Copyright | Will Thompson Iñaki García Etxebarria and Jonas Platte |
License | LGPL-2.1 |
Maintainer | Iñaki García Etxebarria |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- Methods
- access
- asciiDigitValue
- asciiDtostr
- asciiFormatd
- asciiStrcasecmp
- asciiStrdown
- asciiStringToSigned
- asciiStringToUnsigned
- asciiStrncasecmp
- asciiStrtod
- asciiStrtoll
- asciiStrtoull
- asciiStrup
- asciiTolower
- asciiToupper
- asciiXdigitValue
- assertWarning
- assertionMessage
- assertionMessageCmpstr
- assertionMessageError
- atexit
- atomicIntAdd
- atomicIntAnd
- atomicIntCompareAndExchange
- atomicIntDecAndTest
- atomicIntExchangeAndAdd
- atomicIntGet
- atomicIntInc
- atomicIntOr
- atomicIntSet
- atomicIntXor
- atomicPointerAdd
- atomicPointerAnd
- atomicPointerCompareAndExchange
- atomicPointerGet
- atomicPointerOr
- atomicPointerSet
- atomicPointerXor
- atomicRcBoxAcquire
- atomicRcBoxAlloc
- atomicRcBoxAlloc0
- atomicRcBoxDup
- atomicRcBoxGetSize
- atomicRcBoxRelease
- atomicRcBoxReleaseFull
- atomicRefCountCompare
- atomicRefCountDec
- atomicRefCountInc
- atomicRefCountInit
- base64Decode
- base64DecodeInplace
- base64Encode
- basename
- bitLock
- bitNthLsf
- bitNthMsf
- bitStorage
- bitTrylock
- bitUnlock
- buildFilenamev
- buildPathv
- canonicalizeFilename
- chdir
- checkVersion
- childWatchAdd
- childWatchSourceNew
- clearError
- close
- computeChecksumForBytes
- computeChecksumForData
- computeChecksumForString
- computeHmacForBytes
- computeHmacForData
- computeHmacForString
- convert
- convertErrorQuark
- convertWithFallback
- datalistForeach
- datalistGetData
- datalistGetFlags
- datalistIdGetData
- datalistSetFlags
- datalistUnsetFlags
- datasetDestroy
- datasetForeach
- datasetIdGetData
- dcgettext
- dgettext
- directEqual
- directHash
- dngettext
- doubleEqual
- doubleHash
- dpgettext
- dpgettext2
- environGetenv
- environSetenv
- environUnsetenv
- fileErrorFromErrno
- fileErrorQuark
- fileGetContents
- fileOpenTmp
- fileReadLink
- fileSetContents
- fileTest
- filenameDisplayBasename
- filenameDisplayName
- filenameFromUri
- filenameFromUtf8
- filenameToUri
- filenameToUtf8
- findProgramInPath
- formatSize
- formatSizeForDisplay
- formatSizeFull
- free
- getApplicationName
- getCharset
- getCodeset
- getCurrentDir
- getCurrentTime
- getEnviron
- getFilenameCharsets
- getHomeDir
- getHostName
- getLanguageNames
- getLanguageNamesWithCategory
- getLocaleVariants
- getMonotonicTime
- getNumProcessors
- getPrgname
- getRealName
- getRealTime
- getSystemConfigDirs
- getSystemDataDirs
- getTmpDir
- getUserCacheDir
- getUserConfigDir
- getUserDataDir
- getUserName
- getUserRuntimeDir
- getUserSpecialDir
- getenv
- hostnameIsAsciiEncoded
- hostnameIsIpAddress
- hostnameIsNonAscii
- hostnameToAscii
- hostnameToUnicode
- idleAdd
- idleRemoveByData
- idleSourceNew
- int64Equal
- int64Hash
- intEqual
- intHash
- internStaticString
- internString
- ioAddWatch
- ioCreateWatch
- listenv
- localeFromUtf8
- localeToUtf8
- logDefaultHandler
- logRemoveHandler
- logSetAlwaysFatal
- logSetFatalMask
- logSetHandler
- logStructuredArray
- logVariant
- logWriterDefault
- logWriterFormatFields
- logWriterIsJournald
- logWriterJournald
- logWriterStandardStreams
- logWriterSupportsColor
- mainCurrentSource
- mainDepth
- malloc
- malloc0
- malloc0N
- mallocN
- markupErrorQuark
- markupEscapeText
- memIsSystemMalloc
- memProfile
- memSetVtable
- memdup
- mkdirWithParents
- nullifyPointer
- numberParserErrorQuark
- onErrorQuery
- onErrorStackTrace
- optionErrorQuark
- parseDebugString
- pathGetBasename
- pathGetDirname
- pathIsAbsolute
- pathSkipRoot
- patternMatch
- patternMatchSimple
- patternMatchString
- pointerBitLock
- pointerBitTrylock
- pointerBitUnlock
- poll
- propagateError
- quarkFromStaticString
- quarkFromString
- quarkToString
- quarkTryString
- randomDouble
- randomDoubleRange
- randomInt
- randomIntRange
- randomSetSeed
- rcBoxAcquire
- rcBoxAlloc
- rcBoxAlloc0
- rcBoxDup
- rcBoxGetSize
- rcBoxRelease
- rcBoxReleaseFull
- realloc
- reallocN
- refCountCompare
- refCountDec
- refCountInc
- refCountInit
- refStringAcquire
- refStringLength
- refStringNew
- refStringNewIntern
- refStringNewLen
- refStringRelease
- reloadUserSpecialDirsCache
- rmdir
- setApplicationName
- setErrorLiteral
- setPrgname
- setenv
- shellErrorQuark
- shellParseArgv
- shellQuote
- shellUnquote
- sliceAlloc
- sliceAlloc0
- sliceCopy
- sliceFree1
- sliceFreeChainWithOffset
- sliceGetConfig
- sliceGetConfigState
- sliceSetConfig
- spacedPrimesClosest
- spawnAsync
- spawnAsyncWithFds
- spawnAsyncWithPipes
- spawnCheckExitStatus
- spawnClosePid
- spawnCommandLineAsync
- spawnCommandLineSync
- spawnErrorQuark
- spawnExitErrorQuark
- spawnSync
- stpcpy
- strEqual
- strHasPrefix
- strHasSuffix
- strHash
- strIsAscii
- strMatchString
- strToAscii
- strTokenizeAndFold
- strcanon
- strcasecmp
- strchomp
- strchug
- strcmp0
- strcompress
- strdelimit
- strdown
- strdup
- strerror
- strescape
- strfreev
- stringNew
- stringNewLen
- stringSizedNew
- stripContext
- strjoinv
- strlcat
- strlcpy
- strncasecmp
- strndup
- strnfill
- strreverse
- strrstr
- strrstrLen
- strsignal
- strstrLen
- strtod
- strup
- strvContains
- strvEqual
- strvGetType
- strvLength
- testAddDataFunc
- testAddFunc
- testAssertExpectedMessagesInternal
- testBug
- testBugBase
- testExpectMessage
- testFail
- testFailed
- testGetDir
- testIncomplete
- testLogTypeName
- testQueueDestroy
- testQueueFree
- testRandDouble
- testRandDoubleRange
- testRandInt
- testRandIntRange
- testRun
- testRunSuite
- testSetNonfatalAssertions
- testSkip
- testSubprocess
- testTimerElapsed
- testTimerLast
- testTimerStart
- testTrapAssertions
- testTrapFork
- testTrapHasPassed
- testTrapReachedTimeout
- testTrapSubprocess
- timeoutAdd
- timeoutAddSeconds
- timeoutSourceNew
- timeoutSourceNewSeconds
- tryMalloc
- tryMalloc0
- tryMalloc0N
- tryMallocN
- tryRealloc
- tryReallocN
- unicharBreakType
- unicharCombiningClass
- unicharCompose
- unicharDecompose
- unicharDigitValue
- unicharGetMirrorChar
- unicharGetScript
- unicharIsalnum
- unicharIsalpha
- unicharIscntrl
- unicharIsdefined
- unicharIsdigit
- unicharIsgraph
- unicharIslower
- unicharIsmark
- unicharIsprint
- unicharIspunct
- unicharIsspace
- unicharIstitle
- unicharIsupper
- unicharIswide
- unicharIswideCjk
- unicharIsxdigit
- unicharIszerowidth
- unicharTolower
- unicharTotitle
- unicharToupper
- unicharType
- unicharValidate
- unicharXdigitValue
- unicodeCanonicalDecomposition
- unicodeCanonicalOrdering
- unicodeScriptFromIso15924
- unicodeScriptToIso15924
- unixErrorQuark
- unixFdAddFull
- unixFdSourceNew
- unixOpenPipe
- unixSetFdNonblocking
- unixSignalAdd
- unixSignalSourceNew
- unlink
- unsetenv
- uriEscapeString
- uriListExtractUris
- uriParseScheme
- uriUnescapeSegment
- uriUnescapeString
- usleep
- utf8Casefold
- utf8Collate
- utf8CollateKey
- utf8CollateKeyForFilename
- utf8FindNextChar
- utf8FindPrevChar
- utf8GetChar
- utf8GetCharValidated
- utf8MakeValid
- utf8Normalize
- utf8OffsetToPointer
- utf8PointerToOffset
- utf8PrevChar
- utf8Strchr
- utf8Strdown
- utf8Strlen
- utf8Strncpy
- utf8Strrchr
- utf8Strreverse
- utf8Strup
- utf8Substring
- utf8Validate
- utf8ValidateLen
- uuidStringIsValid
- uuidStringRandom
- variantGetGtype
- access :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [Char] -> Int32 -> m Int32
- asciiDigitValue :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int8 -> m Int32
- asciiDtostr :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Int32 -> Double -> m Text
- asciiFormatd :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Int32 -> Text -> Double -> m Text
- asciiStrcasecmp :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Text -> m Int32
- asciiStrdown :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Int64 -> m Text
- asciiStringToSigned :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Word32 -> Int64 -> Int64 -> m Int64
- asciiStringToUnsigned :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Word32 -> Word64 -> Word64 -> m Word64
- asciiStrncasecmp :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Text -> Word64 -> m Int32
- asciiStrtod :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m (Double, Text)
- asciiStrtoll :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Word32 -> m (Int64, Text)
- asciiStrtoull :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Word32 -> m (Word64, Text)
- asciiStrup :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Int64 -> m Text
- asciiTolower :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int8 -> m Int8
- asciiToupper :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int8 -> m Int8
- asciiXdigitValue :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int8 -> m Int32
- assertWarning :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Text -> Int32 -> Text -> Text -> m ()
- assertionMessage :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Text -> Int32 -> Text -> Text -> m ()
- assertionMessageCmpstr :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Text -> Int32 -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> m ()
- assertionMessageError :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Text -> Int32 -> Text -> Text -> GError -> Word32 -> Int32 -> m ()
- atexit :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => VoidFunc -> m ()
- atomicIntAdd :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> Int32 -> m Int32
- atomicIntAnd :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word32 -> Word32 -> m Word32
- atomicIntCompareAndExchange :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> Int32 -> Int32 -> m Bool
- atomicIntDecAndTest :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> m Bool
- atomicIntExchangeAndAdd :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> Int32 -> m Int32
- atomicIntGet :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> m Int32
- atomicIntInc :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> m ()
- atomicIntOr :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word32 -> Word32 -> m Word32
- atomicIntSet :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> Int32 -> m ()
- atomicIntXor :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word32 -> Word32 -> m Word32
- atomicPointerAdd :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> Int64 -> m Int64
- atomicPointerAnd :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> Word64 -> m Word64
- atomicPointerCompareAndExchange :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> Ptr () -> Ptr () -> m Bool
- atomicPointerGet :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> m (Ptr ())
- atomicPointerOr :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> Word64 -> m Word64
- atomicPointerSet :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> Ptr () -> m ()
- atomicPointerXor :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> Word64 -> m Word64
- atomicRcBoxAcquire :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> m (Ptr ())
- atomicRcBoxAlloc :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word64 -> m (Ptr ())
- atomicRcBoxAlloc0 :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word64 -> m (Ptr ())
- atomicRcBoxDup :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word64 -> Ptr () -> m (Ptr ())
- atomicRcBoxGetSize :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> m Word64
- atomicRcBoxRelease :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> m ()
- atomicRcBoxReleaseFull :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> DestroyNotify -> m ()
- atomicRefCountCompare :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> Int32 -> m Bool
- atomicRefCountDec :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> m Bool
- atomicRefCountInc :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> m ()
- atomicRefCountInit :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> m ()
- base64Decode :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m ByteString
- base64DecodeInplace :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => ByteString -> m (Word8, ByteString)
- base64Encode :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Maybe ByteString -> m Text
- basename :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [Char] -> m [Char]
- bitLock :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> Int32 -> m ()
- bitNthLsf :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => CULong -> Int32 -> m Int32
- bitNthMsf :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => CULong -> Int32 -> m Int32
- bitStorage :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => CULong -> m Word32
- bitTrylock :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> Int32 -> m Bool
- bitUnlock :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> Int32 -> m ()
- buildFilenamev :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [[Char]] -> m [Char]
- buildPathv :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> [[Char]] -> m [Char]
- canonicalizeFilename :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [Char] -> Maybe [Char] -> m [Char]
- chdir :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [Char] -> m Int32
- checkVersion :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> m Text
- childWatchAdd :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> Int32 -> ChildWatchFunc -> m Word32
- childWatchSourceNew :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> m Source
- clearError :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m ()
- close :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> m ()
- computeChecksumForBytes :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => ChecksumType -> Bytes -> m Text
- computeChecksumForData :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => ChecksumType -> ByteString -> m Text
- computeChecksumForString :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => ChecksumType -> Text -> Int64 -> m Text
- computeHmacForBytes :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => ChecksumType -> Bytes -> Bytes -> m Text
- computeHmacForData :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => ChecksumType -> ByteString -> ByteString -> m Text
- computeHmacForString :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => ChecksumType -> ByteString -> Text -> Int64 -> m Text
- convert :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => ByteString -> Text -> Text -> m (ByteString, Word64)
- convertErrorQuark :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Word32
- convertWithFallback :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => ByteString -> Text -> Text -> Text -> m (ByteString, Word64)
- datalistForeach :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Data -> DataForeachFunc -> m ()
- datalistGetData :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Data -> Text -> m (Ptr ())
- datalistGetFlags :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Data -> m Word32
- datalistIdGetData :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Data -> Word32 -> m (Ptr ())
- datalistSetFlags :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Data -> Word32 -> m ()
- datalistUnsetFlags :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Data -> Word32 -> m ()
- datasetDestroy :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> m ()
- datasetForeach :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> DataForeachFunc -> m ()
- datasetIdGetData :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> Word32 -> m (Ptr ())
- dcgettext :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Maybe Text -> Text -> Int32 -> m Text
- dgettext :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Maybe Text -> Text -> m Text
- directEqual :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> Ptr () -> m Bool
- directHash :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> m Word32
- dngettext :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Maybe Text -> Text -> Text -> CULong -> m Text
- doubleEqual :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> Ptr () -> m Bool
- doubleHash :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> m Word32
- dpgettext :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Maybe Text -> Text -> Word64 -> m Text
- dpgettext2 :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Maybe Text -> Text -> Text -> m Text
- environGetenv :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Maybe [[Char]] -> [Char] -> m [Char]
- environSetenv :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Maybe [[Char]] -> [Char] -> [Char] -> Bool -> m [[Char]]
- environUnsetenv :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Maybe [[Char]] -> [Char] -> m [[Char]]
- fileErrorFromErrno :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> m FileError
- fileErrorQuark :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Word32
- fileGetContents :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [Char] -> m ByteString
- fileOpenTmp :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Maybe [Char] -> m (Int32, [Char])
- fileReadLink :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [Char] -> m [Char]
- fileSetContents :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [Char] -> ByteString -> m ()
- fileTest :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [Char] -> [FileTest] -> m Bool
- filenameDisplayBasename :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [Char] -> m Text
- filenameDisplayName :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [Char] -> m Text
- filenameFromUri :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m ([Char], Maybe Text)
- filenameFromUtf8 :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Int64 -> m ([Char], Word64, Word64)
- filenameToUri :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [Char] -> Maybe Text -> m Text
- filenameToUtf8 :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [Char] -> Int64 -> m (Text, Word64, Word64)
- findProgramInPath :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [Char] -> m [Char]
- formatSize :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word64 -> m Text
- formatSizeForDisplay :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int64 -> m Text
- formatSizeFull :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word64 -> [FormatSizeFlags] -> m Text
- free :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> m ()
- getApplicationName :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Text
- getCharset :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m (Bool, Text)
- getCodeset :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Text
- getCurrentDir :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m [Char]
- getCurrentTime :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => TimeVal -> m ()
- getEnviron :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m [[Char]]
- getFilenameCharsets :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m (Bool, [Text])
- getHomeDir :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m [Char]
- getHostName :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Text
- getLanguageNames :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m [Text]
- getLanguageNamesWithCategory :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m [Text]
- getLocaleVariants :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m [Text]
- getMonotonicTime :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Int64
- getNumProcessors :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Word32
- getPrgname :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Text
- getRealName :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m [Char]
- getRealTime :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Int64
- getSystemConfigDirs :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m [[Char]]
- getSystemDataDirs :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m [[Char]]
- getTmpDir :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m [Char]
- getUserCacheDir :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m [Char]
- getUserConfigDir :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m [Char]
- getUserDataDir :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m [Char]
- getUserName :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m [Char]
- getUserRuntimeDir :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m [Char]
- getUserSpecialDir :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => UserDirectory -> m [Char]
- getenv :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [Char] -> m [Char]
- hostnameIsAsciiEncoded :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m Bool
- hostnameIsIpAddress :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m Bool
- hostnameIsNonAscii :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m Bool
- hostnameToAscii :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m Text
- hostnameToUnicode :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m Text
- idleAdd :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> SourceFunc -> m Word32
- idleRemoveByData :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> m Bool
- idleSourceNew :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Source
- int64Equal :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> Ptr () -> m Bool
- int64Hash :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> m Word32
- intEqual :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> Ptr () -> m Bool
- intHash :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> m Word32
- internStaticString :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Maybe Text -> m Text
- internString :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Maybe Text -> m Text
- ioAddWatch :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => IOChannel -> Int32 -> [IOCondition] -> IOFunc -> m Word32
- ioCreateWatch :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => IOChannel -> [IOCondition] -> m Source
- listenv :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m [[Char]]
- localeFromUtf8 :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Int64 -> m (ByteString, Word64)
- localeToUtf8 :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => ByteString -> m (Text, Word64, Word64)
- logDefaultHandler :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Maybe Text -> [LogLevelFlags] -> Maybe Text -> Ptr () -> m ()
- logRemoveHandler :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Word32 -> m ()
- logSetAlwaysFatal :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [LogLevelFlags] -> m [LogLevelFlags]
- logSetFatalMask :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> [LogLevelFlags] -> m [LogLevelFlags]
- logSetHandler :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Maybe Text -> [LogLevelFlags] -> LogFunc -> m Word32
- logStructuredArray :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [LogLevelFlags] -> [LogField] -> m ()
- logVariant :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Maybe Text -> [LogLevelFlags] -> GVariant -> m ()
- logWriterDefault :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [LogLevelFlags] -> [LogField] -> Ptr () -> m LogWriterOutput
- logWriterFormatFields :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [LogLevelFlags] -> [LogField] -> Bool -> m Text
- logWriterIsJournald :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> m Bool
- logWriterJournald :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [LogLevelFlags] -> [LogField] -> Ptr () -> m LogWriterOutput
- logWriterStandardStreams :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [LogLevelFlags] -> [LogField] -> Ptr () -> m LogWriterOutput
- logWriterSupportsColor :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> m Bool
- mainCurrentSource :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Source
- mainDepth :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Int32
- malloc :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word64 -> m (Ptr ())
- malloc0 :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word64 -> m (Ptr ())
- malloc0N :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word64 -> Word64 -> m (Ptr ())
- mallocN :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word64 -> Word64 -> m (Ptr ())
- markupErrorQuark :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Word32
- markupEscapeText :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Int64 -> m Text
- memIsSystemMalloc :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Bool
- memProfile :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m ()
- memSetVtable :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => MemVTable -> m ()
- memdup :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> Word32 -> m (Ptr ())
- mkdirWithParents :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [Char] -> Int32 -> m Int32
- nullifyPointer :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> m ()
- numberParserErrorQuark :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Word32
- onErrorQuery :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m ()
- onErrorStackTrace :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m ()
- optionErrorQuark :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Word32
- parseDebugString :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Maybe Text -> [DebugKey] -> m Word32
- pathGetBasename :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [Char] -> m [Char]
- pathGetDirname :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [Char] -> m [Char]
- pathIsAbsolute :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [Char] -> m Bool
- pathSkipRoot :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [Char] -> m (Maybe [Char])
- patternMatch :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => PatternSpec -> Word32 -> Text -> Maybe Text -> m Bool
- patternMatchSimple :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Text -> m Bool
- patternMatchString :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => PatternSpec -> Text -> m Bool
- pointerBitLock :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> Int32 -> m ()
- pointerBitTrylock :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> Int32 -> m Bool
- pointerBitUnlock :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> Int32 -> m ()
- poll :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => PollFD -> Word32 -> Int32 -> m Int32
- propagateError :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => GError -> m (Maybe GError)
- quarkFromStaticString :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Maybe Text -> m Word32
- quarkFromString :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Maybe Text -> m Word32
- quarkToString :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word32 -> m Text
- quarkTryString :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Maybe Text -> m Word32
- randomDouble :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Double
- randomDoubleRange :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Double -> Double -> m Double
- randomInt :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Word32
- randomIntRange :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> Int32 -> m Int32
- randomSetSeed :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word32 -> m ()
- rcBoxAcquire :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> m (Ptr ())
- rcBoxAlloc :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word64 -> m (Ptr ())
- rcBoxAlloc0 :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word64 -> m (Ptr ())
- rcBoxDup :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word64 -> Ptr () -> m (Ptr ())
- rcBoxGetSize :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> m Word64
- rcBoxRelease :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> m ()
- rcBoxReleaseFull :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> DestroyNotify -> m ()
- realloc :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> Word64 -> m (Ptr ())
- reallocN :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> Word64 -> Word64 -> m (Ptr ())
- refCountCompare :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> Int32 -> m Bool
- refCountDec :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> m Bool
- refCountInc :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> m ()
- refCountInit :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> m ()
- refStringAcquire :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m Text
- refStringLength :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m Word64
- refStringNew :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m Text
- refStringNewIntern :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m Text
- refStringNewLen :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Int64 -> m Text
- refStringRelease :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m ()
- reloadUserSpecialDirsCache :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m ()
- rmdir :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [Char] -> m Int32
- setApplicationName :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m ()
- setErrorLiteral :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word32 -> Int32 -> Text -> m GError
- setPrgname :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m ()
- setenv :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [Char] -> [Char] -> Bool -> m Bool
- shellErrorQuark :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Word32
- shellParseArgv :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [Char] -> m (Int32, [[Char]])
- shellQuote :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [Char] -> m [Char]
- shellUnquote :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [Char] -> m [Char]
- sliceAlloc :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word64 -> m (Ptr ())
- sliceAlloc0 :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word64 -> m (Ptr ())
- sliceCopy :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word64 -> Ptr () -> m (Ptr ())
- sliceFree1 :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word64 -> Ptr () -> m ()
- sliceFreeChainWithOffset :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word64 -> Ptr () -> Word64 -> m ()
- sliceGetConfig :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => SliceConfig -> m Int64
- sliceGetConfigState :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => SliceConfig -> Int64 -> Word32 -> m Int64
- sliceSetConfig :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => SliceConfig -> Int64 -> m ()
- spacedPrimesClosest :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word32 -> m Word32
- spawnAsync :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Maybe [Char] -> [[Char]] -> Maybe [[Char]] -> [SpawnFlags] -> Maybe SpawnChildSetupFunc -> m Int32
- spawnAsyncWithFds :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Maybe [Char] -> [Text] -> Maybe [Text] -> [SpawnFlags] -> Maybe SpawnChildSetupFunc -> Int32 -> Int32 -> Int32 -> m Int32
- spawnAsyncWithPipes :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Maybe [Char] -> [[Char]] -> Maybe [[Char]] -> [SpawnFlags] -> Maybe SpawnChildSetupFunc -> m (Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
- spawnCheckExitStatus :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> m ()
- spawnClosePid :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> m ()
- spawnCommandLineAsync :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [Char] -> m ()
