Copyright | Will Thompson Iñaki García Etxebarria and Jonas Platte |
License | LGPL-2.1 |
Maintainer | Iñaki García Etxebarria ( |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- Enumerations
- Align
- ArrowPlacement
- ArrowType
- AssistantPageType
- BaselinePosition
- BorderStyle
- BuilderError
- ButtonBoxStyle
- ButtonRole
- ButtonsType
- CellRendererAccelMode
- CellRendererMode
- CornerType
- CssProviderError
- CssSectionType
- DeleteType
- DirectionType
- DragResult
- EntryIconPosition
- EventSequenceState
- ExpanderStyle
- FileChooserAction
- FileChooserConfirmation
- FileChooserError
- IMPreeditStyle
- IMStatusStyle
- IconSize
- IconThemeError
- IconViewDropPosition
- ImageType
- InputPurpose
- Justification
- LevelBarMode
- License
- MenuDirectionType
- MessageType
- MovementStep
- NotebookTab
- NumberUpLayout
- Orientation
- PackDirection
- PackType
- PadActionType
- PageOrientation
- PageSet
- PanDirection
- PathPriorityType
- PathType
- PolicyType
- PopoverConstraint
- PositionType
- PrintDuplex
- PrintError
- PrintOperationAction
- PrintOperationResult
- PrintPages
- PrintQuality
- PrintStatus
- PropagationPhase
- RcTokenType
- RecentChooserError
- RecentManagerError
- RecentSortType
- ReliefStyle
- ResizeMode
- ResponseType
- RevealerTransitionType
- ScrollStep
- ScrollType
- ScrollablePolicy
- SelectionMode
- SensitivityType
- ShadowType
- ShortcutType
- SizeGroupMode
- SizeRequestMode
- SortType
- SpinButtonUpdatePolicy
- SpinType
- StackTransitionType
- StateType
- TextBufferTargetInfo
- TextDirection
- TextExtendSelection
- TextViewLayer
- TextWindowType
- ToolbarSpaceStyle
- ToolbarStyle
- TreeViewColumnSizing
- TreeViewDropPosition
- TreeViewGridLines
- Unit
- WidgetHelpType
- WindowPosition
- WindowType
- WrapMode
- data Align
- data ArrowPlacement
- data ArrowType
- data AssistantPageType
- data BaselinePosition
- data BorderStyle
- data BuilderError
- = BuilderErrorInvalidTypeFunction
- | BuilderErrorUnhandledTag
- | BuilderErrorMissingAttribute
- | BuilderErrorInvalidAttribute
- | BuilderErrorInvalidTag
- | BuilderErrorMissingPropertyValue
- | BuilderErrorInvalidValue
- | BuilderErrorVersionMismatch
- | BuilderErrorDuplicateId
- | BuilderErrorObjectTypeRefused
- | BuilderErrorTemplateMismatch
- | BuilderErrorInvalidProperty
- | BuilderErrorInvalidSignal
- | BuilderErrorInvalidId
- | AnotherBuilderError Int
- catchBuilderError :: IO a -> (BuilderError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a
- handleBuilderError :: (BuilderError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
- data ButtonBoxStyle
- data ButtonRole
- data ButtonsType
- data CellRendererAccelMode
- data CellRendererMode
- data CornerType
- data CssProviderError
- catchCssProviderError :: IO a -> (CssProviderError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a
- handleCssProviderError :: (CssProviderError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
- data CssSectionType
- data DeleteType
- data DirectionType
- data DragResult
- data EntryIconPosition
- data EventSequenceState
- data ExpanderStyle
- data FileChooserAction
- data FileChooserConfirmation
- data FileChooserError
- catchFileChooserError :: IO a -> (FileChooserError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a
- handleFileChooserError :: (FileChooserError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
- data IMPreeditStyle
- data IMStatusStyle
- data IconSize
- data IconThemeError
- catchIconThemeError :: IO a -> (IconThemeError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a
- handleIconThemeError :: (IconThemeError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
- data IconViewDropPosition
- data ImageType
- data InputPurpose
- data Justification
- data LevelBarMode
- data License
- data MenuDirectionType
- data MessageType
- data MovementStep
- data NotebookTab
- data NumberUpLayout
- data Orientation
- data PackDirection
- data PackType
- data PadActionType
- data PageOrientation
- data PageSet
- data PanDirection
- data PathPriorityType
- data PathType
- data PolicyType
- data PopoverConstraint
- data PositionType
- data PrintDuplex
- data PrintError
- catchPrintError :: IO a -> (PrintError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a
- handlePrintError :: (PrintError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
- data PrintOperationAction
- data PrintOperationResult
- data PrintPages
- data PrintQuality
- data PrintStatus
- data PropagationPhase
- data RcTokenType
- = RcTokenTypeInvalid
- | RcTokenTypeInclude
- | RcTokenTypeNormal
- | RcTokenTypeActive
- | RcTokenTypePrelight
- | RcTokenTypeSelected
- | RcTokenTypeInsensitive
- | RcTokenTypeFg
- | RcTokenTypeBg
- | RcTokenTypeText
- | RcTokenTypeBase
- | RcTokenTypeXthickness
- | RcTokenTypeYthickness
- | RcTokenTypeFont
- | RcTokenTypeFontset
- | RcTokenTypeFontName
- | RcTokenTypeBgPixmap
- | RcTokenTypePixmapPath
- | RcTokenTypeStyle
- | RcTokenTypeBinding
- | RcTokenTypeBind
- | RcTokenTypeWidget
- | RcTokenTypeWidgetClass
- | RcTokenTypeClass
- | RcTokenTypeLowest
- | RcTokenTypeGtk
- | RcTokenTypeApplication
- | RcTokenTypeTheme
- | RcTokenTypeRc
- | RcTokenTypeHighest
- | RcTokenTypeEngine
- | RcTokenTypeModulePath
- | RcTokenTypeImModulePath
- | RcTokenTypeImModuleFile
- | RcTokenTypeStock
- | RcTokenTypeLtr
- | RcTokenTypeRtl
- | RcTokenTypeColor
- | RcTokenTypeUnbind
- | RcTokenTypeLast
- | AnotherRcTokenType Int
- data RecentChooserError
- catchRecentChooserError :: IO a -> (RecentChooserError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a
- handleRecentChooserError :: (RecentChooserError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
- data RecentManagerError
- catchRecentManagerError :: IO a -> (RecentManagerError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a
- handleRecentManagerError :: (RecentManagerError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
- data RecentSortType
- data ReliefStyle
- data ResizeMode
- data ResponseType
- data RevealerTransitionType
- data ScrollStep
- data ScrollType
- = ScrollTypeNone
- | ScrollTypeJump
- | ScrollTypeStepBackward
- | ScrollTypeStepForward
- | ScrollTypePageBackward
- | ScrollTypePageForward
- | ScrollTypeStepUp
- | ScrollTypeStepDown
- | ScrollTypePageUp
- | ScrollTypePageDown
- | ScrollTypeStepLeft
- | ScrollTypeStepRight
- | ScrollTypePageLeft
- | ScrollTypePageRight
- | ScrollTypeStart
- | ScrollTypeEnd
- | AnotherScrollType Int
- data ScrollablePolicy
- data SelectionMode
- data SensitivityType
- data ShadowType
- data ShortcutType
- data SizeGroupMode
- data SizeRequestMode
- data SortType
- data SpinButtonUpdatePolicy
- data SpinType
- data StackTransitionType
- = StackTransitionTypeNone
- | StackTransitionTypeCrossfade
- | StackTransitionTypeSlideRight
- | StackTransitionTypeSlideLeft
- | StackTransitionTypeSlideUp
- | StackTransitionTypeSlideDown
- | StackTransitionTypeSlideLeftRight
- | StackTransitionTypeSlideUpDown
- | StackTransitionTypeOverUp
- | StackTransitionTypeOverDown
- | StackTransitionTypeOverLeft
- | StackTransitionTypeOverRight
- | StackTransitionTypeUnderUp
- | StackTransitionTypeUnderDown
- | StackTransitionTypeUnderLeft
- | StackTransitionTypeUnderRight
- | StackTransitionTypeOverUpDown
- | StackTransitionTypeOverDownUp
- | StackTransitionTypeOverLeftRight
- | StackTransitionTypeOverRightLeft
- | AnotherStackTransitionType Int
- data StateType
- data TextBufferTargetInfo
- data TextDirection
- data TextExtendSelection
- data TextViewLayer
- data TextWindowType
- data ToolbarSpaceStyle
- data ToolbarStyle
- data TreeViewColumnSizing
- data TreeViewDropPosition
- data TreeViewGridLines
- data Unit
- data WidgetHelpType
- data WindowPosition
- data WindowType
- data WrapMode
Controls how a widget deals with extra space in a single (x or y) dimension.
