Copyright | Will Thompson and Iñaki García Etxebarria |
License | LGPL-2.1 |
Maintainer | Iñaki García Etxebarria |
Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- Enumerations
- BookmarkFileError
- ChecksumType
- ConvertError
- DateDMY
- DateMonth
- DateWeekday
- ErrorType
- FileError
- IOChannelError
- IOError
- IOStatus
- KeyFileError
- LogWriterOutput
- MarkupError
- NormalizeMode
- NumberParserError
- OnceStatus
- OptionArg
- OptionError
- RegexError
- SeekType
- ShellError
- SliceConfig
- SpawnError
- TestFileType
- TestLogType
- TestResult
- ThreadError
- TimeType
- TokenType
- TraverseType
- UnicodeBreakType
- UnicodeScript
- UnicodeType
- UnixPipeEnd
- UriError
- UserDirectory
- VariantClass
- VariantParseError
- data BookmarkFileError
- catchBookmarkFileError :: IO a -> (BookmarkFileError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a
- handleBookmarkFileError :: (BookmarkFileError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
- data ChecksumType
- data ConvertError
- catchConvertError :: IO a -> (ConvertError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a
- handleConvertError :: (ConvertError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
- data DateDMY
- data DateMonth
- data DateWeekday
- data ErrorType
- data FileError
- = FileErrorExist
- | FileErrorIsdir
- | FileErrorAcces
- | FileErrorNametoolong
- | FileErrorNoent
- | FileErrorNotdir
- | FileErrorNxio
- | FileErrorNodev
- | FileErrorRofs
- | FileErrorTxtbsy
- | FileErrorFault
- | FileErrorLoop
- | FileErrorNospc
- | FileErrorNomem
- | FileErrorMfile
- | FileErrorNfile
- | FileErrorBadf
- | FileErrorInval
- | FileErrorPipe
- | FileErrorAgain
- | FileErrorIntr
- | FileErrorIo
- | FileErrorPerm
- | FileErrorNosys
- | FileErrorFailed
- | AnotherFileError Int
- catchFileError :: IO a -> (FileError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a
- handleFileError :: (FileError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
- data IOChannelError
- catchIOChannelError :: IO a -> (IOChannelError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a
- handleIOChannelError :: (IOChannelError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
- data IOError
- data IOStatus
- data KeyFileError
- catchKeyFileError :: IO a -> (KeyFileError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a
- handleKeyFileError :: (KeyFileError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
- data LogWriterOutput
- data MarkupError
- catchMarkupError :: IO a -> (MarkupError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a
- handleMarkupError :: (MarkupError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
- data NormalizeMode
- data NumberParserError
- catchNumberParserError :: IO a -> (NumberParserError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a
- handleNumberParserError :: (NumberParserError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
- data OnceStatus
- data OptionArg
- data OptionError
- catchOptionError :: IO a -> (OptionError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a
- handleOptionError :: (OptionError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
- data RegexError
- = RegexErrorCompile
- | RegexErrorOptimize
- | RegexErrorReplace
- | RegexErrorMatch
- | RegexErrorInternal
- | RegexErrorStrayBackslash
- | RegexErrorMissingControlChar
- | RegexErrorUnrecognizedEscape
- | RegexErrorQuantifiersOutOfOrder
- | RegexErrorQuantifierTooBig
- | RegexErrorUnterminatedCharacterClass
- | RegexErrorInvalidEscapeInCharacterClass
- | RegexErrorRangeOutOfOrder
- | RegexErrorNothingToRepeat
- | RegexErrorUnrecognizedCharacter
- | RegexErrorPosixNamedClassOutsideClass
- | RegexErrorUnmatchedParenthesis
- | RegexErrorInexistentSubpatternReference
- | RegexErrorUnterminatedComment
- | RegexErrorExpressionTooLarge
- | RegexErrorMemoryError
- | RegexErrorVariableLengthLookbehind
- | RegexErrorMalformedCondition
- | RegexErrorTooManyConditionalBranches
- | RegexErrorAssertionExpected
- | RegexErrorUnknownPosixClassName
- | RegexErrorPosixCollatingElementsNotSupported
- | RegexErrorHexCodeTooLarge
- | RegexErrorInvalidCondition
- | RegexErrorSingleByteMatchInLookbehind
- | RegexErrorInfiniteLoop
- | RegexErrorMissingSubpatternNameTerminator
- | RegexErrorDuplicateSubpatternName
- | RegexErrorMalformedProperty
- | RegexErrorUnknownProperty
- | RegexErrorSubpatternNameTooLong
- | RegexErrorTooManySubpatterns
- | RegexErrorInvalidOctalValue
- | RegexErrorTooManyBranchesInDefine
- | RegexErrorDefineRepetion
- | RegexErrorInconsistentNewlineOptions
- | RegexErrorMissingBackReference
- | RegexErrorInvalidRelativeReference
- | RegexErrorBacktrackingControlVerbArgumentForbidden
- | RegexErrorUnknownBacktrackingControlVerb
- | RegexErrorNumberTooBig
- | RegexErrorMissingSubpatternName
- | RegexErrorMissingDigit
- | RegexErrorInvalidDataCharacter
- | RegexErrorExtraSubpatternName
- | RegexErrorBacktrackingControlVerbArgumentRequired
- | RegexErrorInvalidControlChar
- | RegexErrorMissingName
- | RegexErrorNotSupportedInClass
- | RegexErrorTooManyForwardReferences
- | RegexErrorNameTooLong
- | RegexErrorCharacterValueTooLarge
- | AnotherRegexError Int
- catchRegexError :: IO a -> (RegexError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a
- handleRegexError :: (RegexError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
- data SeekType
- data ShellError
- catchShellError :: IO a -> (ShellError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a
- handleShellError :: (ShellError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
- data SliceConfig
- data SpawnError
- = SpawnErrorFork
- | SpawnErrorRead
- | SpawnErrorChdir
- | SpawnErrorAcces
- | SpawnErrorPerm
- | SpawnErrorTooBig
- | SpawnError2big
- | SpawnErrorNoexec
- | SpawnErrorNametoolong
- | SpawnErrorNoent
- | SpawnErrorNomem
- | SpawnErrorNotdir
- | SpawnErrorLoop
- | SpawnErrorTxtbusy
- | SpawnErrorIo
- | SpawnErrorNfile
- | SpawnErrorMfile
- | SpawnErrorInval
- | SpawnErrorIsdir
- | SpawnErrorLibbad
- | SpawnErrorFailed
- | AnotherSpawnError Int
- catchSpawnError :: IO a -> (SpawnError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a
- handleSpawnError :: (SpawnError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
- data TestFileType
- data TestLogType
- data TestResult
- data ThreadError
- catchThreadError :: IO a -> (ThreadError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a
- handleThreadError :: (ThreadError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
- data TimeType
- data TokenType
- = TokenTypeEof
- | TokenTypeLeftParen
- | TokenTypeRightParen
- | TokenTypeLeftCurly
- | TokenTypeRightCurly
- | TokenTypeLeftBrace
- | TokenTypeRightBrace
- | TokenTypeEqualSign
- | TokenTypeComma
- | TokenTypeNone
- | TokenTypeError
- | TokenTypeChar
- | TokenTypeBinary
- | TokenTypeOctal