- spawnCommandLineSync :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [Char] -> m (ByteString, ByteString, Int32)
- spawnErrorQuark :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Word32
- spawnExitErrorQuark :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Word32
- spawnSync :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Maybe [Char] -> [[Char]] -> Maybe [[Char]] -> [SpawnFlags] -> Maybe SpawnChildSetupFunc -> m (ByteString, ByteString, Int32)
- stpcpy :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Text -> m Text
- strEqual :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> Ptr () -> m Bool
- strHasPrefix :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Text -> m Bool
- strHasSuffix :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Text -> m Bool
- strHash :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> m Word32
- strIsAscii :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m Bool
- strMatchString :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Text -> Bool -> m Bool
- strToAscii :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Maybe Text -> m Text
- strTokenizeAndFold :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Maybe Text -> m ([Text], [Text])
- strcanon :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Text -> Int8 -> m Text
- strcasecmp :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Text -> m Int32
- strchomp :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m Text
- strchug :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m Text
- strcmp0 :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Maybe Text -> Maybe Text -> m Int32
- strcompress :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m Text
- strdelimit :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Maybe Text -> Int8 -> m Text
- strdown :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m Text
- strdup :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Maybe Text -> m Text
- strerror :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> m Text
- strescape :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Maybe Text -> m Text
- strfreev :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Maybe Text -> m ()
- stringNew :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Maybe Text -> m String
- stringNewLen :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Int64 -> m String
- stringSizedNew :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word64 -> m String
- stripContext :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Text -> m Text
- strjoinv :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Maybe Text -> Text -> m Text
- strlcat :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Text -> Word64 -> m Word64
- strlcpy :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Text -> Word64 -> m Word64
- strncasecmp :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Text -> Word32 -> m Int32
- strndup :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Word64 -> m Text
- strnfill :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word64 -> Int8 -> m Text
- strreverse :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m Text
- strrstr :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Text -> m Text
- strrstrLen :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Int64 -> Text -> m Text
- strsignal :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> m Text
- strstrLen :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Int64 -> Text -> m Text
- strtod :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m (Double, Text)
- strup :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m Text
- strvContains :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Text -> m Bool
- strvEqual :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Text -> m Bool
- strvGetType :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m GType
- strvLength :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m Word32
- testAddDataFunc :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Ptr () -> TestDataFunc -> m ()
- testAddFunc :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> TestFunc -> m ()
- testAssertExpectedMessagesInternal :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Text -> Int32 -> Text -> m ()
- testBug :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m ()
- testBugBase :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m ()
- testExpectMessage :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Maybe Text -> [LogLevelFlags] -> Text -> m ()
- testFail :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m ()
- testFailed :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Bool
- testGetDir :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => TestFileType -> m [Char]
- testIncomplete :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Maybe Text -> m ()
- testLogTypeName :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => TestLogType -> m Text
- testQueueDestroy :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => DestroyNotify -> Ptr () -> m ()
- testQueueFree :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> m ()
- testRandDouble :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Double
- testRandDoubleRange :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Double -> Double -> m Double
- testRandInt :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Int32
- testRandIntRange :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> Int32 -> m Int32
- testRun :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Int32
- testRunSuite :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => TestSuite -> m Int32
- testSetNonfatalAssertions :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m ()
- testSkip :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Maybe Text -> m ()
- testSubprocess :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Bool
- testTimerElapsed :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Double
- testTimerLast :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Double
- testTimerStart :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m ()
- testTrapAssertions :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Text -> Int32 -> Text -> Word64 -> Text -> m ()
- testTrapFork :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word64 -> [TestTrapFlags] -> m Bool
- testTrapHasPassed :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Bool
- testTrapReachedTimeout :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Bool
- testTrapSubprocess :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Maybe Text -> Word64 -> [TestSubprocessFlags] -> m ()
- timeoutAdd :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> Word32 -> SourceFunc -> m Word32
- timeoutAddSeconds :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> Word32 -> SourceFunc -> m Word32
- timeoutSourceNew :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word32 -> m Source
- timeoutSourceNewSeconds :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word32 -> m Source
- tryMalloc :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word64 -> m (Ptr ())
- tryMalloc0 :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word64 -> m (Ptr ())
- tryMalloc0N :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word64 -> Word64 -> m (Ptr ())
- tryMallocN :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word64 -> Word64 -> m (Ptr ())
- tryRealloc :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> Word64 -> m (Ptr ())
- tryReallocN :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> Word64 -> Word64 -> m (Ptr ())
- unicharBreakType :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Char -> m UnicodeBreakType
- unicharCombiningClass :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Char -> m Int32
- unicharCompose :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Char -> Char -> Char -> m Bool
- unicharDecompose :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Char -> Char -> Char -> m Bool
- unicharDigitValue :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Char -> m Int32
- unicharGetMirrorChar :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Char -> Char -> m Bool
- unicharGetScript :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Char -> m UnicodeScript
- unicharIsalnum :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Char -> m Bool
- unicharIsalpha :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Char -> m Bool
- unicharIscntrl :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Char -> m Bool
- unicharIsdefined :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Char -> m Bool
- unicharIsdigit :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Char -> m Bool
- unicharIsgraph :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Char -> m Bool
- unicharIslower :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Char -> m Bool
- unicharIsmark :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Char -> m Bool
- unicharIsprint :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Char -> m Bool
- unicharIspunct :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Char -> m Bool
- unicharIsspace :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Char -> m Bool
- unicharIstitle :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Char -> m Bool
- unicharIsupper :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Char -> m Bool
- unicharIswide :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Char -> m Bool
- unicharIswideCjk :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Char -> m Bool
- unicharIsxdigit :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Char -> m Bool
- unicharIszerowidth :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Char -> m Bool
- unicharTolower :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Char -> m Char
- unicharTotitle :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Char -> m Char
- unicharToupper :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Char -> m Char
- unicharType :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Char -> m UnicodeType
- unicharValidate :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Char -> m Bool
- unicharXdigitValue :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Char -> m Int32
- unicodeCanonicalDecomposition :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Char -> Word64 -> m Char
- unicodeCanonicalOrdering :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Char -> Word64 -> m ()
- unicodeScriptFromIso15924 :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Word32 -> m UnicodeScript
- unicodeScriptToIso15924 :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => UnicodeScript -> m Word32
- unixErrorQuark :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Word32
- unixFdAddFull :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> Int32 -> [IOCondition] -> UnixFDSourceFunc -> m Word32
- unixFdSourceNew :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> [IOCondition] -> m Source
- unixOpenPipe :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> Int32 -> m ()
- unixSetFdNonblocking :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> Bool -> m ()
- unixSignalAdd :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> Int32 -> SourceFunc -> m Word32
- unixSignalSourceNew :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Int32 -> m Source
- unlink :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [Char] -> m Int32
- unsetenv :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => [Char] -> m ()
- uriEscapeString :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Maybe Text -> Bool -> m Text
- uriListExtractUris :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m [Text]
- uriParseScheme :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m Text
- uriUnescapeSegment :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Maybe Text -> Maybe Text -> Maybe Text -> m Text
- uriUnescapeString :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Maybe Text -> m Text
- usleep :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => CULong -> m ()
- utf8Casefold :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Int64 -> m Text
- utf8Collate :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Text -> m Int32
- utf8CollateKey :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Int64 -> m Text
- utf8CollateKeyForFilename :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Int64 -> m Text
- utf8FindNextChar :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Maybe Text -> m (Maybe Text)
- utf8FindPrevChar :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Text -> m Text
- utf8GetChar :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m Char
- utf8GetCharValidated :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Int64 -> m Char
- utf8MakeValid :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Int64 -> m Text
- utf8Normalize :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Int64 -> NormalizeMode -> m Text
- utf8OffsetToPointer :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> CLong -> m Text
- utf8PointerToOffset :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Text -> m CLong
- utf8PrevChar :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m Text
- utf8Strchr :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Int64 -> Char -> m Text
- utf8Strdown :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Int64 -> m Text
- utf8Strlen :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Int64 -> m CLong
- utf8Strncpy :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Text -> Word64 -> m Text
- utf8Strrchr :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Int64 -> Char -> m Text
- utf8Strreverse :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Int64 -> m Text
- utf8Strup :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Int64 -> m Text
- utf8Substring :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> CLong -> CLong -> m Text
- utf8Validate :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => ByteString -> m (Bool, Text)
- utf8ValidateLen :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => ByteString -> m (Bool, Text)
- uuidStringIsValid :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m Bool
- uuidStringRandom :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Text
- variantGetGtype :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m GType
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [Char] |
-> Int32 |
-> m Int32 | Returns: zero if the pathname refers to an existing file system object that has all the tested permissions, or -1 otherwise or on error. |
A wrapper for the POSIX access()
function. This function is used to
test a pathname for one or several of read, write or execute
permissions, or just existence.
On Windows, the file protection mechanism is not at all POSIX-like, and the underlying function in the C library only checks the FAT-style READONLY attribute, and does not look at the ACL of a file at all. This function is this in practise almost useless on Windows. Software that needs to handle file permissions on Windows more exactly should use the Win32 API.
See your C library manual for more details about access()
Since: 2.8
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int8 |
-> m Int32 | Returns: If |
Determines the numeric value of a character as a decimal digit.
Differs from unicharDigitValue
because it takes a char, so
there's no worry about sign extension if characters are signed.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Int32 |
-> Double |
-> m Text | Returns: The pointer to the buffer with the converted string. |
Converts a gdouble
to a string, using the '.' as
decimal point.
This function generates enough precision that converting
the string back using asciiStrtod
gives the same machine-number
(on machines with IEEE compatible 64bit doubles). It is
guaranteed that the size of the resulting string will never
bytes, including the terminating
nul character, which is always added.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Int32 |
-> Text |
-> Double |
-> m Text | Returns: The pointer to the buffer with the converted string. |
Converts a gdouble
to a string, using the '.' as
decimal point. To format the number you pass in
a printf()
-style format string. Allowed conversion
specifiers are 'e', 'E', 'f', 'F', 'g' and 'G'.
The returned buffer is guaranteed to be nul-terminated.
If you just want to want to serialize the value into a
string, use asciiDtostr
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Text |
-> m Int32 | Returns: 0 if the strings match, a negative value if |
Compare two strings, ignoring the case of ASCII characters.
Unlike the BSD strcasecmp()
function, this only recognizes standard
ASCII letters and ignores the locale, treating all non-ASCII
bytes as if they are not letters.
This function should be used only on strings that are known to be in encodings where the bytes corresponding to ASCII letters always represent themselves. This includes UTF-8 and the ISO-8859-* charsets, but not for instance double-byte encodings like the Windows Codepage 932, where the trailing bytes of double-byte characters include all ASCII letters. If you compare two CP932 strings using this function, you will get false matches.
Both s1
and s2
must be non-Nothing
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Int64 |
-> m Text | Returns: a newly-allocated string, with all the upper case
characters in |
Converts all upper case ASCII letters to lower case ASCII letters.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Word32 |
-> Int64 |
-> Int64 |
-> m Int64 | (Can throw |
A convenience function for converting a string to a signed number.
This function assumes that str
contains only a number of the given
that is within inclusive bounds limited by min
and max
. If
this is true, then the converted number is stored in outNum
. An
empty string is not a valid input. A string with leading or
trailing whitespace is also an invalid input.
can be between 2 and 36 inclusive. Hexadecimal numbers must
not be prefixed with "0x" or "0X". Such a problem does not exist
for octal numbers, since they were usually prefixed with a zero
which does not change the value of the parsed number.
Parsing failures result in an error with the G_NUMBER_PARSER_ERROR
domain. If the input is invalid, the error code will be
. If the parsed number is out of
bounds - NumberParserErrorOutOfBounds
See asciiStrtoll
if you have more complex needs such as
parsing a string which starts with a number, but then has other
Since: 2.54
asciiStringToUnsigned Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Word32 |
-> Word64 |
-> Word64 |
-> m Word64 | (Can throw |
A convenience function for converting a string to an unsigned number.
This function assumes that str
contains only a number of the given
that is within inclusive bounds limited by min
and max
. If
this is true, then the converted number is stored in outNum
. An
empty string is not a valid input. A string with leading or
trailing whitespace is also an invalid input. A string with a leading sign
or +
) is not a valid input for the unsigned parser.
can be between 2 and 36 inclusive. Hexadecimal numbers must
not be prefixed with "0x" or "0X". Such a problem does not exist
for octal numbers, since they were usually prefixed with a zero
which does not change the value of the parsed number.
Parsing failures result in an error with the G_NUMBER_PARSER_ERROR
domain. If the input is invalid, the error code will be
. If the parsed number is out of
bounds - NumberParserErrorOutOfBounds
See asciiStrtoull
if you have more complex needs such as
parsing a string which starts with a number, but then has other
Since: 2.54
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Text |
-> Word64 |
-> m Int32 | Returns: 0 if the strings match, a negative value if |
Compare s1
and s2
, ignoring the case of ASCII characters and any
characters after the first n
in each string.
Unlike the BSD strcasecmp()
function, this only recognizes standard
ASCII letters and ignores the locale, treating all non-ASCII
characters as if they are not letters.
The same warning as in asciiStrcasecmp
applies: Use this
function only on strings known to be in encodings where bytes
corresponding to ASCII letters always represent themselves.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m (Double, Text) | Returns: the |
Converts a string to a gdouble
This function behaves like the standard strtod()
does in the C locale. It does this without actually changing
the current locale, since that would not be thread-safe.
A limitation of the implementation is that this function
will still accept localized versions of infinities and NANs.
This function is typically used when reading configuration
files or other non-user input that should be locale independent.
To handle input from the user you should normally use the
locale-sensitive system strtod()
To convert from a gdouble
to a string in a locale-insensitive
way, use asciiDtostr
If the correct value would cause overflow, plus or minus HUGE_VAL
is returned (according to the sign of the value), and ERANGE
stored in errno
. If the correct value would cause underflow,
zero is returned and ERANGE
is stored in errno
This function resets errno
before calling strtod()
so that
you can reliably detect overflow and underflow.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Word32 |
-> m (Int64, Text) | Returns: the |
Converts a string to a gint64
This function behaves like the standard strtoll()
does in the C locale. It does this without actually
changing the current locale, since that would not be
This function is typically used when reading configuration
files or other non-user input that should be locale independent.
To handle input from the user you should normally use the
locale-sensitive system strtoll()
If the correct value would cause overflow, MAXINT64
is returned, and ERANGE
is stored in errno
If the base is outside the valid range, zero is returned, and
is stored in errno
. If the
string conversion fails, zero is returned, and endptr
returns nptr
(if endptr
is non-Nothing
Since: 2.12
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Word32 |
-> m (Word64, Text) | Returns: the |
Converts a string to a guint64
This function behaves like the standard strtoull()
does in the C locale. It does this without actually
changing the current locale, since that would not be
Note that input with a leading minus sign (-
) is accepted, and will return
the negation of the parsed number, unless that would overflow a guint64
Critically, this means you cannot assume that a short fixed length input will
never result in a low return value, as the input could have a leading -
This function is typically used when reading configuration
files or other non-user input that should be locale independent.
To handle input from the user you should normally use the
locale-sensitive system strtoull()
If the correct value would cause overflow, MAXUINT64
is returned, and ERANGE
is stored in errno
If the base is outside the valid range, zero is returned, and
is stored in errno
If the string conversion fails, zero is returned, and endptr
(if endptr
is non-Nothing
Since: 2.2
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Int64 |
-> m Text | Returns: a newly allocated string, with all the lower case
characters in |
Converts all lower case ASCII letters to upper case ASCII letters.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int8 |
-> m Int8 | Returns: the result of converting |
Convert a character to ASCII lower case.
Unlike the standard C library tolower()
function, this only
recognizes standard ASCII letters and ignores the locale, returning
all non-ASCII characters unchanged, even if they are lower case
letters in a particular character set. Also unlike the standard
library function, this takes and returns a char, not an int, so
don't call it on EOF
but no need to worry about casting to guchar
before passing a possibly non-ASCII character in.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int8 |
-> m Int8 | Returns: the result of converting |
Convert a character to ASCII upper case.
Unlike the standard C library toupper()
function, this only
recognizes standard ASCII letters and ignores the locale, returning
all non-ASCII characters unchanged, even if they are upper case
letters in a particular character set. Also unlike the standard
library function, this takes and returns a char, not an int, so
don't call it on EOF
but no need to worry about casting to guchar
before passing a possibly non-ASCII character in.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int8 |
-> m Int32 | Returns: If |
Determines the numeric value of a character as a hexidecimal
digit. Differs from unicharXdigitValue
because it takes
a char, so there's no worry about sign extension if characters
are signed.
assertWarning :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Text -> Int32 -> Text -> Text -> m () Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
assertionMessage :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Text -> Int32 -> Text -> Text -> m () Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
assertionMessageCmpstr :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Text -> Int32 -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> m () Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
assertionMessageError :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Text -> Int32 -> Text -> Text -> GError -> Word32 -> Int32 -> m () Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> VoidFunc |
-> m () |
Deprecated: (Since version 2.32)It is best to avoid atexit
Specifies a function to be called at normal program termination.
Since GLib 2.8.2, on Windows atexit
actually is a preprocessor
macro that maps to a call to the atexit()
function in the C
library. This means that in case the code that calls atexit
i.e. atexit()
, is in a DLL, the function will be called when the
DLL is detached from the program. This typically makes more sense
than that the function is called when the GLib DLL is detached,
which happened earlier when atexit
was a function in the GLib
The behaviour of atexit()
in the context of dynamically loaded
modules is not formally specified and varies wildly.
On POSIX systems, calling atexit
(or atexit()
) in a dynamically
loaded module which is unloaded before the program terminates might
well cause a crash at program exit.
Some POSIX systems implement atexit()
like Windows, and have each
dynamically loaded module maintain an own atexit chain that is
called when the module is unloaded.
On other POSIX systems, before a dynamically loaded module is unloaded, the registered atexit functions (if any) residing in that module are called, regardless where the code that registered them resided. This is presumably the most robust approach.
As can be seen from the above, for portability it's best to avoid
calling atexit
(or atexit()
) except in the main executable of a
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> Int32 |
-> m Int32 | Returns: the value of |
Atomically adds val
to the value of atomic
Think of this operation as an atomic version of
{ tmp = *atomic; *atomic += val; return tmp; }
This call acts as a full compiler and hardware memory barrier.
Before version 2.30, this function did not return a value
(but atomicIntExchangeAndAdd
did, and had the same meaning).
Since: 2.4
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word32 |
-> Word32 |
-> m Word32 | Returns: the value of |
Performs an atomic bitwise 'and' of the value of atomic
and val
storing the result back in atomic
This call acts as a full compiler and hardware memory barrier.
Think of this operation as an atomic version of
{ tmp = *atomic; *atomic &= val; return tmp; }
Since: 2.30
atomicIntCompareAndExchange Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> Int32 |
-> Int32 |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Compares atomic
to oldval
and, if equal, sets it to newval
If atomic
was not equal to oldval
then no change occurs.
This compare and exchange is done atomically.
Think of this operation as an atomic version of
{ if (*atomic == oldval) { *atomic = newval; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
This call acts as a full compiler and hardware memory barrier.
Since: 2.4
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Decrements the value of atomic
by 1.
Think of this operation as an atomic version of
{ *atomic -= 1; return (*atomic == 0); }
This call acts as a full compiler and hardware memory barrier.
Since: 2.4
atomicIntExchangeAndAdd Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> Int32 |
-> m Int32 | Returns: the value of |
Deprecated: (Since version 2.30)Use atomicIntAdd
This function existed before atomicIntAdd
returned the prior
value of the integer (which it now does). It is retained only for
compatibility reasons. Don't use this function in new code.
Since: 2.4
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> m Int32 | Returns: the value of the integer |
Gets the current value of atomic
This call acts as a full compiler and hardware memory barrier (before the get).
Since: 2.4
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> m () |
Increments the value of atomic
by 1.
Think of this operation as an atomic version of { *atomic += 1; }
This call acts as a full compiler and hardware memory barrier.
Since: 2.4
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word32 |
-> Word32 |
-> m Word32 | Returns: the value of |
Performs an atomic bitwise 'or' of the value of atomic
and val
storing the result back in atomic
Think of this operation as an atomic version of
{ tmp = *atomic; *atomic |= val; return tmp; }
This call acts as a full compiler and hardware memory barrier.
Since: 2.30
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> Int32 |
-> m () |
Sets the value of atomic
to newval
This call acts as a full compiler and hardware memory barrier (after the set).
Since: 2.4
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word32 |
-> Word32 |
-> m Word32 | Returns: the value of |
Performs an atomic bitwise 'xor' of the value of atomic
and val
storing the result back in atomic
Think of this operation as an atomic version of
{ tmp = *atomic; *atomic ^= val; return tmp; }
This call acts as a full compiler and hardware memory barrier.
Since: 2.30
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> Int64 |
-> m Int64 | Returns: the value of |
Atomically adds val
to the value of atomic
Think of this operation as an atomic version of
{ tmp = *atomic; *atomic += val; return tmp; }
This call acts as a full compiler and hardware memory barrier.
Since: 2.30
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> Word64 |
-> m Word64 | Returns: the value of |
Performs an atomic bitwise 'and' of the value of atomic
and val
storing the result back in atomic
Think of this operation as an atomic version of
{ tmp = *atomic; *atomic &= val; return tmp; }
This call acts as a full compiler and hardware memory barrier.
Since: 2.30
atomicPointerCompareAndExchange Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> Ptr () |
-> Ptr () |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Compares atomic
to oldval
and, if equal, sets it to newval
If atomic
was not equal to oldval
then no change occurs.
This compare and exchange is done atomically.
Think of this operation as an atomic version of
{ if (*atomic == oldval) { *atomic = newval; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
This call acts as a full compiler and hardware memory barrier.