Alignment only matters if the widget receives a “too large” allocation,
for example if you packed the widget with the Widget
flag inside a Box
, then the widget might get extra space. If
you have for example a 16x16 icon inside a 32x32 space, the icon
could be scaled and stretched, it could be centered, or it could be
positioned to one side of the space.
Note that in horizontal context gTKALIGNSTART
are interpreted relative to text direction.
GTK_ALIGN_BASELINE support for it is optional for containers and widgets, and
it is only supported for vertical alignment. When its not supported by
a child or a container it is treated as gTKALIGNFILL
AlignFill | stretch to fill all space if possible, center if no meaningful way to stretch |
AlignStart | snap to left or top side, leaving space on right or bottom |
AlignEnd | snap to right or bottom side, leaving space on left or top |
AlignCenter | center natural width of widget inside the allocation |
AlignBaseline | align the widget according to the baseline. Since 3.10. |
AnotherAlign Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data ArrowPlacement Source #
Used to specify the placement of scroll arrows in scrolling menus.
ArrowPlacementBoth | Place one arrow on each end of the menu. |
ArrowPlacementStart | Place both arrows at the top of the menu. |
ArrowPlacementEnd | Place both arrows at the bottom of the menu. |
AnotherArrowPlacement Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Used to indicate the direction in which an arrow should point.
ArrowTypeUp | Represents an upward pointing arrow. |
ArrowTypeDown | Represents a downward pointing arrow. |
ArrowTypeLeft | Represents a left pointing arrow. |
ArrowTypeRight | Represents a right pointing arrow. |
ArrowTypeNone | No arrow. Since 2.10. |
AnotherArrowType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum ArrowType Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Enums Methods succ :: ArrowType -> ArrowType # pred :: ArrowType -> ArrowType # fromEnum :: ArrowType -> Int # enumFrom :: ArrowType -> [ArrowType] # enumFromThen :: ArrowType -> ArrowType -> [ArrowType] # enumFromTo :: ArrowType -> ArrowType -> [ArrowType] # enumFromThenTo :: ArrowType -> ArrowType -> ArrowType -> [ArrowType] # | |
Eq ArrowType Source # | |
Ord ArrowType Source # | |
Show ArrowType Source # | |
BoxedEnum ArrowType Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Enums Methods boxedEnumType :: ArrowType -> IO GType # |
data AssistantPageType Source #
An enum for determining the page role inside the Assistant
. It's
used to handle buttons sensitivity and visibility.
Note that an assistant needs to end its page flow with a page of type
, AssistantPageTypeSummary
to be correct.
The Cancel button will only be shown if the page isn’t “committed”.
See assistantCommit
for details.
AssistantPageTypeContent | The page has regular contents. Both the Back and forward buttons will be shown. |
AssistantPageTypeIntro | The page contains an introduction to the assistant task. Only the Forward button will be shown if there is a next page. |
AssistantPageTypeConfirm | The page lets the user confirm or deny the changes. The Back and Apply buttons will be shown. |
AssistantPageTypeSummary | The page informs the user of the changes done. Only the Close button will be shown. |
AssistantPageTypeProgress | Used for tasks that take a long time to complete, blocks the assistant until the page is marked as complete. Only the back button will be shown. |
AssistantPageTypeCustom | Used for when other page types are not
appropriate. No buttons will be shown, and the application must
add its own buttons through |
AnotherAssistantPageType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data BaselinePosition Source #
Whenever a container has some form of natural row it may align
children in that row along a common typographical baseline. If
the amount of verical space in the row is taller than the total
requested height of the baseline-aligned children then it can use a
to select where to put the baseline inside the
extra availible space.
Since: 3.10
BaselinePositionTop | Align the baseline at the top |
BaselinePositionCenter | Center the baseline |
BaselinePositionBottom | Align the baseline at the bottom |
AnotherBaselinePosition Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data BorderStyle Source #
Describes how the border of a UI element should be rendered.
BorderStyleNone | No visible border |
BorderStyleSolid | A single line segment |
BorderStyleInset | Looks as if the content is sunken into the canvas |
BorderStyleOutset | Looks as if the content is coming out of the canvas |
BorderStyleHidden | Same as |
BorderStyleDotted | A series of round dots |
BorderStyleDashed | A series of square-ended dashes |
BorderStyleDouble | Two parallel lines with some space between them |
BorderStyleGroove | Looks as if it were carved in the canvas |
BorderStyleRidge | Looks as if it were coming out of the canvas |
AnotherBorderStyle Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data BuilderError Source #
Error codes that identify various errors that can occur while using
BuilderErrorInvalidTypeFunction | A type-func attribute didn’t name
a function that returns a |
BuilderErrorUnhandledTag | The input contained a tag that |
BuilderErrorMissingAttribute | An attribute that is required by
BuilderErrorInvalidAttribute |
BuilderErrorInvalidTag |
BuilderErrorMissingPropertyValue | A required property value was missing. |
BuilderErrorInvalidValue |
BuilderErrorVersionMismatch | The input file requires a newer version of GTK+. |
BuilderErrorDuplicateId | An object id occurred twice. |
BuilderErrorObjectTypeRefused | A specified object type is of the same type or derived from the type of the composite class being extended with builder XML. |
BuilderErrorTemplateMismatch | The wrong type was specified in a composite class’s template XML |
BuilderErrorInvalidProperty | The specified property is unknown for the object class. |
BuilderErrorInvalidSignal | The specified signal is unknown for the object class. |
BuilderErrorInvalidId | An object id is unknown |
AnotherBuilderError Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
catchBuilderError :: IO a -> (BuilderError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a Source #
Catch exceptions of type BuilderError
. This is a specialized version of catchGErrorJustDomain
handleBuilderError :: (BuilderError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a Source #
Handle exceptions of type BuilderError
. This is a specialized version of handleGErrorJustDomain
data ButtonBoxStyle Source #
Used to dictate the style that a ButtonBox
uses to layout the buttons it
ButtonBoxStyleSpread | Buttons are evenly spread across the box. |
ButtonBoxStyleEdge | Buttons are placed at the edges of the box. |
ButtonBoxStyleStart | Buttons are grouped towards the start of the box, (on the left for a HBox, or the top for a VBox). |
ButtonBoxStyleEnd | Buttons are grouped towards the end of the box, (on the right for a HBox, or the bottom for a VBox). |
ButtonBoxStyleCenter | Buttons are centered in the box. Since 2.12. |
ButtonBoxStyleExpand | Buttons expand to fill the box. This entails giving
buttons a "linked" appearance, making button sizes homogeneous, and
setting spacing to 0 (same as calling |
AnotherButtonBoxStyle Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data ButtonRole Source #
The role specifies the desired appearance of a ModelButton
ButtonRoleNormal | A plain button |
ButtonRoleCheck | A check button |
ButtonRoleRadio | A radio button |
AnotherButtonRole Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data ButtonsType Source #
Prebuilt sets of buttons for the dialog. If
none of these choices are appropriate, simply use ButtonsTypeNone
then call gtk_dialog_add_buttons()
Please note that 'GI.Gtk.Enums.ButtonsTypeOk', 'GI.Gtk.Enums.ButtonsTypeYesNo' and 'GI.Gtk.Enums.ButtonsTypeOkCancel' are discouraged by the < GNOME Human Interface Guidelines>.
