{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards            #-}
-- |
-- Module : Database.EventStore.Internal.Discovery
-- Copyright : (C) 2016 Yorick Laupa
-- License : (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : Yorick Laupa <yo.eight@gmail.com>
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : non-portable
module Database.EventStore.Internal.Discovery
    ( Discovery(..)
    , GossipSeed
    , DnsDiscoveryException(..)
    , ClusterSettings(..)
    , DnsServer(..)
    , EndPoint(..)
    , staticEndPointDiscovery
    , clusterDnsEndPointDiscovery
    , gossipSeedClusterSettings
    , simpleDnsEndPointDiscovery
    , dnsClusterSettings
    , gossipSeed
    , gossipSeedWithHeader
    , gossipSeedHeader
    , gossipSeedHost
    , gossipSeedPort
    ) where

import Prelude (String)
import Data.Maybe

import Control.Exception.Safe (tryAny)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Data.Array.IO
import Data.DotNet.TimeSpan
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.UUID
import Network.HTTP.Client
import Network.DNS hiding (decode)
import System.Random

import Database.EventStore.Internal.Control
import Database.EventStore.Internal.EndPoint
import Database.EventStore.Internal.Logger
import Database.EventStore.Internal.Prelude

data DnsDiscoveryException
    = MaxDiscoveryAttemptReached ByteString
    | DNSDiscoveryError DNSError
    deriving (Show, Typeable)

instance Exception DnsDiscoveryException

httpRequest :: EndPoint -> String -> IO Request
httpRequest (EndPoint ip p) path = parseUrlThrow url
    url = "http://" <> ip <> ":" <> show p <> path

-- | Represents a source of cluster gossip.
data GossipSeed =
    { gossipEndpoint :: !EndPoint
      -- ^ The endpoint for the external HTTP endpoint of the gossip seed. The
      --   HTTP endpoint is used rather than the TCP endpoint because it is
      --   required for the client to exchange gossip with the server.
      --   standard port which should be used here in 2113.
    , gossipSeedHeader :: !String
      -- ^ The host header to be sent when requesting gossip.
    } deriving Show

-- | Creates a 'GossipSeed'.
gossipSeed :: String -> Int -> GossipSeed
gossipSeed h p = GossipSeed (EndPoint h p) ""

-- | Creates a 'GossipSeed' with a specific HTTP header.
gossipSeedWithHeader :: String -> Int -> String -> GossipSeed
gossipSeedWithHeader h p hd = GossipSeed (EndPoint h p) hd

-- | Returns 'GossipSeed' host IP address.
gossipSeedHost :: GossipSeed -> String
gossipSeedHost = endPointIp . gossipEndpoint

-- | Returns 'GossipSeed' port.
gossipSeedPort :: GossipSeed -> Int
gossipSeedPort = endPointPort . gossipEndpoint

emptyGossipSeed :: GossipSeed
emptyGossipSeed = GossipSeed emptyEndPoint ""

-- | Procedure used to discover an network 'EndPoint'.
newtype Discovery =
    Discovery { runDiscovery :: Maybe EndPoint -> EventStore (Maybe EndPoint) }

staticEndPointDiscovery :: String -> Int -> Discovery
staticEndPointDiscovery host port =
    Discovery $ \_ -> return $ Just $ EndPoint host port

simpleDnsEndPointDiscovery :: ByteString -> Maybe DnsServer -> Int -> Discovery
simpleDnsEndPointDiscovery domain srv port = Discovery $ \_ -> do
    let conf =
            case srv of
                Nothing  -> defaultResolvConf
                Just tpe ->
                    let rc =
                            case tpe of
                                DnsFilePath p   -> RCFilePath p
                                DnsHostName h   -> RCHostName h
                                DnsHostPort h p -> RCHostPort h (fromIntegral p)
                    in defaultResolvConf { resolvInfo = rc }
    dnsSeed <- liftIO $ makeResolvSeed conf
    res     <- liftIO $ withResolver dnsSeed $ \resv -> lookupA resv domain
    case res of
        Left e    -> throwIO $ DNSDiscoveryError e
        Right ips -> do
            let pts = [ EndPoint (show ip) port | ip <- ips ]
            case pts of
                []   -> return Nothing
                pt:_ -> return $ Just pt

