Copyright | Will Thompson and Iñaki García Etxebarria |
License | LGPL-2.1 |
Maintainer | Iñaki García Etxebarria |
Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
The MenuItem
widget and the derived widgets are the only valid
children for menus. Their function is to correctly handle highlighting,
alignment, events and submenus.
As a GtkMenuItem derives from Bin
it can hold any valid child widget,
although only a few are really useful.
By default, a GtkMenuItem sets a AccelLabel
as its child.
GtkMenuItem has direct functions to set the label and its mnemonic.
For more advanced label settings, you can fetch the child widget from the GtkBin.
An example for setting markup and accelerator on a MenuItem:
C code
GtkWidget *menu_item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_label ("Example Menu Item"); GtkWidget *child = gtk_bin_get_child (GTK_BIN (menu_item)); gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (child), "<i>new label</i> with <b>markup</b>"); gtk_accel_label_set_accel (GTK_ACCEL_LABEL (child), GDK_KEY_1, 0);
GtkMenuItem as GtkBuildable
The GtkMenuItem implementation of the Buildable
interface supports
adding a submenu by specifying “submenu” as the “type” attribute of
a <child>
An example of UI definition fragment with submenus:
xml code
<object class="GtkMenuItem"> <child type="submenu"> <object class="GtkMenu"/> </child> </object>
CSS nodes
plain code
menuitem ├── <child> ╰── [arrow.right]
GtkMenuItem has a single CSS node with name menuitem. If the menuitem has a submenu, it gets another CSS node with name arrow, which has the .left or .right style class.
- newtype MenuItem = MenuItem (ManagedPtr MenuItem)
- class (GObject o, IsDescendantOf MenuItem o) => IsMenuItem o
- toMenuItem :: (MonadIO m, IsMenuItem o) => o -> m MenuItem
- menuItemActivate :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsMenuItem a) => a -> m ()
- menuItemDeselect :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsMenuItem a) => a -> m ()
- menuItemGetAccelPath :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsMenuItem a) => a -> m (Maybe Text)
- menuItemGetLabel :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsMenuItem a) => a -> m Text
- menuItemGetReserveIndicator :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsMenuItem a) => a -> m Bool
- menuItemGetRightJustified :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsMenuItem a) => a -> m Bool
- menuItemGetSubmenu :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsMenuItem a) => a -> m (Maybe Widget)
- menuItemGetUseUnderline :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsMenuItem a) => a -> m Bool
- menuItemNew :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m MenuItem
- menuItemNewWithLabel :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m MenuItem
- menuItemNewWithMnemonic :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m MenuItem
- menuItemSelect :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsMenuItem a) => a -> m ()
- menuItemSetAccelPath :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsMenuItem a) => a -> Maybe Text -> m ()
- menuItemSetLabel :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsMenuItem a) => a -> Text -> m ()
- menuItemSetReserveIndicator :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsMenuItem a) => a -> Bool -> m ()
- menuItemSetRightJustified :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsMenuItem a) => a -> Bool -> m ()
- menuItemSetSubmenu :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsMenuItem a, IsMenu b) => a -> Maybe b -> m ()