ButtonsTypeNone | no buttons at all |
ButtonsTypeOk | an OK button |
ButtonsTypeClose | a Close button |
ButtonsTypeCancel | a Cancel button |
ButtonsTypeYesNo | Yes and No buttons |
ButtonsTypeOkCancel | OK and Cancel buttons |
AnotherButtonsType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data CellRendererAccelMode Source #
Determines if the edited accelerators are GTK+ accelerators. If they are, consumed modifiers are suppressed, only accelerators accepted by GTK+ are allowed, and the accelerators are rendered in the same way as they are in menus.
CellRendererAccelModeGtk | GTK+ accelerators mode |
CellRendererAccelModeOther | Other accelerator mode |
AnotherCellRendererAccelMode Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data CellRendererMode Source #
Identifies how the user can interact with a particular cell.
CellRendererModeInert | The cell is just for display and cannot be interacted with. Note that this doesn’t mean that eg. the row being drawn can’t be selected -- just that a particular element of it cannot be individually modified. |
CellRendererModeActivatable | The cell can be clicked. |
CellRendererModeEditable | The cell can be edited or otherwise modified. |
AnotherCellRendererMode Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data CornerType Source #
Specifies which corner a child widget should be placed in when packed into
a ScrolledWindow
. This is effectively the opposite of where the scroll
bars are placed.
CornerTypeTopLeft | Place the scrollbars on the right and bottom of the widget (default behaviour). |
CornerTypeBottomLeft | Place the scrollbars on the top and right of the widget. |
CornerTypeTopRight | Place the scrollbars on the left and bottom of the widget. |
CornerTypeBottomRight | Place the scrollbars on the top and left of the widget. |
AnotherCornerType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data CssProviderError Source #
CssProviderErrorFailed | Failed. |
CssProviderErrorSyntax | Syntax error. |
CssProviderErrorImport | Import error. |
CssProviderErrorName | Name error. |
CssProviderErrorDeprecated | Deprecation error. |
CssProviderErrorUnknownValue | Unknown value. |
AnotherCssProviderError Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
catchCssProviderError :: IO a -> (CssProviderError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a Source #
Catch exceptions of type CssProviderError
. This is a specialized version of catchGErrorJustDomain
handleCssProviderError :: (CssProviderError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a Source #
Handle exceptions of type CssProviderError
. This is a specialized version of handleGErrorJustDomain
data CssSectionType Source #
The different types of sections indicate parts of a CSS document as parsed by GTK’s CSS parser. They are oriented towards the CSS Grammar, but may contain extensions.
More types might be added in the future as the parser incorporates more features.
Since: 3.2
CssSectionTypeDocument | The section describes a complete document.
This section time is the only one where |
CssSectionTypeImport | The section defines an import rule. |
CssSectionTypeColorDefinition | The section defines a color. This is a GTK extension to CSS. |
CssSectionTypeBindingSet | The section defines a binding set. This is a GTK extension to CSS. |
CssSectionTypeRuleset | The section defines a CSS ruleset. |
CssSectionTypeSelector | The section defines a CSS selector. |
CssSectionTypeDeclaration | The section defines the declaration of a CSS variable. |
CssSectionTypeValue | The section defines the value of a CSS declaration. |
CssSectionTypeKeyframes | The section defines keyframes. See < CSS Animations> for details. Since 3.6 |
AnotherCssSectionType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data DeleteType Source #
See also: Entry
DeleteTypeChars | Delete characters. |
DeleteTypeWordEnds | Delete only the portion of the word to the left/right of cursor if we’re in the middle of a word. |
DeleteTypeWords | Delete words. |
DeleteTypeDisplayLines | Delete display-lines. Display-lines refers to the visible lines, with respect to to the current line breaks. As opposed to paragraphs, which are defined by line breaks in the input. |
DeleteTypeDisplayLineEnds | Delete only the portion of the display-line to the left/right of cursor. |
DeleteTypeParagraphEnds | Delete to the end of the paragraph. Like C-k in Emacs (or its reverse). |
DeleteTypeParagraphs | Delete entire line. Like C-k in pico. |
DeleteTypeWhitespace | Delete only whitespace. Like M-\ in Emacs. |
AnotherDeleteType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data DirectionType Source #
Focus movement types.
DirectionTypeTabForward | Move forward. |
DirectionTypeTabBackward | Move backward. |
DirectionTypeUp | Move up. |
DirectionTypeDown | Move down. |
DirectionTypeLeft | Move left. |
DirectionTypeRight | Move right. |
AnotherDirectionType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data DragResult Source #
Gives an indication why a drag operation failed.
The value can by obtained by connecting to the
DragResultSuccess | The drag operation was successful. |
DragResultNoTarget | No suitable drag target. |
DragResultUserCancelled | The user cancelled the drag operation. |
DragResultTimeoutExpired | The drag operation timed out. |
DragResultGrabBroken | The pointer or keyboard grab used for the drag operation was broken. |
DragResultError | The drag operation failed due to some unspecified error. |
AnotherDragResult Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data EntryIconPosition Source #
Specifies the side of the entry at which an icon is placed.
Since: 2.16
EntryIconPositionPrimary | At the beginning of the entry (depending on the text direction). |
EntryIconPositionSecondary | At the end of the entry (depending on the text direction). |
AnotherEntryIconPosition Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data EventSequenceState Source #
Describes the state of a EventSequence
in a Gesture
Since: 3.14
EventSequenceStateNone | The sequence is handled, but not grabbed. |
EventSequenceStateClaimed | The sequence is handled and grabbed. |
EventSequenceStateDenied | The sequence is denied. |
AnotherEventSequenceState Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data ExpanderStyle Source #
Used to specify the style of the expanders drawn by a TreeView
ExpanderStyleCollapsed | The style used for a collapsed subtree. |
ExpanderStyleSemiCollapsed | Intermediate style used during animation. |
ExpanderStyleSemiExpanded | Intermediate style used during animation. |
ExpanderStyleExpanded | The style used for an expanded subtree. |
AnotherExpanderStyle Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data FileChooserAction Source #
Describes whether a FileChooser
is being used to open existing files
or to save to a possibly new file.
FileChooserActionOpen | Indicates open mode. The file chooser will only let the user pick an existing file. |
FileChooserActionSave | Indicates save mode. The file chooser will let the user pick an existing file, or type in a new filename. |
FileChooserActionSelectFolder | Indicates an Open mode for selecting folders. The file chooser will let the user pick an existing folder. |
FileChooserActionCreateFolder | Indicates a mode for creating a new folder. The file chooser will let the user name an existing or new folder. |
AnotherFileChooserAction Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data FileChooserConfirmation Source #
Used as a return value of handlers for the
signal of a FileChooser
. This
value determines whether the file chooser will present the stock
confirmation dialog, accept the user’s choice of a filename, or
let the user choose another filename.
