Copyright | (c) 2014, 2015 Peter Trško |
License | BSD3 |
Maintainer | |
Stability | experimental |
Portability | CPP, DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveGeneric, FlexibleInstances, NoImplicitPrelude, TypeFamilies |
Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Generic folding for various endomorphism representations.
- foldEndo :: FoldEndoArgs args => args
- dualFoldEndo :: FoldEndoArgs args => args
- class FoldEndoArgs a where
- type ResultOperatesOn a
- foldEndoArgs :: Endo (ResultOperatesOn a) -> a
- dualFoldEndoArgs :: Dual (Endo (ResultOperatesOn a)) -> a
- class AnEndo a where
- type EndoOperatesOn a
- anEndo :: a -> Endo (EndoOperatesOn a)
- aDualEndo :: a -> Dual (Endo (EndoOperatesOn a))
- newtype WrappedFoldable f a = WrapFoldable {
- getFoldable :: f a
- (&$) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
- (<&$>) :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Usage Examples
Lets define simple application Config
data type as:
data Verbosity = Silent | Normal | Verbose | Annoying deriving (Bounded, Data, Enum, Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable) data Config = Config { _verbosity :: Verbosity , _outputFile :: FilePath } deriving (Show)
Now lets define setters for _verbosity
and _outputFile
setVerbosity :: Verbosity ->E
Config setVerbosity b cfg = cfg{_verbosity = b} setOutputFile :: FilePath ->E
Config setOutputFile b cfg = cfg{_outputFile = b}
Note that E
is defined in Data.Monoid.Endo module and
it looks like:
type E
a = a -> a
Its purpose is to simplify type signatures.
Now lets get to our first example:
example1 ::E
Config example1 =appEndo
setVerbosity Annoying&$
setOutputFile "an.out.put"
Above example shows us that it is possible to modify Config
as if it was a
monoid, but without actually having to state it as such. In practice it is
not always possible to define it as Monoid
or at least a Semigroup
. What
usually works are endomorphisms, like in this example.
Now, FilePath
has one pathological case, and that is "". There
is a lot of ways to handle it. Here we will concentrate only few basic
techniques to illustrate versatility of our approach.
-- | Trying to set output file to "" will result in keeping original -- value. setOutputFile2 :: FilePath ->E
Config setOutputFile2 "" = id setOutputFile2 fp = setOutputFile fp example2 ::E
Config example2 =appEndo
setVerbosity Annoying&$
setOutputFile2 "an.out.put"
Same as above, but exploits instance
a => AnEndo
setOutputFile3 :: FilePath -> Maybe (E
Config) setOutputFile3 "" = Nothing setOutputFile3 fp = Just $ setOutputFile fp example3 ::E
Config example3 =appEndo
setVerbosity Annoying&$
setOutputFile3 "an.out.put"
Following example uses common pattern of using Either
as error reporting
monad. This approach can be easily modified for arbitrary error reporting
setOutputFile4 :: FilePath -> Either String (E
Config) setOutputFile4 "" = Left "Output file: Empty file path." setOutputFile4 fp = Right $ setOutputFile fp example4 :: Either String (E
Config) example4 =appEndo
(setVerbosity Annoying)<*>
setOutputFile4 "an.out.put"
Notice, that above example uses applicative style. Normally when using this
style, for setting record values, one needs to keep in sync order of
constructor arguments and order of operations. Using foldEndo
(and its
dual dualFoldEndo
) doesn't have this restriction.
Instead of setter functions one may want to use lenses (in terms of lens package):
verbosity :: Lens' Config Verbosity verbosity = _verbosity~@@^>
\s b -> s{_verbosity = b} outputFile :: Lens' Config FilePath outputFile = _outputFile~@@^>
\s b -> s{_outputFile = b}
Now setting values of Config
would look like:
example5 ::E
Config example5 =appEndo
verbosity .~ Annoying&$
outputFile .~ "an.out.put"
Probably one of the most interesting things that can be done with this module is following:
Verbosity where typeEndoOperatesOn
Verbosity = ConfiganEndo
= Endo . set verbosity newtype OutputFile = OutputFile FilePath instanceAnEndo
OutputFile where typeEndoOperatesOn
OutputFile = ConfiganEndo
(OutputFile fp) =Endo
$ outputFile .~ fp example6 ::E
Config example6 =appEndo
OutputFile "an.out.put"
Using with optparse-applicative
This is a more complex example that defines parser for optparse-applicative built on top of some of the above definitions:
options :: Parser Config options =runIdentityT
defaultConfig <$> options' where options' ::IdentityT
Parser (Endo
Config) options' =foldEndo
<*> outputOption -- :: IdentityT Parser (Maybe (E Config)) <*> verbosityOption -- :: IdentityT Parser (Maybe (E Config)) <*> annoyingFlag -- :: IdentityT Parser (E Config) <*> silentFlag -- :: IdentityT Parser (E Config) <*> verboseFlag -- :: IdentityT Parser (E Config) defaultConfig :: Config defaultConfig = Config Normal "" main :: IO () main = execParser (info options fullDesc) >>= print