Since: 2.4
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> m (Ptr ()) | Returns: the value of the pointer |
Gets the current value of atomic
This call acts as a full compiler and hardware memory barrier (before the get).
Since: 2.4
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> Word64 |
-> m Word64 | Returns: the value of |
Performs an atomic bitwise 'or' of the value of atomic
and val
storing the result back in atomic
Think of this operation as an atomic version of
{ tmp = *atomic; *atomic |= val; return tmp; }
This call acts as a full compiler and hardware memory barrier.
Since: 2.30
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> Ptr () |
-> m () |
Sets the value of atomic
to newval
This call acts as a full compiler and hardware memory barrier (after the set).
Since: 2.4
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> Word64 |
-> m Word64 | Returns: the value of |
Performs an atomic bitwise 'xor' of the value of atomic
and val
storing the result back in atomic
Think of this operation as an atomic version of
{ tmp = *atomic; *atomic ^= val; return tmp; }
This call acts as a full compiler and hardware memory barrier.
Since: 2.30
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> m (Ptr ()) | Returns: a pointer to the data, with its reference count increased |
Atomically acquires a reference on the data pointed by memBlock
Since: 2.58
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word64 |
-> m (Ptr ()) | Returns: a pointer to the allocated memory |
Allocates blockSize
bytes of memory, and adds atomic
reference counting semantics to it.
The data will be freed when its reference count drops to zero.
The allocated data is guaranteed to be suitably aligned for any built-in type.
Since: 2.58
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word64 |
-> m (Ptr ()) | Returns: a pointer to the allocated memory |
Allocates blockSize
bytes of memory, and adds atomic
referenc counting semantics to it.
The contents of the returned data is set to zero.
The data will be freed when its reference count drops to zero.
The allocated data is guaranteed to be suitably aligned for any built-in type.
Since: 2.58
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word64 |
-> Ptr () |
-> m (Ptr ()) | Returns: a pointer to the allocated memory |
Allocates a new block of data with atomit reference counting
semantics, and copies blockSize
bytes of memBlock
into it.
Since: 2.58
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> m Word64 | Returns: the size of the data, in bytes |
Retrieves the size of the reference counted data pointed by memBlock
Since: 2.58
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> m () |
Atomically releases a reference on the data pointed by memBlock
If the reference was the last one, it will free the
resources allocated for memBlock
Since: 2.58
atomicRcBoxReleaseFull Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> DestroyNotify |
-> m () |
Atomically releases a reference on the data pointed by memBlock
If the reference was the last one, it will call clearFunc
to clear the contents of memBlock
, and then will free the
resources allocated for memBlock
Since: 2.58
atomicRefCountCompare Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> Int32 |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Atomically compares the current value of arc
with val
Since: 2.58
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Atomically decreases the reference count.
Since: 2.58
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> m () |
Atomically increases the reference count.
Since: 2.58
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> m () |
Initializes a reference count variable.
Since: 2.58
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m ByteString | Returns:
newly allocated buffer containing the binary data
that |
Decode a sequence of Base-64 encoded text into binary data. Note that the returned binary data is not necessarily zero-terminated, so it should not be used as a character string.
Since: 2.12
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> ByteString |
-> m (Word8, ByteString) | Returns: The binary data that |
Decode a sequence of Base-64 encoded text into binary data by overwriting the input data.
Since: 2.20
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Maybe ByteString |
-> m Text | Returns: a newly allocated, zero-terminated Base-64
encoded string representing |
Encode a sequence of binary data into its Base-64 stringified representation.
Since: 2.12
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [Char] |
-> m [Char] | Returns: the name of the file without any leading directory components |
Deprecated: (Since version 2.2)Use pathGetBasename
instead, but notice that pathGetBasename
allocates new memory for the returned string, unlike this function which returns a pointer into the argument.
Gets the name of the file without any leading directory components. It returns a pointer into the given file name string.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> Int32 |
-> m () |
Sets the indicated lockBit
in address
. If the bit is already
set, this call will block until bitUnlock
unsets the
corresponding bit.
Attempting to lock on two different bits within the same integer is not supported and will very probably cause deadlocks.
The value of the bit that is set is (1u << bit
). If bit
is not
between 0 and 31 then the result is undefined.
This function accesses address
atomically. All other accesses to
must be atomic in order for this function to work
Since: 2.24
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> CULong |
-> Int32 |
-> m Int32 | Returns: the index of the first bit set which is higher than |
Find the position of the first bit set in mask
, searching
from (but not including) nthBit
upwards. Bits are numbered
from 0 (least significant) to sizeof(gulong
) * 8 - 1 (31 or 63,
usually). To start searching from the 0th bit, set nthBit
to -1.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> CULong |
-> Int32 |
-> m Int32 | Returns: the index of the first bit set which is lower than |
Find the position of the first bit set in mask
, searching
from (but not including) nthBit
downwards. Bits are numbered
from 0 (least significant) to sizeof(gulong
) * 8 - 1 (31 or 63,
usually). To start searching from the last bit, set nthBit
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> CULong |
-> m Word32 | Returns: the number of bits used to hold |
Gets the number of bits used to hold number
e.g. if number
is 4, 3 bits are needed.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> Int32 |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Sets the indicated lockBit
in address
, returning True
successful. If the bit is already set, returns False
Attempting to lock on two different bits within the same integer is not supported.
The value of the bit that is set is (1u << bit
). If bit
is not
between 0 and 31 then the result is undefined.
This function accesses address
atomically. All other accesses to
must be atomic in order for this function to work
Since: 2.24
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> Int32 |
-> m () |
Clears the indicated lockBit
in address
. If another thread is
currently blocked in bitLock
on this same bit then it will be
woken up.
This function accesses address
atomically. All other accesses to
must be atomic in order for this function to work
Since: 2.24
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [[Char]] |
-> m [Char] | Returns: a newly-allocated string that must be freed
with |
Behaves exactly like g_build_filename()
, but takes the path elements
as a string array, instead of varargs. This function is mainly
meant for language bindings.
Since: 2.8
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> [[Char]] |
-> m [Char] | Returns: a newly-allocated string that must be freed
with |
Behaves exactly like g_build_path()
, but takes the path elements
as a string array, instead of varargs. This function is mainly
meant for language bindings.
Since: 2.8
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [Char] |
-> Maybe [Char] |
-> m [Char] | Returns: a newly allocated string with the canonical file path |
Gets the canonical file name from filename
. All triple slashes are turned into
single slashes, and all ..
and .
s resolved against relativeTo
Symlinks are not followed, and the returned path is guaranteed to be absolute.
If filename
is an absolute path, relativeTo
is ignored. Otherwise,
will be prepended to filename
to make it absolute. relativeTo
must be an absolute path, or Nothing
. If relativeTo
is Nothing
, it'll fallback
to getCurrentDir
This function never fails, and will canonicalize file paths even if they don't exist.
No file system I/O is done.
Since: 2.58
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [Char] |
-> m Int32 | Returns: 0 on success, -1 if an error occurred. |
A wrapper for the POSIX chdir()
function. The function changes the
current directory of the process to path
See your C library manual for more details about chdir()
Since: 2.8
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word32 |
-> Word32 |
-> Word32 |
-> m Text | Returns: |
Checks that the GLib library in use is compatible with the
given version. Generally you would pass in the constants
as the three arguments to this function; that produces
a check that the library in use is compatible with
the version of GLib the application or module was compiled
Compatibility is defined by two things: first the version
of the running library is newer than the version
. Second
the running library must be binary compatible with the
version requiredMajor
(same major version.)
Since: 2.6
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> Int32 |
-> ChildWatchFunc |
-> m Word32 | Returns: the ID (greater than 0) of the event source. |
Sets a function to be called when the child indicated by pid
exits, at the priority priority
If you obtain pid
from spawnAsync
or spawnAsyncWithPipes
you will need to pass G_SPAWN_DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD
as flag to
the spawn function for the child watching to work.
In many programs, you will want to call spawnCheckExitStatus
in the callback to determine whether or not the child exited
Also, note that on platforms where GPid
must be explicitly closed
(see spawnClosePid
) pid
must not be closed while the source
is still active. Typically, you should invoke spawnClosePid
in the callback function for the source.
GLib supports only a single callback per process id.
On POSIX platforms, the same restrictions mentioned for
apply to this function.
This internally creates a main loop source using
and attaches it to the main loop context
using sourceAttach
. You can do these steps manually if you
need greater control.
Since: 2.4
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> m Source | Returns: the newly-created child watch source |
Creates a new child_watch source.
The source will not initially be associated with any MainContext
and must be added to one with sourceAttach
before it will be
Note that child watch sources can only be used in conjunction with
when the SpawnFlagsDoNotReapChild
flag is used.
Note that on platforms where GPid
must be explicitly closed
(see spawnClosePid
) pid
must not be closed while the
source is still active. Typically, you will want to call
in the callback function for the source.
On POSIX platforms, the following restrictions apply to this API due to limitations in POSIX process interfaces:
must be a child of this processpid
must be positive- the application must not call
with a non-positive first argument, for instance in another thread - the application must not wait for
to exit by any other mechanism, includingwaitpid(pid, ...)
or a second child-watch source for the samepid
- the application must not ignore SIGCHILD
If any of those conditions are not met, this and related APIs will
not work correctly. This can often be diagnosed via a GLib warning
stating that ECHILD
was received by waitpid
Calling waitpid
for specific processes other than pid
remains a
valid thing to do.
Since: 2.4
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m () | (Can throw |
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> m () | (Can throw |
This wraps the close()
call; in case of error, errno
will be
preserved, but the error will also be stored as a GError
in error
Besides using GError
, there is another major reason to prefer this
function over the call provided by the system; on Unix, it will
attempt to correctly handle EINTR
, which has platform-specific
Since: 2.36
computeChecksumForBytes Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> ChecksumType |
-> Bytes |
-> m Text | Returns: the digest of the binary data as a string in hexadecimal.
The returned string should be freed with |
Computes the checksum for a binary data
. This is a
convenience wrapper for checksumNew
, checksumGetString
and checksumFree
The hexadecimal string returned will be in lower case.
Since: 2.34
computeChecksumForData Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> ChecksumType |
-> ByteString |
-> m Text | Returns: the digest of the binary data as a string in hexadecimal.
The returned string should be freed with |
Computes the checksum for a binary data
of length
. This is a
convenience wrapper for checksumNew
, checksumGetString
and checksumFree
The hexadecimal string returned will be in lower case.
Since: 2.16
computeChecksumForString Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> ChecksumType |
-> Text |
-> Int64 |
-> m Text | Returns: the checksum as a hexadecimal string. The returned string
should be freed with |
Computes the checksum of a string.
The hexadecimal string returned will be in lower case.
Since: 2.16
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> ChecksumType |
-> Bytes |
-> Bytes |
-> m Text | Returns: the HMAC of the binary data as a string in hexadecimal.
The returned string should be freed with |
Computes the HMAC for a binary data
. This is a
convenience wrapper for g_hmac_new()
, hmacGetString
and hmacUnref
The hexadecimal string returned will be in lower case.
Since: 2.50
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> ChecksumType |
-> ByteString |
-> ByteString |
-> m Text | Returns: the HMAC of the binary data as a string in hexadecimal.
The returned string should be freed with |
Computes the HMAC for a binary data
of length
. This is a
convenience wrapper for g_hmac_new()
, hmacGetString
and hmacUnref
The hexadecimal string returned will be in lower case.
Since: 2.30
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> ChecksumType |
-> ByteString |
-> Text |
-> Int64 |
-> m Text | Returns: the HMAC as a hexadecimal string.
The returned string should be freed with |
Computes the HMAC for a string.
The hexadecimal string returned will be in lower case.
Since: 2.30
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> ByteString |
-> Text |
-> Text |
-> m (ByteString, Word64) | Returns:
If the conversion was successful, a newly allocated buffer
containing the converted string, which must be freed with |
Converts a string from one character set to another.
Note that you should use g_iconv()
for streaming conversions.
Despite the fact that bytesRead
can return information about partial
characters, the g_convert_... functions are not generally suitable
for streaming. If the underlying converter maintains internal state,
then this won't be preserved across successive calls to convert
or convertWithFallback
. (An example of
this is the GNU C converter for CP1255 which does not emit a base
character until it knows that the next character is not a mark that
could combine with the base character.)
Using extensions such as "//TRANSLIT" may not work (or may not work
well) on many platforms. Consider using strToAscii
convertErrorQuark :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Word32 Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> ByteString |
-> Text |
-> Text |
-> Text |
-> m (ByteString, Word64) | Returns:
If the conversion was successful, a newly allocated buffer
containing the converted string, which must be freed with |
Converts a string from one character set to another, possibly
including fallback sequences for characters not representable
in the output. Note that it is not guaranteed that the specification
for the fallback sequences in fallback
will be honored. Some
systems may do an approximate conversion from fromCodeset
to toCodeset
in their iconv()
in which case GLib will simply return that approximate conversion.
Note that you should use g_iconv()
for streaming conversions.
Despite the fact that bytesRead
can return information about partial
characters, the g_convert_... functions are not generally suitable
for streaming. If the underlying converter maintains internal state,
then this won't be preserved across successive calls to convert
or convertWithFallback
. (An example of
this is the GNU C converter for CP1255 which does not emit a base
character until it knows that the next character is not a mark that
could combine with the base character.)
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Data |
-> DataForeachFunc |
-> m () |
Calls the given function for each data element of the datalist. The
function is called with each data element's GQuark
id and data,
together with the given userData
parameter. Note that this
function is NOT thread-safe. So unless datalist
can be protected
from any modifications during invocation of this function, it should
not be called.
can make changes to datalist
, but the iteration will not
reflect changes made during the datalistForeach
call, other
than skipping over elements that are removed.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Data |
-> Text |
-> m (Ptr ()) | Returns: the data element, or |
Gets a data element, using its string identifier. This is slower than
because it compares strings.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Data |
-> m Word32 | Returns: the flags of the datalist |
Gets flags values packed in together with the datalist.
See datalistSetFlags
Since: 2.8
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Data |
-> Word32 |
-> m (Ptr ()) | Returns: the data element, or |
Retrieves the data element corresponding to keyId
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Data |
-> Word32 |
-> m () |
Turns on flag values for a data list. This function is used
to keep a small number of boolean flags in an object with
a data list without using any additional space. It is
not generally useful except in circumstances where space
is very tight. (It is used in the base GObject
type, for
Since: 2.8
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Data |
-> Word32 |
-> m () |
Turns off flag values for a data list. See datalistUnsetFlags
Since: 2.8
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> m () |
Destroys the dataset, freeing all memory allocated, and calling any destroy functions set for data elements.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> DataForeachFunc |
-> m () |
Calls the given function for each data element which is associated
with the given location. Note that this function is NOT thread-safe.
So unless datasetLocation
can be protected from any modifications
during invocation of this function, it should not be called.
can make changes to the dataset, but the iteration will not
reflect changes made during the datasetForeach
call, other
than skipping over elements that are removed.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> Word32 |
-> m (Ptr ()) | Returns: the data element corresponding to
the |
Gets the data element corresponding to a GQuark
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Maybe Text |
-> Text |
-> m Text | Returns: The translated string |
This function is a wrapper of dgettext()
which does not translate
the message if the default domain as set with textdomain()
has no
translations for the current locale.
The advantage of using this function over dgettext()
proper is that
libraries using this function (like GTK+) will not use translations
if the application using the library does not have translations for
the current locale. This results in a consistent English-only
interface instead of one having partial translations. For this
feature to work, the call to textdomain()
and setlocale()
precede any dgettext
invocations. For GTK+, it means calling
before gtk_init or its variants.
This function disables translations if and only if upon its first call all the following conditions hold:
is notNothing
has been called to set a default text domain- there is no translations available for the default text domain and the current locale
- current locale is not "C" or any English locales (those starting with "en_")
Note that this behavior may not be desired for example if an application
has its untranslated messages in a language other than English. In those
cases the application should call textdomain()
after initializing GTK+.
Applications should normally not use this function directly,
but use the _()
macro for translations.
Since: 2.18
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> Ptr () |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Compares two gpointer
arguments and returns True
if they are equal.
It can be passed to g_hash_table_new()
as the keyEqualFunc
parameter, when using opaque pointers compared by pointer value as
keys in a HashTable
This equality function is also appropriate for keys that are integers
stored in pointers, such as GINT_TO_POINTER (n)
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> m Word32 | Returns: a hash value corresponding to the key. |
Converts a gpointer to a hash value.
It can be passed to g_hash_table_new()
as the hashFunc
when using opaque pointers compared by pointer value as keys in a
This hash function is also appropriate for keys that are integers
stored in pointers, such as GINT_TO_POINTER (n)
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Maybe Text |
-> Text |
-> Text |
-> CULong |
-> m Text | Returns: The translated string |
This function is a wrapper of dngettext()
which does not translate
the message if the default domain as set with textdomain()
has no
translations for the current locale.
See dgettext
for details of how this differs from dngettext()
Since: 2.18
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> m Word32 | Returns: a hash value corresponding to the key. |
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Maybe Text |
-> Text |
-> Word64 |
-> m Text | Returns: The translated string |
This function is a variant of dgettext
which supports
a disambiguating message context. GNU gettext uses the
'\004' character to separate the message context and
message id in msgctxtid
If 0 is passed as msgidoffset
, this function will fall back to
trying to use the deprecated convention of using "|" as a separation
This uses dgettext
internally. See that functions for differences
with dgettext()
Applications should normally not use this function directly,
but use the C_()
macro for translations with context.
Since: 2.16
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Maybe Text |
-> Text |
-> Text |
-> m Text | Returns: The translated string |
This function is a variant of dgettext
which supports
a disambiguating message context. GNU gettext uses the
'\004' character to separate the message context and
message id in msgctxtid
This uses dgettext
internally. See that functions for differences
with dgettext()
This function differs from C_()
in that it is not a macro and
thus you may use non-string-literals as context and msgid arguments.
Since: 2.18
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Maybe [[Char]] |
-> [Char] |
-> m [Char] | Returns: the value of the environment variable, or |
Returns the value of the environment variable variable
in the
provided list envp
Since: 2.32
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Maybe [[Char]] |
-> [Char] |
-> [Char] |
-> Bool |
-> m [[Char]] | Returns:
the updated environment list. Free it using |
Sets the environment variable variable
in the provided list
to value
Since: 2.32
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Maybe [[Char]] |
-> [Char] |
-> m [[Char]] | Returns:
the updated environment list. Free it using |
Removes the environment variable variable
from the provided
environment envp
Since: 2.32
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> m FileError | Returns: |
Gets a FileError
constant based on the passed-in errNo
For example, if you pass in EEXIST
this function returns
. Unlike errno
values, you can portably
assume that all FileError
values will exist.
Normally a FileError
value goes into a GError
from a function that manipulates files. So you would use
when constructing a GError
fileErrorQuark :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Word32 Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [Char] |
-> m ByteString | (Can throw |
Reads an entire file into allocated memory, with good error checking.
If the call was successful, it returns True
and sets contents
to the file
contents and length
to the length of the file contents in bytes. The string
stored in contents
will be nul-terminated, so for text files you can pass
for the length
argument. If the call was not successful, it returns
and sets error
. The error domain is G_FILE_ERROR
. Possible error
codes are those in the FileError
enumeration. In the error case,
is set to Nothing
and length
is set to zero.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Maybe [Char] |
-> m (Int32, [Char]) | Returns: A file handle (as from |
Opens a file for writing in the preferred directory for temporary
files (as returned by getTmpDir
should be a string in the GLib file name encoding containing
a sequence of six 'X' characters, as the parameter to g_mkstemp()
However, unlike these functions, the template should only be a
basename, no directory components are allowed. If template is
, a default template is used.
Note that in contrast to g_mkstemp()
(and mkstemp()
) tmpl
is not
modified, and might thus be a read-only literal string.
Upon success, and if nameUsed
is non-Nothing
, the actual name used
is returned in nameUsed
. This string should be freed with free
when not needed any longer. The returned name is in the GLib file
name encoding.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [Char] |
-> m [Char] | Returns: A newly-allocated string with the contents of
the symbolic link, or |
Reads the contents of the symbolic link filename
like the POSIX
function. The returned string is in the encoding used
for filenames. Use filenameToUtf8
to convert it to UTF-8.
Since: 2.4
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [Char] |
-> ByteString |
-> m () | (Can throw |
Writes all of contents
to a file named filename
, with good error checking.
If a file called filename
already exists it will be overwritten.
This write is atomic in the sense that it is first written to a temporary file which is then renamed to the final name. Notes:
- On UNIX, if
already exists hard links tofilename
will break. Also since the file is recreated, existing permissions, access control lists, metadata etc. may be lost. Iffilename
is a symbolic link, the link itself will be replaced, not the linked file. - On UNIX, if
already exists and is non-empty, and if the system supports it (via a journalling filesystem or equivalent), thefsync()
call (or equivalent) will be used to ensure atomic replacement:filename
will contain either its old contents orcontents
, even in the face of system power loss, the disk being unsafely removed, etc. - On UNIX, if
does not already exist or is empty, there is a possibility that system power loss etc. after calling this function will leavefilename
empty or full of NUL bytes, depending on the underlying filesystem. - On Windows renaming a file will not remove an existing file with the new name, so on Windows there is a race condition between the existing file being removed and the temporary file being renamed.
- On Windows there is no way to remove a file that is open to some
process, or mapped into memory. Thus, this function will fail if
already exists and is open.
If the call was successful, it returns True
. If the call was not successful,
it returns False
and sets error
. The error domain is G_FILE_ERROR
Possible error codes are those in the FileError
Note that the name for the temporary file is constructed by appending up
to 7 characters to filename
Since: 2.8
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [Char] |
-> [FileTest] |
-> m Bool | Returns: whether a test was |
Returns True
if any of the tests in the bitfield test
will return True
if the file exists; the check whether it's a
directory doesn't matter since the existence test is True
. With
the current set of available tests, there's no point passing in
more than one test at a time.
Apart from FileTestIsSymlink
all tests follow symbolic links,
so for a symbolic link to a regular file fileTest
will return
for both FileTestIsSymlink
and FileTestIsRegular
Note, that for a dangling symbolic link fileTest
will return
for FileTestIsSymlink
and False
for all other flags.
You should never use fileTest
to test whether it is safe
to perform an operation, because there is always the possibility
of the condition changing before you actually perform the operation.
For example, you might think you could use FileTestIsSymlink
to know whether it is safe to write to a file without being
tricked into writing into a different location. It doesn't work!
C code
// DON'T DO THIS if (!g_file_test (filename, G_FILE_TEST_IS_SYMLINK)) { fd = g_open (filename, O_WRONLY); // write to fd }
Another thing to note is that FileTestExists
are implemented using the access()
system call. This usually doesn't matter, but if your program
is setuid or setgid it means that these tests will give you
the answer for the real user ID and group ID, rather than the
effective user ID and group ID.