- | TokenTypeInt
- | TokenTypeHex
- | TokenTypeFloat
- | TokenTypeString
- | TokenTypeSymbol
- | TokenTypeIdentifier
- | TokenTypeIdentifierNull
- | TokenTypeCommentSingle
- | TokenTypeCommentMulti
- | AnotherTokenType Int
- data TraverseType
- data UnicodeBreakType
- = UnicodeBreakTypeMandatory
- | UnicodeBreakTypeCarriageReturn
- | UnicodeBreakTypeLineFeed
- | UnicodeBreakTypeCombiningMark
- | UnicodeBreakTypeSurrogate
- | UnicodeBreakTypeZeroWidthSpace
- | UnicodeBreakTypeInseparable
- | UnicodeBreakTypeNonBreakingGlue
- | UnicodeBreakTypeContingent
- | UnicodeBreakTypeSpace
- | UnicodeBreakTypeAfter
- | UnicodeBreakTypeBefore
- | UnicodeBreakTypeBeforeAndAfter
- | UnicodeBreakTypeHyphen
- | UnicodeBreakTypeNonStarter
- | UnicodeBreakTypeOpenPunctuation
- | UnicodeBreakTypeClosePunctuation
- | UnicodeBreakTypeQuotation
- | UnicodeBreakTypeExclamation
- | UnicodeBreakTypeIdeographic
- | UnicodeBreakTypeNumeric
- | UnicodeBreakTypeInfixSeparator
- | UnicodeBreakTypeSymbol
- | UnicodeBreakTypeAlphabetic
- | UnicodeBreakTypePrefix
- | UnicodeBreakTypePostfix
- | UnicodeBreakTypeComplexContext
- | UnicodeBreakTypeAmbiguous
- | UnicodeBreakTypeUnknown
- | UnicodeBreakTypeNextLine
- | UnicodeBreakTypeWordJoiner
- | UnicodeBreakTypeHangulLJamo
- | UnicodeBreakTypeHangulVJamo
- | UnicodeBreakTypeHangulTJamo
- | UnicodeBreakTypeHangulLvSyllable
- | UnicodeBreakTypeHangulLvtSyllable
- | UnicodeBreakTypeCloseParanthesis
- | UnicodeBreakTypeCloseParenthesis
- | UnicodeBreakTypeConditionalJapaneseStarter
- | UnicodeBreakTypeHebrewLetter
- | UnicodeBreakTypeRegionalIndicator
- | UnicodeBreakTypeEmojiBase
- | UnicodeBreakTypeEmojiModifier
- | UnicodeBreakTypeZeroWidthJoiner
- | UnicodeBreakTypeAksara
- | UnicodeBreakTypeAksaraPreBase
- | UnicodeBreakTypeAksaraStart
- | UnicodeBreakTypeViramaFinal
- | UnicodeBreakTypeVirama
- | AnotherUnicodeBreakType Int
- data UnicodeScript
- = UnicodeScriptInvalidCode
- | UnicodeScriptCommon
- | UnicodeScriptInherited
- | UnicodeScriptArabic
- | UnicodeScriptArmenian
- | UnicodeScriptBengali
- | UnicodeScriptBopomofo
- | UnicodeScriptCherokee
- | UnicodeScriptCoptic
- | UnicodeScriptCyrillic
- | UnicodeScriptDeseret
- | UnicodeScriptDevanagari
- | UnicodeScriptEthiopic
- | UnicodeScriptGeorgian
- | UnicodeScriptGothic
- | UnicodeScriptGreek
- | UnicodeScriptGujarati
- | UnicodeScriptGurmukhi
- | UnicodeScriptHan
- | UnicodeScriptHangul
- | UnicodeScriptHebrew
- | UnicodeScriptHiragana
- | UnicodeScriptKannada
- | UnicodeScriptKatakana
- | UnicodeScriptKhmer
- | UnicodeScriptLao
- | UnicodeScriptLatin
- | UnicodeScriptMalayalam
- | UnicodeScriptMongolian
- | UnicodeScriptMyanmar
- | UnicodeScriptOgham
- | UnicodeScriptOldItalic
- | UnicodeScriptOriya
- | UnicodeScriptRunic
- | UnicodeScriptSinhala
- | UnicodeScriptSyriac
- | UnicodeScriptTamil
- | UnicodeScriptTelugu
- | UnicodeScriptThaana
- | UnicodeScriptThai
- | UnicodeScriptTibetan
- | UnicodeScriptCanadianAboriginal
- | UnicodeScriptYi
- | UnicodeScriptTagalog
- | UnicodeScriptHanunoo
- | UnicodeScriptBuhid
- | UnicodeScriptTagbanwa
- | UnicodeScriptBraille
- | UnicodeScriptCypriot
- | UnicodeScriptLimbu
- | UnicodeScriptOsmanya
- | UnicodeScriptShavian
- | UnicodeScriptLinearB
- | UnicodeScriptTaiLe
- | UnicodeScriptUgaritic
- | UnicodeScriptNewTaiLue
- | UnicodeScriptBuginese
- | UnicodeScriptGlagolitic
- | UnicodeScriptTifinagh
- | UnicodeScriptSylotiNagri
- | UnicodeScriptOldPersian
- | UnicodeScriptKharoshthi
- | UnicodeScriptUnknown
- | UnicodeScriptBalinese
- | UnicodeScriptCuneiform
- | UnicodeScriptPhoenician
- | UnicodeScriptPhagsPa
- | UnicodeScriptNko
- | UnicodeScriptKayahLi
- | UnicodeScriptLepcha
- | UnicodeScriptRejang
- | UnicodeScriptSundanese
- | UnicodeScriptSaurashtra
- | UnicodeScriptCham
- | UnicodeScriptOlChiki
- | UnicodeScriptVai
- | UnicodeScriptCarian
- | UnicodeScriptLycian
- | UnicodeScriptLydian
- | UnicodeScriptAvestan
- | UnicodeScriptBamum
- | UnicodeScriptEgyptianHieroglyphs
- | UnicodeScriptImperialAramaic
- | UnicodeScriptInscriptionalPahlavi
- | UnicodeScriptInscriptionalParthian
- | UnicodeScriptJavanese
- | UnicodeScriptKaithi
- | UnicodeScriptLisu
- | UnicodeScriptMeeteiMayek
- | UnicodeScriptOldSouthArabian
- | UnicodeScriptOldTurkic
- | UnicodeScriptSamaritan
- | UnicodeScriptTaiTham
- | UnicodeScriptTaiViet
- | UnicodeScriptBatak
- | UnicodeScriptBrahmi
- | UnicodeScriptMandaic
- | UnicodeScriptChakma
- | UnicodeScriptMeroiticCursive
- | UnicodeScriptMeroiticHieroglyphs
- | UnicodeScriptMiao
- | UnicodeScriptSharada
- | UnicodeScriptSoraSompeng
- | UnicodeScriptTakri
- | UnicodeScriptBassaVah
- | UnicodeScriptCaucasianAlbanian
- | UnicodeScriptDuployan
- | UnicodeScriptElbasan
- | UnicodeScriptGrantha
- | UnicodeScriptKhojki
- | UnicodeScriptKhudawadi
- | UnicodeScriptLinearA
- | UnicodeScriptMahajani
- | UnicodeScriptManichaean
- | UnicodeScriptMendeKikakui
- | UnicodeScriptModi
- | UnicodeScriptMro
- | UnicodeScriptNabataean
- | UnicodeScriptOldNorthArabian
- | UnicodeScriptOldPermic
- | UnicodeScriptPahawhHmong
- | UnicodeScriptPalmyrene
- | UnicodeScriptPauCinHau
- | UnicodeScriptPsalterPahlavi
- | UnicodeScriptSiddham
- | UnicodeScriptTirhuta
- | UnicodeScriptWarangCiti
- | UnicodeScriptAhom
- | UnicodeScriptAnatolianHieroglyphs
- | UnicodeScriptHatran
- | UnicodeScriptMultani
- | UnicodeScriptOldHungarian
- | UnicodeScriptSignwriting
- | UnicodeScriptAdlam
- | UnicodeScriptBhaiksuki
- | UnicodeScriptMarchen
- | UnicodeScriptNewa
- | UnicodeScriptOsage
- | UnicodeScriptTangut
- | UnicodeScriptMasaramGondi
- | UnicodeScriptNushu
- | UnicodeScriptSoyombo
- | UnicodeScriptZanabazarSquare
- | UnicodeScriptDogra
- | UnicodeScriptGunjalaGondi
- | UnicodeScriptHanifiRohingya
- | UnicodeScriptMakasar
- | UnicodeScriptMedefaidrin
- | UnicodeScriptOldSogdian
- | UnicodeScriptSogdian
- | UnicodeScriptElymaic
- | UnicodeScriptNandinagari
- | UnicodeScriptNyiakengPuachueHmong
- | UnicodeScriptWancho
- | UnicodeScriptChorasmian
- | UnicodeScriptDivesAkuru
- | UnicodeScriptKhitanSmallScript
- | UnicodeScriptYezidi
- | UnicodeScriptCyproMinoan
- | UnicodeScriptOldUyghur
- | UnicodeScriptTangsa
- | UnicodeScriptToto
- | UnicodeScriptVithkuqi
- | UnicodeScriptMath
- | UnicodeScriptKawi
- | UnicodeScriptNagMundari
- | AnotherUnicodeScript Int
- data UnicodeType
- = UnicodeTypeControl
- | UnicodeTypeFormat
- | UnicodeTypeUnassigned
- | UnicodeTypePrivateUse
- | UnicodeTypeSurrogate
- | UnicodeTypeLowercaseLetter
- | UnicodeTypeModifierLetter
- | UnicodeTypeOtherLetter
- | UnicodeTypeTitlecaseLetter
- | UnicodeTypeUppercaseLetter
- | UnicodeTypeSpacingMark
- | UnicodeTypeEnclosingMark
- | UnicodeTypeNonSpacingMark
- | UnicodeTypeDecimalNumber
- | UnicodeTypeLetterNumber
- | UnicodeTypeOtherNumber
- | UnicodeTypeConnectPunctuation
- | UnicodeTypeDashPunctuation
- | UnicodeTypeClosePunctuation
