Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- data Validity
- andValid :: Validity -> Validity -> Validity
- allValid :: [Validity] -> Validity
- isValid :: Validity -> Bool
- getInvalids :: [Validity] -> [MsgDoc]
- orValid :: Validity -> Validity -> Validity
- data Severity
- data ErrMsg
- errMsgDoc :: ErrMsg -> ErrDoc
- errMsgSeverity :: ErrMsg -> Severity
- errMsgReason :: ErrMsg -> WarnReason
- data ErrDoc
- errDoc :: [MsgDoc] -> [MsgDoc] -> [MsgDoc] -> ErrDoc
- errDocImportant :: ErrDoc -> [MsgDoc]
- errDocContext :: ErrDoc -> [MsgDoc]
- errDocSupplementary :: ErrDoc -> [MsgDoc]
- type WarnMsg = ErrMsg
- type MsgDoc = SDoc
- type Messages = (WarningMessages, ErrorMessages)
- type ErrorMessages = Bag ErrMsg
- type WarningMessages = Bag WarnMsg
- unionMessages :: Messages -> Messages -> Messages
- errMsgSpan :: ErrMsg -> SrcSpan
- errMsgContext :: ErrMsg -> PrintUnqualified
- errorsFound :: DynFlags -> Messages -> Bool
- isEmptyMessages :: Messages -> Bool
- isWarnMsgFatal :: DynFlags -> WarnMsg -> Maybe (Maybe WarningFlag)
- warningsToMessages :: DynFlags -> WarningMessages -> Messages
- pprMessageBag :: Bag MsgDoc -> SDoc
- pprErrMsgBagWithLoc :: Bag ErrMsg -> [SDoc]
- pprLocErrMsg :: ErrMsg -> SDoc
- printBagOfErrors :: DynFlags -> Bag ErrMsg -> IO ()
- formatErrDoc :: DynFlags -> ErrDoc -> SDoc
- emptyMessages :: Messages
- mkLocMessage :: Severity -> SrcSpan -> MsgDoc -> MsgDoc
- mkLocMessageAnn :: Maybe String -> Severity -> SrcSpan -> MsgDoc -> MsgDoc
- makeIntoWarning :: WarnReason -> ErrMsg -> ErrMsg
- mkErrMsg :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> PrintUnqualified -> MsgDoc -> ErrMsg
- mkPlainErrMsg :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> MsgDoc -> ErrMsg
- mkErrDoc :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> PrintUnqualified -> ErrDoc -> ErrMsg
- mkLongErrMsg :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> PrintUnqualified -> MsgDoc -> MsgDoc -> ErrMsg
- mkWarnMsg :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> PrintUnqualified -> MsgDoc -> ErrMsg
- mkPlainWarnMsg :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> MsgDoc -> ErrMsg
- mkLongWarnMsg :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> PrintUnqualified -> MsgDoc -> MsgDoc -> ErrMsg
- doIfSet :: Bool -> IO () -> IO ()
- doIfSet_dyn :: DynFlags -> GeneralFlag -> IO () -> IO ()
- getCaretDiagnostic :: Severity -> SrcSpan -> IO MsgDoc
- dumpIfSet :: DynFlags -> Bool -> String -> SDoc -> IO ()
- dumpIfSet_dyn :: DynFlags -> DumpFlag -> String -> SDoc -> IO ()
- dumpIfSet_dyn_printer :: PrintUnqualified -> DynFlags -> DumpFlag -> SDoc -> IO ()
- mkDumpDoc :: String -> SDoc -> SDoc
- dumpSDoc :: DynFlags -> PrintUnqualified -> DumpFlag -> String -> SDoc -> IO ()
- dumpSDocForUser :: DynFlags -> PrintUnqualified -> DumpFlag -> String -> SDoc -> IO ()
- dumpSDocWithStyle :: PprStyle -> DynFlags -> DumpFlag -> String -> SDoc -> IO ()
