{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Floskell.Config
( Indent(..)
, LayoutContext(..)
, Location(..)
, WsLoc(..)
, Whitespace(..)
, Layout(..)
, ConfigMapKey(..)
, ConfigMap(..)
, PenaltyConfig(..)
, AlignConfig(..)
, IndentConfig(..)
, LayoutConfig(..)
, OpConfig(..)
, GroupConfig(..)
, ImportsGroupOrder(..)
, ImportsGroup(..)
, SortImportsRule(..)
, DeclarationConstruct(..)
, OptionConfig(..)
, Config(..)
, defaultConfig
, safeConfig
, cfgMapFind
, cfgOpWs
, cfgGroupWs
, inWs
, wsSpace
, wsLinebreak
) where
import Data.Aeson
( FromJSON(..), ToJSON(..), genericParseJSON, genericToJSON )
import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON
import Data.Aeson.Types as JSON
( Options(..), camelTo2, typeMismatch )
import Data.ByteString ( ByteString )
import Data.Default ( Default(..) )
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HashMap
import Data.Map.Strict ( Map )
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Set ( Set )
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T ( decodeUtf8, encodeUtf8 )
import GHC.Generics
data Indent = Align | IndentBy !Int | AlignOrIndentBy !Int
deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show, Generic )
data LayoutContext = Declaration | Type | Pattern | Expression | Other
deriving ( Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Generic )
data Location = Before | After
deriving ( Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Generic )
data WsLoc = WsNone | WsBefore | WsAfter | WsBoth
deriving ( Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Generic )
data Whitespace = Whitespace { wsSpaces :: !WsLoc
, wsLinebreaks :: !WsLoc
, wsForceLinebreak :: !Bool
deriving ( Show, Generic )
data Layout = Flex | Vertical | TryOneline
deriving ( Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Generic )
data ConfigMapKey = ConfigMapKey !(Maybe ByteString) !(Maybe LayoutContext)
deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )
data ConfigMap a =
ConfigMap { cfgMapDefault :: !a, cfgMapOverrides :: !(Map ConfigMapKey a) }
deriving ( Generic )
data PenaltyConfig = PenaltyConfig { penaltyMaxLineLength :: !Int
, penaltyLinebreak :: !Int
, penaltyIndent :: !Int
, penaltyOverfull :: !Int
, penaltyOverfullOnce :: !Int
deriving ( Generic )
instance Default PenaltyConfig where
def = PenaltyConfig { penaltyMaxLineLength = 80
, penaltyLinebreak = 100
, penaltyIndent = 1
, penaltyOverfull = 10
, penaltyOverfullOnce = 200
data AlignConfig =
AlignConfig { cfgAlignLimits :: !(Int, Int)
, cfgAlignCase :: !Bool
, cfgAlignClass :: !Bool
, cfgAlignImportModule :: !Bool
, cfgAlignImportSpec :: !Bool
, cfgAlignLetBinds :: !Bool
, cfgAlignMatches :: !Bool
, cfgAlignRecordFields :: !Bool
, cfgAlignWhere :: !Bool
deriving ( Generic )
instance Default AlignConfig where
def = AlignConfig { cfgAlignLimits = (10, 25)
, cfgAlignCase = False
, cfgAlignClass = False
, cfgAlignImportModule = False
, cfgAlignImportSpec = False
, cfgAlignLetBinds = False
, cfgAlignMatches = False
, cfgAlignRecordFields = False
, cfgAlignWhere = False
data IndentConfig =
IndentConfig { cfgIndentOnside :: !Int
, cfgIndentDeriving :: !Int
, cfgIndentWhere :: !Int
, cfgIndentApp :: !Indent
, cfgIndentCase :: !Indent
, cfgIndentClass :: !Indent
, cfgIndentDo :: !Indent
, cfgIndentExportSpecList :: !Indent
, cfgIndentIf :: !Indent
, cfgIndentImportSpecList :: !Indent
, cfgIndentLet :: !Indent
, cfgIndentLetBinds :: !Indent
, cfgIndentLetIn :: !Indent
, cfgIndentMultiIf :: !Indent
, cfgIndentTypesig :: !Indent
, cfgIndentWhereBinds :: !Indent
deriving ( Generic )
instance Default IndentConfig where
def = IndentConfig { cfgIndentOnside = 4
, cfgIndentDeriving = 4
, cfgIndentWhere = 2
, cfgIndentApp = IndentBy 4
, cfgIndentCase = IndentBy 4
