{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Development.IDE.LSP.LanguageServer
( runLanguageServer
) where
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Capabilities
import Development.IDE.LSP.Server
import qualified Development.IDE.GHC.Util as Ghcide
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Control as LSP
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Core as LSP
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
import Control.Concurrent.Extra
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception.Safe
import Data.Default
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import GHC.IO.Handle (hDuplicate)
import System.IO
import Control.Monad.Extra
import Development.IDE.Core.IdeConfiguration
import Development.IDE.Core.Shake
import Development.IDE.LSP.HoverDefinition
import Development.IDE.LSP.Notifications
import Development.IDE.LSP.Outline
import Development.IDE.Types.Logger
import Development.IDE.Core.FileStore
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Core (LspFuncs(..))
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Messages
:: forall config. (Show config)
=> LSP.Options
-> PartialHandlers config
-> (InitializeRequest -> Either T.Text config)
-> (DidChangeConfigurationNotification -> Either T.Text config)
-> (IO LspId -> (FromServerMessage -> IO ()) -> VFSHandle -> ClientCapabilities
-> WithProgressFunc -> WithIndefiniteProgressFunc -> IO IdeState)
-> IO ()
runLanguageServer options userHandlers onInitialConfig onConfigChange getIdeState = do
newStdout <- hDuplicate stdout
stderr `Ghcide.hDuplicateTo'` stdout
hSetBuffering stderr NoBuffering
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
putStr " " >> hFlush stdout
clientMsgChan :: Chan (Message config) <- newChan
clientMsgBarrier <- newBarrier
pendingRequests <- newTVarIO Set.empty
cancelledRequests <- newTVarIO Set.empty
let withResponse wrap f = Just $ \r@RequestMessage{_id} -> do
atomically $ modifyTVar pendingRequests (Set.insert _id)
writeChan clientMsgChan $ Response r wrap f
let withNotification old f = Just $ \r -> writeChan clientMsgChan $ Notification r (\lsp ide x -> f lsp ide x >> whenJust old ($ r))
let withResponseAndRequest wrap wrapNewReq f = Just $ \r@RequestMessage{_id} -> do
atomically $ modifyTVar pendingRequests (Set.insert _id)
writeChan clientMsgChan $ ResponseAndRequest r wrap wrapNewReq f
let withInitialize f = Just $ \r -> writeChan clientMsgChan $ InitialParams r (\lsp ide x -> f lsp ide x)
let cancelRequest reqId = atomically $ do
queued <- readTVar pendingRequests
when (reqId `elem` queued) $
modifyTVar cancelledRequests (Set.insert reqId)
let clearReqId reqId = atomically $ do
modifyTVar pendingRequests (Set.delete reqId)
modifyTVar cancelledRequests (Set.delete reqId)
let waitForCancel reqId = atomically $ do
cancelled <- readTVar cancelledRequests
unless (reqId `Set.member` cancelled) retry
let PartialHandlers parts =
initializeRequestHandler <>
setHandlersIgnore <>
setHandlersDefinition <> setHandlersHover <> setHandlersTypeDefinition <>
setHandlersOutline <>
userHandlers <>
setHandlersNotifications <>
cancelHandler cancelRequest
handlers <- parts WithMessage{withResponse, withNotification, withResponseAndRequest, withInitialize} def
let initializeCallbacks = LSP.InitializeCallbacks
{ LSP.onInitialConfiguration = onInitialConfig
, LSP.onConfigurationChange = onConfigChange
, LSP.onStartup = handleInit (signalBarrier clientMsgBarrier ()) clearReqId waitForCancel clientMsgChan
void $ waitAnyCancel =<< traverse async
[ void $ LSP.runWithHandles
(modifyOptions options)
, void $ waitBarrier clientMsgBarrier
handleInit :: IO () -> (LspId -> IO ()) -> (LspId -> IO ()) -> Chan (Message config) -> LSP.LspFuncs config -> IO (Maybe err)
handleInit exitClientMsg clearReqId waitForCancel clientMsgChan lspFuncs@LSP.LspFuncs{..} = do
ide <- getIdeState getNextReqId sendFunc (makeLSPVFSHandle lspFuncs) clientCapabilities
withProgress withIndefiniteProgress
_ <- flip forkFinally (const exitClientMsg) $ forever $ do
