{- |
Module      :  Generics.Deriving.TH.Internal
Copyright   :  (c) 2008--2009 Universiteit Utrecht
License     :  BSD3

Maintainer  :  generics@haskell.org
Stability   :  experimental
Portability :  non-portable

Template Haskell-related utilities.

module Generics.Deriving.TH.Internal where

import           Control.Monad (unless)

import           Data.Char (isAlphaNum, ord)
import           Data.Foldable (foldr')
import           Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import           Data.Map as Map (Map)
import           Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import           Data.Set (Set)

import           Language.Haskell.TH.Datatype
import           Language.Haskell.TH.Lib
import           Language.Haskell.TH.Ppr (pprint)
import           Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

import           Data.Version (showVersion)
import           Paths_generic_deriving (version)

-- Expanding type synonyms

type TypeSubst = Map Name Type

applySubstitutionKind :: Map Name Kind -> Type -> Type
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
applySubstitutionKind = applySubstitution
applySubstitutionKind _ t = t

substNameWithKind :: Name -> Kind -> Type -> Type
substNameWithKind n k = applySubstitutionKind (Map.singleton n k)

substNamesWithKindStar :: [Name] -> Type -> Type
substNamesWithKindStar ns t = foldr' (flip substNameWithKind starK) t ns

-- StarKindStatus

-- | Whether a type is not of kind *, is of kind *, or is a kind variable.
data StarKindStatus = NotKindStar
                    | KindStar
                    | IsKindVar Name
  deriving Eq

-- | Does a Type have kind * or k (for some kind variable k)?
canRealizeKindStar :: Type -> StarKindStatus
canRealizeKindStar t
  | hasKindStar t = KindStar
  | otherwise = case t of
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
                     SigT _ (VarT k) -> IsKindVar k
                     _               -> NotKindStar

-- | Returns 'Just' the kind variable 'Name' of a 'StarKindStatus' if it exists.
-- Otherwise, returns 'Nothing'.
starKindStatusToName :: StarKindStatus -> Maybe Name
starKindStatusToName (IsKindVar n) = Just n
starKindStatusToName _             = Nothing

-- | Concat together all of the StarKindStatuses that are IsKindVar and extract
-- the kind variables' Names out.
catKindVarNames :: [StarKindStatus] -> [Name]
catKindVarNames = mapMaybe starKindStatusToName

-- Assorted utilities

-- | Returns True if a Type has kind *.
hasKindStar :: Type -> Bool
hasKindStar VarT{}         = True
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
hasKindStar (SigT _ StarT) = True
hasKindStar (SigT _ StarK) = True
hasKindStar _              = False

-- | Converts a VarT or a SigT into Just the corresponding TyVarBndr.
-- Converts other Types to Nothing.
typeToTyVarBndr :: Type -> Maybe TyVarBndr
typeToTyVarBndr (VarT n)          = Just (PlainTV n)
typeToTyVarBndr (SigT (VarT n) k) = Just (KindedTV n k)
typeToTyVarBndr _                 = Nothing

-- | If a Type is a SigT, returns its kind signature. Otherwise, return *.
typeKind :: Type -> Kind
typeKind (SigT _ k) = k
typeKind _          = starK

-- | Turns
-- @
-- [a, b] c
-- @
-- into
-- @
-- a -> b -> c
-- @
makeFunType :: [Type] -> Type -> Type
makeFunType argTys resTy = foldr' (AppT . AppT ArrowT) resTy argTys

-- | Turns
-- @
-- [k1, k2] k3
-- @
-- into
-- @
-- k1 -> k2 -> k3
-- @
makeFunKind :: [Kind] -> Kind -> Kind
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
makeFunKind = makeFunType
makeFunKind argKinds resKind = foldr' ArrowK resKind argKinds

-- | Is the given type a type family constructor (and not a data family constructor)?
isTyFamily :: Type -> Q Bool
isTyFamily (ConT n) = do
    info <- reify n
    return $ case info of
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
         FamilyI OpenTypeFamilyD{} _       -> True
#elif MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,7,0)
         FamilyI (FamilyD TypeFam _ _ _) _ -> True
         TyConI  (FamilyD TypeFam _ _ _)   -> True
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,9,0)
         FamilyI ClosedTypeFamilyD{} _     -> True
         _ -> False
isTyFamily _ = return False