- menuItemSetUseUnderline :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsMenuItem a) => a -> Bool -> m ()
- menuItemToggleSizeAllocate :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsMenuItem a) => a -> Int32 -> m ()
- menuItemToggleSizeRequest :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsMenuItem a) => a -> Int32 -> m Int32
- clearMenuItemAccelPath :: (MonadIO m, IsMenuItem o) => o -> m ()
- constructMenuItemAccelPath :: (IsMenuItem o, MonadIO m) => Text -> m (GValueConstruct o)
- getMenuItemAccelPath :: (MonadIO m, IsMenuItem o) => o -> m (Maybe Text)
- setMenuItemAccelPath :: (MonadIO m, IsMenuItem o) => o -> Text -> m ()
- constructMenuItemLabel :: (IsMenuItem o, MonadIO m) => Text -> m (GValueConstruct o)
- getMenuItemLabel :: (MonadIO m, IsMenuItem o) => o -> m Text
- setMenuItemLabel :: (MonadIO m, IsMenuItem o) => o -> Text -> m ()
- constructMenuItemRightJustified :: (IsMenuItem o, MonadIO m) => Bool -> m (GValueConstruct o)
- getMenuItemRightJustified :: (MonadIO m, IsMenuItem o) => o -> m Bool
- setMenuItemRightJustified :: (MonadIO m, IsMenuItem o) => o -> Bool -> m ()
- clearMenuItemSubmenu :: (MonadIO m, IsMenuItem o) => o -> m ()
- constructMenuItemSubmenu :: (IsMenuItem o, MonadIO m, IsMenu a) => a -> m (GValueConstruct o)
- getMenuItemSubmenu :: (MonadIO m, IsMenuItem o) => o -> m (Maybe Menu)
- setMenuItemSubmenu :: (MonadIO m, IsMenuItem o, IsMenu a) => o -> a -> m ()
- constructMenuItemUseUnderline :: (IsMenuItem o, MonadIO m) => Bool -> m (GValueConstruct o)
- getMenuItemUseUnderline :: (MonadIO m, IsMenuItem o) => o -> m Bool
- setMenuItemUseUnderline :: (MonadIO m, IsMenuItem o) => o -> Bool -> m ()
- type MenuItemActivateCallback = IO ()
- afterMenuItemActivate :: (IsMenuItem a, MonadIO m) => a -> ((?self :: a) => MenuItemActivateCallback) -> m SignalHandlerId
- onMenuItemActivate :: (IsMenuItem a, MonadIO m) => a -> ((?self :: a) => MenuItemActivateCallback) -> m SignalHandlerId
- type MenuItemActivateItemCallback = IO ()
- afterMenuItemActivateItem :: (IsMenuItem a, MonadIO m) => a -> ((?self :: a) => MenuItemActivateItemCallback) -> m SignalHandlerId
- onMenuItemActivateItem :: (IsMenuItem a, MonadIO m) => a -> ((?self :: a) => MenuItemActivateItemCallback) -> m SignalHandlerId
- type MenuItemDeselectCallback = IO ()
- afterMenuItemDeselect :: (IsMenuItem a, MonadIO m) => a -> ((?self :: a) => MenuItemDeselectCallback) -> m SignalHandlerId
- onMenuItemDeselect :: (IsMenuItem a, MonadIO m) => a -> ((?self :: a) => MenuItemDeselectCallback) -> m SignalHandlerId
- type MenuItemSelectCallback = IO ()
- afterMenuItemSelect :: (IsMenuItem a, MonadIO m) => a -> ((?self :: a) => MenuItemSelectCallback) -> m SignalHandlerId
- onMenuItemSelect :: (IsMenuItem a, MonadIO m) => a -> ((?self :: a) => MenuItemSelectCallback) -> m SignalHandlerId
- type MenuItemToggleSizeAllocateCallback = Int32 -> IO ()
- afterMenuItemToggleSizeAllocate :: (IsMenuItem a, MonadIO m) => a -> ((?self :: a) => MenuItemToggleSizeAllocateCallback) -> m SignalHandlerId
- onMenuItemToggleSizeAllocate :: (IsMenuItem a, MonadIO m) => a -> ((?self :: a) => MenuItemToggleSizeAllocateCallback) -> m SignalHandlerId
- type MenuItemToggleSizeRequestCallback = Ptr () -> IO ()
- afterMenuItemToggleSizeRequest :: (IsMenuItem a, MonadIO m) => a -> ((?self :: a) => MenuItemToggleSizeRequestCallback) -> m SignalHandlerId
- onMenuItemToggleSizeRequest :: (IsMenuItem a, MonadIO m) => a -> ((?self :: a) => MenuItemToggleSizeRequestCallback) -> m SignalHandlerId
Exported types
Memory-managed wrapper type.
