{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Floskell.Pretty ( Pretty(..), pretty ) where
import Control.Applicative ( (<|>) )
import Control.Monad
( forM_, guard, replicateM_, unless, void, when )
import Control.Monad.State.Strict ( get, gets, modify )
import Data.Bool ( bool )
import Data.ByteString ( ByteString )
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.List ( groupBy, sortBy, sortOn )
import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes, fromMaybe )
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Floskell.Buffer as Buffer
import Floskell.Config
import Floskell.Imports
( groupImports, sortImports, splitImports )
import Floskell.Printers
import Floskell.Types
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts.Pretty as HSE
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Syntax
run :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
run _ [] = ([], [])
run _ [ x ] = ([ x ], [])
run eq (x : y : xs)
| eq x y = let (ys, zs) = run eq (y : xs) in (x : ys, zs)
| otherwise = ([ x ], y : xs)
runs :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
runs _ [] = []
runs eq xs = let (ys, zs) = run eq xs in ys : runs eq zs
stopImportModule :: TabStop
stopImportModule = TabStop "import-module"
stopImportSpec :: TabStop
stopImportSpec = TabStop "import-spec"
stopRecordField :: TabStop
stopRecordField = TabStop "record"
stopRhs :: TabStop
stopRhs = TabStop "rhs"
flattenApp :: Annotated ast
=> (ast NodeInfo -> Maybe (ast NodeInfo, ast NodeInfo))
-> ast NodeInfo
-> [ast NodeInfo]
flattenApp fn = go . amap (\info -> info { nodeInfoLeadingComments = []
, nodeInfoTrailingComments = []
go x = case fn x of
Just (lhs, rhs) -> let lhs' = go $ copyComments Before x lhs
rhs' = go $ copyComments After x rhs
lhs' ++ rhs'
Nothing -> [ x ]
:: (Annotated ast1, Annotated ast2)
=> (ast1 NodeInfo -> Maybe (ast1 NodeInfo, ast2 NodeInfo, ast1 NodeInfo))
-> ast1 NodeInfo
-> (ast1 NodeInfo, [(ast2 NodeInfo, ast1 NodeInfo)])
flattenInfix fn = go . amap (\info -> info { nodeInfoLeadingComments = []
, nodeInfoTrailingComments = []
go x = case fn x of
Just (lhs, op, rhs) ->
let (lhs', ops) = go $ copyComments Before x lhs
(lhs'', ops') = go $ copyComments After x rhs
(lhs', ops ++ (op, lhs'') : ops')
Nothing -> (x, [])
prettyHSE :: HSE.Pretty (ast NodeInfo) => ast NodeInfo -> Printer ()
prettyHSE ast = string $ HSE.prettyPrint ast
class Pretty ast where
prettyPrint :: ast NodeInfo -> Printer ()
default prettyPrint
:: HSE.Pretty (ast NodeInfo) => ast NodeInfo -> Printer ()
prettyPrint = prettyHSE
pretty :: (Annotated ast, Pretty ast) => ast NodeInfo -> Printer ()
pretty ast = do
printComments Before ast
prettyPrint ast
printComments After ast
prettyOnside :: (Annotated ast, Pretty ast) => ast NodeInfo -> Printer ()
prettyOnside ast = do
eol <- gets psEolComment
when eol newline
nl <- gets psNewline
if nl
then do
printComments Before ast
onside $ prettyPrint ast
printComments After ast
else onside $ pretty ast
:: (Functor ast, Ord (ast ())) => ast NodeInfo -> ast NodeInfo -> Ordering
compareAST a b = void a `compare` void b
filterComments :: Annotated a => Location -> a NodeInfo -> [Comment]
filterComments Before = nodeInfoLeadingComments . ann
filterComments After = nodeInfoTrailingComments . ann
copyComments :: (Annotated ast1, Annotated ast2)
=> Location
-> ast1 NodeInfo
-> ast2 NodeInfo
-> ast2 NodeInfo
copyComments Before from to =
amap (\n ->
n { nodeInfoLeadingComments = nodeInfoLeadingComments $ ann from })
copyComments After from to =
amap (\n ->
n { nodeInfoTrailingComments = nodeInfoTrailingComments $ ann from })
printComment :: Int -> Comment -> Printer ()
printComment correction Comment{..} = do
col <- getNextColumn
let padding = max 0 $ srcSpanStartColumn commentSpan + correction - col - 1
case commentType of
PreprocessorDirective -> do
nl <- gets psNewline
unless nl newline
column 0 $ string commentText
modify (\s -> s { psEolComment = True })
InlineComment -> do
write $ BS.replicate padding 32
write "{-"
string commentText
write "-}"
when (1 == srcSpanStartColumn commentSpan) $
modify (\s -> s { psEolComment = True })
LineComment -> do
write $ BS.replicate padding 32
write "--"
string commentText
modify (\s -> s { psEolComment = True })
printComments :: Annotated ast => Location -> ast NodeInfo -> Printer ()
printComments = printCommentsInternal True
printComments' :: Annotated ast => Location -> ast NodeInfo -> Printer ()
printComments' = printCommentsInternal False
:: Annotated ast => Bool -> Location -> ast NodeInfo -> Printer ()
printCommentsInternal nlBefore loc ast = unless (null comments) $ do
let firstComment = head comments
nl <- gets psNewline
onside' <- gets psOnside
when nl $ modify $ \s -> s { psOnside = 0 }
when (loc == Before && not nl && nlBefore) newline
when (loc == After && not nl && notSameLine firstComment) newline
col <- getNextColumn
let correction = case loc of
Before -> col - srcSpanStartColumn ssi + 1
After -> col - srcSpanEndColumn ssi + 1
forM_ comments $ printComment correction
eol <- gets psEolComment
when (loc == Before && eol && onside' > 0) newline
when nl $ modify $ \s -> s { psOnside = onside' }
ssi = nodeSpan ast
comments = filterComments loc ast
notSameLine comment = srcSpanEndLine ssi
< srcSpanStartLine (commentSpan comment)
opName :: QOp a -> ByteString
opName op = case op of
(QVarOp _ qname) -> opName' qname
(QConOp _ qname) -> opName' qname
opName' :: QName a -> ByteString
opName' (Qual _ _ name) = opName'' name
opName' (UnQual _ name) = opName'' name
opName' (Special _ (FunCon _)) = "->"
opName' (Special _ (Cons _)) = ":"
opName' (Special _ _) = ""
opName'' :: Name a -> ByteString
opName'' (Ident _ _) = "``"
opName'' (Symbol _ str) = BS8.pack str
lineDelta :: Annotated ast => ast NodeInfo -> ast NodeInfo -> Int
lineDelta prev next = nextLine - prevLine
prevLine = maximum (prevNodeLine : prevCommentLines)
nextLine = minimum (nextNodeLine : nextCommentLines)
prevNodeLine = srcSpanEndLine $ nodeSpan prev
nextNodeLine = srcSpanStartLine $ nodeSpan next
prevCommentLines = map (srcSpanEndLine . commentSpan) $
filterComments After prev
nextCommentLines = map (srcSpanStartLine . commentSpan) $
filterComments Before next
linedFn :: Annotated ast
=> (ast NodeInfo -> Printer ())
-> [ast NodeInfo]
-> Printer ()
linedFn fn xs = do
preserveP <- getOption cfgOptionPreserveVerticalSpace
if preserveP
then case xs of
x : xs' -> do
cut $ fn x
forM_ (zip xs xs') $ \(prev, cur) -> do
replicateM_ (min 2 (max 1 $ lineDelta prev cur)) newline
cut $ fn cur
[] -> return ()
else inter newline $ map (cut . fn) xs
lined :: (Annotated ast, Pretty ast) => [ast NodeInfo] -> Printer ()
lined = linedFn pretty
linedOnside :: (Annotated ast, Pretty ast) => [ast NodeInfo] -> Printer ()
linedOnside = linedFn prettyOnside
listVOpLen :: LayoutContext -> ByteString -> Printer Int
listVOpLen ctx sep = do
ws <- getConfig (cfgOpWs ctx sep . cfgOp)
return $ if wsLinebreak After ws
then 0
else BS.length sep + if wsSpace After ws then 1 else 0
listVinternal :: (Annotated ast, Pretty ast)
=> LayoutContext
-> ByteString
-> [ast NodeInfo]
-> Printer ()
listVinternal ctx sep xs = case xs of
[] -> newline
(x : xs') -> do
nl <- gets psNewline
col <- getNextColumn
delta <- listVOpLen ctx sep
let itemCol = if nl && length xs > 1 then col + delta else col
sepCol = itemCol - delta
column itemCol $ do
printComments' Before x
cut . onside $ prettyPrint x
printComments After x
forM_ xs' $ \x' -> do
column itemCol $ printComments Before x'
column sepCol $ operatorV ctx sep
column itemCol $ cut . onside $ prettyPrint x'
column itemCol $ printComments After x'
listH :: (Annotated ast, Pretty ast)
=> LayoutContext
-> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> [ast NodeInfo]
-> Printer ()
listH _ open close _ [] = do
write open
write close
listH ctx open close sep xs =
groupH ctx open close . inter (operatorH ctx sep) $ map pretty xs
listV :: (Annotated ast, Pretty ast)
=> LayoutContext
-> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> [ast NodeInfo]
-> Printer ()
listV ctx open close sep xs = groupV ctx open close $ do