On Windows, there are no symlinks, so testing for
will always return False
. Testing for
will just check that the file exists and
its name indicates that it is executable, checking for well-known
extensions and those listed in the PATHEXT
environment variable.
filenameDisplayBasename Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [Char] |
-> m Text | Returns: a newly allocated string containing a rendition of the basename of the filename in valid UTF-8 |
Returns the display basename for the particular filename, guaranteed to be valid UTF-8. The display name might not be identical to the filename, for instance there might be problems converting it to UTF-8, and some files can be translated in the display.
If GLib cannot make sense of the encoding of filename
, as a last resort it
replaces unknown characters with U+FFFD, the Unicode replacement character.
You can search the result for the UTF-8 encoding of this character (which is
"\357\277\275" in octal notation) to find out if filename
was in an invalid
You must pass the whole absolute pathname to this functions so that translation of well known locations can be done.
This function is preferred over filenameDisplayName
if you know the
whole path, as it allows translation.
Since: 2.6
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [Char] |
-> m Text | Returns: a newly allocated string containing a rendition of the filename in valid UTF-8 |
Converts a filename into a valid UTF-8 string. The conversion is
not necessarily reversible, so you should keep the original around
and use the return value of this function only for display purposes.
Unlike filenameToUtf8
, the result is guaranteed to be non-Nothing
even if the filename actually isn't in the GLib file name encoding.
If GLib cannot make sense of the encoding of filename
, as a last resort it
replaces unknown characters with U+FFFD, the Unicode replacement character.
You can search the result for the UTF-8 encoding of this character (which is
"\357\277\275" in octal notation) to find out if filename
was in an invalid
If you know the whole pathname of the file you should use
, since that allows location-based
translation of filenames.
Since: 2.6
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m ([Char], Maybe Text) | Returns: a newly-allocated string holding
the resulting filename, or |
Converts an escaped ASCII-encoded URI to a local filename in the encoding used for filenames.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Int64 |
-> m ([Char], Word64, Word64) | Returns:
The converted string, or |
Converts a string from UTF-8 to the encoding GLib uses for filenames. Note that on Windows GLib uses UTF-8 for filenames; on other platforms, this function indirectly depends on the [current locale][setlocale].
The input string shall not contain nul characters even if the len
argument is positive. A nul character found inside the string will result
in error ConvertErrorIllegalSequence
. If the filename encoding is
not UTF-8 and the conversion output contains a nul character, the error
is set and the function returns Nothing
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [Char] |
-> Maybe Text |
-> m Text | Returns: a newly-allocated string holding the resulting
URI, or |
Converts an absolute filename to an escaped ASCII-encoded URI, with the path component following Section 3.3. of RFC 2396.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [Char] |
-> Int64 |
-> m (Text, Word64, Word64) | Returns: The converted string, or |
Converts a string which is in the encoding used by GLib for filenames into a UTF-8 string. Note that on Windows GLib uses UTF-8 for filenames; on other platforms, this function indirectly depends on the [current locale][setlocale].
The input string shall not contain nul characters even if the len
argument is positive. A nul character found inside the string will result
in error ConvertErrorIllegalSequence
If the source encoding is not UTF-8 and the conversion output contains a
nul character, the error ConvertErrorEmbeddedNul
is set and the
function returns Nothing
. Use convert
to produce output that
may contain embedded nul characters.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [Char] |
-> m [Char] | Returns: a newly-allocated string with the absolute path,
or |
Locates the first executable named program
in the user's path, in the
same way that execvp()
would locate it. Returns an allocated string
with the absolute path name, or Nothing
if the program is not found in
the path. If program
is already an absolute path, returns a copy of
if program
exists and is executable, and Nothing
On Windows, if program
does not have a file type suffix, tries
with the suffixes .exe, .cmd, .bat and .com, and the suffixes in
environment variable.
On Windows, it looks for the file in the same way as CreateProcess()
would. This means first in the directory where the executing
program was loaded from, then in the current directory, then in the
Windows 32-bit system directory, then in the Windows directory, and
finally in the directories in the PATH
environment variable. If
the program is found, the return value contains the full name
including the type suffix.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word64 |
-> m Text | Returns: a newly-allocated formatted string containing a human readable file size |
Formats a size (for example the size of a file) into a human readable string. Sizes are rounded to the nearest size prefix (kB, MB, GB) and are displayed rounded to the nearest tenth. E.g. the file size 3292528 bytes will be converted into the string "3.2 MB". The returned string is UTF-8, and may use a non-breaking space to separate the number and units, to ensure they aren’t separated when line wrapped.
The prefix units base is 1000 (i.e. 1 kB is 1000 bytes).
This string should be freed with free
when not needed any longer.
See formatSizeFull
for more options about how the size might be
Since: 2.30
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int64 |
-> m Text | Returns: a newly-allocated formatted string containing a human readable file size |
Deprecated: (Since version 2.30)This function is broken due to its use of SI suffixes to denote IEC units. Use formatSize
Formats a size (for example the size of a file) into a human readable string. Sizes are rounded to the nearest size prefix (KB, MB, GB) and are displayed rounded to the nearest tenth. E.g. the file size 3292528 bytes will be converted into the string "3.1 MB".
The prefix units base is 1024 (i.e. 1 KB is 1024 bytes).
This string should be freed with free
when not needed any longer.
Since: 2.16
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word64 |
-> [FormatSizeFlags] |
-> m Text | Returns: a newly-allocated formatted string containing a human readable file size |
Formats a size.
This function is similar to formatSize
but allows for flags
that modify the output. See FormatSizeFlags
Since: 2.30
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> m () |
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m Text | Returns: human-readable application name. may return |
Gets a human-readable name for the application, as set by
. This name should be localized if
possible, and is intended for display to the user. Contrast with
, which gets a non-localized name. If
has not been called, returns the result of
(which may be Nothing
if setPrgname
has also not
been called).
Since: 2.2
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m (Bool, Text) | Returns: |
Obtains the character set for the [current locale][setlocale]; you
might use this character set as an argument to convert
, to convert
from the current locale's encoding to some other encoding. (Frequently
and localeFromUtf8
are nice shortcuts, though.)
On Windows the character set returned by this function is the so-called system default ANSI code-page. That is the character set used by the "narrow" versions of C library and Win32 functions that handle file names. It might be different from the character set used by the C library's current locale.
On Linux, the character set is found by consulting nl_langinfo()
available. If not, the environment variables LC_ALL
are queried in order.
The return value is True
if the locale's encoding is UTF-8, in that
case you can perhaps avoid calling convert
The string returned in charset
is not allocated, and should not be
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m Text | Returns: a newly allocated string containing the name
of the character set. This string must be freed with |
Gets the character set for the current locale.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m [Char] | Returns: the current directory |
Gets the current directory.
The returned string should be freed when no longer needed. The encoding of the returned string is system defined. On Windows, it is always UTF-8.
Since GLib 2.40, this function will return the value of the "PWD" environment variable if it is set and it happens to be the same as the current directory. This can make a difference in the case that the current directory is the target of a symbolic link.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> TimeVal |
-> m () |
Equivalent to the UNIX gettimeofday()
function, but portable.
You may find getRealTime
to be more convenient.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m [[Char]] | Returns: the list of environment variables |
Gets the list of environment variables for the current process.
The list is Nothing
terminated and each item in the list is of the
form 'NAME=VALUE'.
This is equivalent to direct access to the 'environ' global variable, except portable.
The return value is freshly allocated and it should be freed with
when it is no longer needed.
Since: 2.28
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m (Bool, [Text]) | Returns: |
Determines the preferred character sets used for filenames.
The first character set from the charsets
is the filename encoding, the
subsequent character sets are used when trying to generate a displayable
representation of a filename, see filenameDisplayName
On Unix, the character sets are determined by consulting the
environment variables G_FILENAME_ENCODING
On Windows, the character set used in the GLib API is always UTF-8
and said environment variables have no effect.
may be set to a comma-separated list of
character set names. The special token "@locale" is taken
to mean the character set for the [current locale][setlocale].
is not set, but G_BROKEN_FILENAMES
the character set of the current locale is taken as the filename
encoding. If neither environment variable is set, UTF-8 is taken
as the filename encoding, but the character set of the current locale
is also put in the list of encodings.
The returned charsets
belong to GLib and must not be freed.
Note that on Unix, regardless of the locale character set or
value, the actual file names present
on a system might be in any random encoding or just gibberish.
Since: 2.6
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m [Char] | Returns: the current user's home directory |
Gets the current user's home directory.
As with most UNIX tools, this function will return the value of the
environment variable if it is set to an existing absolute path
name, falling back to the passwd
file in the case that it is unset.
If the path given in HOME
is non-absolute, does not exist, or is
not a directory, the result is undefined.
Before version 2.36 this function would ignore the HOME
variable, taking the value from the passwd
database instead. This was
changed to increase the compatibility of GLib with other programs (and
the XDG basedir specification) and to increase testability of programs
based on GLib (by making it easier to run them from test frameworks).
If your program has a strong requirement for either the new or the
old behaviour (and if you don't wish to increase your GLib
dependency to ensure that the new behaviour is in effect) then you
should either directly check the HOME
environment variable yourself
or unset it before calling any functions in GLib.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m Text | Returns: the host name of the machine. |
Return a name for the machine.
The returned name is not necessarily a fully-qualified domain name, or even present in DNS or some other name service at all. It need not even be unique on your local network or site, but usually it is. Callers should not rely on the return value having any specific properties like uniqueness for security purposes. Even if the name of the machine is changed while an application is running, the return value from this function does not change. The returned string is owned by GLib and should not be modified or freed. If no name can be determined, a default fixed string "localhost" is returned.
The encoding of the returned string is UTF-8.
Since: 2.8
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m [Text] | Returns: a |
Computes a list of applicable locale names, which can be used to e.g. construct locale-dependent filenames or search paths. The returned list is sorted from most desirable to least desirable and always contains the default locale "C".
For example, if LANGUAGE=de:en_US, then the returned list is "de", "en_US", "en", "C".
This function consults the environment variables LANGUAGE
and LANG
to find the list of locales specified by the
Since: 2.6
getLanguageNamesWithCategory Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m [Text] | Returns: a |
Computes a list of applicable locale names with a locale category name, which can be used to construct the fallback locale-dependent filenames or search paths. The returned list is sorted from most desirable to least desirable and always contains the default locale "C".
This function consults the environment variables LANGUAGE
, and LANG
to find the list of locales specified by the
returns g_get_language_names_with_category("LC_MESSAGES").
Since: 2.58
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m [Text] | Returns: a newly
allocated array of newly allocated strings with the locale variants. Free with
Returns a list of derived variants of locale
, which can be used to
e.g. construct locale-dependent filenames or search paths. The returned
list is sorted from most desirable to least desirable.
This function handles territory, charset and extra locale modifiers.
For example, if locale
is "fr_BE", then the returned list
is "fr_BE", "fr".
If you need the list of variants for the current locale,
use getLanguageNames
Since: 2.28
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m Int64 | Returns: the monotonic time, in microseconds |
Queries the system monotonic time.
The monotonic clock will always increase and doesn't suffer discontinuities when the user (or NTP) changes the system time. It may or may not continue to tick during times where the machine is suspended.
We try to use the clock that corresponds as closely as possible to
the passage of time as measured by system calls such as poll()
but it
may not always be possible to do this.
Since: 2.28
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m Word32 | Returns: Number of schedulable threads, always greater than 0 |
Determine the approximate number of threads that the system will
schedule simultaneously for this process. This is intended to be
used as a parameter to g_thread_pool_new()
for CPU bound tasks and
similar cases.
Since: 2.36
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m Text | Returns: the name of the program. The returned string belongs to GLib and must not be modified or freed. |
Gets the name of the program. This name should not be localized,
in contrast to getApplicationName
If you are using GApplication
the program name is set in
. In case of GDK or GTK+ it is set in
, which is called by gtk_init()
and the
handler. The program name is found by
taking the last component of argv
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m [Char] | Returns: the user's real name. |
Gets the real name of the user. This usually comes from the user's
entry in the passwd
file. The encoding of the returned string is
system-defined. (On Windows, it is, however, always UTF-8.) If the
real user name cannot be determined, the string "Unknown" is
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m Int64 | Returns: the number of microseconds since January 1, 1970 UTC. |
Queries the system wall-clock time.
This call is functionally equivalent to getCurrentTime
that the return value is often more convenient than dealing with a
You should only use this call if you are actually interested in the real
wall-clock time. getMonotonicTime
is probably more useful for
measuring intervals.
Since: 2.28
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m [[Char]] | Returns:
a |
Returns an ordered list of base directories in which to access system-wide configuration information.
On UNIX platforms this is determined using the mechanisms described
in the
XDG Base Directory Specification.
In this case the list of directories retrieved will be XDG_CONFIG_DIRS
On Windows it follows XDG Base Directory Specification if XDG_CONFIG_DIRS
is defined.
is undefined, the directory that contains application
data for all users is used instead. A typical path is
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data
This folder is used for application data
that is not user specific. For example, an application can store
a spell-check dictionary, a database of clip art, or a log file in the
CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA folder. This information will not roam and is available
to anyone using the computer.
Since: 2.6
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m [[Char]] | Returns:
a |
Returns an ordered list of base directories in which to access system-wide application data.
On UNIX platforms this is determined using the mechanisms described
in the
XDG Base Directory Specification
In this case the list of directories retrieved will be XDG_DATA_DIRS
On Windows it follows XDG Base Directory Specification if XDG_DATA_DIRS
is defined.
is undefined,
the first elements in the list are the Application Data
and Documents folders for All Users. (These can be determined only
on Windows 2000 or later and are not present in the list on other
Windows versions.) See documentation for CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA and
Then follows the "share" subfolder in the installation folder for the package containing the DLL that calls this function, if it can be determined.
Finally the list contains the "share" subfolder in the installation folder for GLib, and in the installation folder for the package the application's .exe file belongs to.
The installation folders above are determined by looking up the folder where the module (DLL or EXE) in question is located. If the folder's name is "bin", its parent is used, otherwise the folder itself.
Note that on Windows the returned list can vary depending on where this function is called.
Since: 2.6
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m [Char] | Returns: the directory to use for temporary files. |
Gets the directory to use for temporary files.
On UNIX, this is taken from the TMPDIR
environment variable.
If the variable is not set, P_tmpdir
used, as defined by the system C library. Failing that, a
hard-coded default of "/tmp" is returned.
On Windows, the TEMP
environment variable is used, with the
root directory of the Windows installation (eg: "C:\") used
as a default.
The encoding of the returned string is system-defined. On Windows,
it is always UTF-8. The return value is never Nothing
or the empty
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m [Char] | Returns: a string owned by GLib that must not be modified or freed. |
Returns a base directory in which to store non-essential, cached data specific to particular user.
On UNIX platforms this is determined using the mechanisms described
in the
XDG Base Directory Specification.
In this case the directory retrieved will be XDG_CACHE_HOME
On Windows it follows XDG Base Directory Specification if XDG_CACHE_HOME
is defined.
is undefined, the directory that serves as a common
repository for temporary Internet files is used instead. A typical path is
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
See the documentation for `CSIDL_INTERNET_CACHE`.
Since: 2.6
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m [Char] | Returns: a string owned by GLib that must not be modified or freed. |
Returns a base directory in which to store user-specific application configuration information such as user preferences and settings.
On UNIX platforms this is determined using the mechanisms described
in the
XDG Base Directory Specification.
In this case the directory retrieved will be XDG_CONFIG_HOME
On Windows it follows XDG Base Directory Specification if XDG_CONFIG_HOME
is defined.
is undefined, the folder to use for local (as opposed
to roaming) application data is used instead. See the
documentation for `CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA`.
Note that in this case on Windows it will be the same
as what getUserDataDir
Since: 2.6
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m [Char] | Returns: a string owned by GLib that must not be modified or freed. |
Returns a base directory in which to access application data such as icons that is customized for a particular user.
On UNIX platforms this is determined using the mechanisms described
in the
XDG Base Directory Specification.
In this case the directory retrieved will be XDG_DATA_HOME
On Windows it follows XDG Base Directory Specification if XDG_DATA_HOME
is defined. If XDG_DATA_HOME
is undefined, the folder to use for local (as
opposed to roaming) application data is used instead. See the
documentation for `CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA`.
Note that in this case on Windows it will be the same
as what getUserConfigDir
Since: 2.6
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m [Char] | Returns: the user name of the current user. |
Gets the user name of the current user. The encoding of the returned string is system-defined. On UNIX, it might be the preferred file name encoding, or something else, and there is no guarantee that it is even consistent on a machine. On Windows, it is always UTF-8.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m [Char] | Returns: a string owned by GLib that must not be modified or freed. |
Returns a directory that is unique to the current user on the local system.
This is determined using the mechanisms described
in the
XDG Base Directory Specification.
This is the directory
specified in the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
environment variable.
In the case that this variable is not set, we return the value of
, after verifying that it exists.
Since: 2.28
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> UserDirectory |
-> m [Char] | Returns: the path to the specified special directory, or
Returns the full path of a special directory using its logical id.
On UNIX this is done using the XDG special user directories.
For compatibility with existing practise, UserDirectoryDirectoryDesktop
falls back to $HOME/Desktop
when XDG special user directories have
not been set up.
Depending on the platform, the user might be able to change the path of the special directory without requiring the session to restart; GLib will not reflect any change once the special directories are loaded.
Since: 2.14
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [Char] |
-> m [Char] | Returns: the value of the environment variable, or |
Returns the value of an environment variable.
On UNIX, the name and value are byte strings which might or might not be in some consistent character set and encoding. On Windows, they are in UTF-8. On Windows, in case the environment variable's value contains references to other environment variables, they are expanded.
hostnameIsAsciiEncoded Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Tests if hostname
contains segments with an ASCII-compatible
encoding of an Internationalized Domain Name. If this returns
, you should decode the hostname with hostnameToUnicode
before displaying it to the user.
Note that a hostname might contain a mix of encoded and unencoded
segments, and so it is possible for hostnameIsNonAscii
to both return True
for a name.
Since: 2.22
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Tests if hostname
is the string form of an IPv4 or IPv6 address.
(Eg, "".)
Since: 2.22
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Tests if hostname
contains Unicode characters. If this returns
, you need to encode the hostname with hostnameToAscii
before using it in non-IDN-aware contexts.
Note that a hostname might contain a mix of encoded and unencoded
segments, and so it is possible for hostnameIsNonAscii
to both return True
for a name.
Since: 2.22
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m Text | Returns: an ASCII hostname, which must be freed, or |
Converts hostname
to its canonical ASCII form; an ASCII-only
string containing no uppercase letters and not ending with a
trailing dot.
Since: 2.22
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m Text | Returns: a UTF-8 hostname, which must be freed, or |
Converts hostname
to its canonical presentation form; a UTF-8
string in Unicode normalization form C, containing no uppercase
letters, no forbidden characters, and no ASCII-encoded segments,
and not ending with a trailing dot.
Of course if hostname
is not an internationalized hostname, then
the canonical presentation form will be entirely ASCII.
Since: 2.22
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> SourceFunc |
-> m Word32 | Returns: the ID (greater than 0) of the event source. |
Adds a function to be called whenever there are no higher priority
events pending. If the function returns False
it is automatically
removed from the list of event sources and will not be called again.
See [memory management of sources][mainloop-memory-management] for details
on how to handle the return value and memory management of data
This internally creates a main loop source using idleSourceNew
and attaches it to the global MainContext
using sourceAttach
, so
the callback will be invoked in whichever thread is running that main
context. You can do these steps manually if you need greater control or to
use a custom main context.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Removes the idle function with the given data.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m Source | Returns: the newly-created idle source |
Creates a new idle source.
The source will not initially be associated with any MainContext
and must be added to one with sourceAttach
before it will be
executed. Note that the default priority for idle sources is
, as compared to other sources which
have a default priority of PRIORITY_DEFAULT
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> m Word32 | Returns: a hash value corresponding to the key. |
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> Ptr () |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Compares the two gint
values being pointed to and returns
if they are equal.
It can be passed to g_hash_table_new()
as the keyEqualFunc
parameter, when using non-Nothing
pointers to integers as keys in a
Note that this function acts on pointers to gint
, not on gint
directly: if your hash table's keys are of the form
, use directEqual
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> m Word32 | Returns: a hash value corresponding to the key. |
Converts a pointer to a gint
to a hash value.
It can be passed to g_hash_table_new()
as the hashFunc
when using non-Nothing
pointers to integer values as keys in a HashTable
Note that this function acts on pointers to gint
, not on gint
directly: if your hash table's keys are of the form
, use directHash
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Maybe Text |
-> m Text | Returns: a canonical representation for the string |
Returns a canonical representation for string
. Interned strings
can be compared for equality by comparing the pointers, instead of
using strcmp()
. internStaticString
does not copy the string,
therefore string
must not be freed or modified.
Since: 2.10
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Maybe Text |
-> m Text | Returns: a canonical representation for the string |
Returns a canonical representation for string
. Interned strings
can be compared for equality by comparing the pointers, instead of
using strcmp()
Since: 2.10
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> IOChannel |
-> Int32 |
-> [IOCondition] |
-> IOFunc |
-> m Word32 | Returns: the event source id |
Adds the IOChannel
into the default main loop context
with the given priority.
This internally creates a main loop source using ioCreateWatch
and attaches it to the main loop context with sourceAttach
You can do these steps manually if you need greater control.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> IOChannel |
-> [IOCondition] |
-> m Source | Returns: a new |
Creates a Source
that's dispatched when condition
is met for the
given channel
. For example, if condition is G_IO_IN
, the source will
be dispatched when there's data available for reading.
is a simpler interface to this same functionality, for
the case where you want to add the source to the default main loop context
at the default priority.
On Windows, polling a Source
created to watch a channel for a socket
puts the socket in non-blocking mode. This is a side-effect of the
implementation and unavoidable.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m [[Char]] | Returns:
a |
Gets the names of all variables set in the environment.
Programs that want to be portable to Windows should typically use
this function and getenv
instead of using the environ array
from the C library directly. On Windows, the strings in the environ
array are in system codepage encoding, while in most of the typical
use cases for environment variables in GLib-using programs you want
the UTF-8 encoding that this function and getenv
Since: 2.8
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Int64 |
-> m (ByteString, Word64) | Returns:
A newly-allocated buffer containing the converted string,
or |
Converts a string from UTF-8 to the encoding used for strings by the C runtime (usually the same as that used by the operating system) in the [current locale][setlocale]. On Windows this means the system codepage.
The input string shall not contain nul characters even if the len
argument is positive. A nul character found inside the string will result
in error ConvertErrorIllegalSequence
. Use convert
to convert
input that may contain embedded nul characters.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> ByteString |
-> m (Text, Word64, Word64) | Returns: The converted string, or |
Converts a string which is in the encoding used for strings by the C runtime (usually the same as that used by the operating system) in the [current locale][setlocale] into a UTF-8 string.
If the source encoding is not UTF-8 and the conversion output contains a
nul character, the error ConvertErrorEmbeddedNul
is set and the
function returns Nothing
If the source encoding is UTF-8, an embedded nul character is treated with
the ConvertErrorIllegalSequence
error for backward compatibility with
earlier versions of this library. Use convert
to produce output that
may contain embedded nul characters.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Maybe Text |
-> [LogLevelFlags] |
-> Maybe Text |
-> Ptr () |
-> m () |
The default log handler set up by GLib; g_log_set_default_handler()
allows to install an alternate default log handler.
