{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Expresso.Parser
-- Copyright   : (c) Tim Williams 2017-2019
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : info@timphilipwilliams.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- Parsers for Expresso terms and types.
module Expresso.Parser where

import Control.Applicative
import qualified Control.Exception as Ex
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Maybe
import Text.Parsec hiding (many, optional, parse, (<|>))
import Text.Parsec.Language (emptyDef)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Text.Parsec as P
import qualified Text.Parsec.Expr as P
import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as P

import System.FilePath
import System.Directory

import Expresso.Pretty ( Doc, (<+>), render, parensList
                       , text, dquotes, vcat)
import Expresso.Syntax
import Expresso.Type
import Expresso.Utils

-- Resolve imports

    :: [FilePath]
    -> ExpI
    -- NB: ExceptT models expected failures, e.g. file not found
    -> ExceptT String IO (Exp, [SynonymDecl])
resolveImports libDirs = runWriterT . go
    go :: ExpI -> WriterT [SynonymDecl] (ExceptT String IO) Exp
    go = cataM alg
        alg (InR (K (Import path)) :*: _) = do
            (syns, e) <- lift $ do
                str <- importFile path
                ExceptT . return $ parse path str
            tell syns
            go e
        alg (InL e :*: pos) = return $ Fix (e :*: pos)

    -- importFile searches the provided library dirs, unless
    -- an absolute path is provided.
    importFile :: FilePath -> ExceptT String IO String
    importFile path
        | isAbsolute path = readFile' path
        | otherwise = do
              mfp <- lift $ findFirst libDirs
              case mfp of
                  Just fp -> readFile' fp
                  Nothing -> throwError $ unwords $
                      [ "Could not find imported file"
                      , "'" ++ path ++ "'"
                      , "in the following library directories:"
                      , show libDirs
        findFirst :: [FilePath] -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
        findFirst [] = return Nothing
        findFirst (dir:dirs) = do
            let fp = dir </> path
            exists <- doesFileExist fp
            if exists
                then return (Just fp)
                else findFirst dirs

        readFile' :: FilePath -> ExceptT String IO String
        readFile' fp =
            ExceptT $ bimap (show :: Ex.SomeException -> String) id
                  <$> Ex.try (readFile fp)

-- Parser

    :: SourceName
    -> String
    -> Either String ([SynonymDecl], ExpI)
parse src = showError . P.parse (topLevel pTopLevel) src

topLevel p = whiteSpace *> p <* P.eof

pTopLevel = (,) <$> many (pSynonymDecl <* semi) <*> pExp

pSynonymDecl = SynonymDecl
       <$> getPosition
       <*> (reserved "type" *> upperIdentifier)
       <*> many pTyVar
       <*> (reservedOp "=" *> pType)

pExp     = addTypeAnnot
       <$> getPosition
       <*> pExp'
       <*> optional (reservedOp ":" *> pTypeAnn)

addTypeAnnot pos e (Just t) = withPos pos (EAnn e t)
addTypeAnnot _   e Nothing  = e

pExp'    = pImport
       <|> pLam
       <|> pAnnLam
       <|> pLet
       <|> pCond
       <|> pCase
       <|> pOpExp
       <?> "expression"

pImport  = mkImport
       <$> getPosition
       <*> (reserved "import" *> stringLiteral)
       <?> "import"

pLet     = reserved "let" *>
           (flip (foldr mkLet) <$> (semiSep1 ((,) <$> getPosition <*> pLetDecl))
                               <*> (reserved "in" *> pExp))
           <?> "let expression"

pLetDecl = (,,) <$> pLetBind
                <*> optionMaybe (reservedOp ":" *> pTypeAnn)
                <*> (reservedOp "=" *> pExp <* whiteSpace)

pLam     = mkLam
       <$> getPosition
       <*> try (many1 pBind <* reservedOp "->" <* whiteSpace)
       <*> pExp'
       <?> "lambda expression"

