{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

-- |
-- Module      : FFICXX.Generate.Type.Class
-- Copyright   : (c) 2011-2018 Ian-Woo Kim
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Ian-Woo Kim <ianwookim@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : GHC

module FFICXX.Generate.Type.Class where
import qualified Data.Map                     as M
import           Data.Monoid                       (Monoid(..))
import           Data.Semigroup                    (Semigroup(..),(<>))
import           FFICXX.Generate.Type.Cabal

-- | C types
data CTypes = CTBool
            | CTChar
            | CTClock
            | CTDouble
            | CTFile
            | CTFloat
            | CTFpos
            | CTInt
            | CTIntMax
            | CTIntPtr
            | CTJmpBuf
            | CTLLong
            | CTLong
            | CTPtrdiff
            | CTSChar
            | CTSUSeconds
            | CTShort
            | CTSigAtomic
            | CTSize
            | CTTime
            | CTUChar
            | CTUInt
            | CTUIntMax
            | CTUIntPtr
            | CTULLong
            | CTULong
            | CTUSeconds
            | CTUShort
            | CTWchar
            | CTInt8
            | CTInt16
            | CTInt32
            | CTInt64
            | CTUInt8
            | CTUInt16
            | CTUInt32
            | CTUInt64
            | CTVoidStar
            | CTString
            | CEnum CTypes String
            | CPointer CTypes
            | CRef CTypes
            deriving Show

-- | C++ types
data CPPTypes = CPTClass Class
              | CPTClassRef Class
              | CPTClassCopy Class
              | CPTClassMove Class
              deriving Show

-- | const flag
data IsConst = Const | NoConst
             deriving Show

-- | Argument type which can be used as an template argument like float
--   in vector<float>.
--   For now, this distinguishes Class and non-Class.
data TemplateArgType = TArg_Class Class
                     | TArg_TypeParam String
                     | TArg_Other String
                     deriving Show

data TemplateAppInfo = TemplateAppInfo {
                         tapp_tclass :: TemplateClass
                       , tapp_tparam :: TemplateArgType
                       , tapp_CppTypeForParam :: String
                     deriving Show

data Types = Void
           | SelfType
           | CT  CTypes IsConst
           | CPT CPPTypes IsConst
           | TemplateApp     TemplateAppInfo  -- ^ like vector<float>*
           | TemplateAppRef  TemplateAppInfo  -- ^ like vector<float>&
           | TemplateAppMove TemplateAppInfo  -- ^ like unique_ptr<float> (using std::move)
           | TemplateType    TemplateClass    -- ^ template self? TODO: clarify this.
           | TemplateParam   String
           | TemplateParamPointer String      -- ^ this is A* with template<A>
           deriving Show


type Args = [(Types,String)]

data Function = Constructor { func_args :: Args
                            , func_alias :: Maybe String
              | Virtual { func_ret :: Types
                        , func_name :: String
                        , func_args :: Args
                        , func_alias :: Maybe String
              | NonVirtual { func_ret :: Types
                           , func_name :: String
                           , func_args :: Args
                           , func_alias :: Maybe String
              | Static     { func_ret :: Types
                           , func_name :: String
                           , func_args :: Args
                           , func_alias :: Maybe String
              | Destructor  { func_alias :: Maybe String }
              deriving Show

data Variable = Variable { var_type :: Types
                         , var_name :: String
              deriving Show

data TemplateMemberFunction =
       TemplateMemberFunction {
         tmf_param :: String
       , tmf_ret :: Types
       , tmf_name :: String
       , tmf_args :: Args
       , tmf_alias :: Maybe String
       deriving Show

data TopLevelFunction = TopLevelFunction { toplevelfunc_ret :: Types
                                         , toplevelfunc_name :: String
                                         , toplevelfunc_args :: Args
                                         , toplevelfunc_alias :: Maybe String
                      | TopLevelVariable { toplevelvar_ret :: Types
                                         , toplevelvar_name :: String
                                         , toplevelvar_alias :: Maybe String }
                      deriving Show

