fortran-src-0.4.0: Parser and anlyses for Fortran standards 66, 77, 90 and 95.

Safe HaskellNone




after :: (b -> c) -> (t -> a -> b) -> t -> a -> c Source #

fortranParser :: Parser Source #

Deduce the type of parser from the filename and parse the contents of the file.

fortranParserWithModFiles :: ParserWithModFiles Source #

Deduce the type of parser from the filename and parse the contents of the file, within the context of given "mod files".

fortranParserWithVersion :: FortranVersion -> Parser Source #

Given a FortranVersion, parse the contents of the file.

fortranParserWithModFilesAndVersion :: FortranVersion -> ParserWithModFiles Source #

Given a FortranVersion, parse the contents of the file, within the context of given "mod files".