-- | True if the type does not mention the Name
ground :: Type -> Name -> Bool
ground (AppT t1 t2) name = ground t1 name && ground t2 name
ground (SigT t _)   name = ground t name
ground (VarT t)     name = t /= name
ground ForallT{}    _    = rankNError
ground _            _    = True

-- | Construct a type via curried application.
applyTyToTys :: Type -> [Type] -> Type
applyTyToTys = foldl' AppT

-- | Apply a type constructor name to type variable binders.
applyTyToTvbs :: Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> Type
applyTyToTvbs = foldl' (\a -> AppT a . tyVarBndrToType) . ConT

-- | Split an applied type into its individual components. For example, this:
-- @
-- Either Int Char
-- @
-- would split to this:
-- @
-- [Either, Int, Char]
-- @
unapplyTy :: Type -> [Type]
unapplyTy = reverse . go
    go :: Type -> [Type]
    go (AppT t1 t2)    = t2 : go t1
    go (SigT t _)      = go t
    go (ForallT _ _ t) = go t
    go t               = [t]

-- | Split a type signature by the arrows on its spine. For example, this:
-- @
-- forall a b. (a -> b) -> Char -> ()
-- @
-- would split to this:
-- @
-- ([a, b], [a -> b, Char, ()])
-- @
uncurryTy :: Type -> ([TyVarBndr], [Type])
uncurryTy (AppT (AppT ArrowT t1) t2) =
  let (tvbs, tys) = uncurryTy t2
  in (tvbs, t1:tys)
uncurryTy (SigT t _) = uncurryTy t
uncurryTy (ForallT tvbs _ t) =
  let (tvbs', tys) = uncurryTy t
  in (tvbs ++ tvbs', tys)
uncurryTy t = ([], [t])

-- | Like uncurryType, except on a kind level.
uncurryKind :: Kind -> ([TyVarBndr], [Kind])
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
uncurryKind = uncurryTy
uncurryKind (ArrowK k1 k2) =
  let (kvbs, ks) = uncurryKind k2
  in (kvbs, k1:ks)
uncurryKind k = ([], [k])

tyVarBndrToType :: TyVarBndr -> Type
tyVarBndrToType (PlainTV n)    = VarT n
tyVarBndrToType (KindedTV n k) = SigT (VarT n) k

-- | Generate a list of fresh names with a common prefix, and numbered suffixes.
newNameList :: String -> Int -> Q [Name]
newNameList prefix n = mapM (newName . (prefix ++) . show) [1..n]

-- | Checks to see if the last types in a data family instance can be safely eta-
-- reduced (i.e., dropped), given the other types. This checks for three conditions:
-- (1) All of the dropped types are type variables
-- (2) All of the dropped types are distinct
-- (3) None of the remaining types mention any of the dropped types
canEtaReduce :: [Type] -> [Type] -> Bool
canEtaReduce remaining dropped =
       all isTyVar dropped
       -- Make sure not to pass something of type [Type], since Type
       -- didn't have an Ord instance until template-haskell-
    && allDistinct droppedNames
    && not (any (`mentionsName` droppedNames) remaining)
    droppedNames :: [Name]
    droppedNames = map varTToName dropped

-- | Extract the Name from a type variable. If the argument Type is not a
-- type variable, throw an error.
varTToName :: Type -> Name
varTToName (VarT n)   = n
varTToName (SigT t _) = varTToName t
varTToName _          = error "Not a type variable!"

