{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Language.Fortran.AST where
import Prelude hiding (init)
import Data.Data
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data ()
import Data.Typeable ()
import Data.Binary
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Text.PrettyPrint.GenericPretty
import Language.Fortran.ParserMonad (FortranVersion(..))
import Language.Fortran.Util.Position
import Language.Fortran.Util.FirstParameter
import Language.Fortran.Util.SecondParameter
type A0 = ()
type Name = String
data AList t a = AList a SrcSpan [t a] deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
instance Functor t => Functor (AList t) where
fmap f (AList a s xs) = AList (f a) s (map (fmap f) xs)
fromList :: Spanned (t a) => a -> [ t a ] -> AList t a
fromList a xs = AList a (getSpan xs) xs
fromList' :: Spanned (t a) => a -> [ t a ] -> Maybe (AList t a)
fromList' _ [] = Nothing
fromList' a xs = Just $ fromList a xs
fromReverseList :: Spanned (t ()) => [ t () ] -> AList t ()
fromReverseList = fromList () . reverse
fromReverseList' :: Spanned (t ()) => [ t () ] -> Maybe (AList t ())
fromReverseList' = fromList' () . reverse
aCons :: t a -> AList t a -> AList t a
aCons x (AList a s xs) = AList a s $ x:xs
infixr 5 `aCons`
aReverse :: AList t a -> AList t a
aReverse (AList a s xs) = AList a s $ reverse xs
aStrip :: AList t a -> [t a]
aStrip (AList _ _ l) = l
aStrip' :: Maybe (AList t a) -> [t a]
aStrip' Nothing = []
aStrip' (Just a) = aStrip a
aMap :: (t a -> r a) -> AList t a -> AList r a
aMap f (AList a s xs) = AList a s (map f xs)
data BaseType =
| TypeReal
| TypeDoublePrecision
| TypeComplex
| TypeDoubleComplex
| TypeLogical
| TypeCharacter (Maybe CharacterLen) (Maybe String)
| TypeCustom String
| ClassStar
| ClassCustom String
| TypeByte
deriving (Ord, Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
instance Binary BaseType
data CharacterLen = CharLenStar
| CharLenColon
| CharLenExp
| CharLenInt Int
deriving (Ord, Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
instance Binary CharacterLen
charLenSelector :: Maybe (Selector a) -> (Maybe CharacterLen, Maybe String)
charLenSelector Nothing = (Nothing, Nothing)
charLenSelector (Just (Selector _ _ mlen mkind)) = (l, k)
l | Just (ExpValue _ _ ValStar) <- mlen = Just CharLenStar
| Just (ExpValue _ _ ValColon) <- mlen = Just CharLenColon
| Just (ExpValue _ _ (ValInteger i)) <- mlen = Just $ CharLenInt (read i)
| Nothing <- mlen = Nothing
| otherwise = Just CharLenExp
k | Just (ExpValue _ _ (ValInteger i)) <- mkind = Just i
| Just (ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable s)) <- mkind = Just s
| otherwise = Nothing
data TypeSpec a = TypeSpec a SrcSpan BaseType (Maybe (Selector a))
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
data Selector a =
Selector a SrcSpan (Maybe (Expression a)) (Maybe (Expression a))
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
data MetaInfo = MetaInfo { miVersion :: FortranVersion, miFilename :: String }
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
data ProgramFile a = ProgramFile MetaInfo [ ProgramUnit a ]
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
pfSetFilename :: String -> ProgramFile a -> ProgramFile a
pfSetFilename fn (ProgramFile mi pus) = ProgramFile (mi { miFilename = fn }) pus
pfGetFilename :: ProgramFile a -> String
pfGetFilename (ProgramFile mi _) = miFilename mi
data ProgramUnit a =
a SrcSpan
(Maybe Name)
[Block a]
(Maybe [ProgramUnit a])
| PUModule
a SrcSpan
[Block a]
(Maybe [ProgramUnit a])
| PUSubroutine
a SrcSpan
(PrefixSuffix a)
(Maybe (AList Expression a))
[Block a]
(Maybe [ProgramUnit a])
| PUFunction
a SrcSpan
(Maybe (TypeSpec a))
(PrefixSuffix a)
(Maybe (AList Expression a))
(Maybe (Expression a))
