elm-compiler: Values to help with elm-package, elm-make, and elm-lang.org.
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Elm aims to make client-side web-development pleasant. It is a statically/strongly typed, functional reactive language that compiles to HTML, CSS, and JS. This package provides a couple helpful values that are intended for use in packages such as elm-package and elm-make.
- elm-compiler-0.15.tar.gz [browse] (Cabal source package)
- Package description (as included in the package)
Maintainer's Corner
For package maintainers and hackage trustees
- No Candidates
Versions [RSS] | 0.14, 0.14.1, 0.15 |
Change log | changelog.md |
Dependencies | aeson (>=0.7 && <0.9), aeson-pretty (>=0.7 && <0.8), base (>=4.2 && <5), binary (>= && <0.8), blaze-html (>=0.5 && <0.8), blaze-markup (>=0.5.1 && <0.7), bytestring (>=0.9 && <0.11), cmdargs (>=0.7 && <0.11), containers (>=0.3 && <0.6), directory (>=1.0 && <2.0), edit-distance (>=0.2 && <0.3), filepath (>=1 && <2.0), indents (>=0.3 && <0.4), language-ecmascript (>=0.15 && <0.18), language-glsl (>=0.0.2 && <0.2), mtl (>=2 && <3), parsec (>=3.1.1 && <3.5), pretty (>=1.0 && <2.0), process, text (>=1 && <2), transformers (>=0.2 && <0.5), union-find (>=0.2 && <0.3), unordered-containers (>=0.1 && <0.3) [details] |
License | BSD-3-Clause |
Copyright | Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Evan Czaplicki |
Author | Evan Czaplicki |
Maintainer | info@elm-lang.org |
Category | Compiler, Language |
Home page | http://elm-lang.org |
Source repo | head: git clone git://github.com/elm-lang/elm-compiler.git |
Uploaded | by EvanCzaplicki at 2015-04-20T06:38:40Z |
Distributions | |
Reverse Dependencies | 3 direct, 0 indirect [details] |
Executables | elm, elm-doc |
Downloads | 4282 total (6 in the last 30 days) |
Rating | 2.0 (votes: 1) [estimated by Bayesian average] |
Your Rating | |
Status | Docs available [build log] Last success reported on 2015-04-20 [all 1 reports] |