Eq MenuItem Source # | |
GObject MenuItem Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Objects.MenuItem | |
ManagedPtrNewtype MenuItem Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Objects.MenuItem Methods toManagedPtr :: MenuItem -> ManagedPtr MenuItem | |
TypedObject MenuItem Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Objects.MenuItem | |
HasParentTypes MenuItem Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Objects.MenuItem | |
IsGValue (Maybe MenuItem) Source # | Convert |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Objects.MenuItem Methods gvalueGType_ :: IO GType gvalueSet_ :: Ptr GValue -> Maybe MenuItem -> IO () gvalueGet_ :: Ptr GValue -> IO (Maybe MenuItem) | |
type ParentTypes MenuItem Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Objects.MenuItem type ParentTypes MenuItem = '[Bin, Container, Widget, Object, ImplementorIface, Actionable, Activatable, Buildable] |
class (GObject o, IsDescendantOf MenuItem o) => IsMenuItem o Source #
Type class for types which can be safely cast to MenuItem
, for instance with toMenuItem
(GObject o, IsDescendantOf MenuItem o) => IsMenuItem o Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Objects.MenuItem |
toMenuItem :: (MonadIO m, IsMenuItem o) => o -> m MenuItem Source #
Click to display all available methods, including inherited ones
activate, add, addAccelerator, addChild, addDeviceEvents, addEvents, addMnemonicLabel, addTickCallback, bindProperty, bindPropertyFull, canActivateAccel, checkResize, childFocus, childGetProperty, childNotify, childNotifyByPspec, childSetProperty, childType, classPath, computeExpand, constructChild, createPangoContext, createPangoLayout, customFinished, customTagEnd, customTagStart, deselect, destroy, destroyed, deviceIsShadowed, doSetRelatedAction, dragBegin, dragBeginWithCoordinates, dragCheckThreshold, dragDestAddImageTargets, dragDestAddTextTargets, dragDestAddUriTargets, dragDestFindTarget, dragDestGetTargetList, dragDestGetTrackMotion, dragDestSet, dragDestSetProxy, dragDestSetTargetList, dragDestSetTrackMotion, dragDestUnset, dragGetData, dragHighlight, dragSourceAddImageTargets, dragSourceAddTextTargets, dragSourceAddUriTargets, dragSourceGetTargetList, dragSourceSet, dragSourceSetIconGicon, dragSourceSetIconName, dragSourceSetIconPixbuf, dragSourceSetIconStock, dragSourceSetTargetList, dragSourceUnset, dragUnhighlight, draw, ensureStyle, errorBell, event, forall, forceFloating, foreach, freezeChildNotify, freezeNotify, getv, grabAdd, grabDefault, grabFocus, grabRemove, hasDefault, hasFocus, hasGrab, hasRcStyle, hasScreen, hasVisibleFocus, hide, hideOnDelete, inDestruction, initTemplate, inputShapeCombineRegion, insertActionGroup, intersect, isAncestor, isComposited, isDrawable, isFloating, isFocus, isSensitive, isToplevel, isVisible, keynavFailed, listAccelClosures, listActionPrefixes, listMnemonicLabels, map, mnemonicActivate, modifyBase, modifyBg, modifyCursor, modifyFg, modifyFont, modifyStyle, modifyText, notify, notifyByPspec, overrideBackgroundColor, overrideColor, overrideCursor, overrideFont, overrideSymbolicColor, parserFinished, path, propagateDraw, queueAllocate, queueComputeExpand, queueDraw, queueDrawArea, queueDrawRegion, queueResize, queueResizeNoRedraw, realize, ref, refSink, regionIntersect, registerWindow, remove, removeAccelerator, removeMnemonicLabel, removeTickCallback, renderIcon, renderIconPixbuf, reparent, resetRcStyles, resetStyle, resizeChildren, runDispose, select, sendExpose, sendFocusChange, shapeCombineRegion, show, showAll, showNow, sizeAllocate, sizeAllocateWithBaseline, sizeRequest, stealData, stealQdata, styleAttach, styleGetProperty, syncActionProperties, thawChildNotify, thawNotify, toggleSizeAllocate, toggleSizeRequest, translateCoordinates, triggerTooltipQuery, unmap, unparent, unrealize, unref, unregisterWindow, unsetFocusChain, unsetStateFlags, watchClosure.
