{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds                  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving         #-}
-- |
-- Module : Database.EventStore.Internal.Operation
-- Copyright : (C) 2015 Yorick Laupa
-- License : (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : Yorick Laupa <yo.eight@gmail.com>
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : non-portable
module Database.EventStore.Internal.Operation
  ( OpResult(..)
  , OperationError(..)
  , Operation
  , Code
  , Need(..)
  , Execution(..)
  , Expect(..)
  , Coroutine(..)
  , Payload(..)
  , freshId
  , failure
  , retry
  , send
  , request
  , waitForOr
  , wrongVersion
  , streamDeleted
  , invalidTransaction
  , accessDenied
  , protobufDecodingError
  , serverError
  , invalidServerResponse
  , construct
  , yield
  , traversing
  , stop
  , (<~)
  , unfolding
  , append
  , Stream(..)
  ) where

import Prelude (String)
import Control.Category

import Data.ProtocolBuffers
import Data.Serialize
import Data.UUID
import Data.Void (Void, absurd)
import Streaming.Internal

import Database.EventStore.Internal.Command
import Database.EventStore.Internal.Prelude hiding ((.), id)
import Database.EventStore.Internal.Settings
import Database.EventStore.Internal.Stream
import Database.EventStore.Internal.Types

infixr 9 <~

-- | Operation result sent by the server.
data OpResult
    deriving (Eq, Enum, Show)

-- | Operation exception that can occurs on an operation response.
data OperationError
    = WrongExpectedVersion Text ExpectedVersion -- ^ Stream and Expected Version
    | StreamDeleted StreamName                        -- ^ Stream
    | InvalidTransaction
    | forall t. AccessDenied (StreamId t)                   -- ^ Stream
    | InvalidServerResponse Command Command     -- ^ Expected, Found
    | ProtobufDecodingError String
    | ServerError (Maybe Text)                  -- ^ Reason
    | InvalidOperation Text
    | StreamNotFound StreamName
    | NotAuthenticatedOp
      -- ^ Invalid operation state. If happens, it's a driver bug.
    | Aborted
      -- ^ Occurs when the user asked to close the connection or if the
      --   connection can't reconnect anymore.
    deriving Typeable

deriving instance Show OperationError

instance Exception OperationError

data Payload =
  { payloadCmd :: !Command
  , payloadData :: !ByteString
  , payloadCreds :: !(Maybe Credentials)

data Coroutine k o a where
  Yield :: o -> a -> Coroutine k o a
  Await :: (i -> a) -> k i -> a -> Coroutine k o a
  Stop  :: Coroutine k o a

instance Functor (Coroutine k o) where
  fmap f (Yield o a)   = Yield o (f a)
  fmap f (Await k n a) = Await (f . k) n (f a)
  fmap _ Stop          = Stop

data Is a b where
  Same :: Is a a

instance Category Is where
  id = Same
  Same . Same = Same

data Need a where
  NeedUUID   :: Need UUID
  NeedRemote :: Payload -> Need Package
  WaitRemote :: UUID -> Need (Maybe Package)

data Execution a
  = Proceed a
  | Retry
  | Failed !OperationError

instance Functor Execution where
  fmap f (Proceed a) = Proceed (f a)
  fmap _ Retry       = Retry
  fmap _ (Failed e)  = Failed e

instance Applicative Execution where
  pure = return
  (<*>) = ap

instance Monad Execution where
  return = Proceed

  Proceed a >>= f = f a
  Retry     >>= _ = Retry
  Failed e  >>= _ = Failed e

type Machine k o m r  = Stream (Coroutine k o) m r
type Code output a    = Machine Need output Execution a
type Operation output = Code output Void
type Process m a b    = Stream (Coroutine (Is a) b) m Void

awaits :: Monad m => k i -> Machine k o m i
awaits instr = Step (Await pure instr (Step Stop))

await :: (Monad m, Category k) => Machine (k i) o m i
await = awaits id

stop :: Machine k o m a
stop = Step Stop

yield :: Monad m => o -> Machine k o m ()
yield o = Step (Yield o (pure ()))

traversing :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Process m a b
traversing k = repeatedly $ do
  a <- await
  b <- lift (k a)
  yield b

append :: Operation o -> Operation o -> Operation o
append start right = go start
    go cur =
      case cur of
        Return x  -> absurd x
        Effect m  -> Effect (fmap go m)
        Step step ->
          case step of
            Yield o next ->
              Step $ Yield o (append next right)
            Await k instr failed ->
              Step $ Await (\i -> append (k i) right) instr (append failed right)
            Stop ->

stepping :: Operation a -> Code o (a, Operation a)
stepping = go
    go cur =
      case cur of
        Return x  -> absurd x
        Effect m  -> Effect (fmap go m)
        Step step ->
          case step of
            Yield a next         -> pure (a, next)
            Await k instr failed -> Step $ Await (go . k) instr (go failed)
            Stop                 -> stop

unfolding :: (Maybe a -> Code o (Operation a)) -> Operation o
unfolding k = k Nothing >>= go
    go cur = do
      (a, next) <- stepping cur
      newState  <- k (Just a)
      go (append next newState)

repeatedly :: Functor m => Machine k o m x -> Machine k o m r
repeatedly start = go start
    go (Return _)  = go start
    go (Effect m)  = Effect (fmap go m)
    go (Step step) =
      case step of
        Yield o next         -> Step $ Yield o (go next)
        Await k instr failed -> Step $ Await (go . k) instr (go failed)
        Stop                 -> stop

