{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- | Interface for generatating tags for a parsed module.
module Plugin.GhcTags.Generate
  ( GhcTag (..)
  , GhcTags
  , generateTagsForModule
  ) where

import           Data.Maybe    (mapMaybe)
import           Data.Foldable (foldl')

-- Ghc imports
import           FastString   ( FastString (..)
import           HsBinds      ( HsBindLR (..)
                              , PatSynBind (..)
                              , Sig (..)
import           HsDecls      ( ClsInstDecl (..)
                              , ConDecl (..)
                              , DataFamInstDecl (..)
                              , FamEqn (..)
                              , FamilyDecl (..)
                              , ForeignDecl (..)
                              , LHsDecl
                              , HsConDeclDetails
                              , HsDecl (..)
                              , HsDataDefn (..)
                              , InstDecl (..)
                              , TyClDecl (..)
                              , TyFamInstDecl (..)
import           HsSyn        ( FieldOcc (..)
                              , GhcPs
                              , HsModule (..)
                              , LFieldOcc
import           HsTypes      ( ConDeclField (..)
                              , HsConDetails (..)
                              , HsImplicitBndrs (..)
                              , HsType (..)
                              , LConDeclField
                              , LHsType
import           SrcLoc       ( GenLocated (..)
                              , Located
                              , SrcSpan (..)
                              , unLoc
import           RdrName      ( RdrName (..)
import           Name         ( nameOccName
                              , occNameFS

-- | We can read names from using fields of type 'GHC.Hs.Extensions.IdP' (a tpye
-- family) which for @'Parsed@ resolved to 'RdrName'
data GhcTag = GhcTag {
    tagSrcSpan  :: !SrcSpan
  , tagTag      :: !FastString
  deriving Show

type GhcTags = [GhcTag]

mkGhcTag :: Located RdrName -- Located (IdP GhcPs)
         -> GhcTag
mkGhcTag (L tagSrcSpan rdrName) =
    case rdrName of
      Unqual occName ->
        GhcTag { tagTag = occNameFS occName
               , tagSrcSpan

      Qual _ occName ->
        GhcTag { tagTag = occNameFS occName
               , tagSrcSpan

      -- Orig is the only one we are interested in
      Orig _ occName ->
        GhcTag { tagTag = occNameFS occName
               , tagSrcSpan

      Exact name                   ->
        GhcTag { tagTag = occNameFS $ nameOccName name
               , tagSrcSpan

-- | Generate tags for a module - simple walk over the syntax tree.
-- Supported identifiers:
--  * top level terms
--  * type classes
--  * type class members
--  * type class instances
--  * type families
--  * type family instances
--  * data type families
--  * data type families instances
--  * data type family instances constructors
generateTagsForModule :: Located (HsModule GhcPs)
                      -> GhcTags
generateTagsForModule (L _ HsModule { hsmodDecls }) =
    reverse $ foldl' go [] hsmodDecls
    go :: GhcTags -> LHsDecl GhcPs -> GhcTags
    go tags (L _ hsDecl) = case hsDecl of
      -- type or class declaration
      TyClD _ tyClDecl ->
        case tyClDecl of
          FamDecl { tcdFam } ->
            case mkFamilyDeclTags tcdFam of
              Just tag -> tag : tags
              Nothing  ->       tags

          SynDecl { tcdLName } ->
            mkGhcTag tcdLName : tags

          DataDecl { tcdLName, tcdDataDefn } ->
            case tcdDataDefn of
              HsDataDefn { dd_cons } ->
                mkGhcTag tcdLName : ((mkConsTags . unLoc) `concatMap` dd_cons)
                ++ tags

              XHsDataDefn {} ->

          -- TODO: add 'tcdATDefs'
          ClassDecl { tcdLName, tcdSigs, tcdMeths, tcdATs } ->
            -- class name
            mkGhcTag tcdLName
            -- class methods
            : (mkSigTags . unLoc) `concatMap` tcdSigs
            -- default methods
            ++ foldl' (\tags' hsBind -> mkHsBindLRTags (unLoc hsBind) ++ tags')
            -- associated types
            ++ (mkFamilyDeclTags . unLoc) `mapMaybe` tcdATs

          XTyClDecl {} -> tags

      InstD _ instDecl ->
        case instDecl of
          ClsInstD { cid_inst } ->
            case cid_inst of
              XClsInstDecl {} -> tags

              ClsInstDecl { cid_poly_ty, cid_tyfam_insts, cid_datafam_insts } ->
                  case cid_poly_ty of
                    XHsImplicitBndrs {} ->
                      tyFamTags ++ dataFamTags ++ tags

                    -- TODO: @hsbib_body :: LHsType GhcPs@
                    HsIB { hsib_body } ->
                      case mkLHsTypeTag hsib_body of
                        Nothing  -> tyFamTags ++ dataFamTags ++ tags
                        Just tag -> tag : tyFamTags ++ dataFamTags ++ tags
                  dataFamTags = (mkDataFamInstDeclTag . unLoc) `concatMap` cid_datafam_insts
                  tyFamTags   = (mkTyFamInstDeclTag   . unLoc) `mapMaybe`  cid_tyfam_insts

          DataFamInstD { dfid_inst } ->
            mkDataFamInstDeclTag  dfid_inst ++ tags

          TyFamInstD { tfid_inst } ->
            case mkTyFamInstDeclTag tfid_inst of
              Nothing  -> tags
              Just tag -> tag : tags

