , Duke] , 0.8)
  , ([Dora , IsTrue , Skouratov] , 0.4)
  , ([Stepan , IsTrue , Duke] , 1)
  , ([Stepan , IsTrue , Skouratov] , 0.9)
  , ([Stepan , IsTrue , Nephew] , 0.7)
  , ([Boris , IsTrue , Duke] , 0.9)
  , ([Boris , IsTrue , Nephew] , 0.1)
  , ([Skouratov , IsTrue , Yanek] , 0.9)
  , ([Skouratov , IsTrue , Stepan] , 1)
  ]) [L N , S , R N] "combat"

is' :: Words (Vectorspace Universe Double)
is' = Words (fromList
  [ ([Yanek , IsTrue , Revolutionary] , 0.9)
  , ([Yanek , IsTrue , Poet] , 1)
  , ([Dora , IsTrue , Poet] , 0.5)
  , ([Dora , IsTrue , Revolutionary] , 0.7)
  , ([Boris , IsTrue , Revolutionary] , 0.7)
  , ([Stepan , IsTrue , Terrorist] , 0.95)
  , ([Yanek , IsTrue , Terrorist] , 0.25)
  , ([Boris , IsTrue , Terrorist] , 0.25)
  , ([Stepan , IsTrue , Revolutionary] , 0.8)
  , ([Duke , IsTrue , Tsarist] , 1)
  , ([Skouratov , IsTrue , Tsarist] , 0.9)
  , ([Nephew , IsTrue , Tsarist] , 0.3)
  , ([Nephew , IsTrue , Innocent] , 1)
  , ([Yanek , IsTrue , Innocent] , 0.5)
  ]) [L N , S , R N] "is"

people' :: (Semiring m) => Words (Vectorspace Universe m)
people' = Words (fromList
  [ ([Yanek] , unit)
  , ([Dora] , unit)
  , ([Stepan] , unit)
  , ([Duke] , unit)
  , ([Nephew] , unit)
  , ([Skouratov] , unit)
  , ([Boris] , unit)
  ]) [N] "people"

yanek = M.singleton yanek'
dora = M.singleton dora'
likes = M.singleton likes'
enjoy = likes
is = M.singleton is'
people = M.singleton people'
combat = M.singleton combat'

who :: (Semiring m) => M.Multiword (Vectorspace Universe m)
who = M.singleton $ Words
  (fromList [ ([a,a,b,a], unit) | a <- universe , b <- universe])
  [L N , N , R S , N] "who"

basis :: (Semiring m) => Universe -> M.Multiword (Vectorspace Universe m)
basis t = M.singleton $ Words (fromList [ ([t], unit) ]) [N] "basis"

tsarist, life, propaganda, poetry, innocent, terrorist :: (Semiring m) => M.Multiword (Vectorspace Universe m)
tsarist    = basis Tsarist
life       = basis Life
propaganda = basis Propaganda
poetry     = basis Poetry
innocent   = basis Innocent
terrorist  = basis Terrorist

revolutionary :: (Semiring m) => M.Multiword (Vectorspace Universe m)
revolutionary = M.singleton $ Words (fromList [ ([Revolutionary], unit) ]) [N] "revolutionary"

tsarists :: M.Multiword (Vectorspace Universe Double)
tsarists = (people <> who <> is <> tsarist) M.@@ [N]

revolutionaries :: M.Multiword (Vectorspace Universe Double)
revolutionaries = (people <> who <> is <> revolutionary) M.@@ [N]

that, are :: M.Multiword (Vectorspace Universe Double)
that = who
are = is

-- Tropical semiring. Not used on the examples.
newtype Tropical = Tropical Double deriving (Eq, Show, Num, Ord)
instance Semiring Tropical where
  plus = min
  mult = (+)
  unit = 0
  zero = Tropical $ read "Infinity"