- | UnicodeTypeFinalPunctuation
- | UnicodeTypeInitialPunctuation
- | UnicodeTypeOtherPunctuation
- | UnicodeTypeOpenPunctuation
- | UnicodeTypeCurrencySymbol
- | UnicodeTypeModifierSymbol
- | UnicodeTypeMathSymbol
- | UnicodeTypeOtherSymbol
- | UnicodeTypeLineSeparator
- | UnicodeTypeParagraphSeparator
- | UnicodeTypeSpaceSeparator
- | AnotherUnicodeType Int
- data UnixPipeEnd
- data UriError
- catchUriError :: IO a -> (UriError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a
- handleUriError :: (UriError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
- data UserDirectory
- = UserDirectoryDirectoryDesktop
- | UserDirectoryDirectoryDocuments
- | UserDirectoryDirectoryDownload
- | UserDirectoryDirectoryMusic
- | UserDirectoryDirectoryPictures
- | UserDirectoryDirectoryPublicShare
- | UserDirectoryDirectoryTemplates
- | UserDirectoryDirectoryVideos
- | UserDirectoryNDirectories
- | AnotherUserDirectory Int
- data VariantClass
- = VariantClassBoolean
- | VariantClassByte
- | VariantClassInt16
- | VariantClassUint16
- | VariantClassInt32
- | VariantClassUint32
- | VariantClassInt64
- | VariantClassUint64
- | VariantClassHandle
- | VariantClassDouble
- | VariantClassString
- | VariantClassObjectPath
- | VariantClassSignature
- | VariantClassVariant
- | VariantClassMaybe
- | VariantClassArray
- | VariantClassTuple
- | VariantClassDictEntry
- | AnotherVariantClass Int
- data VariantParseError
- = VariantParseErrorFailed
- | VariantParseErrorBasicTypeExpected
- | VariantParseErrorCannotInferType
- | VariantParseErrorDefiniteTypeExpected
- | VariantParseErrorInputNotAtEnd
- | VariantParseErrorInvalidCharacter
- | VariantParseErrorInvalidFormatString
- | VariantParseErrorInvalidObjectPath
- | VariantParseErrorInvalidSignature
- | VariantParseErrorInvalidTypeString
- | VariantParseErrorNoCommonType
- | VariantParseErrorNumberOutOfRange
- | VariantParseErrorNumberTooBig
- | VariantParseErrorTypeError
- | VariantParseErrorUnexpectedToken
- | VariantParseErrorUnknownKeyword
- | VariantParseErrorUnterminatedStringConstant
- | VariantParseErrorValueExpected
- | VariantParseErrorRecursion
- | AnotherVariantParseError Int
- catchVariantParseError :: IO a -> (VariantParseError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a
- handleVariantParseError :: (VariantParseError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
data BookmarkFileError Source #
Error codes returned by bookmark file parsing.
BookmarkFileErrorInvalidUri | URI was ill-formed |
BookmarkFileErrorInvalidValue | a requested field was not found |
BookmarkFileErrorAppNotRegistered | a requested application did not register a bookmark |
BookmarkFileErrorUriNotFound | a requested URI was not found |
BookmarkFileErrorRead | document was ill formed |
BookmarkFileErrorUnknownEncoding | the text being parsed was in an unknown encoding |
BookmarkFileErrorWrite | an error occurred while writing |
BookmarkFileErrorFileNotFound | requested file was not found |
AnotherBookmarkFileError Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
catchBookmarkFileError :: IO a -> (BookmarkFileError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a Source #
Catch exceptions of type BookmarkFileError
. This is a specialized version of catchGErrorJustDomain
handleBookmarkFileError :: (BookmarkFileError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a Source #
Handle exceptions of type BookmarkFileError
. This is a specialized version of handleGErrorJustDomain
data ChecksumType Source #
The hashing algorithm to be used by Checksum
when performing the
digest of some data.
Note that the ChecksumType
enumeration may be extended at a later
date to include new hashing algorithm types.
Since: 2.16
ChecksumTypeMd5 | Use the MD5 hashing algorithm |
ChecksumTypeSha1 | Use the SHA-1 hashing algorithm |
ChecksumTypeSha256 | Use the SHA-256 hashing algorithm |
ChecksumTypeSha512 | Use the SHA-512 hashing algorithm (Since: 2.36) |
ChecksumTypeSha384 | Use the SHA-384 hashing algorithm (Since: 2.51) |
AnotherChecksumType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data ConvertError Source #
Error codes returned by character set conversion routines.
ConvertErrorNoConversion | Conversion between the requested character sets is not supported. |
ConvertErrorIllegalSequence | Invalid byte sequence in conversion input; or the character sequence could not be represented in the target character set. |
ConvertErrorFailed | Conversion failed for some reason. |
ConvertErrorPartialInput | Partial character sequence at end of input. |
ConvertErrorBadUri | URI is invalid. |
ConvertErrorNotAbsolutePath | Pathname is not an absolute path. |
ConvertErrorNoMemory | No memory available. Since: 2.40 |
ConvertErrorEmbeddedNul | An embedded NUL character is present in conversion output where a NUL-terminated string is expected. Since: 2.56 |
AnotherConvertError Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
catchConvertError :: IO a -> (ConvertError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a Source #
Catch exceptions of type ConvertError
. This is a specialized version of catchGErrorJustDomain
handleConvertError :: (ConvertError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a Source #
Handle exceptions of type ConvertError
. This is a specialized version of handleGErrorJustDomain
This enumeration isn't used in the API, but may be useful if you need to mark a number as a day, month, or year.
DateDMYDay | a day |
DateDMYMonth | a month |
DateDMYYear | a year |
AnotherDateDMY Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum DateDMY Source # | |
Show DateDMY Source # | |
Eq DateDMY Source # | |
Ord DateDMY Source # | |
Enumeration representing a month; values are DateMonthJanuary
, etc. DateMonthBadMonth
is the invalid value.
DateMonthBadMonth | invalid value |
DateMonthJanuary | January |
DateMonthFebruary | February |
DateMonthMarch | March |
DateMonthApril | April |
DateMonthMay | May |
DateMonthJune | June |
DateMonthJuly | July |
DateMonthAugust | August |
DateMonthSeptember | September |
DateMonthOctober | October |
DateMonthNovember | November |
DateMonthDecember | December |
AnotherDateMonth Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum DateMonth Source # | |
Defined in GI.GLib.Enums Methods succ :: DateMonth -> DateMonth # pred :: DateMonth -> DateMonth # fromEnum :: DateMonth -> Int # enumFrom :: DateMonth -> [DateMonth] # enumFromThen :: DateMonth -> DateMonth -> [DateMonth] # enumFromTo :: DateMonth -> DateMonth -> [DateMonth] # enumFromThenTo :: DateMonth -> DateMonth -> DateMonth -> [DateMonth] # | |
Show DateMonth Source # | |
Eq DateMonth Source # | |
Ord DateMonth Source # | |
data DateWeekday Source #
Enumeration representing a day of the week; DateWeekdayMonday
, etc. DateWeekdayBadWeekday
is an invalid weekday.
