{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, RecordWildCards #-}
module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.HomeModuleGraph (
, ModulePath(..)
, mkFileMap
, mkModuleMap
, mkMainModulePath
, findModulePath
, findModulePathSet
, fileModuleName
, canonicalizeModulePath
, homeModuleGraph
, updateHomeModuleGraph
, canonicalizeModuleGraph
, reachable
, moduleGraphToDot
) where
import DriverPipeline
import DynFlags
import ErrUtils
import Exception
import Finder
import GHC
import HscTypes
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT(..), runMaybeT)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict (execStateT)
import Control.Monad.State.Class
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid as Monoid
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory
import System.IO
import Prelude
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Logging
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Logger
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Monad.Types
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Utils (withMappedFile)
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Gap (parseModuleHeader)
moduleGraphToDot :: GmModuleGraph -> String
moduleGraphToDot GmModuleGraph { gmgGraph } =
"digraph {\n" ++ concatMap edges (Map.toList graph) ++ "}\n"
graph = Map.map (Set.mapMonotonic mpPath)
$ Map.mapKeysMonotonic mpPath gmgGraph
edges :: (FilePath, (Set FilePath)) -> String
edges (f, sf) =
concatMap (\f' -> " \""++ f ++"\" -> \""++ f' ++"\"\n") (Set.toList sf)
data S = S {
sErrors :: [(ModulePath, ErrorMessages)],
sWarnings :: [(ModulePath, WarningMessages)],
sGraph :: GmModuleGraph
defaultS :: S
defaultS = S [] [] mempty
putErr :: MonadState S m
=> (ModulePath, ErrorMessages) -> m ()
putErr e = do
s <- get
put s { sErrors = e:sErrors s}
putWarn :: MonadState S m
=> (ModulePath, ErrorMessages) -> m ()
putWarn w = do
s <- get
put s { sWarnings = w:sWarnings s}
gmgLookupMP :: MonadState S m => ModulePath -> m (Maybe (Set ModulePath))
gmgLookupMP k = (Map.lookup k . gmgGraph . sGraph) `liftM` get
graphUnion :: MonadState S m => GmModuleGraph -> m ()
graphUnion gmg = do
s <- get
put s { sGraph = sGraph s `mappend` gmg }
reachable :: Set ModulePath -> GmModuleGraph -> Set ModulePath
reachable smp0 GmModuleGraph {..} = go smp0
go smp = let
δsmp = Set.unions $
collapseMaybeSet . flip Map.lookup gmgGraph <$> Set.toList smp
smp' = smp `Set.union` δsmp
in if smp == smp' then smp' else go smp'
pruneUnreachable :: Set ModulePath -> GmModuleGraph -> GmModuleGraph
pruneUnreachable smp0 gmg@GmModuleGraph {..} = let
r = reachable smp0 gmg
GmModuleGraph {
gmgGraph = Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> k `Set.member` r) gmgGraph
collapseMaybeSet :: Maybe (Set a) -> Set a
collapseMaybeSet = maybe Set.empty id
homeModuleGraph :: (IOish m, Gm m)
=> HscEnv -> Set ModulePath -> m GmModuleGraph
homeModuleGraph env smp = updateHomeModuleGraph env mempty smp smp
mkMainModulePath :: FilePath -> ModulePath
mkMainModulePath = ModulePath (mkModuleName "Main")
findModulePath :: HscEnv -> ModuleName -> IO (Maybe ModulePath)
findModulePath env mn = do
fmap (ModulePath mn) <$> find env mn
findModulePathSet :: HscEnv -> [ModuleName] -> IO (Set ModulePath)
findModulePathSet env mns = do
Set.fromList . catMaybes <$> findModulePath env `mapM` mns
find :: MonadIO m => HscEnv -> ModuleName -> m (Maybe FilePath)