This is used if no log handler has been set for the particular log
domain and log level combination. It outputs the message to stderr
or stdout and if the log level is fatal it calls G_BREAKPOINT()
. It automatically
prints a new-line character after the message, so one does not need to be
manually included in message
The behavior of this log handler can be influenced by a number of environment variables:
: A :-separated list of log levels for which messages should be prefixed by the program name and PID of the aplication.G_MESSAGES_DEBUG
: A space-separated list of log domains for which debug and informational messages are printed. By default these messages are not printed.
stderr is used for levels LogLevelFlagsLevelError
, LogLevelFlagsLevelCritical
and LogLevelFlagsLevelMessage
. stdout is used for
the rest.
This has no effect if structured logging is enabled; see [Using Structured Logging][using-structured-logging].
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Word32 |
-> m () |
Removes the log handler.
This has no effect if structured logging is enabled; see [Using Structured Logging][using-structured-logging].
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [LogLevelFlags] |
-> m [LogLevelFlags] | Returns: the old fatal mask |
Sets the message levels which are always fatal, in any log domain.
When a message with any of these levels is logged the program terminates.
You can only set the levels defined by GLib to be fatal.
is always fatal.
You can also make some message levels fatal at runtime by setting
environment variable (see
Running GLib Applications).
Libraries should not call this function, as it affects all messages logged by a process, including those from other libraries.
Structured log messages (using g_log_structured()
) are fatal only if the default log writer is used;
otherwise it is up to the writer function to determine which log messages
are fatal. See [Using Structured Logging][using-structured-logging].
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> [LogLevelFlags] |
-> m [LogLevelFlags] | Returns: the old fatal mask for the log domain |
Sets the log levels which are fatal in the given domain.
is always fatal.
This has no effect on structured log messages (using g_log_structured()
). To change the fatal behaviour for specific log
messages, programs must install a custom log writer function using
. See
[Using Structured Logging][using-structured-logging].
This function is mostly intended to be used with
. You should typically not set
, LogLevelFlagsLevelMessage
, LogLevelFlagsLevelInfo
as fatal except inside of test programs.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Maybe Text |
-> [LogLevelFlags] |
-> LogFunc |
-> m Word32 | Returns: the id of the new handler |
Like g_log_set_handler()
, but takes a destroy notify for the userData
This has no effect if structured logging is enabled; see [Using Structured Logging][using-structured-logging].
Since: 2.46
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [LogLevelFlags] |
-> [LogField] |
-> m () |
Log a message with structured data. The message will be passed through to the
log writer set by the application using logSetWriterFunc
. If the
message is fatal (i.e. its log level is LogLevelFlagsLevelError
), the program will
be aborted at the end of this function.
See g_log_structured()
for more documentation.
This assumes that logLevel
is already present in fields
(typically as the
Since: 2.50
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Maybe Text |
-> [LogLevelFlags] |
-> GVariant |
-> m () |
Log a message with structured data, accepting the data within a GVariant
. This
version is especially useful for use in other languages, via introspection.
The only mandatory item in the fields
dictionary is the "MESSAGE" which must
contain the text shown to the user.
The values in the fields
dictionary are likely to be of type String
) is also
supported. In this case the message is handled as binary and will be forwarded
to the log writer as such. The size of the array should not be higher than
. Otherwise it will be truncated to this size. For other types
will be used to convert the value into a string.
For more details on its usage and about the parameters, see g_log_structured()
Since: 2.50
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [LogLevelFlags] |
-> [LogField] |
-> Ptr () |
-> m LogWriterOutput | Returns: |
Format a structured log message and output it to the default log destination
for the platform. On Linux, this is typically the systemd journal, falling
back to stdout
or stderr
if running from the terminal or if output is
being redirected to a file.
Support for other platform-specific logging mechanisms may be added in future. Distributors of GLib may modify this function to impose their own (documented) platform-specific log writing policies.
This is suitable for use as a LogWriterFunc
, and is the default writer used
if no other is set using logSetWriterFunc
As with logDefaultHandler
, this function drops debug and informational
messages unless their log domain (or all
) is listed in the space-separated
environment variable.
Since: 2.50
logWriterFormatFields Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [LogLevelFlags] |
-> [LogField] |
-> Bool |
-> m Text | Returns: string containing the formatted log message, in the character set of the current locale |
Format a structured log message as a string suitable for outputting to the
terminal (or elsewhere). This will include the values of all fields it knows
how to interpret, which includes MESSAGE
(see the
documentation for g_log_structured()
). It does not include values from
unknown fields.
The returned string does **not** have a trailing new-line character. It is encoded in the character set of the current locale, which is not necessarily UTF-8.
Since: 2.50
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Check whether the given outputFd
file descriptor is a connection to the
systemd journal, or something else (like a log file or stdout
Invalid file descriptors are accepted and return False
, which allows for
the following construct without needing any additional error handling:
C code
is_journald = g_log_writer_is_journald (fileno (stderr));
Since: 2.50
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [LogLevelFlags] |
-> [LogField] |
-> Ptr () |
-> m LogWriterOutput | Returns: |
Format a structured log message and send it to the systemd journal as a set of key–value pairs. All fields are sent to the journal, but if a field has length zero (indicating program-specific data) then only its key will be sent.
This is suitable for use as a LogWriterFunc
If GLib has been compiled without systemd support, this function is still
defined, but will always return LogWriterOutputUnhandled
Since: 2.50
logWriterStandardStreams Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [LogLevelFlags] |
-> [LogField] |
-> Ptr () |
-> m LogWriterOutput | Returns: |
Format a structured log message and print it to either stdout
or stderr
depending on its log level. LogLevelFlagsLevelInfo
and LogLevelFlagsLevelDebug
are sent to stdout
; all other log levels are sent to stderr
. Only fields
which are understood by this function are included in the formatted string
which is printed.
If the output stream supports ANSI color escape sequences, they will be used in the output.
A trailing new-line character is added to the log message when it is printed.
This is suitable for use as a LogWriterFunc
Since: 2.50
logWriterSupportsColor Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Check whether the given outputFd
file descriptor supports ANSI color
escape sequences. If so, they can safely be used when formatting log
Since: 2.50
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m Source | Returns: The currently firing source or |
Returns the currently firing source for this thread.
Since: 2.12
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m Int32 | Returns: The main loop recursion level in the current thread |
Returns the depth of the stack of calls to
on any MainContext
in the current thread.
That is, when called from the toplevel, it gives 0. When
called from within a callback from mainContextIteration
(or mainLoopRun
, etc.) it returns 1. When called from within
a callback to a recursive call to mainContextIteration
it returns 2. And so forth.
This function is useful in a situation like the following: Imagine an extremely simple "garbage collected" system.
C code
static GList *free_list; gpointer allocate_memory (gsize size) { gpointer result = g_malloc (size); free_list = g_list_prepend (free_list, result); return result; } void free_allocated_memory (void) { GList *l; for (l = free_list; l; l = l->next); g_free (l->data); g_list_free (free_list); free_list = NULL; } [...] while (TRUE); { g_main_context_iteration (NULL, TRUE); free_allocated_memory(); }
This works from an application, however, if you want to do the same
thing from a library, it gets more difficult, since you no longer
control the main loop. You might think you can simply use an idle
function to make the call to free_allocated_memory()
, but that
doesn't work, since the idle function could be called from a
recursive callback. This can be fixed by using mainDepth
C code
gpointer allocate_memory (gsize size) { FreeListBlock *block = g_new (FreeListBlock, 1); block->mem = g_malloc (size); block->depth = g_main_depth (); free_list = g_list_prepend (free_list, block); return block->mem; } void free_allocated_memory (void) { GList *l; int depth = g_main_depth (); for (l = free_list; l; ); { GList *next = l->next; FreeListBlock *block = l->data; if (block->depth > depth) { g_free (block->mem); g_free (block); free_list = g_list_delete_link (free_list, l); } l = next; } }
There is a temptation to use mainDepth
to solve
problems with reentrancy. For instance, while waiting for data
to be received from the network in response to a menu item,
the menu item might be selected again. It might seem that
one could make the menu item's callback return immediately
and do nothing if mainDepth
returns a value greater than 1.
However, this should be avoided since the user then sees selecting
the menu item do nothing. Furthermore, you'll find yourself adding
these checks all over your code, since there are doubtless many,
many things that the user could do. Instead, you can use the
following techniques:
- Use
or modal dialogs to prevent the user from interacting with elements while the main loop is recursing. - Avoid main loop recursion in situations where you can't handle arbitrary callbacks. Instead, structure your code so that you simply return to the main loop and then get called again when there is more work to do.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word64 |
-> m (Ptr ()) | Returns: a pointer to the allocated memory |
Allocates nBytes
bytes of memory.
If nBytes
is 0 it returns Nothing
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word64 |
-> m (Ptr ()) | Returns: a pointer to the allocated memory |
Allocates nBytes
bytes of memory, initialized to 0's.
If nBytes
is 0 it returns Nothing
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word64 |
-> Word64 |
-> m (Ptr ()) | Returns: a pointer to the allocated memory |
This function is similar to malloc0
, allocating (nBlocks
* nBlockBytes
) bytes,
but care is taken to detect possible overflow during multiplication.
Since: 2.24
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word64 |
-> Word64 |
-> m (Ptr ()) | Returns: a pointer to the allocated memory |
This function is similar to malloc
, allocating (nBlocks
* nBlockBytes
) bytes,
but care is taken to detect possible overflow during multiplication.
Since: 2.24
markupErrorQuark :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Word32 Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Int64 |
-> m Text | Returns: a newly allocated string with the escaped text |
Escapes text so that the markup parser will parse it verbatim. Less than, greater than, ampersand, etc. are replaced with the corresponding entities. This function would typically be used when writing out a file to be parsed with the markup parser.
Note that this function doesn't protect whitespace and line endings from being processed according to the XML rules for normalization of line endings and attribute values.
Note also that this function will produce character references in
the range of &x1
; ... &x1f
; for all control sequences
except for tabstop, newline and carriage return. The character
references in this range are not valid XML 1.0, but they are
valid XML 1.1 and will be accepted by the GMarkup parser.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m Bool |
Deprecated: (Since version 2.46)GLib always uses the system malloc, so this function alwaysreturns True
Checks whether the allocator used by malloc
is the system's
malloc implementation. If it returns True
memory allocated with
can be used interchangeable with memory allocated using malloc
This function is useful for avoiding an extra copy of allocated memory returned
by a non-GLib-based API.
memProfile :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m () Source #
Deprecated: (Since version 2.46)Use other memory profiling tools instead
GLib used to support some tools for memory profiling, but this no longer works. There are many other useful tools for memory profiling these days which can be used instead.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> MemVTable |
-> m () |
Deprecated: (Since version 2.46)This function now does nothing. Use other memoryprofiling tools instead
This function used to let you override the memory allocation function. However, its use was incompatible with the use of global constructors in GLib and GIO, because those use the GLib allocators before main is reached. Therefore this function is now deprecated and is just a stub.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [Char] |
-> Int32 |
-> m Int32 | Returns: 0 if the directory already exists, or was successfully created. Returns -1 if an error occurred, with errno set. |
Create a directory if it doesn't already exist. Create intermediate parent directories as needed, too.
Since: 2.8
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> m () |
Set the pointer at the specified location to Nothing
numberParserErrorQuark :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Word32 Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m () |
Prompts the user with
[E]xit, [H]alt, show [S]tack trace or [P]roceed
This function is intended to be used for debugging use only.
The following example shows how it can be used together with
the g_log()
C code
#include <glib.h> static void log_handler (const gchar *log_domain, GLogLevelFlags log_level, const gchar *message, gpointer user_data) { g_log_default_handler (log_domain, log_level, message, user_data); g_on_error_query (MY_PROGRAM_NAME); } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { g_log_set_handler (MY_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING | G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR | G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL, log_handler, NULL); ...
If "[E]xit" is selected, the application terminates with a call to _exit(0).
If "[S]tack" trace is selected, onErrorStackTrace
is called.
This invokes gdb, which attaches to the current process and shows
a stack trace. The prompt is then shown again.
If "[P]roceed" is selected, the function returns.
This function may cause different actions on non-UNIX platforms.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m () |
Invokes gdb, which attaches to the current process and shows a
stack trace. Called by onErrorQuery
when the "[S]tack trace"
option is selected. You can get the current process's program name
with getPrgname
, assuming that you have called gtk_init()
This function may cause different actions on non-UNIX platforms.
optionErrorQuark :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Word32 Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Maybe Text |
-> [DebugKey] |
-> m Word32 | Returns: the combined set of bit flags. |
Parses a string containing debugging options
into a guint
containing bit flags. This is used
within GDK and GTK+ to parse the debug options passed on the
command line or through environment variables.
If string
is equal to "all", all flags are set. Any flags
specified along with "all" in string
are inverted; thus,
"all,foo,bar" or "foo,bar,all" sets all flags except those
corresponding to "foo" and "bar".
If string
is equal to "help", all the available keys in keys
are printed out to standard error.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [Char] |
-> m [Char] | Returns: a newly allocated string containing the last component of the filename |
Gets the last component of the filename.
If fileName
ends with a directory separator it gets the component
before the last slash. If fileName
consists only of directory
separators (and on Windows, possibly a drive letter), a single
separator is returned. If fileName
is empty, it gets ".".
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [Char] |
-> m [Char] | Returns: the directory components of the file |
Gets the directory components of a file name. For example, the directory
component of /usr/bin/test
is /usr/bin
. The directory component of /
is /
If the file name has no directory components "." is returned. The returned string should be freed when no longer needed.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [Char] |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Returns True
if the given fileName
is an absolute file name.
Note that this is a somewhat vague concept on Windows.
On POSIX systems, an absolute file name is well-defined. It always starts from the single root directory. For example "/usr/local".
On Windows, the concepts of current drive and drive-specific current directory introduce vagueness. This function interprets as an absolute file name one that either begins with a directory separator such as "\Users\tml" or begins with the root on a drive, for example "C:\Windows". The first case also includes UNC paths such as "\\myserver\docs\foo". In all cases, either slashes or backslashes are accepted.
Note that a file name relative to the current drive root does not truly specify a file uniquely over time and across processes, as the current drive is a per-process value and can be changed.
File names relative the current directory on some specific drive,
such as "D:foo/bar", are not interpreted as absolute by this
function, but they obviously are not relative to the normal current
directory as returned by getcwd()
or getCurrentDir
either. Such paths should be avoided, or need to be handled using
Windows-specific code.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [Char] |
-> m (Maybe [Char]) | Returns: a pointer into |
Returns a pointer into fileName
after the root component,
i.e. after the "/" in UNIX or "C:\" under Windows. If fileName
is not an absolute path it returns Nothing
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> PatternSpec |
-> Word32 |
-> Text |
-> Maybe Text |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Matches a string against a compiled pattern. Passing the correct
length of the string given is mandatory. The reversed string can be
omitted by passing Nothing
, this is more efficient if the reversed
version of the string to be matched is not at hand, as
will only construct it if the compiled pattern
requires reverse matches.
Note that, if the user code will (possibly) match a string against a
multitude of patterns containing wildcards, chances are high that
some patterns will require a reversed string. In this case, it's
more efficient to provide the reversed string to avoid multiple
constructions thereof in the various calls to patternMatch
Note also that the reverse of a UTF-8 encoded string can in general
not be obtained by strreverse
. This works only if the string
does not contain any multibyte characters. GLib offers the
function to reverse UTF-8 encoded strings.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Text |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Matches a string against a pattern given as a string. If this
function is to be called in a loop, it's more efficient to compile
the pattern once with g_pattern_spec_new()
and call
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> PatternSpec |
-> Text |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Matches a string against a compiled pattern. If the string is to be
matched against more than one pattern, consider using
instead while supplying the reversed string.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> Int32 |
-> m () |
This is equivalent to g_bit_lock, but working on pointers (or other pointer-sized values).
For portability reasons, you may only lock on the bottom 32 bits of the pointer.
Since: 2.30
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> Int32 |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
This is equivalent to g_bit_trylock, but working on pointers (or other pointer-sized values).
For portability reasons, you may only lock on the bottom 32 bits of the pointer.
Since: 2.30
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> Int32 |
-> m () |
This is equivalent to g_bit_unlock, but working on pointers (or other pointer-sized values).
For portability reasons, you may only lock on the bottom 32 bits of the pointer.
Since: 2.30
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> PollFD |
-> Word32 |
-> Int32 |
-> m Int32 | Returns: the number of entries in |
Polls fds
, as with the poll()
system call, but portably. (On
systems that don't have poll()
, it is emulated using select()
This is used internally by MainContext
, but it can be called
directly if you need to block until a file descriptor is ready, but
don't want to run the full main loop.
Each element of fds
is a PollFD
describing a single file
descriptor to poll. The fd
field indicates the file descriptor,
and the events
field indicates the events to poll for. On return,
the revents
fields will be filled with the events that actually
On POSIX systems, the file descriptors in fds
can be any sort of
file descriptor, but the situation is much more complicated on
Windows. If you need to use poll
in code that has to run on
Windows, the easiest solution is to construct all of your
with g_io_channel_win32_make_pollfd()
Since: 2.20
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> GError |
-> m (Maybe GError) |
quarkFromStaticString Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Maybe Text |
-> m Word32 | Returns: the |
Gets the GQuark
identifying the given (static) string. If the
string does not currently have an associated GQuark
, a new GQuark
is created, linked to the given string.
Note that this function is identical to quarkFromString
that if a new GQuark
is created the string itself is used rather
than a copy. This saves memory, but can only be used if the string
will continue to exist until the program terminates. It can be used
with statically allocated strings in the main program, but not with
statically allocated memory in dynamically loaded modules, if you
expect to ever unload the module again (e.g. do not use this
function in GTK+ theme engines).
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Maybe Text |
-> m Word32 | Returns: the |
Gets the GQuark
identifying the given string. If the string does
not currently have an associated GQuark
, a new GQuark
is created,
using a copy of the string.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word32 |
-> m Text | Returns: the string associated with the |
Gets the string associated with the given GQuark
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Maybe Text |
-> m Word32 | Returns: the |
Gets the GQuark
associated with the given string, or 0 if string is
or it has no associated GQuark
If you want the GQuark to be created if it doesn't already exist,
use quarkFromString
or quarkFromStaticString
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m Double | Returns: a random number |
Returns a random gdouble
equally distributed over the range [0..1).
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Double |
-> Double |
-> m Double | Returns: a random number |
Returns a random gdouble
equally distributed over the range
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m Word32 | Returns: a random number |
Return a random guint32
equally distributed over the range
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> Int32 |
-> m Int32 | Returns: a random number |
Returns a random gint32
equally distributed over the range
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word32 |
-> m () |
Sets the seed for the global random number generator, which is used
by the g_random_* functions, to seed
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> m (Ptr ()) | Returns: a pointer to the data, with its reference count increased |
Acquires a reference on the data pointed by memBlock
Since: 2.58
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word64 |
-> m (Ptr ()) | Returns: a pointer to the allocated memory |
Allocates blockSize
bytes of memory, and adds reference
counting semantics to it.
The data will be freed when its reference count drops to zero.
The allocated data is guaranteed to be suitably aligned for any built-in type.
Since: 2.58
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word64 |
-> m (Ptr ()) | Returns: a pointer to the allocated memory |
Allocates blockSize
bytes of memory, and adds reference
counting semantics to it.
The contents of the returned data is set to zero.
The data will be freed when its reference count drops to zero.
The allocated data is guaranteed to be suitably aligned for any built-in type.
Since: 2.58
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word64 |
-> Ptr () |
-> m (Ptr ()) | Returns: a pointer to the allocated memory |
Allocates a new block of data with reference counting
semantics, and copies blockSize
bytes of memBlock
into it.
Since: 2.58
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> m Word64 | Returns: the size of the data, in bytes |
Retrieves the size of the reference counted data pointed by memBlock
Since: 2.58
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> m () |
Releases a reference on the data pointed by memBlock
If the reference was the last one, it will free the
resources allocated for memBlock
Since: 2.58
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> DestroyNotify |
-> m () |
Releases a reference on the data pointed by memBlock
If the reference was the last one, it will call clearFunc
to clear the contents of memBlock
, and then will free the
resources allocated for memBlock
Since: 2.58
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> Word64 |
-> m (Ptr ()) | Returns: the new address of the allocated memory |
Reallocates the memory pointed to by mem
, so that it now has space for
bytes of memory. It returns the new address of the memory, which may
have been moved. mem
may be Nothing
, in which case it's considered to
have zero-length. nBytes
may be 0, in which case Nothing
will be returned
and mem
will be freed unless it is Nothing
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> Word64 |
-> Word64 |
-> m (Ptr ()) | Returns: the new address of the allocated memory |
This function is similar to realloc
, allocating (nBlocks
* nBlockBytes
) bytes,
but care is taken to detect possible overflow during multiplication.
Since: 2.24
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> Int32 |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Compares the current value of rc
with val
Since: 2.58
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Decreases the reference count.
Since: 2.58
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> m () |
Increases the reference count.
Since: 2.58
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> m () |
Initializes a reference count variable.
Since: 2.58
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m Text | Returns: the given string, with its reference count increased |
Acquires a reference on a string.
Since: 2.58
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m Word64 | Returns: the length of the given string, in bytes |
Retrieves the length of str
Since: 2.58
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m Text | Returns: the newly created reference counted string |
Creates a new reference counted string and copies the contents of str
into it.
Since: 2.58
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m Text | Returns: the newly created reference counted string, or a new reference to an existing string |
Creates a new reference counted string and copies the content of str
into it.
If you call this function multiple times with the same str
, or with
the same contents of str
, it will return a new reference, instead of
creating a new string.
Since: 2.58
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Int64 |
-> m Text | Returns: the newly created reference counted string |
Creates a new reference counted string and copies the contents of str
into it, up to len
Since this function does not stop at nul bytes, it is the caller's
responsibility to ensure that str
has at least len
addressable bytes.
Since: 2.58
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m () |
Releases a reference on a string; if it was the last reference, the resources allocated by the string are freed as well.
Since: 2.58
reloadUserSpecialDirsCache :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m () Source #
Resets the cache used for getUserSpecialDir
, so
that the latest on-disk version is used. Call this only
if you just changed the data on disk yourself.
Due to thread safety issues this may cause leaking of strings
that were previously returned from getUserSpecialDir
that can't be freed. We ensure to only leak the data for
the directories that actually changed value though.
Since: 2.22
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [Char] |
-> m Int32 | Returns: 0 if the directory was successfully removed, -1 if an error occurred |
A wrapper for the POSIX rmdir()
function. The rmdir()
deletes a directory from the filesystem.
See your C library manual for more details about how rmdir()
on your system.
Since: 2.6
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m () |
Sets a human-readable name for the application. This name should be
localized if possible, and is intended for display to the user.
Contrast with setPrgname
, which sets a non-localized name.
will be called automatically by gtk_init()
but setApplicationName
will not.
Note that for thread safety reasons, this function can only be called once.
The application name will be used in contexts such as error messages, or when displaying an application's name in the task list.