Since: 2.8
FileChooserConfirmationConfirm | The file chooser will present its stock dialog to confirm about overwriting an existing file. |
FileChooserConfirmationAcceptFilename | The file chooser will terminate and accept the user’s choice of a file name. |
FileChooserConfirmationSelectAgain | The file chooser will continue running, so as to let the user select another file name. |
AnotherFileChooserConfirmation Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data FileChooserError Source #
These identify the various errors that can occur while calling
FileChooserErrorNonexistent | Indicates that a file does not exist. |
FileChooserErrorBadFilename | Indicates a malformed filename. |
FileChooserErrorAlreadyExists | Indicates a duplicate path (e.g. when adding a bookmark). |
FileChooserErrorIncompleteHostname | Indicates an incomplete hostname (e.g. "http://foo" without a slash after that). |
AnotherFileChooserError Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
catchFileChooserError :: IO a -> (FileChooserError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a Source #
Catch exceptions of type FileChooserError
. This is a specialized version of catchGErrorJustDomain
handleFileChooserError :: (FileChooserError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a Source #
Handle exceptions of type FileChooserError
. This is a specialized version of handleGErrorJustDomain
data IMPreeditStyle Source #
Deprecated: (Since version 3.10)
Style for input method preedit. See also
IMPreeditStyleNothing | Deprecated |
IMPreeditStyleCallback | Deprecated |
IMPreeditStyleNone | Deprecated |
AnotherIMPreeditStyle Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data IMStatusStyle Source #
Deprecated: (Since version 3.10)
Style for input method status. See also
IMStatusStyleNothing | Deprecated |
IMStatusStyleCallback | Deprecated |
IMStatusStyleNone | Deprecated |
AnotherIMStatusStyle Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Built-in stock icon sizes.
IconSizeInvalid | Invalid size. |
IconSizeMenu | Size appropriate for menus (16px). |
IconSizeSmallToolbar | Size appropriate for small toolbars (16px). |
IconSizeLargeToolbar | Size appropriate for large toolbars (24px) |
IconSizeButton | Size appropriate for buttons (16px) |
IconSizeDnd | Size appropriate for drag and drop (32px) |
IconSizeDialog | Size appropriate for dialogs (48px) |
AnotherIconSize Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum IconSize Source # | |
Eq IconSize Source # | |
Ord IconSize Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Enums | |
Show IconSize Source # | |
BoxedEnum IconSize Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Enums Methods boxedEnumType :: IconSize -> IO GType # |
data IconThemeError Source #
Error codes for GtkIconTheme operations.
IconThemeErrorNotFound | The icon specified does not exist in the theme |
IconThemeErrorFailed | An unspecified error occurred. |
AnotherIconThemeError Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
catchIconThemeError :: IO a -> (IconThemeError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a Source #
Catch exceptions of type IconThemeError
. This is a specialized version of catchGErrorJustDomain
handleIconThemeError :: (IconThemeError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a Source #
Handle exceptions of type IconThemeError
. This is a specialized version of handleGErrorJustDomain
data IconViewDropPosition Source #
An enum for determining where a dropped item goes.
IconViewDropPositionNoDrop | no drop possible |
IconViewDropPositionDropInto | dropped item replaces the item |
IconViewDropPositionDropLeft | droppped item is inserted to the left |
IconViewDropPositionDropRight | dropped item is inserted to the right |
IconViewDropPositionDropAbove | dropped item is inserted above |
IconViewDropPositionDropBelow | dropped item is inserted below |
AnotherIconViewDropPosition Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Describes the image data representation used by a Image
. If you
want to get the image from the widget, you can only get the
currently-stored representation. e.g. if the
, then you can
call imageGetPixbuf
but not imageGetStock
. For empty
images, you can request any storage type (call any of the "get"
functions), but they will all return Nothing
ImageTypeEmpty | there is no image displayed by the widget |
ImageTypePixbuf | the widget contains a |
ImageTypeStock | the widget contains a [stock item name][gtkstock] |
ImageTypeIconSet | the widget contains a |
ImageTypeAnimation | the widget contains a |
ImageTypeIconName | the widget contains a named icon. This image type was added in GTK+ 2.6 |
ImageTypeGicon | the widget contains a |
ImageTypeSurface | the widget contains a |
AnotherImageType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum ImageType Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Enums Methods succ :: ImageType -> ImageType # pred :: ImageType -> ImageType # fromEnum :: ImageType -> Int # enumFrom :: ImageType -> [ImageType] # enumFromThen :: ImageType -> ImageType -> [ImageType] # enumFromTo :: ImageType -> ImageType -> [ImageType] # enumFromThenTo :: ImageType -> ImageType -> ImageType -> [ImageType] # | |
Eq ImageType Source # | |
Ord ImageType Source # | |
Show ImageType Source # | |
BoxedEnum ImageType Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Enums Methods boxedEnumType :: ImageType -> IO GType # |
data InputPurpose Source #
Describes primary purpose of the input widget. This information is useful for on-screen keyboards and similar input methods to decide which keys should be presented to the user.
Note that the purpose is not meant to impose a totally strict rule about allowed characters, and does not replace input validation. It is fine for an on-screen keyboard to let the user override the character set restriction that is expressed by the purpose. The application is expected to validate the entry contents, even if it specified a purpose.
The difference between gTKINPUTPURPOSEDIGITS
is that the former accepts only digits
while the latter also some punctuation (like commas or points, plus,
minus) and “e” or “E” as in 3.14E+000.
This enumeration may be extended in the future; input methods should interpret unknown values as “free form”.
Since: 3.6
InputPurposeFreeForm | Allow any character |
InputPurposeAlpha | Allow only alphabetic characters |
InputPurposeDigits | Allow only digits |
InputPurposeNumber | Edited field expects numbers |
InputPurposePhone | Edited field expects phone number |
InputPurposeUrl | Edited field expects URL |
InputPurposeEmail | Edited field expects email address |
InputPurposeName | Edited field expects the name of a person |
InputPurposePassword | Like |
InputPurposePin | Like |
AnotherInputPurpose Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data Justification Source #
JustificationLeft | The text is placed at the left edge of the label. |
JustificationRight | The text is placed at the right edge of the label. |
JustificationCenter | The text is placed in the center of the label. |
JustificationFill | The text is placed is distributed across the label. |
AnotherJustification Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data LevelBarMode Source #
Describes how LevelBar
contents should be rendered.
Note that this enumeration could be extended with additional modes
in the future.
Since: 3.6
LevelBarModeContinuous | the bar has a continuous mode |
LevelBarModeDiscrete | the bar has a discrete mode |
AnotherLevelBarMode Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
The type of license for an application.
This enumeration can be expanded at later date.
Since: 3.0
LicenseUnknown | No license specified |
LicenseCustom | A license text is going to be specified by the developer |
LicenseGpl20 | The GNU General Public License, version 2.0 or later |
LicenseGpl30 | The GNU General Public License, version 3.0 or later |
LicenseLgpl21 | The GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 or later |
LicenseLgpl30 | The GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0 or later |
LicenseBsd | The BSD standard license |
LicenseMitX11 | The MIT/X11 standard license |
LicenseArtistic | The Artistic License, version 2.0 |
LicenseGpl20Only | The GNU General Public License, version 2.0 only. Since 3.12. |
LicenseGpl30Only | The GNU General Public License, version 3.0 only. Since 3.12. |
LicenseLgpl21Only | The GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 only. Since 3.12. |
LicenseLgpl30Only | The GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0 only. Since 3.12. |
LicenseAgpl30 | The GNU Affero General Public License, version 3.0 or later. Since: 3.22. |
LicenseAgpl30Only | The GNU Affero General Public License, version 3.0 only. Since: 3.22.27. |
AnotherLicense Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum License Source # | |
Eq License Source # | |
Ord License Source # | |
Show License Source # | |
BoxedEnum License Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Enums Methods boxedEnumType :: License -> IO GType # |
data MenuDirectionType Source #
An enumeration representing directional movements within a menu.
