fast-downward- Solve classical planning problems (STRIPS/SAS+) using Haskell & Fast Downward.

Safe HaskellNone




This module exposes a small DSL for building and solving planning problems using Fast Downward - an open source solver for classical planning problems.

Using this module, you model problems with a finite-domain representation through state variables (see, Var, newVar), and model their changes through Effects (see readVar, and writeVar). If you're familiar with software transactional memory, an effect is like a transaction, except the process of solving will choose the appropriate sequence for you.


Defining Problems

data Problem a Source #

The Problem monad is used to build a computation that describes a particular planning problem. In this monad you can declare state variables - Vars - using newVar, and you can solve planning problems using solve.

Monad Problem Source # 
Instance details

Defined in FastDownward


(>>=) :: Problem a -> (a -> Problem b) -> Problem b #

(>>) :: Problem a -> Problem b -> Problem b #

return :: a -> Problem a #

fail :: String -> Problem a #

Functor Problem Source # 
Instance details

Defined in FastDownward


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Problem a -> Problem b #

(<$) :: a -> Problem b -> Problem a #

Applicative Problem Source # 
Instance details

Defined in FastDownward


pure :: a -> Problem a #

(<*>) :: Problem (a -> b) -> Problem a -> Problem b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Problem a -> Problem b -> Problem c #

(*>) :: Problem a -> Problem b -> Problem b #

(<*) :: Problem a -> Problem b -> Problem a #

MonadIO Problem Source # 
Instance details

Defined in FastDownward


liftIO :: IO a -> Problem a #


data Var a Source #

A Var is a state variable - a variable who's contents may change over the execution of a plan. Effects can read and write from variables in order to change their state.

newVar :: Ord a => a -> Problem (Var a) Source #

Introduce a new state variable into a problem, and set it to an initial starting value.

readVar :: Ord a => Var a -> Effect a Source #

Read the value of a Var at the point the Effect is invoked by the solver.

writeVar :: Ord a => Var a -> a -> Effect () Source #

Write a value into Var. If the solver choses to use this particular Effect, then the Var will begin take this new value.

modifyVar :: Ord a => Var a -> (a -> a) -> Effect () Source #

Modify the contents of a Var by using a function.

modifyVar v f = readVar v >>= writeVar v . f

resetInitial :: Ord a => Var a -> a -> Problem () Source #

Reset the initial state of a variable (the value that the solver will begin with).


data Effect a Source #

An Effect is a transition in a planning problem - a point where variables can be inspected for their current values, and where they can take on new values. For example, there might be an Effect to instruct the robot to move to a particular target location, if its current location is adjacent.

The Effect monad supports failure, so you can guard an Effect to only be applicable under particular circumstances. Continuing the above example, we loosely mentioned the constraint that the robot must be adjacent to a target location - something that could be modelled by using readVar to read the current location, and guard to guard that this location is adjacent to our goal.

Monad Effect Source # 
Instance details

Defined in FastDownward


(>>=) :: Effect a -> (a -> Effect b) -> Effect b #

(>>) :: Effect a -> Effect b -> Effect b #

return :: a -> Effect a #

fail :: String -> Effect a #

Functor Effect Source # 
Instance details

Defined in FastDownward


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Effect a -> Effect b #

(<$) :: a -> Effect b -> Effect a #

Applicative Effect Source # 
Instance details

Defined in FastDownward


pure :: a -> Effect a #

(<*>) :: Effect (a -> b) -> Effect a -> Effect b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Effect a -> Effect b -> Effect c #

(*>) :: Effect a -> Effect b -> Effect b #

(<*) :: Effect a -> Effect b -> Effect a #

Alternative Effect Source # 
Instance details

Defined in FastDownward


empty :: Effect a #

(<|>) :: Effect a -> Effect a -> Effect a #

some :: Effect a -> Effect [a] #

many :: Effect a -> Effect [a] #

MonadPlus Effect Source # 
Instance details

Defined in FastDownward


mzero :: Effect a #

mplus :: Effect a -> Effect a -> Effect a #


data Test Source #

Tests are use to drive the solver in order to find a plan to the goal.

(?=) :: Ord a => Var a -> a -> Test Source #

Test that a Var is set to a particular value.

any :: [Test] -> Test Source #

Take the disjunction (or) of a list of Tests to a form new a Test that succeeds when at least one of the given tests is true.

Caution! The use of any introduces axioms into the problem definition, which is not compatible with many search engines.

Solving Problems

solve Source #


:: Show a 
=> SearchEngine 
-> [Effect a]

The set of effects available to the planner. Each effect can return some domain-specific information of type a which you can use to interpret the plan. This will usually be some kind of Action type.

-> [Test]

A conjunction of tests that must true for a solution to be considered acceptable.

-> Problem (SolveResult a)

The list of steps that will converge the initial state to a state that satisfies the given goal predicates.

Given a particular SearchEngine, attempt to solve a planning problem.

data SolveResult a Source #

The result from the solver on a call to solve.



The problem was to be unsolvable.

Crashed String String ExitCode

Fast Downward crashed (or otherwise rejected) the given problem.

Solved (Solution a)

A solution was found.

data Solution a Source #

A successful solution to a planning problem. You can unpack a Solution into a plan by using totallyOrderedPlan and partiallyOrderedPlan.

runProblem :: MonadIO m => Problem a -> m a Source #

Leave the Problem monad by running the given computation to IO.

Extracting Plans

totallyOrderedPlan :: Solution a -> [a] Source #

Extract a totally ordered plan from a solution.

partiallyOrderedPlan :: Ord a => Solution a -> (Graph, Vertex -> (a, Key, [Key]), Key -> Maybe Vertex) Source #

Deorder a plan into a partially ordered plan. This attempts to recover some concurrency when adjacent plan steps do not need to be totally ordered. The result of this function is the same as the result of graphFromEdges.