Since: 2.2
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word32 |
-> Int32 |
-> Text |
-> m GError |
Does nothing if err
is Nothing
; if err
is non-Nothing
, then *err
must be Nothing
. A new GError
is created and assigned to *err
Unlike g_set_error()
, message
is not a printf()
-style format string.
Use this function if message
contains text you don't have control over,
that could include printf()
escape sequences.
Since: 2.18
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m () |
Sets the name of the program. This name should not be localized,
in contrast to setApplicationName
If you are using GApplication
the program name is set in
. In case of GDK or GTK+ it is set in
, which is called by gtk_init()
and the
handler. The program name is found by
taking the last component of argv
Note that for thread-safety reasons this function can only be called once.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [Char] |
-> [Char] |
-> Bool |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Sets an environment variable. On UNIX, both the variable's name and value can be arbitrary byte strings, except that the variable's name cannot contain '='. On Windows, they should be in UTF-8.
Note that on some systems, when variables are overwritten, the memory used for the previous variables and its value isn't reclaimed.
You should be mindful of the fact that environment variable handling
in UNIX is not thread-safe, and your program may crash if one thread
calls setenv
while another thread is calling getenv()
. (And note
that many functions, such as gettext()
, call getenv()
This function is only safe to use at the very start of your program,
before creating any other threads (or creating objects that create
worker threads of their own).
If you need to set up the environment for a child process, you can
use getEnviron
to get an environment array, modify that with
and environUnsetenv
, and then pass that
array directly to execvpe()
, spawnAsync
, or the like.
Since: 2.4
shellErrorQuark :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Word32 Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [Char] |
-> m (Int32, [[Char]]) | (Can throw |
Parses a command line into an argument vector, in much the same way
the shell would, but without many of the expansions the shell would
perform (variable expansion, globs, operators, filename expansion,
etc. are not supported). The results are defined to be the same as
those you would get from a UNIX98 /bin/sh, as long as the input
contains none of the unsupported shell expansions. If the input
does contain such expansions, they are passed through
literally. Possible errors are those from the G_SHELL_ERROR
domain. Free the returned vector with strfreev
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [Char] |
-> m [Char] | Returns: quoted string |
Quotes a string so that the shell (/bin/sh) will interpret the
quoted string to mean unquotedString
. If you pass a filename to
the shell, for example, you should first quote it with this
function. The return value must be freed with free
. The
quoting style used is undefined (single or double quotes may be
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [Char] |
-> m [Char] | Returns: an unquoted string (Can throw |
Unquotes a string as the shell (/bin/sh) would. Only handles
quotes; if a string contains file globs, arithmetic operators,
variables, backticks, redirections, or other special-to-the-shell
features, the result will be different from the result a real shell
would produce (the variables, backticks, etc. will be passed
through literally instead of being expanded). This function is
guaranteed to succeed if applied to the result of
. If it fails, it returns Nothing
and sets the
error. The quotedString
need not actually contain quoted or
escaped text; shellUnquote
simply goes through the string and
unquotes/unescapes anything that the shell would. Both single and
double quotes are handled, as are escapes including escaped
newlines. The return value must be freed with free
. Possible
errors are in the G_SHELL_ERROR
Shell quoting rules are a bit strange. Single quotes preserve the literal string exactly. escape sequences are not allowed; not even \' - if you want a ' in the quoted text, you have to do something like 'foo'\''bar'. Double quotes allow $, `, ", \, and newline to be escaped with backslash. Otherwise double quotes preserve things literally.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word64 |
-> m (Ptr ()) | Returns: a pointer to the allocated memory block, which will be |
Allocates a block of memory from the slice allocator.
The block address handed out can be expected to be aligned
to at least 1 * sizeof (void*),
though in general slices are 2 * sizeof (void*) bytes aligned,
if a malloc()
fallback implementation is used instead,
the alignment may be reduced in a libc dependent fashion.
Note that the underlying slice allocation mechanism can
be changed with the [G_SLICE=always-malloc
environment variable.
Since: 2.10
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word64 |
-> m (Ptr ()) | Returns: a pointer to the allocated block, which will be |
Allocates a block of memory via sliceAlloc
and initializes
the returned memory to 0. Note that the underlying slice allocation
mechanism can be changed with the [G_SLICE=always-malloc
environment variable.
Since: 2.10
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word64 |
-> Ptr () |
-> m (Ptr ()) | Returns: a pointer to the allocated memory block, which will be |
Allocates a block of memory from the slice allocator
and copies blockSize
bytes into it from memBlock
must be non-Nothing
if blockSize
is non-zero.
Since: 2.14
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word64 |
-> Ptr () |
-> m () |
Frees a block of memory.
The memory must have been allocated via sliceAlloc
and the blockSize
has to match the size
specified upon allocation. Note that the exact release behaviour
can be changed with the [G_DEBUG=gc-friendly
][G_DEBUG] environment
variable, also see [G_SLICE
][G_SLICE] for related debugging options.
If memBlock
is Nothing
, this function does nothing.
Since: 2.10
sliceFreeChainWithOffset Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word64 |
-> Ptr () |
-> Word64 |
-> m () |
Frees a linked list of memory blocks of structure type type
The memory blocks must be equal-sized, allocated via
or sliceAlloc0
and linked together by a
pointer (similar to SList
). The offset of the next
field in each block is passed as third argument.
Note that the exact release behaviour can be changed with the
][G_DEBUG] environment variable, also see
][G_SLICE] for related debugging options.
If memChain
is Nothing
, this function does nothing.
Since: 2.10
sliceGetConfig :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => SliceConfig -> m Int64 Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
sliceGetConfigState :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => SliceConfig -> Int64 -> Word32 -> m Int64 Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
sliceSetConfig :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => SliceConfig -> Int64 -> m () Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word32 |
-> m Word32 | Returns: the smallest prime number from a built-in array of primes
which is larger than |
Gets the smallest prime number from a built-in array of primes which
is larger than num
. This is used within GLib to calculate the optimum
size of a HashTable
The built-in array of primes ranges from 11 to 13845163 such that each prime is approximately 1.5-2 times the previous prime.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Maybe [Char] |
-> [[Char]] |
-> Maybe [[Char]] |
-> [SpawnFlags] |
-> Maybe SpawnChildSetupFunc |
-> m Int32 | (Can throw |
See spawnAsyncWithPipes
for a full description; this function
simply calls the spawnAsyncWithPipes
without any pipes.
You should call spawnClosePid
on the returned child process
reference when you don't need it any more.
If you are writing a GTK+ application, and the program you are spawning is a
graphical application too, then to ensure that the spawned program opens its
windows on the right screen, you may want to use GdkAppLaunchContext
, or set the DISPLAY
environment variable.
Note that the returned childPid
on Windows is a handle to the child
process and not its identifier. Process handles and process identifiers
are different concepts on Windows.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Maybe [Char] |
-> [Text] |
-> Maybe [Text] |
-> [SpawnFlags] |
-> Maybe SpawnChildSetupFunc |
-> Int32 |
-> Int32 |
-> Int32 |
-> m Int32 | (Can throw |
Identical to spawnAsyncWithPipes
but instead of
creating pipes for the stdin/stdout/stderr, you can pass existing
file descriptors into this function through the stdinFd
and stderrFd
parameters. The following flags
also have their behaviour slightly tweaked as a result:
means that the child's standard output
will be discarded, instead of going to the same location as the parent's
standard output. If you use this flag, standardOutput
must be -1.
means that the child's standard error
will be discarded, instead of going to the same location as the parent's
standard error. If you use this flag, standardError
must be -1.
means that the child will inherit the parent's
standard input (by default, the child's standard input is attached to
/dev/null). If you use this flag, standardInput
must be -1.
It is valid to pass the same fd in multiple parameters (e.g. you can pass a single fd for both stdout and stderr).
Since: 2.58
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Maybe [Char] |
-> [[Char]] |
-> Maybe [[Char]] |
-> [SpawnFlags] |
-> Maybe SpawnChildSetupFunc |
-> m (Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) | (Can throw |
Executes a child program asynchronously (your program will not
block waiting for the child to exit). The child program is
specified by the only argument that must be provided, argv
should be a Nothing
-terminated array of strings, to be passed
as the argument vector for the child. The first string in argv
is of course the name of the program to execute. By default, the
name of the program must be a full path. If flags
contains the
flag, the PATH
environment variable is
used to search for the executable. If flags
contains the
flag, the PATH
variable from
is used to search for the executable. If both the
and SpawnFlagsSearchPathFromEnvp
are set, the PATH
variable from envp
takes precedence over
the environment variable.
If the program name is not a full path and SpawnFlagsSearchPath
flag is not
used, then the program will be run from the current directory (or
, if specified); this might be unexpected or even
dangerous in some cases when the current directory is world-writable.
On Windows, note that all the string or string vector arguments to
this function and the other g_spawn*() functions are in UTF-8, the
GLib file name encoding. Unicode characters that are not part of
the system codepage passed in these arguments will be correctly
available in the spawned program only if it uses wide character API
to retrieve its command line. For C programs built with Microsoft's
tools it is enough to make the program have a wmain()
instead of
. wmain()
has a wide character argument vector as parameter.
At least currently, mingw doesn't support wmain()
, so if you use
mingw to develop the spawned program, it should call
to get arguments in UTF-8.
On Windows the low-level child process creation API CreateProcess()
doesn't use argument vectors, but a command line. The C runtime
library's spawn*() family of functions (which spawnAsyncWithPipes
eventually calls) paste the argument vector elements together into
a command line, and the C runtime startup code does a corresponding
reconstruction of an argument vector from the command line, to be
passed to main()
. Complications arise when you have argument vector
elements that contain spaces or double quotes. The spawn*()
don't do any quoting or escaping, but on the other hand the startup
code does do unquoting and unescaping in order to enable receiving
arguments with embedded spaces or double quotes. To work around this
asymmetry, spawnAsyncWithPipes
will do quoting and escaping on
argument vector elements that need it before calling the C runtime
The returned childPid
on Windows is a handle to the child
process, not its identifier. Process handles and process
identifiers are different concepts on Windows.
is a Nothing
-terminated array of strings, where each string
has the form KEY=VALUE
. This will become the child's environment.
If envp
is Nothing
, the child inherits its parent's environment.
should be the bitwise OR of any flags you want to affect the
function's behaviour. The SpawnFlagsDoNotReapChild
means that the
child will not automatically be reaped; you must use a child watch
) to be notified about the death of the child process,
otherwise it will stay around as a zombie process until this process exits.
Eventually you must call spawnClosePid
on the childPid
, in order to
free resources which may be associated with the child process. (On Unix,
using a child watch is equivalent to calling waitpid()
or handling
signal manually. On Windows, calling spawnClosePid
is equivalent to calling CloseHandle()
on the process handle returned
in childPid
). See g_child_watch_add()
Open UNIX file descriptors marked as FD_CLOEXEC
will be automatically
closed in the child process. SpawnFlagsLeaveDescriptorsOpen
means that
other open file descriptors will be inherited by the child; otherwise all
descriptors except stdin/stdout/stderr will be closed before calling exec()
in the child. SpawnFlagsSearchPath
means that argv
[0] need not be an
absolute path, it will be looked for in the PATH
variable. SpawnFlagsSearchPathFromEnvp
means need not be an
absolute path, it will be looked for in the PATH
variable from
. If both SpawnFlagsSearchPath
and SpawnFlagsSearchPathFromEnvp
are used, the value from envp
takes precedence over the environment.
means that the child's standard output
will be discarded, instead of going to the same location as the parent's
standard output. If you use this flag, standardOutput
must be Nothing
means that the child's standard error
will be discarded, instead of going to the same location as the parent's
standard error. If you use this flag, standardError
must be Nothing
means that the child will inherit the parent's
standard input (by default, the child's standard input is attached to
). If you use this flag, standardInput
must be Nothing
means that the first element of argv
the file to execute, while the remaining elements are the actual
argument vector to pass to the file. Normally spawnAsyncWithPipes
uses argv
[0] as the file to execute, and passes all of argv
to the child.
and userData
are a function and user data. On POSIX
platforms, the function is called in the child after GLib has
performed all the setup it plans to perform (including creating
pipes, closing file descriptors, etc.) but before calling exec()
That is, childSetup
is called just before calling exec()
in the
child. Obviously actions taken in this function will only affect
the child, not the parent.
On Windows, there is no separate fork()
and exec()
Child processes are created and run with a single API call,
. There is no sensible thing childSetup
could be used for on Windows so it is ignored and not called.
If non-Nothing
, childPid
will on Unix be filled with the child's
process ID. You can use the process ID to send signals to the child,
or to use g_child_watch_add()
(or waitpid()
) if you specified the
flag. On Windows, childPid
will be
filled with a handle to the child process only if you specified the
flag. You can then access the child
process using the Win32 API, for example wait for its termination
with the WaitFor*() functions, or examine its exit code with
. You should close the handle with CloseHandle()
or spawnClosePid
when you no longer need it.
If non-Nothing
, the standardInput
, standardOutput
, standardError
locations will be filled with file descriptors for writing to the child's
standard input or reading from its standard output or standard error.
The caller of spawnAsyncWithPipes
must close these file descriptors
when they are no longer in use. If these parameters are Nothing
, the
corresponding pipe won't be created.
If standardInput
is Nothing
, the child's standard input is attached to
unless SpawnFlagsChildInheritsStdin
is set.
If standardError
is NULL, the child's standard error goes to the same
location as the parent's standard error unless SpawnFlagsStderrToDevNull
is set.
If standardOutput
is NULL, the child's standard output goes to the same
location as the parent's standard output unless SpawnFlagsStdoutToDevNull
is set.
can be Nothing
to ignore errors, or non-Nothing
to report errors.
If an error is set, the function returns False
. Errors are reported
even if they occur in the child (for example if the executable in
[0] is not found). Typically the message
field of returned
errors should be displayed to users. Possible errors are those from
If an error occurs, childPid
, standardInput
, standardOutput
and standardError
will not be filled with valid values.
If childPid
is not Nothing
and an error does not occur then the returned
process reference must be closed using spawnClosePid
On modern UNIX platforms, GLib can use an efficient process launching
codepath driven internally by posix_spawn()
. This has the advantage of
avoiding the fork-time performance costs of cloning the parent process
address space, and avoiding associated memory overcommit checks that are
not relevant in the context of immediately executing a distinct process.
This optimized codepath will be used provided that the following conditions
are met:
is setSpawnFlagsLeaveDescriptorsOpen
is setSpawnFlagsSearchPathFromEnvp
is not setworkingDirectory
- The program is of a recognised binary format, or has a shebang. Otherwise, GLib will have to execute the program through the shell, which is not done using the optimized codepath.
If you are writing a GTK+ application, and the program you are spawning is a
graphical application too, then to ensure that the spawned program opens its
windows on the right screen, you may want to use GdkAppLaunchContext
, or set the DISPLAY
environment variable.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> m () | (Can throw |
Set error
if exitStatus
indicates the child exited abnormally
(e.g. with a nonzero exit code, or via a fatal signal).
The spawnSync
and g_child_watch_add()
family of APIs return an
exit status for subprocesses encoded in a platform-specific way.
On Unix, this is guaranteed to be in the same format waitpid()
and on Windows it is guaranteed to be the result of GetExitCodeProcess()
Prior to the introduction of this function in GLib 2.34, interpreting
required use of platform-specific APIs, which is problematic
for software using GLib as a cross-platform layer.
Additionally, many programs simply want to determine whether or not
the child exited successfully, and either propagate a GError
print a message to standard error. In that common case, this function
can be used. Note that the error message in error
will contain
human-readable information about the exit status.
The domain
and code
of error
have special semantics in the case
where the process has an "exit code", as opposed to being killed by
a signal. On Unix, this happens if WIFEXITED()
would be true of
. On Windows, it is always the case.
The special semantics are that the actual exit code will be the
code set in error
, and the domain will be G_SPAWN_EXIT_ERROR
This allows you to differentiate between different exit codes.
If the process was terminated by some means other than an exit
status, the domain will be G_SPAWN_ERROR
, and the code will be
This function just offers convenience; you can of course also check
the available platform via a macro such as G_OS_UNIX
, and use
on exitStatus
directly. Do not attempt
to scan or parse the error message string; it may be translated and/or
change in future versions of GLib.
Since: 2.34
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> m () |
On some platforms, notably Windows, the GPid
type represents a resource
which must be closed to prevent resource leaking. spawnClosePid
is provided for this purpose. It should be used on all platforms, even
though it doesn't do anything under UNIX.
spawnCommandLineAsync Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [Char] |
-> m () | (Can throw |
A simple version of spawnAsync
that parses a command line with
and passes it to spawnAsync
. Runs a
command line in the background. Unlike spawnAsync
, the
flag is enabled, other flags are not. Note
that SpawnFlagsSearchPath
can have security implications, so
consider using spawnAsync
directly if appropriate. Possible
errors are those from shellParseArgv
and spawnAsync
The same concerns on Windows apply as for spawnCommandLineSync
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [Char] |
-> m (ByteString, ByteString, Int32) | (Can throw |
A simple version of spawnSync
with little-used parameters
removed, taking a command line instead of an argument vector. See
for full details. commandLine
will be parsed by
. Unlike spawnSync
, the SpawnFlagsSearchPath
is enabled. Note that SpawnFlagsSearchPath
can have security
implications, so consider using spawnSync
directly if
appropriate. Possible errors are those from spawnSync
and those
from shellParseArgv
If exitStatus
is non-Nothing
, the platform-specific exit status of
the child is stored there; see the documentation of
for how to use and interpret this.
On Windows, please note the implications of shellParseArgv
parsing commandLine
. Parsing is done according to Unix shell rules, not
Windows command interpreter rules.
Space is a separator, and backslashes are
special. Thus you cannot simply pass a commandLine
canonical Windows paths, like "c:\program files\app\app.exe", as
the backslashes will be eaten, and the space will act as a
separator. You need to enclose such paths with single quotes, like
"'c:\program files\app\app.exe' 'e:\folder\argument.txt'".
spawnErrorQuark :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Word32 Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
spawnExitErrorQuark :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Word32 Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Maybe [Char] |
-> [[Char]] |
-> Maybe [[Char]] |
-> [SpawnFlags] |
-> Maybe SpawnChildSetupFunc |
-> m (ByteString, ByteString, Int32) | (Can throw |
Executes a child synchronously (waits for the child to exit before returning).
All output from the child is stored in standardOutput
and standardError
if those parameters are non-Nothing
. Note that you must set the
and SpawnFlagsStderrToDevNull
flags when
passing Nothing
for standardOutput
and standardError
If exitStatus
is non-Nothing
, the platform-specific exit status of
the child is stored there; see the documentation of
for how to use and interpret this.
Note that it is invalid to pass SpawnFlagsDoNotReapChild
, and on POSIX platforms, the same restrictions as for
If an error occurs, no data is returned in standardOutput
, or exitStatus
This function calls spawnAsyncWithPipes
internally; see that
function for full details on the other parameters and details on
how these functions work on Windows.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Text |
-> m Text | Returns: a pointer to trailing nul byte. |
Copies a nul-terminated string into the dest buffer, include the trailing nul, and return a pointer to the trailing nul byte. This is useful for concatenating multiple strings together without having to repeatedly scan for the end.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> Ptr () |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Compares two strings for byte-by-byte equality and returns True
if they are equal. It can be passed to g_hash_table_new()
as the
parameter, when using non-Nothing
strings as keys in a
This function is typically used for hash table comparisons, but can be used
for general purpose comparisons of non-Nothing
strings. For a Nothing
-safe string
comparison function, see strcmp0
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Text |
-> m Bool |
Looks whether the string str
begins with prefix
Since: 2.2
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Text |
-> m Bool |
Looks whether the string str
ends with suffix
Since: 2.2
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> m Word32 | Returns: a hash value corresponding to the key |
Converts a string to a hash value.
This function implements the widely used "djb" hash apparently
posted by Daniel Bernstein to comp.lang.c some time ago. The 32
bit unsigned hash value starts at 5381 and for each byte 'c' in
the string, is updated: hash = hash * 33 + c
. This function
uses the signed value of each byte.
It can be passed to g_hash_table_new()
as the hashFunc
when using non-Nothing
strings as keys in a HashTable
Note that this function may not be a perfect fit for all use cases. For example, it produces some hash collisions with strings as short as 2.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Determines if a string is pure ASCII. A string is pure ASCII if it contains no bytes with the high bit set.
Since: 2.40
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Text |
-> Bool |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Checks if a search conducted for searchTerm
should match
This function calls strTokenizeAndFold
on both
and potentialHit
. ASCII alternates are never taken
for searchTerm
but will be taken for potentialHit
according to
the value of acceptAlternates
A hit occurs when each folded token in searchTerm
is a prefix of a
folded token from potentialHit
Depending on how you're performing the search, it will typically be
faster to call strTokenizeAndFold
on each string in
your corpus and build an index on the returned folded tokens, then
call strTokenizeAndFold
on the search term and
perform lookups into that index.
As some examples, searching for ‘fred’ would match the potential hit ‘Smith, Fred’ and also ‘Frédéric’. Searching for ‘Fréd’ would match ‘Frédéric’ but not ‘Frederic’ (due to the one-directional nature of accent matching). Searching ‘fo’ would match ‘Foo’ and ‘Bar Foo Baz’, but not ‘SFO’ (because no word has ‘fo’ as a prefix).
Since: 2.40
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Maybe Text |
-> m Text | Returns: a string in plain ASCII |
Transliterate str
to plain ASCII.
For best results, str
should be in composed normalised form.
This function performs a reasonably good set of character replacements. The particular set of replacements that is done may change by version or even by runtime environment.
If the source language of str
is known, it can used to improve the
accuracy of the translation by passing it as fromLocale
. It should
be a valid POSIX locale string (of the form
If fromLocale
is Nothing
then the current locale is used.
If you want to do translation for no specific locale, and you want it
to be done independently of the currently locale, specify "C"
Since: 2.40
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Maybe Text |
-> m ([Text], [Text]) | Returns: the folded tokens |
Tokenises string
and performs folding on each token.
A token is a non-empty sequence of alphanumeric characters in the
source string, separated by non-alphanumeric characters. An
"alphanumeric" character for this purpose is one that matches
or unicharIsmark
Each token is then (Unicode) normalised and case-folded. If
is non-Nothing
and some of the returned tokens
contain non-ASCII characters, ASCII alternatives will be generated.
The number of ASCII alternatives that are generated and the method
for doing so is unspecified, but translitLocale
(if specified) may
improve the transliteration if the language of the source string is
Since: 2.40
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Text |
-> Int8 |
-> m Text | Returns: |
For each character in string
, if the character is not in validChars
replaces the character with substitutor
. Modifies string
in place,
and return string
itself, not a copy. The return value is to allow
nesting such as
C code
g_ascii_strup (g_strcanon (str, "abc", '?'))
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Text |
-> m Int32 | Returns: 0 if the strings match, a negative value if |
Deprecated: (Since version 2.2)See strncasecmp
for a discussion of why this function is deprecated and how to replace it.
A case-insensitive string comparison, corresponding to the standard
function on platforms which support it.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m Text | Returns: |
Removes trailing whitespace from a string.
This function doesn't allocate or reallocate any memory;
it modifies string
in place. Therefore, it cannot be used
on statically allocated strings.
