{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Unsafe #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home, ignore-exports #-}
module Data.EnumMapSetWrapper (w, w') where
import Prelude
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.IntSet (IntSet)
import Data.IntMap (IntMap, Key)
#if !MIN_VERSION_containers(0,5,1)
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
enumMap, enumSet :: Name
enumMap = mkName "EnumMap"
enumSet = mkName "EnumSet"
enumMapT :: Name -> Type -> Type
enumMapT k v = ConT enumMap `AppT` VarT k `AppT` v
enumSetT :: Name -> Type
enumSetT k = ConT enumSet `AppT` VarT k
unEnumMapE, unEnumSetE :: Exp
unEnumMapE = VarE (mkName "unEnumMap")
unEnumSetE = VarE (mkName "unEnumSet")
infixr 9 `o`
o :: Exp -> Exp -> Exp
o = flip UInfixE (VarE '(.))
arrT :: Type -> Type -> Type
arrT a b = ArrowT `AppT` a `AppT` b
pre :: Exp -> Exp
pre f = InfixE Nothing (VarE '(.)) (Just (ParensE f))
post :: Exp -> Exp
post g = InfixE (Just (ParensE g)) (VarE '(.)) Nothing
ki, ko :: Name
ki = mkName "k"
ko = mkName "k'"
{-# INLINE xxx #-}
xxx :: (a -> a') -> (b -> b') -> (c -> c') -> (a, b, c) -> (a', b', c')
xxx f g h = \ (a, b, c) -> (f a, g b, h c)
pos :: Name -> Type -> (Exp, Cxt, Type)
pos k typ = case typ of
ForallT tvs cxt t -> (wrap, [], ForallT tvs (nub $ cxt' ++ cxt) t') where
(wrap, cxt', t') = pos k t
ArrowT `AppT` a `AppT` b -> (wrap, cxt, a' `arrT` b') where
(a'unwrap, a'cxt, a') = neg ki a
(b'wrap, b'cxt, b') = pos ko b
cxt = nub (a'cxt ++ b'cxt)
wrap = post b'wrap `o` pre a'unwrap
#if MIN_VERSION_containers(0,5,1)
ConT ((==) ''Key -> True) ->
ConT ((||) <$> (==) ''Key <*> (==) ''Int -> True) ->
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0)
(VarE 'toEnum, [ConT ''Enum `AppT` VarT k], VarT k)
(VarE 'toEnum, [ClassP ''Enum [VarT k]], VarT k)
ConT ((==) ''IntMap -> True) `AppT` v ->
(ConE enumMap, [], enumMapT k v)
ConT ((==) ''IntSet -> True) ->
(ConE enumSet, [], enumSetT k)
ConT ((==) ''Maybe -> True) `AppT` a ->
(VarE 'fmap `AppE` wrap, cxt, ConT ''Maybe `AppT` a') where
(wrap, cxt, a') = pos k a
TupleT 2 `AppT` a `AppT` b ->
(wrap, cxt, TupleT 2 `AppT` a' `AppT` b') where
(a'wrap, a'cxt, a') = pos k a
(b'wrap, b'cxt, b') = pos k b
cxt = nub (a'cxt ++ b'cxt)
wrap = UInfixE (ParensE a'wrap) (VarE '(***)) (ParensE b'wrap)
TupleT 3 `AppT` a `AppT` b `AppT` c ->
(wrap, cxt, TupleT 3 `AppT` a' `AppT` b' `AppT` c') where
(a'wrap, a'cxt, a') = pos k a
(b'wrap, b'cxt, b') = pos k b
(c'wrap, c'cxt, c') = pos k c
cxt = nub (a'cxt ++ b'cxt ++ c'cxt)
wrap = VarE 'xxx `AppE` a'wrap `AppE` b'wrap `AppE` c'wrap
ListT `AppT` a -> (wrap, cxt, ListT `AppT` a') where
(a'wrap, cxt, a') = pos k a
wrap = VarE 'map `AppE` a'wrap
VarT t `AppT` a -> (wrap, cxt, VarT t `AppT` a') where
(a'wrap, cxt, a') = pos k a
wrap = VarE '(<$>) `AppE` a'wrap
_ -> (VarE 'id, [], typ)
neg :: Name -> Type -> (Exp, Cxt, Type)
neg k typ = case typ of
ArrowT `AppT` a `AppT` b -> (unwrap, cxt, a' `arrT` b') where
(a'wrap, a'cxt, a') = pos ki a
