Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell98 |
- data SparseMatrix a b where
- SparseMatrix :: Elem a b => !(ForeignPtr (CSparseMatrix a b)) -> SparseMatrix a b
- type SparseMatrixXf = SparseMatrix Float CFloat
- type SparseMatrixXd = SparseMatrix Double CDouble
- type SparseMatrixXcf = SparseMatrix (Complex Float) (CComplex CFloat)
- type SparseMatrixXcd = SparseMatrix (Complex Double) (CComplex CDouble)
- values :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> Vector b
- innerIndices :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> Vector CInt
- outerStarts :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> Vector CInt
- innerNNZs :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> Maybe (Vector CInt)
- cols :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> Int
- rows :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> Int
- coeff :: Elem a b => Int -> Int -> SparseMatrix a b -> a
- (!) :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> (Int, Int) -> a
- fromList :: Elem a b => Int -> Int -> [(Int, Int, a)] -> SparseMatrix a b
- toList :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> [(Int, Int, a)]
- fromVector :: Elem a b => Int -> Int -> Vector (CTriplet b) -> SparseMatrix a b
- toVector :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> Vector (CTriplet b)
- fromDenseList :: (Elem a b, Eq a) => [[a]] -> SparseMatrix a b
- toDenseList :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> [[a]]
- fromMatrix :: Elem a b => Matrix a b -> SparseMatrix a b
- toMatrix :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> Matrix a b
- norm :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> a
- squaredNorm :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> a
- blueNorm :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> a
- block :: Elem a b => Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> SparseMatrix a b -> SparseMatrix a b
- nonZeros :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> Int
- innerSize :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> Int
- outerSize :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> Int
- add :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> SparseMatrix a b -> SparseMatrix a b
- sub :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> SparseMatrix a b -> SparseMatrix a b
- mul :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> SparseMatrix a b -> SparseMatrix a b
- pruned :: Elem a b => a -> SparseMatrix a b -> SparseMatrix a b
- scale :: Elem a b => a -> SparseMatrix a b -> SparseMatrix a b
- transpose :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> SparseMatrix a b
- adjoint :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> SparseMatrix a b
- compress :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> SparseMatrix a b
- uncompress :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> SparseMatrix a b
- compressed :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> Bool
- encode :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> ByteString
- decode :: Elem a b => ByteString -> SparseMatrix a b
- thaw :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> IO (IOSparseMatrix a b)
- freeze :: Elem a b => IOSparseMatrix a b -> IO (SparseMatrix a b)
- unsafeThaw :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> IO (IOSparseMatrix a b)
- unsafeFreeze :: Elem a b => IOSparseMatrix a b -> IO (SparseMatrix a b)
SparseMatrix type
data SparseMatrix a b where Source #
A versatible sparse matrix representation.
SparseMatrix is the main sparse matrix representation of Eigen's sparse module. It offers high performance and low memory usage. It implements a more versatile variant of the widely-used Compressed Column (or Row) Storage scheme.
It consists of four compact arrays:
: stores the coefficient values of the non-zeros.innerIndices
: stores the row (resp. column) indices of the non-zeros.outerStarts
: stores for each column (resp. row) the index of the first non-zero in the previous two arrays.innerNNZs
: stores the number of non-zeros of each column (resp. row). The word inner refers to an inner vector that is a column for a column-major matrix, or a row for a row-major matrix. The word outer refers to the other direction.
This storage scheme is better explained on an example. The following matrix
0 3 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 17 7 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 8
and one of its possible sparse, column major representation:
values: 22 7 _ 3 5 14 _ _ 1 _ 17 8 innerIndices: 1 2 _ 0 2 4 _ _ 2 _ 1 4 outerStarts: 0 3 5 8 10 12 innerNNZs: 2 2 1 1 2
Currently the elements of a given inner vector are guaranteed to be always sorted by increasing inner indices.
The "_" indicates available free space to quickly insert new elements. Assuming no reallocation is needed,
the insertion of a random element is therefore in O(nnz_j)
where nnz_j
is the number of nonzeros of the
respective inner vector. On the other hand, inserting elements with increasing inner indices in a given inner
vector is much more efficient since this only requires to increase the respective innerNNZs
entry that is a O(1)
The case where no empty space is available is a special case, and is refered as the compressed mode.
It corresponds to the widely used Compressed Column (or Row) Storage schemes (CCS or CRS).
Any SparseMatrix
can be turned to this form by calling the compress
In this case, one can remark that the innerNNZs
array is redundant with outerStarts
because we the equality:
InnerNNZs[j] = OuterStarts[j+1]-OuterStarts[j]
. Therefore, in practice a call to compress
frees this buffer.
The results of Eigen's operations always produces compressed sparse matrices.
On the other hand, the insertion of a new element into a SparseMatrix
converts this later to the uncompressed mode.
For more infomration please see Eigen documentation page.
