{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Elminator.Lib
( TypeDescriptor(..)
, PolyConfig(..)
, GenOption(..)
, GenM
, Decoder(..)
, ConName
, ConTag
, ContentDecoder(..)
, FieldName
, FieldTag
, ConstructorDescriptor(..)
, Constructors
, toTypeDescriptor
, collectExtRefs
, typeDescriptorToDecoder
, renderTypeVar
, Builder
, ElmVersion(..)
, renderTypeHead
, renderType
, ReifyInfo(..)
, nameToText
, wrapInPara
) where
import Control.Monad.Reader as R
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import Control.Monad.Writer as W
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.List as DL
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)))
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as DMS
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text as T hiding (foldr)
import Elminator.Generics.Simple
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
data ContentDecoder
= CDRecord [(FieldName, FieldTag, TypeDescriptor)]
| CDRecordRaw (FieldName, FieldTag, TypeDescriptor)
| CDList [TypeDescriptor]
| CDRaw TypeDescriptor
| CDEmpty
deriving (Show)
type ConName = Text
type ConTag = Text
type FieldName = Text
type FieldTag = Text
data Decoder
= DUnderConKey [(ConName, ConTag, ContentDecoder)]
| DTagged Text Text [(ConName, ConTag, ContentDecoder)]
| DTwoElement [(ConName, ConTag, ContentDecoder)]
| DUntagged [(ConName, ContentDecoder)]
type GenM = WriterT [ExItem] (ReaderT (ElmVersion, GenConfig) Q)
data PolyConfig
= Mono
| Poly
deriving (Show)
data GenOption
= Definiton PolyConfig
| EncoderDecoder
| Everything PolyConfig
deriving (Show)
type GenConfig = DMS.Map MData ([GenOption], HType)
type Builder = State GenConfig ()
data ElmVersion
= Elm0p18
| Elm0p19
data ReifyInfo =
ReifyInfo [TypeVar] [Con]
deriving (Show, Eq)
data TypeDescriptor
= TEmpty MData [TypeVar] [TypeDescriptor]
| TOccupied MData ReifyInfo [TypeDescriptor] Constructors
| TList TypeDescriptor
| TMaybe TypeDescriptor
| TTuple [TypeDescriptor]
| TPrimitive MData
| TRecusrive MData
| TExternal (ExInfo TypeDescriptor)
| TVar Name
deriving (Show)
type Constructors = NE.NonEmpty ConstructorDescriptor
data ConstructorDescriptor
= RecordConstructor Text (NE.NonEmpty (Text, TypeDescriptor))
| SimpleConstructor Text (NE.NonEmpty TypeDescriptor)
| NullaryConstructor Text
deriving (Show)
getInfo :: Text -> GenM ([Name], [Con])
getInfo tnString =
W.lift $
R.lift $ do
mName <- lookupTypeName $ unpack tnString
case mName of
Just tName -> do
info <- reify tName
pure (getTypeArgs info, getConstructors info)
Nothing ->
error $
unpack $ T.concat ["Cannot find type with name ", tnString, " in scope"]
toTypeDescriptor :: HType -> GenM TypeDescriptor
toTypeDescriptor (HUDef udata) =
case udata of
UDefData mdata@(MData tnString _ _) targs hcons -> do
tdArgs <- mapM toTypeDescriptor targs
case isTuple tnString of
Just _ -> pure $ TTuple tdArgs
Nothing -> do
(tVars, cnstrs) <- getInfo tnString
case hcons of
[] -> pure $ TEmpty mdata (Phantom <$> tVars) tdArgs
(c:cs) -> do
rawCons <-
do h <- mkTdConstructor c
t <- mapM mkTdConstructor cs
pure $ h :| t
let reifyInfo = ReifyInfo (mkTypeArg cnstrs <$> tVars) cnstrs
pure $ TOccupied mdata reifyInfo tdArgs rawCons
toTypeDescriptor (HPrimitive md) = pure $ TPrimitive md
toTypeDescriptor (HList ht) = TList <$> toTypeDescriptor ht
toTypeDescriptor (HMaybe ht) = TMaybe <$> toTypeDescriptor ht
toTypeDescriptor (HRecursive m) = pure $ TRecusrive m
toTypeDescriptor (HExternal e) = do