ws <- getConfig (cfgOpWs ctx sep . cfgOp)
ws' <- getConfig (cfgGroupWs ctx open . cfgGroup)
unless (wsLinebreak Before ws' || wsSpace After ws' || wsLinebreak After ws
|| not (wsSpace After ws))
listVinternal ctx sep xs
list :: (Annotated ast, Pretty ast)
=> LayoutContext
-> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> [ast NodeInfo]
-> Printer ()
list ctx open close sep xs = oneline hor <|> ver
hor = listH ctx open close sep xs
ver = listV ctx open close sep xs
listH' :: (Annotated ast, Pretty ast)
=> LayoutContext
-> ByteString
-> [ast NodeInfo]
-> Printer ()
listH' ctx sep = inter (operatorH ctx sep) . map pretty
listV' :: (Annotated ast, Pretty ast)
=> LayoutContext
-> ByteString
-> [ast NodeInfo]
-> Printer ()
listV' ctx sep xs =
if length xs > 1 then listVinternal ctx sep xs else mapM_ pretty xs
list' :: (Annotated ast, Pretty ast)
=> LayoutContext
-> ByteString
-> [ast NodeInfo]
-> Printer ()
list' ctx sep xs = oneline hor <|> ver
hor = listH' ctx sep xs
ver = listV' ctx sep xs
listAutoWrap :: (Annotated ast, Pretty ast)
=> LayoutContext
-> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> [ast NodeInfo]
-> Printer ()
listAutoWrap _ open close _ [] = do
write open
write close
listAutoWrap ctx open close sep xs =
aligned . groupH ctx open close $ listAutoWrap' ctx sep xs
listAutoWrap' :: (Annotated ast, Pretty ast)
=> LayoutContext
-> ByteString
-> [ast NodeInfo]
-> Printer ()
listAutoWrap' _ _ [] = return ()
listAutoWrap' ctx sep (x : xs) = aligned $ do
ws <- getConfig (cfgOpWs ctx sep . cfgOp)
let correction = if wsLinebreak After ws
then 0
else BS.length sep + if wsSpace After ws then 1 else 0
col <- getNextColumn
pretty x
forM_ xs $ \x' -> do
printComments Before x'
cut $ do
column (col - correction) $ operator ctx sep
prettyPrint x'
printComments After x'
measure :: Printer a -> Printer (Maybe Int)
measure p = do
s <- get
let s' = s { psBuffer = Buffer.empty, psEolComment = False }
return $ case execPrinter (oneline p) s' of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (_, s'') -> Just . (\x -> x - psIndentLevel s) . fromIntegral
. BL.length . Buffer.toLazyByteString $ psBuffer s''
measure' :: Printer a -> Printer (Maybe [Int])
measure' p = fmap (: []) <$> measure p
measureMatch :: Match NodeInfo -> Printer (Maybe [Int])
measureMatch (Match _ name pats _ Nothing) = measure' (prettyApp name pats)
measureMatch (InfixMatch _ pat name pats _ Nothing) = measure' go
go = do
pretty pat
withOperatorFormatting Pattern
(opName'' name)
(prettyHSE $ VarOp noNodeInfo name)
inter spaceOrNewline $ map pretty pats
measureMatch _ = return Nothing
measureDecl :: Decl NodeInfo -> Printer (Maybe [Int])
measureDecl (PatBind _ pat _ Nothing) = measure' (pretty pat)
measureDecl (FunBind _ matches) =
fmap concat . sequence <$> traverse measureMatch matches
measureDecl _ = return Nothing
measureClassDecl :: ClassDecl NodeInfo -> Printer (Maybe [Int])
measureClassDecl (ClsDecl _ decl) = measureDecl decl
measureClassDecl _ = return Nothing
measureInstDecl :: InstDecl NodeInfo -> Printer (Maybe [Int])
measureInstDecl (InsDecl _ decl) = measureDecl decl
measureInstDecl _ = return Nothing
measureAlt :: Alt NodeInfo -> Printer (Maybe [Int])
measureAlt (Alt _ pat _ Nothing) = measure' (pretty pat)
measureAlt _ = return Nothing
withComputedTabStop :: TabStop
-> (AlignConfig -> Bool)
-> (a -> Printer (Maybe [Int]))
-> [a]
-> Printer b
-> Printer b
withComputedTabStop name predicate fn xs p = do
enabled <- getConfig (predicate . cfgAlign)
(limAbs, limRel) <- getConfig (cfgAlignLimits . cfgAlign)
mtabss <- sequence <$> traverse fn xs
let tab = do
tabss <- mtabss
let tabs = concat tabss
maxtab = maximum tabs
mintab = minimum tabs
delta = maxtab - mintab
diff = delta * 100 `div` maxtab
guard enabled
guard $ delta <= limAbs || diff <= limRel
return maxtab
withTabStops [ (name, tab) ] p
moduleName :: ModuleName a -> String
moduleName (ModuleName _ s) = s
prettyPragmas :: [ModulePragma NodeInfo] -> Printer ()
prettyPragmas ps = do
splitP <- getOption cfgOptionSplitLanguagePragmas
sortP <- getOption cfgOptionSortPragmas
let ps' = if splitP then concatMap splitPragma ps else ps
let ps'' = if sortP then sortBy compareAST ps' else ps'
inter blankline . map lined $ groupBy sameType ps''
splitPragma (LanguagePragma anno langs) =
map (LanguagePragma anno . (: [])) langs
splitPragma p = [ p ]
sameType LanguagePragma{} LanguagePragma{} = True
sameType OptionsPragma{} OptionsPragma{} = True
sameType AnnModulePragma{} AnnModulePragma{} = True
sameType _ _ = False
prettyImports :: [ImportDecl NodeInfo] -> Printer ()
prettyImports is = do
sortP <- getOption cfgOptionSortImports
alignModuleP <- getConfig (cfgAlignImportModule . cfgAlign)
alignSpecP <- getConfig (cfgAlignImportSpec . cfgAlign)
let maxNameLength = maximum $ map (length . moduleName . importModule) is
alignModule = if alignModuleP then Just 16 else Nothing
alignSpec = if alignSpecP
then Just (fromMaybe 0 alignModule + 1 + maxNameLength)
else Nothing
withTabStops [ (stopImportModule, alignModule)
, (stopImportSpec, alignSpec)
] $ case sortP of
NoImportSort -> lined is
SortImportsByPrefix -> prettyGroups . groupImports 0 $ sortImports is
SortImportsByGroups groups -> prettyGroups $ splitImports groups is
prettyGroups = inter blankline . map (inter newline . map (cut . pretty))
skipBlank :: Annotated ast
=> (ast NodeInfo -> ast NodeInfo -> Bool)
-> ast NodeInfo
-> ast NodeInfo
-> Bool
skipBlank skip a b = skip a b && null (filterComments After a)
&& null (filterComments Before b)
skipBlankAfterDecl :: Decl a -> Bool
skipBlankAfterDecl a = case a of
TypeSig{} -> True
DeprPragmaDecl{} -> True
WarnPragmaDecl{} -> True
AnnPragma{} -> True
MinimalPragma{} -> True
InlineSig{} -> True
InlineConlikeSig{} -> True
SpecSig{} -> True
SpecInlineSig{} -> True
InstSig{} -> True
PatSynSig{} -> True
_ -> False
skipBlankDecl :: Decl NodeInfo -> Decl NodeInfo -> Bool
skipBlankDecl = skipBlank $ \a _ -> skipBlankAfterDecl a
skipBlankClassDecl :: ClassDecl NodeInfo -> ClassDecl NodeInfo -> Bool
skipBlankClassDecl = skipBlank $ \a _ -> case a of
(ClsDecl _ decl) -> skipBlankAfterDecl decl
ClsTyDef{} -> True
ClsDefSig{} -> True
_ -> False
skipBlankInstDecl :: InstDecl NodeInfo -> InstDecl NodeInfo -> Bool
skipBlankInstDecl = skipBlank $ \a _ -> case a of
(InsDecl _ decl) -> skipBlankAfterDecl decl
_ -> False
prettyDecls :: (Annotated ast, Pretty ast)
=> (ast NodeInfo -> ast NodeInfo -> Bool)
-> DeclarationConstruct
-> [ast NodeInfo]
-> Printer ()
prettyDecls fn dc = inter sep . map lined . runs fn
sep = bool blankline newline . Set.member dc
=<< getOption cfgOptionDeclNoBlankLines
prettySimpleDecl :: (Annotated ast1, Pretty ast1, Annotated ast2, Pretty ast2)
=> ast1 NodeInfo
-> ByteString
-> ast2 NodeInfo
-> Printer ()
prettySimpleDecl lhs op rhs = withLayout cfgLayoutDeclaration flex vertical
flex = do
pretty lhs
operator Declaration op
pretty rhs
vertical = do
pretty lhs
operatorV Declaration op
pretty rhs
prettyConDecls :: (Annotated ast, Pretty ast) => [ast NodeInfo] -> Printer ()
prettyConDecls condecls = do
alignedConDecls <- getOption cfgOptionAlignSumTypeDecl
if alignedConDecls && length condecls > 1
then withLayout cfgLayoutDeclaration flex' vertical'
else withLayout cfgLayoutDeclaration flex vertical
flex = do
operator Declaration "="
withLayout cfgLayoutConDecls flexDecls verticalDecls
flex' = withLayout cfgLayoutConDecls flexDecls' verticalDecls'
vertical = do
operatorV Declaration "="
withLayout cfgLayoutConDecls flexDecls verticalDecls
vertical' = withLayout cfgLayoutConDecls flexDecls' verticalDecls'
flexDecls = listAutoWrap' Declaration "|" condecls
flexDecls' = horizontalDecls' <|> verticalDecls'
horizontalDecls' = do
operatorH Declaration "="
listH' Declaration "|" condecls
verticalDecls = listV' Declaration "|" condecls
verticalDecls' = do
withOperatorFormattingV Declaration "|" (write "=") id
listV' Declaration "|" condecls
prettyForall :: (Annotated ast, Pretty ast) => [ast NodeInfo] -> Printer ()
prettyForall vars = do
write "forall "
inter space $ map pretty vars
operator Type "."
