Packages tagged compiler

72 packages have this tag.

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Related tags: program (56), bsd3 (48), library (47), language (21), mit (10), deprecated (6), elm (4), gpl (4), web (4), code-generation (3), javascript (3), embedded (2), graphs (2), apache (1), api (1), bsd2 (1), cli (1), compilation (1), cryptography (1), dsl (1), framework (1), ghc (1), ...

Rev Deps
Last U/L
Last Version
Elm (deprecated in favor of elm-compiler)580.06The Elm language module. (bsd3, compiler, deprecated, language, library, program)2014-09-220.13EvanCzaplicki
KiCS200.03A compiler from Curry to Haskell (compiler, library, program)2012-07-020.9.3BerndBrassel, BjoernPeemoeller, CurryLanguage
agda2hs132.00Compiling Agda code to readable Haskell. (bsd3, compiler, language, program)2024-10-041.3jcockx
ajhc112.01Haskell compiler that produce binary through C language (compiler, gpl, library, program)2013-12-
alpha300.01A compiler for the Alpha language (bsd3, compiler, program)2013-01-011.0.15MarcCoiffier
annah20.00Medium-level language that desugars to Morte (bsd3, compiler, library, program)2016-04-241.0.0GabrielGonzalez
binaryen340.00Haskell bindings to binaryen (bsd3, compiler, library)2021-01-, terrorjack
bond260.01Bond schema compiler and code generator (code-generation, compiler, language, library, mit, program)2024-07-, jdupej9000
cao40.01CAO Compiler (compiler, cryptography, language, program)2014-04-070.1.1paufil, tfaoliveira, mbbarbosa
circ70.01A Compiler IR Compiler. (bsd3, compiler, language, library)2012-08-010.0.4TomHawkins
core-compiler50.00compile your own mini functional language with Core (compiler, language, library, mit, program)2017-08-
datafix40.01Fixing data-flow problems (compiler, library, program)2020-03-
dataflow220.01Generate Graphviz documents from a Haskell representation. (bsd3, code-generation, compiler, graphs, library, program)2015-08-
dhall1992.7556A configuration language guaranteed to terminate (bsd3, compiler, library, program)2025-01-191.42.2GabrielGonzalez, sjakobi
dhall-bash670.00Compile Dhall to Bash (bsd3, compiler, library, program)2023-04-191.0.41GabrielGonzalez, sjakobi
dhall-csv140.00Convert bidirectionally between Dhall and CSV files. (bsd3, compiler, library, program)2023-04-191.0.4GabrielGonzalez
dhall-docs280.00Generate HTML docs from a dhall package (bsd3, compiler, library, program)2025-01-191.0.12GabrielGonzalez, sjakobi
dhall-json892.07Convert between Dhall and JSON or YAML (bsd3, compiler, library, program)2023-04-191.7.12GabrielGonzalez, sjakobi
dhall-nix570.00Dhall to Nix compiler (bsd3, compiler)2025-01-191.1.27GabrielGonzalez, sjakobi
dhall-openapi120.00Convert an OpenAPI specification to a Dhall package (bsd3, compiler, library, program)2025-01-191.0.7GabrielGonzalez
dhall-text (deprecated in favor of dhall)230.01Template text using Dhall (bsd3, compiler, deprecated, program)2019-06-071.0.18GabrielGonzalez
dhall-text-shell50.00Render dhall text with shell commands as function arguments (compiler, library, mit, program)2022-05-
dhall-toml120.00Convert between Dhall and TOML (bsd3, compiler, library, program)2025-01-191.0.4GabrielGonzalez
dhall-yaml480.00Convert between Dhall and YAML (compiler, gpl, library, program)2023-04-191.2.12GabrielGonzalez, HerbertValerioRiedel, sjakobi
elm-bridge492.02Derive Elm types and Json code from Haskell types, using aeson's options (bsd3, compiler, language, library, web)2024-09-260.8.4AlexanderThiemann, SimonMarechal
elm-build-lib (deprecated)60.01Compile Elm code to JS within Haskell (bsd3, compiler, deprecated, language, library)2014-12-
elm-compiler (deprecated)82.03Values to help with elm-package, elm-make, and (bsd3, compiler, deprecated, language, library, program)2015-04-200.15EvanCzaplicki
elm-core-sources130.02Source files for the Elm runtime and standard libraries (bsd3, compiler, language, library)2014-12-111.0.0jeremondi
elm-reactor (deprecated)80.01Interactive development tool for Elm programs (bsd3, compiler, deprecated, language, program)2015-04-200.3.1EvanCzaplicki
elm-server (deprecated in favor of elm-reactor)200.01Server for developing Elm projects (bsd3, compiler, deprecated, language, program)2014-05-
elm-street140.00Crossing the road between Haskell and Elm (compiler, elm, language, library, mpl, program)2024-05-, HolmuskTechTeam
elm-syntax210.04Elm syntax and pretty-printing (bsd3, compiler, elm, language, library)2023-12-, OlleFredriksson, GeorgeThomas, rickowens
