generics-sop- Generic Programming using True Sums of Products

Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Basic functors.

Definitions of the type-level equivalents of const, id, and (.), and a definition of the lifted function space.

These datatypes are generally useful, but in this library, they're primarily used as parameters for the NP, NS, POP, and SOP types.



newtype K a b Source

The constant type functor.

Like Constant, but kind-polymorphic in its second argument and with a shorter name.


K a 


Functor (K * a) 
Monoid a => Applicative (K * a) 
Foldable (K * a) 
Traversable (K * a) 
Show a => Show (K k a b) 
Generic (K k a b) 
HasDatatypeInfo (K * a b) 
Generic (K * a b) 
type Rep (K k a b) 
type Code (K * a0 b0) = (:) [*] ((:) * a0 ([] *)) ([] [*]) 

unK :: K a b -> a Source

Extract the contents of a K value.

newtype I a Source

The identity type functor.

Like Identity, but with a shorter name.


I a 


Monad I 
Functor I 
Applicative I 
Foldable I 
Traversable I 
Show a => Show (I a) 
Generic (I a) 
HasDatatypeInfo (I a) 
Generic (I a) 
Typeable (k -> I k) (I k) 
type Rep (I a) 
type Code (I a0) = (:) [*] ((:) * a0 ([] *)) ([] [*]) 

unI :: I a -> a Source

Extract the contents of an I value.

newtype (f :.: g) p infixr 7 Source

Composition of functors.

Like Compose, but kind-polymorphic and with a shorter name.


Comp (f (g p)) 


(Functor f, Functor g) => Functor ((:.:) * * f g) 
Show (f (g p)) => Show ((:.:) l k f g p) 
Generic ((:.:) l k f g p) 
HasDatatypeInfo ((:.:) * * f g p) 
Generic ((:.:) * * f g p) 
type Rep ((:.:) l k f g p) 
type Code ((:.:) * * f0 g0 p0) = (:) [*] ((:) * (f0 (g0 p0)) ([] *)) ([] [*]) 

unComp :: (f :.: g) p -> f (g p) Source

Extract the contents of a Comp value.