[Block a]
(Maybe [ProgramUnit a])
| PUBlockData
a SrcSpan
(Maybe Name)
[Block a]
| PUComment a SrcSpan (Comment a)
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
type Prefixes a = Maybe (AList Prefix a)
type Suffixes a = Maybe (AList Suffix a)
type PrefixSuffix a = (Prefixes a, Suffixes a)
emptyPrefixes :: Prefixes a
emptyPrefixes = Nothing
emptySuffixes :: Suffixes a
emptySuffixes = Nothing
emptyPrefixSuffix :: PrefixSuffix a
emptyPrefixSuffix = (emptyPrefixes, emptySuffixes)
data Prefix a = PfxRecursive a SrcSpan
| PfxElemental a SrcSpan
| PfxPure a SrcSpan
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
validPrefixSuffix :: PrefixSuffix a -> Bool
validPrefixSuffix (mpfxs, msfxs) =
not (any isElem pfxs) || (not (any isRec pfxs) && not (any isBind sfxs))
isElem (PfxElemental {}) = True; isElem _ = False
isRec (PfxRecursive {}) = True; isRec _ = False
isBind (SfxBind {}) = True
pfxs = aStrip' mpfxs
sfxs = aStrip' msfxs
data Suffix a = SfxBind a SrcSpan (Maybe (Expression a))
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
programUnitBody :: ProgramUnit a -> [Block a]
programUnitBody (PUMain _ _ _ bs _) = bs
programUnitBody (PUModule _ _ _ bs _) = bs
programUnitBody (PUSubroutine _ _ _ _ _ bs _) = bs
programUnitBody (PUFunction _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bs _) = bs
programUnitBody (PUBlockData _ _ _ bs) = bs
programUnitBody PUComment{} = []
updateProgramUnitBody :: ProgramUnit a -> [Block a] -> ProgramUnit a
updateProgramUnitBody (PUMain a s n _ pu) bs' =
PUMain a s n bs' pu
updateProgramUnitBody (PUModule a s n _ pu) bs' =
PUModule a s n bs' pu
updateProgramUnitBody (PUSubroutine a s f n args _ pu) bs' =
PUSubroutine a s f n args bs' pu
updateProgramUnitBody (PUFunction a s t f n args res _ pu) bs' =
PUFunction a s t f n args res bs' pu
updateProgramUnitBody (PUBlockData a s n _) bs' =
PUBlockData a s n bs'
updateProgramUnitBody p@PUComment{} _ = p
programUnitSubprograms :: ProgramUnit a -> Maybe [ProgramUnit a]
programUnitSubprograms (PUMain _ _ _ _ s) = s
programUnitSubprograms (PUModule _ _ _ _ s) = s
programUnitSubprograms (PUSubroutine _ _ _ _ _ _ s) = s
programUnitSubprograms (PUFunction _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s) = s
programUnitSubprograms PUBlockData{} = Nothing
programUnitSubprograms PUComment{} = Nothing
newtype Comment a = Comment String
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
data Block a =
BlStatement a SrcSpan
(Maybe (Expression a))
(Statement a)
| BlForall a SrcSpan
(Maybe (Expression a))
(Maybe String)
(ForallHeader a)
[ Block a ]
(Maybe (Expression a))
| BlIf a SrcSpan
(Maybe (Expression a))
(Maybe String)
[ Maybe (Expression a) ]
[ [ Block a ] ]
(Maybe (Expression a))
| BlCase a SrcSpan
(Maybe (Expression a))
(Maybe String)
(Expression a)
[ Maybe (AList Index a) ]
[ [ Block a ] ]
(Maybe (Expression a))
| BlDo a SrcSpan
(Maybe (Expression a))
(Maybe String)
(Maybe (Expression a))
(Maybe (DoSpecification a))
[ Block a ]
(Maybe (Expression a))
| BlDoWhile a SrcSpan
(Maybe (Expression a))
(Maybe String)
(Maybe (Expression a))
(Expression a)
[ Block a ]
(Maybe (Expression a))
| BlInterface a SrcSpan
(Maybe (Expression a))
[ ProgramUnit a ]
[ Block a ]
| BlComment a SrcSpan (Comment a)
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
data Statement a =
StDeclaration a SrcSpan (TypeSpec a) (Maybe (AList Attribute a)) (AList Declarator a)
| StStructure a SrcSpan (Maybe String) (AList StructureItem a)
| StIntent a SrcSpan Intent (AList Expression a)
| StOptional a SrcSpan (AList Expression a)
| StPublic a SrcSpan (Maybe (AList Expression a))
| StPrivate a SrcSpan (Maybe (AList Expression a))
| StProtected a SrcSpan (Maybe (AList Expression a))
| StSave a SrcSpan (Maybe (AList Expression a))
