{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
module Data.Encoding.Base where
import Data.Encoding.Exception
import Data.Encoding.ByteSource
import Data.Encoding.ByteSink
import Control.Throws
import Data.Array.Unboxed as Array
import Data.Map as Map hiding ((!))
import Data.Word
import Data.Char
import Data.Typeable
class Encoding enc where
decodeChar :: ByteSource m => enc -> m Char
encodeChar :: ByteSink m => enc -> Char -> m ()
decode :: ByteSource m => enc -> m String
decode e = untilM sourceEmpty (decodeChar e)
encode :: ByteSink m => enc -> String -> m ()
encode e = mapM_ (encodeChar e)
encodeable :: enc -> Char -> Bool
data DynEncoding = forall enc. (Encoding enc,Eq enc,Typeable enc,Show enc) => DynEncoding enc
instance Show DynEncoding where
show (DynEncoding enc) = show enc
instance Encoding DynEncoding where
decodeChar (DynEncoding e) = decodeChar e
encodeChar (DynEncoding e) = encodeChar e
decode (DynEncoding e) = decode e
encode (DynEncoding e) = encode e
encodeable (DynEncoding e) = encodeable e
instance Eq DynEncoding where
(DynEncoding e1) == (DynEncoding e2) = case cast e2 of
Nothing -> False
Just e2' -> e1==e2'
untilM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m a -> m [a]
untilM check act = do
end <- check
if end
then return []
else (do
x <- act
xs <- untilM check act
return (x:xs)
untilM_ :: Monad m => m Bool -> m a -> m ()
untilM_ check act = untilM check act >> return ()
encodeWithMap :: ByteSink m => Map Char Word8 -> Char -> m ()
encodeWithMap mp c = case Map.lookup c mp of
Nothing -> throwException $ HasNoRepresentation c
Just v -> pushWord8 v
encodeWithMap2 :: ByteSink m => Map Char (Word8,Word8) -> Char -> m ()
encodeWithMap2 mp c = case Map.lookup c mp of
Nothing -> throwException $ HasNoRepresentation c
Just (w1,w2) -> do
pushWord8 w1
pushWord8 w2
encodeableWithMap :: Map Char a -> Char -> Bool
encodeableWithMap = flip Map.member
decodeWithArray :: ByteSource m => UArray Word8 Int -> m Char
decodeWithArray arr = do
w <- fetchWord8
let res = arr!w
if res < 0
then throwException $ IllegalCharacter w
else return $ chr res
decodeWithArray2 :: ByteSource m => UArray (Word8,Word8) Int -> m Char
decodeWithArray2 arr = do
w1 <- fetchWord8
w2 <- fetchWord8
if inRange (bounds arr) (w1,w2)
then (do
let res = arr!(w1,w2)
if res < 0
then throwException $ IllegalCharacter w1
else return $ chr res
else throwException $ IllegalCharacter w1