tds <- mapM toTypeDescriptor $ exTypeArgs e
pure $ TExternal e {exTypeArgs = tds}
mkTdConstructor :: HConstructor -> GenM ConstructorDescriptor
mkTdConstructor hc =
case hc of
HConstructor (CName cname) fields ->
case fields of
[] -> pure $ NullaryConstructor cname
hfields@(HField (Just _) _:_) ->
let mapFn :: HField -> GenM (Text, TypeDescriptor)
mapFn (HField Nothing _) = error "Unexpected unnamed field"
mapFn (HField (Just n) x) = do
td <- toTypeDescriptor x
pure (n, td)
in do a <- mapM mapFn hfields
pure $ RecordConstructor cname $ NE.fromList a
hfields@(HField _ _:_) ->
let mapFn :: HField -> GenM TypeDescriptor
mapFn (HField _ td) = toTypeDescriptor td
in do a <- mapM mapFn hfields
pure $ SimpleConstructor cname $ NE.fromList a
mkTypeArg :: [Con] -> Name -> TypeVar
mkTypeArg constrs name =
if or $ searchCon name <$> constrs
then Used name
else Phantom name
searchCon :: Name -> Con -> Bool
searchCon name con = DL.or $ searchType name <$> getConstructorFields con
searchType :: Name -> Type -> Bool
searchType name_ (VarT n) = name_ == n
searchType name_ (AppT t1 t2) = searchType name_ t1 || searchType name_ t2
searchType _ _ = False
getConstructorFields :: Con -> [Type]
getConstructorFields c =
case c of
(NormalC _ args) -> snd <$> args
(RecC _ args) -> (\(_, _, x) -> x) <$> args
_ -> error "Not implemented"
getConstructors :: Info -> [Con]
getConstructors info =
case info of
TyConI (DataD [] _ _ _ c _) -> c
TyConI (NewtypeD _ _ _ _ c _) -> [c]
x -> error $ "Unsupported type info" ++ show x
getTypeArgs :: Info -> [Name]
getTypeArgs i =
case i of
TyConI (DataD _ _ args _ _ _) -> mapFn <$> args
TyConI (NewtypeD _ _ args _ _ _) -> mapFn <$> args
_ -> error "Unimplemented"
mapFn :: TyVarBndr -> Name
mapFn (PlainTV n) = n
mapFn (KindedTV n _) = n
nameToText :: Name -> String
nameToText (Name (OccName a) _) = a
renderTypeHead :: TypeDescriptor -> Text
renderTypeHead td =
case td of
TEmpty md _ _ -> _mTypeName md
TOccupied md _ _ _ -> _mTypeName md
TRecusrive md -> _mTypeName md
x -> error ("Unimplemented" ++ show x)
renderType :: TypeDescriptor -> Bool -> GenM Text
renderType td showPhantom = do
hp <-
case getMd td of
Nothing -> pure True
Just md -> hasPoly md
if hp
then case td of
TEmpty md tvars targs -> do
ta <- zipWithM renderFn targs tvars
pure $ T.concat [_mTypeName md, " ", T.intercalate " " ta]
TOccupied md (ReifyInfo tvars _) targs _ -> do
ta <- zipWithM renderFn targs tvars
pure $ T.concat [_mTypeName md, " ", T.intercalate " " ta]
TList wtd -> do
a <- renderType wtd showPhantom
pure $ T.concat ["(List ", a, ")"]
TMaybe wtd -> do
a <- renderType wtd showPhantom
pure $ T.concat ["(Maybe ", a, ")"]
TTuple tds -> do
ta <- mapM (flip renderType showPhantom) tds
pure $ T.concat ["(", T.intercalate ", " ta, ")"]
TPrimitive md -> pure $ _mTypeName md
TRecusrive md -> pure $ _mTypeName md
TExternal ei -> do
ta <- mapM (flip renderType showPhantom) $ exTypeArgs ei
pure $ T.concat [snd $ exType ei, " ", T.intercalate " " ta]
TVar name -> pure $ pack $ nameToText name
else pure $ renderTypeHead td
renderFn :: TypeDescriptor -> TypeVar -> GenM Text
renderFn tdr (Phantom n) =
if showPhantom
then pure $ pack $ nameToText n
else renderFn tdr (Used n)
renderFn tdr (Used _) = renderType tdr showPhantom
wrapInPara :: Text -> Text
wrapInPara i = T.concat ["(", i, ")"]
hasPoly :: MData -> GenM Bool
hasPoly tn = do
(_, x) <- ask
case DMS.lookup tn x of
Just b -> pure $ hasPoly' b
Nothing -> pure True