The pointer to string
is returned to allow the nesting of functions.
Also see strchug
and g_strstrip()
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m Text | Returns: |
Removes leading whitespace from a string, by moving the rest of the characters forward.
This function doesn't allocate or reallocate any memory;
it modifies string
in place. Therefore, it cannot be used on
statically allocated strings.
The pointer to string
is returned to allow the nesting of functions.
Also see strchomp
and g_strstrip()
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m Text | Returns: a newly-allocated copy of |
Replaces all escaped characters with their one byte equivalent.
This function does the reverse conversion of strescape
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Maybe Text |
-> Int8 |
-> m Text | Returns: |
Converts any delimiter characters in string
to newDelimiter
Any characters in string
which are found in delimiters
changed to the newDelimiter
character. Modifies string
in place,
and returns string
itself, not a copy. The return value is to
allow nesting such as
C code
g_ascii_strup (g_strdelimit (str, "abc", '?'))
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m Text | Returns: the string |
Deprecated: (Since version 2.2)This function is totally broken for the reasons discussedin the strncasecmp
docs - use asciiStrdown
or utf8Strdown
Converts a string to lower case.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Maybe Text |
-> m Text | Returns: a newly-allocated copy of |
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> m Text | Returns: a UTF-8 string describing the error code. If the error code is unknown, it returns a string like "unknown error (<code>)". |
Returns a string corresponding to the given error code, e.g. "no
such process". Unlike strerror()
, this always returns a string in
UTF-8 encoding, and the pointer is guaranteed to remain valid for
the lifetime of the process.
Note that the string may be translated according to the current locale.
The value of errno
will not be changed by this function. However, it may
be changed by intermediate function calls, so you should save its value
as soon as the call returns:
> int saved_errno;
> ret = read (blah);
> saved_errno = errno;
> g_strerror (saved_errno);
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Maybe Text |
-> m Text | Returns: a newly-allocated copy of |
Escapes the special characters '\b', '\f', '\n', '\r', '\t', '\v', '\'
and '"' in the string source
by inserting a '\' before
them. Additionally all characters in the range 0x01-0x1F (everything
below SPACE) and in the range 0x7F-0xFF (all non-ASCII chars) are
replaced with a '\' followed by their octal representation.
Characters supplied in exceptions
are not escaped.
does the reverse conversion.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Maybe Text |
-> m () |
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Maybe Text |
-> m String | Returns: the new |
Creates a new String
, initialized with the given string.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Int64 |
-> m String | Returns: a new |
Creates a new String
with len
bytes of the init
Because a length is provided, init
need not be nul-terminated,
and can contain embedded nul bytes.
Since this function does not stop at nul bytes, it is the caller's
responsibility to ensure that init
has at least len
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word64 |
-> m String | Returns: the new |
Creates a new String
, with enough space for dflSize
bytes. This is useful if you are going to add a lot of
text to the string and don't want it to be reallocated
too often.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Text |
-> m Text | Returns: |
An auxiliary function for gettext()
support (see Q_()
Since: 2.4
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Maybe Text |
-> Text |
-> m Text | Returns: a newly-allocated string containing all of the strings joined
together, with |
Joins a number of strings together to form one long string, with the
optional separator
inserted between each of them. The returned string
should be freed with free
If strArray
has no items, the return value will be an
empty string. If strArray
contains a single item, separator
will not
appear in the resulting string.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Text |
-> Word64 |
-> m Word64 | Returns: size of attempted result, which is MIN (dest_size, strlen (original dest)) + strlen (src), so if retval >= dest_size, truncation occurred. |
Portability wrapper that calls strlcat()
on systems which have it,
and emulates it otherwise. Appends nul-terminated src
string to dest
guaranteeing nul-termination for dest
. The total size of dest
exceed destSize
At most destSize
- 1 characters will be copied. Unlike strncat()
is the full size of dest, not the space left over. This
function does not allocate memory. It always nul-terminates (unless
== 0 or there were no nul characters in the destSize
characters of dest to start with).
Caveat: this is supposedly a more secure alternative to strcat()
, but for real security g_strconcat()
is harder to mess up.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Text |
-> Word64 |
-> m Word64 | Returns: length of |
Portability wrapper that calls strlcpy()
on systems which have it,
and emulates strlcpy()
otherwise. Copies src
to dest
; dest
guaranteed to be nul-terminated; src
must be nul-terminated;
is the buffer size, not the number of bytes to copy.
At most destSize
- 1 characters will be copied. Always nul-terminates
(unless destSize
is 0). This function does not allocate memory. Unlike
, this function doesn't pad dest
(so it's often faster). It
returns the size of the attempted result, strlen (src), so if
>= destSize
, truncation occurred.
Caveat: strlcpy()
is supposedly more secure than strcpy()
or strncpy()
but if you really want to avoid screwups, strdup
is an even better
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Text |
-> Word32 |
-> m Int32 | Returns: 0 if the strings match, a negative value if |
Deprecated: (Since version 2.2)The problem with strncasecmp
is that it does the comparison by calling toupper()
. These functions are locale-specific and operate on single bytes. However, it is impossible to handle things correctly from an internationalization standpoint by operating on bytes, since characters may be multibyte. Thus strncasecmp
is broken if your string is guaranteed to be ASCII, since it is locale-sensitive, and it's broken if your string is localized, since it doesn't work on many encodings at all, including UTF-8, EUC-JP, etc. There are therefore two replacement techniques: asciiStrncasecmp
, which only works on ASCII and is not locale-sensitive, and utf8Casefold
followed by strcmp()
on the resulting strings, which is good for case-insensitive sorting of UTF-8.
A case-insensitive string comparison, corresponding to the standard
function on platforms which support it. It is similar
to strcasecmp
except it only compares the first n
characters of
the strings.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Word64 |
-> m Text | Returns: a newly-allocated buffer containing the first |
Duplicates the first n
bytes of a string, returning a newly-allocated
buffer n
+ 1 bytes long which will always be nul-terminated. If str
is less than n
bytes long the buffer is padded with nuls. If str
it returns Nothing
. The returned value should be freed when no longer
To copy a number of characters from a UTF-8 encoded string,
use utf8Strncpy
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word64 |
-> Int8 |
-> m Text | Returns: a newly-allocated string filled the |
Creates a new string length
bytes long filled with fillChar
The returned string should be freed when no longer needed.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m Text | Returns: the same pointer passed in as |
Reverses all of the bytes in a string. For example,
g_strreverse ("abcdef")
will result in "fedcba".
Note that strreverse
doesn't work on UTF-8 strings
containing multibyte characters. For that purpose, use
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Text |
-> m Text | Returns: a pointer to the found occurrence, or
Searches the string haystack
for the last occurrence
of the string needle
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Int64 |
-> Text |
-> m Text | Returns: a pointer to the found occurrence, or
Searches the string haystack
for the last occurrence
of the string needle
, limiting the length of the search
to haystackLen
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> m Text | Returns: a UTF-8 string describing the signal. If the signal is unknown, it returns "unknown signal (<signum>)". |
Returns a string describing the given signal, e.g. "Segmentation fault".
You should use this function in preference to strsignal()
, because it
returns a string in UTF-8 encoding, and since not all platforms support
the strsignal()
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Int64 |
-> Text |
-> m Text | Returns: a pointer to the found occurrence, or
Searches the string haystack
for the first occurrence
of the string needle
, limiting the length of the search
to haystackLen
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m (Double, Text) | Returns: the |
Converts a string to a gdouble
It calls the standard strtod()
function to handle the conversion, but
if the string is not completely converted it attempts the conversion
again with asciiStrtod
, and returns the best match.
This function should seldom be used. The normal situation when reading
numbers not for human consumption is to use asciiStrtod
. Only when
you know that you must expect both locale formatted and C formatted numbers
should you use this. Make sure that you don't pass strings such as comma
separated lists of values, since the commas may be interpreted as a decimal
point in some locales, causing unexpected results.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m Text | Returns: the string |
Deprecated: (Since version 2.2)This function is totally broken for the reasons discussed in the strncasecmp
docs - use asciiStrup
or utf8Strup
Converts a string to upper case.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Text |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Checks if strv
contains str
. strv
must not be Nothing
Since: 2.44
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Text |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Checks if strv1
and strv2
contain exactly the same elements in exactly the
same order. Elements are compared using strEqual
. To match independently
of order, sort the arrays first (using g_qsort_with_data()
or similar).
Two empty arrays are considered equal. Neither strv1
not strv2
may be
Since: 2.60
strvGetType :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m GType Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m Word32 | Returns: length of |
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Ptr () |
-> TestDataFunc |
-> m () |
Create a new test case, similar to g_test_create_case()
. However
the test is assumed to use no fixture, and test suites are automatically
created on the fly and added to the root fixture, based on the
slash-separated portions of testpath
. The testData
will be passed as first argument to testFunc
If testpath
includes the component "subprocess" anywhere in it,
the test will be skipped by default, and only run if explicitly
required via the -p
command-line option or testTrapSubprocess
No component of testpath
may start with a dot (.
) if the
option is being used; and it is recommended to
do so even if it isn’t.
Since: 2.16
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> TestFunc |
-> m () |
Create a new test case, similar to g_test_create_case()
. However
the test is assumed to use no fixture, and test suites are automatically
created on the fly and added to the root fixture, based on the
slash-separated portions of testpath
If testpath
includes the component "subprocess" anywhere in it,
the test will be skipped by default, and only run if explicitly
required via the -p
command-line option or testTrapSubprocess
No component of testpath
may start with a dot (.
) if the
option is being used; and it is recommended to
do so even if it isn’t.
Since: 2.16
testAssertExpectedMessagesInternal :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Text -> Int32 -> Text -> m () Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m () |
This function adds a message to test reports that
associates a bug URI with a test case.
Bug URIs are constructed from a base URI set with testBugBase
and bugUriSnippet
Since: 2.16
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m () |
Specify the base URI for bug reports.
The base URI is used to construct bug report messages for
when testBug
is called.
Calling this function outside of a test case sets the
default base URI for all test cases. Calling it from within
a test case changes the base URI for the scope of the test
case only.
Bug URIs are constructed by appending a bug specific URI
portion to uriPattern
, or by replacing the special string
'%s' within uriPattern
if that is present.
Since: 2.16
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Maybe Text |
-> [LogLevelFlags] |
-> Text |
-> m () |
Indicates that a message with the given logDomain
and logLevel
with text matching pattern
, is expected to be logged. When this
message is logged, it will not be printed, and the test case will
not abort.
This API may only be used with the old logging API (g_log()
defined). It will not work with the structured logging
API. See [Testing for Messages][testing-for-messages].
Use g_test_assert_expected_messages()
to assert that all
previously-expected messages have been seen and suppressed.
You can call this multiple times in a row, if multiple messages are
expected as a result of a single call. (The messages must appear in
the same order as the calls to testExpectMessage
For example:
C code
// g_main_context_push_thread_default() should fail if the // context is already owned by another thread. g_test_expect_message (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL, "assertion*acquired_context*failed"); g_main_context_push_thread_default (bad_context); g_test_assert_expected_messages ();
Note that you cannot use this to test g_error()
messages, since
intentionally never returns even if the program doesn't
abort; use testTrapSubprocess
in this case.
If messages at LogLevelFlagsLevelDebug
are emitted, but not explicitly
expected via testExpectMessage
then they will be ignored.
Since: 2.34
testFail :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m () Source #
Indicates that a test failed. This function can be called multiple times from the same test. You can use this function if your test failed in a recoverable way.
Do not use this function if the failure of a test could cause other tests to malfunction.
Calling this function will not stop the test from running, you need to return from the test function yourself. So you can produce additional diagnostic messages or even continue running the test.
If not called from inside a test, this function does nothing.
Since: 2.30
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m Bool | Returns: |
Returns whether a test has already failed. This will
be the case when testFail
, testIncomplete
or testSkip
have been called, but also if an
assertion has failed.
This can be useful to return early from a test if continuing after a failed assertion might be harmful.
The return value of this function is only meaningful if it is called from inside a test function.
Since: 2.38
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> TestFileType |
-> m [Char] | Returns: the path of the directory, owned by GLib |
Gets the pathname of the directory containing test files of the type
specified by fileType
This is approximately the same as calling g_test_build_filename("."), but you don't need to free the return value.
Since: 2.38
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Maybe Text |
-> m () |
Indicates that a test failed because of some incomplete functionality. This function can be called multiple times from the same test.
Calling this function will not stop the test from running, you need to return from the test function yourself. So you can produce additional diagnostic messages or even continue running the test.
If not called from inside a test, this function does nothing.
Since: 2.38
testLogTypeName :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => TestLogType -> m Text Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> DestroyNotify |
-> Ptr () |
-> m () |
This function enqueus a callback destroyFunc
to be executed
during the next test case teardown phase. This is most useful
to auto destruct allocated test resources at the end of a test run.
Resources are released in reverse queue order, that means enqueueing
callback A before callback B will cause B()
to be called before
during teardown.
Since: 2.16
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> m () |
Enqueue a pointer to be released with free
during the next
teardown phase. This is equivalent to calling testQueueDestroy
with a destroy callback of free
Since: 2.16
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m Double | Returns: a random number from the seeded random number generator. |
Get a reproducible random floating point number,
see testRandInt
for details on test case random numbers.
Since: 2.16
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Double |
-> Double |
-> m Double | Returns: a number with |
Get a reproducible random floating pointer number out of a specified range,
see testRandInt
for details on test case random numbers.
Since: 2.16
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m Int32 | Returns: a random number from the seeded random number generator. |
Get a reproducible random integer number.
The random numbers generated by the g_test_rand_*() family of functions change with every new test program start, unless the --seed option is given when starting test programs.
For individual test cases however, the random number generator is reseeded, to avoid dependencies between tests and to make --seed effective for all test cases.
Since: 2.16
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> Int32 |
-> m Int32 | Returns: a number with |
Get a reproducible random integer number out of a specified range,
see testRandInt
for details on test case random numbers.
Since: 2.16
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m Int32 | Returns: 0 on success, 1 on failure (assuming it returns at all),
0 or 77 if all tests were skipped with |
Runs all tests under the toplevel suite which can be retrieved
with g_test_get_root()
. Similar to testRunSuite
, the test
cases to be run are filtered according to test path arguments
(-p testpath
and -s testpath
) as parsed by g_test_init()
or testRun
may only be called once in a
In general, the tests and sub-suites within each suite are run in
the order in which they are defined. However, note that prior to
GLib 2.36, there was a bug in the g_test_add_*
functions which caused them to create multiple suites with the same
name, meaning that if you created tests "/foo/simple",
"/bar/simple", and "/foo/using-bar" in that order, they would get
run in that order (since testRun
would run the first "/foo"
suite, then the "/bar" suite, then the second "/foo" suite). As of
2.36, this bug is fixed, and adding the tests in that order would
result in a running order of "/foo/simple", "/foo/using-bar",
"/bar/simple". If this new ordering is sub-optimal (because it puts
more-complicated tests before simpler ones, making it harder to
figure out exactly what has failed), you can fix it by changing the
test paths to group tests by suite in a way that will result in the
desired running order. Eg, "/simple/foo", "/simple/bar",
However, you should never make the actual result of a test depend
on the order that tests are run in. If you need to ensure that some
particular code runs before or after a given test case, use
, which lets you specify setup and teardown functions.
If all tests are skipped or marked as incomplete (expected failures), this function will return 0 if producing TAP output, or 77 (treated as "skip test" by Automake) otherwise.
Since: 2.16
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> TestSuite |
-> m Int32 | Returns: 0 on success |
Execute the tests within suite
and all nested GTestSuites
The test suites to be executed are filtered according to
test path arguments (-p testpath
and -s testpath
) as parsed by
. See the testRun
documentation for more
information on the order that tests are run in.
or testRun
may only be called once
in a program.
Since: 2.16
testSetNonfatalAssertions :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m () Source #
Changes the behaviour of g_assert_cmpstr()
, g_assert_cmpint()
, g_assert_cmphex()
, g_assert_cmpfloat()
, g_assert_false()
, g_assert_null()
, g_assert_no_error()
, g_test_assert_expected_messages()
and the various
g_test_trap_assert_*() macros to not abort to program, but instead
call testFail
and continue. (This also changes the behavior of
so that it will not cause the test program to abort
after completing the failed test.)
Note that the g_assert_not_reached()
and g_assert()
are not
affected by this.
This function can only be called after g_test_init()
Since: 2.38
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Maybe Text |
-> m () |
Indicates that a test was skipped.
Calling this function will not stop the test from running, you need to return from the test function yourself. So you can produce additional diagnostic messages or even continue running the test.
If not called from inside a test, this function does nothing.
Since: 2.38
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m Bool | Returns: |
Returns True
(after g_test_init()
has been called) if the test
program is running under testTrapSubprocess
Since: 2.38
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m Double | Returns: the time since the last start of the timer, as a double |
Get the time since the last start of the timer with testTimerStart
Since: 2.16
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m Double | Returns: the last result of |
Report the last result of testTimerElapsed
Since: 2.16
testTimerStart :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m () Source #
Start a timing test. Call testTimerElapsed
when the task is supposed
to be done. Call this function again to restart the timer.
Since: 2.16
testTrapAssertions :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> Text -> Int32 -> Text -> Word64 -> Text -> m () Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word64 |
-> [TestTrapFlags] |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Deprecated: This function is implemented only on Unix platforms,and is not always reliable due to problems inherent infork-without-exec. Use testTrapSubprocess
Fork the current test program to execute a test case that might not return or that might abort.
If usecTimeout
is non-0, the forked test case is aborted and
considered failing if its run time exceeds it.
The forking behavior can be configured with the TestTrapFlags
In the following example, the test code forks, the forked child process produces some sample output and exits successfully. The forking parent process then asserts successful child program termination and validates child program outputs.
C code
static void test_fork_patterns (void) { if (g_test_trap_fork (0, G_TEST_TRAP_SILENCE_STDOUT | G_TEST_TRAP_SILENCE_STDERR)) { g_print ("some stdout text: somagic17\n"); g_printerr ("some stderr text: semagic43\n"); exit (0); // successful test run } g_test_trap_assert_passed (); g_test_trap_assert_stdout ("*somagic17*"); g_test_trap_assert_stderr ("*semagic43*"); }
Since: 2.16
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m Bool | Returns: |
Check the result of the last testTrapSubprocess
Since: 2.16
testTrapReachedTimeout Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m Bool | Returns: |
Check the result of the last testTrapSubprocess
Since: 2.16
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Maybe Text |
-> Word64 |
-> [TestSubprocessFlags] |
-> m () |
Respawns the test program to run only testPath
in a subprocess.
This can be used for a test case that might not return, or that
might abort.
If testPath
is Nothing
then the same test is re-run in a subprocess.
You can use testSubprocess
to determine whether the test is in
a subprocess or not.
can also be the name of the parent test, followed by
" and then a name for the specific subtest (or just
ending with "/subprocess
" if the test only has one child test);
tests with names of this form will automatically be skipped in the
parent process.
If usecTimeout
is non-0, the test subprocess is aborted and
considered failing if its run time exceeds it.
The subprocess behavior can be configured with the
You can use methods such as g_test_trap_assert_passed()
, and g_test_trap_assert_stderr()
check the results of the subprocess. (But note that
and g_test_trap_assert_stderr()
cannot be used if testFlags
specifies that the child should
inherit the parent stdout/stderr.)
If your main ()
needs to behave differently in
the subprocess, you can call testSubprocess
(after calling
) to see whether you are in a subprocess.
The following example tests that calling
will abort with an error
C code
static void test_create_large_object (void) { if (g_test_subprocess ()) { my_object_new (1000000); return; } // Reruns this same test in a subprocess g_test_trap_subprocess (NULL, 0, 0); g_test_trap_assert_failed (); g_test_trap_assert_stderr ("*ERROR*too large*"); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { g_test_init (&argc, &argv, NULL); g_test_add_func ("/myobject/create_large_object", test_create_large_object); return g_test_run (); }
Since: 2.38
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> Word32 |
-> SourceFunc |
-> m Word32 | Returns: the ID (greater than 0) of the event source. |
Sets a function to be called at regular intervals, with the given
priority. The function is called repeatedly until it returns
, at which point the timeout is automatically destroyed and
the function will not be called again. The notify
function is
called when the timeout is destroyed. The first call to the
function will be at the end of the first interval
Note that timeout functions may be delayed, due to the processing of other event sources. Thus they should not be relied on for precise timing. After each call to the timeout function, the time of the next timeout is recalculated based on the current time and the given interval (it does not try to 'catch up' time lost in delays).
See [memory management of sources][mainloop-memory-management] for details
on how to handle the return value and memory management of data
This internally creates a main loop source using timeoutSourceNew
and attaches it to the global MainContext
using sourceAttach
, so
the callback will be invoked in whichever thread is running that main
context. You can do these steps manually if you need greater control or to
use a custom main context.
The interval given is in terms of monotonic time, not wall clock time.
See getMonotonicTime
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> Word32 |
-> SourceFunc |
-> m Word32 | Returns: the ID (greater than 0) of the event source. |
Sets a function to be called at regular intervals, with priority
The function is called repeatedly until it returns False
, at which
point the timeout is automatically destroyed and the function will
not be called again.
Unlike g_timeout_add()
, this function operates at whole second granularity.
The initial starting point of the timer is determined by the implementation
and the implementation is expected to group multiple timers together so that
they fire all at the same time.
To allow this grouping, the interval
to the first timer is rounded
and can deviate up to one second from the specified interval.
Subsequent timer iterations will generally run at the specified interval.
Note that timeout functions may be delayed, due to the processing of other
event sources. Thus they should not be relied on for precise timing.
After each call to the timeout function, the time of the next
timeout is recalculated based on the current time and the given interval
See [memory management of sources][mainloop-memory-management] for details
on how to handle the return value and memory management of data
If you want timing more precise than whole seconds, use g_timeout_add()
The grouping of timers to fire at the same time results in a more power
and CPU efficient behavior so if your timer is in multiples of seconds
and you don't require the first timer exactly one second from now, the
use of g_timeout_add_seconds()
is preferred over g_timeout_add()
This internally creates a main loop source using
and attaches it to the main loop context
using sourceAttach
. You can do these steps manually if you need
greater control.
The interval given is in terms of monotonic time, not wall clock
time. See getMonotonicTime
Since: 2.14
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word32 |
-> m Source | Returns: the newly-created timeout source |
Creates a new timeout source.
The source will not initially be associated with any MainContext
and must be added to one with sourceAttach
before it will be
The interval given is in terms of monotonic time, not wall clock
time. See getMonotonicTime
timeoutSourceNewSeconds Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word32 |
-> m Source | Returns: the newly-created timeout source |
Creates a new timeout source.
The source will not initially be associated with any MainContext
and must be added to one with sourceAttach
before it will be
The scheduling granularity/accuracy of this timeout source will be in seconds.
The interval given is in terms of monotonic time, not wall clock time.
