{- This file has been auto-generated. Do not edit it. -}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash,DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{- |  /Notes on Mac OS Roman:/
        This is a legacy Mac OS encoding; in the Mac OS X Carbon and Cocoa
        environments, it is only supported directly in programming
        interfaces for QuickDraw Text, the Script Manager, and related
        Text Utilities. For other purposes it is supported via transcoding
        to and from Unicode.
        This character set is used for at least the following Mac OS
        localizations: U.S., British, Canadian French, French, Swiss
        French, German, Swiss German, Italian, Swiss Italian, Dutch,
        Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Spanish, Catalan,
        Portuguese, Brazilian, and the default International system.
        Variants of Mac OS Roman are used for Croatian, Icelandic,
        Turkish, Romanian, and other encodings. Separate mapping tables
        are available for these encodings.
        Before Mac OS 8.5, code point 0xDB was CURRENCY SIGN, and was
        mapped to U+00A4. In Mac OS 8.5 and later versions, code point
        0xDB is changed to EURO SIGN and maps to U+20AC; the standard
        Apple fonts are updated for Mac OS 8.5 to reflect this. There is
        a "currency sign" variant of the Mac OS Roman encoding that still
        maps 0xDB to U+00A4; this can be used for older fonts.
        Before Mac OS 8.5, the ROM bitmap versions of the fonts Chicago,
        New York, Geneva, and Monaco did not implement the full Mac OS
        Roman character set; they only supported character codes up to
        0xD8. The TrueType versions of these fonts have always implemented
        the full character set, as with the bitmap and TrueType versions
        of the other standard Roman fonts.
        In all Mac OS encodings, fonts such as Chicago which are used
        as "system" fonts (for menus, dialogs, etc.) have four glyphs
        at code points 0x11-0x14 for transient use by the Menu Manager.
        These glyphs are not intended as characters for use in normal
        text, and the associated code points are not generally
        interpreted as associated with these glyphs; they are usually
        interpreted (if at all) as the control codes DC1-DC4.
      /Unicode mapping issues and notes:/
        The following corporate zone Unicode character is used in this
          0xF8FF  Apple logo
        NOTE: The graphic image associated with the Apple logo character
        is not authorized for use without permission of Apple, and
        unauthorized use might constitute trademark infringement.
      /Details of mapping changes in each version:/
        Changes from version n08 to version b02:
        * Encoding changed for Mac OS 8.5; change mapping of 0xDB from
        CURRENCY SIGN (U+00A4) to EURO SIGN (U+20AC).
        Changes from version n03 to version n04:
        * Change mapping of 0xBD from U+2126 to its canonical
          decomposition, U+03A9.

0	 = � (0)

1	 =  (1)

2	 =  (2)

3	 =  (3)

4	 =  (4)

5	 =  (5)

6	 =  (6)

7	 =  (7)

8	 =  (8)

9	 = 	 (9)

10	 = 

11	 =  (11)

12	 =  (12)

13	 = 

14	 =  (14)

15	 =  (15)

16	 =  (16)

17	 =  (17)

18	 =  (18)

19	 =  (19)

20	 =  (20)

21	 =  (21)

22	 =  (22)

23	 =  (23)

24	 =  (24)

25	 =  (25)

26	 =  (26)

27	 =  (27)

28	 =  (28)

29	 =  (29)

30	 =  (30)

31	 =  (31)

32	 =   (32)

33	 = ! (33)

34	 = " (34)

35	 = # (35)

36	 = $ (36)

37	 = % (37)

38	 = & (38)

39	 = ' (39)

40	 = ( (40)

41	 = ) (41)

42	 = * (42)

43	 = + (43)

44	 = , (44)

45	 = - (45)

46	 = . (46)

47	 = / (47)

48	 = 0 (48)

49	 = 1 (49)

50	 = 2 (50)

51	 = 3 (51)

52	 = 4 (52)

53	 = 5 (53)

54	 = 6 (54)

55	 = 7 (55)

56	 = 8 (56)

57	 = 9 (57)

58	 = : (58)

59	 = &#59; (59)

60	 = < (60)

61	 = = (61)

62	 = > (62)

63	 = ? (63)

64	 = @ (64)

65	 = A (65)

66	 = B (66)

67	 = C (67)

68	 = D (68)

69	 = E (69)

70	 = F (70)

71	 = G (71)

72	 = H (72)

73	 = I (73)

74	 = J (74)

75	 = K (75)

76	 = L (76)

77	 = M (77)

78	 = N (78)

79	 = O (79)

80	 = P (80)

81	 = Q (81)