prettyTypesig :: (Annotated ast, Pretty ast)
=> LayoutContext
-> [ast NodeInfo]
-> Type NodeInfo
-> Printer ()
prettyTypesig ctx names ty = do
inter comma $ map pretty names
atTabStop stopRecordField
withIndentConfig cfgIndentTypesig align indentby
align = alignOnOperator ctx "::" $ pretty ty
indentby i = indentedBy i $ do
operator ctx "::"
nl <- gets psNewline
when nl $ do
delta <- listVOpLen ctx "->"
write $ BS.replicate delta 32
pretty ty
prettyApp :: (Annotated ast1, Annotated ast2, Pretty ast1, Pretty ast2)
=> ast1 NodeInfo
-> [ast2 NodeInfo]
-> Printer ()
prettyApp fn args = withLayout cfgLayoutApp flex vertical
flex = do
pretty fn
forM_ args $ \arg -> cut $ do
pretty arg
vertical = do
pretty fn
withIndent cfgIndentApp $ lined args
:: (Annotated ast, Pretty ast, Annotated op, HSE.Pretty (op NodeInfo))
=> (op NodeInfo -> ByteString)
-> LayoutContext
-> (ast NodeInfo, [(op NodeInfo, ast NodeInfo)])
-> Printer ()
prettyInfixApp nameFn ctx (lhs, args) =
withLayout cfgLayoutInfixApp flex vertical
flex = do
pretty lhs
forM_ args $ \(op, arg) -> cut $ do
withOperatorFormatting ctx (nameFn op) (prettyOp op) id
pretty arg
vertical = do
pretty lhs
forM_ args $ \(op, arg) -> do
withOperatorFormattingV ctx (nameFn op) (prettyOp op) id
pretty arg
prettyOp op = do
printComments Before op
prettyHSE op
printComments After op
prettyRecord :: (Annotated ast1, Pretty ast1, Annotated ast2, Pretty ast2)
=> (ast2 NodeInfo -> Printer (Maybe Int))
-> LayoutContext
-> ast1 NodeInfo
-> [ast2 NodeInfo]
-> Printer ()
prettyRecord len ctx name fields = withLayout cfgLayoutRecord flex vertical
flex = do
withOperatorFormattingH ctx "record" (pretty name) id
groupH ctx "{" "}" $ inter (operatorH ctx ",") $
map prettyOnside fields
vertical = do
withOperatorFormatting ctx "record" (pretty name) id
groupV ctx "{" "}" $ withComputedTabStop stopRecordField
(fmap (fmap pure) . len)
fields $
listVinternal ctx "," fields
prettyRecordFields :: (Annotated ast, Pretty ast)
=> (ast NodeInfo -> Printer (Maybe Int))
-> LayoutContext
-> [ast NodeInfo]
-> Printer ()
prettyRecordFields len ctx fields = withLayout cfgLayoutRecord flex vertical
flex = groupH ctx "{" "}" $ inter (operatorH ctx ",") $
map prettyOnside fields
vertical = groupV ctx "{" "}" $
withComputedTabStop stopRecordField
(fmap (fmap pure) . len)
fields $ listVinternal ctx "," fields
prettyPragma :: ByteString -> Printer () -> Printer ()
prettyPragma name = prettyPragma' name . Just
prettyPragma' :: ByteString -> Maybe (Printer ()) -> Printer ()
prettyPragma' name mp = do
write "{-# "
write name
mayM_ mp $ withPrefix space aligned
write " #-}"
instance Pretty Module where
prettyPrint (Module _ mhead pragmas imports decls) = inter blankline $
catMaybes [ ifNotEmpty prettyPragmas pragmas
, pretty <$> mhead
, ifNotEmpty prettyImports imports
, ifNotEmpty (prettyDecls skipBlankDecl DeclModule) decls
ifNotEmpty f xs = if null xs then Nothing else Just (f xs)
prettyPrint ast@XmlPage{} = prettyHSE ast
prettyPrint ast@XmlHybrid{} = prettyHSE ast
instance Pretty ModuleHead where
prettyPrint (ModuleHead _ name mwarning mexports) = do
depend "module" $ do
pretty name
mayM_ mwarning $ withPrefix spaceOrNewline pretty
mayM_ mexports pretty
write " where"
instance Pretty WarningText where
prettyPrint (DeprText _ s) = write "{-# DEPRECATED " >> string (show s)
>> write " #-}"
prettyPrint (WarnText _ s) = write "{-# WARNING " >> string (show s)
>> write " #-}"
instance Pretty ExportSpecList where
prettyPrint (ExportSpecList _ exports) =
withLayout cfgLayoutExportSpecList flex vertical
flex = do
listAutoWrap Other "(" ")" "," exports
vertical = withIndent cfgIndentExportSpecList $
listV Other "(" ")" "," exports
instance Pretty ExportSpec
instance Pretty ImportDecl where
prettyPrint ImportDecl{..} = do
inter space . map write $
filter (not . BS.null)
[ "import"
, if importSrc then "{-# SOURCE #-}" else ""
, if importSafe then "safe" else ""
, if importQualified then "qualified" else ""
atTabStop stopImportModule
string $ moduleName importModule
mayM_ importAs $ \name -> do
atTabStop stopImportSpec
write " as "
pretty name
mayM_ importSpecs pretty
instance Pretty ImportSpecList where
prettyPrint (ImportSpecList _ hiding specs) = do
sortP <- getOption cfgOptionSortImportLists
let specs' = if sortP then sortOn HSE.prettyPrint specs else specs
atTabStop stopImportSpec
withLayout cfgLayoutImportSpecList (flex specs') (vertical specs')
flex imports = withIndentFlex cfgIndentImportSpecList $ do
when hiding $ write "hiding "
listAutoWrap Other "(" ")" "," imports
vertical imports = withIndent cfgIndentImportSpecList $ do
when hiding $ write "hiding "
listV Other "(" ")" "," imports
instance Pretty ImportSpec
instance Pretty Assoc
instance Pretty Decl where
prettyPrint (TypeDecl _ declhead ty) =
depend "type" $ prettySimpleDecl declhead "=" ty
prettyPrint (TypeFamDecl _ declhead mresultsig minjectivityinfo) =
depend "type family" $ do
pretty declhead
mayM_ mresultsig pretty
mayM_ minjectivityinfo pretty
prettyPrint (ClosedTypeFamDecl _
typeeqns) = depend "type family" $ do
pretty declhead
mayM_ mresultsig pretty
mayM_ minjectivityinfo pretty
write " where"
linedOnside typeeqns
prettyPrint (DataDecl _ dataornew mcontext declhead qualcondecls derivings) = do
depend' (pretty dataornew) $ do
mapM_ pretty mcontext
pretty declhead
unless (null qualcondecls) $ prettyConDecls qualcondecls
mapM_ pretty derivings
prettyPrint (GDataDecl _
derivings) = do
depend' (pretty dataornew) $ do
mapM_ pretty mcontext
pretty declhead
mayM_ mkind $ \kind -> do
operator Declaration "::"
pretty kind
write " where"
linedOnside gadtdecls
mapM_ pretty derivings
prettyPrint (DataFamDecl _ mcontext declhead mresultsig) =
depend "data family" $ do
mapM_ pretty mcontext
pretty declhead
mapM_ pretty mresultsig
prettyPrint (TypeInsDecl _ ty ty') =
depend "type instance" $ prettySimpleDecl ty "=" ty'
prettyPrint (DataInsDecl _ dataornew ty qualcondecls derivings) = do
depend' (pretty dataornew >> write " instance") $ do
pretty ty
prettyConDecls qualcondecls
mapM_ pretty derivings
prettyPrint (GDataInsDecl _ dataornew ty mkind gadtdecls derivings) = do
depend' (pretty dataornew >> write " instance") $ do
pretty ty
mayM_ mkind $ \kind -> do
operator Declaration "::"
pretty kind
write " where"
linedOnside gadtdecls
mapM_ pretty derivings
