{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Kind (Type)
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.TypeLits
import Test.QuickCheck
import Generic.Random.Internal.Generic
:: (GArbitrary SizedOptsDef a, BaseCase a)
=> Weights a
-> Gen a
genericArbitrary' :: Weights a -> Gen a
genericArbitrary' Weights a
w = Weights a -> Gen a
forall a. GArbitrary SizedOptsDef a => Weights a -> Gen a
genericArbitraryRec Weights a
w Gen a -> Gen a -> Gen a
forall a. Gen a -> Gen a -> Gen a
`withBaseCase` Gen a
forall a. BaseCase a => Gen a
:: (GArbitrary SizedOptsDef a, BaseCase a, GUniformWeight a)
=> Gen a
genericArbitraryU' :: Gen a
genericArbitraryU' = Weights a -> Gen a
forall a.
(GArbitrary SizedOptsDef a, BaseCase a) =>
Weights a -> Gen a
genericArbitrary' Weights a
forall a. UniformWeight_ (Rep a) => Weights a
withBaseCase :: Gen a -> Gen a -> Gen a
withBaseCase :: Gen a -> Gen a -> Gen a
withBaseCase Gen a
def Gen a
bc = (Int -> Gen a) -> Gen a
forall a. (Int -> Gen a) -> Gen a
sized ((Int -> Gen a) -> Gen a) -> (Int -> Gen a) -> Gen a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Int
sz ->
if Int
sz Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> Int
0 then Gen a
def else Gen a
class BaseCaseSearch (a :: Type) (z :: Nat) (y :: Maybe Nat) (e :: Type) where
baseCaseSearch :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Gen Proxy a
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} GBaseCaseSearch a z y e => BaseCaseSearch a z y e where
baseCaseSearch :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Gen Proxy a
baseCaseSearch = prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Gen Proxy a
forall k t k a (z :: k) (y :: Maybe t) (e :: k)
(prox :: Maybe t -> *) (proxy :: (k, k) -> *).
GBaseCaseSearch a z y e =>
prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Gen Proxy a
instance (y ~ 'Just 0) => BaseCaseSearch Char z y e where
baseCaseSearch :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Gen Proxy Char
baseCaseSearch prox y
_ proxy '(z, e)
_ = IfM y Gen Proxy Char
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
instance (y ~ 'Just 0) => BaseCaseSearch Int z y e where
baseCaseSearch :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Gen Proxy Int
baseCaseSearch prox y
_ proxy '(z, e)
_ = IfM y Gen Proxy Int
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
instance (y ~ 'Just 0) => BaseCaseSearch Integer z y e where
baseCaseSearch :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Gen Proxy Integer
baseCaseSearch prox y
_ proxy '(z, e)
_ = IfM y Gen Proxy Integer
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
instance (y ~ 'Just 0) => BaseCaseSearch Float z y e where
baseCaseSearch :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Gen Proxy Float
baseCaseSearch prox y
_ proxy '(z, e)
_ = IfM y Gen Proxy Float
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
instance (y ~ 'Just 0) => BaseCaseSearch Double z y e where
baseCaseSearch :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Gen Proxy Double
baseCaseSearch prox y
_ proxy '(z, e)
_ = IfM y Gen Proxy Double
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
instance (y ~ 'Just 0) => BaseCaseSearch Word z y e where
