{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 -feager-blackholing #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe, ScopedTypeVariables, NoImplicitPrelude #-}
module Crypto.ECC.Ed25519.Internal.Ed25519 where
import safe Prelude (Eq,Show,(==),Int,Bool,($),(-),otherwise,(<),(^),mod,Either(Left,Right),String,Integer,abs,id)
import safe qualified Data.Bits as B (shift,(.&.),(.|.),xor)
import safe qualified Prelude as P (fromInteger,toInteger)
import safe qualified Crypto.Fi as FP
import safe qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import safe qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import safe qualified Data.Digest.Pure.SHA as H
import safe qualified Data.Word as W (Word8)
newtype Point = Point (FP.FPrime,FP.FPrime,FP.FPrime,FP.FPrime) deriving (Eq,Show)
data SigOK = SigOK deriving (Show,Eq)
type VerifyResult = Either String SigOK
type PubKey = BS.ByteString
type PubKeyPoint = Point
newtype SecKey = SecKeyBytes BS.ByteString
newtype SecFPrime = SecNum FP.FPrime
type Signature = BS.ByteString
type Message = BS.ByteString
type SignedMessage = BS.ByteString
b :: Int
b = 256
{-# INLINABLE b #-}
q :: FP.FPrime
q = FP.fromInteger b 57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819949
{-# INLINABLE q #-}
l :: FP.FPrime
l = FP.fromInteger b 7237005577332262213973186563042994240857116359379907606001950938285454250989
{-# INLINABLE l #-}
d :: FP.FPrime
d = FP.fromInteger b 37095705934669439343138083508754565189542113879843219016388785533085940283555
{-# INLINABLE d #-}
i :: FP.FPrime
i = FP.fromInteger b 19681161376707505956807079304988542015446066515923890162744021073123829784752
{-# INLINABLE i #-}
h :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
h bs = BSL.toStrict $ H.bytestringDigest $ H.sha512 $ BSL.fromStrict bs
{-# INLINABLE h #-}
ph :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
ph = id
{-# INLINABLE ph #-}
by :: FP.FPrime
by = FP.fromInteger b 46316835694926478169428394003475163141307993866256225615783033603165251855960
{-# INLINABLE by #-}
inf :: Point
inf = Point (FP.fromInteger b 0, FP.fromInteger b 1, FP.fromInteger b 1, FP.fromInteger b 0)
{-# INLINABLE inf #-}
null :: FP.FPrime
null = FP.fromInteger b 0
{-# INLINABLE null #-}
eins :: FP.FPrime
eins = FP.fromInteger b 1
{-# INLINABLE eins #-}
alleeins:: FP.FPrime
alleeins = FP.fromInteger b 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935
{-# INLINABLE alleeins #-}
xrecover :: FP.FPrime -> Integer -> FP.FPrime
xrecover y sign' = let yy = FP.mulr q y y
u = FP.subr q yy eins
v = FP.addr q eins $ FP.mulr q d yy
beta = FP.mulr q (FP.mulr q u $ FP.mulr q v $ FP.square q v) (FP.pow q (FP.mulr q u (FP.pow q v (7::Integer))) (FP.shift (FP.sub q (FP.fromInteger b 5)) (-3)))
fixroot num = let c = FP.addr q (FP.mulr q v (FP.mulr q num num)) u
s = -(FP.shift (-(B.xor c null)) (-255))
realpattern = FP.mul alleeins (FP.sub eins s)
invpattern = FP.mul alleeins s
in FP.add (i B..&. realpattern) (eins B..&. invpattern)