| StDimension a SrcSpan (AList Declarator a)
| StAllocatable a SrcSpan (AList Declarator a)
| StAsynchronous a SrcSpan (AList Declarator a)
| StPointer a SrcSpan (AList Declarator a)
| StTarget a SrcSpan (AList Declarator a)
| StValue a SrcSpan (AList Declarator a)
| StVolatile a SrcSpan (AList Declarator a)
| StData a SrcSpan (AList DataGroup a)
| StAutomatic a SrcSpan (AList Declarator a)
| StNamelist a SrcSpan (AList Namelist a)
| StParameter a SrcSpan (AList Declarator a)
| StExternal a SrcSpan (AList Expression a)
| StIntrinsic a SrcSpan (AList Expression a)
| StCommon a SrcSpan (AList CommonGroup a)
| StEquivalence a SrcSpan (AList (AList Expression) a)
| StFormat a SrcSpan (AList FormatItem a)
| StImplicit a SrcSpan (Maybe (AList ImpList a))
| StEntry a SrcSpan (Expression a) (Maybe (AList Expression a)) (Maybe (Expression a))
| StInclude a SrcSpan (Expression a) (Maybe [Block a])
| StDo a SrcSpan (Maybe String) (Maybe (Expression a)) (Maybe (DoSpecification a))
| StDoWhile a SrcSpan (Maybe String) (Maybe (Expression a)) (Expression a)
| StEnddo a SrcSpan (Maybe String)
| StCycle a SrcSpan (Maybe (Expression a))
| StExit a SrcSpan (Maybe (Expression a))
| StIfLogical a SrcSpan (Expression a) (Statement a)
| StIfArithmetic a SrcSpan (Expression a) (Expression a) (Expression a) (Expression a)
| StIfThen a SrcSpan (Maybe String) (Expression a)
| StElse a SrcSpan (Maybe String)
| StElsif a SrcSpan (Maybe String) (Expression a)
| StEndif a SrcSpan (Maybe String)
| StSelectCase a SrcSpan (Maybe String) (Expression a)
| StCase a SrcSpan (Maybe String) (Maybe (AList Index a))
| StEndcase a SrcSpan (Maybe String)
| StFunction a SrcSpan (Expression a) (AList Expression a) (Expression a)
| StExpressionAssign a SrcSpan (Expression a) (Expression a)
| StPointerAssign a SrcSpan (Expression a) (Expression a)
| StLabelAssign a SrcSpan (Expression a) (Expression a)
| StGotoUnconditional a SrcSpan (Expression a)
| StGotoAssigned a SrcSpan (Expression a) (Maybe (AList Expression a))
| StGotoComputed a SrcSpan (AList Expression a) (Expression a)
| StCall a SrcSpan (Expression a) (Maybe (AList Argument a))
| StReturn a SrcSpan (Maybe (Expression a))
| StContinue a SrcSpan
| StStop a SrcSpan (Maybe (Expression a))
| StPause a SrcSpan (Maybe (Expression a))
| StRead a SrcSpan (AList ControlPair a) (Maybe (AList Expression a))
| StRead2 a SrcSpan (Expression a) (Maybe (AList Expression a))
| StWrite a SrcSpan (AList ControlPair a) (Maybe (AList Expression a))
| StPrint a SrcSpan (Expression a) (Maybe (AList Expression a))
| StTypePrint a SrcSpan (Expression a) (Maybe (AList Expression a))
| StOpen a SrcSpan (AList ControlPair a)
| StClose a SrcSpan (AList ControlPair a)
| StFlush a SrcSpan (AList FlushSpec a)
| StInquire a SrcSpan (AList ControlPair a)
| StRewind a SrcSpan (AList ControlPair a)
| StRewind2 a SrcSpan (Expression a)
| StBackspace a SrcSpan (AList ControlPair a)
| StBackspace2 a SrcSpan (Expression a)
| StEndfile a SrcSpan (AList ControlPair a)
| StEndfile2 a SrcSpan (Expression a)
| StAllocate a SrcSpan (Maybe (TypeSpec a)) (AList Expression a) (Maybe (AList AllocOpt a))
| StNullify a SrcSpan (AList Expression a)
| StDeallocate a SrcSpan (AList Expression a) (Maybe (AList AllocOpt a))
| StWhere a SrcSpan (Expression a) (Statement a)
| StWhereConstruct a SrcSpan (Maybe String) (Expression a)
| StElsewhere a SrcSpan (Maybe String) (Maybe (Expression a))
| StEndWhere a SrcSpan (Maybe String)
| StUse a SrcSpan (Expression a) (Maybe ModuleNature) Only (Maybe (AList Use a))
| StModuleProcedure a SrcSpan (AList Expression a)
| StProcedure a SrcSpan (Maybe (ProcInterface a)) (Maybe (Attribute a)) (AList ProcDecl a)
| StType a SrcSpan (Maybe (AList Attribute a)) String