baseCaseSearch :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Gen Proxy Word
baseCaseSearch prox y
_ proxy '(z, e)
_ = IfM y Gen Proxy Word
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
instance (y ~ 'Just 0) => BaseCaseSearch () z y e where
baseCaseSearch :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Gen Proxy ()
baseCaseSearch prox y
_ proxy '(z, e)
_ = IfM y Gen Proxy ()
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
instance (y ~ 'Just 0) => BaseCaseSearch Bool z y e where
baseCaseSearch :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Gen Proxy Bool
baseCaseSearch prox y
_ proxy '(z, e)
_ = IfM y Gen Proxy Bool
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
instance (y ~ 'Just 0) => BaseCaseSearch [a] z y e where
baseCaseSearch :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Gen Proxy [a]
baseCaseSearch prox y
_ proxy '(z, e)
_ = [a] -> Gen [a]
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return []
instance (y ~ 'Just 0) => BaseCaseSearch Ordering z y e where
baseCaseSearch :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Gen Proxy Ordering
baseCaseSearch prox y
_ proxy '(z, e)
_ = IfM y Gen Proxy Ordering
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
class BaseCaseSearching_ a z y where
baseCaseSearching_ :: proxy y -> proxy2 '(z, a) -> IfM y Gen Proxy a -> Gen a
instance BaseCaseSearching_ a z ('Just m) where
baseCaseSearching_ :: proxy ('Just m)
-> proxy2 '(z, a) -> IfM ('Just m) Gen Proxy a -> Gen a
baseCaseSearching_ proxy ('Just m)
_ proxy2 '(z, a)
_ = IfM ('Just m) Gen Proxy a -> Gen a
forall a. a -> a
instance BaseCaseSearching a (z + 1) => BaseCaseSearching_ a z 'Nothing where
baseCaseSearching_ :: proxy 'Nothing
-> proxy2 '(z, a) -> IfM 'Nothing Gen Proxy a -> Gen a
baseCaseSearching_ proxy 'Nothing
_ proxy2 '(z, a)
_ IfM 'Nothing Gen Proxy a
_ = Proxy '(z + 1, a) -> Gen a
forall k a (z :: k) (proxy :: (k, *) -> *).
BaseCaseSearching a z =>
proxy '(z, a) -> Gen a
baseCaseSearching (Proxy '(z + 1, a)
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy '(z + 1, a))
class BaseCaseSearching a z where
baseCaseSearching :: proxy '(z, a) -> Gen a
instance (BaseCaseSearch a z y a, BaseCaseSearching_ a z y) => BaseCaseSearching a z where
baseCaseSearching :: proxy '(z, a) -> Gen a
baseCaseSearching proxy '(z, a)
z = Proxy y -> proxy '(z, a) -> IfM y Gen Proxy a -> Gen a
forall k t a (z :: k) (y :: Maybe t) (proxy :: Maybe t -> *)
(proxy2 :: (k, *) -> *).
BaseCaseSearching_ a z y =>
proxy y -> proxy2 '(z, a) -> IfM y Gen Proxy a -> Gen a
baseCaseSearching_ Proxy y
y proxy '(z, a)
z (Proxy y -> proxy '(z, a) -> IfM y Gen Proxy a
forall a (z :: Nat) (y :: Maybe Nat) e (prox :: Maybe Nat -> *)
(proxy :: (Nat, *) -> *).
BaseCaseSearch a z y e =>
prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Gen Proxy a
baseCaseSearch Proxy y
y proxy '(z, a)
y :: Proxy y
y = Proxy y
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy y
class BaseCase a where
baseCase :: Gen a
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} BaseCaseSearching a 0 => BaseCase a where
baseCase :: Gen a
baseCase = Proxy '(0, a) -> Gen a
forall k a (z :: k) (proxy :: (k, *) -> *).
BaseCaseSearching a z =>
proxy '(z, a) -> Gen a
baseCaseSearching (Proxy '(0, a)
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy '(0, a))
type family IfM (b :: Maybe t) (c :: k) (d :: k) :: k
type instance IfM ('Just t) c d = c
type instance IfM 'Nothing c d = d
type (==) m n = IsEQ (CmpNat m n)
type family IsEQ (e :: Ordering) :: Bool
type instance IsEQ 'EQ = 'True
type instance IsEQ 'GT = 'False
type instance IsEQ 'LT = 'False
type family (||?) (b :: Maybe Nat) (c :: Maybe Nat) :: Maybe Nat
type instance 'Just m ||? 'Just n = 'Just (Min m n)
type instance m ||? 'Nothing = m
type instance 'Nothing ||? n = n
type family (&&?) (b :: Maybe Nat) (c :: Maybe Nat) :: Maybe Nat
type instance 'Just m &&? 'Just n = 'Just (Max m n)
type instance m &&? 'Nothing = 'Nothing
type instance 'Nothing &&? n = 'Nothing
type Max m n = MaxOf (CmpNat m n) m n
type family MaxOf (e :: Ordering) (m :: k) (n :: k) :: k
type instance MaxOf 'GT m n = m
type instance MaxOf 'EQ m n = m
type instance MaxOf 'LT m n = n
type Min m n = MinOf (CmpNat m n) m n
type family MinOf (e :: Ordering) (m :: k) (n :: k) :: k
type instance MinOf 'GT m n = n
type instance MinOf 'EQ m n = n
type instance MinOf 'LT m n = m
class Alternative (IfM y Weighted Proxy)
=> GBCS (f :: k -> Type) (z :: Nat) (y :: Maybe Nat) (e :: Type) where
gbcs :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Weighted Proxy (f p)
instance GBCS f z y e => GBCS (M1 i c f) z y e where
gbcs :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Weighted Proxy (M1 i c f p)
gbcs prox y
y proxy '(z, e)
z = (f p -> M1 i c f p)
-> IfM y Weighted Proxy (f p) -> IfM y Weighted Proxy (M1 i c f p)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap f p -> M1 i c f p
forall k i (c :: Meta) (f :: k -> *) (p :: k). f p -> M1 i c f p
M1 (prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Weighted Proxy (f p)
forall k (f :: k -> *) (z :: Nat) (y :: Maybe Nat) e
(prox :: Maybe Nat -> *) (proxy :: (Nat, *) -> *) (p :: k).
GBCS f z y e =>
prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Weighted Proxy (f p)
gbcs prox y
y proxy '(z, e)
( Alternative (IfM y Weighted Proxy)
, GBCSSum f g z e yf yg
, GBCS f z yf e
, GBCS g z yg e
, y ~ (yf ||? yg)
) => GBCS (f :+: g) z y e where
gbcs :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Weighted Proxy ((:+:) f g p)
gbcs prox y
_ proxy '(z, e)
z = Proxy '(yf, yg)
-> proxy '(z, e)
-> IfM yf Weighted Proxy (f p)
-> IfM yg Weighted Proxy (g p)
-> IfM (yf ||? yg) Weighted Proxy ((:+:) f g p)
forall k k k (f :: k -> *) (g :: k -> *) (z :: k) (e :: k)
(yf :: Maybe Nat) (yg :: Maybe Nat)
(prox :: (Maybe Nat, Maybe Nat) -> *) (proxy :: (k, k) -> *)
(p :: k).
GBCSSum f g z e yf yg =>
prox '(yf, yg)
-> proxy '(z, e)
-> IfM yf Weighted Proxy (f p)
-> IfM yg Weighted Proxy (g p)
-> IfM (yf ||? yg) Weighted Proxy ((:+:) f g p)
gbcsSum (Proxy '(yf, yg)
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy '(yf, yg)) proxy '(z, e)
(Proxy yf -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM yf Weighted Proxy (f p)
forall k (f :: k -> *) (z :: Nat) (y :: Maybe Nat) e
(prox :: Maybe Nat -> *) (proxy :: (Nat, *) -> *) (p :: k).
GBCS f z y e =>
prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Weighted Proxy (f p)
gbcs (Proxy yf
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy yf) proxy '(z, e)
(Proxy yg -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM yg Weighted Proxy (g p)
forall k (f :: k -> *) (z :: Nat) (y :: Maybe Nat) e
(prox :: Maybe Nat -> *) (proxy :: (Nat, *) -> *) (p :: k).
