distributed-process-registry- Cloud Haskell Extended Process Registry

Copyright(c) Tim Watson 2012 - 2013
LicenseBSD3 (see the file LICENSE)
MaintainerTim Watson <watson.timothy@gmail.com>
Portabilitynon-portable (requires concurrency)
Safe HaskellNone




The module provides an extended process registry, offering slightly altered semantics to the built in register and unregister primitives and a richer set of features:

  • Associate (unique) keys with a process or (unique key per-process) values
  • Use any Keyable algebraic data type as keys
  • Query for process with matching keys values properties
  • Atomically give away names
  • Forceibly re-allocate names to/from a third party
Subscribing To Registry Events

It is possible to monitor a registry for changes and be informed whenever changes take place. All subscriptions are key based, which means that you can subscribe to name or property changes for any process, so that any property changes matching the key you've subscribed to will trigger a notification (i.e., regardless of the process to which the property belongs).

The different types of event are defined by the KeyUpdateEvent type.

Processes subscribe to registry events using monitorName or its counterpart monitorProperty. If the operation succeeds, this will evaluate to an opaque reference that can be used when subsequently handling incoming notifications, which will be delivered to the subscriber's mailbox as RegistryKeyMonitorNotification keyIdentity opaqueRef event, where event has the type KeyUpdateEvent.

Subscribers can filter the types of event they receive by using the lower level monitor function (defined in this module - not the one defined in distributed-process' Primitives) and passing a list of filtering KeyUpdateEventMask. Without these filters in place, a monitor event will be fired for every pertinent change.


Registry Keys

data KeyType Source

Describes how a key will be used - for storing names or properties.



the key will refer to a name (i.e., named process)


the key will refer to a (per-process) property

data Key a Source

A registered key. Keys can be mapped to names or (process-local) properties in the registry. The keyIdentity holds the key's value (e.g., a string or similar simple data type, which must provide a Keyable instance), whilst the keyType and keyScope describe the key's intended use and ownership.




Eq a => Eq (Key a) Source 
Show a => Show (Key a) Source 
Generic (Key a) Source 
Serializable a => Binary (Key a) Source 
Hashable a => Hashable (Key a) Source 
type Rep (Key a) Source 

class (Show a, Eq a, Hashable a, Serializable a) => Keyable a Source

The Keyable class describes types that can be used as registry keys. The constraints ensure that the key can be stored and compared appropriately.


Defining / Starting A Registry

data Registry k v Source

A phantom type, used to parameterise registry startup with the required key and value types.



start :: forall k v. (Keyable k, Serializable v) => Process (Registry k v) Source

run :: forall k v. (Keyable k, Serializable v) => Registry k v -> Process () Source

Registration / Unregistration

addName :: forall k v. Keyable k => Registry k v -> k -> Process RegisterKeyReply Source

Associate the calling process with the given (unique) key.

addProperty :: (Keyable k, Serializable v) => Registry k v -> k -> v -> Process RegisterKeyReply Source

Associate the given (non-unique) property with the current process. If the property already exists, it will be overwritten with the new value.

registerName :: forall k v. Keyable k => Registry k v -> k -> ProcessId -> Process RegisterKeyReply Source

Register the item at the given address.

registerValue :: (Resolvable b, Keyable k, Serializable v) => Registry k v -> b -> k -> v -> Process RegisterKeyReply Source

Register an item at the given address and associate it with a value. If the property already exists, it will be overwritten with the new value.

giveAwayName :: forall k v. Keyable k => Registry k v -> k -> ProcessId -> Process () Source

Atomically transfer a (registered) name to another process. Has no effect if the name does is not registered to the calling process!

data RegisterKeyReply Source

The (return) value of an attempted registration.



The given key was registered successfully


The key was already registered

unregisterName :: forall k v. Keyable k => Registry k v -> k -> Process UnregisterKeyReply Source

Un-register a (unique) name for the calling process.

data UnregisterKeyReply Source

The result of an un-registration attempt.



The given key was successfully unregistered


The given key was invalid and could not be unregistered


The given key was not found (i.e., was not registered)

Queries / Lookups

lookupName :: forall k v. Keyable k => Registry k v -> k -> Process (Maybe ProcessId) Source

Lookup the process identified by the supplied key. Evaluates to Nothing if the key is not registered.

lookupProperty :: (Keyable k, Serializable v) => Registry k v -> k -> Process (Maybe v) Source

Lookup the value of a named property for the calling process. Evaluates to Nothing if the property (key) is not registered. If the assignment to a value of type v does not correspond to the type of properties stored by the registry, the calling process will exit with the reason set to InvalidPropertyType.

registeredNames :: forall k v. Keyable k => Registry k v -> ProcessId -> Process [k] Source

Obtain a list of all registered keys.

foldNames :: forall b k v. Keyable k => Registry k v -> b -> (b -> (k, ProcessId) -> Process b) -> Process b Source

Monadic left fold over all registered names/keys. The fold takes place in the evaluating process.

member :: (Keyable k, Serializable v) => k -> SearchHandle k v -> Bool Source

Tests whether or not the supplied key is registered, evaluated in the calling process.

queryNames :: forall b k v. Keyable k => Registry k v -> (SearchHandle k ProcessId -> Process b) -> Process b Source

Evaluate a query on a SearchHandle, in the calling process.

findByProperty :: forall k v. Keyable k => Registry k v -> k -> Process [ProcessId] Source

Monitoring / Waiting

monitor :: forall k v. Keyable k => Registry k v -> Key k -> Maybe [KeyUpdateEventMask] -> Process RegKeyMonitorRef Source

Low level monitor operation. For the given key, set up a monitor filtered by any KeyUpdateEventMask entries that are supplied.

monitorName :: forall k v. Keyable k => Registry k v -> k -> Process RegKeyMonitorRef Source

Monitor changes to the supplied name.

monitorProp :: forall k v. Keyable k => Registry k v -> k -> ProcessId -> Process RegKeyMonitorRef Source

Monitor changes to the supplied (property) key.

unmonitor :: forall k v. Keyable k => Registry k v -> RegKeyMonitorRef -> Process () Source

Remove a previously set monitor.

await :: forall k v. Keyable k => Registry k v -> k -> Process (AwaitResult k) Source

Await registration of a given key. This function will subsequently block the evaluating process until the key is registered and a registration event is dispatched to the caller's mailbox.

awaitTimeout :: forall k v. Keyable k => Registry k v -> Delay -> k -> Process (AwaitResult k) Source

Await registration of a given key, but give up and return AwaitTimeout if registration does not take place within the specified time period (delay).

data AwaitResult k Source

The result of an await operation.


RegisteredName !ProcessId !k

The name was registered

ServerUnreachable !DiedReason

The server was unreachable (or died)


The operation timed out

data KeyUpdateEventMask Source

Used to describe a subset of monitoring events to listen for.



receive an event when a key is registered


receive an event when a key is unregistered


receive an event when a key's owner changes


receive an event when a key's lease expires

data RegistryKeyMonitorNotification k Source

This message is delivered to processes which are monioring a registry key. The opaque monitor reference will match (i.e., be equal to) the reference returned from the monitor function, which the KeyUpdateEvent describes the change that took place.