{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase         #-}
-- |
-- Module : Database.EventStore.Internal.Connection
-- Copyright : (C) 2017 Yorick Laupa
-- License : (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : Yorick Laupa <yo.eight@gmail.com>
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : non-portable
module Database.EventStore.Internal.Connection
  ( ConnectionBuilder(..)
  , Connection(..)
  , RecvOutcome(..)
  , PackageArrived(..)
  , ConnectionError(..)
  , ConnectionEstablished(..)
  , ConnectionClosed(..)
  , ConnectionRef(..)
  , getConnection
  , connectionBuilder
  , connectionError
  ) where

import Prelude (String)
import Text.Printf

import           Control.Monad.Reader
import           Data.Serialize
import           Data.UUID
import qualified Network.Connection as Network

import Database.EventStore.Internal.Command
import Database.EventStore.Internal.Control
import Database.EventStore.Internal.EndPoint
import Database.EventStore.Internal.Logger
import Database.EventStore.Internal.Prelude
import Database.EventStore.Internal.Types

newtype ConnectionBuilder =
  ConnectionBuilder { connect :: EndPoint -> EventStore Connection }

data RecvOutcome
  = ResetByPeer
  | Recv Package
  | WrongFraming
  | ParsingError

type ConnectionId = UUID

newtype ConnectionRef =
  ConnectionRef { maybeConnection :: EventStore (Maybe Connection) }

getConnection :: ConnectionRef -> EventStore Connection
getConnection ref =
  maybeConnection ref >>= \case
    Just conn -> return conn
    Nothing   -> do
      $(logError) "Expected a connection but got none."
      throwString "No current connection (impossible situation)"

data Connection =
  Connection { connectionId       :: ConnectionId
             , connectionEndPoint :: EndPoint
             , enqueuePackage     :: Package -> EventStore ()
             , dispose            :: EventStore ()

instance Show Connection where
  show Connection{..} = "Connection [" <> show connectionId <> "] on "
                        <> show connectionEndPoint

instance Eq Connection where
  a == b = connectionId a == connectionId b

newtype ConnectionState =
  ConnectionState { _sendQueue :: TBMQueue Package }

data PackageArrived = PackageArrived Connection Package deriving Typeable

data ConnectionError =
  ConnectionError Connection SomeException deriving Typeable

connectionError :: Exception e => Connection -> e -> ConnectionError
connectionError c = ConnectionError c . toException

data ConnectionClosed = ConnectionClosed Connection SomeException
  deriving Typeable

data ConnectionEstablished =
  ConnectionEstablished Connection deriving Typeable

newtype ConnectionResetByPeer = ConnectionResetByPeer SomeException
  deriving Typeable

instance Show ConnectionResetByPeer where
  show (ConnectionResetByPeer reason) =
    "Connection reset by peer: " <> show reason

instance Exception ConnectionResetByPeer

data ProtocolError
  = WrongFramingError !String
  | PackageParsingError !String
  deriving Typeable

instance Show ProtocolError where
  show (WrongFramingError reason)   = "Package framing error: " <> reason
  show (PackageParsingError reason) = "Package parsing error: " <> reason

instance Exception ProtocolError

connectionBuilder :: Settings -> IO ConnectionBuilder
connectionBuilder setts = do
  ctx <- Network.initConnectionContext
  return $ ConnectionBuilder $ \ept -> do
    cid <- freshUUID
    state <- createState

    mfix $ \self -> do
      tcpConnAsync <- async $
        tryAny (createConnection setts ctx ept) >>= \case
          Left e -> do
            publish (ConnectionClosed self e)
            throw e
          Right conn -> do
            publish (ConnectionEstablished self)
            return conn

      sendAsync <- async (sending state self tcpConnAsync)
      recvAsync <- async (receiving state self tcpConnAsync)
      return Connection { connectionId       = cid
                        , connectionEndPoint = ept
                        , enqueuePackage     = enqueue state
                        , dispose            = do
                            closeState state
                            disposeConnection tcpConnAsync
                            cancel sendAsync
                            cancel recvAsync

createState :: EventStore ConnectionState
createState = ConnectionState <$> liftIO (newTBMQueueIO 500)

closeState :: ConnectionState -> EventStore ()
closeState ConnectionState{..} = atomically $ closeTBMQueue _sendQueue

createConnection :: Settings
                 -> Network.ConnectionContext
                 -> EndPoint
                 -> EventStore Network.Connection
createConnection setts ctx ept = liftIO $ Network.connectTo ctx params
    host   = endPointIp ept
    port   = fromIntegral $ endPointPort ept
    params = Network.ConnectionParams host port (s_ssl setts) Nothing