| StEndType a SrcSpan (Maybe String)
| StSequence a SrcSpan
| StForall a SrcSpan (Maybe String) (ForallHeader a)
| StForallStatement a SrcSpan (ForallHeader a) (Statement a)
| StEndForall a SrcSpan (Maybe String)
| StImport a SrcSpan (AList Expression a)
| StEnum a SrcSpan
| StEnumerator a SrcSpan (AList Declarator a)
| StEndEnum a SrcSpan
| StFormatBogus a SrcSpan String
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
data ProcDecl a = ProcDecl a SrcSpan (Expression a) (Maybe (Expression a))
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
data ProcInterface a = ProcInterfaceName a SrcSpan (Expression a)
| ProcInterfaceType a SrcSpan (TypeSpec a)
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
data ForallHeader a = ForallHeader
[(Name, Expression a, Expression a, Maybe (Expression a))]
(Maybe (Expression a))
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
data Only = Exclusive | Permissive
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
data ModuleNature = ModIntrinsic | ModNonIntrinsic
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
data Use a =
UseRename a SrcSpan (Expression a) (Expression a)
| UseID a SrcSpan (Expression a)
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
data Argument a = Argument a SrcSpan (Maybe String) (Expression a)
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
data Attribute a =
AttrAllocatable a SrcSpan
| AttrAsynchronous a SrcSpan
| AttrDimension a SrcSpan (AList DimensionDeclarator a)
| AttrExternal a SrcSpan
| AttrIntent a SrcSpan Intent
| AttrIntrinsic a SrcSpan
| AttrOptional a SrcSpan
| AttrParameter a SrcSpan
| AttrPointer a SrcSpan
| AttrPrivate a SrcSpan
| AttrProtected a SrcSpan
| AttrPublic a SrcSpan
| AttrSave a SrcSpan
| AttrSuffix a SrcSpan (Suffix a)
| AttrTarget a SrcSpan
| AttrValue a SrcSpan
| AttrVolatile a SrcSpan
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
data Intent = In | Out | InOut
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
data ControlPair a = ControlPair a SrcSpan (Maybe String) (Expression a)
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
data AllocOpt a =
AOStat a SrcSpan (Expression a)
| AOErrMsg a SrcSpan (Expression a)
| AOSource a SrcSpan (Expression a)
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
data ImpList a = ImpList a SrcSpan (TypeSpec a) (AList ImpElement a)
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
data ImpElement a =
ImpCharacter a SrcSpan String
| ImpRange a SrcSpan String String
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
data CommonGroup a =
CommonGroup a SrcSpan (Maybe (Expression a)) (AList Expression a)
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
data Namelist a =
Namelist a SrcSpan (Expression a) (AList Expression a)
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
data DataGroup a =
DataGroup a SrcSpan (AList Expression a) (AList Expression a)
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
data StructureItem a =
StructFields a SrcSpan (TypeSpec a) (Maybe (AList Attribute a)) (AList Declarator a)
| StructUnion a SrcSpan (AList UnionMap a)
| StructStructure a SrcSpan (Maybe String) (AList StructureItem a)
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
data UnionMap a =
UnionMap a SrcSpan (AList StructureItem a)
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
data FormatItem a =
FIFormatList a SrcSpan (Maybe String) (AList FormatItem a)
| FIHollerith a SrcSpan (Value a)
| FIDelimiter a SrcSpan
| FIFieldDescriptorDEFG a SrcSpan (Maybe Integer) Char Integer Integer
| FIFieldDescriptorAIL a SrcSpan (Maybe Integer) Char Integer
| FIBlankDescriptor a SrcSpan Integer
| FIScaleFactor a SrcSpan Integer
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