MenuDirectionTypeParent | To the parent menu shell |
MenuDirectionTypeChild | To the submenu, if any, associated with the item |
MenuDirectionTypeNext | To the next menu item |
MenuDirectionTypePrev | To the previous menu item |
AnotherMenuDirectionType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data MessageType Source #
The type of message being displayed in the dialog.
MessageTypeInfo | Informational message |
MessageTypeWarning | Non-fatal warning message |
MessageTypeQuestion | Question requiring a choice |
MessageTypeError | Fatal error message |
MessageTypeOther | None of the above |
AnotherMessageType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data MovementStep Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
MovementStepLogicalPositions | Move forward or back by graphemes |
MovementStepVisualPositions | Move left or right by graphemes |
MovementStepWords | Move forward or back by words |
MovementStepDisplayLines | Move up or down lines (wrapped lines) |
MovementStepDisplayLineEnds | Move to either end of a line |
MovementStepParagraphs | Move up or down paragraphs (newline-ended lines) |
MovementStepParagraphEnds | Move to either end of a paragraph |
MovementStepPages | Move by pages |
MovementStepBufferEnds | Move to ends of the buffer |
MovementStepHorizontalPages | Move horizontally by pages |
AnotherMovementStep Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data NotebookTab Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
NotebookTabFirst | No description available in the introspection data. |
NotebookTabLast | No description available in the introspection data. |
AnotherNotebookTab Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data NumberUpLayout Source #
Used to determine the layout of pages on a sheet when printing multiple pages per sheet.
NumberUpLayoutLrtb | |
NumberUpLayoutLrbt | |
NumberUpLayoutRltb | |
NumberUpLayoutRlbt | |
NumberUpLayoutTblr | |
NumberUpLayoutTbrl | |
NumberUpLayoutBtlr | |
NumberUpLayoutBtrl | |
AnotherNumberUpLayout Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data Orientation Source #
Represents the orientation of widgets and other objects which can be switched
between horizontal and vertical orientation on the fly, like Toolbar
OrientationHorizontal | The element is in horizontal orientation. |
OrientationVertical | The element is in vertical orientation. |
AnotherOrientation Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data PackDirection Source #
Determines how widgets should be packed inside menubars and menuitems contained in menubars.
PackDirectionLtr | Widgets are packed left-to-right |
PackDirectionRtl | Widgets are packed right-to-left |
PackDirectionTtb | Widgets are packed top-to-bottom |
PackDirectionBtt | Widgets are packed bottom-to-top |
AnotherPackDirection Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
PackTypeStart | The child is packed into the start of the box |
PackTypeEnd | The child is packed into the end of the box |
AnotherPackType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum PackType Source # | |
Eq PackType Source # | |
Ord PackType Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Enums | |
Show PackType Source # | |
BoxedEnum PackType Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Enums Methods boxedEnumType :: PackType -> IO GType # |
data PadActionType Source #
The type of a pad action.
PadActionTypeButton | Action is triggered by a pad button |
PadActionTypeRing | Action is triggered by a pad ring |
PadActionTypeStrip | Action is triggered by a pad strip |
AnotherPadActionType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data PageOrientation Source #
See also printSettingsSetOrientation
PageOrientationPortrait | Portrait mode. |
PageOrientationLandscape | Landscape mode. |
PageOrientationReversePortrait | Reverse portrait mode. |
PageOrientationReverseLandscape | Reverse landscape mode. |
AnotherPageOrientation Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
See also gtk_print_job_set_page_set()
PageSetAll | All pages. |
PageSetEven | Even pages. |
PageSetOdd | Odd pages. |
AnotherPageSet Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum PageSet Source # | |
Eq PageSet Source # | |
Ord PageSet Source # | |
Show PageSet Source # | |
BoxedEnum PageSet Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Enums Methods boxedEnumType :: PageSet -> IO GType # |
data PanDirection Source #
Describes the panning direction of a GesturePan
Since: 3.14
PanDirectionLeft | panned towards the left |
PanDirectionRight | panned towards the right |
PanDirectionUp | panned upwards |
PanDirectionDown | panned downwards |
AnotherPanDirection Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data PathPriorityType Source #
Deprecated: (Since version 3.0)
Priorities for path lookups.
See also bindingSetAddPath
PathPriorityTypeLowest | Deprecated |
PathPriorityTypeGtk | Deprecated |
PathPriorityTypeApplication | Deprecated |
PathPriorityTypeTheme | Deprecated |
PathPriorityTypeRc | Deprecated |
PathPriorityTypeHighest | Deprecated |
AnotherPathPriorityType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Deprecated: (Since version 3.0)
Widget path types.
See also bindingSetAddPath
PathTypeWidget | Deprecated |
PathTypeWidgetClass | Deprecated |
PathTypeClass | Deprecated |
AnotherPathType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum PathType Source # | |
Eq PathType Source # | |
Ord PathType Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Enums | |
Show PathType Source # | |
BoxedEnum PathType Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Enums Methods boxedEnumType :: PathType -> IO GType # |
data PolicyType Source #
Determines how the size should be computed to achieve the one of the visibility mode for the scrollbars.
PolicyTypeAlways | The scrollbar is always visible. The view size is independent of the content. |
PolicyTypeAutomatic | The scrollbar will appear and disappear as necessary.
For example, when all of a |
PolicyTypeNever | The scrollbar should never appear. In this mode the content determines the size. |
PolicyTypeExternal | Don't show a scrollbar, but don't force the size to follow the content. This can be used e.g. to make multiple scrolled windows share a scrollbar. Since: 3.16 |
AnotherPolicyType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data PopoverConstraint Source #
Describes constraints to positioning of popovers. More values may be added to this enumeration in the future.
Since: 3.20
PopoverConstraintNone | Don't constrain the popover position beyond what is imposed by the implementation |
PopoverConstraintWindow | Constrain the popover to the boundaries of the window that it is attached to |
AnotherPopoverConstraint Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data PositionType Source #
Describes which edge of a widget a certain feature is positioned at, e.g. the
tabs of a Notebook
, the handle of a HandleBox
or the label of a
PositionTypeLeft | The feature is at the left edge. |
PositionTypeRight | The feature is at the right edge. |
PositionTypeTop | The feature is at the top edge. |
PositionTypeBottom | The feature is at the bottom edge. |
AnotherPositionType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data PrintDuplex Source #
See also printSettingsSetDuplex
PrintDuplexSimplex | No duplex. |
PrintDuplexHorizontal | Horizontal duplex. |
PrintDuplexVertical | Vertical duplex. |
AnotherPrintDuplex Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data PrintError Source #
Error codes that identify various errors that can occur while using the GTK+ printing support.
PrintErrorGeneral | An unspecified error occurred. |
PrintErrorInternalError | An internal error occurred. |
PrintErrorNomem | A memory allocation failed. |
PrintErrorInvalidFile | An error occurred while loading a page setup or paper size from a key file. |
AnotherPrintError Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
catchPrintError :: IO a -> (PrintError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a Source #
Catch exceptions of type PrintError
. This is a specialized version of catchGErrorJustDomain
handlePrintError :: (PrintError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a Source #
Handle exceptions of type PrintError
. This is a specialized version of handleGErrorJustDomain
data PrintOperationAction Source #
The action
parameter to printOperationRun
determines what action the print operation should perform.
