express-1.0.18: Dynamically-typed expressions involving function application and variables.
Copyright(c) 2019-2024 Rudy Matela
License3-Clause BSD (see the file LICENSE)
MaintainerRudy Matela <>
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Utilities for canonicalizing Exprs with variables.



canonicalize :: Expr -> Expr Source #

Canonicalizes an Expr so that variable names appear in order. Variable names are taken from the preludeNameInstances.

> canonicalize (xx -+- yy)
x + y :: Int
> canonicalize (yy -+- xx)
x + y :: Int
> canonicalize (xx -+- xx)
x + x :: Int
> canonicalize (yy -+- yy)
x + x :: Int

Constants are untouched:

> canonicalize (jj -+- (zero -+- abs' ii))
x + (y + abs y) :: Int

This also works for variable functions:

> canonicalize (gg yy -+- ff xx -+- gg xx)
(f x + g y) + f y :: Int

canonicalizeWith :: (Expr -> [String]) -> Expr -> Expr Source #

Like canonicalize but allows customization of the list of variable names. (cf. lookupNames, variableNamesFromTemplate)

> canonicalizeWith (const ["i","j","k","l",...]) (xx -+- yy)
i + j :: Int

The argument Expr of the argument function allows to provide a different list of names for different types:

> let namesFor e
>   | typ e == typeOf (undefined::Char) = variableNamesFromTemplate "c1"
>   | typ e == typeOf (undefined::Int)  = variableNamesFromTemplate "i"
>   | otherwise                         = variableNamesFromTemplate "x"
> canonicalizeWith namesFor ((xx -+- ord' dd) -+- (ord' cc -+- yy))
(i + ord c1) + (ord c2 + j) :: Int

canonicalization :: Expr -> [(Expr, Expr)] Source #

Return a canonicalization of an Expr that makes variable names appear in order using names as provided by preludeNameInstances. By using //- it can canonicalize Exprs.

> canonicalization (gg yy -+- ff xx -+- gg xx)
[ (x :: Int,        y :: Int)
, (f :: Int -> Int, g :: Int -> Int)
, (y :: Int,        x :: Int)
, (g :: Int -> Int, f :: Int -> Int) ]
> canonicalization (yy -+- xx -+- yy)
[ (x :: Int, y :: Int)
, (y :: Int, x :: Int) ]

canonicalizationWith :: (Expr -> [String]) -> Expr -> [(Expr, Expr)] Source #

Like canonicalization but allows customization of the list of variable names. (cf. lookupNames, variableNamesFromTemplate)

isCanonical :: Expr -> Bool Source #

Returns whether an Expr is canonical: if applying canonicalize is an identity using names as provided by preludeNameInstances.

isCanonicalWith :: (Expr -> [String]) -> Expr -> Bool Source #

Like isCanonical but allows specifying the list of variable names.

canonicalVariations :: Expr -> [Expr] Source #

Returns all canonical variations of an Expr by filling holes with variables. Where possible, variations are listed from most general to least general.

> canonicalVariations $ i_
[x :: Int]
> canonicalVariations $ i_ -+- i_
[ x + y :: Int
, x + x :: Int ]
> canonicalVariations $ i_ -+- i_ -+- i_
[ (x + y) + z :: Int
, (x + y) + x :: Int
, (x + y) + y :: Int
, (x + x) + y :: Int
, (x + x) + x :: Int ]
> canonicalVariations $ i_ -+- ord' c_
[x + ord c :: Int]
> canonicalVariations $ i_ -+- i_ -+- ord' c_
[ (x + y) + ord c :: Int
, (x + x) + ord c :: Int ]
> canonicalVariations $ i_ -+- i_ -+- length' (c_ -:- unit c_)
[ (x + y) + length (c:d:"") :: Int
, (x + y) + length (c:c:"") :: Int
, (x + x) + length (c:d:"") :: Int
, (x + x) + length (c:c:"") :: Int ]

In an expression without holes this functions just returns a singleton list with the expression itself:

> canonicalVariations $ val (0 :: Int)
[0 :: Int]
> canonicalVariations $ ord' bee
[ord 'b' :: Int]

