Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | GHC2021 |
- selectById :: forall a id. (Entity a, Convertible id SqlValue) => Conn -> id -> IO (Maybe a)
- select :: forall a. Entity a => Conn -> WhereClauseExpr -> IO [a]
- entitiesFromRows :: forall a. Entity a => Conn -> [[SqlValue]] -> IO [a]
- sql :: QuasiQuoter
- persist :: forall a. Entity a => Conn -> a -> IO ()
- insert :: forall a. Entity a => Conn -> a -> IO a
- insertMany :: forall a. Entity a => Conn -> [a] -> IO ()
- update :: forall a. Entity a => Conn -> a -> IO ()
- updateMany :: forall a. Entity a => Conn -> [a] -> IO ()
- delete :: forall a. Entity a => Conn -> a -> IO ()
- deleteMany :: forall a. Entity a => Conn -> [a] -> IO ()
- setupTableFor :: forall a. Entity a => Database -> Conn -> IO ()
- data Conn = forall conn.IConnection conn => Conn {
- implicitCommit :: Bool
- connection :: conn
- connect :: forall conn. IConnection conn => TxHandling -> conn -> Conn
- data Database
- data TxHandling
- type ConnectionPool = Pool Conn
- createConnPool :: IConnection conn => TxHandling -> String -> (String -> IO conn) -> Double -> Int -> IO ConnectionPool
- withResource :: Pool a -> (a -> IO r) -> IO r
- class (Generic a, HasConstructor (Rep a), HasSelectors (Rep a)) => Entity a where
- class GToRow f
- class GFromRow f
- columnNameFor :: forall a. Entity a => String -> String
- maybeFieldTypeFor :: forall a. Entity a => String -> Maybe TypeRep
- data TypeInfo a
- typeInfo :: forall a. (HasConstructor (Rep a), HasSelectors (Rep a), Generic a) => TypeInfo a
- data PersistenceException
- data WhereClauseExpr
- data Field
- field :: String -> Field
- (&&.) :: WhereClauseExpr -> WhereClauseExpr -> WhereClauseExpr
- (||.) :: WhereClauseExpr -> WhereClauseExpr -> WhereClauseExpr
- (=.) :: Convertible b SqlValue => Field -> b -> WhereClauseExpr
- (>.) :: Convertible b SqlValue => Field -> b -> WhereClauseExpr
- (<.) :: Convertible b SqlValue => Field -> b -> WhereClauseExpr
- (>=.) :: Convertible b SqlValue => Field -> b -> WhereClauseExpr
- (<=.) :: Convertible b SqlValue => Field -> b -> WhereClauseExpr
- (<>.) :: Convertible b SqlValue => Field -> b -> WhereClauseExpr
- like :: Convertible b SqlValue => Field -> b -> WhereClauseExpr
- between :: (Convertible a1 SqlValue, Convertible a2 SqlValue) => Field -> (a1, a2) -> WhereClauseExpr
- in' :: Convertible b SqlValue => Field -> [b] -> WhereClauseExpr
- isNull :: Field -> WhereClauseExpr
- not' :: WhereClauseExpr -> WhereClauseExpr
- sqlFun :: String -> Field -> Field
- allEntries :: WhereClauseExpr
- byId :: Convertible a SqlValue => a -> WhereClauseExpr
- orderBy :: WhereClauseExpr -> NonEmpty (Field, SortOrder) -> WhereClauseExpr
- data SortOrder
- limit :: WhereClauseExpr -> Int -> WhereClauseExpr
- limitOffset :: WhereClauseExpr -> (Int, Int) -> WhereClauseExpr
- data NonEmpty a = a :| [a]
selectById :: forall a id. (Entity a, Convertible id SqlValue) => Conn -> id -> IO (Maybe a) Source #
This module defines RDBMS Persistence operations for Record Data Types that are instances of Data
I call instances of such a data type Entities.
The Persistence operations are using Haskell generics to provide compile time reflection capabilities. HDBC is used to access the RDBMS.
A function that retrieves an entity from a database. The function takes entity id as parameter. If an entity with the given id exists in the database, it is returned as a Just value. If no such entity exists, Nothing is returned. An error is thrown if there are more than one entity with the given id.
select :: forall a. Entity a => Conn -> WhereClauseExpr -> IO [a] Source #
This function retrieves all entities of type a
from a database.