getAccelPath, getAccessible, getActionGroup, getActionName, getActionTargetValue, getAllocatedBaseline, getAllocatedHeight, getAllocatedSize, getAllocatedWidth, getAllocation, getAncestor, getAppPaintable, getBorderWidth, getCanDefault, getCanFocus, getChild, getChildRequisition, getChildVisible, getChildren, getClip, getClipboard, getCompositeName, getData, getDeviceEnabled, getDeviceEvents, getDirection, getDisplay, getDoubleBuffered, getEvents, getFocusChain, getFocusChild, getFocusHadjustment, getFocusOnClick, getFocusVadjustment, getFontMap, getFontOptions, getFrameClock, getHalign, getHasTooltip, getHasWindow, getHexpand, getHexpandSet, getInternalChild, getLabel, getMapped, getMarginBottom, getMarginEnd, getMarginLeft, getMarginRight, getMarginStart, getMarginTop, getModifierMask, getModifierStyle, getName, getNoShowAll, getOpacity, getPangoContext, getParent, getParentWindow, getPath, getPathForChild, getPointer, getPreferredHeight, getPreferredHeightAndBaselineForWidth, getPreferredHeightForWidth, getPreferredSize, getPreferredWidth, getPreferredWidthForHeight, getProperty, getQdata, getRealized, getReceivesDefault, getRelatedAction, getRequestMode, getRequisition, getReserveIndicator, getResizeMode, getRightJustified, getRootWindow, getScaleFactor, getScreen, getSensitive, getSettings, getSizeRequest, getState, getStateFlags, getStyle, getStyleContext, getSubmenu, getSupportMultidevice, getTemplateChild, getTooltipMarkup, getTooltipText, getTooltipWindow, getToplevel, getUseActionAppearance, getUseUnderline, getValign, getValignWithBaseline, getVexpand, getVexpandSet, getVisible, getVisual, getWindow.
setAccelPath, setActionName, setActionTargetValue, setAllocation, setAppPaintable, setBorderWidth, setBuildableProperty, setCanDefault, setCanFocus, setChildVisible, setClip, setCompositeName, setData, setDataFull, setDetailedActionName, setDeviceEnabled, setDeviceEvents, setDirection, setDoubleBuffered, setEvents, setFocusChain, setFocusChild, setFocusHadjustment, setFocusOnClick, setFocusVadjustment, setFontMap, setFontOptions, setHalign, setHasTooltip, setHasWindow, setHexpand, setHexpandSet, setLabel, setMapped, setMarginBottom, setMarginEnd, setMarginLeft, setMarginRight, setMarginStart, setMarginTop, setName, setNoShowAll, setOpacity, setParent, setParentWindow, setProperty, setRealized, setReallocateRedraws, setReceivesDefault, setRedrawOnAllocate, setRelatedAction, setReserveIndicator, setResizeMode, setRightJustified, setSensitive, setSizeRequest, setState, setStateFlags, setStyle, setSubmenu, setSupportMultidevice, setTooltipMarkup, setTooltipText, setTooltipWindow, setUseActionAppearance, setUseUnderline, setValign, setVexpand, setVexpandSet, setVisible, setVisual, setWindow.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsMenuItem a) | |
=> a |
-> m () |
Emits the MenuItem::activate signal on the given item
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsMenuItem a) | |
=> a |
-> m () |
Emits the MenuItem::deselect signal on the given item.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsMenuItem a) | |
=> a |
-> m (Maybe Text) | Returns: the accelerator path corresponding to
this menu item’s functionality, or |
Retrieve the accelerator path that was previously set on menuItem
See menuItemSetAccelPath
for details.