DateWeekdayBadWeekday | invalid value |
DateWeekdayMonday | Monday |
DateWeekdayTuesday | Tuesday |
DateWeekdayWednesday | Wednesday |
DateWeekdayThursday | Thursday |
DateWeekdayFriday | Friday |
DateWeekdaySaturday | Saturday |
DateWeekdaySunday | Sunday |
AnotherDateWeekday Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
The possible errors, used in the vError
of TokenValue
, when the token is a TokenTypeError
ErrorTypeUnknown | unknown error |
ErrorTypeUnexpEof | unexpected end of file |
ErrorTypeUnexpEofInString | unterminated string constant |
ErrorTypeUnexpEofInComment | unterminated comment |
ErrorTypeNonDigitInConst | non-digit character in a number |
ErrorTypeDigitRadix | digit beyond radix in a number |
ErrorTypeFloatRadix | non-decimal floating point number |
ErrorTypeFloatMalformed | malformed floating point number |
AnotherErrorType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum ErrorType Source # | |
Defined in GI.GLib.Enums Methods succ :: ErrorType -> ErrorType # pred :: ErrorType -> ErrorType # fromEnum :: ErrorType -> Int # enumFrom :: ErrorType -> [ErrorType] # enumFromThen :: ErrorType -> ErrorType -> [ErrorType] # enumFromTo :: ErrorType -> ErrorType -> [ErrorType] # enumFromThenTo :: ErrorType -> ErrorType -> ErrorType -> [ErrorType] # | |
Show ErrorType Source # | |
Eq ErrorType Source # | |
Ord ErrorType Source # | |
Values corresponding to errno
codes returned from file operations
on UNIX. Unlike errno
codes, GFileError values are available on
all systems, even Windows. The exact meaning of each code depends
on what sort of file operation you were performing; the UNIX
documentation gives more details. The following error code descriptions
come from the GNU C Library manual, and are under the copyright
of that manual.
It's not very portable to make detailed assumptions about exactly which errors will be returned from a given operation. Some errors don't occur on some systems, etc., sometimes there are subtle differences in when a system will report a given error, etc.
FileErrorExist | Operation not permitted; only the owner of the file (or other resource) or processes with special privileges can perform the operation. |
FileErrorIsdir | File is a directory; you cannot open a directory for writing, or create or remove hard links to it. |
FileErrorAcces | Permission denied; the file permissions do not allow the attempted operation. |
FileErrorNametoolong | Filename too long. |
FileErrorNoent | No such file or directory. This is a "file doesn't exist" error for ordinary files that are referenced in contexts where they are expected to already exist. |
FileErrorNotdir | A file that isn't a directory was specified when a directory is required. |
FileErrorNxio | No such device or address. The system tried to use the device represented by a file you specified, and it couldn't find the device. This can mean that the device file was installed incorrectly, or that the physical device is missing or not correctly attached to the computer. |
FileErrorNodev | The underlying file system of the specified file does not support memory mapping. |
FileErrorRofs | The directory containing the new link can't be modified because it's on a read-only file system. |
FileErrorTxtbsy | Text file busy. |
FileErrorFault | You passed in a pointer to bad memory. (GLib won't reliably return this, don't pass in pointers to bad memory.) |
FileErrorLoop | Too many levels of symbolic links were encountered in looking up a file name. This often indicates a cycle of symbolic links. |
FileErrorNospc | No space left on device; write operation on a file failed because the disk is full. |
FileErrorNomem | No memory available. The system cannot allocate more virtual memory because its capacity is full. |
FileErrorMfile | The current process has too many files open and can't open any more. Duplicate descriptors do count toward this limit. |
FileErrorNfile | There are too many distinct file openings in the entire system. |
FileErrorBadf | Bad file descriptor; for example, I/O on a descriptor that has been closed or reading from a descriptor open only for writing (or vice versa). |
FileErrorInval | Invalid argument. This is used to indicate various kinds of problems with passing the wrong argument to a library function. |
FileErrorPipe | Broken pipe; there is no process reading from the other end of a pipe. Every library function that returns this error code also generates a 'SIGPIPE' signal; this signal terminates the program if not handled or blocked. Thus, your program will never actually see this code unless it has handled or blocked 'SIGPIPE'. |
FileErrorAgain | Resource temporarily unavailable; the call might work if you try again later. |
FileErrorIntr | Interrupted function call; an asynchronous signal occurred and prevented completion of the call. When this happens, you should try the call again. |
FileErrorIo | Input/output error; usually used for physical read or write errors. i.e. the disk or other physical device hardware is returning errors. |
FileErrorPerm | Operation not permitted; only the owner of the file (or other resource) or processes with special privileges can perform the operation. |
FileErrorNosys | Function not implemented; this indicates that the system is missing some functionality. |
FileErrorFailed | Does not correspond to a UNIX error code; this
is the standard "failed for unspecified reason" error code present
in all |
AnotherFileError Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum FileError Source # | |
Defined in GI.GLib.Enums Methods succ :: FileError -> FileError # pred :: FileError -> FileError # fromEnum :: FileError -> Int # enumFrom :: FileError -> [FileError] # enumFromThen :: FileError -> FileError -> [FileError] # enumFromTo :: FileError -> FileError -> [FileError] # enumFromThenTo :: FileError -> FileError -> FileError -> [FileError] # | |
Show FileError Source # | |
Eq FileError Source # | |
Ord FileError Source # | |
GErrorClass FileError Source # | |
Defined in GI.GLib.Enums Methods gerrorClassDomain :: FileError -> Text |
catchFileError :: IO a -> (FileError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a Source #
Catch exceptions of type FileError
. This is a specialized version of catchGErrorJustDomain
handleFileError :: (FileError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a Source #
Handle exceptions of type FileError
. This is a specialized version of handleGErrorJustDomain
data IOChannelError Source #
Error codes returned by IOChannel
IOChannelErrorFbig | File too large. |
IOChannelErrorInval | Invalid argument. |
IOChannelErrorIo | IO error. |
IOChannelErrorIsdir | File is a directory. |
IOChannelErrorNospc | No space left on device. |
IOChannelErrorNxio | No such device or address. |
IOChannelErrorOverflow | Value too large for defined datatype. |
IOChannelErrorPipe | Broken pipe. |
IOChannelErrorFailed | Some other error. |
AnotherIOChannelError Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
catchIOChannelError :: IO a -> (IOChannelError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a Source #
Catch exceptions of type IOChannelError
. This is a specialized version of catchGErrorJustDomain
handleIOChannelError :: (IOChannelError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a Source #
Handle exceptions of type IOChannelError
. This is a specialized version of handleGErrorJustDomain
is only used by the deprecated functions
, iOChannelWrite
, and iOChannelSeek
IOErrorNone | no error |
IOErrorAgain | an EAGAIN error occurred |
IOErrorInval | an EINVAL error occurred |
IOErrorUnknown | another error occurred |
AnotherIOError Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum IOError Source # | |
Show IOError Source # | |
Eq IOError Source # | |
Ord IOError Source # | |
Statuses returned by most of the IOFuncs
IOStatusError | An error occurred. |
IOStatusNormal | Success. |
IOStatusEof | End of file. |
IOStatusAgain | Resource temporarily unavailable. |
AnotherIOStatus Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum IOStatus Source # | |
Show IOStatus Source # | |
Eq IOStatus Source # | |
Ord IOStatus Source # | |
Defined in GI.GLib.Enums |
data KeyFileError Source #
Error codes returned by key file parsing.
KeyFileErrorUnknownEncoding | the text being parsed was in an unknown encoding |
KeyFileErrorParse | document was ill-formed |
KeyFileErrorNotFound | the file was not found |
KeyFileErrorKeyNotFound | a requested key was not found |
KeyFileErrorGroupNotFound | a requested group was not found |
KeyFileErrorInvalidValue | a value could not be parsed |
AnotherKeyFileError Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
catchKeyFileError :: IO a -> (KeyFileError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a Source #
Catch exceptions of type KeyFileError
. This is a specialized version of catchGErrorJustDomain
handleKeyFileError :: (KeyFileError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a Source #
Handle exceptions of type KeyFileError
. This is a specialized version of handleGErrorJustDomain
data LogWriterOutput Source #
Return values from GLogWriterFuncs
to indicate whether the given log entry
was successfully handled by the writer, or whether there was an error in
handling it (and hence a fallback writer should be used).