hasPoly' :: ([GenOption], HType) -> Bool
hasPoly' (cl, _) = isJust $ DL.find fn cl
fn :: GenOption -> Bool
fn (Definiton Poly) = True
fn (Everything Poly) = True
fn _ = False
renderTypeVar :: TypeVar -> Text
renderTypeVar (Used tv) = pack $ nameToText tv
renderTypeVar (Phantom tv) = pack $ nameToText tv
typeDescriptorToDecoder :: Options -> TypeDescriptor -> Decoder
typeDescriptorToDecoder opts td =
case td of
TEmpty {} -> error "Cannot make decoder for Empty type"
TOccupied _ _ _ cnstrs -> gdConstructor cnstrs opts
_ -> error "Cannot only make decoders for user defined types"
gdConstructor :: Constructors -> Options -> Decoder
gdConstructor (cd :| []) opts =
if tagSingleConstructors opts
then gdTaggedWithConstructor [cd] opts
else DUntagged [(getCName cd, mkContentDecoder cd opts)]
gdConstructor cds opts = gdTaggedWithConstructor (NE.toList cds) opts
gdTaggedWithConstructor :: [ConstructorDescriptor] -> Options -> Decoder
gdTaggedWithConstructor cds opts =
case sumEncoding opts of
TaggedObject tfn cfn -> DTagged (pack tfn) (pack cfn) cdPair
ObjectWithSingleField -> DUnderConKey cdPair
TwoElemArray -> DTwoElement cdPair
UntaggedValue ->
DUntagged $ (\cd -> (getCName cd, mkContentDecoder cd opts)) <$> cds
cdPair :: [(ConName, ConTag, ContentDecoder)]
cdPair =
(\cd ->
( getCName cd
, pack $ constructorTagModifier opts $ unpack $ getCName cd
, mkContentDecoder cd opts)) <$>
mkContentDecoder :: ConstructorDescriptor -> Options -> ContentDecoder
mkContentDecoder cd opts =
case cd of
RecordConstructor _cname (nf :| []) ->
if unwrapUnaryRecords opts
then case sumEncoding opts of
ObjectWithSingleField -> CDRecordRaw $ modifyFieldLabel nf
TwoElemArray -> CDRecordRaw $ modifyFieldLabel nf
UntaggedValue -> CDRecordRaw $ modifyFieldLabel nf
TaggedObject _ _ -> CDRecord [modifyFieldLabel nf]
else CDRecord [modifyFieldLabel nf]
RecordConstructor _cname nf ->
CDRecord $ NE.toList $ NE.map modifyFieldLabel nf
SimpleConstructor _cname (f :| []) -> CDRaw f
SimpleConstructor _cname f -> CDList $ NE.toList f
NullaryConstructor _ -> CDEmpty
modifyFieldLabel ::
(Text, TypeDescriptor) -> (FieldName, FieldTag, TypeDescriptor)
modifyFieldLabel (a, b) = (a, pack $ fieldLabelModifier opts $ unpack a, b)
getCName :: ConstructorDescriptor -> Text
getCName (RecordConstructor x _) = x
getCName (SimpleConstructor x _) = x
getCName (NullaryConstructor x) = x
collectExtRefs :: TypeDescriptor -> GenM ()
collectExtRefs (TExternal (ExInfo ei (Just en) (Just de) _)) = tell [ei, en, de]
collectExtRefs (TExternal (ExInfo ei _ _ _)) = tell [ei]
collectExtRefs (TEmpty _ _ targs) = mapM_ collectExtRefs targs
collectExtRefs (TOccupied _ _ _ cons_) =
mapM_ collectExtRefs $ getConstructorsFields cons_
collectExtRefs (TList td) = collectExtRefs td
collectExtRefs (TMaybe td) = collectExtRefs td
collectExtRefs (TPrimitive _) = pure ()
collectExtRefs (TRecusrive _) = pure ()
collectExtRefs _ = pure ()
getConstructorsFields :: Constructors -> [TypeDescriptor]
getConstructorsFields nec =
DL.concat $ NE.toList $ NE.map getConstructorFields_ nec
getConstructorFields_ :: ConstructorDescriptor -> [TypeDescriptor]
getConstructorFields_ (RecordConstructor _ nef) = snd <$> NE.toList nef
getConstructorFields_ (SimpleConstructor _ f) = NE.toList f
getConstructorFields_ (NullaryConstructor _) = []
getMd :: TypeDescriptor -> Maybe MData
getMd td =
case td of
TEmpty md _ _ -> Just md
TOccupied md _ _ _ -> Just md
TPrimitive md -> Just md
TRecusrive md -> Just md
_ -> Nothing