Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- type DirPath = FilePath
- type FileName = String
- newtype UnString = UnString {}
- findCabalFile :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
- findStackConfigFile :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
- getSandboxDb :: Cradle -> IO (Maybe GhcPkgDb)
- extractSandboxDbDir :: String -> Maybe FilePath
- isCabalFile :: FilePath -> Bool
- takeExtension' :: FilePath -> String
- findFileInParentsP :: (FilePath -> Bool) -> FilePath -> IO [(DirPath, [FileName])]
- getFilesP :: (FilePath -> Bool) -> DirPath -> IO [FileName]
- findCabalSandboxDir :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
- zipMapM :: Monad m => (a -> m c) -> [a] -> m [(a, c)]
- parents :: FilePath -> [FilePath]
- setupConfigFile :: Cradle -> FilePath
- sandboxConfigFile :: Cradle -> FilePath
- sandboxConfigFileName :: String
- setupConfigPath :: FilePath -> FilePath
- macrosHeaderPath :: FilePath
- autogenModulePath :: String -> String
- autogenModulesDir :: FilePath
- ghcSandboxPkgDbDir :: String -> String
- packageCache :: String
- symbolCache :: Cradle -> FilePath
- symbolCacheFile :: String
- resolvedComponentsCacheFile :: FilePath -> FilePath
- cabalHelperCacheFile :: FilePath -> FilePath
- mergedPkgOptsCacheFile :: FilePath -> FilePath
- pkgDbStackCacheFile :: FilePath -> FilePath
- findCustomPackageDbFile :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
- module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Caching
findCabalFile :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath) Source #
findCabalFiles dir
. Searches for a .cabal
files in dir
's parent
directories. The first parent directory containing more than one cabal file
is assumed to be the project directory. If only one cabal file exists in this
directory it is returned otherwise findCabalFiles
throws GMENoCabalFile
or GMETooManyCabalFiles
extractSandboxDbDir :: String -> Maybe FilePath Source #
Extract the sandbox package db directory from the cabal.sandbox.config file. Exception is thrown if the sandbox config file is broken.
isCabalFile :: FilePath -> Bool Source #
isCabalFile "/home/user/.cabal"
takeExtension' :: FilePath -> String Source #
takeExtension' "/some/dir/bla.cabal"
takeExtension' "some/reldir/bla.cabal"
takeExtension' "bla.cabal"
takeExtension' ".cabal"
findFileInParentsP :: (FilePath -> Bool) -> FilePath -> IO [(DirPath, [FileName])] Source #
findFileInParentsP p dir
Look for files satisfying p
in dir
and all
it's parent directories.
getFilesP :: (FilePath -> Bool) -> DirPath -> IO [FileName] Source #
getFilesP p dir
. Find all files satisfying p
in .cabal
in dir
parents :: FilePath -> [FilePath] Source #
parents dir
. Returns all parent directories of dir
including dir
parents "foo"
parents "/foo"
parents "/foo/bar"
parents "foo/bar"
setupConfigFile :: Cradle -> FilePath Source #
sandboxConfigFile :: Cradle -> FilePath Source #
setupConfigPath :: FilePath -> FilePath Source #
Path to LocalBuildInfo
file, usually dist/setup-config
autogenModulePath :: String -> String Source #
ghcSandboxPkgDbDir :: String -> String Source #
symbolCache :: Cradle -> FilePath Source #
Filename of the symbol table cache file.