find env mn = liftIO $ do
res <- findHomeModule env mn
case res of
Found loc@ModLocation { ml_hs_file = Just _ } _mod ->
return $ normalise <$> ml_hs_file loc
_ -> return Nothing
canonicalizeModulePath :: ModulePath -> IO ModulePath
canonicalizeModulePath (ModulePath mn fp) = ModulePath mn <$> canonicalizePath fp
canonicalizeModuleGraph :: MonadIO m => GmModuleGraph -> m GmModuleGraph
canonicalizeModuleGraph GmModuleGraph {..} = liftIO $ do
GmModuleGraph . Map.fromList <$> mapM fmg (Map.toList gmgGraph)
fmg (mp, smp) = liftM2 (,) (canonicalizeModulePath mp) (Set.fromList <$> mapM canonicalizeModulePath (Set.toList smp))
updateHomeModuleGraph :: (IOish m, Gm m)
=> HscEnv
-> GmModuleGraph
-> Set ModulePath
-> Set ModulePath
-> m GmModuleGraph
updateHomeModuleGraph env GmModuleGraph {..} smp sump = do
(pruneUnreachable smp . sGraph) `liftM` runS (updateHomeModuleGraph' env sump)
runS = flip execStateT defaultS { sGraph = graph' }
graph' = GmModuleGraph {
gmgGraph = Set.foldr Map.delete gmgGraph sump
mkFileMap :: Set ModulePath -> Map FilePath ModulePath
mkFileMap smp = Map.fromList $ map (mpPath &&& id) $ Set.toList smp
mkModuleMap :: Set ModulePath -> Map ModuleName ModulePath
mkModuleMap smp = Map.fromList $ map (mpModule &&& id) $ Set.toList smp
:: forall m. (MonadState S m, IOish m, Gm m)
=> HscEnv
-> Set ModulePath
-> m ()
updateHomeModuleGraph' env smp0 = do
go `mapM_` Set.toList smp0
go :: ModulePath -> m ()
go mp = do
msmp <- gmgLookupMP mp
case msmp of
Just _ -> return ()
Nothing -> do
smp <- collapseMaybeSet `liftM` step mp
graphUnion GmModuleGraph {
gmgGraph = Map.singleton mp smp
mapM_ go (Set.toList smp)
step :: ModulePath -> m (Maybe (Set ModulePath))
step mp = runMaybeT $ do
(dflags, ppsrc_fn) <- MaybeT preprocess'
src <- liftIO $ readFile ppsrc_fn
imports mp src dflags
preprocess' :: m (Maybe (DynFlags, FilePath))
preprocess' = do
let fn = mpPath mp
ep <- preprocessFile env fn
case ep of
Right (_, x) -> return $ Just x
Left errs -> do
gmLog GmWarning ("preprocess " ++ show fn) $ Monoid.mempty $+$ (vcat $ map text errs)
return Nothing
imports :: ModulePath -> String -> DynFlags -> MaybeT m (Set ModulePath)
imports mp@ModulePath {..} src dflags =
case parseModuleHeader src dflags mpPath of
Left err -> do
putErr (mp, err)
Right (ws, lmdl) -> do
putWarn (mp, ws)
let HsModule {..} = unLoc lmdl
mns = map (unLoc . ideclName)
$ filter (isNothing . ideclPkgQual)
$ map unLoc hsmodImports
liftIO $ Set.fromList . catMaybes <$> mapM (findModulePath env) mns
preprocessFile :: (IOish m, GmEnv m, GmState m) =>
HscEnv -> FilePath -> m (Either [String] ([String], (DynFlags, FilePath)))
preprocessFile env file =
withLogger' env $ \setDf -> do
withMappedFile file $ \fn -> do
let env' = env { hsc_dflags = setDf (hsc_dflags env) }
liftIO $ preprocess env' (fn, Nothing)
fileModuleName :: (IOish m, GmEnv m, GmState m) =>
HscEnv -> FilePath -> m (Either [String] (Maybe ModuleName))
fileModuleName env fn = do
let handler = liftIO . handle (\(_ :: SomeException) -> return $ Right Nothing)
ep <- preprocessFile env fn
case ep of
Left errs -> do
return $ Left errs
Right (_warns, (dflags, procdFile)) -> leftM (errBagToStrList env) =<< handler (do
src <- readFile procdFile
case parseModuleHeader src dflags procdFile of
Left errs -> return $ Left errs
Right (_, lmdl) -> do
let HsModule {..} = unLoc lmdl
return $ Right $ unLoc <$> hsmodName)
leftM f = either (return . Left <=< f) (return . Right)