-- Copyright (c) 2019 The DAML Authors. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
module Development.IDE.GHC.Error
    -- * Producing Diagnostic values
  , diagFromErrMsg
  , diagFromString
  , diagFromStrings
  , diagFromGhcException
  , catchSrcErrors

  -- * utilities working with spans
  , srcSpanToLocation
  , srcSpanToRange
  , realSrcSpanToRange
  , srcSpanToFilename
  , zeroSpan
  , realSpan
  , isInsideSrcSpan
  , noSpan

  -- * utilities working with severities
  , toDSeverity
  ) where

import                     Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics as D
import qualified           Data.Text as T
import Data.Maybe
import Development.IDE.Types.Location
import Development.IDE.GHC.Orphans()
import qualified FastString as FS
import           GHC
import           Bag
import DynFlags
import HscTypes
import Panic
import           ErrUtils
import           SrcLoc
import qualified Outputable                 as Out
import Exception (ExceptionMonad)

diagFromText :: T.Text -> D.DiagnosticSeverity -> SrcSpan -> T.Text -> FileDiagnostic
diagFromText diagSource sev loc msg = (toNormalizedFilePath' $ fromMaybe noFilePath $ srcSpanToFilename loc,ShowDiag,)
    { _range    = fromMaybe noRange $ srcSpanToRange loc
    , _severity = Just sev
    , _source   = Just diagSource -- not shown in the IDE, but useful for ghcide developers
    , _message  = msg
    , _code     = Nothing
    , _relatedInformation = Nothing
    , _tags     = Nothing

-- | Produce a GHC-style error from a source span and a message.
diagFromErrMsg :: T.Text -> DynFlags -> ErrMsg -> [FileDiagnostic]
diagFromErrMsg diagSource dflags e =
    [ diagFromText diagSource sev (errMsgSpan e) $ T.pack $ Out.showSDoc dflags $
      ErrUtils.formatErrDoc dflags $ ErrUtils.errMsgDoc e
    | Just sev <- [toDSeverity $ errMsgSeverity e]]

diagFromErrMsgs :: T.Text -> DynFlags -> Bag ErrMsg -> [FileDiagnostic]
diagFromErrMsgs diagSource dflags = concatMap (diagFromErrMsg diagSource dflags) . bagToList

-- | Convert a GHC SrcSpan to a DAML compiler Range
srcSpanToRange :: SrcSpan -> Maybe Range
srcSpanToRange (UnhelpfulSpan _)  = Nothing
srcSpanToRange (RealSrcSpan real) = Just $ realSrcSpanToRange real

realSrcSpanToRange :: RealSrcSpan -> Range
realSrcSpanToRange real =
  Range (Position (srcSpanStartLine real - 1) (srcSpanStartCol real - 1))
            (Position (srcSpanEndLine real - 1) (srcSpanEndCol real - 1))

-- | Extract a file name from a GHC SrcSpan (use message for unhelpful ones)
-- FIXME This may not be an _absolute_ file name, needs fixing.
srcSpanToFilename :: SrcSpan -> Maybe FilePath
srcSpanToFilename (UnhelpfulSpan _) = Nothing
srcSpanToFilename (RealSrcSpan real) = Just $ FS.unpackFS $ srcSpanFile real

srcSpanToLocation :: SrcSpan -> Maybe Location
srcSpanToLocation src = do
  fs <- srcSpanToFilename src
  rng <- srcSpanToRange src
  -- important that the URI's we produce have been properly normalized, otherwise they point at weird places in VS Code
  pure $ Location (fromNormalizedUri $ filePathToUri' $ toNormalizedFilePath' fs) rng

isInsideSrcSpan :: Position -> SrcSpan -> Bool
p `isInsideSrcSpan` r = case srcSpanToRange r of
  Just (Range sp ep) -> sp <= p && p <= ep
  _ -> False

-- | Convert a GHC severity to a DAML compiler Severity. Severities below
-- "Warning" level are dropped (returning Nothing).
toDSeverity :: GHC.Severity -> Maybe D.DiagnosticSeverity
toDSeverity SevOutput      = Nothing
toDSeverity SevInteractive = Nothing
toDSeverity SevDump        = Nothing
toDSeverity SevInfo        = Just DsInfo
toDSeverity SevWarning     = Just DsWarning
toDSeverity SevError       = Just DsError
toDSeverity SevFatal       = Just DsError

-- | Produce a bag of GHC-style errors (@ErrorMessages@) from the given
--   (optional) locations and message strings.
diagFromStrings :: T.Text -> D.DiagnosticSeverity -> [(SrcSpan, String)] -> [FileDiagnostic]
diagFromStrings diagSource sev = concatMap (uncurry (diagFromString diagSource sev))

-- | Produce a GHC-style error from a source span and a message.
diagFromString :: T.Text -> D.DiagnosticSeverity -> SrcSpan -> String -> [FileDiagnostic]
diagFromString diagSource sev sp x = [diagFromText diagSource sev sp $ T.pack x]

-- | Produces an "unhelpful" source span with the given string.
noSpan :: String -> SrcSpan
noSpan = UnhelpfulSpan . FS.fsLit

-- | creates a span with zero length in the filename of the argument passed
zeroSpan :: FS.FastString -- ^ file path of span
         -> RealSrcSpan
zeroSpan file = realSrcLocSpan (mkRealSrcLoc file 1 1)

realSpan :: SrcSpan
         -> Maybe RealSrcSpan
realSpan = \case
  RealSrcSpan r -> Just r
  UnhelpfulSpan _ -> Nothing

-- | Run something in a Ghc monad and catch the errors (SourceErrors and
-- compiler-internal exceptions like Panic or InstallationError).
catchSrcErrors :: (HasDynFlags m, ExceptionMonad m) => T.Text -> m a -> m (Either [FileDiagnostic] a)
catchSrcErrors fromWhere ghcM = do
      dflags <- getDynFlags
      handleGhcException (ghcExceptionToDiagnostics dflags) $
        handleSourceError (sourceErrorToDiagnostics dflags) $
        Right <$> ghcM
        ghcExceptionToDiagnostics dflags = return . Left . diagFromGhcException fromWhere dflags
        sourceErrorToDiagnostics dflags = return . Left . diagFromErrMsgs fromWhere dflags . srcErrorMessages

diagFromGhcException :: T.Text -> DynFlags -> GhcException -> [FileDiagnostic]
diagFromGhcException diagSource dflags exc = diagFromString diagSource DsError (noSpan "<Internal>") (showGHCE dflags exc)

showGHCE :: DynFlags -> GhcException -> String
showGHCE dflags exc = case exc of
        Signal n
          -> "Signal: " <> show n

        Panic s
          -> unwords ["Compilation Issue:", s, "\n", requestReport]
        PprPanic  s sdoc
          -> unlines ["Compilation Issue", s,""
                     , Out.showSDoc dflags sdoc
                     , requestReport ]

        Sorry s
          -> "Unsupported feature: " <> s
        PprSorry s sdoc
          -> unlines ["Unsupported feature: ", s,""
                     , Out.showSDoc dflags sdoc]

        ---------- errors below should not happen at all --------
        InstallationError str
          -> "Installation error: " <> str

        UsageError str -- should never happen
          -> unlines ["Unexpected usage error", str]

        CmdLineError str
          -> unlines ["Unexpected usage error", str]

        ProgramError str
            -> "Program error: " <> str
        PprProgramError str  sdoc  ->
            unlines ["Program error:", str,""
                    , Out.showSDoc dflags sdoc]
    requestReport = "Please report this bug to the compiler authors."