Copyright | (c) Yuto Takano (2021) |
License | MIT |
Maintainer | |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
This module provides convenient Conduits (see the conduit
package for an
introduction to conduits, but essentially streaming pipes) for transforming
audio data, to be used with the apostrophe-marked functions in Discord.Voice.
The apostrophe-marked functions, such as playFile'
, take as argument a
Conduit of the following type:
ConduitT B.ByteString B.ByteString (ResourceT DiscordHandler) ()
That is, the Conduit's needs to take ByteString
values from the upstream and
give to the downstream, ByteString
s. This ByteString is formatted according to
a 16-bit signed little-endian representation of PCM data, with a sample rate of
48kHz. Since ByteStrings are stored as Word8
(8-bits) internally, this module
provides conduits to pack every two bytes into a single signed 16-bit Int16
and vice versa. See packInt16C
and unpackInt16C
Since the audio data is stereo, there are also conduits provided that pack to
and unpack from tuples of (left, right) :: (Int16, Int16)
These enable us to have an easier type signature to work with when performing arithmetics on audio data:
yourConduit :: ConduitT Int16 Int16 (ResourceT DiscordHandler) () playYouTube' "never gonna give you up" $ packInt16C .| yourConduit .| unpackInt16C
Despite the pack/unpack being a common pattern, unfortunately due to library
design, it is not the default behaviour for apostrophe-marked functions (the
reason being that the non-apostrophe-marked-functions are simply aliases for
the apostrophe ones but with a awaitForever yield
conduit; this means adding
pack/unpack to the apostrophe versions would slow down the streaming of
untransformed data).
An example usage of these conduits is:
runVoice $ do join (read "123456789012345") (read "67890123456789012") playFile' "Lost in the Woods.mp3" $ packTo16CT .| toMono .| packFrom16CT
- packInt16C :: ConduitT ByteString Int16 (ResourceT DiscordHandler) ()
- packInt16CT :: ConduitT ByteString (Int16, Int16) (ResourceT DiscordHandler) ()
- unpackInt16C :: ConduitT Int16 ByteString (ResourceT DiscordHandler) ()
- unpackInt16CT :: ConduitT (Int16, Int16) ByteString (ResourceT DiscordHandler) ()
- toMono :: ConduitT (Int16, Int16) (Int16, Int16) (ResourceT DiscordHandler) ()
Conduits to transform ByteString into workable Int16 data
packInt16C :: ConduitT ByteString Int16 (ResourceT DiscordHandler) () Source #
A conduit that transforms 16-bit signed little-endian PCM ByteString to
streams of Int16 values. The Int16 values are in the range [-32768, 32767]
and alternate between left and right channels (stereo audio). See
for a version that produces tuples for both channels.
packInt16CT :: ConduitT ByteString (Int16, Int16) (ResourceT DiscordHandler) () Source #
A conduit that transforms 16-bit signed little-endian PCM ByteString to streams of (left, right)-tupled Int16 values.
unpackInt16C :: ConduitT Int16 ByteString (ResourceT DiscordHandler) () Source #
A conduit that transforms streams of Int16 values to a ByteString, laid
out in 16-bit little-endian PCM format. Alternating inputs to this conduit
will be taken as left and right channels. See unpackInt16CT
for a version
that takes a stream of tuples of both channels.
unpackInt16CT :: ConduitT (Int16, Int16) ByteString (ResourceT DiscordHandler) () Source #
A conduit that transforms (left, right)-tupled Int16 values into 16-bit signed little-endian PCM ByteString.