data FlushSpec a =
FSUnit a SrcSpan (Expression a)
| FSIOStat a SrcSpan (Expression a)
| FSIOMsg a SrcSpan (Expression a)
| FSErr a SrcSpan (Expression a)
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
data DoSpecification a =
DoSpecification a SrcSpan (Statement a) (Expression a) (Maybe (Expression a))
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
data Expression a =
ExpValue a SrcSpan (Value a)
| ExpBinary a SrcSpan BinaryOp (Expression a) (Expression a)
| ExpUnary a SrcSpan UnaryOp (Expression a)
| ExpSubscript a SrcSpan (Expression a) (AList Index a)
| ExpDataRef a SrcSpan (Expression a) (Expression a)
| ExpFunctionCall a SrcSpan (Expression a) (Maybe (AList Argument a))
| ExpImpliedDo a SrcSpan (AList Expression a) (DoSpecification a)
| ExpInitialisation a SrcSpan (AList Expression a)
| ExpReturnSpec a SrcSpan (Expression a)
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
data Index a =
IxSingle a SrcSpan (Maybe String) (Expression a)
| IxRange a SrcSpan
(Maybe (Expression a))
(Maybe (Expression a))
(Maybe (Expression a))
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
data Value a =
ValInteger String
| ValReal String
| ValComplex (Expression a) (Expression a)
| ValString String
| ValHollerith String
| ValVariable Name
| ValIntrinsic Name
| ValLogical String
| ValOperator String
| ValAssignment
| ValType String
| ValStar
| ValColon
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
data Declarator a =
DeclVariable a SrcSpan
(Expression a)
(Maybe (Expression a))
(Maybe (Expression a))
| DeclArray a SrcSpan
(Expression a)
(AList DimensionDeclarator a)
(Maybe (Expression a))
(Maybe (Expression a))
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
setInitialisation :: Declarator a -> Expression a -> Declarator a
setInitialisation (DeclVariable a s v l Nothing) init =
DeclVariable a (getTransSpan s init) v l (Just init)
setInitialisation (DeclArray a s v ds l Nothing) init =
DeclArray a (getTransSpan s init) v ds l (Just init)
setInitialisation d _ = d
data DimensionDeclarator a =
DimensionDeclarator a SrcSpan (Maybe (Expression a)) (Maybe (Expression a))
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
data UnaryOp =
| Minus
| Not
| UnCustom String
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
instance Binary UnaryOp
data BinaryOp =
| Subtraction
| Multiplication
| Division
| Exponentiation
| Concatenation
| GT
| LT
| EQ
| NE
| Or
| XOr
| And
| Equivalent
| NotEquivalent
| BinCustom String
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
instance Binary BinaryOp
class Annotated f where
getAnnotation :: f a -> a
setAnnotation :: a -> f a -> f a
modifyAnnotation :: (a -> a) -> f a -> f a
default getAnnotation :: (FirstParameter (f a) a) => f a -> a
getAnnotation = getFirstParameter
default setAnnotation :: (FirstParameter (f a) a) => a -> f a -> f a
setAnnotation = setFirstParameter
modifyAnnotation f x = setAnnotation (f (getAnnotation x)) x
instance FirstParameter (AList t a) a
instance FirstParameter (ProgramUnit a) a
instance FirstParameter (Prefix a) a
instance FirstParameter (Suffix a) a
instance FirstParameter (Block a) a
instance FirstParameter (Statement a) a
instance FirstParameter (Argument a) a
instance FirstParameter (Use a) a
instance FirstParameter (TypeSpec a) a
instance FirstParameter (ProcDecl a) a
instance FirstParameter (ProcInterface a) a
instance FirstParameter (Selector a) a
instance FirstParameter (Attribute a) a
instance FirstParameter (ImpList a) a
instance FirstParameter (ImpElement a) a
instance FirstParameter (CommonGroup a) a
instance FirstParameter (DataGroup a) a
instance FirstParameter (StructureItem a) a
instance FirstParameter (UnionMap a) a
instance FirstParameter (Namelist a) a