prettyPrint (ClassDecl _ mcontext declhead fundeps mclassdecls) = do
depend "class" $ do
mapM_ pretty mcontext
pretty declhead
unless (null fundeps) $ do
operator Declaration "|"
list' Declaration "," fundeps
mayM_ mclassdecls $ \decls -> do
write " where"
withIndent cfgIndentClass $ withComputedTabStop stopRhs
decls $
prettyDecls skipBlankClassDecl DeclClass decls
prettyPrint (InstDecl _ moverlap instrule minstdecls) = do
depend "instance" $ do
mapM_ pretty moverlap
pretty instrule
mayM_ minstdecls $ \decls -> do
write " where"
withIndent cfgIndentClass $
withComputedTabStop stopRhs cfgAlignClass measureInstDecl decls $
prettyDecls skipBlankInstDecl DeclInstance decls
#if MIN_VERSION_haskell_src_exts(1,20,0)
prettyPrint (DerivDecl _ mderivstrategy moverlap instrule) =
depend "deriving" $ do
mayM_ mderivstrategy $ withPostfix space pretty
write "instance "
mayM_ moverlap $ withPostfix space pretty
pretty instrule
prettyPrint (DerivDecl _ moverlap instrule) = depend "deriving" $ do
write "instance "
mayM_ moverlap $ withPostfix space pretty
pretty instrule
prettyPrint (InfixDecl _ assoc mint ops) = onside $ do
pretty assoc
mayM_ mint $ withPrefix space int
inter comma $ map prettyHSE ops
prettyPrint (DefaultDecl _ types) = do
write "default "
listAutoWrap Other "(" ")" "," types
prettyPrint (SpliceDecl _ expr) = pretty expr
prettyPrint (TypeSig _ names ty) =
onside $ prettyTypesig Declaration names ty
#if MIN_VERSION_haskell_src_exts(1,21,0)
prettyPrint (PatSynSig _
ty) = depend "pattern" $ do
inter comma $ map pretty names
operator Declaration "::"
mapM_ prettyForall mtyvarbinds
mayM_ mcontext pretty
mapM_ prettyForall mtyvarbinds'
mayM_ mcontext' pretty
pretty ty
#elif MIN_VERSION_haskell_src_exts(1,20,0)
prettyPrint (PatSynSig _ names mtyvarbinds mcontext mcontext' ty) =
depend "pattern" $ do
inter comma $ map pretty names
operator Declaration "::"
mapM_ prettyForall mtyvarbinds
mayM_ mcontext pretty
mayM_ mcontext' pretty
pretty ty
prettyPrint (PatSynSig _ name mtyvarbinds mcontext mcontext' ty) =
depend "pattern" $ do
pretty name
operator Declaration "::"
mapM_ prettyForall mtyvarbinds
mayM_ mcontext pretty
mayM_ mcontext' pretty
pretty ty
prettyPrint (FunBind _ matches) =
withComputedTabStop stopRhs cfgAlignMatches measureMatch matches $
linedOnside matches
prettyPrint (PatBind _ pat rhs mbinds) = do
onside $ do
pretty pat
atTabStop stopRhs
pretty rhs
mapM_ pretty mbinds
prettyPrint (PatSyn _ pat pat' patternsyndirection) = do
depend "pattern" $ prettySimpleDecl pat sep pat'
case patternsyndirection of
ExplicitBidirectional _ decls -> pretty (BDecls noNodeInfo decls)
_ -> return ()
sep = case patternsyndirection of
ImplicitBidirectional -> "="
ExplicitBidirectional _ _ -> "<-"
Unidirectional -> "<-"
prettyPrint (ForImp _ callconv msafety mstring name ty) =
depend "foreign import" $ do
pretty callconv
mayM_ msafety $ withPrefix space pretty
mayM_ mstring $ withPrefix space (string . show)
prettyTypesig Declaration [ name ] ty
prettyPrint (ForExp _ callconv mstring name ty) =
depend "foreign export" $ do
pretty callconv
mayM_ mstring $ withPrefix space (string . show)
prettyTypesig Declaration [ name ] ty
prettyPrint (RulePragmaDecl _ rules) =
if null rules
then prettyPragma' "RULES" Nothing
else prettyPragma "RULES" $ mapM_ pretty rules
prettyPrint (DeprPragmaDecl _ deprecations) =
if null deprecations
then prettyPragma' "DEPRECATED" Nothing
else prettyPragma "DEPRECATED" $ forM_ deprecations $
\(names, str) -> do
unless (null names) $ do
inter comma $ map pretty names
string (show str)
prettyPrint (WarnPragmaDecl _ warnings) =
if null warnings
then prettyPragma' "WARNING" Nothing
else prettyPragma "WARNING" $ forM_ warnings $ \(names, str) -> do
unless (null names) $ do
inter comma $ map pretty names
string (show str)
prettyPrint (InlineSig _ inline mactivation qname) = prettyPragma name $ do
mayM_ mactivation $ withPostfix space pretty
pretty qname
name = if inline then "INLINE" else "NOINLINE"
prettyPrint (InlineConlikeSig _ mactivation qname) =
prettyPragma "INLINE CONLIKE" $ do
mayM_ mactivation $ withPostfix space pretty
pretty qname
prettyPrint (SpecSig _ mactivation qname types) =
prettyPragma "SPECIALISE" $ do
mayM_ mactivation $ withPostfix space pretty
pretty qname
operator Declaration "::"
inter comma $ map pretty types
prettyPrint (SpecInlineSig _ inline mactivation qname types) =
prettyPragma name $ do
mayM_ mactivation $ withPostfix space pretty
pretty qname
operator Declaration "::"
inter comma $ map pretty types
name = if inline then "SPECIALISE INLINE" else "SPECIALISE NOINLINE"
prettyPrint (InstSig _ instrule) =
prettyPragma "SPECIALISE instance" $ pretty instrule
prettyPrint (AnnPragma _ annotation) =
prettyPragma "ANN" $ pretty annotation
prettyPrint (MinimalPragma _ mbooleanformula) =
prettyPragma "MINIMAL" $ mapM_ pretty mbooleanformula
prettyPrint decl = prettyHSE decl
instance Pretty DeclHead where
prettyPrint (DHead _ name) = pretty name
prettyPrint (DHInfix _ tyvarbind name) = do
pretty tyvarbind
pretty $ VarOp noNodeInfo name
prettyPrint (DHParen _ declhead) = parens $ pretty declhead
prettyPrint (DHApp _ declhead tyvarbind) = depend' (pretty declhead) $
pretty tyvarbind
instance Pretty InstRule where
prettyPrint (IRule _ mtyvarbinds mcontext insthead) = do
mapM_ prettyForall mtyvarbinds
mapM_ pretty mcontext
pretty insthead
prettyPrint (IParen _ instrule) = parens $ pretty instrule
instance Pretty InstHead where
prettyPrint (IHCon _ qname) = pretty qname
prettyPrint (IHInfix _ ty qname) = do
pretty ty
pretty qname
prettyPrint (IHParen _ insthead) = parens $ pretty insthead
prettyPrint (IHApp _ insthead ty) = depend' (pretty insthead) $ pretty ty
instance Pretty Binds where
prettyPrint (BDecls _ decls) = withIndentBy cfgIndentWhere $ do
write "where"
withIndent cfgIndentWhereBinds $
withComputedTabStop stopRhs cfgAlignWhere measureDecl decls $
prettyDecls skipBlankDecl DeclWhere decls
prettyPrint (IPBinds _ ipbinds) = withIndentBy cfgIndentWhere $ do
write "where"
withIndent cfgIndentWhereBinds $ linedOnside ipbinds
instance Pretty IPBind where
prettyPrint (IPBind _ ipname expr) = prettySimpleDecl ipname "=" expr
instance Pretty InjectivityInfo where
prettyPrint (InjectivityInfo _ name names) = do
operator Declaration "|"
pretty name
operator Declaration "->"