msg <- readChan clientMsgChan
case msg of
Notification x@NotificationMessage{_params} act -> do
catch (act lspFuncs ide _params) $ \(e :: SomeException) ->
logError (ideLogger ide) $ T.pack $
"Unexpected exception on notification, please report!\n" ++
"Message: " ++ show x ++ "\n" ++
"Exception: " ++ show e
Response x@RequestMessage{_id, _params} wrap act ->
checkCancelled ide clearReqId waitForCancel lspFuncs wrap act x _id _params $
Left e -> sendFunc $ wrap $ ResponseMessage "2.0" (responseId _id) (Left e)
Right r -> sendFunc $ wrap $ ResponseMessage "2.0" (responseId _id) (Right r)
ResponseAndRequest x@RequestMessage{_id, _params} wrap wrapNewReq act ->
checkCancelled ide clearReqId waitForCancel lspFuncs wrap act x _id _params $
\(res, newReq) -> do
case res of
Left e -> sendFunc $ wrap $ ResponseMessage "2.0" (responseId _id) (Left e)
Right r -> sendFunc $ wrap $ ResponseMessage "2.0" (responseId _id) (Right r)
whenJust newReq $ \(rm, newReqParams) -> do
reqId <- getNextReqId
sendFunc $ wrapNewReq $ RequestMessage "2.0" reqId rm newReqParams
InitialParams x@RequestMessage{_id, _params} act -> do
catch (act lspFuncs ide _params) $ \(e :: SomeException) ->
logError (ideLogger ide) $ T.pack $
"Unexpected exception on InitializeRequest handler, please report!\n" ++
"Message: " ++ show x ++ "\n" ++
"Exception: " ++ show e
pure Nothing
checkCancelled ide clearReqId waitForCancel lspFuncs@LSP.LspFuncs{..} wrap act msg _id _params k =
flip finally (clearReqId _id) $
catch (do
cancelOrRes <- race (waitForCancel _id) $ act lspFuncs ide _params
case cancelOrRes of
Left () -> do
logDebug (ideLogger ide) $ T.pack $
"Cancelled request " <> show _id
sendFunc $ wrap $ ResponseMessage "2.0" (responseId _id) $ Left
$ ResponseError RequestCancelled "" Nothing
Right res -> k res
) $ \(e :: SomeException) -> do
logError (ideLogger ide) $ T.pack $
"Unexpected exception on request, please report!\n" ++
"Message: " ++ show msg ++ "\n" ++
"Exception: " ++ show e
sendFunc $ wrap $ ResponseMessage "2.0" (responseId _id) $ Left
$ ResponseError InternalError (T.pack $ show e) Nothing
initializeRequestHandler :: PartialHandlers config
initializeRequestHandler = PartialHandlers $ \WithMessage{..} x -> return x{
LSP.initializeRequestHandler = withInitialize initHandler
:: LSP.LspFuncs c
-> IdeState
-> InitializeParams
-> IO ()
initHandler _ ide params = registerIdeConfiguration (shakeExtras ide) (parseConfiguration params)
setHandlersIgnore :: PartialHandlers config
setHandlersIgnore = PartialHandlers $ \_ x -> return x
{LSP.initializedHandler = none
,LSP.responseHandler = none
where none = Just $ const $ return ()
cancelHandler :: (LspId -> IO ()) -> PartialHandlers config
cancelHandler cancelRequest = PartialHandlers $ \_ x -> return x
{LSP.cancelNotificationHandler = Just $ \msg@NotificationMessage {_params = CancelParams {_id}} -> do
cancelRequest _id
whenJust (LSP.cancelNotificationHandler x) ($ msg)
data Message c
= forall m req resp . (Show m, Show req) => Response (RequestMessage m req resp) (ResponseMessage resp -> FromServerMessage) (LSP.LspFuncs c -> IdeState -> req -> IO (Either ResponseError resp))
| forall m rm req resp newReqParams newReqBody . (Show m, Show rm, Show req) => ResponseAndRequest (RequestMessage m req resp) (ResponseMessage resp -> FromServerMessage) (RequestMessage rm newReqParams newReqBody -> FromServerMessage) (LSP.LspFuncs c -> IdeState -> req -> IO (Either ResponseError resp, Maybe (rm, newReqParams)))
| forall m req . (Show m, Show req) => Notification (NotificationMessage m req) (LSP.LspFuncs c -> IdeState -> req -> IO ())
| InitialParams InitializeRequest (LSP.LspFuncs c -> IdeState -> InitializeParams -> IO ())
modifyOptions :: LSP.Options -> LSP.Options
modifyOptions x = x{ LSP.textDocumentSync = Just $ tweakTDS origTDS
tweakTDS tds = tds{_openClose=Just True, _change=Just TdSyncIncremental, _save=Just $ SaveOptions Nothing}
origTDS = fromMaybe tdsDefault $ LSP.textDocumentSync x
tdsDefault = TextDocumentSyncOptions Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing