{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Duckling.Duration.EN.Corpus
( corpus
, negativeCorpus
) where
import Prelude
import Data.String
import Duckling.Duration.Types
import Duckling.Testing.Types
import Duckling.TimeGrain.Types (Grain(..))
corpus :: Corpus
corpus = (testContext, testOptions, allExamples)
negativeCorpus :: NegativeCorpus
negativeCorpus = (testContext, testOptions, examples)
examples =
[ "for months"
, "in days"
, "secretary"
, "minutes"
, "I second that"
allExamples :: [Example]
allExamples = concat
[ examples (DurationData 1 Second)
[ "one sec"
, "1 second"
, "1\""
, examples (DurationData 2 Minute)
[ "2 mins"
, "two minutes"
, "2'"
, examples (DurationData 30 Day)
[ "30 days"
, examples (DurationData 7 Week)
[ "seven weeks"
, examples (DurationData 1 Month)
[ "1 month"
, "a month"
, examples (DurationData 3 Quarter)
[ "3 quarters"
, examples (DurationData 2 Year)
[ "2 years"
, examples (DurationData 30 Minute)
[ "half an hour"
, "half hour"
, "1/2 hour"
, "1/2h"
, "1/2 h"
, examples (DurationData 12 Hour)
[ "half a day"
, "half day"
, "1/2 day"
, examples (DurationData 90 Minute)
[ "an hour and a half"
, "one hour and half"
, examples (DurationData 45 Day)
[ "a month and a half"
, "one month and half"
, examples (DurationData 27 Month)
[ "2 years and 3 months"
, "2 years, 3 months"
, examples (DurationData 31719604 Second)
[ "1 year, 2 days, 3 hours and 4 seconds"