inter space $ map pretty names
instance Pretty ResultSig where
prettyPrint (KindSig _ kind) =
withLayout cfgLayoutDeclaration flex vertical
flex = do
operator Declaration "::"
pretty kind
vertical = do
operatorV Declaration "::"
pretty kind
prettyPrint (TyVarSig _ tyvarbind) =
withLayout cfgLayoutDeclaration flex vertical
flex = do
operator Declaration "="
pretty tyvarbind
vertical = do
operatorV Declaration "="
pretty tyvarbind
instance Pretty ClassDecl where
prettyPrint (ClsDecl _ decl) = pretty decl
prettyPrint (ClsDataFam _ mcontext declhead mresultsig) = depend "data" $ do
mapM_ pretty mcontext
pretty declhead
mayM_ mresultsig pretty
prettyPrint (ClsTyFam _ declhead mresultsig minjectivityinfo) =
depend "type" $ do
pretty declhead
mayM_ mresultsig pretty
mapM_ pretty minjectivityinfo
prettyPrint (ClsTyDef _ typeeqn) = depend "type" $ pretty typeeqn
prettyPrint (ClsDefSig _ name ty) =
depend "default" $ prettyTypesig Declaration [ name ] ty
instance Pretty InstDecl where
prettyPrint (InsDecl _ decl) = pretty decl
prettyPrint (InsType _ ty ty') =
depend "type" $ prettySimpleDecl ty "=" ty'
prettyPrint (InsData _ dataornew ty qualcondecls derivings) =
depend' (pretty dataornew) $ do
pretty ty
unless (null qualcondecls) $ prettyConDecls qualcondecls
mapM_ pretty derivings
prettyPrint (InsGData _ dataornew ty mkind gadtdecls derivings) = do
depend' (pretty dataornew) $ do
pretty ty
mayM_ mkind $ \kind -> do
operator Declaration "::"
pretty kind
write " where"
lined gadtdecls
mapM_ pretty derivings
instance Pretty Deriving where
#if MIN_VERSION_haskell_src_exts(1,20,0)
prettyPrint (Deriving _ mderivstrategy instrules) =
withIndentBy cfgIndentDeriving $ do
write "deriving "
case instrules of
[ i@IRule{} ] -> pretty i
[ IParen _ i ] -> listAutoWrap Other "(" ")" "," [ i ]
_ -> listAutoWrap Other "(" ")" "," instrules
(prettyStratBefore, prettyStratAfter) = case mderivstrategy of
#if MIN_VERSION_haskell_src_exts(1,21,0)
Just x@DerivVia{} -> (return (), space *> pretty x)
Just x -> (pretty x <* space, return ())
_ -> (return (), return ())
prettyPrint (Deriving _ instrules) = withIndentBy cfgIndentDeriving $ do
write "deriving "
case instrules of
[ i@IRule{} ] -> pretty i
[ IParen _ i ] -> listAutoWrap Other "(" ")" "," [ i ]
_ -> listAutoWrap Other "(" ")" "," instrules
instance Pretty ConDecl where
prettyPrint (ConDecl _ name types) = do
pretty name
unless (null types) $ do
oneline hor <|> ver
hor = inter space $ map pretty types
ver = aligned $ linedOnside types
prettyPrint (InfixConDecl _ ty name ty') = do
pretty ty
pretty $ ConOp noNodeInfo name
pretty ty'
prettyPrint (RecDecl _ name fielddecls) =
prettyRecord len Declaration name fielddecls
len (FieldDecl _ names _) = measure $ inter comma $ map pretty names
instance Pretty FieldDecl where
prettyPrint (FieldDecl _ names ty) = prettyTypesig Declaration names ty
instance Pretty QualConDecl where
prettyPrint (QualConDecl _ mtyvarbinds mcontext condecl) = do
mapM_ prettyForall mtyvarbinds
mapM_ pretty mcontext
pretty condecl
instance Pretty GadtDecl where
#if MIN_VERSION_haskell_src_exts(1,21,0)
prettyPrint (GadtDecl _ name _ _ mfielddecls ty) = do
pretty name
operator Declaration "::"
mayM_ mfielddecls $ \decls -> do
prettyRecordFields len Declaration decls
operator Type "->"
pretty ty
prettyPrint (GadtDecl _ name mfielddecls ty) = do
pretty name
operator Declaration "::"
mayM_ mfielddecls $ \decls -> do
prettyRecordFields len Declaration decls
operator Type "->"
pretty ty
len (FieldDecl _ names _) = measure $ inter comma $ map pretty names
instance Pretty Match where
prettyPrint (Match _ name pats rhs mbinds) = do
onside $ do
prettyApp name pats
atTabStop stopRhs
pretty rhs
mapM_ pretty mbinds
prettyPrint (InfixMatch _ pat name pats rhs mbinds) = do
onside $ do
withLayout cfgLayoutInfixApp flex vertical
atTabStop stopRhs
pretty rhs
mapM_ pretty mbinds
flex = do
pretty pat
withOperatorFormatting Pattern
(opName'' name)
(prettyHSE $ VarOp noNodeInfo name)
inter spaceOrNewline $ map pretty pats
vertical = do
pretty pat
withOperatorFormattingV Pattern
(opName'' name)
(prettyHSE $ VarOp noNodeInfo name)
linedOnside pats
instance Pretty Rhs where
prettyPrint (UnGuardedRhs _ expr) =
cut $ withLayout cfgLayoutDeclaration flex vertical
flex = do
operator Declaration "="
pretty expr
vertical = do
operatorV Declaration "="
pretty expr
prettyPrint (GuardedRhss _ guardedrhss) =
withIndent cfgIndentMultiIf $ linedOnside guardedrhss
instance Pretty GuardedRhs where
prettyPrint (GuardedRhs _ stmts expr) =
withLayout cfgLayoutDeclaration flex vertical
flex = do
operatorSectionR Pattern "|" $ write "|"
inter comma $ map pretty stmts
operator Declaration "="
pretty expr
vertical = do
operatorSectionR Pattern "|" $ write "|"
inter comma $ map pretty stmts
operatorV Declaration "="
pretty expr
instance Pretty Context where
prettyPrint (CxSingle _ asst) = do
pretty asst
operator Type "=>"
prettyPrint (CxTuple _ assts) = do
list Type "(" ")" "," assts
operator Type "=>"
prettyPrint (CxEmpty _) = do
write "()"
operator Type "=>"
instance Pretty FunDep where
prettyPrint (FunDep _ names names') = do
inter space $ map pretty names
operator Declaration "->"
inter space $ map pretty names'
instance Pretty Asst where
prettyPrint (ClassA _ qname types) = do
pretty qname
inter space $ map pretty types
prettyPrint (AppA _ name types) = do
pretty name
inter space $ map pretty types
prettyPrint (InfixA _ ty qname ty') = do
pretty ty
withOperatorFormatting Type
(opName' qname)
(prettyHSE $ QVarOp noNodeInfo qname)
pretty ty'
prettyPrint (IParam _ ipname ty) = prettyTypesig Declaration [ ipname ] ty
prettyPrint (EqualP _ ty ty') = do
pretty ty
operator Type "~"
pretty ty'
prettyPrint (ParenA _ asst) = parens $ pretty asst
prettyPrint (WildCardA _ mname) = do
write "_"
mapM_ pretty mname
instance Pretty Type where
prettyPrint t = do
layout <- gets psTypeLayout
case layout of
TypeFree -> withLayout cfgLayoutType flex vertical
TypeFlex -> prettyF t
TypeVertical -> prettyV t
flex = withTypeLayout TypeFlex $ prettyF t
vertical = withTypeLayout TypeVertical $ prettyV t
withTypeLayout :: TypeLayout -> Printer () -> Printer ()
withTypeLayout l p = do
layout <- gets psTypeLayout
modify $ \s -> s { psTypeLayout = l }
modify $ \s -> s { psTypeLayout = layout }
prettyF (TyForall _ mtyvarbinds mcontext ty) = do