-- | Is the given type a variable?
isTyVar :: Type -> Bool
isTyVar VarT{}     = True
isTyVar (SigT t _) = isTyVar t
isTyVar _          = False

-- | Is the given kind a variable?
isKindVar :: Kind -> Bool
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
isKindVar = isTyVar
isKindVar _ = False -- There are no kind variables

-- | Returns 'True' is a 'Type' contains no type variables.
isTypeMonomorphic :: Type -> Bool
isTypeMonomorphic = go
    go :: Type -> Bool
    go (AppT t1 t2) = go t1 && go t2
    go (SigT t _k)  = go t
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
                           && go _k
    go VarT{}       = False
    go _            = True

-- | Peel off a kind signature from a Type (if it has one).
unSigT :: Type -> Type
unSigT (SigT t _) = t
unSigT t          = t

-- | Peel off a kind signature from a TyVarBndr (if it has one).
unKindedTV :: TyVarBndr -> TyVarBndr
unKindedTV (KindedTV n _) = PlainTV n
unKindedTV tvb            = tvb

-- | Does the given type mention any of the Names in the list?
mentionsName :: Type -> [Name] -> Bool
mentionsName = go
    go :: Type -> [Name] -> Bool
    go (AppT t1 t2) names = go t1 names || go t2 names
    go (SigT t _k)  names = go t names
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
                              || go _k names
    go (VarT n)     names = n `elem` names
    go _            _     = False

-- | Are all of the items in a list (which have an ordering) distinct?
-- This uses Set (as opposed to nub) for better asymptotic time complexity.
allDistinct :: Ord a => [a] -> Bool
allDistinct = allDistinct' Set.empty
    allDistinct' :: Ord a => Set a -> [a] -> Bool
    allDistinct' uniqs (x:xs)
        | x `Set.member` uniqs = False
        | otherwise            = allDistinct' (Set.insert x uniqs) xs
    allDistinct' _ _           = True

fst3 :: (a, b, c) -> a
fst3 (a, _, _) = a

snd3 :: (a, b, c) -> b
snd3 (_, b, _) = b

trd3 :: (a, b, c) -> c
trd3 (_, _, c) = c

shrink :: (a, b, c) -> (b, c)
shrink (_, b, c) = (b, c)

foldBal :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> [a] -> a
foldBal _  x []  = x
foldBal _  _ [y] = y
foldBal op x l   = let (a,b) = splitAt (length l `div` 2) l
                   in foldBal op x a `op` foldBal op x b

isNewtypeVariant :: DatatypeVariant_ -> Bool
isNewtypeVariant Datatype_             = False
isNewtypeVariant Newtype_              = True
isNewtypeVariant (DataInstance_ {})    = False
isNewtypeVariant (NewtypeInstance_ {}) = True

-- | Indicates whether Generic or Generic1 is being derived.
data GenericClass = Generic | Generic1 deriving Enum

-- | Like 'GenericArity', but bundling two things in the 'Gen1' case:
-- 1. The 'Name' of the last type parameter.
-- 2. If that last type parameter had kind k (where k is some kind variable),
--    then it has 'Just' the kind variable 'Name'. Otherwise, it has 'Nothing'.
data GenericKind = Gen0
                 | Gen1 Name (Maybe Name)

-- Determines the universally quantified type variables (possibly after
-- substituting * in the case of Generic1) and the last type parameter name
-- (if there is one).
genericKind :: GenericClass -> [Type] -> ([TyVarBndr], GenericKind)
genericKind gClass tySynVars =
  case gClass of
    Generic  -> (freeVariablesWellScoped tySynVars, Gen0)
    Generic1 -> (freeVariablesWellScoped initArgs, Gen1 (varTToName lastArg) mbLastArgKindName)
    -- Everything below is only used for Generic1.
    initArgs :: [Type]
    initArgs = init tySynVars

    lastArg :: Type
    lastArg = last tySynVars

    mbLastArgKindName :: Maybe Name
    mbLastArgKindName = starKindStatusToName
                      $ canRealizeKindStar lastArg

