module Data.Text.Fuzzy.Tokenize ( TokenizeSpec
, IsToken(..)
, tokenize
, esc
, addEmptyFields
, emptyFields
, nn
, sq
, sqq
, noslits
, sl
, sr
, uw
, delims
, comment
, punct
, indent
, itabstops
, keywords
, eol
) where
import Prelude hiding (init)
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid()
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Control.Monad.RWS
data TokenizeSpec = TokenizeSpec { tsAtoms :: Set Text
, tsStringQQ :: Maybe Bool
, tsStringQ :: Maybe Bool
, tsNoSlits :: Maybe Bool
, tsLineComment :: Map Char Text
, tsDelims :: Set Char
, tsEol :: Maybe Bool
, tsStripLeft :: Maybe Bool
, tsStripRight :: Maybe Bool
, tsUW :: Maybe Bool
, tsNotNormalize :: Maybe Bool
, tsEsc :: Maybe Bool
, tsAddEmptyFields :: Maybe Bool
, tsPunct :: Set Char
, tsIndent :: Maybe Bool
, tsItabStops :: Maybe Int
, tsKeywords :: Set Text
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
instance Semigroup TokenizeSpec where
(<>) a b = TokenizeSpec { tsAtoms = tsAtoms b <> tsAtoms a
, tsStringQQ = tsStringQQ b <|> tsStringQQ a
, tsStringQ = tsStringQ b <|> tsStringQ a
, tsNoSlits = tsNoSlits b <|> tsNoSlits a
, tsLineComment = tsLineComment b <> tsLineComment a
, tsDelims = tsDelims b <> tsDelims a
, tsEol = tsEol b <|> tsEol a
, tsStripLeft = tsStripLeft b <|> tsStripLeft a
, tsStripRight = tsStripRight b <|> tsStripRight a
, tsUW = tsUW b <|> tsUW a
, tsNotNormalize = tsNotNormalize b <|> tsNotNormalize a
, tsEsc = tsEsc b <|> tsEsc a
, tsAddEmptyFields = tsAddEmptyFields b <|> tsAddEmptyFields a
, tsPunct = tsPunct b <> tsPunct a
, tsIndent = tsIndent b <|> tsIndent a
, tsItabStops = tsItabStops b <|> tsItabStops a
, tsKeywords = tsKeywords b <> tsKeywords a
instance Monoid TokenizeSpec where
mempty = TokenizeSpec { tsAtoms = mempty
, tsStringQQ = Nothing
, tsStringQ = Nothing
, tsNoSlits = Nothing
, tsLineComment = mempty
, tsDelims = mempty
, tsEol = Nothing
, tsStripLeft = Nothing
, tsStripRight = Nothing
, tsUW = Nothing
, tsNotNormalize = Nothing
, tsEsc = Nothing
, tsAddEmptyFields = Nothing
, tsPunct = mempty
, tsIndent = Nothing
, tsItabStops = Nothing
, tsKeywords = mempty
justTrue :: Maybe Bool -> Bool
justTrue (Just True) = True
justTrue _ = False
eol :: TokenizeSpec
eol = mempty { tsEol = pure True }
esc :: TokenizeSpec
esc = mempty { tsEsc = pure True }
addEmptyFields :: TokenizeSpec
addEmptyFields = mempty { tsAddEmptyFields = pure True }
emptyFields :: TokenizeSpec
emptyFields = addEmptyFields
nn :: TokenizeSpec
nn = mempty { tsNotNormalize = pure True }
sq :: TokenizeSpec
sq = mempty { tsStringQ = pure True }
sqq :: TokenizeSpec
sqq = mempty { tsStringQQ = pure True }
noslits :: TokenizeSpec
noslits = mempty { tsNoSlits = pure True }
delims :: String -> TokenizeSpec
delims s = mempty { tsDelims = Set.fromList s }
sl :: TokenizeSpec
sl = mempty { tsStripLeft = pure True }
sr :: TokenizeSpec
sr = mempty { tsStripRight = pure True }
