-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Edit
-- Copyright   :  (c) Varun Gandhi 2018
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  theindigamer15@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- The 'Edit' type for working with rewriting systems, with associated
-- operations.
-- To see a high-level overview of some use cases and a detailed example,
-- check the "Data.Edit.Tutorial" module.
-- __Usage notes:__
--   1. You probably want to import this module qualified to avoid a name
--      collision with "Data.Maybe"'s 'Data.Maybe.fromMaybe'.
--   2. We re-export the composition operators from "Control.Monad" for
--      convenience.

{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}

module Data.Edit
  -- * Edit type and basic operations
    Edit (..)
  , fromEdit
  , isClean
  , isDirty
  , extract
  , duplicate
  , extend
  -- * Conversions to and from base types
  , toMaybe
  , fromMaybe
  , edits
  , toEither
  , fromEither
  -- * Finding a fixed point
  , polish
  , iterations
  -- * Operations with lists
  , partitionEdits
  -- * Forceful conversions
  , clean
  , dirty
  -- * Re-exports from "Control.Monad"
  , (>=>)
  , (<=<)

#define LIFTREADPREC_IN_READ1             MIN_VERSION_base(4,10,0)

import Control.Applicative
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Control.Monad ((>=>), (<=<), ap)
import Control.Monad.Zip (MonadZip (..))
import Data.Data (Typeable, Data)
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import Data.List (unfoldr)
import Data.Functor.Classes
import GHC.Generics (Generic)

import Control.Comonad
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..))
import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary (..), Arbitrary1 (..)
                       , frequency, arbitrary1, shrink1)

-- | The 'Edit' type encapsulates rewriting.
-- Since 'Edit' is also a monad, it allows you to easily "bubble up" information
-- on whether changes were made when working with nested data structures. This
-- is helpful when you want to save the fact that you've reaching a fixed point
-- while rewriting, instead of, say re-computing it after the fact using an 'Eq'
-- instance on the underlying data-type.
-- For example,
-- >>> halveEvens x = if x `mod` 2 == 0 then (Dirty $ x `div` 2) else (Clean x)
-- >>> traverse halveEvens [1, 2, 3]
-- Dirty [1,1,3]
-- >>> traverse halveEvens [1, 3, 5]
-- Clean [1,3,5]
-- To support this behaviour, the 'Applicative' and 'Monad' instances have
-- "polluting" semantics:
-- 1. 'pure' = 'Clean' = 'return'.
-- 2. The result of '<*>' is 'Clean' if and only if both the arguments are
--    'Clean'.
-- 3. If you bind a 'Clean' value, you may get anything depending on the
--    function involved. However, if you bind a 'Dirty' value, you will
--    definitely get a 'Dirty' value back.
-- If you're familiar with the Writer monad, 'Edit' is isomorphic to
-- @Writer Any@ ('Data.Monoid.Any' is 'Bool' with @(<>) = (||)@).

data Edit a
  = Dirty a -- ^ A value that has been modified.
  | Clean a -- ^ A value that has not been modified.
    ( Eq, Show, Read
    , Functor, Foldable, Traversable
    , Generic, NFData, Typeable, Data

instance Applicative Edit where
  pure = Clean
  (<*>) = ap

instance Monad Edit where
  return = pure
  Clean x >>= f = f x
  Dirty x >>= f = dirty (f x)

instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (Edit a) where
  (<>) = liftA2 (<>)

instance Monoid a => Monoid (Edit a) where
instance (Semigroup a, Monoid a) => Monoid (Edit a) where
  mempty = Clean mempty
  mappend = (<>)

instance MonadZip Edit where
  mzip = liftA2 (,)

-- These instances have been adapted from Maybe's instances.
instance Eq1 Edit where
  liftEq eq ex ey = eq (extract ex) (extract ey)

instance Show1 Edit where
  liftShowsPrec sp _ d (Clean x) = showsUnaryWith sp "Clean" d x
  liftShowsPrec sp _ d (Dirty x) = showsUnaryWith sp "Dirty" d x

-- Mimicking Maybe's Read1 instance.
instance Read1 Edit where
  liftReadPrec rp _ =
    readData (readUnaryWith rp "Clean" Clean)
    <|> readData (readUnaryWith rp "Dirty" Dirty)
instance Read1 Edit where
  liftReadsPrec rp _ d =
    readsData (readsUnaryWith rp "Clean" Clean) d
    `mappend` readsData (readsUnaryWith rp "Dirty" Dirty) d

instance Arbitrary1 Edit where
  liftArbitrary arb = frequency [(1, Clean <$> arb), (4, Dirty <$> arb)]

  liftShrink shr (Dirty x) = Clean x : liftShrink shr (Clean x) ++ [Dirty x' | x' <- shr x]
  liftShrink shr (Clean x) = [Clean x' | x' <- shr x]

-- | 'arbitrary' is biased towards producing more 'Dirty' values. 'shrink'
-- shrinks the generator towards 'Clean' values.
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Edit a) where
  arbitrary = arbitrary1
  shrink = shrink1

