{-# LANGUAGE CPP          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

module Data.Semigroup.Abelian
    ( AbelianSemigroup
    , FreeAbelianSemigroup
    , toNonEmpty
    , fromNonEmpty
    ) where

import           Data.IntSet (IntSet)
import           Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import           Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import           Data.Set (Set)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 808
import           Data.Semigroup
                    ( Semigroup (..),
import           Data.Semigroup
                    , Any
                    , Dual
                    , Max
                    , Min
                    , Option
                    , Product
                    , Sum
import           Data.Void (Void)
import           Numeric.Natural (Natural)

import           Data.Algebra.Free
                    ( AlgebraType
                    , AlgebraType0
                    , FreeAlgebra (..)

-- | Class of commutative monoids, e.g. with additional law:
-- @
--  a <> b = b <> a
-- @
class Semigroup m => AbelianSemigroup m

instance AbelianSemigroup Void

instance AbelianSemigroup ()

instance AbelianSemigroup All

instance AbelianSemigroup Any

instance AbelianSemigroup a => AbelianSemigroup (Dual a)

instance Ord a => AbelianSemigroup (Max a)

instance Ord a => AbelianSemigroup (Min a)

instance AbelianSemigroup a => AbelianSemigroup (Option a)

instance Num a => AbelianSemigroup (Product a)

instance Num a => AbelianSemigroup (Sum a)

instance Ord a => AbelianSemigroup (Set a)

instance AbelianSemigroup IntSet

-- | Free abelian semigroup is isomorphic to a non empty map with keys @a@ and
-- values positive natural numbers.
-- It is a monad on the full subcategory which satisfies the `Ord` constraint,
-- but base does not allow to define a functor \/ applicative \/ monad
-- instances which are constraint by a class.
newtype FreeAbelianSemigroup a = FreeAbelianSemigroup (Map a Natural)
    deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)

toNonEmpty :: FreeAbelianSemigroup a -> NonEmpty (a, Natural)
toNonEmpty (FreeAbelianSemigroup as) = NE.fromList . Map.toList $ as

-- | Smart constructor which creates `FreeAbelianSemigroup` from a non empty
-- list of pairs @(a, n) :: (a, Natural)@ where @n > 0@.
fromNonEmpty :: Ord a => NonEmpty (a, Natural) -> Maybe (FreeAbelianSemigroup a)
fromNonEmpty = fmap (FreeAbelianSemigroup . Map.fromList) . go . NE.toList
    go []            = Just []
    go ((a, n) : as) | n == 0    = Nothing
                     | otherwise = ((a, n) :) <$> go as

instance Ord a => Semigroup (FreeAbelianSemigroup a) where
    (FreeAbelianSemigroup a) <> (FreeAbelianSemigroup b) = FreeAbelianSemigroup $ Map.unionWith (+) a b

instance Ord a => AbelianSemigroup (FreeAbelianSemigroup a)

type instance AlgebraType0 FreeAbelianSemigroup a = Ord a
type instance AlgebraType  FreeAbelianSemigroup a = (Ord a, AbelianSemigroup a)

instance FreeAlgebra FreeAbelianSemigroup where
    returnFree a = FreeAbelianSemigroup $ Map.singleton a 1

    foldMapFree f (FreeAbelianSemigroup as)
                 = foldMapFree f (toNonEmpty_ as)
        replicate_ :: a -> Natural -> [a]
        replicate_ _ n | n <= 0 = error "foldMapFree @FreeAbelianSemigroup: impossible"
        replicate_ a 1 = [a]
        replicate_ a n = a : replicate_ a (n - 1)

        toNonEmpty_ :: Map a Natural -> NonEmpty a
        toNonEmpty_ = NE.fromList . concatMap (uncurry replicate_) . Map.toList