{-# LANGUAGE CPP                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Plugin.GhcTags ( plugin ) where

import           Control.Concurrent
import           Control.Exception
import qualified Data.ByteString         as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BS
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 808
import           Data.Functor ((<$))
import           Data.List (sortBy)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import           Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import           System.Directory
import           System.FilePath
import           System.IO
import           System.IO.Error  (tryIOError)
import           System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text

import           GhcPlugins ( CommandLineOption
                            , Hsc
                            , HsParsedModule (..)
                            , Located
                            , ModSummary
                            , Plugin (..)
import qualified GhcPlugins
import           HsExtension (GhcPs)
import           HsSyn (HsModule)

import           Plugin.GhcTags.Generate
import           Plugin.GhcTags.Tag
import qualified Plugin.GhcTags.Vim as Vim

-- |  Global shared state which persists across compilation of different
-- modules - a nasty hack which is only used for optimization.
tagsMVar :: MVar (Maybe TagsMap)
tagsMVar = unsafePerformIO $ newMVar Nothing

-- | The GhcTags plugin.  It will run for every compiled module and have access
-- to parsed syntax tree.  It will inspect it and:
-- * update a global mutable state variable, which stores a tag map.
--   It is shared across modules compiled in the same `ghc` run.
-- * update 'tags' file.
-- The global mutable variable save us from parsing the tags file for every
-- compiled module.
-- __The syntax tree is left unchanged.__
-- The tags file will contain location information about:
--  * top level terms
--  * data types
--  * record fields
--  * type synonyms
--  * type classes
--  * type class members
--  * type class instances
--  * type families                           /(standalone and associated)/
--  * type family instances                   /(standalone and associated)/
--  * data type families                      /(standalone and associated)/
--  * data type families instances            /(standalone and associated)/
--  * data type family instances constructors /(standalone and associated)/
plugin :: Plugin
plugin = GhcPlugins.defaultPlugin {
      parsedResultAction = ghcTagsPlugin,
      pluginRecompile    = GhcPlugins.purePlugin

-- | IOExcption wrapper; it is useful for the user to know that it's the plugin
-- not `ghc` that thrown the error.
data GhcTagsPluginException =
    GhcTagsPluginIOExceptino IOException
    deriving Show

instance Exception GhcTagsPluginException

-- | The plugin does not change the 'HsParedModule', it only runs side effects.
ghcTagsPlugin :: [CommandLineOption] -> ModSummary -> HsParsedModule -> Hsc HsParsedModule
ghcTagsPlugin options _modSummary hsParsedModule@HsParsedModule {hpm_module} =
    hsParsedModule <$ GhcPlugins.liftIO (updateTags tagsFile hpm_module)
    tagsFile :: FilePath
    tagsFile = case options of
      []    -> "tags"
      a : _ -> a

-- | Extract tags from a module and update tags file as well as the 'tagsMVar'
-- Using 'tagsMVar' we can save on parsing the tags file: we do it only when
-- the first module is compiled.  We need to write the results at every
-- compilation step since we don't know if the currently compiled module is the
-- last one or not.
updateTags :: FilePath
           -> Located (HsModule GhcPs)
           -> IO ()
updateTags tagsFile lmodule =
    -- wrap 'IOException's
    handle (throwIO . GhcTagsPluginIOExceptino) $

      -- Take exclusive lock.  This assures that only one thread will have access to
      -- the tags file.  Parsing and the rest of the compilation pipeline can
      -- happen concurrently.
      mvarLock tagsMVar $ \mTagsMap -> do
        (tagsMap :: TagsMap) <-
          case mTagsMap of

            Just tagsMap -> return tagsMap

            -- the 'tagsMVar' is empty, which means we are compiling the first
            -- module.  In this case read the tags from disk.
            Nothing -> do
              a <- doesFileExist tagsFile
              res <-
                if a
                  then do
                    mtext <- tryIOError (Text.decodeUtf8 <$> BS.readFile tagsFile)
                    case mtext of
                      Left err    -> do
                        putStrLn $ "GhcTags: error reading \"" ++ tagsFile ++ "\": " ++ (show err)
                        pure $ Right []
                      Right txt ->
                        Vim.parseTagsFile txt
                  else pure $ Right []
              case res of
                Left err -> do
                  putStrLn $ "GhcTags: error reading or parsing \"" ++ tagsFile ++ "\": " ++ err
                  return $ Map.empty
                Right tagList -> do
                  return $ mkTagsMap tagList

        cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
        -- absolute directory path of the tags file; we need canonical path
        -- (without ".." and ".") to make 'makeRelative' works.
        tagsDir <- canonicalizePath (fst $ splitFileName tagsFile)

        let tagsMap' :: TagsMap
            tagsMap' =
                (mkTagsMap               -- created 'TagsMap'
                  . map (fixFileName cwd tagsDir)
                                         -- fix file names
                  . mapMaybe ghcTagToTag -- translate 'GhcTag' to 'Tag'
                  . getGhcTags           -- generate 'GhcTag's
                  $ lmodule)

        -- update tags file, this will force evaluation `tagsMap'`, so when we
        -- write it to `tagsMVar' it will not contain any thunks.
        withFile tagsFile WriteMode
          $ flip BS.hPutBuilder
              ( Vim.formatTagsFile
              . sortBy compareTags
              . concat
              . Map.elems
              $ tagsMap'

        pure (Just tagsMap')

    fixFileName :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Tag -> Tag
    fixFileName cwd tagsDir tag@Tag { tagFile = TagFile path } =
      tag { tagFile = TagFile (makeRelative tagsDir (cwd </> path)) }

-- | The 'MVar' is used as an exlusive lock.  Also similar to 'bracket' but
-- updates the 'MVar' with returned value, or put the original value if an
-- exception is thrown by the continuation (or an async exception).
mvarLock :: MVar a
         -> (a -> IO a)
         -> IO ()
mvarLock v k = mask $ \unmask -> do
    a <- takeMVar v
    a' <- unmask (k a)
          putMVar v a
    putMVar v $! a'