GBCS f z y e =>
prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Weighted Proxy (f p)
gbcs (Proxy yg
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy yg) proxy '(z, e)
class Alternative (IfM (yf ||? yg) Weighted Proxy) => GBCSSum f g z e yf yg where
:: prox '(yf, yg)
-> proxy '(z, e)
-> IfM yf Weighted Proxy (f p)
-> IfM yg Weighted Proxy (g p)
-> IfM (yf ||? yg) Weighted Proxy ((f :+: g) p)
instance GBCSSum f g z e 'Nothing 'Nothing where
gbcsSum :: prox '( 'Nothing, 'Nothing)
-> proxy '(z, e)
-> IfM 'Nothing Weighted Proxy (f p)
-> IfM 'Nothing Weighted Proxy (g p)
-> IfM ('Nothing ||? 'Nothing) Weighted Proxy ((:+:) f g p)
gbcsSum prox '( 'Nothing, 'Nothing)
_ proxy '(z, e)
_ IfM 'Nothing Weighted Proxy (f p)
_ IfM 'Nothing Weighted Proxy (g p)
_ = IfM ('Nothing ||? 'Nothing) Weighted Proxy ((:+:) f g p)
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
instance GBCSSum f g z e ('Just m) 'Nothing where
gbcsSum :: prox '( 'Just m, 'Nothing)
-> proxy '(z, e)
-> IfM ('Just m) Weighted Proxy (f p)
-> IfM 'Nothing Weighted Proxy (g p)
-> IfM ('Just m ||? 'Nothing) Weighted Proxy ((:+:) f g p)
gbcsSum prox '( 'Just m, 'Nothing)
_ proxy '(z, e)
_ IfM ('Just m) Weighted Proxy (f p)
f IfM 'Nothing Weighted Proxy (g p)
_ = (f p -> (:+:) f g p) -> Weighted (f p) -> Weighted ((:+:) f g p)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap f p -> (:+:) f g p
forall k (f :: k -> *) (g :: k -> *) (p :: k). f p -> (:+:) f g p
L1 Weighted (f p)
IfM ('Just m) Weighted Proxy (f p)
instance GBCSSum f g z e 'Nothing ('Just n) where
gbcsSum :: prox '( 'Nothing, 'Just n)
-> proxy '(z, e)
-> IfM 'Nothing Weighted Proxy (f p)
-> IfM ('Just n) Weighted Proxy (g p)
-> IfM ('Nothing ||? 'Just n) Weighted Proxy ((:+:) f g p)
gbcsSum prox '( 'Nothing, 'Just n)
_ proxy '(z, e)
_ IfM 'Nothing Weighted Proxy (f p)
_ IfM ('Just n) Weighted Proxy (g p)
g = (g p -> (:+:) f g p) -> Weighted (g p) -> Weighted ((:+:) f g p)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap g p -> (:+:) f g p
forall k (f :: k -> *) (g :: k -> *) (p :: k). g p -> (:+:) f g p
R1 Weighted (g p)
IfM ('Just n) Weighted Proxy (g p)
instance GBCSSumCompare f g z e (CmpNat m n)
=> GBCSSum f g z e ('Just m) ('Just n) where
gbcsSum :: prox '( 'Just m, 'Just n)
-> proxy '(z, e)
-> IfM ('Just m) Weighted Proxy (f p)
-> IfM ('Just n) Weighted Proxy (g p)
-> IfM ('Just m ||? 'Just n) Weighted Proxy ((:+:) f g p)
gbcsSum prox '( 'Just m, 'Just n)
_ = Proxy (CmpNat m n)
-> proxy '(z, e)
-> Weighted (f p)
-> Weighted (g p)
-> Weighted ((:+:) f g p)
forall k k k k (f :: k -> *) (g :: k -> *) (z :: k) (e :: k)
(o :: k) (proxy0 :: k -> *) (proxy :: (k, k) -> *) (p :: k).