pAnnLam  = mkAnnLam
       <$> getPosition
       <*> try (many1 (parens pAnnBind) <* reservedOp "->" <* whiteSpace)
       <*> pExp'
       <?> "lambda expression with type annotated argument"

pAnnBind = (,) <$> pBind <*> (reservedOp ":" *> pTypeAnn)

pAtom    = pPrim <|> try pVar <|> parens (pSection <|> pExp)

pSection = pSigSection

pSigSection = mkSigSection <$> getPosition <*> (reservedOp ":" *> pTypeAnn)

pVar     = mkVar <$> getPosition <*> lowerIdentifier

pPrim    = pNumber           <|>
           pBool             <|>
           pChar             <|>
           pDifferenceRecord <|>
           pRecord           <|>
           pVariant          <|>
           pVariantEmbed     <|>
           pList             <|>
           pString           <|>

pCond    = (\pos -> mkTertiaryOp pos Cond)
               <$> getPosition
               <*> (reserved "if"   *> pExp)
               <*> (reserved "then" *> pExp)
               <*> (reserved "else" *> pExp)
               <?> "if expression"

pOpExp   = P.buildExpressionParser opTable pApp

-- NB: assumes "-1" and "+1" are not valid terms
pApp     = mkApp <$> getPosition <*> pTerm <*> many pTerm

pTerm    = mkRecordRestrict
        <$> getPosition
        <*> ((\pos -> foldl (mkRecordSelect pos))
            <$> getPosition
            <*> pAtom
            <*> try (many pSelect))
        <*> optional (reservedOp "\\" *> identifier)

opTable  = [ [ prefix "-" Neg
           , [ binary ">>" FwdComp        P.AssocRight
             , binary "<<" BwdComp        P.AssocRight
           , [ binary "*" (ArithPrim Mul) P.AssocLeft
             , binary "/" (ArithPrim Div) P.AssocLeft
           , [ binary "+" (ArithPrim Add) P.AssocLeft
             , binary "-" (ArithPrim Sub) P.AssocLeft
           , [ binary "++" ListAppend     P.AssocLeft
             , binary "::" ListCons       P.AssocRight
             , binary "<>" TextAppend     P.AssocLeft
           , [ binary "==" Eq             P.AssocLeft
             , binary "/=" NEq            P.AssocLeft
             , binary ">"  (RelPrim RGT)  P.AssocLeft
             , binary ">=" (RelPrim RGTE) P.AssocLeft
             , binary "<"  (RelPrim RLT)  P.AssocLeft
             , binary "<=" (RelPrim RLTE) P.AssocLeft
           , [ binary "&&" And            P.AssocRight
           , [ binary "||" Or             P.AssocRight

pPrimFun = msum
  [ fun "error"   ErrorPrim
  , fun "show"    Show
  , fun "not"     Not
  , fun "uncons"  ListUncons
  , fun "fix"     FixPrim
  , fun "double"  Double
  , fun "floor"   Floor
  , fun "ceiling" Ceiling
  , fun "abs"     Abs
  , fun "mod"     Mod
  , fun "absurd"  Absurd
  , fun "pack"    Pack
  , fun "unpack"  Unpack
    fun sym prim = reserved sym *> ((\pos -> mkPrim pos prim) <$> getPosition)

binary sym prim =
    P.Infix $ reservedOp sym *> ((\pos -> mkBinOp pos prim) <$> getPosition)
prefix sym prim =
    P.Prefix $ reservedOp sym *> ((\pos -> mkUnaryOp pos prim) <$> getPosition)

pSelect = reservedOp "." *> identifier

pNumber = (\pos -> either (mkInteger pos) (mkDouble pos))
       <$> getPosition
       <*> naturalOrFloat

pBool = (\pos -> mkPrim pos . Bool)
     <$> getPosition
     <*> (reserved "True"  *> pure True <|>
          reserved "False" *> pure False)