-- | Forcibly make the value 'Clean'.
-- You probably do not want to use this function unless you're implementing
-- some class instance for 'Edit'.
clean :: Edit a -> Edit a
clean = Clean . extract

-- | Forcibly make the value 'Dirty'.
-- You probably do not want to use this function unless you're implementing
-- some class instance for 'Edit'.
dirty :: Edit a -> Edit a
dirty = Dirty . extract

-- | Extract the final value after having done some edits.
-- Unlike 'Data.Maybe.Maybe''s 'Data.Maybe.fromMaybe', this function doesn't
-- require a default value for totality as both constructors have a value in
-- them.
fromEdit :: Edit a -> a
fromEdit = \case
  Clean x -> x
  Dirty x -> x

-- | Was an edit made (is the value 'Dirty')? If yes, returns 'Just' otherwise
-- 'Nothing'.
-- >>> toMaybe (Clean "Good morning.")
-- Nothing
-- >>> toMaybe (Dirty "Wink, wink.")
-- Just "Wink, wink."
toMaybe :: Edit a -> Maybe a
toMaybe = \case
  Clean _ -> Nothing
  Dirty x -> Just x

-- | Takes a clean value and a possibly dirty value and makes an 'Edit'.
-- >>> fromMaybe "Hi" Nothing
-- Clean "Hi"
-- >>> defaultValue = 1000
-- >>> correctedValue = Just 1024
-- >>> fromMaybe defaultValue correctedValue
-- Dirty 1024
fromMaybe :: a -> Maybe a -> Edit a
fromMaybe x = \case
  Just y  -> Dirty y
  Nothing -> Clean x

-- | Takes a function that may dirty a value, and returns another which
-- saves the default value if no modification is done.
-- @f \`edits\` x == fromMaybe x (f x)@
edits :: (a -> Maybe a) -> a -> Edit a
edits f x = case f x of
  Just y  -> Dirty y
  Nothing -> Clean x

-- | A 'Dirty' value becomes a 'Left' and a 'Clean' value becomes a 'Right'.
-- Mnemonic: having things clean is usually the right situation to be in.
toEither :: Edit a -> Either a a
toEither = \case
  Dirty x -> Left x
  Clean x -> Right x

-- | A 'Left' value becomes a 'Dirty' and a 'Right' value becomes a 'Clean'.
-- Mnemonic: having things clean is usually the right situation to be in.
fromEither :: Either a a -> Edit a
fromEither = \case
  Left x -> Dirty x
  Right x -> Clean x

-- | Return 'True' iff the argument has the form @Clean _@.
isClean :: Edit a -> Bool
isClean = \case
  Clean _ -> True
  Dirty _ -> False

-- | Returns 'True' iff the argument has the form @Dirty _@.
isDirty :: Edit a -> Bool
isDirty = \case
  Clean _ -> False
  Dirty _ -> True

instance Comonad Edit where
  extract = fromEdit
  duplicate = dup

instance ComonadApply Edit where
  (<@>) = (<*>)
  ( @>) = ( *>)
  (<@ ) = (<* )

#elif 1
-- | @extract = fromEdit@. Provided purely for aesthetic reasons.
extract :: Edit a -> a
extract = fromEdit

-- | Wraps the value according to its current status. Like father, like son.
duplicate :: Edit a -> Edit (Edit a)
duplicate = dup

-- | Keep track of changes while utilizing an extraction map.
-- > extend f = fmap f . duplicate
extend :: (Edit a -> b) -> Edit a -> Edit b
extend f = fmap f . duplicate

dup :: Edit a -> Edit (Edit a)
dup = \case
  Clean x -> Clean (Clean x)
  Dirty x -> Dirty (Dirty x)

-- | 'Dirty' values are put on the left and 'Clean' values are put on the right.
-- > partitionEdits = partitionEithers . map toEither
partitionEdits :: [Edit a] -> ([a], [a])
partitionEdits = partitionEithers . map toEither

-- | Keep editing till the result is 'Clean' (find the fixed point).
-- >>> g x = if x >= 10 then Clean x else Dirty (x + 2)
-- >>> polish g 3
-- 11
-- Conceptually,
-- > polish f x = last $ iterations f x
polish :: (a -> Edit a) -> a -> a
polish f x = case f x of
  Clean y -> y
  Dirty y -> polish f y

-- | Keep editing till the result is 'Clean', recording iterations.
-- Similar to 'polish' but gets the entire list of arguments tested instead of
-- just the final result. The result is guaranteed to be non-empty because
-- the first element will always be included. If the list is finite, the last
-- element gives a 'Clean' result.
-- >>> g x = if x >= 10 then Clean x else Dirty (x + 2)
-- >>> iterations g 3
-- [3,5,7,9,11]
-- This can be helpful in debugging your transformation function. For example,
-- @
-- [ (before, after)
-- | let xs = iterations f start
-- , (before, after) <- zip xs (tail xs)
-- , sanityCheck before && not (sanityCheck after))
-- ]
-- @
iterations :: (a -> Edit a) -> a -> [a]
iterations f = unfoldr (fmap g') . Just
  where g' y = (y, toMaybe (f y))