-- | A version of 'DatatypeVariant' in which the data family instance
-- constructors come equipped with the 'ConstructorInfo' of the first
-- constructor in the family instance (for 'Name' generation purposes).
data DatatypeVariant_
  = Datatype_
  | Newtype_
  | DataInstance_    ConstructorInfo
  | NewtypeInstance_ ConstructorInfo

showsDatatypeVariant :: DatatypeVariant_ -> ShowS
showsDatatypeVariant variant = (++ '_':label)
    dataPlain :: String
    dataPlain = "Plain"

    dataFamily :: ConstructorInfo -> String
    dataFamily con = "Family_" ++ sanitizeName (nameBase $ constructorName con)

    label :: String
    label = case variant of
              Datatype_            -> dataPlain
              Newtype_             -> dataPlain
              DataInstance_    con -> dataFamily con
              NewtypeInstance_ con -> dataFamily con

showNameQual :: Name -> String
showNameQual = sanitizeName . showQual
    showQual (Name _ (NameQ m))       = modString m
    showQual (Name _ (NameG _ pkg m)) = pkgString pkg ++ ":" ++ modString m
    showQual _                        = ""

-- | Credit to Víctor López Juan for this trick
sanitizeName :: String -> String
sanitizeName nb = 'N':(
    nb >>= \x -> case x of
      c | isAlphaNum c || c == '\''-> [c]
      '_' -> "__"
      c   -> "_" ++ show (ord c))

-- | One of the last type variables cannot be eta-reduced (see the canEtaReduce
-- function for the criteria it would have to meet).
etaReductionError :: Type -> Q a
etaReductionError instanceType = fail $
  "Cannot eta-reduce to an instance of form \n\tinstance (...) => "
  ++ pprint instanceType

-- | Either the given data type doesn't have enough type variables, or one of
-- the type variables to be eta-reduced cannot realize kind *.
derivingKindError :: Name -> Q a
derivingKindError tyConName = fail
  . showString "Cannot derive well-kinded instance of form ‘Generic1 "
  . showParen True
    ( showString (nameBase tyConName)
    . showString " ..."
  . showString "‘\n\tClass Generic1 expects an argument of kind * -> *"
  $ ""

outOfPlaceTyVarError :: Q a
outOfPlaceTyVarError = fail
    "Type applied to an argument involving the last parameter is not of kind * -> *"

-- | Cannot have a constructor argument of form (forall a1 ... an. <type>)
-- when deriving Generic(1)
rankNError :: a
rankNError = error "Cannot have polymorphic arguments"

-- | Boilerplate for top level splices.
-- The given Name must meet one of two criteria:
-- 1. It must be the name of a type constructor of a plain data type or newtype.
-- 2. It must be the name of a data family instance or newtype instance constructor.
-- Any other value will result in an exception.
reifyDataInfo :: Name
              -> Q (Either String (Name, [Type], [ConstructorInfo], DatatypeVariant_))
reifyDataInfo name = do
  return $ Left $ ns ++ " Could not reify " ++ nameBase name
  do DatatypeInfo { datatypeContext = ctxt
                  , datatypeName    = parentName
                  , datatypeVars    = tys
                  , datatypeVariant = variant
                  , datatypeCons    = cons
                  } <- reifyDatatype name
     let variant_ = case variant of
                      Datatype        -> Datatype_
                      Newtype         -> Newtype_
                      -- This isn't total, but the API requires that the data
                      -- family instance have at least one constructor anyways,
                      -- so this will always succeed.
                      DataInstance    -> DataInstance_    $ head cons
                      NewtypeInstance -> NewtypeInstance_ $ head cons
     checkDataContext parentName ctxt $ Right (parentName, tys, cons, variant_)
    ns :: String
    ns = "Generics.Deriving.TH.reifyDataInfo: "

-- | One cannot derive Generic(1) instance for anything that uses DatatypeContexts,
-- so check to make sure the Cxt field of a datatype is null.
checkDataContext :: Name -> Cxt -> a -> Q a
checkDataContext _        [] x = return x
checkDataContext dataName _  _ = fail $
  nameBase dataName ++ " must not have a datatype context"

-- | Deriving Generic(1) doesn't work with ExistentialQuantification or GADTs.
checkExistentialContext :: Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> Cxt -> Q ()
checkExistentialContext conName vars ctxt =
  unless (null vars && null ctxt) $ fail $
    nameBase conName ++ " must be a vanilla data constructor"