GBCSSumCompare f g z e o =>
proxy0 o
-> proxy '(z, e)
-> Weighted (f p)
-> Weighted (g p)
-> Weighted ((:+:) f g p)
gbcsSumCompare (Proxy (CmpNat m n)
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy (CmpNat m n))
class GBCSSumCompare f g z e o where
:: proxy0 o
-> proxy '(z, e)
-> Weighted (f p)
-> Weighted (g p)
-> Weighted ((f :+: g) p)
instance GBCSSumCompare f g z e 'EQ where
gbcsSumCompare :: proxy0 'EQ
-> proxy '(z, e)
-> Weighted (f p)
-> Weighted (g p)
-> Weighted ((:+:) f g p)
gbcsSumCompare proxy0 'EQ
_ proxy '(z, e)
_ Weighted (f p)
f Weighted (g p)
g = (f p -> (:+:) f g p) -> Weighted (f p) -> Weighted ((:+:) f g p)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap f p -> (:+:) f g p
forall k (f :: k -> *) (g :: k -> *) (p :: k). f p -> (:+:) f g p
L1 Weighted (f p)
f Weighted ((:+:) f g p)
-> Weighted ((:+:) f g p) -> Weighted ((:+:) f g p)
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a
<|> (g p -> (:+:) f g p) -> Weighted (g p) -> Weighted ((:+:) f g p)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap g p -> (:+:) f g p
forall k (f :: k -> *) (g :: k -> *) (p :: k). g p -> (:+:) f g p
R1 Weighted (g p)
instance GBCSSumCompare f g z e 'LT where
gbcsSumCompare :: proxy0 'LT
-> proxy '(z, e)
-> Weighted (f p)
-> Weighted (g p)
-> Weighted ((:+:) f g p)
gbcsSumCompare proxy0 'LT
_ proxy '(z, e)
_ Weighted (f p)
f Weighted (g p)
_ = (f p -> (:+:) f g p) -> Weighted (f p) -> Weighted ((:+:) f g p)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap f p -> (:+:) f g p
forall k (f :: k -> *) (g :: k -> *) (p :: k). f p -> (:+:) f g p
L1 Weighted (f p)
instance GBCSSumCompare f g z e 'GT where
gbcsSumCompare :: proxy0 'GT
-> proxy '(z, e)
-> Weighted (f p)
-> Weighted (g p)
-> Weighted ((:+:) f g p)
gbcsSumCompare proxy0 'GT
_ proxy '(z, e)
_ Weighted (f p)
_ Weighted (g p)
g = (g p -> (:+:) f g p) -> Weighted (g p) -> Weighted ((:+:) f g p)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap g p -> (:+:) f g p
forall k (f :: k -> *) (g :: k -> *) (p :: k). g p -> (:+:) f g p
R1 Weighted (g p)
( Alternative (IfM y Weighted Proxy)
, GBCSProduct f g z e yf yg
, GBCS f z yf e
, GBCS g z yg e
, y ~ (yf &&? yg)
) => GBCS (f :*: g) z y e where
gbcs :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Weighted Proxy ((:*:) f g p)
gbcs prox y
_ proxy '(z, e)
z = Proxy '(yf, yg)
-> proxy '(z, e)
-> IfM yf Weighted Proxy (f p)
-> IfM yg Weighted Proxy (g p)
-> IfM (yf &&? yg) Weighted Proxy ((:*:) f g p)
forall k k k (f :: k -> *) (g :: k -> *) (z :: k) (e :: k)
(yf :: Maybe Nat) (yg :: Maybe Nat)
(prox :: (Maybe Nat, Maybe Nat) -> *) (proxy :: (k, k) -> *)
(p :: k).
GBCSProduct f g z e yf yg =>
prox '(yf, yg)
-> proxy '(z, e)
-> IfM yf Weighted Proxy (f p)
-> IfM yg Weighted Proxy (g p)
-> IfM (yf &&? yg) Weighted Proxy ((:*:) f g p)
gbcsProduct (Proxy '(yf, yg)
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy '(yf, yg)) proxy '(z, e)
(Proxy yf -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM yf Weighted Proxy (f p)
forall k (f :: k -> *) (z :: Nat) (y :: Maybe Nat) e
(prox :: Maybe Nat -> *) (proxy :: (Nat, *) -> *) (p :: k).
GBCS f z y e =>
prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Weighted Proxy (f p)
gbcs (Proxy yf
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy yf) proxy '(z, e)
(Proxy yg -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM yg Weighted Proxy (g p)
forall k (f :: k -> *) (z :: Nat) (y :: Maybe Nat) e
(prox :: Maybe Nat -> *) (proxy :: (Nat, *) -> *) (p :: k).