(b'unwrap, b'cxt, b') = neg ko b
cxt = nub (a'cxt ++ b'cxt)
unwrap = post b'unwrap `o` pre a'wrap
#if MIN_VERSION_containers(0,5,1)
ConT ((==) ''Key -> True) ->
ConT ((||) <$> (==) ''Key <*> (==) ''Int -> True) ->
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0)
(VarE 'fromEnum, [ConT ''Enum `AppT` VarT k], VarT k)
(VarE 'fromEnum, [ClassP ''Enum [VarT k]], VarT k)
ConT ((==) ''IntMap -> True) `AppT` v ->
(unEnumMapE, [], enumMapT k v)
ConT ((==) ''IntSet -> True) ->
(unEnumSetE, [], enumSetT k)
TupleT 2 `AppT` a `AppT` b ->
(unwrap, cxt, TupleT 2 `AppT` a' `AppT` b') where
(a'unwrap, a'cxt, a') = neg k a
(b'unwrap, b'cxt, b') = neg k b
cxt = nub (a'cxt ++ b'cxt)
unwrap = UInfixE (ParensE a'unwrap) (VarE '(***)) (ParensE b'unwrap)
ListT `AppT` a -> (unwrap, cxt, ListT `AppT` a') where
(a'unwrap, cxt, a') = neg k a
unwrap = VarE 'map `AppE` a'unwrap
VarT v `AppT` a -> (unwrap, AppT (ConT ''Functor) (VarT v) : cxt, VarT v `AppT` a') where
(a'unwrap, cxt, a') = neg k a
unwrap = VarE 'fmap `AppE` a'unwrap
_ -> (VarE 'id, [], typ)
substT :: Name -> Name -> Type -> Type
substT from to = subT where
subT :: Type -> Type
subT typ = case typ of
VarT ((==) from -> True) -> VarT to
s `AppT` t -> subT s `AppT` subT t
ForallT tvs cxt t -> ForallT tvs' cxt' (subT t) where
tvs' = nub (map subB tvs)
cxt' = nub (map subP cxt)
_ -> typ
subB :: TyVarBndr -> TyVarBndr
subB tv = case tv of
PlainTV ((==) from -> True) -> PlainTV to
KindedTV ((==) from -> True) k -> KindedTV to k
_ -> tv
subP :: Pred -> Pred
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0)
subP = subT
subP p = case p of
ClassP c ts -> ClassP c (map subT ts)
EqualP s t -> EqualP (subT s) (subT t)
w, w' :: Name -> Q [Dec]
(w, w') = (wrap True, wrap False) where
wrap :: Bool -> Name -> Q [Dec]
#if !MIN_VERSION_containers(0,5,1)
wrap _ name | name == 'IntMap.size = do
let size = mkName "size"
let a = mkName "a"
let t' = ForallT [PlainTV ki, PlainTV a] [] $
enumMapT ki (VarT a) `arrT` ConT ''Int
let body = NormalB (VarE name `o` unEnumMapE)
return [ inlineD size, SigD size t', ValD (VarP size) body [] ]
wrap _ name | name == 'IntSet.size = do
let size = mkName "size"
let t' = ForallT [PlainTV ki] [] $
enumSetT ki `arrT` ConT ''Int
let body = NormalB (VarE name `o` unEnumSetE)
return [ inlineD size, SigD size t', ValD (VarP size) body [] ]
wrap subst name@(mkName . nameBase -> base) = do
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
VarI _name (pos ko -> (e, cxt', typ')) _dec
VarI _name (pos ko -> (e, cxt', typ')) _dec _fixity
<- reify name
let ks = map PlainTV [ki, ko]
let t' = (if subst then substT ko ki else id) $ case typ' of
ForallT tvs cxt t ->
ForallT (ks ++ tvs) (nub $ cxt' ++ cxt) t
t -> ForallT ks cxt' t
let body = NormalB (e `AppE` VarE name)
return [ inlineD base, SigD base t', ValD (VarP base) body [] ]
inlineD base = PragmaD $ InlineP base
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
Inline FunLike AllPhases
(InlineSpec True False Nothing)