- putMsg :: DynFlags -> MsgDoc -> IO ()
- printInfoForUser :: DynFlags -> PrintUnqualified -> MsgDoc -> IO ()
- printOutputForUser :: DynFlags -> PrintUnqualified -> MsgDoc -> IO ()
- logInfo :: DynFlags -> PprStyle -> MsgDoc -> IO ()
- logOutput :: DynFlags -> PprStyle -> MsgDoc -> IO ()
- errorMsg :: DynFlags -> MsgDoc -> IO ()
- warningMsg :: DynFlags -> MsgDoc -> IO ()
- fatalErrorMsg :: DynFlags -> MsgDoc -> IO ()
- fatalErrorMsg'' :: FatalMessager -> String -> IO ()
- compilationProgressMsg :: DynFlags -> String -> IO ()
- showPass :: DynFlags -> String -> IO ()
- withTiming :: MonadIO m => DynFlags -> SDoc -> (a -> ()) -> m a -> m a
- withTimingSilent :: MonadIO m => DynFlags -> SDoc -> (a -> ()) -> m a -> m a
- withTimingD :: (MonadIO m, HasDynFlags m) => SDoc -> (a -> ()) -> m a -> m a
- withTimingSilentD :: (MonadIO m, HasDynFlags m) => SDoc -> (a -> ()) -> m a -> m a
- debugTraceMsg :: DynFlags -> Int -> MsgDoc -> IO ()
- ghcExit :: DynFlags -> Int -> IO ()
- prettyPrintGhcErrors :: ExceptionMonad m => DynFlags -> m a -> m a
- traceCmd :: DynFlags -> String -> String -> IO a -> IO a
Basic types
getInvalids :: [Validity] -> [MsgDoc] Source #
SevOutput | |
SevFatal | |
SevInteractive | |
SevDump | Log message intended for compiler developers No filelinecolumn stuff |
SevInfo | Log messages intended for end users. No filelinecolumn stuff. |
SevWarning | |
SevError | SevWarning and SevError are used for warnings and errors o The message has a filelinecolumn heading, plus "warning:" or "error:", added by mkLocMessags o Output is intended for end users |
errMsgSeverity :: ErrMsg -> Severity Source #
errMsgReason :: ErrMsg -> WarnReason Source #
Categorise error msgs by their importance. This is so each section can be rendered visually distinct. See Note [Error report] for where these come from.
errDocImportant :: ErrDoc -> [MsgDoc] Source #
Primary error msg.
errDocContext :: ErrDoc -> [MsgDoc] Source #
Context e.g. "In the second argument of ...".
errDocSupplementary :: ErrDoc -> [MsgDoc] Source #
Supplementary information, e.g. "Relevant bindings include ...".
type Messages = (WarningMessages, ErrorMessages) Source #
type ErrorMessages = Bag ErrMsg Source #
type WarningMessages = Bag WarnMsg Source #
errMsgSpan :: ErrMsg -> SrcSpan Source #
isEmptyMessages :: Messages -> Bool Source #
isWarnMsgFatal :: DynFlags -> WarnMsg -> Maybe (Maybe WarningFlag) Source #
Checks if given WarnMsg
is a fatal warning.
warningsToMessages :: DynFlags -> WarningMessages -> Messages Source #
pprLocErrMsg :: ErrMsg -> SDoc Source #
mkLocMessage :: Severity -> SrcSpan -> MsgDoc -> MsgDoc Source #
Make an unannotated error message with location info.
:: Maybe String | optional annotation |
-> Severity | severity |
-> SrcSpan | location |
-> MsgDoc | message |
-> MsgDoc |
Make a possibly annotated error message with location info.