If a LogWriterFunc
ignores a log entry, it should return
Since: 2.50
LogWriterOutputHandled | Log writer has handled the log entry. |
LogWriterOutputUnhandled | Log writer could not handle the log entry. |
AnotherLogWriterOutput Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data MarkupError Source #
Error codes returned by markup parsing.
MarkupErrorBadUtf8 | text being parsed was not valid UTF-8 |
MarkupErrorEmpty | document contained nothing, or only whitespace |
MarkupErrorParse | document was ill-formed |
MarkupErrorUnknownElement | error should be set by |
MarkupErrorUnknownAttribute | error should be set by |
MarkupErrorInvalidContent | error should be set by |
MarkupErrorMissingAttribute | error should be set by |
AnotherMarkupError Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
catchMarkupError :: IO a -> (MarkupError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a Source #
Catch exceptions of type MarkupError
. This is a specialized version of catchGErrorJustDomain
handleMarkupError :: (MarkupError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a Source #
Handle exceptions of type MarkupError
. This is a specialized version of handleGErrorJustDomain
data NormalizeMode Source #
Defines how a Unicode string is transformed in a canonical form, standardizing such issues as whether a character with an accent is represented as a base character and combining accent or as a single precomposed character. Unicode strings should generally be normalized before comparing them.
NormalizeModeDefault | standardize differences that do not affect the text content, such as the above-mentioned accent representation |
NormalizeModeNfd | another name for |
NormalizeModeDefaultCompose | like |
NormalizeModeNfc | another name for |
NormalizeModeAll | beyond |
NormalizeModeNfkd | another name for |
NormalizeModeAllCompose | like |
NormalizeModeNfkc | another name for |
AnotherNormalizeMode Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data NumberParserError Source #
Error codes returned by functions converting a string to a number.
Since: 2.54
NumberParserErrorInvalid | string was not a valid number |
NumberParserErrorOutOfBounds | string was a number, but out of bounds |
AnotherNumberParserError Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
catchNumberParserError :: IO a -> (NumberParserError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a Source #
Catch exceptions of type NumberParserError
. This is a specialized version of catchGErrorJustDomain
handleNumberParserError :: (NumberParserError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a Source #
Handle exceptions of type NumberParserError
. This is a specialized version of handleGErrorJustDomain
data OnceStatus Source #
The possible statuses of a one-time initialization function
controlled by a Once
Since: 2.4
OnceStatusNotcalled | the function has not been called yet. |
OnceStatusProgress | the function call is currently in progress. |
OnceStatusReady | the function has been called. |
AnotherOnceStatus Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum OnceStatus Source # | |
Defined in GI.GLib.Enums Methods succ :: OnceStatus -> OnceStatus # pred :: OnceStatus -> OnceStatus # toEnum :: Int -> OnceStatus # fromEnum :: OnceStatus -> Int # enumFrom :: OnceStatus -> [OnceStatus] # enumFromThen :: OnceStatus -> OnceStatus -> [OnceStatus] # enumFromTo :: OnceStatus -> OnceStatus -> [OnceStatus] # enumFromThenTo :: OnceStatus -> OnceStatus -> OnceStatus -> [OnceStatus] # | |
Show OnceStatus Source # | |
Defined in GI.GLib.Enums Methods showsPrec :: Int -> OnceStatus -> ShowS # show :: OnceStatus -> String # showList :: [OnceStatus] -> ShowS # | |
Eq OnceStatus Source # | |
Defined in GI.GLib.Enums | |
Ord OnceStatus Source # | |
Defined in GI.GLib.Enums Methods compare :: OnceStatus -> OnceStatus -> Ordering # (<) :: OnceStatus -> OnceStatus -> Bool # (<=) :: OnceStatus -> OnceStatus -> Bool # (>) :: OnceStatus -> OnceStatus -> Bool # (>=) :: OnceStatus -> OnceStatus -> Bool # max :: OnceStatus -> OnceStatus -> OnceStatus # min :: OnceStatus -> OnceStatus -> OnceStatus # |
The OptionArg
enum values determine which type of extra argument the
options expect to find. If an option expects an extra argument, it can
be specified in several ways; with a short option: -x arg
, with a long
option: --name arg
or combined in a single argument: --name=arg
OptionArgNone | No extra argument. This is useful for simple flags or booleans. |
OptionArgString | The option takes a UTF-8 string argument. |
OptionArgInt | The option takes an integer argument. |
OptionArgCallback | The option provides a callback (of type
OptionArgFilename | The option takes a filename as argument, which will be in the GLib filename encoding rather than UTF-8. |
OptionArgStringArray | The option takes a string argument, multiple uses of the option are collected into an array of strings. |
OptionArgFilenameArray | The option takes a filename as argument, multiple uses of the option are collected into an array of strings. |
OptionArgDouble | The option takes a double argument. The argument can be formatted either for the user's locale or for the "C" locale. Since 2.12 |
OptionArgInt64 | The option takes a 64-bit integer. Like
AnotherOptionArg Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum OptionArg Source # | |
Defined in GI.GLib.Enums Methods succ :: OptionArg -> OptionArg # pred :: OptionArg -> OptionArg # fromEnum :: OptionArg -> Int # enumFrom :: OptionArg -> [OptionArg] # enumFromThen :: OptionArg -> OptionArg -> [OptionArg] # enumFromTo :: OptionArg -> OptionArg -> [OptionArg] # enumFromThenTo :: OptionArg -> OptionArg -> OptionArg -> [OptionArg] # | |
Show OptionArg Source # | |
Eq OptionArg Source # | |
Ord OptionArg Source # | |
data OptionError Source #
Error codes returned by option parsing.
OptionErrorUnknownOption | An option was not known to the parser.
This error will only be reported, if the parser hasn't been instructed
to ignore unknown options, see |
OptionErrorBadValue | A value couldn't be parsed. |
OptionErrorFailed | A |
AnotherOptionError Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
catchOptionError :: IO a -> (OptionError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a Source #
Catch exceptions of type OptionError
. This is a specialized version of catchGErrorJustDomain
handleOptionError :: (OptionError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a Source #
Handle exceptions of type OptionError
. This is a specialized version of handleGErrorJustDomain
data RegexError Source #
Error codes returned by regular expressions functions.