-- Manually quoted names

-- By manually generating these names we avoid needing to use the
-- TemplateHaskell language extension when compiling the generic-deriving library.
-- This allows the library to be used in stage1 cross-compilers.

gdPackageKey :: String
gdPackageKey = "generic-deriving-" ++ showVersion version

mkGD4'4_d :: String -> Name
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0)
mkGD4'4_d = mkNameG_d "base" "GHC.Generics"
#elif MIN_VERSION_base(4,4,0)
mkGD4'4_d = mkNameG_d "ghc-prim" "GHC.Generics"
mkGD4'4_d = mkNameG_d gdPackageKey "Generics.Deriving.Base.Internal"

mkGD4'9_d :: String -> Name
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
mkGD4'9_d = mkNameG_d "base" "GHC.Generics"
mkGD4'9_d = mkNameG_d gdPackageKey "Generics.Deriving.Base.Internal"

mkGD4'4_tc :: String -> Name
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0)
mkGD4'4_tc = mkNameG_tc "base" "GHC.Generics"
#elif MIN_VERSION_base(4,4,0)
mkGD4'4_tc = mkNameG_tc "ghc-prim" "GHC.Generics"
mkGD4'4_tc = mkNameG_tc gdPackageKey "Generics.Deriving.Base.Internal"

mkGD4'9_tc :: String -> Name
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
mkGD4'9_tc = mkNameG_tc "base" "GHC.Generics"
mkGD4'9_tc = mkNameG_tc gdPackageKey "Generics.Deriving.Base.Internal"

mkGD4'4_v :: String -> Name
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0)
mkGD4'4_v = mkNameG_v "base" "GHC.Generics"
#elif MIN_VERSION_base(4,4,0)
mkGD4'4_v = mkNameG_v "ghc-prim" "GHC.Generics"
mkGD4'4_v = mkNameG_v gdPackageKey "Generics.Deriving.Base.Internal"

mkGD4'9_v :: String -> Name
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
mkGD4'9_v = mkNameG_v "base" "GHC.Generics"
mkGD4'9_v = mkNameG_v gdPackageKey "Generics.Deriving.Base.Internal"

mkBaseName_d :: String -> String -> Name
mkBaseName_d = mkNameG_d "base"

mkGHCPrimName_d :: String -> String -> Name
mkGHCPrimName_d = mkNameG_d "ghc-prim"

mkGHCPrimName_tc :: String -> String -> Name
mkGHCPrimName_tc = mkNameG_tc "ghc-prim"

mkGHCPrimName_v :: String -> String -> Name
mkGHCPrimName_v = mkNameG_v "ghc-prim"

comp1DataName :: Name
comp1DataName = mkGD4'4_d "Comp1"

infixDataName :: Name
infixDataName = mkGD4'4_d "Infix"

k1DataName :: Name
k1DataName = mkGD4'4_d "K1"

l1DataName :: Name
l1DataName = mkGD4'4_d "L1"

leftAssociativeDataName :: Name
leftAssociativeDataName = mkGD4'4_d "LeftAssociative"

m1DataName :: Name
m1DataName = mkGD4'4_d "M1"

notAssociativeDataName :: Name
notAssociativeDataName = mkGD4'4_d "NotAssociative"

par1DataName :: Name
par1DataName = mkGD4'4_d "Par1"

prefixDataName :: Name
prefixDataName = mkGD4'4_d "Prefix"

productDataName :: Name
productDataName = mkGD4'4_d ":*:"

r1DataName :: Name
r1DataName = mkGD4'4_d "R1"

rec1DataName :: Name
rec1DataName = mkGD4'4_d "Rec1"

rightAssociativeDataName :: Name
rightAssociativeDataName = mkGD4'4_d "RightAssociative"

u1DataName :: Name
u1DataName = mkGD4'4_d "U1"

uAddrDataName :: Name
uAddrDataName = mkGD4'9_d "UAddr"

uCharDataName :: Name
uCharDataName = mkGD4'9_d "UChar"

uDoubleDataName :: Name
uDoubleDataName = mkGD4'9_d "UDouble"

uFloatDataName :: Name
uFloatDataName = mkGD4'9_d "UFloat"

