{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK prune, not-home #-}
module Discord.Gateway.EventLoop where
import Prelude hiding (log)
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Control.Monad.Random (getRandomR)
import Control.Concurrent.Async (race)
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
import Control.Exception.Safe (try, finally, handle, SomeException)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay, killThread, forkIO)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.IORef
import Data.Aeson (eitherDecode, encode)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as QL
import Wuss (runSecureClient)
import Network.WebSockets (ConnectionException(..), Connection,
receiveData, sendTextData)
import GHC.IO.Exception (IOError)
import Discord.Types
data GatewayException = GatewayExceptionCouldNotConnect T.Text
| GatewayExceptionEventParseError String T.Text
| GatewayExceptionUnexpected GatewayReceivable T.Text
| GatewayExceptionConnection ConnectionException T.Text
deriving (Show)
data ConnLoopState = ConnStart
| ConnClosed
| ConnReconnect Auth String Integer
deriving Show
connect :: (Connection -> IO a) -> IO a
connect = runSecureClient "gateway.discord.gg" 443 "/?v=6&encoding=json"
connectionLoop :: Auth -> Chan (Either GatewayException Event) -> Chan GatewaySendable
-> Chan String -> IO ()
connectionLoop auth events userSend log = loop ConnStart 0
loop :: ConnLoopState -> Int -> IO ()
loop s retries = do
writeChan log ("gateway - connection loop state " <> show s)
case s of
(ConnClosed) -> pure ()
(ConnStart) -> do
next <- try $ connect $ \conn -> do
msg <- getPayload conn log
case msg of
Right (Hello interval) -> do
sendTextData conn (encode (Identify auth False 50 (0, 1)))
msg2 <- getPayload conn log
case msg2 of
Right (Dispatch r@(Ready _ _ _ _ seshID) _) -> do
writeChan events (Right r)
startEventStream (ConnData conn seshID auth events) interval 0 userSend log
Right m -> do writeChan events (Left (GatewayExceptionUnexpected m
"Response to Identify must be Ready"))
pure ConnClosed
Left ce -> do writeChan events (Left (GatewayExceptionConnection ce
"Response to Identify"))
pure ConnClosed
Right m -> do writeChan log ("gateway - first message must be hello: " <> show msg)
writeChan events (Left (GatewayExceptionUnexpected m
"Response to connecting must be hello"))
pure ConnClosed
Left ce -> do writeChan events (Left (GatewayExceptionConnection ce
"Response to connecting"))
pure ConnClosed
case next :: Either IOError ConnLoopState of
Left _ -> do writeChan events (Left (GatewayExceptionCouldNotConnect
"IOError in gateway Connection"))
loop ConnClosed 0
Right n -> loop n 0
(ConnReconnect (Auth tok) seshID seqID) -> do
next <- try $ connect $ \conn -> do
sendTextData conn (encode (Resume tok seshID seqID))
eitherPayload <- getPayload conn log
case eitherPayload of
Right (Hello interval) ->
startEventStream (ConnData conn seshID auth events) interval seqID userSend log
Right (InvalidSession retry) -> do
t <- getRandomR (1,5)
threadDelay (t * 10^6)
pure $ if retry
then ConnReconnect (Auth tok) seshID seqID
else ConnStart
Right payload -> do
writeChan events (Left (GatewayExceptionUnexpected payload
"Response to Resume must be Hello/Invalid Session"))
pure ConnClosed
Left e -> do
writeChan events (Left (GatewayExceptionConnection e
"Could not ConnReconnect"))
pure ConnClosed
case next :: Either SomeException ConnLoopState of
Left _ -> if (retries < 5)
then do t <- getRandomR (3,10)
threadDelay (t * 10^6)
loop (ConnReconnect (Auth tok) seshID seqID) (retries + 1)
else do writeChan events (Left (GatewayExceptionCouldNotConnect
"Too many retries failed"))
loop ConnClosed 0
Right n -> loop n 0
getPayloadTimeout :: Connection -> Int -> Chan String -> IO (Either ConnectionException GatewayReceivable)