GBCS f z y e =>
prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Weighted Proxy (f p)
gbcs (Proxy yg
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy yg) proxy '(z, e)
class Alternative (IfM (yf &&? yg) Weighted Proxy) => GBCSProduct f g z e yf yg where
:: prox '(yf, yg)
-> proxy '(z, e)
-> IfM yf Weighted Proxy (f p)
-> IfM yg Weighted Proxy (g p)
-> IfM (yf &&? yg) Weighted Proxy ((f :*: g) p)
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} ((yf &&? yg) ~ 'Nothing) => GBCSProduct f g z e yf yg where
gbcsProduct :: prox '(yf, yg)
-> proxy '(z, e)
-> IfM yf Weighted Proxy (f p)
-> IfM yg Weighted Proxy (g p)
-> IfM (yf &&? yg) Weighted Proxy ((:*:) f g p)
gbcsProduct prox '(yf, yg)
_ proxy '(z, e)
_ IfM yf Weighted Proxy (f p)
_ IfM yg Weighted Proxy (g p)
_ = IfM (yf &&? yg) Weighted Proxy ((:*:) f g p)
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
instance GBCSProduct f g z e ('Just m) ('Just n) where
gbcsProduct :: prox '( 'Just m, 'Just n)
-> proxy '(z, e)
-> IfM ('Just m) Weighted Proxy (f p)
-> IfM ('Just n) Weighted Proxy (g p)
-> IfM ('Just m &&? 'Just n) Weighted Proxy ((:*:) f g p)
gbcsProduct prox '( 'Just m, 'Just n)
_ proxy '(z, e)
_ IfM ('Just m) Weighted Proxy (f p)
f IfM ('Just n) Weighted Proxy (g p)
g = (f p -> g p -> (:*:) f g p)
-> Weighted (f p) -> Weighted (g p) -> Weighted ((:*:) f g p)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b c.
Applicative f =>
(a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
liftA2 f p -> g p -> (:*:) f g p
forall k (f :: k -> *) (g :: k -> *) (p :: k).
f p -> g p -> (:*:) f g p
(:*:) Weighted (f p)
IfM ('Just m) Weighted Proxy (f p)
f Weighted (g p)
IfM ('Just n) Weighted Proxy (g p)
class IsMaybe b where
ifMmap :: proxy b -> (c a -> c' a') -> (d a -> d' a') -> IfM b c d a -> IfM b c' d' a'
ifM :: proxy b -> c a -> d a -> IfM b c d a
instance IsMaybe ('Just t) where
ifMmap :: proxy ('Just t)
-> (c a -> c' a')
-> (d a -> d' a')
-> IfM ('Just t) c d a
-> IfM ('Just t) c' d' a'
ifMmap proxy ('Just t)
_ c a -> c' a'
f d a -> d' a'
_ IfM ('Just t) c d a
a = c a -> c' a'
f c a
IfM ('Just t) c d a
ifM :: proxy ('Just t) -> c a -> d a -> IfM ('Just t) c d a
ifM proxy ('Just t)
_ c a
f d a
_ = c a
IfM ('Just t) c d a
instance IsMaybe 'Nothing where
ifMmap :: proxy 'Nothing
-> (c a -> c' a')
-> (d a -> d' a')
-> IfM 'Nothing c d a
-> IfM 'Nothing c' d' a'
ifMmap proxy 'Nothing
_ c a -> c' a'
_ d a -> d' a'
g IfM 'Nothing c d a
a = d a -> d' a'
g d a
IfM 'Nothing c d a
ifM :: proxy 'Nothing -> c a -> d a -> IfM 'Nothing c d a
ifM proxy 'Nothing
_ c a
_ d a
g = d a
IfM 'Nothing c d a
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}
( BaseCaseSearch c (z - 1) y e
, (z == 0) ~ 'False
, Alternative (IfM y Weighted Proxy)
, IsMaybe y
) => GBCS (K1 i c) z y e where
gbcs :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Weighted Proxy (K1 i c p)
gbcs prox y
y proxy '(z, e)
_ =
(c -> K1 i c p)
-> IfM y Weighted Proxy c -> IfM y Weighted Proxy (K1 i c p)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap c -> K1 i c p
forall k i c (p :: k). c -> K1 i c p
(prox y
-> (Gen c -> Weighted c)
-> (Proxy c -> Proxy c)
-> IfM y Gen Proxy c
-> IfM y Weighted Proxy c
forall t (b :: Maybe t) k k (proxy :: Maybe t -> *) (c :: k -> *)
(a :: k) (c' :: k -> *) (a' :: k) (d :: k -> *) (d' :: k -> *).