PrintOperationActionPrintDialog | Show the print dialog. |
PrintOperationActionPrint | Start to print without showing the print dialog, based on the current print settings. |
PrintOperationActionPreview | Show the print preview. |
PrintOperationActionExport | Export to a file. This requires the export-filename property to be set. |
AnotherPrintOperationAction Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data PrintOperationResult Source #
A value of this type is returned by printOperationRun
PrintOperationResultError | An error has occurred. |
PrintOperationResultApply | The print settings should be stored. |
PrintOperationResultCancel | The print operation has been canceled, the print settings should not be stored. |
PrintOperationResultInProgress | The print operation is not complete yet. This value will only be returned when running asynchronously. |
AnotherPrintOperationResult Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data PrintPages Source #
See also gtk_print_job_set_pages()
PrintPagesAll | All pages. |
PrintPagesCurrent | Current page. |
PrintPagesRanges | Range of pages. |
PrintPagesSelection | Selected pages. |
AnotherPrintPages Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data PrintQuality Source #
See also printSettingsSetQuality
PrintQualityLow | Low quality. |
PrintQualityNormal | Normal quality. |
PrintQualityHigh | High quality. |
PrintQualityDraft | Draft quality. |
AnotherPrintQuality Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data PrintStatus Source #
The status gives a rough indication of the completion of a running print operation.
PrintStatusInitial | The printing has not started yet; this status is set initially, and while the print dialog is shown. |
PrintStatusPreparing | This status is set while the begin-print signal is emitted and during pagination. |
PrintStatusGeneratingData | This status is set while the pages are being rendered. |
PrintStatusSendingData | The print job is being sent off to the printer. |
PrintStatusPending | The print job has been sent to the printer, but is not printed for some reason, e.g. the printer may be stopped. |
PrintStatusPendingIssue | Some problem has occurred during printing, e.g. a paper jam. |
PrintStatusPrinting | The printer is processing the print job. |
PrintStatusFinished | The printing has been completed successfully. |
PrintStatusFinishedAborted | The printing has been aborted. |
AnotherPrintStatus Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data PropagationPhase Source #
Describes the stage at which events are fed into a EventController
Since: 3.14
PropagationPhaseNone | Events are not delivered automatically. Those can be
manually fed through |
PropagationPhaseCapture | Events are delivered in the capture phase. The capture phase happens before the bubble phase, runs from the toplevel down to the event widget. This option should only be used on containers that might possibly handle events before their children do. |
PropagationPhaseBubble | Events are delivered in the bubble phase. The bubble phase happens after the capture phase, and before the default handlers are run. This phase runs from the event widget, up to the toplevel. |
PropagationPhaseTarget | Events are delivered in the default widget event handlers, note that widget implementations must chain up on button, motion, touch and grab broken handlers for controllers in this phase to be run. |
AnotherPropagationPhase Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data RcTokenType Source #
Deprecated: (Since version 3.0)Use CssProvider
The RcTokenType
enumeration represents the tokens
in the RC file. It is exposed so that theme engines
can reuse these tokens when parsing the theme-engine
specific portions of a RC file.
data RecentChooserError Source #
These identify the various errors that can occur while calling
Since: 2.10
RecentChooserErrorNotFound | Indicates that a file does not exist |
RecentChooserErrorInvalidUri | Indicates a malformed URI |
AnotherRecentChooserError Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
catchRecentChooserError :: IO a -> (RecentChooserError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a Source #
Catch exceptions of type RecentChooserError
. This is a specialized version of catchGErrorJustDomain
handleRecentChooserError :: (RecentChooserError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a Source #
Handle exceptions of type RecentChooserError
. This is a specialized version of handleGErrorJustDomain
data RecentManagerError Source #
Error codes for RecentManager
Since: 2.10
RecentManagerErrorNotFound | the URI specified does not exists in the recently used resources list. |
RecentManagerErrorInvalidUri | the URI specified is not valid. |
RecentManagerErrorInvalidEncoding | the supplied string is not UTF-8 encoded. |
RecentManagerErrorNotRegistered | no application has registered the specified item. |
RecentManagerErrorRead | failure while reading the recently used resources file. |
RecentManagerErrorWrite | failure while writing the recently used resources file. |
RecentManagerErrorUnknown | unspecified error. |
AnotherRecentManagerError Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
catchRecentManagerError :: IO a -> (RecentManagerError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a Source #
Catch exceptions of type RecentManagerError
. This is a specialized version of catchGErrorJustDomain
handleRecentManagerError :: (RecentManagerError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a Source #
Handle exceptions of type RecentManagerError
. This is a specialized version of handleGErrorJustDomain
data RecentSortType Source #
Used to specify the sorting method to be applyed to the recently used resource list.
Since: 2.10
RecentSortTypeNone | Do not sort the returned list of recently used resources. |
RecentSortTypeMru | Sort the returned list with the most recently used items first. |
RecentSortTypeLru | Sort the returned list with the least recently used items first. |
RecentSortTypeCustom | Sort the returned list using a custom sorting
function passed using |
AnotherRecentSortType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data ReliefStyle Source #
Indicated the relief to be drawn around a Button
ReliefStyleNormal | Draw a normal relief. |
ReliefStyleHalf | A half relief. Deprecated in 3.14, does the same as |
ReliefStyleNone | No relief. |
AnotherReliefStyle Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data ResizeMode Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
ResizeModeParent | Pass resize request to the parent |
ResizeModeQueue | Queue resizes on this widget |
ResizeModeImmediate | Resize immediately. Deprecated. |
AnotherResizeMode Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data ResponseType Source #
Predefined values for use as response ids in dialogAddButton
All predefined values are negative; GTK+ leaves values of 0 or greater for
application-defined response ids.
ResponseTypeNone | Returned if an action widget has no response id, or if the dialog gets programmatically hidden or destroyed |
ResponseTypeReject | Generic response id, not used by GTK+ dialogs |
ResponseTypeAccept | Generic response id, not used by GTK+ dialogs |
ResponseTypeDeleteEvent | Returned if the dialog is deleted |
ResponseTypeOk | Returned by OK buttons in GTK+ dialogs |
ResponseTypeCancel | Returned by Cancel buttons in GTK+ dialogs |
ResponseTypeClose | Returned by Close buttons in GTK+ dialogs |
ResponseTypeYes | Returned by Yes buttons in GTK+ dialogs |
ResponseTypeNo | Returned by No buttons in GTK+ dialogs |
ResponseTypeApply | Returned by Apply buttons in GTK+ dialogs |
ResponseTypeHelp | Returned by Help buttons in GTK+ dialogs |
AnotherResponseType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data RevealerTransitionType Source #
These enumeration values describe the possible transitions
when the child of a Revealer
widget is shown or hidden.
RevealerTransitionTypeNone | No transition |
RevealerTransitionTypeCrossfade | Fade in |
RevealerTransitionTypeSlideRight | Slide in from the left |
RevealerTransitionTypeSlideLeft | Slide in from the right |
RevealerTransitionTypeSlideUp | Slide in from the bottom |
RevealerTransitionTypeSlideDown | Slide in from the top |
AnotherRevealerTransitionType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data ScrollStep Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
ScrollStepSteps | Scroll in steps. |
ScrollStepPages | Scroll by pages. |
ScrollStepEnds | Scroll to ends. |
ScrollStepHorizontalSteps | Scroll in horizontal steps. |
ScrollStepHorizontalPages | Scroll by horizontal pages. |
ScrollStepHorizontalEnds | Scroll to the horizontal ends. |
AnotherScrollStep Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data ScrollType Source #
Scrolling types.