uIntDataName :: Name
uIntDataName = mkGD4'9_d "UInt"

uWordDataName :: Name
uWordDataName = mkGD4'9_d "UWord"

c1TypeName :: Name
c1TypeName = mkGD4'4_tc "C1"

composeTypeName :: Name
composeTypeName = mkGD4'4_tc ":.:"

constructorTypeName :: Name
constructorTypeName = mkGD4'4_tc "Constructor"

d1TypeName :: Name
d1TypeName = mkGD4'4_tc "D1"

genericTypeName :: Name
genericTypeName = mkGD4'4_tc "Generic"

generic1TypeName :: Name
generic1TypeName = mkGD4'4_tc "Generic1"

datatypeTypeName :: Name
datatypeTypeName = mkGD4'4_tc "Datatype"

noSelectorTypeName :: Name
noSelectorTypeName = mkGD4'4_tc "NoSelector"

par1TypeName :: Name
par1TypeName = mkGD4'4_tc "Par1"

productTypeName :: Name
productTypeName = mkGD4'4_tc ":*:"

rec0TypeName :: Name
rec0TypeName = mkGD4'4_tc "Rec0"

rec1TypeName :: Name
rec1TypeName = mkGD4'4_tc "Rec1"

repTypeName :: Name
repTypeName = mkGD4'4_tc "Rep"

rep1TypeName :: Name
rep1TypeName = mkGD4'4_tc "Rep1"

s1TypeName :: Name
s1TypeName = mkGD4'4_tc "S1"

selectorTypeName :: Name
selectorTypeName = mkGD4'4_tc "Selector"

sumTypeName :: Name
sumTypeName = mkGD4'4_tc ":+:"

u1TypeName :: Name
u1TypeName = mkGD4'4_tc "U1"

uAddrTypeName :: Name
uAddrTypeName = mkGD4'9_tc "UAddr"

uCharTypeName :: Name
uCharTypeName = mkGD4'9_tc "UChar"

uDoubleTypeName :: Name
uDoubleTypeName = mkGD4'9_tc "UDouble"

uFloatTypeName :: Name
uFloatTypeName = mkGD4'9_tc "UFloat"

uIntTypeName :: Name
uIntTypeName = mkGD4'9_tc "UInt"

uWordTypeName :: Name
uWordTypeName = mkGD4'9_tc "UWord"

v1TypeName :: Name
v1TypeName = mkGD4'4_tc "V1"

conFixityValName :: Name
conFixityValName = mkGD4'4_v "conFixity"

conIsRecordValName :: Name
conIsRecordValName = mkGD4'4_v "conIsRecord"

conNameValName :: Name
conNameValName = mkGD4'4_v "conName"

datatypeNameValName :: Name
datatypeNameValName = mkGD4'4_v "datatypeName"

isNewtypeValName :: Name
isNewtypeValName = mkGD4'4_v "isNewtype"

fromValName :: Name
fromValName = mkGD4'4_v "from"

from1ValName :: Name
from1ValName = mkGD4'4_v "from1"

moduleNameValName :: Name
moduleNameValName = mkGD4'4_v "moduleName"

selNameValName :: Name
selNameValName = mkGD4'4_v "selName"

seqValName :: Name
seqValName = mkGHCPrimName_v "GHC.Prim" "seq"

toValName :: Name
toValName = mkGD4'4_v "to"

to1ValName :: Name
to1ValName = mkGD4'4_v "to1"

uAddrHashValName :: Name
uAddrHashValName = mkGD4'9_v "uAddr#"

uCharHashValName :: Name
uCharHashValName = mkGD4'9_v "uChar#"

uDoubleHashValName :: Name
uDoubleHashValName = mkGD4'9_v "uDouble#"

uFloatHashValName :: Name
uFloatHashValName = mkGD4'9_v "uFloat#"

uIntHashValName :: Name
uIntHashValName = mkGD4'9_v "uInt#"

uWordHashValName :: Name
uWordHashValName = mkGD4'9_v "uWord#"

unComp1ValName :: Name
unComp1ValName = mkGD4'4_v "unComp1"