instance FirstParameter (FormatItem a) a
instance FirstParameter (Expression a) a
instance FirstParameter (Index a) a
instance FirstParameter (DoSpecification a) a
instance FirstParameter (FlushSpec a) a
instance FirstParameter (Declarator a) a
instance FirstParameter (DimensionDeclarator a) a
instance FirstParameter (ControlPair a) a
instance FirstParameter (AllocOpt a) a
instance SecondParameter (AList t a) SrcSpan
instance SecondParameter (ProgramUnit a) SrcSpan
instance SecondParameter (Prefix a) SrcSpan
instance SecondParameter (Suffix a) SrcSpan
instance SecondParameter (Block a) SrcSpan
instance SecondParameter (Statement a) SrcSpan
instance SecondParameter (Argument a) SrcSpan
instance SecondParameter (Use a) SrcSpan
instance SecondParameter (TypeSpec a) SrcSpan
instance SecondParameter (ProcDecl a) SrcSpan
instance SecondParameter (ProcInterface a) SrcSpan
instance SecondParameter (Selector a) SrcSpan
instance SecondParameter (Attribute a) SrcSpan
instance SecondParameter (ImpList a) SrcSpan
instance SecondParameter (ImpElement a) SrcSpan
instance SecondParameter (CommonGroup a) SrcSpan
instance SecondParameter (DataGroup a) SrcSpan
instance SecondParameter (StructureItem a) SrcSpan
instance SecondParameter (UnionMap a) SrcSpan
instance SecondParameter (Namelist a) SrcSpan
instance SecondParameter (FormatItem a) SrcSpan
instance SecondParameter (Expression a) SrcSpan
instance SecondParameter (Index a) SrcSpan
instance SecondParameter (DoSpecification a) SrcSpan
instance SecondParameter (FlushSpec a) SrcSpan
instance SecondParameter (Declarator a) SrcSpan
instance SecondParameter (DimensionDeclarator a) SrcSpan
instance SecondParameter (ControlPair a) SrcSpan
instance SecondParameter (AllocOpt a) SrcSpan
instance Annotated (AList t)
instance Annotated ProgramUnit
instance Annotated Block
instance Annotated Statement
instance Annotated Argument
instance Annotated Use
instance Annotated TypeSpec
instance Annotated ProcDecl
instance Annotated ProcInterface
instance Annotated Selector
instance Annotated Attribute
instance Annotated ImpList
instance Annotated ImpElement
instance Annotated CommonGroup
instance Annotated DataGroup
instance Annotated StructureItem
instance Annotated UnionMap
instance Annotated Namelist
instance Annotated FormatItem
instance Annotated Expression
instance Annotated Index
instance Annotated DoSpecification
instance Annotated FlushSpec
instance Annotated Declarator
instance Annotated DimensionDeclarator
instance Annotated ControlPair
instance Annotated AllocOpt
instance Spanned (AList t a)
instance Spanned (ProgramUnit a)
instance Spanned (Prefix a)
instance Spanned (Suffix a)
instance Spanned (Statement a)
instance Spanned (Argument a)
instance Spanned (Use a)
instance Spanned (Attribute a)
instance Spanned (TypeSpec a)
instance Spanned (ProcDecl a)
instance Spanned (ProcInterface a)
instance Spanned (Selector a)
instance Spanned (ImpList a)
instance Spanned (ImpElement a)
instance Spanned (Block a)
instance Spanned (CommonGroup a)
instance Spanned (DataGroup a)
instance Spanned (StructureItem a)
instance Spanned (UnionMap a)
instance Spanned (Namelist a)
instance Spanned (FormatItem a)
instance Spanned (Expression a)
instance Spanned (Index a)
instance Spanned (DoSpecification a)
instance Spanned (FlushSpec a)
instance Spanned (Declarator a)
instance Spanned (DimensionDeclarator a)
instance Spanned (ControlPair a)
instance Spanned (AllocOpt a)
instance Spanned (ProgramFile a) where
getSpan (ProgramFile _ pus) =
case pus of
[] -> SrcSpan initPosition initPosition
pus' -> getSpan pus'
setSpan _ _ = error "Cannot set span to a program unit"
instance (Spanned a) => Spanned [a] where
getSpan [] = error "Trying to find how long an empty list spans for."