Since: 2.14
RegexErrorCompile | Compilation of the regular expression failed. |
RegexErrorOptimize | Optimization of the regular expression failed. |
RegexErrorReplace | Replacement failed due to an ill-formed replacement string. |
RegexErrorMatch | The match process failed. |
RegexErrorInternal | Internal error of the regular expression engine. Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorStrayBackslash | "\" at end of pattern. Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorMissingControlChar | "\c" at end of pattern. Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorUnrecognizedEscape | Unrecognized character follows "\". Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorQuantifiersOutOfOrder | Numbers out of order in "{}" quantifier. Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorQuantifierTooBig | Number too big in "{}" quantifier. Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorUnterminatedCharacterClass | Missing terminating "]" for character class. Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorInvalidEscapeInCharacterClass | Invalid escape sequence in character class. Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorRangeOutOfOrder | Range out of order in character class. Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorNothingToRepeat | Nothing to repeat. Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorUnrecognizedCharacter | Unrecognized character after "(?", "(?<" or "(?P". Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorPosixNamedClassOutsideClass | POSIX named classes are supported only within a class. Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorUnmatchedParenthesis | Missing terminating ")" or ")" without opening "(". Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorInexistentSubpatternReference | Reference to non-existent subpattern. Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorUnterminatedComment | Missing terminating ")" after comment. Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorExpressionTooLarge | Regular expression too large. Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorMemoryError | Failed to get memory. Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorVariableLengthLookbehind | Lookbehind assertion is not fixed length. Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorMalformedCondition | Malformed number or name after "(?(". Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorTooManyConditionalBranches | Conditional group contains more than two branches. Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorAssertionExpected | Assertion expected after "(?(". Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorUnknownPosixClassName | Unknown POSIX class name. Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorPosixCollatingElementsNotSupported | POSIX collating elements are not supported. Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorHexCodeTooLarge | Character value in "\x{...}" sequence is too large. Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorInvalidCondition | Invalid condition "(?(0)". Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorSingleByteMatchInLookbehind | \C not allowed in lookbehind assertion. Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorInfiniteLoop | Recursive call could loop indefinitely. Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorMissingSubpatternNameTerminator | Missing terminator in subpattern name. Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorDuplicateSubpatternName | Two named subpatterns have the same name. Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorMalformedProperty | Malformed "\P" or "\p" sequence. Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorUnknownProperty | Unknown property name after "\P" or "\p". Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorSubpatternNameTooLong | Subpattern name is too long (maximum 32 characters). Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorTooManySubpatterns | Too many named subpatterns (maximum 10,000). Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorInvalidOctalValue | Octal value is greater than "\377". Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorTooManyBranchesInDefine | "DEFINE" group contains more than one branch. Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorDefineRepetion | Repeating a "DEFINE" group is not allowed. This error is never raised. Since: 2.16 Deprecated: 2.34 |
RegexErrorInconsistentNewlineOptions | Inconsistent newline options. Since 2.16 |
RegexErrorMissingBackReference | "\g" is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name or number, or by a plain number. Since: 2.16 |
RegexErrorInvalidRelativeReference | relative reference must not be zero. Since: 2.34 |
RegexErrorBacktrackingControlVerbArgumentForbidden | the backtracing control verb used does not allow an argument. Since: 2.34 |
RegexErrorUnknownBacktrackingControlVerb | unknown backtracing control verb. Since: 2.34 |
RegexErrorNumberTooBig | number is too big in escape sequence. Since: 2.34 |
RegexErrorMissingSubpatternName | Missing subpattern name. Since: 2.34 |
RegexErrorMissingDigit | Missing digit. Since 2.34 |
RegexErrorInvalidDataCharacter | In JavaScript compatibility mode, "[" is an invalid data character. Since: 2.34 |
RegexErrorExtraSubpatternName | different names for subpatterns of the same number are not allowed. Since: 2.34 |
RegexErrorBacktrackingControlVerbArgumentRequired | the backtracing control verb requires an argument. Since: 2.34 |
RegexErrorInvalidControlChar | "\c" must be followed by an ASCII character. Since: 2.34 |
RegexErrorMissingName | "\k" is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name. Since: 2.34 |
RegexErrorNotSupportedInClass | "\N" is not supported in a class. Since: 2.34 |
RegexErrorTooManyForwardReferences | too many forward references. Since: 2.34 |
RegexErrorNameTooLong | the name is too long in "(*MARK)", "(*PRUNE)", "(*SKIP)", or "(*THEN)". Since: 2.34 |
RegexErrorCharacterValueTooLarge | the character value in the \u sequence is too large. Since: 2.34 |
AnotherRegexError Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
catchRegexError :: IO a -> (RegexError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a Source #
Catch exceptions of type RegexError
. This is a specialized version of catchGErrorJustDomain
handleRegexError :: (RegexError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a Source #
Handle exceptions of type RegexError
. This is a specialized version of handleGErrorJustDomain
An enumeration specifying the base position for a
SeekTypeCur | the current position in the file. |
SeekTypeSet | the start of the file. |
SeekTypeEnd | the end of the file. |
AnotherSeekType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum SeekType Source # | |
Show SeekType Source # | |
Eq SeekType Source # | |
Ord SeekType Source # | |
Defined in GI.GLib.Enums |
data ShellError Source #
Error codes returned by shell functions.
ShellErrorBadQuoting | Mismatched or otherwise mangled quoting. |
ShellErrorEmptyString | String to be parsed was empty. |
ShellErrorFailed | Some other error. |
AnotherShellError Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
catchShellError :: IO a -> (ShellError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a Source #
Catch exceptions of type ShellError
. This is a specialized version of catchGErrorJustDomain
handleShellError :: (ShellError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a Source #
Handle exceptions of type ShellError
. This is a specialized version of handleGErrorJustDomain
data SliceConfig Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
SliceConfigAlwaysMalloc | No description available in the introspection data. |
SliceConfigBypassMagazines | No description available in the introspection data. |
SliceConfigWorkingSetMsecs | No description available in the introspection data. |
SliceConfigColorIncrement | No description available in the introspection data. |
SliceConfigChunkSizes | No description available in the introspection data. |
SliceConfigContentionCounter | No description available in the introspection data. |
AnotherSliceConfig Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data SpawnError Source #
Error codes returned by spawning processes.
SpawnErrorFork | Fork failed due to lack of memory. |
SpawnErrorRead | Read or select on pipes failed. |
SpawnErrorChdir | Changing to working directory failed. |
SpawnErrorAcces |
SpawnErrorPerm |
SpawnErrorTooBig |
SpawnError2big | deprecated alias for |
SpawnErrorNoexec |
SpawnErrorNametoolong |
SpawnErrorNoent |
SpawnErrorNomem |
SpawnErrorNotdir |
SpawnErrorLoop |
SpawnErrorTxtbusy |
SpawnErrorIo |
SpawnErrorNfile |
SpawnErrorMfile |
SpawnErrorInval |
SpawnErrorIsdir |
SpawnErrorLibbad |
SpawnErrorFailed | Some other fatal failure,
AnotherSpawnError Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
catchSpawnError :: IO a -> (SpawnError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a Source #
Catch exceptions of type SpawnError
. This is a specialized version of catchGErrorJustDomain
handleSpawnError :: (SpawnError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a Source #
Handle exceptions of type SpawnError
. This is a specialized version of handleGErrorJustDomain
data TestFileType Source #
The type of file to return the filename for, when used with
These two options correspond rather directly to the 'dist' and
'built' terminology that automake uses and are explicitly used to
distinguish between the 'srcdir' and 'builddir' being separate. All
files in your project should either be dist (in the
or dist_schema_DATA
sense, in which case they will always be in the srcdir) or built (in
sense, in which case they will
always be in the builddir).
Note: as a general rule of automake, files that are generated only as part of the build-from-git process (but then are distributed with the tarball) always go in srcdir (even if doing a srcdir != builddir build from git) and are considered as distributed files.
Since: 2.38
TestFileTypeDist | a file that was included in the distribution tarball |
TestFileTypeBuilt | a file that was built on the compiling machine |
AnotherTestFileType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data TestLogType Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
TestLogTypeNone | No description available in the introspection data. |
TestLogTypeError | No description available in the introspection data. |
TestLogTypeStartBinary | No description available in the introspection data. |
TestLogTypeListCase | No description available in the introspection data. |
TestLogTypeSkipCase | No description available in the introspection data. |
TestLogTypeStartCase | No description available in the introspection data. |
TestLogTypeStopCase | No description available in the introspection data. |
TestLogTypeMinResult | No description available in the introspection data. |
TestLogTypeMaxResult | No description available in the introspection data. |
TestLogTypeMessage | No description available in the introspection data. |
TestLogTypeStartSuite | No description available in the introspection data. |
TestLogTypeStopSuite | No description available in the introspection data. |
AnotherTestLogType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data TestResult Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
TestResultSuccess | No description available in the introspection data. |
TestResultSkipped | No description available in the introspection data. |
TestResultFailure | No description available in the introspection data. |
TestResultIncomplete | No description available in the introspection data. |
AnotherTestResult Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum TestResult Source # | |
Defined in GI.GLib.Enums Methods succ :: TestResult -> TestResult # pred :: TestResult -> TestResult # toEnum :: Int -> TestResult # fromEnum :: TestResult -> Int # enumFrom :: TestResult -> [TestResult] # enumFromThen :: TestResult -> TestResult -> [TestResult] # enumFromTo :: TestResult -> TestResult -> [TestResult] # enumFromThenTo :: TestResult -> TestResult -> TestResult -> [TestResult] # | |
Show TestResult Source # | |
Defined in GI.GLib.Enums Methods showsPrec :: Int -> TestResult -> ShowS # show :: TestResult -> String # showList :: [TestResult] -> ShowS # | |
Eq TestResult Source # | |
Defined in GI.GLib.Enums | |
Ord TestResult Source # | |
Defined in GI.GLib.Enums Methods compare :: TestResult -> TestResult -> Ordering # (<) :: TestResult -> TestResult -> Bool # (<=) :: TestResult -> TestResult -> Bool # (>) :: TestResult -> TestResult -> Bool # (>=) :: TestResult -> TestResult -> Bool # max :: TestResult -> TestResult -> TestResult # min :: TestResult -> TestResult -> TestResult # |
data ThreadError Source #
Possible errors of thread related functions.