SparseMatrix :: Elem a b => !(ForeignPtr (CSparseMatrix a b)) -> SparseMatrix a b |
Elem a b => Num (SparseMatrix a b) Source # | Basic sparse matrix math exposed through Num instance: |
(Elem a b, Show a) => Show (SparseMatrix a b) Source # | Pretty prints the sparse matrix |
Elem a b => Binary (SparseMatrix a b) Source # | |
type SparseMatrixXf = SparseMatrix Float CFloat Source #
Alias for single precision sparse matrix
type SparseMatrixXd = SparseMatrix Double CDouble Source #
Alias for double precision sparse matrix
type SparseMatrixXcf = SparseMatrix (Complex Float) (CComplex CFloat) Source #
Alias for single previsiom sparse matrix of complex numbers
type SparseMatrixXcd = SparseMatrix (Complex Double) (CComplex CDouble) Source #
Alias for double prevision sparse matrix of complex numbers
Matrix internal data
values :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> Vector b Source #
Stores the coefficient values of the non-zeros.
innerIndices :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> Vector CInt Source #
Stores the row (resp. column) indices of the non-zeros.
outerStarts :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> Vector CInt Source #
Stores for each column (resp. row) the index of the first non-zero in the previous two arrays.
innerNNZs :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> Maybe (Vector CInt) Source #
Stores the number of non-zeros of each column (resp. row). The word inner refers to an inner vector that is a column for a column-major matrix, or a row for a row-major matrix. The word outer refers to the other direction
Accessing matrix data
coeff :: Elem a b => Int -> Int -> SparseMatrix a b -> a Source #
Matrix coefficient at given row and col
(!) :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> (Int, Int) -> a Source #
Matrix coefficient at given row and col
Matrix conversions
fromList :: Elem a b => Int -> Int -> [(Int, Int, a)] -> SparseMatrix a b Source #
Construct sparse matrix of given size from the list of triplets (row, col, val)
toList :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> [(Int, Int, a)] Source #
Convert sparse matrix to the list of triplets (row, col, val). Compressed elements will not be included
fromVector :: Elem a b => Int -> Int -> Vector (CTriplet b) -> SparseMatrix a b Source #
Construct sparse matrix of given size from the storable vector of triplets (row, col, val)
toVector :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> Vector (CTriplet b) Source #
Convert sparse matrix to the storable vector of triplets (row, col, val). Compressed elements will not be included
fromDenseList :: (Elem a b, Eq a) => [[a]] -> SparseMatrix a b Source #
Construct sparse matrix of two-dimensional list of values. Matrix dimensions will be detected automatically. Zero values will be compressed.
toDenseList :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> [[a]] Source #
Convert sparse matrix to (rows X cols) dense list of values
fromMatrix :: Elem a b => Matrix a b -> SparseMatrix a b Source #
Construct sparse matrix from dense matrix. Zero elements will be compressed
toMatrix :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> Matrix a b Source #
Construct dense matrix from sparse matrix
Matrix properties
norm :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> a Source #
For vectors, the l2 norm, and for matrices the Frobenius norm. In both cases, it consists in the square root of the sum of the square of all the matrix entries. For vectors, this is also equals to the square root of the dot product of this with itself.
squaredNorm :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> a Source #
For vectors, the squared l2 norm, and for matrices the Frobenius norm. In both cases, it consists in the sum of the square of all the matrix entries. For vectors, this is also equals to the dot product of this with itself.
blueNorm :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> a Source #
The l2 norm of the matrix using the Blue's algorithm. A Portable Fortran Program to Find the Euclidean Norm of a Vector, ACM TOMS, Vol 4, Issue 1, 1978.
block :: Elem a b => Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> SparseMatrix a b -> SparseMatrix a b Source #
Extract rectangular block from sparse matrix defined by startRow startCol blockRows blockCols
nonZeros :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> Int Source #
Number of non-zeros elements in the sparse matrix
innerSize :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> Int Source #
Minor dimension with respect to the storage order
outerSize :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> Int Source #
Major dimension with respect to the storage order
Basic matrix algebra
add :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> SparseMatrix a b -> SparseMatrix a b Source #
Adding two sparse matrices by adding the corresponding entries together. You can use (+)
function as well.
sub :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> SparseMatrix a b -> SparseMatrix a b Source #
Subtracting two sparse matrices by subtracting the corresponding entries together. You can use (-)
function as well.
mul :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> SparseMatrix a b -> SparseMatrix a b Source #
Matrix multiplication. You can use (*)
function as well.
Matrix transformations
pruned :: Elem a b => a -> SparseMatrix a b -> SparseMatrix a b Source #
Suppresses all nonzeros which are much smaller than reference under the tolerence epsilon
scale :: Elem a b => a -> SparseMatrix a b -> SparseMatrix a b Source #
Multiply matrix on a given scalar
transpose :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> SparseMatrix a b Source #
Transpose of the sparse matrix
adjoint :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> SparseMatrix a b Source #
Adjoint of the sparse matrix
Matrix representation
compress :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> SparseMatrix a b Source #
The matrix in the compressed format
uncompress :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> SparseMatrix a b Source #
The matrix in the uncompressed mode
compressed :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> Bool Source #
Is this in compressed form?
Matrix serialization
encode :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> ByteString Source #
Encode the sparse matrix as a lazy byte string
decode :: Elem a b => ByteString -> SparseMatrix a b Source #
Decode sparse matrix from the lazy byte string
Mutable matricies
thaw :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> IO (IOSparseMatrix a b) Source #
Yield a mutable copy of the immutable matrix
freeze :: Elem a b => IOSparseMatrix a b -> IO (SparseMatrix a b) Source #
Yield an immutable copy of the mutable matrix
unsafeThaw :: Elem a b => SparseMatrix a b -> IO (IOSparseMatrix a b) Source #
Unsafely convert an immutable matrix to a mutable one without copying. The immutable matrix may not be used after this operation.
unsafeFreeze :: Elem a b => IOSparseMatrix a b -> IO (SparseMatrix a b) Source #
Unsafe convert a mutable matrix to an immutable one without copying. The mutable matrix may not be used after this operation.