getSpan [x] = getSpan x
getSpan (x:xs) = getTransSpan x (last xs)
setSpan _ _ = error "Cannot set span to an array"
instance (Spanned a, Spanned b) => Spanned (a, Maybe b) where
getSpan (x, Just y) = getTransSpan x y
getSpan (x,_) = getSpan x
setSpan _ = undefined
instance (Spanned a, Spanned b) => Spanned (Maybe a, b) where
getSpan (Just x,y) = getTransSpan x y
getSpan (_,y) = getSpan y
setSpan _ = undefined
instance (Spanned a, Spanned b) => Spanned (Either a b) where
getSpan (Left x) = getSpan x
getSpan (Right x) = getSpan x
setSpan _ = undefined
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (Spanned a, Spanned b) => Spanned (a, b) where
getSpan (x,y) = getTransSpan x y
setSpan _ = undefined
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}(Spanned a, Spanned b, Spanned c) => Spanned (Maybe a, Maybe b, Maybe c) where
getSpan (Just x,_,Just z) = getTransSpan x z
getSpan (Just x,Just y,Nothing) = getTransSpan x y
getSpan (Nothing,Just y,Just z) = getTransSpan y z
getSpan (Just x,Nothing,Nothing) = getSpan x
getSpan (Nothing,Just y,Nothing) = getSpan y
getSpan (Nothing,Nothing,Just z) = getSpan z
getSpan (Nothing,Nothing,Nothing) = undefined
setSpan _ = undefined
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}(Spanned a, Spanned b, Spanned c) => Spanned (a, Maybe b, Maybe c) where
getSpan (x,_,Just z) = getTransSpan x z
getSpan (x,Just y,Nothing) = getTransSpan x y
getSpan (x,Nothing,Nothing) = getSpan x
setSpan _ = undefined
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (Spanned a, Spanned b, Spanned c) => Spanned (Maybe a, b, c) where
getSpan (Just x,_,z) = getTransSpan x z
getSpan (_,y,z) = getSpan (y,z)
setSpan _ = undefined
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (Spanned a, Spanned b, Spanned c) => Spanned (a, b, c) where
getSpan (x,_,z) = getTransSpan x z
setSpan _ = undefined
class (Spanned a, Spanned b) => SpannedPair a b where
getTransSpan :: a -> b -> SrcSpan
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (Spanned a, Spanned b) => SpannedPair a b where
getTransSpan x y = SrcSpan l1 l2'
where SrcSpan l1 _ = getSpan x
SrcSpan _ l2' = getSpan y
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (Spanned a, Spanned b) => SpannedPair a [b] where
getTransSpan x [] = getSpan x
getTransSpan x y = SrcSpan l1 l2'
where SrcSpan l1 _ = getSpan x
SrcSpan _ l2' = getSpan y
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (Spanned a, Spanned b) => SpannedPair a [[b]] where
getTransSpan x [] = getSpan x
getTransSpan x y | all null y = getSpan x
getTransSpan x y | any null y = getTransSpan x (filter (not . null) y)
getTransSpan x y = SrcSpan l1 l2'
where SrcSpan l1 _ = getSpan x
SrcSpan _ l2' = getSpan y
class Labeled f where
getLabel :: f a -> Maybe (Expression a)
getLastLabel :: f a -> Maybe (Expression a)
setLabel :: f a -> Expression a -> f a
instance Labeled Block where
getLabel (BlStatement _ _ l _) = l
getLabel (BlIf _ _ l _ _ _ _) = l
getLabel (BlCase _ _ l _ _ _ _ _) = l
getLabel (BlDo _ _ l _ _ _ _ _) = l
getLabel (BlDoWhile _ _ l _ _ _ _ _) = l
getLabel _ = Nothing
getLastLabel b@BlStatement{} = getLabel b
getLastLabel (BlIf _ _ _ _ _ _ l) = l
getLastLabel (BlCase _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l) = l
getLastLabel (BlDo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l) = l
getLastLabel (BlDoWhile _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l) = l
getLastLabel _ = Nothing
setLabel (BlStatement a s _ st) l = BlStatement a s (Just l) st
setLabel (BlIf a s _ mn conds bs el) l = BlIf a s (Just l) mn conds bs el
setLabel (BlDo a s _ mn tl spec bs el) l = BlDo a s (Just l) mn tl spec bs el
setLabel (BlDoWhile a s _ n tl spec bs el) l = BlDoWhile a s (Just l) n tl spec bs el
setLabel b _ = b
class Conditioned f where
getCondition :: f a -> Maybe (Expression a)
instance Conditioned Block where
getCondition (BlStatement _ _ _ s) = getCondition s
getCondition _ = Nothing
instance Conditioned Statement where
getCondition (StIfThen _ _ _ c) = Just c
getCondition (StElsif _ _ _ c) = Just c
getCondition _ = Nothing
data ProgramUnitName =