zwischen = FP.mulr q beta (fixroot beta)
signum num sign'' = let signbit = abs (sign'' - (num `mod` 2))
pat = FP.mul alleeins (FP.sub eins signbit)
invpat = FP.mul alleeins signbit
in FP.add (eins B..&. pat) (FP.neg q eins B..&. invpat)
in FP.mulr q (signum zwischen sign') zwischen
bPoint :: Point
bPoint = Point (FP.fromInteger b 15112221349535400772501151409588531511454012693041857206046113283949847762202,FP.fromInteger b 46316835694926478169428394003475163141307993866256225615783033603165251855960, FP.fromInteger b 1, FP.fromInteger b 46827403850823179245072216630277197565144205554125654976674165829533817101731)
{-# INLINABLE bPoint #-}
pneg :: Point -> Point
pneg (Point (x,y,z,t)) = Point (FP.neg q x, y, z, FP.neg q t)
{-# INLINABLE pneg #-}
k :: FP.FPrime
k = FP.mulr q d 2
{-# INLINABLE k #-}
padd :: Point -> Point -> Point
padd (Point (x1,y1,z1,t1)) (Point (x2,y2,z2,t2)) =
let a' = FP.mulr q (FP.subr q y1 x1) (FP.subr q y2 x2)
b' = FP.mulr q (FP.addr q y1 x1) (FP.addr q y2 x2)
c' = FP.mulr q k $ FP.mulr q t1 t2
d' = FP.mulr q 2 $ FP.mulr q z1 z2
e' = FP.subr q b' a'
f' = FP.subr q d' c'
g' = FP.addr q d' c'
h' = FP.addr q b' a'
x3 = FP.mulr q e' f'
y3 = FP.mulr q g' h'
z3 = FP.mulr q f' g'
t3 = FP.mulr q e' h'
in Point (x3,y3,z3,t3)
pdouble :: Point -> Point
pdouble (Point (x1,y1,z1,_)) =
let a' = FP.square q x1
b' = FP.square q y1
c' = FP.mulr q 2 $ FP.square q z1
h' = FP.addr q a' b'
e' = FP.subr q h' (FP.square q (FP.addr q x1 y1))
g' = FP.subr q a' b'
f' = FP.addr q c' g'
x3 = FP.mulr q e' f'
y3 = FP.mulr q g' h'
z3 = FP.mulr q f' g'
t3 = FP.mulr q e' h'
in Point (x3,y3,z3,t3)
pmul :: Point -> FP.FPrime -> Point
pmul (Point (x,y,z,_)) k' =
let ex erg j
| j < 0 = erg
| otherwise = let s = FP.condBit k' j
realpattern = FP.mul alleeins s
invpattern = FP.mul alleeins (FP.sub eins s)
x' = x B..&. realpattern
y' = FP.add (y B..&. realpattern) (eins B..&. invpattern)
z' = FP.add (z B..&. realpattern) (eins B..&. invpattern)
t' = FP.mulr q x' y'
in ex (padd (pdouble erg) (Point (x', y', z',t'))) (j - 1)
in ex inf 254
ison :: Point -> Bool
ison (Point (x,y,z,_)) = FP.mulr q (FP.mulr q z z) (FP.addr q (FP.neg q (FP.mulr q x x)) (FP.mulr q y y)) == FP.addr q (FP.pow q z 4) (FP.mulr q d $ FP.mulr q (FP.mulr q x x) (FP.mulr q y y))
scale :: Point -> Point
scale (Point (xz,yz,z,_)) = let zInv = FP.inv q z
x = FP.mulr q xz zInv
y = FP.mulr q yz zInv
in Point (x,y,1,FP.mulr q x y)
pointtobs :: Point -> BS.ByteString
pointtobs p = let Point (x,y,_,_) = scale p
yf = FP.add y (FP.shift (x B..&. eins) (b - 1))
in putFPrime yf
bstopoint :: BS.ByteString -> Either String Point
bstopoint bs = do
let y = getFPrime32 bs
case y of
Left _ -> Left "Could not decode Point"
Right (y'::FP.FPrime) -> let yf = y' B..&. (alleeins - (2^(b-1)))
xf = xrecover yf (FP.condBit y' (b-1))
pt = Point (xf,yf, FP.fromInteger b 1, FP.mulr q xf yf)
in if ison pt then Right pt else Left "Point not on curve"
clamp :: BS.ByteString -> Either String FP.FPrime