pChar = (\pos -> mkPrim pos . Char)
     <$> getPosition
     <*> charLiteral

pString = (\pos -> mkPrim pos . Text . T.pack)
       <$> getPosition
       <*> stringLiteral

pBind = Arg <$> lowerIdentifier
    <|> RecArg <$> pFieldBind

pLetBind = try (RecWildcard <$ reservedOp "{..}") <|> pBind

pFieldBind = braces $ pFieldBind' `sepBy` comma
         = mkFieldBind
        <$> pRecordLabel
        <*> optionMaybe (reservedOp "=" *> lowerIdentifier)

data Entry = Extend Label ExpI | Update Label ExpI

pRecord = (\pos -> fromMaybe (mkRecordEmpty pos))
       <$> getPosition
       <*> (braces $ optionMaybe pRecordBody)

pRecordBody = mkRecordExtend <$> getPosition <*> pRecordEntry <*> pRest
    pRest = (comma          *> pRecordBody)  <|>
            (reservedOp "|" *> pExp)         <|>
            (mkRecordEmpty <$> getPosition)

pDifferenceRecord = mkDifferenceRecord
    <$> getPosition
    <*> (try (reservedOp "{|") *> (pRecordEntry `sepBy1` comma)
           <* reservedOp "|}")

mkDifferenceRecord :: Pos -> [Entry] -> ExpI
mkDifferenceRecord pos entries =
    withPos pos $ ELam (Arg "#r") $
        foldr (mkRecordExtend pos) (withPos pos $ EVar "#r") entries

pRecordEntry =
    try (Extend <$> pRecordLabel <*> (reservedOp "=" *> pExp))  <|>
    try (Update <$> pRecordLabel <*> (reservedOp ":=" *> pExp)) <|>
    mkFieldPun <$> getPosition <*> pRecordLabel

pRecordLabel  = lowerIdentifier

pVariant = mkVariant <$> getPosition <*> pVariantLabel

pVariantEmbed = mkVariantEmbed
             <$> getPosition
             <*> (try (reservedOp "<|") *> (pEmbedEntry `sepBy1` comma)
                    <* reservedOp "|>")
             <?> "variant embed expression"
      pEmbedEntry = (,) <$> getPosition <*> pVariantLabel

pCase = mkCase <$> getPosition
               <*> (reserved "case" *> pApp <* reserved "of")
               <*> (braces pCaseBody)
               <?> "case expression"

pCaseBody = mkCaseAlt <$> getPosition <*> pCaseAlt <*> pRest
    pRest = (comma          *> pCaseBody)   <|>
            (reservedOp "|" *> pExp)        <|>
            (\pos -> mkPrim pos Absurd) <$> getPosition

pCaseAlt =
    (try (Extend <$> pVariantLabel
                 <*> (whiteSpace *> pLam)) <|>
     try (Update <$> (reserved "override" *> pVariantLabel)
                 <*> (whiteSpace *> pLam)))
    <?> "case alternative"

pVariantLabel = upperIdentifier

pList = brackets pListBody
    pListBody = (\pos -> foldr mkListCons (mkListEmpty pos))
        <$> getPosition
        <*> ((,) <$> getPosition <*> pExp) `sepBy` comma
        <?> "list expression"

mkFieldBind :: Name -> Maybe Name -> (Name, Name)
mkFieldBind l (Just n) = (l, n)
mkFieldBind l Nothing  = (l, l)

mkImport :: Pos -> FilePath -> ExpI
mkImport pos path = withAnn pos $ InR $ K $ Import path

mkInteger :: Pos -> Integer -> ExpI
mkInteger pos = mkPrim pos . Int

mkDouble :: Pos -> Double -> ExpI
mkDouble pos = mkPrim pos . Dbl

mkCase :: Pos -> ExpI -> ExpI -> ExpI
mkCase pos scrutinee caseF = mkApp pos caseF [scrutinee]