uw :: TokenizeSpec
uw = mempty { tsUW = pure True }
comment :: Text -> TokenizeSpec
comment s = mempty { tsLineComment = cmt }
cmt = case Text.uncons s of
Just (p,su) -> Map.singleton p su
Nothing -> mempty
punct :: Text -> TokenizeSpec
punct s = mempty { tsPunct = Set.fromList (Text.unpack s) }
keywords :: [Text] -> TokenizeSpec
keywords s = mempty { tsKeywords = Set.fromList s }
indent :: TokenizeSpec
indent = mempty { tsIndent = Just True }
itabstops :: Int -> TokenizeSpec
itabstops n = mempty { tsIndent = Just True, tsItabStops = pure n }
newtype TokenizeM w a = TokenizeM (RWS TokenizeSpec w () a)
deriving( Applicative
, Functor
, MonadReader TokenizeSpec
, MonadWriter w
, MonadState ()
, Monad
data Token = TChar Char
| TSChar Char
| TPunct Char
| TText Text
| TSLit Text
| TKeyword Text
| TEmpty
| TDelim
| TIndent Int
| TEol
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
class IsToken a where
mkChar :: Char -> a
mkSChar :: Char -> a
mkPunct :: Char -> a
mkText :: Text -> a
mkStrLit :: Text -> a
mkKeyword :: Text -> a
mkEmpty :: a
mkDelim :: a
mkDelim = mkEmpty
mkIndent :: Int -> a
mkIndent = const mkEmpty
mkEol :: a
mkEol = mkEmpty
instance IsToken (Maybe Text) where
mkChar = pure . Text.singleton
mkSChar = pure . Text.singleton
mkPunct = pure . Text.singleton
mkText = pure
mkStrLit = pure
mkKeyword = pure
mkEmpty = Nothing
instance IsToken Text where
mkChar = Text.singleton
mkSChar = Text.singleton
mkPunct = Text.singleton
mkText = id
mkStrLit = id
mkKeyword = id
mkEmpty = ""
tokenize :: IsToken a => TokenizeSpec -> Text -> [a]
tokenize s t = map tr t1
t1 = tokenize' s t
tr (TChar c) = mkChar c
tr (TSChar c) = mkSChar c
tr (TText c) = mkText c
tr (TSLit c) = mkStrLit c
tr (TKeyword c) = mkKeyword c
tr TEmpty = mkEmpty
tr (TPunct c) = mkPunct c
tr TDelim = mkDelim
tr (TIndent n) = mkIndent n
tr TEol = mkEol
execTokenizeM :: TokenizeM [Token] a -> TokenizeSpec -> [Token]
execTokenizeM (TokenizeM m) spec =
let (_,w) = execRWS m spec () in norm w
where norm x | justTrue (tsNotNormalize spec) = x
| otherwise = normalize spec x
tokenize' :: TokenizeSpec -> Text -> [Token]
tokenize' spec txt = execTokenizeM (root' txt) spec
r = spec
noIndent = not doIndent
doIndent = justTrue (tsIndent r)
eolOk = justTrue (tsEol r)
root' x = scanIndent x >>= root
root ts = do
case Text.uncons ts of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just ('\n', rest) | doIndent -> raiseEol >> root' rest
Just (c, rest) | Set.member c (tsDelims r) -> tell [TDelim] >> root rest
Just ('\'', rest) | justTrue (tsStringQ r) -> scanQ '\'' rest
Just ('"', rest) | justTrue (tsStringQQ r) -> scanQ '"' rest
Just (c, rest) | Map.member c (tsLineComment r) -> scanComment (c,rest)
Just (c, rest) | Set.member c (tsPunct r) -> tell [TPunct c] >> root rest
Just (c, rest) | otherwise -> tell [TChar c] >> root rest
raiseEol | eolOk = tell [TEol]
