{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
module Gauge.Main
, defaultMainWith
, runMode
, benchmark
, benchmarkWith
, module Gauge.Benchmark
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (unless, when)
import qualified Gauge.CSV as CSV
import Gauge.Analysis (analyseBenchmark)
import Gauge.IO.Printf (note, printError, rewindClearLine)
import Gauge.Benchmark
import Gauge.Main.Options
import Gauge.Measurement (Measured, measureAccessors_, rescale)
import Gauge.Monad (Gauge, askConfig, withConfig, gaugeIO)
import Data.List (sort)
import Data.Traversable
import System.Environment (getProgName, getArgs)
import System.Exit (ExitCode(..), exitWith)
import System.IO (BufferMode(..), hSetBuffering, stdout)
import Basement.Terminal (initialize)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Prelude
defaultMain :: [Benchmark] -> IO ()
defaultMain = defaultMainWith defaultConfig
parseError :: String -> IO a
parseError msg = do
_ <- printError "Error: %s\n" msg
_ <- printError "Run \"%s --help\" for usage information\n" =<< getProgName
exitWith (ExitFailure 64)
selectBenches :: MatchType -> [String] -> Benchmark -> IO (String -> Bool)
selectBenches matchType benches bsgroup = do
let toRun = makeSelector matchType benches
unless (null benches || any toRun (benchNames bsgroup)) $
parseError "none of the specified names matches a benchmark"
return toRun
quickAnalyse :: String -> V.Vector Measured -> Gauge ()
quickAnalyse desc meas = do
Config{..} <- askConfig
let timeAccessor = filter (("time" ==) . fst) measureAccessors_
accessors =
if verbosity == Verbose
then measureAccessors_
else timeAccessor
_ <- note "%s%-40s " rewindClearLine desc
if verbosity == Verbose then gaugeIO (putStrLn "") else return ()
_ <- traverse
(\(k, (a, s, _)) -> reportStat a s k)
_ <- note "\n"
_ <- traverse
(\(_, (a, _, _)) -> writeToCSV csvFile a)
pure ()
reportStat accessor sh msg =
when (not $ V.null meas) $
let val = (accessor . rescale) $ V.last meas
in maybe (return ()) (\x -> note "%-20s %-10s\n" msg (sh x)) val
writeToCSV file accessor =
when (not $ V.null meas) $ do
let val = (accessor . rescale) $ V.last meas
case val of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just v ->
gaugeIO $ CSV.write file $ CSV.Row
[ CSV.string desc
, CSV.float v
benchmarkWith :: Config -> Benchmarkable -> IO ()
benchmarkWith cfg bm =
withConfig cfg $
runBenchmark (const True) (Benchmark "function" bm) (BenchmarkNormal quickAnalyse)
benchmark :: Benchmarkable -> IO ()
benchmark = benchmarkWith defaultConfig
defaultMainWith :: Config
-> [Benchmark]
-> IO ()
defaultMainWith defCfg bs = do
args <- getArgs
let (cfg, extra) = parseWith defCfg args
let cfg' = cfg
let cfg' = cfg {quickMode = True}
runMode (mode cfg') cfg' extra bs
runMode :: Mode -> Config -> [String] -> [Benchmark] -> IO ()
runMode wat cfg benches bs =
case wat of
List -> mapM_ putStrLn . sort . concatMap benchNames $ bs
Version -> putStrLn versionInfo
Help -> putStrLn describe
DefaultMode -> runDefault
runDefault = do
CSV.write (csvRawFile cfg) $ CSV.Row $ map CSV.string $
["name"] ++ map fst measureAccessors_
CSV.write (csvFile cfg) $ CSV.Row $ map CSV.string $ ["Name"] ++
if quickMode cfg
then ["Time"]
else ["Mean","MeanLB","MeanUB","Stddev","StddevLB","StddevUB"]
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
selector <- selectBenches (match cfg) benches bsgroup
let compiledAnalyseStep = analyseBenchmark
let compiledAnalyseStep = quickAnalyse
let mode = case (measureOnly cfg, iters cfg, quickMode cfg) of
(Just outfile, _ , _ ) -> BenchmarkNormal $ \_ r -> gaugeIO (writeFile outfile (show r))
(Nothing , Just nbIters, _ ) -> BenchmarkIters nbIters
(Nothing , Nothing , True) -> BenchmarkNormal quickAnalyse
(Nothing , Nothing , False) -> BenchmarkNormal compiledAnalyseStep
withConfig cfg $ runBenchmark selector bsgroup mode
bsgroup = BenchGroup "" bs