mkCaseAlt :: Pos -> Entry -> ExpI -> ExpI
mkCaseAlt pos (Extend l altLamE) contE =
    mkApp pos (mkPrim pos $ VariantElim l) [altLamE, contE]
mkCaseAlt pos (Update l altLamE) contE =
    mkApp pos (mkPrim pos $ VariantElim l)
          [ altLamE
          , mkLam pos [Arg "#r"]
                      (mkApp pos contE [mkEmbed $ withPos pos $ EVar "#r"])
    mkEmbed e = mkApp pos (mkPrim pos $ VariantEmbed l) [e]

mkVariant :: Pos -> Label -> ExpI
mkVariant pos l = mkPrim pos $ VariantInject l

mkVariantEmbed :: Pos -> [(Pos , Label)] -> ExpI
mkVariantEmbed pos ls =
    withPos pos $ ELam (Arg "#r") $
        foldr f (withPos pos $ EVar "#r") ls
    f (pos, l) k = mkApp pos (mkPrim pos $ VariantEmbed l) [k]

mkLam :: Pos -> [Bind Name] -> ExpI -> ExpI
mkLam pos bs e =
    foldr (\b e -> withPos pos (ELam b e)) e bs

mkAnnLam :: Pos -> [(Bind Name, Type)] -> ExpI -> ExpI
mkAnnLam pos bs e =
    foldr (\(b, t) e -> withPos pos (EAnnLam b t e)) e bs

-- | signature section
--   (:T) becomes (x -> x : T -> T)
mkSigSection :: Pos -> Type -> ExpI
mkSigSection pos ty =
    withPos pos $ EAnn (mkLam pos [Arg "x"] (mkVar pos "x")) ty'
    ty' = case ty of
        (Fix (TForAllF tvs t :*: K pos)) ->
            withAnn pos (TForAllF tvs (withAnn pos (TFunF t t)))
        t -> withAnn (getAnn t) (TFunF t t)

mkVar :: Pos -> Name -> ExpI
mkVar pos name = withPos pos (EVar name)

mkLet :: (Pos, (Bind Name, Maybe Type, ExpI)) -> ExpI -> ExpI
mkLet (pos, (b, mty, e1)) e2 = withPos pos $
    case mty of
        Nothing -> ELet b e1 e2
        Just t  -> EAnnLet b t e1 e2

mkTertiaryOp :: Pos -> Prim -> ExpI -> ExpI -> ExpI -> ExpI
mkTertiaryOp pos p x y z = mkApp pos (mkPrim pos p) [x, y, z]

mkBinOp :: Pos -> Prim -> ExpI -> ExpI -> ExpI
mkBinOp pos p x y = mkApp pos (mkPrim pos p) [x, y]

mkUnaryOp  :: Pos -> Prim -> ExpI -> ExpI
mkUnaryOp pos p x = mkApp pos (mkPrim pos p) [x]

mkRecordSelect :: Pos -> ExpI -> Label -> ExpI
mkRecordSelect pos r l = mkApp pos (mkPrim pos $ RecordSelect l) [r]

mkRecordExtend :: Pos -> Entry -> ExpI -> ExpI
mkRecordExtend pos (Extend l e) r =
    mkApp pos (mkPrim pos $ RecordExtend l) [e, r]
mkRecordExtend pos (Update l e) r =
    mkApp pos (mkPrim pos $ RecordExtend l) [e, mkRecordRestrict pos r $ Just l]

mkRecordEmpty :: Pos -> ExpI
mkRecordEmpty pos = mkPrim pos RecordEmpty

mkRecordRestrict :: Pos -> ExpI -> Maybe Label -> ExpI
mkRecordRestrict pos e = maybe e $ \l -> mkApp pos (mkPrim pos $ RecordRestrict l) [e]

mkFieldPun :: Pos -> Label -> Entry
mkFieldPun pos l = Extend l (withPos pos $ EVar l)

mkListCons :: (Pos, ExpI) -> ExpI -> ExpI
mkListCons (pos, x) xs = mkApp pos (mkPrim pos ListCons) [x, xs]

mkListEmpty :: Pos -> ExpI
mkListEmpty pos = mkPrim pos ListEmpty

mkApp :: Pos -> ExpI -> [ExpI] -> ExpI
mkApp pos f = foldl (\g -> withPos pos . EApp g) f

mkPrim :: Pos -> Prim -> ExpI
mkPrim pos p = withPos pos $ EPrim p

withPos :: Pos -> ExpF Name Bind Type ExpI -> ExpI
withPos pos = withAnn pos . InL