, cfgIndentClass = IndentBy 4
, cfgIndentDo = IndentBy 4
, cfgIndentExportSpecList = IndentBy 4
, cfgIndentIf = IndentBy 4
, cfgIndentImportSpecList = IndentBy 4
, cfgIndentLet = IndentBy 4
, cfgIndentLetBinds = IndentBy 4
, cfgIndentLetIn = IndentBy 4
, cfgIndentMultiIf = IndentBy 4
, cfgIndentTypesig = IndentBy 4
, cfgIndentWhereBinds = IndentBy 2
data LayoutConfig =
LayoutConfig { cfgLayoutApp :: !Layout
, cfgLayoutConDecls :: !Layout
, cfgLayoutDeclaration :: !Layout
, cfgLayoutExportSpecList :: !Layout
, cfgLayoutIf :: !Layout
, cfgLayoutImportSpecList :: !Layout
, cfgLayoutInfixApp :: !Layout
, cfgLayoutLet :: !Layout
, cfgLayoutListComp :: !Layout
, cfgLayoutRecord :: !Layout
, cfgLayoutType :: !Layout
deriving ( Generic )
instance Default LayoutConfig where
def = LayoutConfig { cfgLayoutApp = Flex
, cfgLayoutConDecls = Flex
, cfgLayoutDeclaration = Flex
, cfgLayoutExportSpecList = Flex
, cfgLayoutIf = Flex
, cfgLayoutImportSpecList = Flex
, cfgLayoutInfixApp = Flex
, cfgLayoutLet = Flex
, cfgLayoutListComp = Flex
, cfgLayoutRecord = Flex
, cfgLayoutType = Flex
newtype OpConfig = OpConfig { unOpConfig :: ConfigMap Whitespace }
deriving ( Generic )
instance Default OpConfig where
def =
OpConfig ConfigMap { cfgMapDefault = Whitespace WsBoth WsBefore False
, cfgMapOverrides = Map.empty
newtype GroupConfig = GroupConfig { unGroupConfig :: ConfigMap Whitespace }
deriving ( Generic )
instance Default GroupConfig where
def = GroupConfig ConfigMap { cfgMapDefault =
Whitespace WsBoth WsAfter False
, cfgMapOverrides = Map.empty
data ImportsGroupOrder =
ImportsGroupKeep | ImportsGroupSorted | ImportsGroupGrouped
deriving ( Generic )
data ImportsGroup = ImportsGroup { importsPrefixes :: ![String]
, importsOrder :: !ImportsGroupOrder
deriving ( Generic )
data SortImportsRule =
NoImportSort | SortImportsByPrefix | SortImportsByGroups ![ImportsGroup]
data DeclarationConstruct = DeclModule | DeclClass | DeclInstance | DeclWhere
deriving ( Eq, Ord, Generic )
data OptionConfig =
OptionConfig { cfgOptionSortPragmas :: !Bool
, cfgOptionSplitLanguagePragmas :: !Bool
, cfgOptionSortImports :: !SortImportsRule
, cfgOptionSortImportLists :: !Bool
, cfgOptionAlignSumTypeDecl :: !Bool
, cfgOptionFlexibleOneline :: !Bool
, cfgOptionPreserveVerticalSpace :: !Bool
, cfgOptionDeclNoBlankLines :: !(Set DeclarationConstruct)
deriving ( Generic )
instance Default OptionConfig where
def = OptionConfig { cfgOptionSortPragmas = False
, cfgOptionSplitLanguagePragmas = False
, cfgOptionSortImports = NoImportSort
, cfgOptionSortImportLists = False
, cfgOptionAlignSumTypeDecl = False
, cfgOptionFlexibleOneline = False
, cfgOptionPreserveVerticalSpace = False
, cfgOptionDeclNoBlankLines = Set.empty
data Config = Config { cfgPenalty :: !PenaltyConfig
, cfgAlign :: !AlignConfig
, cfgIndent :: !IndentConfig
, cfgLayout :: !LayoutConfig
, cfgOp :: !OpConfig
, cfgGroup :: !GroupConfig
, cfgOptions :: !OptionConfig
deriving ( Generic )
instance Default Config where
def = Config { cfgPenalty = def
, cfgAlign = def
, cfgIndent = def
, cfgLayout = def
, cfgOp = def
, cfgGroup = def
, cfgOptions = def
defaultConfig :: Config
defaultConfig =
def { cfgOp = OpConfig ((unOpConfig def) { cfgMapOverrides =
Map.fromList opWsOverrides
, cfgGroup = GroupConfig ((unGroupConfig def) { cfgMapOverrides =
Map.fromList groupWsOverrides
opWsOverrides =
[ (ConfigMapKey (Just ",") Nothing, Whitespace WsAfter WsBefore False)
, ( ConfigMapKey (Just "record") Nothing
, Whitespace WsAfter WsAfter False
, ( ConfigMapKey (Just ".") (Just Type)
, Whitespace WsAfter WsAfter False
groupWsOverrides =
[ (ConfigMapKey (Just "[") (Just Type), Whitespace WsBoth WsNone False)
safeConfig :: Config -> Config
safeConfig cfg = cfg { cfgGroup = group, cfgOp = op }