ScrollTypeNone | No scrolling. |
ScrollTypeJump | Jump to new location. |
ScrollTypeStepBackward | Step backward. |
ScrollTypeStepForward | Step forward. |
ScrollTypePageBackward | Page backward. |
ScrollTypePageForward | Page forward. |
ScrollTypeStepUp | Step up. |
ScrollTypeStepDown | Step down. |
ScrollTypePageUp | Page up. |
ScrollTypePageDown | Page down. |
ScrollTypeStepLeft | Step to the left. |
ScrollTypeStepRight | Step to the right. |
ScrollTypePageLeft | Page to the left. |
ScrollTypePageRight | Page to the right. |
ScrollTypeStart | Scroll to start. |
ScrollTypeEnd | Scroll to end. |
AnotherScrollType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data ScrollablePolicy Source #
Defines the policy to be used in a scrollable widget when updating the scrolled window adjustments in a given orientation.
ScrollablePolicyMinimum | Scrollable adjustments are based on the minimum size |
ScrollablePolicyNatural | Scrollable adjustments are based on the natural size |
AnotherScrollablePolicy Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data SelectionMode Source #
Used to control what selections users are allowed to make.
SelectionModeNone | No selection is possible. |
SelectionModeSingle | Zero or one element may be selected. |
SelectionModeBrowse | Exactly one element is selected.
In some circumstances, such as initially or during a search
operation, it’s possible for no element to be selected with
SelectionModeMultiple | Any number of elements may be selected. The Ctrl key may be used to enlarge the selection, and Shift key to select between the focus and the child pointed to. Some widgets may also allow Click-drag to select a range of elements. |
AnotherSelectionMode Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data SensitivityType Source #
Determines how GTK+ handles the sensitivity of stepper arrows at the end of range widgets.
SensitivityTypeAuto | The arrow is made insensitive if the thumb is at the end |
SensitivityTypeOn | The arrow is always sensitive |
SensitivityTypeOff | The arrow is always insensitive |
AnotherSensitivityType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data ShadowType Source #
Used to change the appearance of an outline typically provided by a Frame
Note that many themes do not differentiate the appearance of the
various shadow types: Either their is no visible shadow (gTKSHADOWNONE
or there is (any other value).
ShadowTypeNone | No outline. |
ShadowTypeIn | The outline is bevelled inwards. |
ShadowTypeOut | The outline is bevelled outwards like a button. |
ShadowTypeEtchedIn | The outline has a sunken 3d appearance. |
ShadowTypeEtchedOut | The outline has a raised 3d appearance. |
AnotherShadowType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data ShortcutType Source #
GtkShortcutType specifies the kind of shortcut that is being described. More values may be added to this enumeration over time.
Since: 3.20
ShortcutTypeAccelerator | The shortcut is a keyboard accelerator. The |
ShortcutTypeGesturePinch | The shortcut is a pinch gesture. GTK+ provides an icon and subtitle. |
ShortcutTypeGestureStretch | The shortcut is a stretch gesture. GTK+ provides an icon and subtitle. |
ShortcutTypeGestureRotateClockwise | The shortcut is a clockwise rotation gesture. GTK+ provides an icon and subtitle. |
ShortcutTypeGestureRotateCounterclockwise | The shortcut is a counterclockwise rotation gesture. GTK+ provides an icon and subtitle. |
ShortcutTypeGestureTwoFingerSwipeLeft | The shortcut is a two-finger swipe gesture. GTK+ provides an icon and subtitle. |
ShortcutTypeGestureTwoFingerSwipeRight | The shortcut is a two-finger swipe gesture. GTK+ provides an icon and subtitle. |
ShortcutTypeGesture | The shortcut is a gesture. The |
AnotherShortcutType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data SizeGroupMode Source #
The mode of the size group determines the directions in which the size group affects the requested sizes of its component widgets.
SizeGroupModeNone | group has no effect |
SizeGroupModeHorizontal | group affects horizontal requisition |
SizeGroupModeVertical | group affects vertical requisition |
SizeGroupModeBoth | group affects both horizontal and vertical requisition |
AnotherSizeGroupMode Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data SizeRequestMode Source #
Specifies a preference for height-for-width or width-for-height geometry management.
SizeRequestModeHeightForWidth | Prefer height-for-width geometry management |
SizeRequestModeWidthForHeight | Prefer width-for-height geometry management |
SizeRequestModeConstantSize | Don’t trade height-for-width or width-for-height |
AnotherSizeRequestMode Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Determines the direction of a sort.
SortTypeAscending | Sorting is in ascending order. |
SortTypeDescending | Sorting is in descending order. |
AnotherSortType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum SortType Source # | |
Eq SortType Source # | |
Ord SortType Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Enums | |
Show SortType Source # | |
BoxedEnum SortType Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Enums Methods boxedEnumType :: SortType -> IO GType # |
data SpinButtonUpdatePolicy Source #
The spin button update policy determines whether the spin button displays
values even if they are outside the bounds of its adjustment.
See spinButtonSetUpdatePolicy
SpinButtonUpdatePolicyAlways | When refreshing your |
SpinButtonUpdatePolicyIfValid | When refreshing your |
AnotherSpinButtonUpdatePolicy Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
The values of the GtkSpinType enumeration are used to specify the
change to make in spinButtonSpin
SpinTypeStepForward | Increment by the adjustments step increment. |
SpinTypeStepBackward | Decrement by the adjustments step increment. |
SpinTypePageForward | Increment by the adjustments page increment. |
SpinTypePageBackward | Decrement by the adjustments page increment. |
SpinTypeHome | Go to the adjustments lower bound. |
SpinTypeEnd | Go to the adjustments upper bound. |
SpinTypeUserDefined | Change by a specified amount. |
AnotherSpinType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum SpinType Source # | |
Eq SpinType Source # | |
Ord SpinType Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Enums | |
Show SpinType Source # | |
BoxedEnum SpinType Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Enums Methods boxedEnumType :: SpinType -> IO GType # |
data StackTransitionType Source #
These enumeration values describe the possible transitions
between pages in a Stack
New values may be added to this enumeration over time.
StackTransitionTypeNone | No transition |
StackTransitionTypeCrossfade | A cross-fade |
StackTransitionTypeSlideRight | Slide from left to right |
StackTransitionTypeSlideLeft | Slide from right to left |
StackTransitionTypeSlideUp | Slide from bottom up |
StackTransitionTypeSlideDown | Slide from top down |
StackTransitionTypeSlideLeftRight | Slide from left or right according to the children order |
StackTransitionTypeSlideUpDown | Slide from top down or bottom up according to the order |
StackTransitionTypeOverUp | Cover the old page by sliding up. Since 3.12 |
StackTransitionTypeOverDown | Cover the old page by sliding down. Since: 3.12 |
StackTransitionTypeOverLeft | Cover the old page by sliding to the left. Since: 3.12 |
StackTransitionTypeOverRight | Cover the old page by sliding to the right. Since: 3.12 |
StackTransitionTypeUnderUp | Uncover the new page by sliding up. Since 3.12 |
StackTransitionTypeUnderDown | Uncover the new page by sliding down. Since: 3.12 |
StackTransitionTypeUnderLeft | Uncover the new page by sliding to the left. Since: 3.12 |
StackTransitionTypeUnderRight | Uncover the new page by sliding to the right. Since: 3.12 |
StackTransitionTypeOverUpDown | Cover the old page sliding up or uncover the new page sliding down, according to order. Since: 3.12 |
StackTransitionTypeOverDownUp | Cover the old page sliding down or uncover the new page sliding up, according to order. Since: 3.14 |
StackTransitionTypeOverLeftRight | Cover the old page sliding left or uncover the new page sliding right, according to order. Since: 3.14 |
StackTransitionTypeOverRightLeft | Cover the old page sliding right or uncover the new page sliding left, according to order. Since: 3.14 |
AnotherStackTransitionType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Deprecated: (Since version 3.14)All APIs that are using this enumeration have been deprecated in favor of alternatives using StateFlags
This type indicates the current state of a widget; the state determines how
the widget is drawn. The StateType
enumeration is also used to
identify different colors in a Style
for drawing, so states can be
used for subparts of a widget as well as entire widgets.
