-- |
-- Module : Database.EventStore.Internal.Operation.Persist
-- Copyright : (C) 2017 Yorick Laupa
-- License : (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : Yorick Laupa <yo.eight@gmail.com>
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : non-portable
module Database.EventStore.Internal.Operation.Persist (persist) where

import Data.ProtocolBuffers
import Data.UUID

import Database.EventStore.Internal.Command
import Database.EventStore.Internal.Communication (Transmit(..))
import Database.EventStore.Internal.Control (publishWith)
import Database.EventStore.Internal.Exec (Exec)
import Database.EventStore.Internal.Operation
import Database.EventStore.Internal.Prelude
import Database.EventStore.Internal.Settings
import Database.EventStore.Internal.Subscription.Message
import Database.EventStore.Internal.Subscription.Types
import Database.EventStore.Internal.Types

  :: Exec
  -> Text
  -> Text
  -> Int32
  -> Maybe Credentials
  -> IO (UUID, TVar (Maybe Text), Chan SubAction)
persist exec grp stream bufSize cred
  = do m <- mailboxNew
       subM <- newChan
       var <- newTVarIO Nothing
       let req = _connectToPersistentSubscription grp stream bufSize
       pkg <- createPkg connectToPersistentSubscriptionCmd cred req
       let theSubId = packageCorrelation pkg
       publishWith exec (Transmit m (KeepAlive subscriptionDroppedCmd) pkg)
       _ <- async $ keepLooping $
         do outcome <- mailboxRead m
            case outcome of
              Left _
                -> Break () <$ writeChan subM (Dropped SubAborted)
              Right respPkg
                | packageCmd respPkg == subscriptionDroppedCmd
                -> let Right resp = decodePkg respPkg
                       reason = fromMaybe D_Unsubscribed (getField $ dropReason resp)
                       subReason = toSubDropReason reason in
                   Break () <$ writeChan subM (Dropped subReason)
                | packageCmd respPkg == persistentSubscriptionConfirmationCmd
                -> do let Right resp = decodePkg respPkg
                          lcp = getField $ pscLastCommitPos resp
                          subSubId = getField $ pscId resp
                          len = getField $ pscLastEvtNumber resp
                          details =
                            { subId = theSubId
                            , subCommitPos = lcp
                            , subLastEventNum = len
                            , subSubId = Just subSubId
                      atomically $ writeTVar var (Just subSubId)
                      Loop <$ writeChan subM (Confirmed details)
                | packageCmd respPkg == persistentSubscriptionStreamEventAppearedCmd
                -> let Right resp = decodePkg respPkg
                       evt = newResolvedEvent $ getField $ psseaEvt resp in
                   Loop <$ writeChan subM (Submit evt)
                | otherwise
                -> pure Loop

       pure (theSubId, var, subM)