-- | Tells how the DNS server should be contacted.
data DnsServer
    = DnsFilePath String
    | DnsHostName String
    | DnsHostPort String Int

-- | Contains settings related to a connection to a cluster.
data ClusterSettings =
    { clusterDns :: !ByteString
      -- ^ The DNS name to use for discovering endpoints.
    , clusterMaxDiscoverAttempts :: !Int
      -- ^ The maximum number of attempts for discovering endpoints.
    , clusterExternalGossipPort :: !Int
      -- ^ The well-known endpoint on which cluster managers are running.
    , clusterGossipSeeds :: (Maybe (NonEmpty GossipSeed))
      -- ^ Endpoints for seeding gossip if not using DNS.
    , clusterGossipTimeout :: !TimeSpan
      -- ^ Timeout for cluster gossip.
    , clusterDnsServer :: !(Maybe DnsServer)
      -- ^ Indicates a specific DNS server should be contacted.

-- | Configures a 'ClusterSettings' for connecting to a cluster using gossip
--   seeds.
--   clusterDns                 = ""
--   clusterMaxDiscoverAttempts = 10
--   clusterExternalGossipPort  = 0
--   clusterGossipTimeout       = 1s
gossipSeedClusterSettings :: NonEmpty GossipSeed -> ClusterSettings
gossipSeedClusterSettings xs =
    { clusterDns                 = ""
    , clusterMaxDiscoverAttempts = 10
    , clusterExternalGossipPort  = 0
    , clusterGossipSeeds         = Just xs
    , clusterGossipTimeout       = fromSeconds 1
    , clusterDnsServer           = Nothing

-- | Configures a 'ClusterSettings' for connecting to a cluster using DNS
--   discovery.
--   clusterMaxDiscoverAttempts = 10
--   clusterExternalGossipPort  = 0
--   clusterGossipSeeds         = Nothing
--   clusterGossipTimeout       = 1s
dnsClusterSettings :: ByteString -> ClusterSettings
dnsClusterSettings clusterDns = ClusterSettings{..}
    clusterMaxDiscoverAttempts = 10
    clusterExternalGossipPort  = 0
    clusterGossipSeeds         = Nothing
    clusterGossipTimeout       = fromSeconds 1
    clusterDnsServer           = Nothing

clusterDnsEndPointDiscovery :: ClusterSettings -> IO Discovery
clusterDnsEndPointDiscovery settings = do
    ref     <- newIORef Nothing
    manager <- newManager defaultManagerSettings
    return $ Discovery $ \fend -> discoverEndPoint manager ref fend settings

data VNodeState
    = Initializing
    | Unknown
    | PreReplica
    | CatchingUp
    | Clone
    | Slave
    | PreMaster
    | Master
    | Manager
    | ShuttingDown
    | Shutdown
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Show)

instance FromJSON VNodeState

newtype GUUID = GUUID UUID deriving Show

instance FromJSON GUUID where
    parseJSON (String txt) =
        case fromText txt of
            Just uuid -> return $ GUUID uuid
            _         -> fail $ "Wrong UUID format " <> show txt
    parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "UUID" invalid

data MemberInfo =
    { _instanceId :: !GUUID
    , _state :: !VNodeState
    , _isAlive :: !Bool
    , _internalTcpIp :: !String
    , _internalTcpPort :: !Int
    , _externalTcpIp :: !String
    , _externalTcpPort :: !Int
    , _internalHttpIp :: !String
    , _internalHttpPort :: !Int
    , _externalHttpIp :: !String
    , _externalHttpPort :: !Int
    , _lastCommitPosition :: !Int64
    , _writerCheckpoint :: !Int64
    , _chaserCheckpoint :: !Int64
    , _epochPosition :: !Int64
    , _epochNumber :: !Int
    , _epochId :: !GUUID
    , _nodePriority :: !Int
    } deriving Show