mapM_ prettyForall mtyvarbinds
mapM_ pretty mcontext
pretty ty
prettyF (TyFun _ ty ty') = do
pretty ty
operator Type "->"
pretty ty'
prettyF (TyTuple _ boxed tys) = case boxed of
Unboxed -> list Type "(#" "#)" "," tys
Boxed -> list Type "(" ")" "," tys
#if MIN_VERSION_haskell_src_exts(1,20,0)
prettyF (TyUnboxedSum _ tys) = list Type "(#" "#)" "|" tys
prettyF (TyList _ ty) = group Type "[" "]" $ pretty ty
prettyF (TyParArray _ ty) = group Type "[:" ":]" $ pretty ty
prettyF (TyApp _ ty ty') = do
pretty ty
pretty ty'
prettyF (TyVar _ name) = pretty name
prettyF (TyCon _ qname) = pretty qname
prettyF (TyParen _ ty) = parens . withTypeLayout TypeFree $ pretty ty
#if MIN_VERSION_haskell_src_exts(1,20,0)
prettyF (TyInfix _ ty op ty') = do
pretty ty
withOperatorFormatting Type opname (prettyHSE op) id
pretty ty'
opname = opName' $ case op of
PromotedName _ qname -> qname
UnpromotedName _ qname -> qname
prettyF (TyInfix _ ty qname ty') = do
pretty ty
withOperatorFormatting Type (opName' qname) (prettyHSE qname) id
pretty ty'
prettyF (TyKind _ ty kind) = do
pretty ty
operator Type "::"
pretty kind
prettyF ty@(TyPromoted _ _promoted) = prettyHSE ty
prettyF (TyEquals _ ty ty') = do
pretty ty
operator Type "~"
pretty ty'
prettyF (TySplice _ splice) = pretty splice
prettyF (TyBang _ bangtype unpackedness ty) = do
pretty unpackedness
pretty bangtype
pretty ty
prettyF ty@(TyWildCard _ _mname) = prettyHSE ty
prettyF (TyQuasiQuote _ str str') = do
write "["
string str
write "|"
string str'
write "|]"
#if MIN_VERSION_haskell_src_exts(1,21,0)
prettyF (TyStar _) = write "*"
prettyV (TyForall _ mtyvarbinds mcontext ty) = do
forM_ mtyvarbinds $ \tyvarbinds -> do
write "forall "
inter space $ map pretty tyvarbinds
withOperatorFormattingV Type "." (write "." >> space) id
forM_ mcontext $ \context -> do
case context of
(CxSingle _ asst) -> pretty asst
(CxTuple _ assts) -> list Type "(" ")" "," assts
(CxEmpty _) -> write "()"
operatorV Type "=>"
prettyV ty
prettyV (TyFun _ ty ty') = do
pretty ty
operatorV Type "->"
prettyV ty'
prettyV ty = prettyF ty
#if !MIN_VERSION_haskell_src_exts(1,21,0)
instance Pretty Kind where
prettyPrint (KindStar _) = write "*"
prettyPrint (KindFn _ kind kind') = do
pretty kind
operator Type "->"
pretty kind'
prettyPrint (KindParen _ kind) = parens $ pretty kind
prettyPrint (KindVar _ qname) = pretty qname
prettyPrint (KindApp _ kind kind') = do
pretty kind
pretty kind'
prettyPrint (KindTuple _ kinds) = list Type "'(" ")" "," kinds
prettyPrint (KindList _ kind) = group Type "'[" "]" $ pretty kind
instance Pretty TyVarBind where
prettyPrint (KindedVar _ name kind) = parens $ do
pretty name
operator Type "::"
pretty kind
prettyPrint (UnkindedVar _ name) = pretty name
instance Pretty TypeEqn where
prettyPrint (TypeEqn _ ty ty') = do
pretty ty
operator Type "="
pretty ty'
flexibleOneline :: Printer a -> Printer a
flexibleOneline p = do
allowOneline <- getOption cfgOptionFlexibleOneline
if allowOneline then ignoreOneline p else p
instance Pretty Exp where
prettyPrint (Var _ qname) = pretty qname
prettyPrint (OverloadedLabel _ str) = do
write "#"
string str
prettyPrint (IPVar _ ipname) = pretty ipname
prettyPrint (Con _ qname) = pretty qname
prettyPrint (Lit _ literal) = pretty literal
prettyPrint e@(InfixApp _ _ qop _) =
prettyInfixApp opName Expression $ flattenInfix flattenInfixApp e
flattenInfixApp (InfixApp _ lhs qop' rhs) =
if compareAST qop qop' == EQ
then Just (lhs, qop', rhs)
else Nothing
flattenInfixApp _ = Nothing
prettyPrint e@App{} = case flattenApp flatten e of
fn : args -> prettyApp fn args
[] -> error "impossible"
flatten (App _ fn arg) = Just (fn, arg)
flatten _ = Nothing
prettyPrint (NegApp _ expr) = do
write "-"
pretty expr
prettyPrint (Lambda _ pats expr) = do
write "\\"
inter space $ map pretty pats
flexibleOneline $ do
operator Expression "->"
pretty expr
maybeSpace = case pats of
PIrrPat{} : _ -> space
PBangPat{} : _ -> space
_ -> return ()
prettyPrint (Let _ binds expr) = withLayout cfgLayoutLet flex vertical
flex = do
write "let "
prettyOnside (CompactBinds binds)
write "in "
prettyOnside expr
vertical = withIndentAfter cfgIndentLet
write "let"
withIndent cfgIndentLetBinds $
pretty (CompactBinds binds))
write "in"
withIndent cfgIndentLetIn $ pretty expr)
prettyPrint (If _ expr expr' expr'') = withLayout cfgLayoutIf flex vertical
flex = do
write "if "
prettyOnside expr
write "then "
prettyOnside expr'
write "else "
prettyOnside expr''
vertical = withIndentAfter cfgIndentIf
write "if "
prettyOnside expr)
write "then "
prettyOnside expr'
write "else "
prettyOnside expr'')
prettyPrint (MultiIf _ guardedrhss) = do
write "if"
withIndent cfgIndentMultiIf . linedOnside $ map GuardedAlt guardedrhss
prettyPrint (Case _ expr alts) = do
write "case "
pretty expr
write " of"
if null alts
then write " { }"
else flexibleOneline . withIndent cfgIndentCase
. withComputedTabStop stopRhs cfgAlignCase measureAlt alts $
lined alts
prettyPrint (Do _ stmts) = flexibleOneline $ do
write "do"
withIndent cfgIndentDo $ linedOnside stmts
prettyPrint (MDo _ stmts) = flexibleOneline $ do
write "mdo"
withIndent cfgIndentDo $ linedOnside stmts
prettyPrint (Tuple _ boxed exprs) = case boxed of
Boxed -> list Expression "(" ")" "," exprs
Unboxed -> list Expression "(#" "#)" "," exprs
#if MIN_VERSION_haskell_src_exts(1,20,0)
prettyPrint (UnboxedSum _ before after expr) = group Expression "(#" "#)"
. inter space $ replicate before (write "|") ++ [ pretty expr ]
++ replicate after (write "|")
prettyPrint (TupleSection _ boxed mexprs) = case boxed of
Boxed -> list Expression "(" ")" "," $ map (MayAst noNodeInfo) mexprs
Unboxed -> list Expression "(#" "#)" "," $
map (MayAst noNodeInfo) mexprs
prettyPrint (List _ exprs) = list Expression "[" "]" "," exprs
prettyPrint (ParArray _ exprs) = list Expression "[:" ":]" "," exprs
prettyPrint (Paren _ expr) = parens $ pretty expr
prettyPrint (LeftSection _ expr qop) = parens $ do
pretty expr
operatorSectionL Expression (opName qop) $ prettyHSE qop
prettyPrint (RightSection _ qop expr) = parens $ do
operatorSectionR Expression (opName qop) $ prettyHSE qop
pretty expr
prettyPrint (RecConstr _ qname fieldupdates) =
prettyRecord len Expression qname fieldupdates
len (FieldUpdate _ n _) = measure $ pretty n
len (FieldPun _ n) = measure $ pretty n
len (FieldWildcard _) = measure $ write ".."