-- Parsers for type annotations

pTypeAnn = pType'e >>= either (fail . render) return
    pType'e = unboundTyVarCheck <$> getPosition <*> pType

pType = pTForAll
    <|> pTFun
    <|> pType'

pType' = pTVar
     <|> pTInt
     <|> pTDbl
     <|> pTBool
     <|> pTChar
     <|> pTText
     <|> pTSynonym
     <|> pTRecord
     <|> pTVariant
     <|> pTList
     <|> parens pType

pTForAll = pTForAll'e >>= either (fail . render) return
    pTForAll'e = mkTForAll
        <$> getPosition
        <*> (reserved "forall" *> many1 pTyVar <* dot)
        <*> option [] (try pConstraints)
        <*> pType
        <?> "forall type annotation"

pConstraints = ((:[]) <$> pConstraint
           <|> parens (pConstraint `sepBy1` comma))
           <* reservedOp "=>"

pConstraint = pStarConstraint
          <|> pRowConstraint

pStarConstraint = (\c n -> (n, c))
              <$> (CStar <$> pStarHierarchy)
              <*> lowerIdentifier
    pStarHierarchy = reserved "Eq"  *> pure CEq
                 <|> reserved "Ord" *> pure COrd
                 <|> reserved "Num" *> pure CNum

pRowConstraint = (,)
             <$> (lowerIdentifier <* reservedOp "\\")
             <*> (lacks . (:[]) <$> identifier)

-- simple syntactic check for unbound type variables in type annotations
unboundTyVarCheck :: Pos -> Type -> Either Doc Type
unboundTyVarCheck pos t
    | not (null freeVars) = Left $ vcat
          [ ppPos pos <> ":"
          , "unbound type variable(s)" <+> parensList (map ppTyVarName freeVars) <+> "in type annotation."
    | otherwise           = return t
    freeVars    = S.toList $ S.delete "_" (S.map tyvarName $ ftv t)
    ppTyVarName = dquotes . text

-- match up constraints and bound type variables
mkTForAll :: Pos -> [TyVar] -> [(Name, Constraint)] -> Type -> Either Doc Type
mkTForAll pos tvs (M.fromListWith unionConstraints -> m) t
    | not (null badNames) = Left $ vcat
          [ ppPos pos <> ":"
          , "constraint(s) reference unknown type variable(s):" <+> parensList (map (dquotes . text) badNames)
    | otherwise = return $ withAnn pos (TForAllF tvs' t')
    t' = substTyVar tvs (map (withAnn pos . TVarF) tvs') t
    tvs' = [ maybe tv (setConstraint tv) $ M.lookup (tyvarName tv) m
           | tv <- tvs
    setConstraint tv c = tv { tyvarConstraint = c }
    bndrs     = S.fromList $ map tyvarName tvs
    badNames  = S.toList $ M.keysSet m  S.\\ bndrs

pTVar = (\pos -> withAnn pos . TVarF)
    <$> getPosition
    <*> (pTyVar <|> pTWildcard)

pTSynonym = (\pos name -> withAnn pos . TSynonymF name)
    <$> getPosition
    <*> upperIdentifier
    <*> many pType'

pTInt  = pTCon TIntF "Int"
pTDbl  = pTCon TDblF "Double"
pTBool = pTCon TBoolF "Bool"
pTChar = pTCon TCharF "Char"
pTText = pTCon TTextF "Text"