(<~) :: Monad m => Process m a b -> Machine k a m r -> Machine k b m r
mp <~ mb =
  case mp of
    Return x  -> absurd x
    Effect m  -> Effect (fmap (<~ mb) m)
    Step consumer ->
      case consumer of
        Yield c next        -> Step $ Yield c (next <~ mb)
        Stop                -> stop
        Await k Same failed ->
          case mb of
            Return _      -> failed <~ stop
            Effect m      ->  Effect (fmap (Step consumer <~) m)
            Step producer ->
              case producer of
                Yield b next -> k b <~ next
                Await kb instr kfailed ->
                  Step (Await ((mp <~) . kb) instr (mp <~ kfailed))
                Stop -> failed <~ stop

-- | Asks for a unused 'UUID'.
freshId :: Code o UUID
freshId = Step $ Await pure NeedUUID (Step Stop)

-- | Raises an 'OperationError'.
failure :: OperationError -> Code o a
failure = lift . Failed

-- | Asks to resume the interpretation from the beginning.
retry :: Code o a
retry = lift Retry

-- | Sends a package to the server and wait for a response.
sendRemote :: Payload -> Code o Package
sendRemote p = Step $ Await pure (NeedRemote p) (Step Stop)

-- | Waits package from the server.
waitRemote :: UUID -> Code o (Maybe Package)
waitRemote c = Step $ Await pure (WaitRemote c) (Step Stop)

construct :: Code o a -> Operation o
construct m = m >> stop

-- | Like 'request' except it discards the correlation id of the network
--   exchange.
send :: (Encode req, Decode resp)
     => Command
     -> Command
     -> Maybe Credentials
     -> req
     -> Code o resp
send reqCmd expCmd cred req = do
  let dat     = runPut $ encodeMessage req
      payload = Payload reqCmd dat cred
  pkg <- sendRemote payload
  let gotCmd = packageCmd pkg

  when (gotCmd /= expCmd)
    (invalidServerResponse expCmd gotCmd)

  case runGet decodeMessage (packageData pkg) of
    Left e     -> protobufDecodingError e
    Right resp -> return resp

data Expect o where
  Expect :: Decode resp => Command -> (UUID -> resp -> Code o ()) -> Expect o

-- | Runs the first expection that matches.
runFirstMatch :: Package -> [Expect o] -> Code o ()
runFirstMatch _ [] = invalidOperation "No expectation was fulfilled"
runFirstMatch pkg (Expect cmd k:rest)
  | packageCmd pkg /= cmd = runFirstMatch pkg rest
  | otherwise =
    case runGet decodeMessage (packageData pkg) of
      Left e     -> protobufDecodingError e
      Right resp -> k (packageCorrelation pkg) resp

-- | Sends a message to remote server. It returns the expected deserialized
--   message along with the correlation id of the network exchange.
request :: Encode req
        => Command
        -> Maybe Credentials
        -> req
        -> [Expect o]
        -> Code o ()
request reqCmd cred rq exps = do
  let dat = runPut $ encodeMessage rq
      payload = Payload reqCmd dat cred
  pkg <- sendRemote payload
  runFirstMatch pkg exps

-- | @waitForElse uuid alternative expects@ Waits for a message from the server
--   at the given /uuid/. If the connection has been reset in the meantime, it
--   will use /alternative/.
waitForOr :: UUID -> Code o () -> [Expect o] -> Code o ()
waitForOr pid alt exps =
  waitRemote pid >>= \case
    Nothing  -> alt
    Just pkg ->
      runFirstMatch pkg exps

-- | Raises 'WrongExpectedVersion' exception.
wrongVersion :: Text -> ExpectedVersion -> Code o a
wrongVersion stream ver = failure (WrongExpectedVersion stream ver)

-- | Raises 'StreamDeleted' exception.
streamDeleted :: StreamName -> Code o a
streamDeleted stream = failure (StreamDeleted stream)

-- | Raises 'InvalidTransaction' exception.
invalidTransaction :: Code o a
invalidTransaction = failure InvalidTransaction

-- | Raises 'AccessDenied' exception.
accessDenied :: StreamId t -> Code o a
accessDenied = failure . AccessDenied

-- | Raises 'ProtobufDecodingError' exception.
protobufDecodingError :: String -> Code o a
protobufDecodingError = failure . ProtobufDecodingError

-- | Raises 'ServerError' exception.
serverError :: Maybe Text -> Code o a
serverError = failure . ServerError

-- | Raises 'InvalidServerResponse' exception.
invalidServerResponse :: Command -> Command -> Code o a
invalidServerResponse expe got = failure $ InvalidServerResponse expe got

invalidOperation :: Text -> Code o a
invalidOperation = failure . InvalidOperation