82	 = R (82)

83	 = S (83)

84	 = T (84)

85	 = U (85)

86	 = V (86)

87	 = W (87)

88	 = X (88)

89	 = Y (89)

90	 = Z (90)

91	 = [ (91)

92	 = \ (92)

93	 = ] (93)

94	 = ^ (94)

95	 = _ (95)

96	 = ` (96)

97	 = a (97)

98	 = b (98)

99	 = c (99)

100	 = d (100)

101	 = e (101)

102	 = f (102)

103	 = g (103)

104	 = h (104)

105	 = i (105)

106	 = j (106)

107	 = k (107)

108	 = l (108)

109	 = m (109)

110	 = n (110)

111	 = o (111)

112	 = p (112)

113	 = q (113)

114	 = r (114)

115	 = s (115)

116	 = t (116)

117	 = u (117)

118	 = v (118)

119	 = w (119)

120	 = x (120)

121	 = y (121)

122	 = z (122)

123	 = { (123)

124	 = | (124)

125	 = } (125)

126	 = ~ (126)

127	 =  (127)

128	 = Ä (196)

129	 = Å (197)

130	 = Ç (199)

131	 = É (201)

132	 = Ñ (209)

133	 = Ö (214)

134	 = Ü (220)

135	 = á (225)

136	 = à (224)

137	 = â (226)

138	 = ä (228)

139	 = ã (227)

140	 = å (229)

141	 = ç (231)

142	 = é (233)

143	 = è (232)

144	 = ê (234)

145	 = ë (235)

146	 = í (237)

147	 = ì (236)

148	 = î (238)

149	 = ï (239)

150	 = ñ (241)

151	 = ó (243)

152	 = ò (242)

153	 = ô (244)

154	 = ö (246)

155	 = õ (245)

156	 = ú (250)

157	 = ù (249)

158	 = û (251)

159	 = ü (252)

160	 = † (8224)

161	 = ° (176)

162	 = ¢ (162)

163	 = £ (163)

164	 = § (167)

165	 = • (8226)

166	 = ¶ (182)

167	 = ß (223)

168	 = ® (174)

169	 = © (169)

170	 = ™ (8482)

171	 = ´ (180)

172	 = ¨ (168)

173	 = ≠ (8800)

174	 = Æ (198)

175	 = Ø (216)

176	 = ∞ (8734)

177	 = ± (177)

178	 = ≤ (8804)

179	 = ≥ (8805)

180	 = ¥ (165)

181	 = µ (181)

182	 = ∂ (8706)

183	 = ∑ (8721)

184	 = ∏ (8719)

185	 = π (960)

186	 = ∫ (8747)

187	 = ª (170)

188	 = º (186)

189	 = Ω (937)

190	 = æ (230)

191	 = ø (248)

192	 = ¿ (191)

193	 = ¡ (161)

194	 = ¬ (172)

195	 = √ (8730)

196	 = ƒ (402)

197	 = ≈ (8776)

198	 = ∆ (8710)

199	 = « (171)

200	 = » (187)

201	 = … (8230)

202	 =   (160)

203	 = À (192)

204	 = Ã (195)

205	 = Õ (213)

206	 = Œ (338)

207	 = œ (339)

208	 = – (8211)

209	 = — (8212)

210	 = “ (8220)

211	 = ” (8221)

212	 = ‘ (8216)

213	 = ’ (8217)

214	 = ÷ (247)

215	 = ◊ (9674)

216	 = ÿ (255)

217	 = Ÿ (376)

218	 = ⁄ (8260)

219	 = € (8364)

220	 = ‹ (8249)

221	 = › (8250)

222	 = fi (64257)

223	 = fl (64258)

224	 = ‡ (8225)

225	 = · (183)

226	 = ‚ (8218)

227	 = „ (8222)

228	 = ‰ (8240)

229	 = Â (194)

230	 = Ê (202)

231	 = Á (193)

232	 = Ë (203)

233	 = È (200)

234	 = Í (205)

235	 = Î (206)

236	 = Ï (207)

237	 = Ì (204)

238	 = Ó (211)

239	 = Ô (212)

240	 =  (63743)

241	 = Ò (210)

242	 = Ú (218)

243	 = Û (219)

244	 = Ù (217)

245	 = ı (305)

246	 = ˆ (710)

247	 = ˜ (732)

248	 = ¯ (175)

249	 = ˘ (728)

250	 = ˙ (729)

251	 = ˚ (730)

252	 = ¸ (184)

253	 = ˝ (733)

254	 = ˛ (731)

