module Eventloop.Module.StatefulGraphics.StatefulGraphics
( setupStatefulGraphicsModuleConfiguration
, statefulGraphicsModuleIdentifier
, statefulGraphicsInitializer
, statefulGraphicsPostProcessor
) where
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Data.Maybe
import Eventloop.Module.StatefulGraphics.Types
import Eventloop.Module.Websocket.Canvas
import Eventloop.Module.BasicShapes
import Eventloop.Types.Common
import Eventloop.Types.Events
import Eventloop.Types.System
import Eventloop.Utility.Vectors
setupStatefulGraphicsModuleConfiguration :: EventloopSetupModuleConfiguration
setupStatefulGraphicsModuleConfiguration = ( EventloopSetupModuleConfiguration
(Just statefulGraphicsInitializer)
(Just statefulGraphicsPostProcessor)
statefulGraphicsModuleIdentifier :: EventloopModuleIdentifier
statefulGraphicsModuleIdentifier = "statefulgraphics"
statefulGraphicsInitializer :: Initializer
statefulGraphicsInitializer sharedConst sharedIO
= return (sharedConst, sharedIO, NoConstants, StatefulGraphicsState [])
statefulGraphicsPostProcessor :: PostProcessor
statefulGraphicsPostProcessor sharedConst sharedIOT ioConst ioStateT (OutStatefulGraphics canvasId commands)
= atomically $ do
~(StatefulGraphicsState states) <- readTVar ioStateT
stateM = findGraphicalState states canvasId
state = case stateM of
Just state_ -> state_
Nothing -> []
(state', newScene) = calculateNewScene canvasId state commands
states' = replaceGraphicalState states canvasId state'
writeTVar ioStateT (StatefulGraphicsState states')
return newScene
statefulGraphicsPostProcessor sharedConst sharedIOT ioConst ioStateT out
= return [out]
getId :: StatefulBB -> NamedId
getId (StatefulBB (Stateful id _ _) _) = id
getZ :: StatefulBB -> ZIndex
getZ (StatefulBB (Stateful _ z _) _) = z
getShape :: StatefulBB -> Shape
getShape (StatefulBB (Stateful _ _ shape) _) = shape
replaceGraphicalState :: GraphicsStates -> CanvasId -> GraphicsState -> GraphicsStates
replaceGraphicalState [] id state = [(id, state)]
replaceGraphicalState ((id, state):states) canvasId newState
| id == canvasId = (canvasId, newState):states
| otherwise = (id, state):(replaceGraphicalState states canvasId newState)
findGraphicalState :: GraphicsStates -> CanvasId -> Maybe GraphicsState
findGraphicalState [] _ = Nothing
findGraphicalState ((id, state):states) canvasId
| id == canvasId = Just state
| otherwise = findGraphicalState states canvasId
calculateNewScene :: CanvasId -> GraphicsState -> [StatefulGraphicsOut] -> (GraphicsState, [Out])
calculateNewScene canvasId state outs
= (state', [ OutCanvas $ CanvasOperations canvasId (map Clear removes)
, OutBasicShapes $ DrawShapes canvasId basicShapes
(state', performed) = foldl foldPerform (state, []) outs
foldPerform (state_, performed_) statefulOut = (state_', performed_ ++ [performed_'])
(state_', performed_') = performStatefulGraphicsOut state_ statefulOut
(toRedraw, toRemove) = calculateRedraws state' performed
basicShapes = map getShape toRedraw
removes = map calculateRemove toRemove
calculateRemove :: StatefulBB
-> ClearPart
calculateRemove (StatefulBB _ bb)
= ClearRectangle ((floor $ xMin bb) - 1, (floor $ yMin bb) - 1) (ceiling width + 2, ceiling height + 2)
height = (yMax bb) - (yMin bb)
width = (xMax bb) - (xMin bb)
calculateRedraws :: GraphicsState
-> [GraphicPerformed]
-> (GraphicsState, GraphicsState)
calculateRedraws _ [] = ([], [])
calculateRedraws state ((Drawn sbb@(StatefulBB (Stateful name _ _) _)):performed)
= (toRedraw', toRemove')
id = getId sbb
(toRedraw, toRemove) = calculateRedraws state performed
(_, toRedraw', toRemove') = calculateRedrawsForDrawn (state, toRedraw, toRemove) sbb
calculateRedraws state ((Removed sg@(StatefulBB (Stateful name _ _) _)):performed)
= (toRedraw', toRemove')
(toRedraw, toRemove) = calculateRedraws state performed
(_, toRedraw', toRemove') = calculateRedrawsForRemoved (state, toRedraw, toRemove) sg
calculateRedraws state ((Modified old_sg new_sg):performed)
= calculateRedraws state ((Removed old_sg):(Drawn new_sg):performed)
calculateRedraws state (NoOp:performed)
= calculateRedraws state performed