instance FromJSON MemberInfo where
    parseJSON (Object m) =
        <$> m .: "instanceId"
        <*> m .: "state"
        <*> m .: "isAlive"
        <*> m .: "internalTcpIp"
        <*> m .: "internalTcpPort"
        <*> m .: "externalTcpIp"
        <*> m .: "externalTcpPort"
        <*> m .: "internalHttpIp"
        <*> m .: "internalHttpPort"
        <*> m .: "externalHttpIp"
        <*> m .: "externalHttpPort"
        <*> m .: "lastCommitPosition"
        <*> m .: "writerCheckpoint"
        <*> m .: "chaserCheckpoint"
        <*> m .: "epochPosition"
        <*> m .: "epochNumber"
        <*> m .: "epochId"
        <*> m .: "nodePriority"
    parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "MemberInfo" invalid

data ClusterInfo =
    ClusterInfo { members :: [MemberInfo] }
    deriving (Show, Generic)

instance FromJSON ClusterInfo

discoverEndPoint :: Manager
                 -> IORef (Maybe [MemberInfo])
                 -> Maybe EndPoint
                 -> ClusterSettings
                 -> EventStore (Maybe EndPoint)
discoverEndPoint mgr ref fend settings = do
    old_m <- readIORef ref
    writeIORef ref Nothing
    candidates <- case old_m of
        Nothing  -> gossipCandidatesFromDns settings
        Just old -> liftIO $ gossipCandidatesFromOldGossip fend old
    forArrayFirst candidates $ \idx -> do
        c   <- liftIO $ readArray candidates idx
        res <- tryGetGossipFrom settings mgr c
        let fin_end = do
                info <- res
                best <- tryDetermineBestNode $ members info
                return (info, best)
        case fin_end of
            Nothing   -> return Nothing
            Just (info, best) -> do
                writeIORef  ref (Just $ members info)
                return $ Just best

tryGetGossipFrom :: ClusterSettings
                 -> Manager
                 -> GossipSeed
                 -> EventStore (Maybe ClusterInfo)
tryGetGossipFrom ClusterSettings{..} mgr seed = do
    init_req <- liftIO $ httpRequest (gossipEndpoint seed) "/gossip?format=json"
    let timeout = truncate (totalMillis clusterGossipTimeout * 1000)
        req     = init_req { responseTimeout = responseTimeoutMicro timeout }
    eithResp <- tryAny $ liftIO $ httpLbs req mgr
    case eithResp of
        Right resp -> return $ decode $ responseBody resp
        Left err   -> do
            $logInfo [i|Failed to get cluster info from [#{seed}], error: #{err}.|]
            pure Nothing

tryDetermineBestNode :: [MemberInfo] -> Maybe EndPoint
tryDetermineBestNode members = node_m
    nodes = [m | m <- members
               , _isAlive m
               , allowedState $ _state m

    node_m =
        case sortOn (Down . _state) nodes of
            []  -> Nothing
            n:_ -> Just $ EndPoint (_externalTcpIp n) (_externalTcpPort n)

    allowedState Manager      = False
    allowedState ShuttingDown = False
    allowedState Shutdown     = False
    allowedState _            = True

gossipCandidatesFromOldGossip :: Maybe EndPoint
                              -> [MemberInfo]
                              -> IO (IOArray Int GossipSeed)
gossipCandidatesFromOldGossip fend_m oldGossip =
    arrangeGossipCandidates candidates
    candidates =
        case fend_m of
            Nothing   -> oldGossip
            Just fend -> [ c | c <- oldGossip
                             , _externalTcpPort c == endPointPort fend
                             , _externalTcpIp c   == endPointIp fend