255	 = ˇ (711)
module Data.Encoding.MacOSRoman(MacOSRoman(..)) where

import Data.Encoding.Base
import Data.Encoding.ByteSource
import Data.Encoding.ByteSink
import Data.Encoding.Exception
import Data.CharMap
import Data.Array.Static
import Data.Map.Static
import Control.Throws
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Data.Word

import Data.Typeable

data MacOSRoman = MacOSRoman
  deriving (Int -> MacOSRoman -> ShowS
[MacOSRoman] -> ShowS
MacOSRoman -> String
(Int -> MacOSRoman -> ShowS)
-> (MacOSRoman -> String)
-> ([MacOSRoman] -> ShowS)
-> Show MacOSRoman
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> MacOSRoman -> ShowS
showsPrec :: Int -> MacOSRoman -> ShowS
$cshow :: MacOSRoman -> String
show :: MacOSRoman -> String
$cshowList :: [MacOSRoman] -> ShowS
showList :: [MacOSRoman] -> ShowS
Show,MacOSRoman -> MacOSRoman -> Bool
(MacOSRoman -> MacOSRoman -> Bool)
-> (MacOSRoman -> MacOSRoman -> Bool) -> Eq MacOSRoman
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
$c== :: MacOSRoman -> MacOSRoman -> Bool
== :: MacOSRoman -> MacOSRoman -> Bool
$c/= :: MacOSRoman -> MacOSRoman -> Bool
/= :: MacOSRoman -> MacOSRoman -> Bool

decoding_array_MacOSRoman :: StaticArray Word8 e
decoding_array_MacOSRoman = Word8 -> Word8 -> Addr# -> StaticArray Word8 e
forall i e. i -> i -> Addr# -> StaticArray i e
StaticArray (Word8
0) (Word8
255) Addr#