calculateRedrawsForDrawn :: (GraphicsState, GraphicsState, GraphicsState)
-> StatefulBB
-> (GraphicsState, GraphicsState, GraphicsState)
calculateRedrawsForDrawn (toCheck, toRedraw, toRemove) new@(StatefulBB (Stateful id _ (Text {})) _)
= calculateRedrawsForRemoved (toCheck', toRedraw', toRemove) new
toCheck' = fst $ removeGraphic toCheck id
toRedraw' = fst $ addOrReplaceGraphic toRedraw new
calculateRedrawsForDrawn (toCheck, toRedraw, toRemove) new
= foldl calculateRedrawsForDrawn (toCheck', toRedraw', toRemove) checkNow
id = getId new
z = getZ new
(below, _, above) = splitOn (\sbb -> getId sbb == id) toCheck
aboveOverlapped = filter (overlaps new) above
aboveContained = filter (contains new) above
aboveContainedBy = filter (\sg -> contains sg new) above
aboveNotTouching = filter (not.(touches new)) above
toCheck' = fst $ removeGraphic toCheck id
toRedraw' = fst $ addOrReplaceGraphic toRedraw new
checkNow = aboveOverlapped ++ aboveContained ++ aboveContainedBy
calculateRedrawsForRemoved :: (GraphicsState, GraphicsState, GraphicsState)
-> StatefulBB
-> (GraphicsState, GraphicsState, GraphicsState)
calculateRedrawsForRemoved (toCheck, toRedraw, toRemove) old
= (toCheck'', toRedraw', toRemove'')
id = getId old
z = getZ old
(below, above) = split (\sbb -> getZ sbb > z) toCheck
belowOverlapped = filter (overlaps old) below
belowContained = filter (contains old) below
belowContainedBy = filter (\sg -> contains sg old) below
aboveOverlapped = filter (overlaps old) above
aboveContained = filter (contains old) above
aboveContainedBy = filter (\sg -> contains sg old) above
checkNow = belowOverlapped
++ belowContained
++ belowContainedBy
++ aboveOverlapped
++ aboveContained
++ aboveContainedBy
toRemove' = fst $ addOrReplaceGraphic toRemove old
toCheck' = fst $ removeGraphic toCheck id
(toCheck'', toRedraw', toRemove'') = foldl calculateRedrawsForDrawn (toCheck', toRedraw, toRemove') checkNow
statefulIds :: GraphicsState -> [NamedId]
statefulIds = map getId
statefulId :: StatefulGraphic -> NamedId
statefulId (Stateful id _ _) = id
split :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
split _ [] = ([], [])
split on (x:xs)
| on x = ([], x:xs)
| otherwise = (x:xs', xs'')
(xs', xs'') = split on xs
splitOn :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], Maybe a, [a])
splitOn _ [] = ([], Nothing, [])
splitOn on (x:xs)
| on x = ([], Just x, xs)
| otherwise = (x:xs', x', xs'')
(xs', x', xs'') = splitOn on xs
performStatefulGraphicsOut :: GraphicsState -> StatefulGraphicsOut -> (GraphicsState, GraphicPerformed)
performStatefulGraphicsOut state (Draw statefulGraphic)
= case oldStatefulGraphicM of
Just oldStatefulGraphic -> (state', Modified oldStatefulGraphic statefulBB)
Nothing -> (state', Drawn statefulBB)
statefulBB = (StatefulBB statefulGraphic bb)
(state', oldStatefulGraphicM) = addOrReplaceGraphic state statefulBB
bb = toBoundingBox statefulGraphic
performStatefulGraphicsOut state (Remove id)
= case oldStatefulGraphicM of
Just oldStatefulGraphic -> (state', Removed oldStatefulGraphic)
Nothing -> (state , NoOp)
(state', oldStatefulGraphicM) = removeGraphic state id
addGraphic :: GraphicsState -> StatefulBB -> GraphicsState
addGraphic [] new = [new]
addGraphic (graphic:state) new
| z > z' = new:graphic:state
| otherwise = graphic:(addGraphic state new)
z = getZ graphic
z' = getZ new
addOrReplaceGraphic :: GraphicsState -> StatefulBB -> (GraphicsState, (Maybe StatefulBB))
addOrReplaceGraphic [] new = ([new], Nothing)
addOrReplaceGraphic (graphic:state) new
| id == id' && z == z' = (new:state, Just graphic)
| id == id' && z /= z' = let
state' = addGraphic state new
(state', Just graphic)
| id /= id' && z > z' = let
(state', old) = removeGraphic state id'
(new:graphic:state', old)
| otherwise = let
(state', result) = addOrReplaceGraphic state new
(graphic:state', result)
id = getId graphic
z = getZ graphic
id' = getId new
z' = getZ new
removeGraphic :: GraphicsState -> NamedId -> (GraphicsState, (Maybe StatefulBB))
removeGraphic [] _ = ([], Nothing)
removeGraphic (sg:state) id'
| id == id' = (state, Just sg)
| otherwise = (sg:state', result)
(state', result) = removeGraphic state id'
id = getId sg