isNewFunc :: Function -> Bool
isNewFunc (Constructor _ _) = True
isNewFunc _ = False

isDeleteFunc :: Function -> Bool
isDeleteFunc (Destructor _) = True
isDeleteFunc _ = False

isVirtualFunc :: Function -> Bool
isVirtualFunc (Destructor _)          = True
isVirtualFunc (Virtual _ _ _ _)       = True
isVirtualFunc _                       = False

isNonVirtualFunc :: Function -> Bool
isNonVirtualFunc (NonVirtual _ _ _ _) = True
isNonVirtualFunc _                    = False

isStaticFunc :: Function -> Bool
isStaticFunc (Static _ _ _ _) = True
isStaticFunc _ = False

virtualFuncs :: [Function] -> [Function]
virtualFuncs = filter isVirtualFunc

constructorFuncs :: [Function] -> [Function]
constructorFuncs = filter isNewFunc

nonVirtualNotNewFuncs :: [Function] -> [Function]
nonVirtualNotNewFuncs =
  filter (\x -> (not.isVirtualFunc) x && (not.isNewFunc) x && (not.isDeleteFunc) x && (not.isStaticFunc) x )

staticFuncs :: [Function] -> [Function]
staticFuncs = filter isStaticFunc


newtype ProtectedMethod = Protected { unProtected :: [String] }
                        deriving (Semigroup, Monoid)

data ClassAlias = ClassAlias { caHaskellName :: String
                             , caFFIName :: String

-- TODO: partial record must be avoided.
data Class = Class {
               class_cabal :: Cabal
             , class_name :: String
             , class_parents :: [Class]
             , class_protected :: ProtectedMethod
             , class_alias :: Maybe ClassAlias
             , class_funcs :: [Function]
             , class_vars :: [Variable]
             , class_tmpl_funcs :: [TemplateMemberFunction]
           | AbstractClass {
               class_cabal :: Cabal
             , class_name :: String
             , class_parents :: [Class]
             , class_protected :: ProtectedMethod
             , class_alias :: Maybe ClassAlias
             , class_funcs :: [Function]
             , class_vars :: [Variable]
             , class_tmpl_funcs :: [TemplateMemberFunction]

-- TODO: we had better not override standard definitions
instance Show Class where
  show x = show (class_name x)

-- TODO: we had better not override standard definitions
instance Eq Class where
  (==) x y = class_name x == class_name y

-- TODO: we had better not override standard definitions
instance Ord Class where
  compare x y = compare (class_name x) (class_name y)

data TemplateFunction = TFun { tfun_ret :: Types
                             , tfun_name :: String
                             , tfun_oname :: String
                             , tfun_args :: Args
                             , tfun_alias :: Maybe String }
                      | TFunNew { tfun_new_args :: Args
                                , tfun_new_alias :: Maybe String
                      | TFunDelete

data TemplateClass = TmplCls { tclass_cabal :: Cabal
                             , tclass_name :: String
                             , tclass_oname :: String
                             , tclass_param :: String
                             , tclass_funcs :: [TemplateFunction]

-- TODO: we had better not override standard definitions
instance Show TemplateClass where
  show x = show (tclass_name x <> " " <> tclass_param x)

-- TODO: we had better not override standard definitions
instance Eq TemplateClass where
  (==) x y = tclass_name x == tclass_name y

-- TODO: we had better not override standard definitions
instance Ord TemplateClass where
  compare x y = compare (tclass_name x) (tclass_name y)

data ClassGlobal = ClassGlobal
                   { cgDaughterSelfMap :: DaughterMap
                   , cgDaughterMap :: DaughterMap

data Selfness = Self | NoSelf

-- | Check abstract class

isAbstractClass :: Class -> Bool
isAbstractClass Class{}         = False
isAbstractClass AbstractClass{} = True

type DaughterMap = M.Map String [Class]

data Accessor = Getter | Setter
              deriving (Show, Eq)