Example of running above main
:main -o an.out.put --annoying
Config {_verbosity = Annoying, _outputFile = "an.out.put"}
Parsers for individual options and flags are wrapped in IdentityT
, because
there is no following instance:
r =>FoldEndoArgs
(Parser r)
But there is:
instance (Applicative
r) =>FoldEndoArgs
f r)
Functions used by the above code example:
outputOption ::IdentityT
Parser (Maybe (E
Config)) outputOption = IdentityT . optional . option (set outputFile <$> parseFilePath) $ short 'o' <> long "output" <> metavar "FILE" <> help "Store output in to a FILE." where parseFilePath = eitherReader $ \s -> if null s then Left "Option argument can not be empty file path." else Right s verbosityOption ::IdentityT
Parser (Maybe (E
Config)) verbosityOption =IdentityT
. optional . option (set verbosity <$> parseVerbosity) $ long "verbosity" <> metavar "LEVEL" <> help "Set verbosity to LEVEL." where verbosityToStr = map toLower . Data.showConstr . Data.toConstr verbosityIntValues = [(show $ fromEnum v, v) | v <- [Silent .. Annoying]] verbosityStrValues = ("default", Normal) : [(verbosityToStr v, v) | v <- [Silent .. Annoying]] parseVerbosityError = unwords [ "Verbosity can be only number from interval" , show $ map fromEnum [minBound, maxBound :: Verbosity] , "or one of the following:" , concat . intersperse ", " $ map fst verbosityStrValues ] parseVerbosity = eitherReader $ s -> case lookup s $ verbosityIntValues ++ verbosityStrValues of Just v -> Right v Nothing -> Left parseVerbosityError annoyingFlag ::IdentityT
Parser (E
Config) annoyingFlag =IdentityT
. flag id (verbosity .~ Annoying) $ long "annoying" <> help "Set verbosity to maximum." silentFlag ::IdentityT
Parser (E
Config) silentFlag =IdentityT
. flag id (verbosity .~ Silent) $ shorts
<> long "silent" <> help "Set verbosity to minimum." verboseFlag ::IdentityT
Parser (E
Config) verboseFlag =IdentityT
. flag id (verbosity .~ Verbose) $ shortv
<> long "verbose" <> help "Be verbose."
Generic Endomorphism Folding
foldEndo :: FoldEndoArgs args => args Source
Fold all variously represented endomorphisms in to one endomorphism.
Order in which endomorphisms are folded is preserved:
foldEndo (Endo (1:)) [(2:), (3:)] `appEndo` []
For numbers it would look like:
foldEndo (Endo (+1)) [(+2), (*3)] `appEndo` 1
Above can be seen as:
(+1) . (+2) . (*3) $ 1
dualFoldEndo :: FoldEndoArgs args => args Source
Same as foldEndo
, but folds endomorphisms in reverse order.
Following are the same examples as for foldEndo
function. Please, note the
differences in results.
Order in which endomorphisms are folded is reversed:
dualFoldEndo (Endo (1:)) [(2:), (3:)] `appEndo` []
For numbers it would look like:
dualFoldEndo (Endo (+1)) [(+2), (*3)] `appEndo` 1
Above can be seen as:
(*3) . (+2) . (+1) $ 1
Type Classes
class FoldEndoArgs a where Source
Class of arguments for foldEndo
and its dual dualFoldEndo
Note that results are instances of this (FoldEndoArgs
) class and
endomorphism representations are instances of AnEndo
type class.
Associated Types
type ResultOperatesOn a Source
Extracts type of a value that is modified by the result.
foldEndoArgs :: Endo (ResultOperatesOn a) -> a Source
dualFoldEndoArgs :: Dual (Endo (ResultOperatesOn a)) -> a Source
Class that represents various endomorphism representation. In other words
anything that encodes a -> a
can be instance of this class.
Minimal complete definition
Associated Types
type EndoOperatesOn a Source
Extract type on which endomorphism operates, e.g. for
it would be Endo
anEndo :: a -> Endo (EndoOperatesOn a) Source
Convert value encoding a -> a
in to Endo
aDualEndo :: a -> Dual (Endo (EndoOperatesOn a)) Source
Type Wrappers
newtype WrappedFoldable f a Source
Wrapper for Foldable
This allows using foldEndo
and dualFoldEndo
for any Foldable
without the need for OverlappingInstances
language extension.
WrapFoldable | |
(Data (f a), Typeable (* -> *) f, Typeable * a) => Data (WrappedFoldable f a) | |
Read (f a) => Read (WrappedFoldable f a) | |
Show (f a) => Show (WrappedFoldable f a) | |
Generic (WrappedFoldable f a) | |
(Foldable f, AnEndo a) => AnEndo (WrappedFoldable f a) | |
Typeable ((* -> *) -> * -> *) WrappedFoldable | |
type Rep (WrappedFoldable f a) | |
type EndoOperatesOn (WrappedFoldable f a) = EndoOperatesOn a |
Utility Functions
(&$) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b infixl 1 Source
Variant of function (
Data.Function module, but with fixity as $
) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b(&) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
function from lens package.