unK1ValName :: Name
unK1ValName = mkGD4'4_v "unK1"

unPar1ValName :: Name
unPar1ValName = mkGD4'4_v "unPar1"

unRec1ValName :: Name
unRec1ValName = mkGD4'4_v "unRec1"

trueDataName, falseDataName :: Name
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,4,0)
trueDataName  = mkGHCPrimName_d "GHC.Types" "True"
falseDataName = mkGHCPrimName_d "GHC.Types" "False"
trueDataName  = mkGHCPrimName_d "GHC.Bool"  "True"
falseDataName = mkGHCPrimName_d "GHC.Bool"  "False"

nothingDataName, justDataName :: Name
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,12,0)
nothingDataName = mkBaseName_d "GHC.Maybe"  "Nothing"
justDataName    = mkBaseName_d "GHC.Maybe"  "Just"
#elif MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
nothingDataName = mkBaseName_d "GHC.Base"   "Nothing"
justDataName    = mkBaseName_d "GHC.Base"   "Just"
nothingDataName = mkBaseName_d "Data.Maybe" "Nothing"
justDataName    = mkBaseName_d "Data.Maybe" "Just"

mkGHCPrim_tc :: String -> Name
mkGHCPrim_tc = mkNameG_tc "ghc-prim" "GHC.Prim"

addrHashTypeName :: Name
addrHashTypeName = mkGHCPrim_tc "Addr#"

charHashTypeName :: Name
charHashTypeName = mkGHCPrim_tc "Char#"

doubleHashTypeName :: Name
doubleHashTypeName = mkGHCPrim_tc "Double#"

floatHashTypeName :: Name
floatHashTypeName = mkGHCPrim_tc "Float#"

intHashTypeName :: Name
intHashTypeName = mkGHCPrim_tc "Int#"

wordHashTypeName :: Name
wordHashTypeName = mkGHCPrim_tc "Word#"

composeValName :: Name
composeValName = mkNameG_v "base" "GHC.Base" "."

errorValName :: Name
errorValName = mkNameG_v "base" "GHC.Err" "error"

fmapValName :: Name
fmapValName = mkNameG_v "base" "GHC.Base" "fmap"

undefinedValName :: Name
undefinedValName = mkNameG_v "base" "GHC.Err" "undefined"

starKindName :: Name
starKindName = mkGHCPrimName_tc "GHC.Prim" "*"

decidedLazyDataName :: Name
decidedLazyDataName = mkGD4'9_d "DecidedLazy"

decidedStrictDataName :: Name
decidedStrictDataName = mkGD4'9_d "DecidedStrict"

decidedUnpackDataName :: Name
decidedUnpackDataName = mkGD4'9_d "DecidedUnpack"

infixIDataName :: Name
infixIDataName = mkGD4'9_d "InfixI"

metaConsDataName :: Name
metaConsDataName = mkGD4'9_d "MetaCons"

metaDataDataName :: Name
metaDataDataName = mkGD4'9_d "MetaData"

metaNoSelDataName :: Name
metaNoSelDataName = mkGD4'9_d "MetaNoSel"

metaSelDataName :: Name
metaSelDataName = mkGD4'9_d "MetaSel"

noSourceStrictnessDataName :: Name
noSourceStrictnessDataName = mkGD4'9_d "NoSourceStrictness"

noSourceUnpackednessDataName :: Name
noSourceUnpackednessDataName = mkGD4'9_d "NoSourceUnpackedness"

prefixIDataName :: Name
prefixIDataName = mkGD4'9_d "PrefixI"

sourceLazyDataName :: Name
sourceLazyDataName = mkGD4'9_d "SourceLazy"

sourceNoUnpackDataName :: Name
sourceNoUnpackDataName = mkGD4'9_d "SourceNoUnpack"

sourceStrictDataName :: Name
sourceStrictDataName = mkGD4'9_d "SourceStrict"

sourceUnpackDataName :: Name
sourceUnpackDataName = mkGD4'9_d "SourceUnpack"

packageNameValName :: Name
packageNameValName = mkGD4'4_v "packageName"