{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, DoAndIfThenElse #-} {-| Module : GHC.AssertNF Copyright : (c) 2013-2019 Joachim Breitner License : BSD3 Maintainer : Joachim Breitner <mail@joachim-breitner.de> To avoid space leaks and unwanted evaluation behaviour, the programmer might want his data to be fully evaluated at certain positions in the code. This can be enforced, for example, by ample use of "Control.DeepSeq", but this comes at a cost. Experienced users hence use 'Control.DeepSeq.deepseq' only to find out about the existence of space leaks and optimize their code to not create the thunks in the first place, until the code no longer shows better performance with 'deepseq'. This module provides an alternative approach: An explicit assertion about the evaluation state. If the programmer expect a certain value to be fully evaluated at a specific point of the program (e.g. before a call to 'writeIORef'), he can state that, and as long as assertions are enabled, this statement will be checked. In the production code the assertions can be disabled, to avoid the run-time cost. -} module GHC.AssertNF ( assertNF, assertNFNamed, assertNFHere, disableAssertNF, isNF, ) where import GHC.HeapView import Debug.Trace import Control.Monad import Text.Printf import Language.Haskell.TH (Q, Exp(AppE,VarE,LitE), Lit(StringL), Loc, location, loc_filename, loc_start, mkName) import Data.IORef import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO ) import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) enabledRef :: IORef Bool enabledRef = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef True {-# NOINLINE enabledRef #-} -- Everything is in normal form, unless it is a -- thunk explicitly marked as such. -- Indirection are also considered to be in HNF isHNF :: Closure -> IO Bool isHNF c = do case c of ThunkClosure {} -> return False APClosure {} -> return False SelectorClosure {} -> return False BCOClosure {} -> return False _ -> return True -- | The function 'assertNF' checks whether its argument is fully evaluated and -- deeply evaluated. If this is not the case, a warning is printed to the standard output, -- giving the number of thunks found and printing the shape of the unevaluated object: -- -- >> let x = 1 + 2 -- >> let y = (x,x) -- >> assertNF y -- >Parameter not in normal form: 2 thunks found: -- >let t1 = _bco -- >in (t1,t1) -- >> x -- >3 -- >> assertNF y -- >> -- assertNF :: a -> IO () assertNF = assertNF' "Parameter not in normal form" -- | In order to better identify the source of error messages from 'assertNF', this variant allows you to include a name that is printed in the output: -- -- >> assertNFNamed "y" y -- >y not in normal form: 2 thunks found: -- >let t1 = _bco -- >in (t1,t1) -- assertNFNamed :: String -> a -> IO () assertNFNamed valName = assertNF' (valName ++ " not in normal form") -- | This function, when called as @$assertNFHere@ in a module with @-XTemplateHaskell@ enabled, will cause the current filename and position be included in the error message: -- -- >Parameter at Test.hs:18:1 not in normal form: 2 thunks found: -- >let t1 = _bco -- >in (t1,t1) -- assertNFHere :: Q Exp assertNFHere = do locStr <- formatLoc <$> location -- We don't use ''assertNF here, so that this module can be used on a -- compiler that does not support TH. return $ AppE (VarE (mkName "GHC.AssertNF.assertNFNamed")) (LitE (StringL locStr)) where formatLoc :: Loc -> String formatLoc loc = let file = loc_filename loc (line, col) = loc_start loc in printf "parameter at %s:%d:%d" file line col assertNF' :: String -> a -> IO () assertNF' str x = do en <- readIORef enabledRef when en $ do depths <- assertNFBoxed 0 (asBox x) unless (null depths) $ do g <- buildHeapGraph (maximum depths + 3) () (asBox x) -- +3 for good mesure; applications don't look good otherwise traceIO $ str ++ ": " ++ show (length depths) ++ " thunks found:\n" ++ ppHeapGraph g assertNFBoxed :: Int -> Box -> IO [Int] assertNFBoxed !d b = do c <- getBoxedClosureData b nf <- isHNF c if nf then do c' <- getBoxedClosureData b concat <$> mapM (assertNFBoxed (d+1)) (allClosures c') else return [d] -- | Invoke this function at the top of your 'main' method to turn every call -- to 'assertNF' and its variants to noops. disableAssertNF :: IO () disableAssertNF = writeIORef enabledRef False -- | A variant of 'assertNF' that does not print anything and just returns -- 'True' if the value is in normal form, or 'False' otherwise. This function -- is not affected by 'disableAssertNF'. isNF :: a -> IO Bool isNF x = isNFBoxed (asBox x) isNFBoxed :: Box -> IO Bool isNFBoxed b = do c <- getBoxedClosureData b nf <- isHNF c if nf then do c' <- getBoxedClosureData b allM isNFBoxed (allClosures c') else return False -- From Control.Monad.Loops in monad-loops, but I'd like to avoid too many -- trivial dependencies allM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m Bool allM _ [] = return True allM p (x:xs) = do q <- p x if q then allM p xs else return False