The function takes an HDBC connection as parameter.
The type a
is determined by the context of the function call.
retrieveAll :: forall a. (Entity a) => Conn -> IO [a]
retrieveAll conn = do
eitherExRow <- GpSafe.retrieveAll @a conn
case eitherExRow of
Left ex -> throw ex
Right rows -> pure rows
This function retrieves all entities of type a
that match some query criteria.
The function takes an HDBC connection and a WhereClauseExpr
as parameters.
The type a
is determined by the context of the function call.
The function returns a (possibly empty) list of all matching entities.
The WhereClauseExpr
is typically constructed using any tiny query dsl based on infix operators.
entitiesFromRows :: forall a. Entity a => Conn -> [[SqlValue]] -> IO [a] Source #
A function that constructs a list of entities from a list of rows.
The function takes an HDBC connection and a list of rows as parameters.
The type a
is determined by the context of the function call.
The function returns a list of entities.
This can be useful if you want to use your own SQL queries.
sql :: QuasiQuoter Source #
persist :: forall a. Entity a => Conn -> a -> IO () Source #
A function that persists an entity to a database. The function takes an HDBC connection and an entity as parameters. The entity is either inserted or updated, depending on whether it already exists in the database. The required SQL statements are generated dynamically using Haskell generics and reflection
insert :: forall a. Entity a => Conn -> a -> IO a Source #
A function that explicitely inserts an entity into a database.
insertMany :: forall a. Entity a => Conn -> [a] -> IO () Source #
A function that inserts a list of entities into a database. The function takes an HDBC connection and a list of entities as parameters. The insert-statement is compiled only once and then executed for each entity.
update :: forall a. Entity a => Conn -> a -> IO () Source #
A function that explicitely updates an entity in a database.
updateMany :: forall a. Entity a => Conn -> [a] -> IO () Source #
A function that updates a list of entities in a database. The function takes an HDBC connection and a list of entities as parameters. The update-statement is compiled only once and then executed for each entity.
delete :: forall a. Entity a => Conn -> a -> IO () Source #
A function that deletes an entity from a database. The function takes an HDBC connection and an entity as parameters.
deleteMany :: forall a. Entity a => Conn -> [a] -> IO () Source #
A function that deletes a list of entities from a database. The function takes an HDBC connection and a list of entities as parameters. The delete-statement is compiled only once and then executed for each entity.
setupTableFor :: forall a. Entity a => Database -> Conn -> IO () Source #
set up a table for a given entity type. The table is dropped (if existing) and recreated. The function takes an HDBC connection as parameter.
This module defines a wrapper around an HDBC IConnection.
Using this wrapper Conn
simplifies the signature of the functions in the GP
It allows to use any HDBC connection without having to define a new function for each connection type.
It also provides additional attributes to the connection, like the database type and the implicit commit flag.
These attributes can be used to implement database specific functionality, modify transaction behaviour, etc.
This code has been inspired by the HDBC ConnectionWrapper and some parts have been copied verbatim from the HDBC Database.HDBC.Types module.
This module also defines a ConnectionPool type, which provides basic connection pooling functionality.
A wrapper around an HDBC IConnection.
forall conn.IConnection conn => Conn | |
IConnection Conn Source # | manually implement the IConnection type class for the Conn type. |
Defined in Database.GP.Conn Methods disconnect :: Conn -> IO () # runRaw :: Conn -> String -> IO () # run :: Conn -> String -> [SqlValue] -> IO Integer # prepare :: Conn -> String -> IO Statement # hdbcDriverName :: Conn -> String # hdbcClientVer :: Conn -> String # proxiedClientName :: Conn -> String # proxiedClientVer :: Conn -> String # dbServerVer :: Conn -> String # dbTransactionSupport :: Conn -> Bool # getTables :: Conn -> IO [String] # describeTable :: Conn -> String -> IO [(String, SqlColDesc)] # |
connect :: forall conn. IConnection conn => TxHandling -> conn -> Conn Source #
a smart constructor for the Conn type.
An enumeration of the supported database types.
data TxHandling Source #
AutoCommit | |
ExplicitCommit |
type ConnectionPool = Pool Conn Source #
A pool of connections.
