{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RoleAnnotations #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-cse -fno-full-laziness #-}
module Data.Discrimination.Grouping
( Group(..)
, Grouping(..)
, Grouping1(..)
, nub, nubWith
, group, groupWith
, groupingEq
, runGroup
, hashing
, word8s
) where
import Control.Monad hiding (mapM_)
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad.ST.Unsafe
import Data.Complex
import Data.Discrimination.Internal.WordMap as WordMap
import Data.Foldable hiding (concat)
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.Functor.Contravariant
import Data.Functor.Contravariant.Divisible
import Data.Functor.Contravariant.Generic
import Data.Hashable
import Data.Int
import Data.Semigroup hiding (Any)
import Data.Primitive.MutVar
import Data.Primitive.PrimArray
import Data.Promise
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Void
import Data.Word
import GHC.Integer.GMP.Internals
import GHC.Word
import Numeric.Natural
import Prelude hiding (read, concat, mapM_)
newtype Group a = Group
{ getGroup :: forall m b. PrimMonad m
=> (b -> m (b -> m ())) -> m (a -> b -> m ())
} deriving Typeable
instance Contravariant Group where
contramap f m = Group $ \k -> do
g <- getGroup m k
return (g . f)
instance Divisible Group where
conquer = Group $ \ (k :: b -> m (b -> m ())) -> do
v <- newMutVar undefined
writeMutVar v $ \b -> k b >>= writeMutVar v
return $ \ _ b -> readMutVar v >>= ($ b)
divide f m n = Group $ \k -> do
kbcd <- getGroup m $ \ (c, d) -> do
kcd <- getGroup n k
kcd c d
return $ uncurry kcd
return $ \ a d -> case f a of
(b, c) -> kbcd b (c, d)
instance Decidable Group where
choose f m n = Group $ \k -> do
kb <- getGroup m k
kc <- getGroup n k
return (either kb kc . f)
lose k = Group $ \_ -> return (absurd . k)
instance Semigroup (Group a) where
(<>) = divide (\a -> (a,a))
instance Monoid (Group a) where
mempty = conquer
mappend = (<>)
groupingWord64 :: Group Word64
groupingWord64 = Group $ \k -> do
mt <- newMutVar WordMap.empty
return $ \a b -> readMutVar mt >>= \m -> case WordMap.lookup a m of
Nothing -> k b >>= \p -> writeMutVar mt (insert a p m)
Just n -> n b
hashing :: Hashable a => Group a
hashing = contramap hash grouping
class Grouping a where
grouping :: Group a
#ifndef HLINT
default grouping :: Deciding Grouping a => Group a
grouping = deciding (Proxy :: Proxy Grouping) grouping
instance Grouping Void where grouping = lose id
instance Grouping () where grouping = conquer
instance Grouping Word8 where grouping = contramap fromIntegral groupingWord64
instance Grouping Word16 where grouping = contramap fromIntegral groupingWord64
instance Grouping Word32 where grouping = contramap fromIntegral groupingWord64
instance Grouping Word64 where grouping = groupingWord64
instance Grouping Word where grouping = contramap fromIntegral groupingWord64
instance Grouping Int8 where grouping = contramap fromIntegral groupingWord64
instance Grouping Int16 where grouping = contramap fromIntegral groupingWord64
instance Grouping Int32 where grouping = contramap fromIntegral groupingWord64
instance Grouping Int64 where grouping = contramap fromIntegral groupingWord64
instance Grouping Int where grouping = contramap fromIntegral groupingWord64
instance Grouping Char where grouping = contramap (fromIntegral . fromEnum) groupingWord64
instance Grouping Bool
instance (Grouping a, Grouping b) => Grouping (a, b)
instance (Grouping a, Grouping b, Grouping c) => Grouping (a, b, c)
instance (Grouping a, Grouping b, Grouping c, Grouping d) => Grouping (a, b, c, d)
instance Grouping a => Grouping [a]
instance Grouping a => Grouping (Maybe a)
instance (Grouping a, Grouping b) => Grouping (Either a b)
instance Grouping a => Grouping (Complex a) where
grouping = divide (\(a :+ b) -> (a, b)) grouping grouping
instance Grouping Integer where
grouping = contramap word8s grouping
word8s :: Integer -> [Word8]
word8s i = runST $ unsafeIOToST $ do
p@(MutablePrimArray mba) :: MutablePrimArray RealWorld Word8 <- newPrimArray (fromIntegral $ W# (sizeInBaseInteger i 256#))
_ <- exportIntegerToMutableByteArray i mba 0## 1#
primArrayToList <$> unsafeFreezePrimArray p
instance Grouping Natural where grouping = contramap toInteger grouping
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
instance Grouping a => Grouping (Ratio a) where
instance (Grouping a, Integral a) => Grouping (Ratio a) where
grouping = divide (\r -> (numerator r, denominator r)) grouping grouping
instance (Grouping1 f, Grouping1 g, Grouping a) => Grouping (Compose f g a) where
grouping = getCompose `contramap` grouping1 (grouping1 grouping)
class Grouping1 f where
grouping1 :: Group a -> Group (f a)
#ifndef HLINT
default grouping1 :: Deciding1 Grouping f => Group a -> Group (f a)
grouping1 = deciding1 (Proxy :: Proxy Grouping) grouping
instance Grouping1 []
instance Grouping1 Maybe
instance Grouping a => Grouping1 (Either a)
instance Grouping a => Grouping1 ((,) a)
instance (Grouping a, Grouping b) => Grouping1 ((,,) a b)
instance (Grouping a, Grouping b, Grouping c) => Grouping1 ((,,,) a b c)
instance (Grouping1 f, Grouping1 g) => Grouping1 (Compose f g) where
grouping1 f = getCompose `contramap` grouping1 (grouping1 f)
instance Grouping1 Complex where
grouping1 f = divide (\(a :+ b) -> (a, b)) f f
groupingEq :: Grouping a => a -> a -> Bool
groupingEq a b = runST $ do
rn <- newMutVar (0 :: Word8)
k <- getGroup grouping $ \_ -> do
modifyMutVar' rn (+1)
return return
k a ()
k b ()
n <- readMutVar rn
return $ n == 1
{-# INLINE groupingEq #-}
runGroup :: Group a -> [(a,b)] -> [[b]]
runGroup (Group m) xs = runLazy (\p0 -> do
rp <- newMutVar p0
f <- m $ \ b -> do
p <- readMutVar rp
q <- promise []
p' <- promise []
p != (b : demand q) : demand p'
writeMutVar rp p'
rq <- newMutVar q
return $ \b' -> do
q' <- readMutVar rq
q'' <- promise []
q' != b' : demand q''
writeMutVar rq q''
mapM_ (uncurry f) xs
) []
group :: Grouping a => [a] -> [[a]]
group as = runGroup grouping [(a, a) | a <- as]
groupWith :: Grouping b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [[a]]
groupWith f as = runGroup grouping [(f a, a) | a <- as]
nub :: Grouping a => [a] -> [a]
nub = nubWith id
nubWith :: Grouping b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a]
nubWith f xs = runLazy (\p0 -> do
rp <- newMutVar p0
k <- getGroup grouping $ \a -> do
p' <- promise []
p <- readMutVar rp
p != a : demand p'
writeMutVar rp p'
return $ \ _ -> return ()
mapM_ (\x -> k (f x) x) xs
) []