group = GroupConfig $
updateOverrides (unGroupConfig $ cfgGroup cfg)
[ ("(#", Expression, WsBoth), ("(#", Pattern, WsBoth) ]
op = OpConfig $
updateOverrides (unOpConfig $ cfgOp cfg)
[ (".", Expression, WsBoth), ("@", Pattern, WsNone) ]
updateOverrides config overrides =
config { cfgMapOverrides =
foldl (updateWs config) (cfgMapOverrides config) overrides
updateWs config m (key, ctx, ws) =
Map.insertWith (flip const)
(ConfigMapKey (Just key) (Just ctx))
(cfgMapFind ctx key config) { wsSpaces = ws }
cfgMapFind :: LayoutContext -> ByteString -> ConfigMap a -> a
cfgMapFind ctx key ConfigMap{..} =
let value = cfgMapDefault
value' = Map.findWithDefault value
(ConfigMapKey Nothing (Just ctx))
value'' = Map.findWithDefault value'
(ConfigMapKey (Just key) Nothing)
value''' = Map.findWithDefault value''
(ConfigMapKey (Just key) (Just ctx))
cfgOpWs :: LayoutContext -> ByteString -> OpConfig -> Whitespace
cfgOpWs ctx op = cfgMapFind ctx op . unOpConfig
cfgGroupWs :: LayoutContext -> ByteString -> GroupConfig -> Whitespace
cfgGroupWs ctx op = cfgMapFind ctx op . unGroupConfig
inWs :: Location -> WsLoc -> Bool
inWs _ WsBoth = True
inWs Before WsBefore = True
inWs After WsAfter = True
inWs _ _ = False
wsSpace :: Location -> Whitespace -> Bool
wsSpace loc ws = loc `inWs` wsSpaces ws
wsLinebreak :: Location -> Whitespace -> Bool
wsLinebreak loc ws = loc `inWs` wsLinebreaks ws
readMaybe :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
readMaybe str = case reads str of
[ (x, "") ] -> Just x
_ -> Nothing
enumOptions :: Int -> Options
enumOptions n =
JSON.defaultOptions { constructorTagModifier = JSON.camelTo2 '-' . drop n }
recordOptions :: Int -> Options
recordOptions n =
JSON.defaultOptions { fieldLabelModifier = JSON.camelTo2 '-' . drop n
, unwrapUnaryRecords = True
instance ToJSON Indent where
toJSON i = JSON.String $ case i of
Align -> "align"
IndentBy x -> "indent-by " `T.append` T.pack (show x)
AlignOrIndentBy x -> "align-or-indent-by " `T.append` T.pack (show x)
instance FromJSON Indent where
parseJSON v@(JSON.String t) = maybe (JSON.typeMismatch "Indent" v) return $
if t == "align"
then Just Align
else if "indent-by " `T.isPrefixOf` t
then IndentBy <$> readMaybe (T.unpack $ T.drop 10 t)
else if "align-or-indent-by " `T.isPrefixOf` t
then AlignOrIndentBy <$> readMaybe (T.unpack $ T.drop 19 t)
else Nothing
parseJSON v = JSON.typeMismatch "Indent" v
instance ToJSON LayoutContext where
toJSON = genericToJSON (enumOptions 0)
instance FromJSON LayoutContext where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON (enumOptions 0)
instance ToJSON WsLoc where
toJSON = genericToJSON (enumOptions 2)
instance FromJSON WsLoc where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON (enumOptions 2)
instance ToJSON Whitespace where
toJSON = genericToJSON (recordOptions 2)
instance FromJSON Whitespace where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON (recordOptions 2)
instance ToJSON Layout where
toJSON = genericToJSON (enumOptions 0)
instance FromJSON Layout where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON (enumOptions 0)
layoutToText :: LayoutContext -> T.Text
layoutToText Declaration = "declaration"
layoutToText Type = "type"
layoutToText Pattern = "pattern"
layoutToText Expression = "expression"
layoutToText Other = "other"
textToLayout :: T.Text -> Maybe LayoutContext
textToLayout "declaration" = Just Declaration
textToLayout "type" = Just Type
textToLayout "pattern" = Just Pattern
textToLayout "expression" = Just Expression
textToLayout "other" = Just Other
textToLayout _ = Nothing
keyToText :: ConfigMapKey -> T.Text
keyToText (ConfigMapKey Nothing Nothing) = "default"
keyToText (ConfigMapKey (Just n) Nothing) = T.decodeUtf8 n