data AState = AState !Int !Int

arrangeGossipCandidates :: [MemberInfo] -> IO (IOArray Int GossipSeed)
arrangeGossipCandidates members = do
    arr <- newArray (0, len) emptyGossipSeed
    AState idx j <- foldM (go arr) (AState (-1) len) members

    shuffle arr 0 idx         -- shuffle nodes
    shuffle arr j (len - 1) -- shuffle managers

    return arr
    len = length members

    go :: IOArray Int GossipSeed -> AState -> MemberInfo -> IO AState
    go arr (AState idx j) m =
        case _state m of
            Manager -> do
                let new_j = j - 1
                writeArray arr new_j seed
                return (AState idx new_j)
            _ -> do
                let new_i = idx + 1
                writeArray arr new_i seed
                return (AState new_i j)
        end  = EndPoint (_externalHttpIp m) (_externalHttpPort m)
        seed = GossipSeed end ""

gossipCandidatesFromDns :: ClusterSettings -> EventStore (IOArray Int GossipSeed)
gossipCandidatesFromDns settings@ClusterSettings{..} = do
    arr <- endpoints
    liftIO $ shuffleAll arr
    return arr
    endpoints =
        case clusterGossipSeeds of
            Nothing -> resolveDns settings
            Just ss -> let ls  = toList ss
                           len = length ls
                  in liftIO $ newListArray (0, len - 1) ls

resolveDns :: ClusterSettings -> EventStore (IOArray Int GossipSeed)
resolveDns ClusterSettings{..} = do
    let timeoutMicros = totalMillis clusterGossipTimeout * 1000
        conf =
            case clusterDnsServer of
                Nothing  -> defaultResolvConf
                Just tpe ->
                    let rc =
                            case tpe of
                                DnsFilePath p   -> RCFilePath p
                                DnsHostName h   -> RCHostName h
                                DnsHostPort h p -> RCHostPort h (fromIntegral p)
                    in defaultResolvConf { resolvInfo = rc  }
    dnsSeed <- liftIO $ makeResolvSeed conf
               { resolvTimeout = truncate timeoutMicros
               , resolvRetry   = clusterMaxDiscoverAttempts
    liftIO $ withResolver dnsSeed $ \resv -> do
        result <- lookupA resv clusterDns
        case result of
            Left e    -> throwIO $ DNSDiscoveryError e
            Right ips -> do
                let len = length ips - 1
                arr <- newArray_ (0, len)
                forM_ (zip [0..] ips) $ \(idx, ip) -> do
                    let end  = EndPoint (show ip) clusterExternalGossipPort
                        seed = GossipSeed end ""
                    writeArray arr idx seed
                return arr

shuffleAll :: IOArray Int a -> IO ()
shuffleAll arr = do
    (low, hig) <- getBounds arr
    shuffle arr low hig

shuffle :: IOArray Int a -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
shuffle arr from to = forRange_ from to $ \cur -> do
    idx   <- randomRIO (cur, to)
    tmp   <- readArray arr idx
    value <- readArray arr cur
    writeArray arr idx value
    writeArray arr cur tmp

forRange_ :: Int -> Int -> (Int -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forRange_ from to k = do
    when (from <= to) $ loop (to + 1) from
    loop len cur
        | len == cur = return ()
        | otherwise  = do
              k cur
              loop len (cur + 1)

forArrayFirst :: IOArray Int a
              -> (Int -> EventStore (Maybe b))
              -> EventStore (Maybe b)
forArrayFirst arr k = do
    (low, hig) <- liftIO $ getBounds arr
    forRangeFirst low hig k

forRangeFirst :: Int
              -> Int
              -> (Int -> EventStore (Maybe b))
              -> EventStore (Maybe b)
forRangeFirst from to k = do
    if from <= to then loop (to + 1) from else return Nothing
    loop len cur
        | len == cur = return Nothing
        | otherwise  = do
              res <- k cur
              if isJust res then return res else loop len (cur + 1)