encoding_map_MacOSRoman :: CharMap
encoding_map_MacOSRoman :: CharMap
encoding_map_MacOSRoman = StaticMap Char Word8 -> CharMap
LeafMap1 (StaticArray Int Char
-> StaticArray Int Word8 -> StaticMap Char Word8
forall i e. StaticArray Int i -> StaticArray Int e -> StaticMap i e
StaticMap (Int -> Int -> Addr# -> StaticArray Int Char
forall i e. i -> i -> Addr# -> StaticArray i e
StaticArray (Int
1) (Int
256) Addr#
"\160\0\0\0\64\0\0\0\237\0\0\0\32\0\0\0\96\0\0\0\201\0\0\0\20\32\0\0\16\0\0\0\48\0\0\0\80\0\0\0\112\0\0\0\181\0\0\0\219\0\0\0\49\1\0\0\34\33\0\0\8\0\0\0\24\0\0\0\40\0\0\0\56\0\0\0\72\0\0\0\88\0\0\0\104\0\0\0\120\0\0\0\170\0\0\0\193\0\0\0\210\0\0\0\229\0\0\0\246\0\0\0\217\2\0\0\33\32\0\0\72\34\0\0\4\0\0\0\12\0\0\0\20\0\0\0\28\0\0\0\36\0\0\0\44\0\0\0\52\0\0\0\60\0\0\0\68\0\0\0\76\0\0\0\84\0\0\0\92\0\0\0\100\0\0\0\108\0\0\0\116\0\0\0\124\0\0\0\165\0\0\0\175\0\0\0\186\0\0\0\197\0\0\0\205\0\0\0\214\0\0\0\225\0\0\0\233\0\0\0\242\0\0\0\250\0\0\0\146\1\0\0\221\2\0\0\28\32\0\0\57\32\0\0\17\34\0\0\202\37\0\0\2\0\0\0\6\0\0\0\10\0\0\0\14\0\0\0\18\0\0\0\22\0\0\0\26\0\0\0\30\0\0\0\34\0\0\0\38\0\0\0\42\0\0\0\46\0\0\0\50\0\0\0\54\0\0\0\58\0\0\0\62\0\0\0\66\0\0\0\70\0\0\0\74\0\0\0\78\0\0\0\82\0\0\0\86\0\0\0\90\0\0\0\94\0\0\0\98\0\0\0\102\0\0\0\106\0\0\0\110\0\0\0\114\0\0\0\118\0\0\0\122\0\0\0\126\0\0\0\162\0\0\0\168\0\0\0\172\0\0\0\177\0\0\0\183\0\0\0\191\0\0\0\195\0\0\0\199\0\0\0\203\0\0\0\207\0\0\0\212\0\0\0\217\0\0\0\223\0\0\0\227\0\0\0\231\0\0\0\235\0\0\0\239\0\0\0\244\0\0\0\248\0\0\0\252\0\0\0\83\1\0\0\199\2\0\0\219\2\0\0\192\3\0\0\25\32\0\0\30\32\0\0\38\32\0\0\68\32\0\0\6\34\0\0\30\34\0\0\100\34\0\0\1\251\0\0\1\0\0\0\3\0\0\0\5\0\0\0\7\0\0\0\9\0\0\0\11\0\0\0\13\0\0\0\15\0\0\0\17\0\0\0\19\0\0\0\21\0\0\0\23\0\0\0\25\0\0\0\27\0\0\0\29\0\0\0\31\0\0\0\33\0\0\0\35\0\0\0\37\0\0\0\39\0\0\0\41\0\0\0\43\0\0\0\45\0\0\0\47\0\0\0\49\0\0\0\51\0\0\0\53\0\0\0\55\0\0\0\57\0\0\0\59\0\0\0\61\0\0\0\63\0\0\0\65\0\0\0\67\0\0\0\69\0\0\0\71\0\0\0\73\0\0\0\75\0\0\0\77\0\0\0\79\0\0\0\81\0\0\0\83\0\0\0\85\0\0\0\87\0\0\0\89\0\0\0\91\0\0\0\93\0\0\0\95\0\0\0\97\0\0\0\99\0\0\0\101\0\0\0\103\0\0\0\105\0\0\0\107\0\0\0\109\0\0\0\111\0\0\0\113\0\0\0\115\0\0\0\117\0\0\0\119\0\0\0\121\0\0\0\123\0\0\0\125\0\0\0\127\0\0\0\161\0\0\0\163\0\0\0\167\0\0\0\169\0\0\0\171\0\0\0\174\0\0\0\176\0\0\0\180\0\0\0\182\0\0\0\184\0\0\0\187\0\0\0\192\0\0\0\194\0\0\0\196\0\0\0\198\0\0\0\200\0\0\0\202\0\0\0\204\0\0\0\206\0\0\0\209\0\0\0\211\0\0\0\213\0\0\0\216\0\0\0\218\0\0\0\220\0\0\0\224\0\0\0\226\0\0\0\228\0\0\0\230\0\0\0\232\0\0\0\234\0\0\0\236\0\0\0\238\0\0\0\241\0\0\0\243\0\0\0\245\0\0\0\247\0\0\0\249\0\0\0\251\0\0\0\255\0\0\0\82\1\0\0\120\1\0\0\198\2\0\0\216\2\0\0\218\2\0\0\220\2\0\0\169\3\0\0\19\32\0\0\24\32\0\0\26\32\0\0\29\32\0\0\32\32\0\0\34\32\0\0\48\32\0\0\58\32\0\0\172\32\0\0\2\34\0\0\15\34\0\0\26\34\0\0\43\34\0\0\96\34\0\0\101\34\0\0\255\248\0\0\2\251\0\0\0\0\0\0"#) (Int -> Int -> Addr# -> StaticArray Int Word8
forall i e. i -> i -> Addr# -> StaticArray i e
StaticArray (Int
1) (Int
256) Addr#

instance Encoding MacOSRoman where
  decodeChar :: forall (m :: * -> *). ByteSource m => MacOSRoman -> m Char
decodeChar MacOSRoman
_ = do
w <- m Word8
forall (m :: * -> *). ByteSource m => m Word8
    () -> m ()
forall a. a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
    case StaticArray Word8 (Maybe Char)
forall {e}. StaticArray Word8 e
decoding_array_MacOSRomanStaticArray Word8 (Maybe Char) -> Word8 -> Maybe Char
forall e i. (StaticElement e, Ix i) => StaticArray i e -> i -> e
w of
      Maybe Char
Nothing -> DecodingException -> m Char
forall a. DecodingException -> m a
forall e (m :: * -> *) a. Throws e m => e -> m a
throwException (DecodingException -> m Char) -> DecodingException -> m Char
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Word8 -> DecodingException
IllegalCharacter (Word8 -> DecodingException) -> Word8 -> DecodingException
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Word8 -> Word8
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Word8
      Just Char
c -> Char -> m Char
forall a. a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Char
  encodeChar :: forall (m :: * -> *). ByteSink m => MacOSRoman -> Char -> m ()
encodeChar MacOSRoman
_ Char
c = Char -> CharMap -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *). ByteSink m => Char -> CharMap -> m ()
mapEncode Char
c CharMap
  encodeable :: MacOSRoman -> Char -> Bool
encodeable MacOSRoman
_ Char
c = Char -> CharMap -> Bool
mapMember Char
c CharMap