See getMonotonicTime
Since: 2.14
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word64 |
-> m (Ptr ()) | Returns: the allocated memory, or |
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word64 |
-> m (Ptr ()) | Returns: the allocated memory, or |
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word64 |
-> Word64 |
-> m (Ptr ()) | Returns: the allocated memory, or |
This function is similar to tryMalloc0
, allocating (nBlocks
* nBlockBytes
) bytes,
but care is taken to detect possible overflow during multiplication.
Since: 2.24
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word64 |
-> Word64 |
-> m (Ptr ()) | Returns: the allocated memory, or |
This function is similar to tryMalloc
, allocating (nBlocks
* nBlockBytes
) bytes,
but care is taken to detect possible overflow during multiplication.
Since: 2.24
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Ptr () |
-> Word64 |
-> Word64 |
-> m (Ptr ()) | Returns: the allocated memory, or |
This function is similar to tryRealloc
, allocating (nBlocks
* nBlockBytes
) bytes,
but care is taken to detect possible overflow during multiplication.
Since: 2.24
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Char |
-> m UnicodeBreakType | Returns: the break type of |
Determines the break type of c
. c
should be a Unicode character
(to derive a character from UTF-8 encoded text, use
). The break type is used to find word and line
breaks ("text boundaries"), Pango implements the Unicode boundary
resolution algorithms and normally you would use a function such
as pango_break()
instead of caring about break types yourself.
unicharCombiningClass Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Char |
-> m Int32 | Returns: the combining class of the character |
Determines the canonical combining class of a Unicode character.
Since: 2.14
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Char |
-> Char |
-> Char |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Performs a single composition step of the Unicode canonical composition algorithm.
This function includes algorithmic Hangul Jamo composition,
but it is not exactly the inverse of unicharDecompose
No composition can have either of a
or b
equal to zero.
To be precise, this function composes if and only if
there exists a Primary Composite P which is canonically
equivalent to the sequence <a
>. See the Unicode
Standard for the definition of Primary Composite.
If a
and b
do not compose a new character, ch
is set to zero.
See UAX#15 for details.
Since: 2.30
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Char |
-> Char |
-> Char |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Performs a single decomposition step of the Unicode canonical decomposition algorithm.
This function does not include compatibility
decompositions. It does, however, include algorithmic
Hangul Jamo decomposition, as well as 'singleton'
decompositions which replace a character by a single
other character. In the case of singletons *b
be set to zero.
If ch
is not decomposable, *a
is set to ch
and *b
is set to zero.
Note that the way Unicode decomposition pairs are
defined, it is guaranteed that b
would not decompose
further, but a
may itself decompose. To get the full
canonical decomposition for ch
, one would need to
recursively call this function on a
. Or use
See UAX#15 for details.
Since: 2.30
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Char |
-> m Int32 | Returns: If |
Determines the numeric value of a character as a decimal digit.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Char |
-> Char |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
In Unicode, some characters are "mirrored". This means that their images are mirrored horizontally in text that is laid out from right to left. For instance, "(" would become its mirror image, ")", in right-to-left text.
If ch
has the Unicode mirrored property and there is another unicode
character that typically has a glyph that is the mirror image of ch
glyph and mirroredCh
is set, it puts that character in the address
pointed to by mirroredCh
. Otherwise the original character is put.
Since: 2.4
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Char |
-> m UnicodeScript | Returns: the |
Looks up the UnicodeScript
for a particular character (as defined
by Unicode Standard Annex #24). No check is made for ch
being a
valid Unicode character; if you pass in invalid character, the
result is undefined.
This function is equivalent to pango_script_for_unichar()
and the
two are interchangeable.
Since: 2.14
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Char |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Determines whether a character is alphanumeric.
Given some UTF-8 text, obtain a character value
with utf8GetChar
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Char |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Determines whether a character is alphabetic (i.e. a letter).
Given some UTF-8 text, obtain a character value with
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Char |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Determines whether a character is a control character.
Given some UTF-8 text, obtain a character value with
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Char |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Determines if a given character is assigned in the Unicode standard.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Char |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Determines whether a character is numeric (i.e. a digit). This
covers ASCII 0-9 and also digits in other languages/scripts. Given
some UTF-8 text, obtain a character value with utf8GetChar
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Char |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Determines whether a character is printable and not a space
(returns False
for control characters, format characters, and
spaces). unicharIsprint
is similar, but returns True
spaces. Given some UTF-8 text, obtain a character value with
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Char |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Determines whether a character is a lowercase letter.
Given some UTF-8 text, obtain a character value with
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Char |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Determines whether a character is a mark (non-spacing mark,
combining mark, or enclosing mark in Unicode speak).
Given some UTF-8 text, obtain a character value
with utf8GetChar
Note: in most cases where isalpha characters are allowed, ismark characters should be allowed to as they are essential for writing most European languages as well as many non-Latin scripts.
Since: 2.14
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Char |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Determines whether a character is printable.
Unlike unicharIsgraph
, returns True
for spaces.
Given some UTF-8 text, obtain a character value with
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Char |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Determines whether a character is punctuation or a symbol.
Given some UTF-8 text, obtain a character value with
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Char |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Determines whether a character is a space, tab, or line separator
(newline, carriage return, etc.). Given some UTF-8 text, obtain a
character value with utf8GetChar
(Note: don't use this to do word breaking; you have to use Pango or equivalent to get word breaking right, the algorithm is fairly complex.)
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Char |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Determines if a character is titlecase. Some characters in Unicode which are composites, such as the DZ digraph have three case variants instead of just two. The titlecase form is used at the beginning of a word where only the first letter is capitalized. The titlecase form of the DZ digraph is U+01F2 LATIN CAPITAL LETTTER D WITH SMALL LETTER Z.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Char |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Determines if a character is uppercase.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Char |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Determines if a character is typically rendered in a double-width cell.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Char |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Determines if a character is typically rendered in a double-width
cell under legacy East Asian locales. If a character is wide according to
, then it is also reported wide with this function, but
the converse is not necessarily true. See the
Unicode Standard Annex #11
for details.
If a character passes the unicharIswide
test then it will also pass
this test, but not the other way around. Note that some characters may
pass both this test and unicharIszerowidth
Since: 2.12
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Char |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Determines if a character is a hexidecimal digit.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Char |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Determines if a given character typically takes zero width when rendered.
The return value is True
for all non-spacing and enclosing marks
(e.g., combining accents), format characters, zero-width
space, but not U+00AD SOFT HYPHEN.
A typical use of this function is with one of unicharIswide
to determine the number of cells a string occupies
when displayed on a grid display (terminals). However, note that not all
terminals support zero-width rendering of zero-width marks.
Since: 2.14
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Char |
-> m Char | Returns: the result of converting |
Converts a character to lower case.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Char |
-> m Char | Returns: the result of converting |
Converts a character to the titlecase.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Char |
-> m Char | Returns: the result of converting |
Converts a character to uppercase.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Char |
-> m UnicodeType | Returns: the type of the character. |
Classifies a Unicode character by type.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Char |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Checks whether ch
is a valid Unicode character. Some possible
integer values of ch
will not be valid. 0 is considered a valid
character, though it's normally a string terminator.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Char |
-> m Int32 | Returns: If |
Determines the numeric value of a character as a hexidecimal digit.
unicodeCanonicalDecomposition Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Char |
-> Word64 |
-> m Char | Returns: a newly allocated string of Unicode characters.
Deprecated: (Since version 2.30)Use the more flexible g_unichar_fully_decompose()
Computes the canonical decomposition of a Unicode character.
unicodeCanonicalOrdering Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Char |
-> Word64 |
-> m () |
Computes the canonical ordering of a string in-place. This rearranges decomposed characters in the string according to their combining classes. See the Unicode manual for more information.
unicodeScriptFromIso15924 Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Word32 |
-> m UnicodeScript | Returns: the Unicode script for |
Looks up the Unicode script for iso15924
. ISO 15924 assigns four-letter
codes to scripts. For example, the code for Arabic is 'Arab'.
This function accepts four letter codes encoded as a guint32
in a
big-endian fashion. That is, the code expected for Arabic is
0x41726162 (0x41 is ASCII code for 'A', 0x72 is ASCII code for 'r', etc).
See Codes for the representation of names of scripts for details.
Since: 2.30
unicodeScriptToIso15924 Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> UnicodeScript |
-> m Word32 | Returns: the ISO 15924 code for |
Looks up the ISO 15924 code for script
. ISO 15924 assigns four-letter
codes to scripts. For example, the code for Arabic is 'Arab'. The
four letter codes are encoded as a guint32
by this function in a
big-endian fashion. That is, the code returned for Arabic is
0x41726162 (0x41 is ASCII code for 'A', 0x72 is ASCII code for 'r', etc).
See Codes for the representation of names of scripts for details.
Since: 2.30
unixErrorQuark :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m Word32 Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> Int32 |
-> [IOCondition] |
-> UnixFDSourceFunc |
-> m Word32 | Returns: the ID (greater than 0) of the event source |
Sets a function to be called when the IO condition, as specified by
becomes true for fd
This is the same as g_unix_fd_add()
, except that it allows you to
specify a non-default priority and a provide a DestroyNotify
Since: 2.36
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> [IOCondition] |
-> m Source | Returns: the newly created |
Creates a Source
to watch for a particular IO condition on a file
The source will never close the fd -- you must do it yourself.
Since: 2.36
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> Int32 |
-> m () | (Can throw |
Similar to the UNIX pipe()
call, but on modern systems like Linux
uses the pipe2()
system call, which atomically creates a pipe with
the configured flags. The only supported flag currently is
. If for example you want to configure O_NONBLOCK
, that
must still be done separately with fcntl()
This function does not take O_CLOEXEC
, it takes FD_CLOEXEC
as if
for fcntl()
; these are different on Linux/glibc.
Since: 2.30
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> Bool |
-> m () | (Can throw |
Control the non-blocking state of the given file descriptor,
according to nonblock
. On most systems this uses O_NONBLOCK
, but
on some older ones may use O_NDELAY
Since: 2.30
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> Int32 |
-> SourceFunc |
-> m Word32 | Returns: An ID (greater than 0) for the event source |
A convenience function for unixSignalSourceNew
, which
attaches to the default MainContext
. You can remove the watch
using sourceRemove
Since: 2.30
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Int32 |
-> m Source | Returns: A newly created |
Create a Source
that will be dispatched upon delivery of the UNIX
signal signum
. In GLib versions before 2.36, only SIGHUP
can be monitored. In GLib 2.36, SIGUSR1
were added. In GLib 2.54, SIGWINCH
was added.
Note that unlike the UNIX default, all sources which have created a
watch will be dispatched, regardless of which underlying thread
invoked unixSignalSourceNew
For example, an effective use of this function is to handle SIGTERM
cleanly; flushing any outstanding files, and then calling
g_main_loop_quit (). It is not safe to do any of this a regular
UNIX signal handler; your handler may be invoked while malloc()
another library function is running, causing reentrancy if you
attempt to use it from the handler. None of the GLib/GObject API
is safe against this kind of reentrancy.
The interaction of this source when combined with native UNIX
functions like sigprocmask()
is not defined.
The source will not initially be associated with any MainContext
and must be added to one with sourceAttach
before it will be
Since: 2.30
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [Char] |
-> m Int32 | Returns: 0 if the name was successfully deleted, -1 if an error occurred |
A wrapper for the POSIX unlink()
function. The unlink()
deletes a name from the filesystem. If this was the last link to the
file and no processes have it opened, the diskspace occupied by the
file is freed.
See your C library manual for more details about unlink()
. Note
that on Windows, it is in general not possible to delete files that
are open to some process, or mapped into memory.
Since: 2.6
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> [Char] |
-> m () |
Removes an environment variable from the environment.
Note that on some systems, when variables are overwritten, the memory used for the previous variables and its value isn't reclaimed.
You should be mindful of the fact that environment variable handling
in UNIX is not thread-safe, and your program may crash if one thread
calls unsetenv
while another thread is calling getenv()
. (And note
that many functions, such as gettext()
, call getenv()
internally.) This
function is only safe to use at the very start of your program, before
creating any other threads (or creating objects that create worker
threads of their own).
If you need to set up the environment for a child process, you can
use getEnviron
to get an environment array, modify that with
and environUnsetenv
, and then pass that
array directly to execvpe()
, spawnAsync
, or the like.
Since: 2.4
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Maybe Text |
-> Bool |
-> m Text | Returns: an escaped version of |
Escapes a string for use in a URI.
Normally all characters that are not "unreserved" (i.e. ASCII alphanumerical
characters plus dash, dot, underscore and tilde) are escaped.
But if you specify characters in reservedCharsAllowed
they are not
escaped. This is useful for the "reserved" characters in the URI
specification, since those are allowed unescaped in some portions of
a URI.
Since: 2.16
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m [Text] | Returns: a newly allocated |
Splits an URI list conforming to the text/uri-list mime type defined in RFC 2483 into individual URIs, discarding any comments. The URIs are not validated.
Since: 2.6
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m Text | Returns: The "Scheme" component of the URI, or |
Gets the scheme portion of a URI string. RFC 3986 decodes the scheme as: > >URI = scheme ":" hier-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ]
Common schemes include "file", "http", "svn+ssh", etc.
Since: 2.16
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Maybe Text |
-> Maybe Text |
-> Maybe Text |
-> m Text | Returns: an unescaped version of |
Unescapes a segment of an escaped string.
If any of the characters in illegalCharacters
or the character zero appears
as an escaped character in escapedString
then that is an error and Nothing
will be returned. This is useful it you want to avoid for instance having a
slash being expanded in an escaped path element, which might confuse pathname
Since: 2.16
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Maybe Text |
-> m Text | Returns: an unescaped version of |
Unescapes a whole escaped string.
If any of the characters in illegalCharacters
or the character zero appears
as an escaped character in escapedString
then that is an error and Nothing
will be returned. This is useful it you want to avoid for instance having a
slash being expanded in an escaped path element, which might confuse pathname
Since: 2.16
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> CULong |
-> m () |
Pauses the current thread for the given number of microseconds.
There are 1 million microseconds per second (represented by the
macro). usleep
may have limited precision,
depending on hardware and operating system; don't rely on the exact
length of the sleep.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Int64 |
-> m Text | Returns: a newly allocated string, that is a
case independent form of |
Converts a string into a form that is independent of case. The
result will not correspond to any particular case, but can be
compared for equality or ordered with the results of calling
on other strings.
Note that calling utf8Casefold
followed by utf8Collate
only an approximation to the correct linguistic case insensitive
ordering, though it is a fairly good one. Getting this exactly
right would require a more sophisticated collation function that
takes case sensitivity into account. GLib does not currently
provide such a function.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Text |
-> m Int32 | Returns: < 0 if |
Compares two strings for ordering using the linguistically
correct rules for the [current locale][setlocale].
When sorting a large number of strings, it will be significantly
faster to obtain collation keys with utf8CollateKey
compare the keys with strcmp()
when sorting instead of sorting
the original strings.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Int64 |
-> m Text | Returns: a newly allocated string. This string should
be freed with |
Converts a string into a collation key that can be compared
with other collation keys produced by the same function using
The results of comparing the collation keys of two strings
with strcmp()
will always be the same as comparing the two
original keys with utf8Collate
Note that this function depends on the [current locale][setlocale].
utf8CollateKeyForFilename Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Int64 |
-> m Text | Returns: a newly allocated string. This string should
be freed with |
Converts a string into a collation key that can be compared
with other collation keys produced by the same function using strcmp()
In order to sort filenames correctly, this function treats the dot '.' as a special case. Most dictionary orderings seem to consider it insignificant, thus producing the ordering "event.c" "eventgenerator.c" "event.h" instead of "event.c" "event.h" "eventgenerator.c". Also, we would like to treat numbers intelligently so that "file1" "file10" "file5" is sorted as "file1" "file5" "file10".
Note that this function depends on the [current locale][setlocale].
Since: 2.8
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Maybe Text |
-> m (Maybe Text) | Returns: a pointer to the found character or |
Finds the start of the next UTF-8 character in the string after p
does not have to be at the beginning of a UTF-8 character. No check
is made to see if the character found is actually valid other than
it starts with an appropriate byte.
If end
is Nothing
, the return value will never be Nothing
: if the end of the
string is reached, a pointer to the terminating nul byte is returned. If
is non-Nothing
, the return value will be Nothing
if the end of the string
is reached.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Text |
-> m Text | Returns: a pointer to the found character or |
Given a position p
with a UTF-8 encoded string str
, find the start
of the previous UTF-8 character starting before p
. Returns Nothing
if no
UTF-8 characters are present in str
before p
does not have to be at the beginning of a UTF-8 character. No check
is made to see if the character found is actually valid other than
it starts with an appropriate byte.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m Char | Returns: the resulting character |
Converts a sequence of bytes encoded as UTF-8 to a Unicode character.
If p
does not point to a valid UTF-8 encoded character, results
are undefined. If you are not sure that the bytes are complete
valid Unicode characters, you should use utf8GetCharValidated
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Int64 |
-> m Char | Returns: the resulting character. If |
Convert a sequence of bytes encoded as UTF-8 to a Unicode character. This function checks for incomplete characters, for invalid characters such as characters that are out of the range of Unicode, and for overlong encodings of valid characters.
Note that utf8GetCharValidated
returns (gunichar)-2 if
is positive and any of the bytes in the first UTF-8 character
sequence are nul.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Int64 |
-> m Text | Returns: a valid UTF-8 string whose content resembles |
If the provided string is valid UTF-8, return a copy of it. If not, return a copy in which bytes that could not be interpreted as valid Unicode are replaced with the Unicode replacement character (U+FFFD).
For example, this is an appropriate function to use if you have received a string that was incorrectly declared to be UTF-8, and you need a valid UTF-8 version of it that can be logged or displayed to the user, with the assumption that it is close enough to ASCII or UTF-8 to be mostly readable as-is.
Since: 2.52
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Int64 |
-> NormalizeMode |
-> m Text | Returns: a newly allocated string, that is the
normalized form of |
Converts a string into canonical form, standardizing
such issues as whether a character with an accent
is represented as a base character and combining
accent or as a single precomposed character. The
string has to be valid UTF-8, otherwise Nothing
returned. You should generally call utf8Normalize
before comparing two Unicode strings.
The normalization mode NormalizeModeDefault
standardizes differences that do not affect the
text content, such as the above-mentioned accent
representation. NormalizeModeAll
also standardizes
the "compatibility" characters in Unicode, such
as SUPERSCRIPT THREE to the standard forms
(in this case DIGIT THREE). Formatting information
may be lost but for most text operations such
characters should be considered the same.
and NormalizeModeAllCompose
are like NormalizeModeDefault
and NormalizeModeAll
but returned a result with composed forms rather
than a maximally decomposed form. This is often
useful if you intend to convert the string to
a legacy encoding or pass it to a system with
less capable Unicode handling.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> CLong |
-> m Text | Returns: the resulting pointer |
Converts from an integer character offset to a pointer to a position within the string.
Since 2.10, this function allows to pass a negative offset
step backwards. It is usually worth stepping backwards from the end
instead of forwards if offset
is in the last fourth of the string,
since moving forward is about 3 times faster than moving backward.
Note that this function doesn't abort when reaching the end of str
Therefore you should be sure that offset
is within string boundaries
before calling that function. Call utf8Strlen
when unsure.
This limitation exists as this function is called frequently during
text rendering and therefore has to be as fast as possible.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Text |
-> m CLong | Returns: the resulting character offset |
Converts from a pointer to position within a string to a integer character offset.
Since 2.10, this function allows pos
to be before str
, and returns
a negative offset in this case.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m Text | Returns: a pointer to the found character |
Finds the previous UTF-8 character in the string before p
does not have to be at the beginning of a UTF-8 character. No check
is made to see if the character found is actually valid other than
it starts with an appropriate byte. If p
might be the first
character of the string, you must use utf8FindPrevChar
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Int64 |
-> Char |
-> m Text | Returns: |
Finds the leftmost occurrence of the given Unicode character
in a UTF-8 encoded string, while limiting the search to len
If len
is -1, allow unbounded search.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Int64 |
-> m Text | Returns: a newly allocated string, with all characters converted to lowercase. |
Converts all Unicode characters in the string that have a case to lowercase. The exact manner that this is done depends on the current locale, and may result in the number of characters in the string changing.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Int64 |
-> m CLong | Returns: the length of the string in characters |
Computes the length of the string in characters, not including
the terminating nul character. If the max
'th byte falls in the
middle of a character, the last (partial) character is not counted.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Text |
-> Word64 |
-> m Text | Returns: |
Like the standard C strncpy()
function, but copies a given number
of characters instead of a given number of bytes. The src
must be valid UTF-8 encoded text. (Use utf8Validate
on all
text before trying to use UTF-8 utility functions with it.)
Note you must ensure dest
is at least 4 * n
to fit the
largest possible UTF-8 characters
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Int64 |
-> Char |
-> m Text | Returns: |
Find the rightmost occurrence of the given Unicode character
in a UTF-8 encoded string, while limiting the search to len
If len
is -1, allow unbounded search.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Int64 |
-> m Text | Returns: a newly-allocated string which is the reverse of |
Reverses a UTF-8 string. str
must be valid UTF-8 encoded text.
(Use utf8Validate
on all text before trying to use UTF-8
utility functions with it.)
This function is intended for programmatic uses of reversed strings. It pays no attention to decomposed characters, combining marks, byte order marks, directional indicators (LRM, LRO, etc) and similar characters which might need special handling when reversing a string for display purposes.
Note that unlike strreverse
, this function returns
newly-allocated memory, which should be freed with free
no longer needed.
Since: 2.2
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> Int64 |
-> m Text | Returns: a newly allocated string, with all characters converted to uppercase. |
Converts all Unicode characters in the string that have a case to uppercase. The exact manner that this is done depends on the current locale, and may result in the number of characters in the string increasing. (For instance, the German ess-zet will be changed to SS.)
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> CLong |
-> CLong |
-> m Text | Returns: a newly allocated copy of the requested
substring. Free with |
Copies a substring out of a UTF-8 encoded string.
The substring will contain endPos
- startPos
Since: 2.30
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> ByteString |
-> m (Bool, Text) | Returns: |
Validates UTF-8 encoded text. str
is the text to validate;
if str
is nul-terminated, then maxLen
can be -1, otherwise
should be the number of bytes to validate.
If end
is non-Nothing
, then the end of the valid range
will be stored there (i.e. the start of the first invalid
character if some bytes were invalid, or the end of the text
being validated otherwise).
Note that utf8Validate
returns False
if maxLen
positive and any of the maxLen
bytes are nul.
Returns True
if all of str
was valid. Many GLib and GTK+
routines require valid UTF-8 as input; so data read from a file
or the network should be checked with utf8Validate
doing anything else with it.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> ByteString |
-> m (Bool, Text) | Returns: |
Validates UTF-8 encoded text.
As with utf8Validate
, but maxLen
must be set, and hence this function
will always return False
if any of the bytes of str
are nul.
Since: 2.60
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m Bool |
Parses the string str
and verify if it is a UUID.
The function accepts the following syntax:
- simple forms (e.g.
Note that hyphens are required within the UUID string itself, as per the aforementioned RFC.
Since: 2.52
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m Text | Returns: A string that should be freed with |
Generates a random UUID (RFC 4122 version 4) as a string.
Since: 2.52
variantGetGtype :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m GType Source #
No description available in the introspection data.