feldspar-compiler160.02Compiler for the Feldspar language (bsd3, compiler, library)2014-06-010.7AndersPersson, EmilAxelsson
flite40.01f-lite compiler, interpreter and libraries (bsd3, compiler, library)2009-11-170.1.2JasonReich
flp20.00A layout spec language for memory managers implemented in Rust. (compiler, library, mit, program)2020-01-
formal20.01A statically typed, functional programming language (compiler, mit, program)2012-11-120.1.0AndrewStein
forml50.01A statically typed, functional programming language (compiler, mit, program)2013-01-140.2AndrewStein
gf390.01Grammatical Framework (compiler, library, natural-language-processing, program)2021-08-12JohnCamilleri, KrasimirAngelov, ThomasHallgren, inariksit, anka213
gibbon90.00A compiler for operating on serialized trees. (bsd3, compiler, program)2021-09-060.1.1ckoparkar
gotyno-hs80.00A type definition compiler supporting multiple output languages. (bsd2, compiler, library, program)2021-08-051.1.0gonz
hackager90.01Hackage testing tool (bsd3, compiler, ghc, program, testing)2015-11-
haskell-to-elm140.01Generate Elm types and JSON encoders and decoders from Haskell types (bsd3, compiler, elm, language, library)2021-03-, rickowens
haskelm80.01Elm to Haskell translation (bsd3, compiler, language, library, program)2014-03-
haste-compiler750.07Haskell To ECMAScript compiler (bsd3, compiler, javascript, program, web)2017-09-
hcc20.01A toy C compiler. (bsd3, compiler, program)2009-11-200.0.0TomHawkins
helium50.01The Helium Compiler. (compiler, library, program)2015-04-141.8.1AlejandroSerrano, JurriaanHage
hgom60.01An haskell port of the java version of gom (compiler, program)2010-03-040.6PaulBrauner
hs2bf40.01Haskell to Brainfuck compiler (bsd3, compiler, program)2010-11-200.6.2DaikiHanda
jsonnet70.00Jsonnet implementaton in pure Haskell (bsd3, compiler, library, program)2021-05-310.3.1.1moleike
lambda2js41.51Untyped Lambda calculus to JavaScript compiler (compiler, gpl, program)2015-09-
lambdacube-compiler120.01LambdaCube 3D is a DSL to program GPUs (bsd3, compiler, graphics, library)2016-11-
lazyboy40.00An EDSL for programming the Game Boy. (bsd3, compiler, dsl, library)2019-06-
lhc130.01LHC Haskell Compiler (compiler, public-domain)2010-05-240.10AustinSeipp, DavidHimmelstrup
maxsharing70.01Maximal sharing of terms in the lambda calculus with letrec (bsd3, compiler, graphs, program)2016-10-171.1JanRochel
microc110.00microc compiler (bsd3, compiler, library, program)2017-11-
miv130.00Vim plugin manager written in Haskell (compiler, mit, program)2021-01-170.4.8itchyny
morloc20.00A multi-lingual, typed, workflow language (code-generation, compiler, gpl, language, library, program)2020-11-060.33.0arendsee
morte442.252A bare-bones calculus of constructions (bsd3, compiler, library, program)2019-11-031.7.2GabrielGonzalez
ntha110.00A tiny statically typed functional programming language. (bsd3, compiler, language, library, program)2016-08-270.1.3zjhsdtc
optimusprime100.01A supercompiler for f-lite (bsd3, compiler, language, program, program-transformation)2009-11-
pcf30.01A one file compiler for PCF (compiler, library, mit)2015-04-
platinum-parsing40.00General Framework for compiler development. (bsd3, cli, compilation, compiler, framework, lalr, lexer, library, parser, program)2017-07-
polyglot30.00Haskell to Purescript & Scala 3 transpiler (bsd3, compiler, library, program)2023-05-
record-preprocessor90.01Compiler preprocessor introducing a syntactic extension for anonymous records (compiler, library, mit, preprocessor, program, records)2016-10-
servant-to-elm110.00Automatically generate Elm clients for Servant APIs (api, bsd3, compiler, elm, library, servant)2021-10-, seagreen
sjsp20.01Simple JavaScript Profiler (compiler, mit, program)2015-07-050.1.0itchyny
statechart80.01Compiles Rhapsody statecharts to C. (bsd3, compiler, program)2010-07-150.1.0TomHawkins
sunroof-compiler30.02Monadic Javascript Compiler (bsd3, compiler, embedded, javascript, language, library, web)2013-04-120.2JanBracker
sunroof-examples50.01Tests for Sunroof (bsd3, compiler, embedded, javascript, language, program, web)2014-06-270.2.2JanBracker
supero40.01A Supercompiler (bsd3, compiler, program)2010-06-133.0NeilMitchell
tiger40.01Tiger Compiler of Universiteit Utrecht (bsd3, compiler, program)2011-08-151.1.1ArieMiddelkoop
zeolite-lang580.00Zeolite is a statically-typed, general-purpose programming language. (apache, compiler, library, program)2024-01-