          XInstDecl {} -> tags

      -- deriveving declaration
      DerivD {} -> tags

      -- value declaration
      ValD _ hsBind  -> mkHsBindLRTags hsBind ++ tags

      -- signature declaration
      SigD _ sig -> mkSigTags sig ++ tags

      -- default declaration
      DefD {} -> tags

      -- foreign declaration
      ForD _ foreignDecl ->
        case foreignDecl of
          ForeignImport { fd_name } -> mkGhcTag fd_name : tags

          ForeignExport { fd_name } -> mkGhcTag fd_name : tags

          XForeignDecl {} -> tags

      WarningD {}   -> tags
      AnnD {}       -> tags

      -- TODO: Rules are named it would be nice to get them too
      RuleD {}      -> tags

      -- TODO: splices
      SpliceD {}    -> tags

      DocD {}       -> tags
      RoleAnnotD {} -> tags
      XHsDecl {}    -> tags

    -- tags of all constructors of a type
    mkConsTags :: ConDecl GhcPs -> GhcTags
    mkConsTags ConDeclGADT { con_names, con_args } =
         mkGhcTag `map` con_names
      ++ mkHsConDeclDetails con_args
    mkConsTags ConDeclH98  { con_name, con_args } =
        mkGhcTag con_name
      : mkHsConDeclDetails con_args
    mkConsTags XConDecl    {}            = []

    mkHsConDeclDetails :: HsConDeclDetails GhcPs -> GhcTags
    mkHsConDeclDetails (RecCon (L _ fields)) = foldl' f [] fields
        f :: GhcTags -> LConDeclField GhcPs -> GhcTags
        f ts (L _ ConDeclField { cd_fld_names }) = foldl' g ts cd_fld_names
        f ts _ = ts

        g :: GhcTags -> LFieldOcc GhcPs -> GhcTags
        g ts (L _ FieldOcc { rdrNameFieldOcc }) = mkGhcTag rdrNameFieldOcc : ts
        g ts _ = ts

    mkHsConDeclDetails _  = []

    mkHsBindLRTags :: HsBindLR GhcPs GhcPs -> GhcTags
    mkHsBindLRTags hsBind =
      case hsBind of
        FunBind { fun_id } -> [mkGhcTag fun_id]

        -- TODO
        -- This is useful fo generating tags for
        -- ````
        -- Just x = lhs
        -- ```
        PatBind {} -> []

        VarBind { var_id, var_rhs = L srcSpan _ } -> [mkGhcTag (L srcSpan var_id)]

        -- abstraction binding are only used after translaction
        AbsBinds {} -> []

        PatSynBind _ PSB { psb_id } -> [mkGhcTag psb_id]
        PatSynBind _ XPatSynBind {} -> []

        XHsBindsLR {} -> []

    mkSigTags :: Sig GhcPs -> GhcTags
    mkSigTags (TypeSig   _ lhs _)    = mkGhcTag `map` lhs
    mkSigTags (PatSynSig _ lhs _)    = mkGhcTag `map` lhs
    mkSigTags (ClassOpSig _ _ lhs _) = mkGhcTag `map` lhs
    mkSigTags IdSig {}               = []
    -- TODO: generate theses with additional info (fixity)
    mkSigTags FixSig {}              = []
    mkSigTags InlineSig {}           = []
    -- SPECIALISE pragmas
    mkSigTags SpecSig {}             = []
    mkSigTags SpecInstSig {}         = []
    -- MINIMAL pragma
    mkSigTags MinimalSig {}          = []
    -- SSC pragma
    mkSigTags SCCFunSig {}           = []
    -- COMPLETE pragma
    mkSigTags CompleteMatchSig {}    = []
    mkSigTags XSig {}                = []

    mkFamilyDeclTags :: FamilyDecl GhcPs -> Maybe GhcTag
    mkFamilyDeclTags FamilyDecl { fdLName } = Just $ mkGhcTag fdLName
    mkFamilyDeclTags XFamilyDecl {}         = Nothing

    -- used to generate tag of an instance declaration
    mkLHsTypeTag :: LHsType GhcPs -> Maybe GhcTag
    mkLHsTypeTag (L _ hsType) =
      case hsType of
        HsForAllTy {hst_body} -> mkLHsTypeTag hst_body

        HsQualTy {hst_body}   -> mkLHsTypeTag hst_body

        HsTyVar _ _ a -> Just $ mkGhcTag a

        HsAppTy _ a _         -> mkLHsTypeTag a
        HsOpTy _ _ a _        -> Just $ mkGhcTag a
        HsKindSig _ a _       -> mkLHsTypeTag a

        _                     -> Nothing

    -- todo: type constructors
    mkDataFamInstDeclTag :: DataFamInstDecl GhcPs -> GhcTags
    mkDataFamInstDeclTag DataFamInstDecl { dfid_eqn } =
      case dfid_eqn of
        XHsImplicitBndrs {} -> []

        HsIB { hsib_body = FamEqn { feqn_tycon, feqn_rhs } } ->
          case feqn_rhs of
            HsDataDefn { dd_cons } ->
              mkGhcTag feqn_tycon : (mkConsTags . unLoc) `concatMap` dd_cons
            XHsDataDefn {}         ->
              mkGhcTag feqn_tycon : []

        HsIB { hsib_body = XFamEqn {} } -> []

    mkTyFamInstDeclTag :: TyFamInstDecl GhcPs -> Maybe GhcTag
    mkTyFamInstDeclTag TyFamInstDecl { tfid_eqn } =
      case tfid_eqn of
        XHsImplicitBndrs {} -> Nothing

        -- TODO: should we check @feqn_rhs :: LHsType GhcPs@ as well?
        HsIB { hsib_body = FamEqn { feqn_tycon } } -> Just $ mkGhcTag feqn_tycon

        HsIB { hsib_body = XFamEqn {} } -> Nothing