getPayloadTimeout conn interval log = do
res <- race (threadDelay ((interval * 1000 * 3) `div` 2))
(getPayload conn log)
case res of
Left () -> pure (Right Reconnect)
Right other -> pure other
getPayload :: Connection -> Chan String -> IO (Either ConnectionException GatewayReceivable)
getPayload conn log = try $ do
msg' <- receiveData conn
writeChan log ("gateway - received " <> QL.unpack msg')
case eitherDecode msg' of
Right msg -> return msg
Left err -> do writeChan log ("gateway - received parse Error - " <> err)
return (ParseError err)
heartbeat :: Chan GatewaySendable -> Int -> IORef Integer -> Chan String -> IO ()
heartbeat send interval seqKey log = do
threadDelay (1 * 10^6)
writeChan log "gateway - starting heartbeat"
forever $ do
num <- readIORef seqKey
writeChan send (Heartbeat num)
threadDelay (interval * 1000)
setSequence :: IORef Integer -> Integer -> IO ()
setSequence key i = writeIORef key i
data ConnectionData = ConnData { connection :: Connection
, connSessionID :: String
, connAuth :: Auth
, connChan :: Chan (Either GatewayException Event)
startEventStream :: ConnectionData -> Int -> Integer -> Chan GatewaySendable -> Chan String -> IO ConnLoopState
startEventStream conndata interval seqN userSend log = do
seqKey <- newIORef seqN
let err :: SomeException -> IO ConnLoopState
err e = do writeChan log ("gateway - eventStream error: " <> show e)
ConnReconnect (connAuth conndata) (connSessionID conndata) <$> readIORef seqKey
handle err $ do
gateSends <- newChan
sendsId <- forkIO $ sendableLoop (connection conndata) (Sendables userSend gateSends)
heart <- forkIO $ heartbeat gateSends interval seqKey log
finally (eventStream conndata seqKey interval gateSends log)
(killThread heart >> killThread sendsId)
eventStream :: ConnectionData -> IORef Integer -> Int -> Chan GatewaySendable
-> Chan String -> IO ConnLoopState
eventStream (ConnData conn seshID auth eventChan) seqKey interval send log = loop
loop :: IO ConnLoopState
loop = do
eitherPayload <- getPayloadTimeout conn interval log
case eitherPayload :: Either ConnectionException GatewayReceivable of
Left (CloseRequest code str) -> case code of
1000 -> ConnReconnect auth seshID <$> readIORef seqKey
1001 -> ConnReconnect auth seshID <$> readIORef seqKey
4000 -> ConnReconnect auth seshID <$> readIORef seqKey
4006 -> pure ConnStart
4007 -> ConnReconnect auth seshID <$> readIORef seqKey
4014 -> ConnReconnect auth seshID <$> readIORef seqKey
_ -> do writeChan eventChan (Left (GatewayExceptionConnection (CloseRequest code str)
"Normal event loop close request"))
pure ConnClosed
Left _ -> ConnReconnect auth seshID <$> readIORef seqKey
Right (Dispatch event sq) -> do setSequence seqKey sq
writeChan eventChan (Right event)
Right (HeartbeatRequest sq) -> do setSequence seqKey sq
writeChan send (Heartbeat sq)
Right (Reconnect) -> ConnReconnect auth seshID <$> readIORef seqKey
Right (InvalidSession retry) -> if retry
then ConnReconnect auth seshID <$> readIORef seqKey
else pure ConnStart
Right (HeartbeatAck) -> loop
Right (Hello e) -> do writeChan eventChan (Left (GatewayExceptionUnexpected (Hello e)
"Normal event loop"))
pure ConnClosed
Right (ParseError e) -> do writeChan eventChan (Left (GatewayExceptionEventParseError e
"Normal event loop"))
pure ConnClosed
data Sendables = Sendables {
userSends :: Chan GatewaySendable
, gatewaySends :: Chan GatewaySendable
sendableLoop :: Connection -> Sendables -> IO ()
sendableLoop conn sends = forever $ do
threadDelay (round (10^6 * (62 / 120)))
let e :: Either GatewaySendable GatewaySendable -> GatewaySendable
e = either id id
payload <- e <$> race (readChan (userSends sends)) (readChan (gatewaySends sends))
sendTextData conn (encode payload)