makeIntoWarning :: WarnReason -> ErrMsg -> ErrMsg Source #
mkErrMsg :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> PrintUnqualified -> MsgDoc -> ErrMsg Source #
A short (one-line) error message
mkPlainErrMsg :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> MsgDoc -> ErrMsg Source #
Variant that doesn't care about qualified/unqualified names
mkLongErrMsg :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> PrintUnqualified -> MsgDoc -> MsgDoc -> ErrMsg Source #
A long (multi-line) error message
mkWarnMsg :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> PrintUnqualified -> MsgDoc -> ErrMsg Source #
A short (one-line) error message
mkPlainWarnMsg :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> MsgDoc -> ErrMsg Source #
Variant that doesn't care about qualified/unqualified names
mkLongWarnMsg :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> PrintUnqualified -> MsgDoc -> MsgDoc -> ErrMsg Source #
A long (multi-line) error message
doIfSet_dyn :: DynFlags -> GeneralFlag -> IO () -> IO () Source #
Dump files
dumpIfSet_dyn :: DynFlags -> DumpFlag -> String -> SDoc -> IO () Source #
a wrapper around dumpSDoc
First check whether the dump flag is set
Do nothing if it is unset
dumpIfSet_dyn_printer :: PrintUnqualified -> DynFlags -> DumpFlag -> SDoc -> IO () Source #
a wrapper around dumpSDoc
First check whether the dump flag is set
Do nothing if it is unset
Unlike dumpIfSet_dyn
has a printer argument but no header argument
dumpSDoc :: DynFlags -> PrintUnqualified -> DumpFlag -> String -> SDoc -> IO () Source #
A wrapper around dumpSDocWithStyle
which uses PprDump
dumpSDocForUser :: DynFlags -> PrintUnqualified -> DumpFlag -> String -> SDoc -> IO () Source #
A wrapper around dumpSDocWithStyle
which uses PprUser
dumpSDocWithStyle :: PprStyle -> DynFlags -> DumpFlag -> String -> SDoc -> IO () Source #
Write out a dump. If --dump-to-file is set then this goes to a file. otherwise emit to stdout.
When hdr
is empty, we print in a more compact format (no separators and
blank lines)
The DumpFlag
is used only to choose the filename to use if --dump-to-file
is used; it is not used to decide whether to dump the output
Issuing messages during compilation
printInfoForUser :: DynFlags -> PrintUnqualified -> MsgDoc -> IO () Source #
printOutputForUser :: DynFlags -> PrintUnqualified -> MsgDoc -> IO () Source #
fatalErrorMsg'' :: FatalMessager -> String -> IO () Source #
:: MonadIO m | |
=> DynFlags | DynFlags |
-> SDoc | The name of the phase |
-> (a -> ()) | A function to force the result
(often either |
-> m a | The body of the phase to be timed |
-> m a |
Time a compilation phase.
When timings are enabled (e.g. with the -v2
flag), the allocations
and CPU time used by the phase will be reported to stderr. Consider
a typical usage:
withTiming getDynFlags (text "simplify") force PrintTimings pass
When timings are enabled the following costs are included in the
produced accounting,
- The cost of executing
to a resultr
in WHNF - The cost of evaluating
force r
to WHNF (e.g.()
The choice of the force
function depends upon the amount of forcing
desired; the goal here is to ensure that the cost of evaluating the result
is, to the greatest extent possible, included in the accounting provided by
. Often the pass already sufficiently forces its result during
construction; in this case const ()
is a reasonable choice.
In other cases, it is necessary to evaluate the result to normal form, in
which case something like Control.DeepSeq.rnf
is appropriate.
To avoid adversely affecting compiler performance when timings are not requested, the result is only forced when timings are enabled.
See Note [withTiming] for more.
:: MonadIO m | |
=> DynFlags | DynFlags |
-> SDoc | The name of the phase |
-> (a -> ()) | A function to force the result
(often either |
-> m a | The body of the phase to be timed |
-> m a |
Same as withTiming
, but doesn't print timings in the
console (when given -vN
, N >= 2
or -ddump-timings
See Note [withTiming] for more.
:: (MonadIO m, HasDynFlags m) | |
=> SDoc | The name of the phase |
-> (a -> ()) | A function to force the result
(often either |
-> m a | The body of the phase to be timed |
-> m a |
Like withTiming but get DynFlags from the Monad.
:: (MonadIO m, HasDynFlags m) | |
=> SDoc | The name of the phase |
-> (a -> ()) | A function to force the result
(often either |
-> m a | The body of the phase to be timed |
-> m a |
Same as withTiming
, but doesn't print timings in the
console (when given -vN
, N >= 2
or -ddump-timings
and gets the DynFlags from the given Monad.
See Note [withTiming] for more.
prettyPrintGhcErrors :: ExceptionMonad m => DynFlags -> m a -> m a Source #