When applying this to expressions already containing variables clashes are avoided and these variables are not touched:

> canonicalVariations $ i_ -+- ii -+- jj -+- i_
[ x + i + j + y :: Int
, x + i + j + y :: Int ]
> canonicalVariations $ ii -+- jj
[i + j :: Int]
> canonicalVariations $ xx -+- i_ -+- i_ -+- length' (c_ -:- unit c_) -+- yy
[ (((x + z) + x') + length (c:d:"")) + y :: Int
, (((x + z) + x') + length (c:c:"")) + y :: Int
, (((x + z) + z) + length (c:d:"")) + y :: Int
, (((x + z) + z) + length (c:c:"")) + y :: Int

mostGeneralCanonicalVariation :: Expr -> Expr Source #

Returns the most general canonical variation of an Expr by filling holes with variables.

> mostGeneralCanonicalVariation $ i_
x :: Int
> mostGeneralCanonicalVariation $ i_ -+- i_
x + y :: Int
> mostGeneralCanonicalVariation $ i_ -+- i_ -+- i_
(x + y) + z :: Int
> mostGeneralCanonicalVariation $ i_ -+- ord' c_
x + ord c :: Int
> mostGeneralCanonicalVariation $ i_ -+- i_ -+- ord' c_
(x + y) + ord c :: Int
> mostGeneralCanonicalVariation $ i_ -+- i_ -+- length' (c_ -:- unit c_)
(x + y) + length (c:d:"") :: Int

In an expression without holes this functions just returns the given expression itself:

> mostGeneralCanonicalVariation $ val (0 :: Int)
0 :: Int
> mostGeneralCanonicalVariation $ ord' bee
ord 'b' :: Int

This function is the same as taking the head of canonicalVariations but a bit faster.

mostSpecificCanonicalVariation :: Expr -> Expr Source #

Returns the most specific canonical variation of an Expr by filling holes with variables.

> mostSpecificCanonicalVariation $ i_
x :: Int
> mostSpecificCanonicalVariation $ i_ -+- i_
x + x :: Int
> mostSpecificCanonicalVariation $ i_ -+- i_ -+- i_
(x + x) + x :: Int
> mostSpecificCanonicalVariation $ i_ -+- ord' c_
x + ord c :: Int
> mostSpecificCanonicalVariation $ i_ -+- i_ -+- ord' c_
(x + x) + ord c :: Int
> mostSpecificCanonicalVariation $ i_ -+- i_ -+- length' (c_ -:- unit c_)
(x + x) + length (c:c:"") :: Int

In an expression without holes this functions just returns the given expression itself:

> mostSpecificCanonicalVariation $ val (0 :: Int)
0 :: Int
> mostSpecificCanonicalVariation $ ord' bee
ord 'b' :: Int

This function is the same as taking the last of canonicalVariations but a bit faster.

fastCanonicalVariations :: Expr -> [Expr] Source #

A faster version of canonicalVariations that disregards name clashes across different types. Results are confusing to the user but fine for Express which differentiates between variables with the same name but different types.

Without applying canonicalize, the following Expr may seem to have only one variable:

> fastCanonicalVariations $ i_ -+- ord' c_
[x + ord x :: Int]

Where in fact it has two, as the second x has a different type. Applying canonicalize disambiguates:

> map canonicalize . fastCanonicalVariations $ i_ -+- ord' c_
[x + ord c :: Int]

This function is useful when resulting Exprs are not intended to be presented to the user but instead to be used by another function. It is simply faster to skip the step where clashes are resolved.

fastMostGeneralVariation :: Expr -> Expr Source #

A faster version of mostGeneralCanonicalVariation that disregards name clashes across different types. Consider using mostGeneralCanonicalVariation instead.

The same caveats of fastCanonicalVariations do apply here.

fastMostSpecificVariation :: Expr -> Expr Source #

A faster version of mostSpecificCanonicalVariation that disregards name clashes across different types. Consider using mostSpecificCanonicalVariation instead.

The same caveats of fastCanonicalVariations do apply here.