Since: 2.14
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsMenuItem a) | |
=> a |
-> m Text | Returns: The text in the |
Sets text
on the menuItem
Since: 2.16
menuItemGetReserveIndicator Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsMenuItem a) | |
=> a |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Returns whether the menuItem
reserves space for
the submenu indicator, regardless if it has a submenu
or not.
Since: 3.0
menuItemGetRightJustified Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsMenuItem a) | |
=> a |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Deprecated: (Since version 3.2)See menuItemSetRightJustified
Gets whether the menu item appears justified at the right side of the menu bar.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsMenuItem a) | |
=> a |
-> m (Maybe Widget) | Returns: submenu for this menu item, or |
Gets the submenu underneath this menu item, if any.
See menuItemSetSubmenu
menuItemGetUseUnderline Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsMenuItem a) | |
=> a |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Checks if an underline in the text indicates the next character should be used for the mnemonic accelerator key.
Since: 2.16
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> m MenuItem | Returns: the newly created |
Creates a new MenuItem
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m MenuItem | Returns: the newly created |
menuItemNewWithMnemonic Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> Text |
-> m MenuItem | Returns: a new |
Creates a new MenuItem
containing a label.
The label will be created using labelNewWithMnemonic
so underscores in label
indicate the mnemonic for the menu item.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsMenuItem a) | |
=> a |
-> m () |
Emits the MenuItem::select signal on the given item.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsMenuItem a) | |
=> a |
-> Maybe Text |
-> m () |
Set the accelerator path on menuItem
, through which runtime
changes of the menu item’s accelerator caused by the user can be
identified and saved to persistent storage (see accelMapSave
on this). To set up a default accelerator for this menu item, call
with the same accelPath
. See also
on the specifics of accelerator paths,
and menuSetAccelPath
for a more convenient variant of
this function.
This function is basically a convenience wrapper that handles
calling widgetSetAccelPath
with the appropriate accelerator
group for the menu item.
Note that you do need to set an accelerator on the parent menu with
for this to work.
Note that accelPath
string will be stored in a GQuark
Therefore, if you pass a static string, you can save some memory
by interning it first with internStaticString
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsMenuItem a) | |
=> a |
-> Text |
-> m () |
Sets text
on the menuItem
Since: 2.16
menuItemSetReserveIndicator Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsMenuItem a) | |
=> a |
-> Bool |
-> m () |
Sets whether the menuItem
should reserve space for
the submenu indicator, regardless if it actually has
a submenu or not.
There should be little need for applications to call this functions.
Since: 3.0
menuItemSetRightJustified Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsMenuItem a) | |
=> a |
-> Bool |
-> m () |
Deprecated: (Since version 3.2)If you insist on using it, use widgetSetHexpand
and widgetSetHalign
Sets whether the menu item appears justified at the right side of a menu bar. This was traditionally done for “Help” menu items, but is now considered a bad idea. (If the widget layout is reversed for a right-to-left language like Hebrew or Arabic, right-justified-menu-items appear at the left.)
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsMenuItem a, IsMenu b) | |
=> a |
-> Maybe b |
-> m () |
Sets or replaces the menu item’s submenu, or removes it when a Nothing
submenu is passed.
menuItemSetUseUnderline Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsMenuItem a) | |
=> a |
-> Bool |
-> m () |
If true, an underline in the text indicates the next character should be used for the mnemonic accelerator key.