prettyPrint (RecUpdate _ expr fieldupdates) =
prettyRecord len Expression expr fieldupdates
len (FieldUpdate _ n _) = measure $ pretty n
len (FieldPun _ n) = measure $ pretty n
len (FieldWildcard _) = measure $ write ".."
prettyPrint (EnumFrom _ expr) = group Expression "[" "]" $ do
pretty expr
operatorSectionL Expression ".." $ write ".."
prettyPrint (EnumFromTo _ expr expr') = group Expression "[" "]" $ do
pretty expr
operator Expression ".."
pretty expr'
prettyPrint (EnumFromThen _ expr expr') = group Expression "[" "]" $ do
pretty expr
pretty expr'
operatorSectionL Expression ".." $ write ".."
prettyPrint (EnumFromThenTo _ expr expr' expr'') =
group Expression "[" "]" $ do
pretty expr
pretty expr'
operator Expression ".."
pretty expr''
prettyPrint (ParArrayFromTo _ expr expr') = group Expression "[:" ":]" $ do
pretty expr
operator Expression ".."
pretty expr'
prettyPrint (ParArrayFromThenTo _ expr expr' expr'') =
group Expression "[:" ":]" $ do
pretty expr
pretty expr'
operator Expression ".."
pretty expr''
prettyPrint (ListComp _ expr qualstmts) =
withLayout cfgLayoutListComp flex vertical
flex = group Expression "[" "]" $ do
prettyOnside expr
operator Expression "|"
list' Expression "," qualstmts
vertical = groupV Expression "[" "]" $ do
prettyOnside expr
operatorV Expression "|"
listV' Expression "," qualstmts
prettyPrint (ParComp _ expr qualstmtss) =
withLayout cfgLayoutListComp flex vertical
flex = group Expression "[" "]" $ do
prettyOnside expr
forM_ qualstmtss $ \qualstmts -> cut $ do
operator Expression "|"
list' Expression "," qualstmts
vertical = groupV Expression "[" "]" $ do
prettyOnside expr
forM_ qualstmtss $ \qualstmts -> cut $ do
operatorV Expression "|"
listV' Expression "," qualstmts
prettyPrint (ParArrayComp _ expr qualstmtss) =
withLayout cfgLayoutListComp flex vertical
flex = group Expression "[:" ":]" $ do
prettyOnside expr
forM_ qualstmtss $ \qualstmts -> cut $ do
operator Expression "|"
list' Expression "," qualstmts
vertical = groupV Expression "[:" ":]" $ do
prettyOnside expr
forM_ qualstmtss $ \qualstmts -> cut $ do
operatorV Expression "|"
listV' Expression "," qualstmts
prettyPrint (ExpTypeSig _ expr typ) = prettyTypesig Expression [ expr ] typ
prettyPrint (VarQuote _ qname) = do
write "'"
pretty qname
prettyPrint (TypQuote _ qname) = do
write "''"
pretty qname
prettyPrint (BracketExp _ bracket) = pretty bracket
prettyPrint (SpliceExp _ splice) = pretty splice
prettyPrint (QuasiQuote _ str str') = do
write "["
string str
write "|"
string str'
write "|]"
prettyPrint (TypeApp _ typ) = do
write "@"
pretty typ
prettyPrint (XTag _ xname xattrs mexpr exprs) = do
write "<"
pretty xname
forM_ xattrs $ withPrefix space pretty
mayM_ mexpr $ withPrefix space pretty
write ">"
mapM_ pretty exprs
write "</"
pretty xname
write ">"
prettyPrint (XETag _ xname xattrs mexpr) = do
write "<"
pretty xname
forM_ xattrs $ withPrefix space pretty
mayM_ mexpr $ withPrefix space pretty
write "/>"
prettyPrint (XPcdata _ str) = string str
prettyPrint (XExpTag _ expr) = do
write "<% "
pretty expr
write " %>"
prettyPrint (XChildTag _ exprs) = do
write "<%>"
inter space $ map pretty exprs
write "</%>"
prettyPrint (CorePragma _ str expr) = do
prettyPragma "CORE" . string $ show str
pretty expr
prettyPrint (SCCPragma _ str expr) = do
prettyPragma "SCC" . string $ show str
pretty expr
prettyPrint (GenPragma _ str (a, b) (c, d) expr) = do
prettyPragma "GENERATED" $
inter space
[ string $ show str
, int a
, write ":"
, int b
, write "-"
, int c
, write ":"
, int d
pretty expr
prettyPrint (Proc _ pat expr) = do
write "proc "
pretty pat
operator Expression "->"
pretty expr
prettyPrint (LeftArrApp _ expr expr') = do
pretty expr
operator Expression "-<"
pretty expr'
prettyPrint (RightArrApp _ expr expr') = do
pretty expr
operator Expression ">-"
pretty expr'
prettyPrint (LeftArrHighApp _ expr expr') = do
pretty expr
operator Expression "-<<"
pretty expr'
prettyPrint (RightArrHighApp _ expr expr') = do
pretty expr
operator Expression ">>-"
pretty expr'
prettyPrint (LCase _ alts) = flexibleOneline $ do
write "\\case"
if null alts
then write " { }"
else withIndent cfgIndentCase $
withComputedTabStop stopRhs cfgAlignCase measureAlt alts $
lined alts
#if !MIN_VERSION_haskell_src_exts(1,20,0)
prettyPrint (ExprHole _) = write "_"
instance Pretty Alt where
prettyPrint (Alt _ pat rhs mbinds) = do
onside $ do
pretty pat
atTabStop stopRhs
pretty $ GuardedAlts rhs
mapM_ pretty mbinds
instance Pretty XAttr where
prettyPrint (XAttr _ xname expr) = do
pretty xname
operator Expression "="
pretty expr
instance Pretty Pat where
prettyPrint (PVar _ name) = pretty name
prettyPrint (PLit _ sign literal) = do
case sign of
Signless _ -> return ()
Negative _ -> write "-"
pretty literal
prettyPrint (PNPlusK _ name integer) = do
pretty name
operator Pattern "+"
int $ fromIntegral integer
prettyPrint p@(PInfixApp _ _ qname _) =
prettyInfixApp opName Pattern $ flattenInfix flattenPInfixApp p
flattenPInfixApp (PInfixApp _ lhs qname' rhs) =
if compareAST qname qname' == EQ
then Just (lhs, QConOp noNodeInfo qname', rhs)
else Nothing
flattenPInfixApp _ = Nothing
prettyPrint (PApp _ qname pats) = prettyApp qname pats
prettyPrint (PTuple _ boxed pats) = case boxed of
Boxed -> list Pattern "(" ")" "," pats
Unboxed -> list Pattern "(#" "#)" "," pats
#if MIN_VERSION_haskell_src_exts(1,20,0)
prettyPrint (PUnboxedSum _ before after pat) = group Pattern "(#" "#)"
. inter space $ replicate before (write "|") ++ [ pretty pat ]
++ replicate after (write "|")
prettyPrint (PList _ pats) = list Pattern "[" "]" "," pats
prettyPrint (PParen _ pat) = parens $ pretty pat
prettyPrint (PRec _ qname patfields) = do
withOperatorFormatting Pattern "record" (pretty qname) id
list Pattern "{" "}" "," patfields
prettyPrint (PAsPat _ name pat) = do
pretty name
operator Pattern "@"
pretty pat
prettyPrint (PWildCard _) = write "_"
prettyPrint (PIrrPat _ pat) = do
write "~"
pretty pat
prettyPrint (PatTypeSig _ pat ty) = prettyTypesig Pattern [ pat ] ty
prettyPrint (PViewPat _ expr pat) = do
pretty expr
operator Pattern "->"
pretty pat
prettyPrint (PRPat _ rpats) = list Pattern "[" "]" "," rpats
prettyPrint (PXTag _ xname pxattrs mpat pats) = do
write "<"
pretty xname
forM_ pxattrs $ withPrefix space pretty
mayM_ mpat $ withPrefix space pretty
write ">"
mapM_ pretty pats
write "<"
pretty xname
write ">"
prettyPrint (PXETag _ xname pxattrs mpat) = do
write "<"
pretty xname
forM_ pxattrs $ withPrefix space pretty
mayM_ mpat $ withPrefix space pretty
write "/>"
prettyPrint (PXPcdata _ str) = string str
prettyPrint (PXPatTag _ pat) = do
write "<%"
pretty pat
write "%>"
prettyPrint (PXRPats _ rpats) = do
write "<["
inter space $ map pretty rpats
write "%>"
#if MIN_VERSION_haskell_src_exts(1,20,0)
prettyPrint (PSplice _ splice) = pretty splice
prettyPrint (PQuasiQuote _ str str') = do
write "[$"
string str
write "|"
string str'
write "|]"
prettyPrint (PBangPat _ pat) = do
write "!"