disposeConnection :: Async Network.Connection -> EventStore ()
disposeConnection as = traverse_ tryDisposing =<< poll as
    tryDisposing = traverse_ disposing
    disposing    = liftIO . Network.connectionClose

receivePackage :: Connection -> Network.Connection -> EventStore Package
receivePackage self conn =
  tryAny (liftIO $ Network.connectionGetExact conn 4) >>= \case
    Left e -> do
      publish (ConnectionClosed self e)
      throw e
    Right frame ->
      case runGet getLengthPrefix frame of
        Left reason -> do
          let cause = WrongFramingError reason
          publish (connectionError self cause)
          throw cause
        Right prefix -> do
          tryAny (liftIO $ Network.connectionGetExact conn prefix) >>= \case
            Left e -> do
              publish (ConnectionClosed self e)
              throw e
            Right payload ->
              case runGet getPackage payload of
                Left reason -> do
                  let cause = PackageParsingError reason
                  publish (connectionError self cause)
                  throw cause
                Right pkg -> return pkg

receiving :: ConnectionState
          -> Connection
          -> Async Network.Connection
          -> EventStore ()
receiving ConnectionState{..} self tcpConnAsync =
  forever . go =<< wait tcpConnAsync
    go conn =
      publish . PackageArrived self =<< receivePackage self conn

enqueue :: ConnectionState -> Package -> EventStore ()
enqueue ConnectionState{..} pkg@Package{..} = do
  $(logDebug) [i|Package enqueued: #{pkg}|]
  atomically $ writeTBMQueue _sendQueue pkg

sending :: ConnectionState
        -> Connection
        -> Async Network.Connection
        -> EventStore ()
sending ConnectionState{..} self tcpConnAsync = go =<< wait tcpConnAsync
    go conn =
      let loop     = traverse_ send =<< atomically (readTBMQueue _sendQueue)
          send pkg =
            tryAny (liftIO $ Network.connectionPut conn bytes) >>= \case
              Left e  -> publish (ConnectionClosed self e)
              Right _ -> do
                monitorAddDataTransmitted (length bytes)
              bytes = runPut $ putPackage pkg in

-- Serialization
-- | Serializes a 'Package' into raw bytes.
putPackage :: Package -> Put
putPackage pkg = do
    putWord32le length_prefix
    putWord8 (cmdWord8 $ packageCmd pkg)
    putWord8 flag_word8
    putLazyByteString corr_bytes
    for_ cred_m $ \(Credentials login passw) -> do
        putWord8 $ fromIntegral $ length login
        putByteString login
        putWord8 $ fromIntegral $ length passw
        putByteString passw
    putByteString pack_data
    pack_data     = packageData pkg
    cred_len      = maybe 0 credSize cred_m
    length_prefix = fromIntegral (length pack_data + mandatorySize + cred_len)
    cred_m        = packageCred pkg
    flag_word8    = maybe 0x00 (const 0x01) cred_m
    corr_bytes    = toByteString $ packageCorrelation pkg

credSize :: Credentials -> Int
credSize (Credentials login passw) = length login + length passw + 2

-- | The minimun size a 'Package' should have. It's basically a command byte,
--   correlation bytes ('UUID') and a 'Flag' byte.
mandatorySize :: Int
mandatorySize = 18

-- Parsing
getLengthPrefix :: Get Int
getLengthPrefix = fmap fromIntegral getWord32le

getPackage :: Get Package
getPackage = do
    cmd  <- getWord8
    flg  <- getFlag
    col  <- getUUID
    cred <- getCredentials flg
    rest <- remaining
    dta  <- getBytes rest

    let pkg = Package
              { packageCmd         = getCommand cmd
              , packageCorrelation = col
              , packageData        = dta
              , packageCred        = cred

    return pkg

getFlag :: Get Flag
getFlag = do
    wd <- getWord8
    case wd of
        0x00 -> return None
        0x01 -> return Authenticated
        _    -> fail $ printf "TCP: Unhandled flag value 0x%x" wd

getCredEntryLength :: Get Int
getCredEntryLength = fmap fromIntegral getWord8

getCredentials :: Flag -> Get (Maybe Credentials)
getCredentials None = return Nothing
getCredentials _ = do
    loginLen <- getCredEntryLength
    login    <- getBytes loginLen
    passwLen <- getCredEntryLength
    passw    <- getBytes passwLen
    return $ Just $ credentials login passw

getUUID :: Get UUID
getUUID = do
    bs <- getLazyByteString 16
    case fromByteString bs of
        Just uuid -> return uuid
        _         -> fail "TCP: Wrong UUID format"