:: IConnection conn | |
=> TxHandling | the transaction mode |
-> String | the connection string |
-> (String -> IO conn) | a function that takes a connection string and returns an IConnection |
-> Double | the time (in seconds) to keep idle connections open |
-> Int | the maximum number of connections to keep open |
-> IO ConnectionPool | the resulting connection pool |
Creates a connection pool.
withResource :: Pool a -> (a -> IO r) -> IO r #
Take a resource from the pool, perform an action with it and return it to the pool afterwards.
- If the pool has an idle resource available, it is used immediately.
- Otherwise, if the maximum number of resources has not yet been reached, a new resource is created and used.
- If the maximum number of resources has been reached, this function blocks until a resource becomes available.
If the action throws an exception of any type, the resource is destroyed and not returned to the pool.
It probably goes without saying that you should never manually destroy a pooled resource, as doing so will almost certainly cause a subsequent user (who expects the resource to be valid) to throw an exception.
class (Generic a, HasConstructor (Rep a), HasSelectors (Rep a)) => Entity a where Source #
This is the Entity class. It is a type class that is used to define the mapping between a Haskell product type in record notation and a database table. The class has a default implementation for all methods. The default implementation uses the type information to determine a simple 1:1 mapping.
That means that - the type name is used as the table name and the - field names are used as the column names. - A field named 'typeNameID' is used as the primary key field.
The default implementation can be overridden by defining a custom instance for a type.
Please note the following constraints, which apply to all valid Entity type, but that are not explicitely encoded in the type class definition:
- The type must be a product type in record notation.
- The type must have exactly one constructor.
- There must be single primary key field, compund primary keys are not supported.
Minimal complete definition
fromRow :: Conn -> [SqlValue] -> IO a Source #
Converts a database row to a value of type a
toRow :: Conn -> a -> IO [SqlValue] Source #
Converts a value of type a
to a database row.
Returns the name of the primary key field for a type a
fieldsToColumns :: [(String, String)] Source #
Returns a list of tuples that map field names to column names for a type a
default fieldsToColumns :: [(String, String)] Source #
Returns the name of the table for a type a
autoIncrement :: Bool Source #
Returns True if the primary key field for a type a
is autoincremented by the database.
default autoIncrement :: Bool Source #
Minimal complete definition
Minimal complete definition
(KnownNat (NumFields f), GFromRow f, GFromRow g) => GFromRow (f :*: g :: Type -> Type) Source # | This instance is the most interesting one. It splits the list of
Defined in Database.GP.Entity | |
Convertible SqlValue a => GFromRow (K1 i a :: k -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Database.GP.Entity | |
GFromRow a => GFromRow (M1 i c a :: k -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Database.GP.Entity |
columnNameFor :: forall a. Entity a => String -> String Source #
A convenience function: returns the name of the column for a field of a type a
A data type holding meta-data about a type.
The Phantom type parameter a
ensures type safety for reflective functions
that use this type to create type instances.
typeInfo :: forall a. (HasConstructor (Rep a), HasSelectors (Rep a), Generic a) => TypeInfo a Source #
this function is a smart constructor for TypeInfo objects.
It takes a value of type a
and returns a `TypeInfo a` object.
If the type has no named fields, an error is thrown.
If the type has more than one constructor, an error is thrown.
data PersistenceException Source #
This is the "safe" version of the module Database.GP.GenericPersistence. It uses Either to return errors.
This module defines RDBMS Persistence operations for Record Data Types that are instances of Data
I call instances of such a data type Entities.
The Persistence operations are using Haskell generics to provide compile time reflection capabilities. HDBC is used to access the RDBMS.