IsMaybe b =>
proxy b
-> (c a -> c' a')
-> (d a -> d' a')
-> IfM b c d a
-> IfM b c' d' a'
ifMmap prox y
Gen c -> Weighted c
forall a. Gen a -> Weighted a
(Proxy c -> Proxy c
forall a. a -> a
id :: Proxy c -> Proxy c)
(prox y -> Proxy '(z - 1, e) -> IfM y Gen Proxy c
forall a (z :: Nat) (y :: Maybe Nat) e (prox :: Maybe Nat -> *)
(proxy :: (Nat, *) -> *).
BaseCaseSearch a z y e =>
prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Gen Proxy a
baseCaseSearch prox y
y (Proxy '(z - 1, e)
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy '(z - 1, e))))
instance (y ~ 'Nothing) => GBCS (K1 i c) 0 y e where
gbcs :: prox y -> proxy '(0, e) -> IfM y Weighted Proxy (K1 i c p)
gbcs prox y
_ proxy '(0, e)
_ = IfM y Weighted Proxy (K1 i c p)
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a
instance (y ~ 'Just 0) => GBCS U1 z y e where
gbcs :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Weighted Proxy (U1 p)
gbcs prox y
_ proxy '(z, e)
_ = U1 p -> Weighted (U1 p)
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure U1 p
forall k (p :: k). U1 p
instance {-# INCOHERENT #-}
( TypeError
( 'Text "Unrecognized Rep: "
':<>: 'ShowType f
':$$: 'Text "Possible causes:"
':$$: 'Text " Missing ("
':<>: 'ShowType (BaseCase e)
':<>: 'Text ") constraint"
':$$: 'Text " Missing Generic instance"
, Alternative (IfM y Weighted Proxy)
) => GBCS f z y e where
gbcs :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Weighted Proxy (f p)
gbcs = [Char] -> prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Weighted Proxy (f p)
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]
"Type error"
class GBaseCaseSearch a z y e where
gBaseCaseSearch :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Gen Proxy a
instance (Generic a, GBCS (Rep a) z y e, IsMaybe y)
=> GBaseCaseSearch a z y e where
gBaseCaseSearch :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Gen Proxy a
gBaseCaseSearch prox y
y proxy '(z, e)
z = prox y
-> (Weighted (Rep a Any) -> Gen a)
-> (Proxy (Rep a Any) -> Proxy a)
-> IfM y Weighted Proxy (Rep a Any)
-> IfM y Gen Proxy a
forall t (b :: Maybe t) k k (proxy :: Maybe t -> *) (c :: k -> *)
(a :: k) (c' :: k -> *) (a' :: k) (d :: k -> *) (d' :: k -> *).
IsMaybe b =>
proxy b
-> (c a -> c' a')
-> (d a -> d' a')
-> IfM b c d a
-> IfM b c' d' a'
ifMmap prox y
(\(Weighted Maybe (Int -> Gen (Rep a Any), Int)
gn) -> case Maybe (Int -> Gen (Rep a Any), Int)
gn of
Just (Int -> Gen (Rep a Any)
g, Int
n) -> (Int, Int) -> Gen Int
forall a. Random a => (a, a) -> Gen a
choose (Int
0, Int
nInt -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
1) Gen Int -> (Int -> Gen a) -> Gen a
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= (Rep a Any -> a) -> Gen (Rep a Any) -> Gen a
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap Rep a Any -> a
forall a x. Generic a => Rep a x -> a
to (Gen (Rep a Any) -> Gen a)
-> (Int -> Gen (Rep a Any)) -> Int -> Gen a
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Int -> Gen (Rep a Any)
Maybe (Int -> Gen (Rep a Any), Int)
Nothing -> [Char] -> Gen a
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]
"How could this happen?")
(\Proxy (Rep a Any)
Proxy -> Proxy a
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
(prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Weighted Proxy (Rep a Any)
forall k (f :: k -> *) (z :: Nat) (y :: Maybe Nat) e
(prox :: Maybe Nat -> *) (proxy :: (Nat, *) -> *) (p :: k).
GBCS f z y e =>
prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Weighted Proxy (f p)
gbcs prox y
y proxy '(z, e)