{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Language.Haskell.Names.ModuleSymbols
( moduleSymbols
, moduleTable
import Fay.Compiler.Prelude
import Language.Haskell.Exts
import Language.Haskell.Names.GetBound
import qualified Language.Haskell.Names.GlobalSymbolTable as Global
import Language.Haskell.Names.ScopeUtils
import Language.Haskell.Names.SyntaxUtils
import Language.Haskell.Names.Types
import Data.Lens.Light
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
:: (Eq l, Data l)
=> Global.Table
-> Module l
-> Global.Table
moduleTable impTbl m =
impTbl <>
computeSymbolTable False (getModuleName m) (moduleSymbols impTbl m)
:: (Eq l, Data l)
=> Global.Table
-> Module l
-> Symbols
moduleSymbols impTbl m =
let (vs,ts) =
partitionEithers $
(getTopDeclSymbols impTbl $ getModuleName m)
(getModuleDecls m)
setL valSyms (Set.fromList vs) $
setL tySyms (Set.fromList ts) mempty
type TypeName = GName
type ConName = Name ()
type SelectorName = Name ()
type Constructors = [(ConName, [SelectorName])]
:: forall l . (Eq l, Data l)
=> Global.Table
-> ModuleName l
-> Decl l
-> [Either (SymValueInfo OrigName) (SymTypeInfo OrigName)]
getTopDeclSymbols impTbl mdl d =
map (either (Left . fmap OrigName) (Right . fmap OrigName)) $
case d of
TypeDecl _ dh _ ->
let tn = hname dh
in [ Right (SymType { st_origName = tn, st_fixity = Nothing })]
TypeFamDecl _loc dh _mrs _mk ->
let tn = hname dh
in [ Right (SymTypeFam { st_origName = tn, st_fixity = Nothing })]
DataDecl _ dataOrNew _ dh qualConDecls _ ->
cons :: Constructors
cons = do
QualConDecl _ _ _ conDecl <- qualConDecls
case conDecl of
ConDecl _ n _ -> return (void n, [])
InfixConDecl _ _ n _ -> return (void n, [])
RecDecl _ n fields ->
return (void n , [void f | FieldDecl _ fNames _ <- fields, f <- fNames])
dq = hname dh
infos = constructorsToInfos dq cons
Right (dataOrNewCon dataOrNew dq Nothing) : map Left infos
GDataDecl _ dataOrNew _ dh _ gadtDecls _ ->
dq = hname dh
cons :: Constructors
cons = do
GadtDecl _ cn (fromMaybe [] -> fields) _ty <- gadtDecls
return (void cn , [void f | FieldDecl _ fNames _ <- fields, f <- fNames])
infos = constructorsToInfos dq cons
Right (dataOrNewCon dataOrNew dq Nothing) : map Left infos
DataFamDecl _ _ dh _ ->
let tn = hname dh
in [Right (SymDataFam { st_origName = tn, st_fixity = Nothing })]
ClassDecl _ _ dh _ mds ->
ms = getBound impTbl d
cq = hname dh
cdecls = fromMaybe [] mds
Right (SymClass { st_origName = cq, st_fixity = Nothing }) :
[ Right (SymTypeFam { st_origName = hname dh, st_fixity = Nothing }) | ClsTyFam _ dh _ _ <- cdecls ] ++
[ Right (SymDataFam { st_origName = hname dh, st_fixity = Nothing }) | ClsDataFam _ _ dh _ <- cdecls ] ++
[ Left (SymMethod { sv_origName = qname mn, sv_fixity = Nothing, sv_className = cq }) | mn <- ms ]
FunBind _ ms ->
let vn : _ = getBound impTbl ms
in [ Left (SymValue { sv_origName = qname vn, sv_fixity = Nothing }) ]
PatBind _ p _ _ ->
[ Left (SymValue { sv_origName = qname vn, sv_fixity = Nothing }) | vn <- getBound impTbl p ]
ForImp _ _ _ _ fn _ ->
[ Left (SymValue { sv_origName = qname fn, sv_fixity = Nothing }) ]
_ -> []
ModuleName _ smdl = mdl
qname = GName smdl . nameToString
hname :: DeclHead l -> GName
hname = qname . getDeclHeadName
dataOrNewCon dataOrNew = case dataOrNew of DataType {} -> SymData; NewType {} -> SymNewType
constructorsToInfos :: TypeName -> Constructors -> [SymValueInfo GName]
constructorsToInfos ty cons = conInfos ++ selInfos
conInfos =
[ SymConstructor { sv_origName = qname con, sv_fixity = Nothing, sv_typeName = ty }
| (con, _) <- cons
selectorsMap :: Map.Map SelectorName [ConName]
selectorsMap =
Map.unionsWith (++) . flip map cons $ \(c, fs) ->
Map.unionsWith (++) . flip map fs $ \f ->
Map.singleton f [c]
selInfos =
[ (SymSelector { sv_origName = qname f, sv_fixity = Nothing, sv_typeName = ty, sv_constructors = map qname fCons })
| (f, fCons) <- Map.toList selectorsMap