clamp bs = let num' = getFPrime32 bs
in case num' of
Right num -> Right ((FP.toInteger num B..&. 28948022309329048855892746252171976963317496166410141009864396001978282409976) B..|. 28948022309329048855892746252171976963317496166410141009864396001978282409984)
Left e -> Left e
convertLE8ByteTo64BE :: BS.ByteString -> Either String FP.FPrime
convertLE8ByteTo64BE bs | BS.length bs < 8 = Left "ByteString does not contain at least 32 Bytes"
| otherwise =
let lowest = bs `BS.index` 0
lower = bs `BS.index` 1
low = bs `BS.index` 2
midlow = bs `BS.index` 3
midhigh = bs `BS.index` 4
high = bs `BS.index` 5
higher = bs `BS.index` 6
highest = bs `BS.index` 7
in Right (P.fromInteger $ P.toInteger lowest
B..|. B.shift (P.toInteger lower) 8
B..|. B.shift (P.toInteger low) 16
B..|. B.shift (P.toInteger midlow) 24
B..|. B.shift (P.toInteger midhigh) 32
B..|. B.shift (P.toInteger high) 40
B..|. B.shift (P.toInteger higher) 48
B..|. B.shift (P.toInteger highest) 56
convert64BEtoLE8Byte :: FP.FPrime -> BS.ByteString
convert64BEtoLE8Byte z = let lowest = (P.fromInteger $ z `mod` (2^( 8::Integer))) ::W.Word8
lower = (P.fromInteger $ B.shift (z `mod` (2^(16::Integer))) ( -8))::W.Word8
low = (P.fromInteger $ B.shift (z `mod` (2^(24::Integer))) (-16))::W.Word8
midlow = (P.fromInteger $ B.shift (z `mod` (2^(32::Integer))) (-24))::W.Word8
midhigh = (P.fromInteger $ B.shift (z `mod` (2^(40::Integer))) (-32))::W.Word8
high = (P.fromInteger $ B.shift (z `mod` (2^(48::Integer))) (-40))::W.Word8
higher = (P.fromInteger $ B.shift (z `mod` (2^(56::Integer))) (-48))::W.Word8
highest = (P.fromInteger $ B.shift z (-56))::W.Word8
in BS.pack [lowest,lower,low,midlow,midhigh,high,higher,highest]
getFPrime32 :: BS.ByteString -> Either String FP.FPrime
getFPrime32 bs | BS.length bs < 32 = Left "ByteString does not contain at least 32 Bytes"
| otherwise = do
lowest <- convertLE8ByteTo64BE bs
lower <- convertLE8ByteTo64BE $ BS.drop 8 bs
higher <- convertLE8ByteTo64BE $ BS.drop 16 bs
highest <- convertLE8ByteTo64BE $ BS.drop 24 bs
Right ( P.toInteger lowest
B..|. B.shift (P.toInteger lower) 64
B..|. B.shift (P.toInteger higher) 128
B..|. B.shift (P.toInteger highest) 192
getFPrime64 :: BS.ByteString -> Either String FP.FPrime
getFPrime64 bs | BS.length bs < 64 = Left "ByteString does not contain at least 64 Bytes"
| otherwise = do
low <- getFPrime32 bs
high <- getFPrime32 $ BS.drop 32 bs
Right (P.toInteger low B..|. B.shift (P.toInteger high) 256)
putFPrime :: FP.FPrime -> BS.ByteString
putFPrime num = let arg = FP.toInteger num
lowest = P.fromInteger $ arg `mod` (2^(64::Integer))
lower = P.fromInteger $ B.shift (arg `mod` (2^(128::Integer))) (-64)
higher = P.fromInteger $ B.shift (arg `mod` (2^(192::Integer))) (-128)
highest = P.fromInteger $ B.shift arg (-192)
in convert64BEtoLE8Byte (P.fromInteger lowest)
`BS.append` convert64BEtoLE8Byte (P.fromInteger lower)
`BS.append` convert64BEtoLE8Byte (P.fromInteger higher)
`BS.append` convert64BEtoLE8Byte (P.fromInteger highest)