| otherwise = pure ()
expandSpace ' ' = 1
expandSpace '\t' = (fromMaybe 8 (tsItabStops r))
expandSpace _ = 0
scanIndent x | noIndent = pure x
| otherwise = do
let (ss,as) = Text.span (\c -> c == ' ' || c == '\t') x
tell [ TIndent (sum (map expandSpace (Text.unpack ss))) ]
pure as
scanComment (c,rest) = do
suff <- Map.lookup c <$> asks tsLineComment
case suff of
Just t | Text.isPrefixOf t rest -> do
root $ Text.dropWhile ('\n' /=) rest
_ -> tell [TChar c] >> root rest
scanQ q ts = do
case Text.uncons ts of
Nothing -> root ts
Just ('\\', rest) | justTrue (tsEsc r) -> unesc (scanQ q) rest
| otherwise -> tell [tsChar '\\'] >> scanQ q rest
Just (c, rest) | c == q -> root rest
| otherwise -> tell [tsChar c] >> scanQ q rest
unesc f ts =
case Text.uncons ts of
Nothing -> f ts
Just ('"', rs) -> tell [tsChar '"' ] >> f rs
Just ('\'', rs) -> tell [tsChar '\''] >> f rs
Just ('\\', rs) -> tell [tsChar '\\'] >> f rs
Just ('t', rs) -> tell [tsChar '\t'] >> f rs
Just ('n', rs) -> tell [tsChar '\n'] >> f rs
Just ('r', rs) -> tell [tsChar '\r'] >> f rs
Just ('a', rs) -> tell [tsChar '\a'] >> f rs
Just ('b', rs) -> tell [tsChar '\b'] >> f rs
Just ('f', rs) -> tell [tsChar '\f'] >> f rs
Just ('v', rs) -> tell [tsChar '\v'] >> f rs
Just (_, rs) -> f rs
tsChar c | justTrue (tsNoSlits spec) = TChar c
| otherwise = TSChar c
newtype NormStats = NormStats { nstatBeforeDelim :: Int }
normalize :: TokenizeSpec -> [Token] -> [Token]
normalize spec tokens = snd $ execRWS (go tokens) () init
go [] = addEmptyField
go s@(TIndent _ : _) = do
let (iis, rest') = List.span isIndent s
tell [TIndent (sum [k | TIndent k <- iis])]
go rest'
go (TChar c0 : cs) = do
let (n,ns) = List.span isTChar cs
let chunk = eatSpaces $ Text.pack (c0 : [ c | TChar c <- n])
let kw = Set.member chunk (tsKeywords spec)
tell [ if kw then TKeyword chunk else TText chunk ]
go ns
go (TSChar x : xs) = do
let (n,ns) = List.span isTSChar xs
tell [ TSLit $ Text.pack (x : [ c | TSChar c <- n]) ]
go ns
go (TDelim : xs) = do
go xs
go (TPunct c : xs) = do
tell [ TPunct c ]
go xs
go (x:xs) = tell [x] >> go xs
succStat = do
modify (\x -> x { nstatBeforeDelim = succ (nstatBeforeDelim x)})
pruneStat = do
modify (\x -> x { nstatBeforeDelim = 0 } )
addEmptyField = do
ns <- gets nstatBeforeDelim
when (ns == 0 && justTrue (tsAddEmptyFields spec) ) $ do
tell [ TEmpty ]
isTChar (TChar _) = True
isTChar _ = False
isTSChar (TSChar _) = True
isTSChar _ = False
isIndent (TIndent _) = True
isIndent _ = False
init = NormStats { nstatBeforeDelim = 0 }
eatSpaces s | sboth = Text.strip s
| sLonly = Text.stripStart s
| sRonly = Text.stripEnd s
| sWU = (Text.unwords . Text.words) s
| otherwise = s
where sboth = justTrue (tsStripLeft spec) && justTrue (tsStripRight spec)
sLonly = justTrue (tsStripLeft spec) && not (justTrue (tsStripRight spec))
sRonly = not (justTrue (tsStripLeft spec)) && justTrue (tsStripRight spec)
sWU = justTrue (tsUW spec)