Since: 2.16
menuItemToggleSizeAllocate Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsMenuItem a) | |
=> a |
-> Int32 |
-> m () |
Emits the MenuItem::toggleSizeAllocate signal on the given item.
menuItemToggleSizeRequest Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsMenuItem a) | |
=> a |
-> Int32 |
-> m Int32 |
Emits the MenuItem::toggleSizeRequest signal on the given item.
Sets the accelerator path of the menu item, through which runtime changes of the menu item's accelerator caused by the user can be identified and saved to persistant storage.
Since: 2.14
clearMenuItemAccelPath :: (MonadIO m, IsMenuItem o) => o -> m () Source #
Set the value of the “accel-path
” property to Nothing
When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to
constructMenuItemAccelPath :: (IsMenuItem o, MonadIO m) => Text -> m (GValueConstruct o) Source #
Construct a GValueConstruct
with valid value for the “accel-path
” property. This is rarely needed directly, but it is used by new
getMenuItemAccelPath :: (MonadIO m, IsMenuItem o) => o -> m (Maybe Text) Source #
Get the value of the “accel-path
” property.
When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to
menuItem #accelPath
setMenuItemAccelPath :: (MonadIO m, IsMenuItem o) => o -> Text -> m () Source #
Set the value of the “accel-path
” property.
When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to
menuItem [ #accelPath:=
value ]
The text for the child label.
Since: 2.16
constructMenuItemLabel :: (IsMenuItem o, MonadIO m) => Text -> m (GValueConstruct o) Source #
Construct a GValueConstruct
with valid value for the “label
” property. This is rarely needed directly, but it is used by new
getMenuItemLabel :: (MonadIO m, IsMenuItem o) => o -> m Text Source #
Get the value of the “label
” property.
When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to
menuItem #label
setMenuItemLabel :: (MonadIO m, IsMenuItem o) => o -> Text -> m () Source #
Set the value of the “label
” property.
When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to
menuItem [ #label:=
value ]
Sets whether the menu item appears justified at the right side of a menu bar.
Since: 2.14
constructMenuItemRightJustified :: (IsMenuItem o, MonadIO m) => Bool -> m (GValueConstruct o) Source #
Construct a GValueConstruct
with valid value for the “right-justified
” property. This is rarely needed directly, but it is used by new
getMenuItemRightJustified :: (MonadIO m, IsMenuItem o) => o -> m Bool Source #
Get the value of the “right-justified
” property.
When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to
menuItem #rightJustified
setMenuItemRightJustified :: (MonadIO m, IsMenuItem o) => o -> Bool -> m () Source #
Set the value of the “right-justified
” property.
When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to
menuItem [ #rightJustified:=
value ]
The submenu attached to the menu item, or Nothing
if it has none.
Since: 2.12
clearMenuItemSubmenu :: (MonadIO m, IsMenuItem o) => o -> m () Source #
Set the value of the “submenu
” property to Nothing
When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to
constructMenuItemSubmenu :: (IsMenuItem o, MonadIO m, IsMenu a) => a -> m (GValueConstruct o) Source #
Construct a GValueConstruct
with valid value for the “submenu
” property. This is rarely needed directly, but it is used by new
getMenuItemSubmenu :: (MonadIO m, IsMenuItem o) => o -> m (Maybe Menu) Source #
Get the value of the “submenu
” property.
When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to
menuItem #submenu
setMenuItemSubmenu :: (MonadIO m, IsMenuItem o, IsMenu a) => o -> a -> m () Source #
Set the value of the “submenu
” property.
When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to
menuItem [ #submenu:=
value ]
if underlines in the text indicate mnemonics.
Since: 2.16
constructMenuItemUseUnderline :: (IsMenuItem o, MonadIO m) => Bool -> m (GValueConstruct o) Source #
Construct a GValueConstruct
with valid value for the “use-underline
” property. This is rarely needed directly, but it is used by new
getMenuItemUseUnderline :: (MonadIO m, IsMenuItem o) => o -> m Bool Source #
Get the value of the “use-underline
” property.