ThreadErrorThreadErrorAgain | a thread couldn't be created due to resource shortage. Try again later. |
AnotherThreadError Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
catchThreadError :: IO a -> (ThreadError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a Source #
Catch exceptions of type ThreadError
. This is a specialized version of catchGErrorJustDomain
handleThreadError :: (ThreadError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a Source #
Handle exceptions of type ThreadError
. This is a specialized version of handleGErrorJustDomain
Disambiguates a given time in two ways.
First, specifies if the given time is in universal or local time.
Second, if the time is in local time, specifies if it is local standard time or local daylight time. This is important for the case where the same local time occurs twice (during daylight savings time transitions, for example).
TimeTypeStandard | the time is in local standard time |
TimeTypeDaylight | the time is in local daylight time |
TimeTypeUniversal | the time is in UTC |
AnotherTimeType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum TimeType Source # | |
Show TimeType Source # | |
Eq TimeType Source # | |
Ord TimeType Source # | |
Defined in GI.GLib.Enums |
The possible types of token returned from each
TokenTypeEof | the end of the file |
TokenTypeLeftParen | a '(' character |
TokenTypeRightParen | a ')' character |
TokenTypeLeftCurly | a '{' character |
TokenTypeRightCurly | a '}' character |
TokenTypeLeftBrace | a '[' character |
TokenTypeRightBrace | a ']' character |
TokenTypeEqualSign | a '=' character |
TokenTypeComma | a ',' character |
TokenTypeNone | not a token |
TokenTypeError | an error occurred |
TokenTypeChar | a character |
TokenTypeBinary | a binary integer |
TokenTypeOctal | an octal integer |
TokenTypeInt | an integer |
TokenTypeHex | a hex integer |
TokenTypeFloat | a floating point number |
TokenTypeString | a string |
TokenTypeSymbol | a symbol |
TokenTypeIdentifier | an identifier |
TokenTypeIdentifierNull | a null identifier |
TokenTypeCommentSingle | one line comment |
TokenTypeCommentMulti | multi line comment |
AnotherTokenType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum TokenType Source # | |
Defined in GI.GLib.Enums Methods succ :: TokenType -> TokenType # pred :: TokenType -> TokenType # fromEnum :: TokenType -> Int # enumFrom :: TokenType -> [TokenType] # enumFromThen :: TokenType -> TokenType -> [TokenType] # enumFromTo :: TokenType -> TokenType -> [TokenType] # enumFromThenTo :: TokenType -> TokenType -> TokenType -> [TokenType] # | |
Show TokenType Source # | |
Eq TokenType Source # | |
Ord TokenType Source # | |
data TraverseType Source #
Specifies the type of traversal performed by treeTraverse
and g_node_find()
. The different orders are
illustrated here:
- In order: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I
- Pre order: F, B, A, D, C, E, G, I, H
- Post order: A, C, E, D, B, H, I, G, F
- Level order: F, B, G, A, D, I, C, E, H
TraverseTypeInOrder | vists a node's left child first, then the node itself, then its right child. This is the one to use if you want the output sorted according to the compare function. |
TraverseTypePreOrder | visits a node, then its children. |
TraverseTypePostOrder | visits the node's children, then the node itself. |
TraverseTypeLevelOrder | is not implemented for [balanced binary trees][glib-Balanced-Binary-Trees]. For [n-ary trees][glib-N-ary-Trees], it vists the root node first, then its children, then its grandchildren, and so on. Note that this is less efficient than the other orders. |
AnotherTraverseType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data UnicodeBreakType Source #
These are the possible line break classifications.
Since new Unicode versions may add new types here, applications should be ready
to handle unknown values. They may be regarded as UnicodeBreakTypeUnknown
UnicodeBreakTypeMandatory | Mandatory Break (BK) |
UnicodeBreakTypeCarriageReturn | Carriage Return (CR) |
UnicodeBreakTypeLineFeed | Line Feed (LF) |
UnicodeBreakTypeCombiningMark | Attached Characters and Combining Marks (CM) |
UnicodeBreakTypeSurrogate | Surrogates (SG) |
UnicodeBreakTypeZeroWidthSpace | Zero Width Space (ZW) |
UnicodeBreakTypeInseparable | Inseparable (IN) |
UnicodeBreakTypeNonBreakingGlue | Non-breaking ("Glue") (GL) |
UnicodeBreakTypeContingent | Contingent Break Opportunity (CB) |
UnicodeBreakTypeSpace | Space (SP) |
UnicodeBreakTypeAfter | Break Opportunity After (BA) |
UnicodeBreakTypeBefore | Break Opportunity Before (BB) |
UnicodeBreakTypeBeforeAndAfter | Break Opportunity Before and After (B2) |
UnicodeBreakTypeHyphen | Hyphen (HY) |
UnicodeBreakTypeNonStarter | Nonstarter (NS) |
UnicodeBreakTypeOpenPunctuation | Opening Punctuation (OP) |
UnicodeBreakTypeClosePunctuation | Closing Punctuation (CL) |
UnicodeBreakTypeQuotation | Ambiguous Quotation (QU) |
UnicodeBreakTypeExclamation | Exclamation/Interrogation (EX) |
UnicodeBreakTypeIdeographic | Ideographic (ID) |
UnicodeBreakTypeNumeric | Numeric (NU) |
UnicodeBreakTypeInfixSeparator | Infix Separator (Numeric) (IS) |
UnicodeBreakTypeSymbol | Symbols Allowing Break After (SY) |
UnicodeBreakTypeAlphabetic | Ordinary Alphabetic and Symbol Characters (AL) |
UnicodeBreakTypePrefix | Prefix (Numeric) (PR) |
UnicodeBreakTypePostfix | Postfix (Numeric) (PO) |
UnicodeBreakTypeComplexContext | Complex Content Dependent (South East Asian) (SA) |
UnicodeBreakTypeAmbiguous | Ambiguous (Alphabetic or Ideographic) (AI) |
UnicodeBreakTypeUnknown | Unknown (XX) |
UnicodeBreakTypeNextLine | Next Line (NL) |
UnicodeBreakTypeWordJoiner | Word Joiner (WJ) |
UnicodeBreakTypeHangulLJamo | Hangul L Jamo (JL) |
UnicodeBreakTypeHangulVJamo | Hangul V Jamo (JV) |
UnicodeBreakTypeHangulTJamo | Hangul T Jamo (JT) |
UnicodeBreakTypeHangulLvSyllable | Hangul LV Syllable (H2) |
UnicodeBreakTypeHangulLvtSyllable | Hangul LVT Syllable (H3) |
UnicodeBreakTypeCloseParanthesis | Closing Parenthesis (CP). Since 2.28. Deprecated: 2.70: Use |
UnicodeBreakTypeCloseParenthesis | Closing Parenthesis (CP). Since 2.70 |
UnicodeBreakTypeConditionalJapaneseStarter | Conditional Japanese Starter (CJ). Since: 2.32 |
UnicodeBreakTypeHebrewLetter | Hebrew Letter (HL). Since: 2.32 |
UnicodeBreakTypeRegionalIndicator | Regional Indicator (RI). Since: 2.36 |
UnicodeBreakTypeEmojiBase | Emoji Base (EB). Since: 2.50 |
UnicodeBreakTypeEmojiModifier | Emoji Modifier (EM). Since: 2.50 |
UnicodeBreakTypeZeroWidthJoiner | Zero Width Joiner (ZWJ). Since: 2.50 |
UnicodeBreakTypeAksara | Aksara (AK). Since: 2.80
UnicodeBreakTypeAksaraPreBase | No description available in the introspection data. |
UnicodeBreakTypeAksaraStart | No description available in the introspection data. |
UnicodeBreakTypeViramaFinal | No description available in the introspection data. |
UnicodeBreakTypeVirama | No description available in the introspection data. |
AnotherUnicodeBreakType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data UnicodeScript Source #
The UnicodeScript
enumeration identifies different writing
systems. The values correspond to the names as defined in the
Unicode standard. The enumeration has been added in GLib 2.14,
and is interchangeable with PangoScript
Note that new types may be added in the future. Applications should be ready to handle unknown values. See Unicode Standard Annex #24: Script names.
data UnicodeType Source #
These are the possible character classifications from the Unicode specification. See Unicode Character Database.