pretty pat
instance Pretty PatField where
prettyPrint (PFieldPat _ qname pat) = do
pretty qname
operator Pattern "="
pretty pat
prettyPrint (PFieldPun _ qname) = pretty qname
prettyPrint (PFieldWildcard _) = write ".."
instance Pretty PXAttr where
prettyPrint (PXAttr _ xname pat) = do
pretty xname
operator Pattern "="
pretty pat
instance Pretty Literal where
prettyPrint (Char _ _ str) = do
write "'"
string str
write "'"
prettyPrint (String _ _ str) = do
write "\""
string str
write "\""
prettyPrint (Int _ _ str) = string str
prettyPrint (Frac _ _ str) = string str
prettyPrint (PrimInt _ _ str) = do
string str
write "#"
prettyPrint (PrimWord _ _ str) = do
string str
write "##"
prettyPrint (PrimFloat _ _ str) = do
string str
write "#"
prettyPrint (PrimDouble _ _ str) = do
string str
write "##"
prettyPrint (PrimChar _ _ str) = do
write "'"
string str
write "'#"
prettyPrint (PrimString _ _ str) = do
write "\""
string str
write "\"#"
instance Pretty QualStmt where
prettyPrint (QualStmt _ stmt) = pretty stmt
prettyPrint (ThenTrans _ expr) = do
write "then "
pretty expr
prettyPrint (ThenBy _ expr expr') = do
write "then "
pretty expr
write " by "
pretty expr'
prettyPrint (GroupBy _ expr) = do
write "then group by "
pretty expr
prettyPrint (GroupUsing _ expr) = do
write "then group using "
pretty expr
prettyPrint (GroupByUsing _ expr expr') = do
write "then group by "
pretty expr
write " using "
pretty expr'
instance Pretty Stmt where
prettyPrint (Generator _ pat expr) = do
pretty pat
operator Expression "<-"
pretty expr
prettyPrint (Qualifier _ expr@If{}) = do
cfg <- getConfig (cfgIndentIf . cfgIndent)
case cfg of
Align -> do
write ""
indented $ pretty expr
_ -> pretty expr
prettyPrint (Qualifier _ expr) = pretty expr
prettyPrint (LetStmt _ binds) = do
write "let "
pretty $ CompactBinds binds
prettyPrint (RecStmt _ stmts) = do
write "rec "
aligned $ linedOnside stmts
instance Pretty FieldUpdate where
prettyPrint (FieldUpdate _ qname expr) = do
pretty qname
atTabStop stopRecordField
operator Expression "="
pretty expr
prettyPrint (FieldPun _ qname) = pretty qname
prettyPrint (FieldWildcard _) = write ".."
instance Pretty QOp where
prettyPrint qop =
withOperatorFormatting Expression (opName qop) (prettyHSE qop) id
instance Pretty Op where
prettyPrint (VarOp l name) = prettyPrint (QVarOp l (UnQual noNodeInfo name))
prettyPrint (ConOp l name) = prettyPrint (QConOp l (UnQual noNodeInfo name))
instance Pretty Bracket where
prettyPrint (ExpBracket _ expr) = group Expression "[|" "|]" $ pretty expr
prettyPrint (PatBracket _ pat) = group Expression "[p|" "|]" $ pretty pat
prettyPrint (TypeBracket _ ty) = group Expression "[t|" "|]" $ pretty ty
prettyPrint (DeclBracket _ decls) =
group Expression "[d|" "|]" . aligned $ lined decls
instance Pretty Splice where
prettyPrint (IdSplice _ str) = do
write "$"
string str
prettyPrint (ParenSplice _ expr) = group Expression "$(" ")" $ pretty expr
instance Pretty ModulePragma where
prettyPrint (LanguagePragma _ names) =
prettyPragma "LANGUAGE" . inter comma $ map pretty names
prettyPrint (OptionsPragma _ mtool str) = prettyPragma name $
string (trim str)
name = case mtool of
Just tool -> "OPTIONS_" `mappend` BS8.pack (HSE.prettyPrint tool)
Nothing -> "OPTIONS"
trim = reverse . dropWhile (== ' ') . reverse . dropWhile (== ' ')
prettyPrint (AnnModulePragma _ annotation) =
prettyPragma "ANN" $ pretty annotation
instance Pretty Rule where
prettyPrint (Rule _ str mactivation mrulevars expr expr') = do
string (show str)
mayM_ mactivation $ withPostfix space pretty
mapM_ prettyForall mrulevars
pretty expr
operator Expression "="
pretty expr'
instance Pretty RuleVar where
prettyPrint (RuleVar _ name) = pretty name
prettyPrint (TypedRuleVar _ name ty) =
parens $ prettyTypesig Declaration [ name ] ty
instance Pretty Activation where
prettyPrint (ActiveFrom _ pass) = brackets $ int pass
prettyPrint (ActiveUntil _ pass) = brackets $ do
write "~"
int pass
instance Pretty Annotation where
prettyPrint (Ann _ name expr) = do
pretty name
pretty expr
prettyPrint (TypeAnn _ name expr) = do
write "type "
pretty name
pretty expr
prettyPrint (ModuleAnn _ expr) = do
write "module "
pretty expr
instance Pretty BooleanFormula where
prettyPrint (VarFormula _ name) = pretty name
prettyPrint (AndFormula _ booleanformulas) =
inter comma $ map pretty booleanformulas
prettyPrint (OrFormula _ booleanformulas) =
inter (operator Expression "|") $ map pretty booleanformulas
prettyPrint (ParenFormula _ booleanformula) = parens $ pretty booleanformula
#if MIN_VERSION_haskell_src_exts(1,20,0)
instance Pretty DerivStrategy
instance Pretty DataOrNew
instance Pretty BangType
instance Pretty Unpackedness
instance Pretty RPat
instance Pretty ModuleName
instance Pretty QName
instance Pretty Name
instance Pretty IPName
instance Pretty XName
instance Pretty Safety
instance Pretty CallConv
instance Pretty Overlap
newtype GuardedAlt l = GuardedAlt (GuardedRhs l)
deriving ( Functor, Annotated )
instance Pretty GuardedAlt where
prettyPrint (GuardedAlt (GuardedRhs _ stmts expr)) = cut $ do
operatorSectionR Pattern "|" $ write "|"
inter comma $ map pretty stmts
operator Expression "->"
pretty expr
newtype GuardedAlts l = GuardedAlts (Rhs l)
deriving ( Functor, Annotated )
instance Pretty GuardedAlts where
prettyPrint (GuardedAlts (UnGuardedRhs _ expr)) = cut $ do
operator Expression "->"
pretty expr
prettyPrint (GuardedAlts (GuardedRhss _ guardedrhss)) =
withIndent cfgIndentMultiIf $ linedOnside $ map GuardedAlt guardedrhss
newtype CompactBinds l = CompactBinds (Binds l)
deriving ( Functor, Annotated )
instance Pretty CompactBinds where
prettyPrint (CompactBinds (BDecls _ decls)) = aligned $
withComputedTabStop stopRhs cfgAlignLetBinds measureDecl decls $
lined decls
prettyPrint (CompactBinds (IPBinds _ ipbinds)) =
aligned $ linedOnside ipbinds
data MayAst a l = MayAst l (Maybe (a l))
instance Functor a => Functor (MayAst a) where
fmap f (MayAst l x) = MayAst (f l) (fmap (fmap f) x)
instance Annotated a => Annotated (MayAst a) where
ann (MayAst l x) = maybe l ann x
amap f (MayAst l x) = MayAst (f l) (fmap (amap f) x)
instance (Annotated a, Pretty a) => Pretty (MayAst a) where
prettyPrint (MayAst _ x) = mapM_ pretty x
{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Reduce duplication" :: String) #-}