Named String
| NamelessBlockData
| NamelessComment
| NamelessMain
deriving (Ord, Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
instance Binary ProgramUnitName
class Named a where
getName :: a -> ProgramUnitName
setName :: ProgramUnitName -> a -> a
instance Named (ProgramUnit a) where
getName (PUMain _ _ Nothing _ _) = NamelessMain
getName (PUMain _ _ (Just n) _ _) = Named n
getName (PUModule _ _ n _ _) = Named n
getName (PUSubroutine _ _ _ n _ _ _) = Named n
getName (PUFunction _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _) = Named n
getName (PUBlockData _ _ Nothing _) = NamelessBlockData
getName (PUBlockData _ _ (Just n) _) = Named n
getName PUComment{} = NamelessComment
setName (Named n) (PUMain a s _ b pus) = PUMain a s (Just n) b pus
setName _ (PUMain a s _ b pus) = PUMain a s Nothing b pus
setName (Named n) (PUModule a s _ b pus) = PUModule a s n b pus
setName (Named n) (PUSubroutine a s r _ p b subs) =
PUSubroutine a s r n p b subs
setName (Named n) (PUFunction a s r rec _ p res b subs) =
PUFunction a s r rec n p res b subs
setName (Named n) (PUBlockData a s _ b) = PUBlockData a s (Just n) b
setName _ (PUBlockData a s _ b) = PUBlockData a s Nothing b
setName _ a = a
instance Out FortranVersion
instance Out MetaInfo
instance Out a => Out (ProgramFile a)
instance Out a => Out (ProgramUnit a)
instance Out a => Out (Prefix a)
instance Out a => Out (Suffix a)
instance (Out a, Out (t a)) => Out (AList t a)
instance Out a => Out (Statement a)
instance Out a => Out (ProcDecl a)
instance Out a => Out (ProcInterface a)
instance Out Only
instance Out ModuleNature
instance Out a => Out (Argument a)
instance Out a => Out (Use a)
instance Out a => Out (Attribute a)
instance Out Intent
instance Out a => Out (ImpList a)
instance Out a => Out (ImpElement a)
instance Out a => Out (Comment a)
instance Out a => Out (Block a)
instance Out a => Out (CommonGroup a)
instance Out a => Out (DataGroup a)
instance Out a => Out (StructureItem a)
instance Out a => Out (UnionMap a)
instance Out a => Out (Namelist a)
instance Out a => Out (FormatItem a)
instance Out a => Out (Expression a)
instance Out a => Out (Index a)
instance Out a => Out (DoSpecification a)
instance Out a => Out (FlushSpec a)
instance Out a => Out (Value a)
instance Out a => Out (TypeSpec a)
instance Out a => Out (Selector a)
instance Out CharacterLen
instance Out BaseType
instance Out a => Out (Declarator a)
instance Out a => Out (DimensionDeclarator a)
instance Out a => Out (ControlPair a)
instance Out a => Out (AllocOpt a)
instance Out UnaryOp
instance Out BinaryOp
instance Out a => Out (ForallHeader a)
nonExecutableStatement :: FortranVersion -> Statement a -> Bool
nonExecutableStatement _ s = case s of
StIntent {} -> True
StOptional {} -> True
StPublic {} -> True
StPrivate {} -> True
StProtected {} -> True
StSave {} -> True
StDimension {} -> True
StAllocatable {} -> True
StAsynchronous {} -> True
StPointer {} -> True
StTarget {} -> True
StValue {} -> True
StVolatile {} -> True
StData {} -> True
StParameter {} -> True
StImplicit {} -> True
StNamelist {} -> True
StEquivalence {} -> True
StCommon {} -> True
StExternal {} -> True
StIntrinsic {} -> True
StUse {} -> True
StEntry {} -> True
StSequence {} -> True
StType {} -> True
StEndType {} -> True
StFormat {} -> True
StFormatBogus {} -> True
StInclude {} -> True
StDeclaration {} -> True
StStructure {} -> True
_ -> False
executableStatement :: FortranVersion -> Statement a -> Bool
executableStatement v StFormat{} | v >= Fortran90 = True
executableStatement v StEntry{} | v >= Fortran90 = True
executableStatement v StData{} | v >= Fortran90 = True
executableStatement v s = not $ nonExecutableStatement v s
executableStatementBlock :: FortranVersion -> Block a -> Bool
executableStatementBlock v (BlStatement _ _ _ s) = executableStatement v s
executableStatementBlock _ _ = False
nonExecutableStatementBlock :: FortranVersion -> Block a -> Bool
nonExecutableStatementBlock v (BlStatement _ _ _ s) = nonExecutableStatement v s
nonExecutableStatementBlock _ BlInterface{} = True
nonExecutableStatementBlock _ _ = False