exceptions that may occur during persistence operations
Exception PersistenceException Source # | |
Defined in Database.GP.GenericPersistenceSafe Methods toException :: PersistenceException -> SomeException # fromException :: SomeException -> Maybe PersistenceException # | |
Show PersistenceException Source # | |
Defined in Database.GP.GenericPersistenceSafe Methods showsPrec :: Int -> PersistenceException -> ShowS # show :: PersistenceException -> String # showList :: [PersistenceException] -> ShowS # | |
Eq PersistenceException Source # | |
Defined in Database.GP.GenericPersistenceSafe Methods (==) :: PersistenceException -> PersistenceException -> Bool # (/=) :: PersistenceException -> PersistenceException -> Bool # |
data WhereClauseExpr Source #
(&&.) :: WhereClauseExpr -> WhereClauseExpr -> WhereClauseExpr infixl 3 Source #
(||.) :: WhereClauseExpr -> WhereClauseExpr -> WhereClauseExpr infixl 2 Source #
(=.) :: Convertible b SqlValue => Field -> b -> WhereClauseExpr infixl 4 Source #
(>.) :: Convertible b SqlValue => Field -> b -> WhereClauseExpr infixl 4 Source #
(<.) :: Convertible b SqlValue => Field -> b -> WhereClauseExpr infixl 4 Source #
(>=.) :: Convertible b SqlValue => Field -> b -> WhereClauseExpr infixl 4 Source #
(<=.) :: Convertible b SqlValue => Field -> b -> WhereClauseExpr infixl 4 Source #
(<>.) :: Convertible b SqlValue => Field -> b -> WhereClauseExpr infixl 4 Source #
like :: Convertible b SqlValue => Field -> b -> WhereClauseExpr infixl 4 Source #
between :: (Convertible a1 SqlValue, Convertible a2 SqlValue) => Field -> (a1, a2) -> WhereClauseExpr infixl 4 Source #
in' :: Convertible b SqlValue => Field -> [b] -> WhereClauseExpr infixl 4 Source #
isNull :: Field -> WhereClauseExpr Source #
byId :: Convertible a SqlValue => a -> WhereClauseExpr Source #
orderBy :: WhereClauseExpr -> NonEmpty (Field, SortOrder) -> WhereClauseExpr infixl 1 Source #
limit :: WhereClauseExpr -> Int -> WhereClauseExpr Source #
limitOffset :: WhereClauseExpr -> (Int, Int) -> WhereClauseExpr Source #
Non-empty (and non-strict) list type.
Since: base-
a :| [a] infixr 5 |
Foldable NonEmpty | Since: base- |
Defined in Data.Foldable Methods fold :: Monoid m => NonEmpty m -> m # foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> NonEmpty a -> m # foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> NonEmpty a -> m # foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> NonEmpty a -> b # foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> NonEmpty a -> b # foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> NonEmpty a -> b # foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> NonEmpty a -> b # foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> NonEmpty a -> a # foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> NonEmpty a -> a # elem :: Eq a => a -> NonEmpty a -> Bool # maximum :: Ord a => NonEmpty a -> a # minimum :: Ord a => NonEmpty a -> a # | |
Traversable NonEmpty | Since: base- |
Applicative NonEmpty | Since: base- |
Functor NonEmpty | Since: base- |
Monad NonEmpty | Since: base- |
Hashable1 NonEmpty | Since: hashable- |
Defined in Data.Hashable.Class | |
Generic1 NonEmpty | |
Semigroup (NonEmpty a) | Since: base- |
IsList (NonEmpty a) | Since: base- |
Generic (NonEmpty a) | |
Read a => Read (NonEmpty a) | Since: base- |
Show a => Show (NonEmpty a) | Since: base- |
Eq a => Eq (NonEmpty a) | Since: base- |
Ord a => Ord (NonEmpty a) | Since: base- |
Hashable a => Hashable (NonEmpty a) | |
Defined in Data.Hashable.Class | |
type Rep1 NonEmpty | Since: base- |
Defined in GHC.Generics type Rep1 NonEmpty = D1 ('MetaData "NonEmpty" "GHC.Base" "base" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons ":|" ('InfixI 'LeftAssociative 9) 'False) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Nothing :: Maybe Symbol) 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) Par1 :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Nothing :: Maybe Symbol) 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec1 []))) | |
type Item (NonEmpty a) | |
type Rep (NonEmpty a) | Since: base- |
Defined in GHC.Generics type Rep (NonEmpty a) = D1 ('MetaData "NonEmpty" "GHC.Base" "base" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons ":|" ('InfixI 'LeftAssociative 9) 'False) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Nothing :: Maybe Symbol) 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 a) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Nothing :: Maybe Symbol) 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 [a]))) |