pTFun = (\pos a b -> withAnn pos (TFunF a b))
     <$> getPosition
     <*> try (pType' <* reservedOp "->" <* whiteSpace) -- TODO
     <*> pType
     <?> "function type annotation"

pTCon c s = (\pos -> withAnn pos c) <$> getPosition <* reserved s

pTyVar = mkTyVar Bound <$> lowerIdentifier
pTWildcard = mkTyVar Wildcard "_" <$ reservedOp "_"

mkTyVar flavour name = TyVar flavour name (head name) CNone

pTRecord = mkFromRowType TRecordF
       <$> getPosition
       <*> (try (Just <$> braces pTVar) <|> (braces $ optionMaybe (pTRowBody pTRecordEntry)))
       <?> "record type annotation"

pTVariant = mkFromRowType TVariantF
       <$> getPosition
       <*> (try (Just <$> angles pTVar) <|> (angles $ optionMaybe (pTRowBody pTVariantEntry)))
       <?> "variant type annotation"

pTRowBody pEntry = mkTRowExtend
               <$> getPosition
               <*> pEntry
               <*> pRest
    pRest = (comma          *> pTRowBody pEntry)  <|>
            (reservedOp "|" *> pType')            <|>
            (mkTRowEmpty <$> getPosition)

mkFromRowType tCon pos =
    withAnn pos . tCon . fromMaybe (mkTRowEmpty pos)

pTRecordEntry = (,) <$> pRecordLabel <*> (reservedOp ":" *> pType)
pTVariantEntry = (,) <$> pVariantLabel <*> (reservedOp ":" *> pType)

mkTRowExtend pos (l, ty) r = withAnn pos $ TRowExtendF l ty r
mkTRowEmpty pos = withAnn pos TRowEmptyF

pTList = (\pos -> withAnn pos . TListF)
     <$> getPosition
     <*> brackets pType

-- Language definition for Lexer

languageDef :: P.LanguageDef st
languageDef = emptyDef
    { P.commentStart   = "{-"
    , P.commentEnd     = "-}"
    , P.commentLine    = "--"
    , P.nestedComments = True
    , P.identStart     = letter
    , P.identLetter    = alphaNum <|> oneOf "_'"
    , P.opStart        = P.opLetter languageDef
    , P.opLetter       = oneOf ":!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~"
    , P.reservedOpNames= [ "->", "=", "-", "*", "/", "+"
                         , "++", "::", "|", ",", ".", "\\"
                         , "{|", "|}", ":=", "{..}"
                         , "==", "/=", ">", ">=", "<", "<="
                         , "&&", "||", ":", "=>"
    , P.reservedNames  = [ "let", "in", "if", "then", "else", "case", "of"
                         , "True", "False", "forall", "Eq", "Ord", "Num"
                         , "type"
    , P.caseSensitive  = True

-- Lexer

lexer = P.makeTokenParser languageDef

lowerIdentifier = lookAhead lower >> identifier
upperIdentifier = lookAhead upper >> identifier

identifier = P.identifier lexer
reserved = P.reserved lexer
operator = P.operator lexer
reservedOp = P.reservedOp lexer
charLiteral = P.charLiteral lexer
stringLiteral = P.stringLiteral lexer
--natural = P.natural lexer
--integer = P.integer lexer
--float = P.float lexer
naturalOrFloat = P.naturalOrFloat lexer
--decimal = P.decimal lexer
--hexadecimal = P.hexadecimal lexer
--octal = P.octal lexer
symbol = P.symbol lexer
lexeme = P.lexeme lexer
whiteSpace = P.whiteSpace lexer
parens = P.parens lexer
braces = P.braces lexer
angles = P.angles lexer
brackets = P.brackets lexer
semi = P.semi lexer
comma = P.comma lexer
colon = P.colon lexer
dot = P.dot lexer
semiSep = P.semiSep lexer
semiSep1 = P.semiSep1 lexer
commaSep = P.commaSep lexer
commaSep1 = P.commaSep1 lexer