StateTypeNormal | State during normal operation. |
StateTypeActive | State of a currently active widget, such as a depressed button. |
StateTypePrelight | State indicating that the mouse pointer is over the widget and the widget will respond to mouse clicks. |
StateTypeSelected | State of a selected item, such the selected row in a list. |
StateTypeInsensitive | State indicating that the widget is unresponsive to user actions. |
StateTypeInconsistent | The widget is inconsistent, such as checkbuttons
or radiobuttons that aren’t either set to |
StateTypeFocused | The widget has the keyboard focus. |
AnotherStateType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum StateType Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Enums Methods succ :: StateType -> StateType # pred :: StateType -> StateType # fromEnum :: StateType -> Int # enumFrom :: StateType -> [StateType] # enumFromThen :: StateType -> StateType -> [StateType] # enumFromTo :: StateType -> StateType -> [StateType] # enumFromThenTo :: StateType -> StateType -> StateType -> [StateType] # | |
Eq StateType Source # | |
Ord StateType Source # | |
Show StateType Source # | |
BoxedEnum StateType Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Enums Methods boxedEnumType :: StateType -> IO GType # |
data TextBufferTargetInfo Source #
These values are used as “info” for the targets contained in the
lists returned by textBufferGetCopyTargetList
The values counts down from -1
to avoid clashes
with application added drag destinations which usually start at 0.
TextBufferTargetInfoBufferContents | Buffer contents |
TextBufferTargetInfoRichText | Rich text |
TextBufferTargetInfoText | Text |
AnotherTextBufferTargetInfo Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data TextDirection Source #
Reading directions for text.
TextDirectionNone | No direction. |
TextDirectionLtr | Left to right text direction. |
TextDirectionRtl | Right to left text direction. |
AnotherTextDirection Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data TextExtendSelection Source #
Granularity types that extend the text selection. Use the
signal to customize the selection.
Since: 3.16
TextExtendSelectionWord | Selects the current word. It is triggered by a double-click for example. |
TextExtendSelectionLine | Selects the current line. It is triggered by a triple-click for example. |
AnotherTextExtendSelection Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data TextViewLayer Source #
Used to reference the layers of TextView
for the purpose of customized
drawing with the ::draw_layer vfunc.
TextViewLayerBelow | Old deprecated layer, use |
TextViewLayerAbove | Old deprecated layer, use |
TextViewLayerBelowText | The layer rendered below the text (but above the background). Since: 3.20 |
TextViewLayerAboveText | The layer rendered above the text. Since: 3.20 |
AnotherTextViewLayer Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data TextWindowType Source #
Used to reference the parts of TextView
TextWindowTypePrivate | Invalid value, used as a marker |
TextWindowTypeWidget | Window that floats over scrolling areas. |
TextWindowTypeText | Scrollable text window. |
TextWindowTypeLeft | Left side border window. |
TextWindowTypeRight | Right side border window. |
TextWindowTypeTop | Top border window. |
TextWindowTypeBottom | Bottom border window. |
AnotherTextWindowType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data ToolbarSpaceStyle Source #
Deprecated: (Since version 3.20)
Whether spacers are vertical lines or just blank.
ToolbarSpaceStyleEmpty | Use blank spacers. |
ToolbarSpaceStyleLine | Use vertical lines for spacers. |
AnotherToolbarSpaceStyle Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data ToolbarStyle Source #
Used to customize the appearance of a Toolbar
. Note that
setting the toolbar style overrides the user’s preferences
for the default toolbar style. Note that if the button has only
a label set and GTK_TOOLBAR_ICONS is used, the label will be
visible, and vice versa.
ToolbarStyleIcons | Buttons display only icons in the toolbar. |
ToolbarStyleText | Buttons display only text labels in the toolbar. |
ToolbarStyleBoth | Buttons display text and icons in the toolbar. |
ToolbarStyleBothHoriz | Buttons display icons and text alongside each other, rather than vertically stacked |
AnotherToolbarStyle Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data TreeViewColumnSizing Source #
The sizing method the column uses to determine its width. Please note
are inefficient for large views, and
can make columns appear choppy.
TreeViewColumnSizingGrowOnly | Columns only get bigger in reaction to changes in the model |
TreeViewColumnSizingAutosize | Columns resize to be the optimal size everytime the model changes. |
TreeViewColumnSizingFixed | Columns are a fixed numbers of pixels wide. |
AnotherTreeViewColumnSizing Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data TreeViewDropPosition Source #
An enum for determining where a dropped row goes.
TreeViewDropPositionBefore | dropped row is inserted before |
TreeViewDropPositionAfter | dropped row is inserted after |
TreeViewDropPositionIntoOrBefore | dropped row becomes a child or is inserted before |
TreeViewDropPositionIntoOrAfter | dropped row becomes a child or is inserted after |
AnotherTreeViewDropPosition Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data TreeViewGridLines Source #
Used to indicate which grid lines to draw in a tree view.
TreeViewGridLinesNone | No grid lines. |
TreeViewGridLinesHorizontal | Horizontal grid lines. |
TreeViewGridLinesVertical | Vertical grid lines. |
TreeViewGridLinesBoth | Horizontal and vertical grid lines. |
AnotherTreeViewGridLines Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
See also printSettingsSetPaperWidth
UnitNone | No units. |
UnitPoints | Dimensions in points. |
UnitInch | Dimensions in inches. |
UnitMm | Dimensions in millimeters |
AnotherUnit Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data WidgetHelpType Source #
Kinds of widget-specific help. Used by the ::show-help signal.
WidgetHelpTypeTooltip | Tooltip. |
WidgetHelpTypeWhatsThis | What’s this. |
AnotherWidgetHelpType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data WindowPosition Source #
Window placement can be influenced using this enumeration. Note that
is almost always a bad idea.
It won’t necessarily work well with all window managers or on all windowing systems.
WindowPositionNone | No influence is made on placement. |
WindowPositionCenter | Windows should be placed in the center of the screen. |
WindowPositionMouse | Windows should be placed at the current mouse position. |
WindowPositionCenterAlways | Keep window centered as it changes size, etc. |
WindowPositionCenterOnParent | Center the window on its transient
parent (see |
AnotherWindowPosition Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data WindowType Source #
A Window
can be one of these types. Most things you’d consider a
“window” should have type GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL
; windows with this type
are managed by the window manager and have a frame by default (call
to toggle the frame). Windows with type
are ignored by the window manager; window manager
keybindings won’t work on them, the window manager won’t decorate the
window with a frame, many GTK+ features that rely on the window
manager will not work (e.g. resize grips and
maximization/minimization). GTK_WINDOW_POPUP
is used to implement
widgets such as Menu
or tooltips that you normally don’t think of
as windows per se. Nearly all windows should be GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL
In particular, do not use GTK_WINDOW_POPUP
just to turn off
the window borders; use windowSetDecorated
for that.
WindowTypeToplevel | A regular window, such as a dialog. |
WindowTypePopup | A special window such as a tooltip. |
AnotherWindowType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Describes a type of line wrapping.
WrapModeNone | do not wrap lines; just make the text area wider |
WrapModeChar | wrap text, breaking lines anywhere the cursor can
appear (between characters, usually - if you want to be technical,
between graphemes, see |
WrapModeWord | wrap text, breaking lines in between words |
WrapModeWordChar | wrap text, breaking lines in between words, or if that is not enough, also between graphemes |
AnotherWrapMode Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum WrapMode Source # | |
Eq WrapMode Source # | |
Ord WrapMode Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Enums | |
Show WrapMode Source # | |
BoxedEnum WrapMode Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Enums Methods boxedEnumType :: WrapMode -> IO GType # |