keyToText (ConfigMapKey Nothing (Just l)) = "* in " `T.append` layoutToText l
keyToText (ConfigMapKey (Just n) (Just l)) =
T.decodeUtf8 n `T.append` " in " `T.append` layoutToText l
textToKey :: T.Text -> Maybe ConfigMapKey
textToKey t = case T.splitOn " in " t of
[ "default" ] -> Just (ConfigMapKey Nothing Nothing)
[ "*", "*" ] -> Just (ConfigMapKey Nothing Nothing)
[ name ] -> Just (ConfigMapKey (Just (T.encodeUtf8 name)) Nothing)
[ name, "*" ] -> Just (ConfigMapKey (Just (T.encodeUtf8 name)) Nothing)
[ "*", layout ] -> ConfigMapKey Nothing . Just <$> textToLayout layout
[ name, layout ] -> ConfigMapKey (Just (T.encodeUtf8 name)) . Just
<$> textToLayout layout
_ -> Nothing
instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (ConfigMap a) where
toJSON ConfigMap{..} = toJSON $ Map.insert "default" cfgMapDefault $
Map.mapKeys keyToText cfgMapOverrides
instance FromJSON a => FromJSON (ConfigMap a) where
parseJSON value = do
o <- parseJSON value
cfgMapDefault <- maybe (fail "Missing key: default") return $
HashMap.lookup "default" o
cfgMapOverrides <- either fail (return . Map.fromList) $ mapM toKey $
HashMap.toList $ HashMap.delete "default" o
return ConfigMap { .. }
toKey (k, v) = case textToKey k of
Just k' -> Right (k', v)
Nothing -> Left ("Invalid key: " ++ T.unpack k)
instance ToJSON PenaltyConfig where
toJSON = genericToJSON (recordOptions 7)
instance FromJSON PenaltyConfig where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON (recordOptions 7)
instance ToJSON AlignConfig where
toJSON = genericToJSON (recordOptions 8)
instance FromJSON AlignConfig where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON (recordOptions 8)
instance ToJSON IndentConfig where
toJSON = genericToJSON (recordOptions 9)
instance FromJSON IndentConfig where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON (recordOptions 9)
instance ToJSON LayoutConfig where
toJSON = genericToJSON (recordOptions 9)
instance FromJSON LayoutConfig where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON (recordOptions 9)
instance ToJSON OpConfig where
toJSON = genericToJSON (recordOptions 0)
instance FromJSON OpConfig where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON (recordOptions 0)
instance ToJSON GroupConfig where
toJSON = genericToJSON (recordOptions 0)
instance FromJSON GroupConfig where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON (recordOptions 0)
instance ToJSON ImportsGroupOrder where
toJSON = genericToJSON (enumOptions 12)
instance FromJSON ImportsGroupOrder where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON (enumOptions 12)
instance ToJSON ImportsGroup where
toJSON = genericToJSON (recordOptions 7)
instance FromJSON ImportsGroup where
parseJSON x@JSON.Array{} =
ImportsGroup <$> parseJSON x <*> pure ImportsGroupKeep
parseJSON x = genericParseJSON (recordOptions 7) x
instance ToJSON SortImportsRule where
toJSON NoImportSort = toJSON False
toJSON SortImportsByPrefix = toJSON True
toJSON (SortImportsByGroups xs) = toJSON xs
instance FromJSON SortImportsRule where
parseJSON (JSON.Bool False) = return NoImportSort
parseJSON (JSON.Bool True) = return SortImportsByPrefix
parseJSON v = SortImportsByGroups <$> parseJSON v
instance ToJSON DeclarationConstruct where
toJSON = genericToJSON (enumOptions 4)
instance FromJSON DeclarationConstruct where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON (enumOptions 4)
instance ToJSON OptionConfig where
toJSON = genericToJSON (recordOptions 9)
instance FromJSON OptionConfig where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON (recordOptions 9)
instance ToJSON Config where
toJSON = genericToJSON (recordOptions 3)
instance FromJSON Config where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON (recordOptions 3)