UnicodeTypeControl | General category "Other, Control" (Cc) |
UnicodeTypeFormat | General category "Other, Format" (Cf) |
UnicodeTypeUnassigned | General category "Other, Not Assigned" (Cn) |
UnicodeTypePrivateUse | General category "Other, Private Use" (Co) |
UnicodeTypeSurrogate | General category "Other, Surrogate" (Cs) |
UnicodeTypeLowercaseLetter | General category "Letter, Lowercase" (Ll) |
UnicodeTypeModifierLetter | General category "Letter, Modifier" (Lm) |
UnicodeTypeOtherLetter | General category "Letter, Other" (Lo) |
UnicodeTypeTitlecaseLetter | General category "Letter, Titlecase" (Lt) |
UnicodeTypeUppercaseLetter | General category "Letter, Uppercase" (Lu) |
UnicodeTypeSpacingMark | General category "Mark, Spacing" (Mc) |
UnicodeTypeEnclosingMark | General category "Mark, Enclosing" (Me) |
UnicodeTypeNonSpacingMark | General category "Mark, Nonspacing" (Mn) |
UnicodeTypeDecimalNumber | General category "Number, Decimal Digit" (Nd) |
UnicodeTypeLetterNumber | General category "Number, Letter" (Nl) |
UnicodeTypeOtherNumber | General category "Number, Other" (No) |
UnicodeTypeConnectPunctuation | General category "Punctuation, Connector" (Pc) |
UnicodeTypeDashPunctuation | General category "Punctuation, Dash" (Pd) |
UnicodeTypeClosePunctuation | General category "Punctuation, Close" (Pe) |
UnicodeTypeFinalPunctuation | General category "Punctuation, Final quote" (Pf) |
UnicodeTypeInitialPunctuation | General category "Punctuation, Initial quote" (Pi) |
UnicodeTypeOtherPunctuation | General category "Punctuation, Other" (Po) |
UnicodeTypeOpenPunctuation | General category "Punctuation, Open" (Ps) |
UnicodeTypeCurrencySymbol | General category "Symbol, Currency" (Sc) |
UnicodeTypeModifierSymbol | General category "Symbol, Modifier" (Sk) |
UnicodeTypeMathSymbol | General category "Symbol, Math" (Sm) |
UnicodeTypeOtherSymbol | General category "Symbol, Other" (So) |
UnicodeTypeLineSeparator | General category "Separator, Line" (Zl) |
UnicodeTypeParagraphSeparator | General category "Separator, Paragraph" (Zp) |
UnicodeTypeSpaceSeparator | General category "Separator, Space" (Zs) |
AnotherUnicodeType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data UnixPipeEnd Source #
Mnemonic constants for the ends of a Unix pipe.
Since: 2.80
UnixPipeEndRead | The readable file descriptor 0 |
UnixPipeEndWrite | The writable file descriptor 1 |
AnotherUnixPipeEnd Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Error codes returned by Uri
Since: 2.66
UriErrorFailed | Generic error if no more specific error is available. See the error message for details. |
UriErrorBadScheme | The scheme of a URI could not be parsed. |
UriErrorBadUser | The user/userinfo of a URI could not be parsed. |
UriErrorBadPassword | The password of a URI could not be parsed. |
UriErrorBadAuthParams | The authentication parameters of a URI could not be parsed. |
UriErrorBadHost | The host of a URI could not be parsed. |
UriErrorBadPort | The port of a URI could not be parsed. |
UriErrorBadPath | The path of a URI could not be parsed. |
UriErrorBadQuery | The query of a URI could not be parsed. |
UriErrorBadFragment | The fragment of a URI could not be parsed. |
AnotherUriError Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum UriError Source # | |
Show UriError Source # | |
Eq UriError Source # | |
Ord UriError Source # | |
Defined in GI.GLib.Enums | |
GErrorClass UriError Source # | |
Defined in GI.GLib.Enums Methods gerrorClassDomain :: UriError -> Text |
catchUriError :: IO a -> (UriError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a Source #
Catch exceptions of type UriError
. This is a specialized version of catchGErrorJustDomain
handleUriError :: (UriError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a Source #
Handle exceptions of type UriError
. This is a specialized version of handleGErrorJustDomain
data UserDirectory Source #
These are logical ids for special directories which are defined
depending on the platform used. You should use getUserSpecialDir
to retrieve the full path associated to the logical id.
The UserDirectory
enumeration can be extended at later date. Not
every platform has a directory for every logical id in this
Since: 2.14
UserDirectoryDirectoryDesktop | the user's Desktop directory |
UserDirectoryDirectoryDocuments | the user's Documents directory |
UserDirectoryDirectoryDownload | the user's Downloads directory |
UserDirectoryDirectoryMusic | the user's Music directory |
UserDirectoryDirectoryPictures | the user's Pictures directory |
UserDirectoryDirectoryPublicShare | the user's shared directory |
UserDirectoryDirectoryTemplates | the user's Templates directory |
UserDirectoryDirectoryVideos | the user's Movies directory |
UserDirectoryNDirectories | the number of enum values |
AnotherUserDirectory Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data VariantClass Source #
The range of possible top-level types of GVariant
Since: 2.24
VariantClassBoolean | The |
VariantClassByte | The |
VariantClassInt16 | The |
VariantClassUint16 | The |
VariantClassInt32 | The |
VariantClassUint32 | The |
VariantClassInt64 | The |
VariantClassUint64 | The |
VariantClassHandle | The |
VariantClassDouble | The |
VariantClassString | The |
VariantClassObjectPath | The |
VariantClassSignature | The |
VariantClassVariant | The |
VariantClassMaybe | The |
VariantClassArray | The |
VariantClassTuple | The |
VariantClassDictEntry | The |
AnotherVariantClass Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data VariantParseError Source #
Error codes returned by parsing text-format GVariants.
VariantParseErrorFailed | generic error (unused) |
VariantParseErrorBasicTypeExpected | a non-basic |
VariantParseErrorCannotInferType | cannot infer the |
VariantParseErrorDefiniteTypeExpected | an indefinite |
VariantParseErrorInputNotAtEnd | extra data after parsing finished |
VariantParseErrorInvalidCharacter | invalid character in number or unicode escape |
VariantParseErrorInvalidFormatString | not a valid |
VariantParseErrorInvalidObjectPath | not a valid object path |
VariantParseErrorInvalidSignature | not a valid type signature |
VariantParseErrorInvalidTypeString | not a valid |
VariantParseErrorNoCommonType | could not find a common type for array entries |
VariantParseErrorNumberOutOfRange | the numerical value is out of range of the given type |
VariantParseErrorNumberTooBig | the numerical value is out of range for any type |
VariantParseErrorTypeError | cannot parse as variant of the specified type |
VariantParseErrorUnexpectedToken | an unexpected token was encountered |
VariantParseErrorUnknownKeyword | an unknown keyword was encountered |
VariantParseErrorUnterminatedStringConstant | unterminated string constant |
VariantParseErrorValueExpected | no value given |
VariantParseErrorRecursion | variant was too deeply nested; |
AnotherVariantParseError Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
catchVariantParseError :: IO a -> (VariantParseError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a Source #
Catch exceptions of type VariantParseError
. This is a specialized version of catchGErrorJustDomain
handleVariantParseError :: (VariantParseError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a Source #
Handle exceptions of type VariantParseError
. This is a specialized version of handleGErrorJustDomain