When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to
menuItem #useUnderline
setMenuItemUseUnderline :: (MonadIO m, IsMenuItem o) => o -> Bool -> m () Source #
Set the value of the “use-underline
” property.
When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to
menuItem [ #useUnderline:=
value ]
type MenuItemActivateCallback = IO () Source #
Emitted when the item is activated.
afterMenuItemActivate :: (IsMenuItem a, MonadIO m) => a -> ((?self :: a) => MenuItemActivateCallback) -> m SignalHandlerId Source #
Connect a signal handler for the activate signal, to be run after the default handler. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to
menuItem #activate callback
By default the object invoking the signal is not passed to the callback.
If you need to access it, you can use the implit ?self
Note that this requires activating the ImplicitParams
GHC extension.
onMenuItemActivate :: (IsMenuItem a, MonadIO m) => a -> ((?self :: a) => MenuItemActivateCallback) -> m SignalHandlerId Source #
Connect a signal handler for the activate signal, to be run before the default handler. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to
menuItem #activate callback
type MenuItemActivateItemCallback = IO () Source #
Emitted when the item is activated, but also if the menu item has a submenu. For normal applications, the relevant signal is MenuItem::activate.
afterMenuItemActivateItem :: (IsMenuItem a, MonadIO m) => a -> ((?self :: a) => MenuItemActivateItemCallback) -> m SignalHandlerId Source #
Connect a signal handler for the activateItem signal, to be run after the default handler. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to
menuItem #activateItem callback
By default the object invoking the signal is not passed to the callback.
If you need to access it, you can use the implit ?self
Note that this requires activating the ImplicitParams
GHC extension.
onMenuItemActivateItem :: (IsMenuItem a, MonadIO m) => a -> ((?self :: a) => MenuItemActivateItemCallback) -> m SignalHandlerId Source #
Connect a signal handler for the activateItem signal, to be run before the default handler. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to
menuItem #activateItem callback
type MenuItemDeselectCallback = IO () Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
afterMenuItemDeselect :: (IsMenuItem a, MonadIO m) => a -> ((?self :: a) => MenuItemDeselectCallback) -> m SignalHandlerId Source #
Connect a signal handler for the deselect signal, to be run after the default handler. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to
menuItem #deselect callback
By default the object invoking the signal is not passed to the callback.
If you need to access it, you can use the implit ?self
Note that this requires activating the ImplicitParams
GHC extension.
onMenuItemDeselect :: (IsMenuItem a, MonadIO m) => a -> ((?self :: a) => MenuItemDeselectCallback) -> m SignalHandlerId Source #
Connect a signal handler for the deselect signal, to be run before the default handler. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to
menuItem #deselect callback
type MenuItemSelectCallback = IO () Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
afterMenuItemSelect :: (IsMenuItem a, MonadIO m) => a -> ((?self :: a) => MenuItemSelectCallback) -> m SignalHandlerId Source #
Connect a signal handler for the select signal, to be run after the default handler. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to
menuItem #select callback
By default the object invoking the signal is not passed to the callback.
If you need to access it, you can use the implit ?self
Note that this requires activating the ImplicitParams
GHC extension.
onMenuItemSelect :: (IsMenuItem a, MonadIO m) => a -> ((?self :: a) => MenuItemSelectCallback) -> m SignalHandlerId Source #
Connect a signal handler for the select signal, to be run before the default handler. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to
menuItem #select callback
type MenuItemToggleSizeAllocateCallback = Int32 -> IO () Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
afterMenuItemToggleSizeAllocate :: (IsMenuItem a, MonadIO m) => a -> ((?self :: a) => MenuItemToggleSizeAllocateCallback) -> m SignalHandlerId Source #
Connect a signal handler for the toggleSizeAllocate signal, to be run after the default handler. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to
menuItem #toggleSizeAllocate callback
By default the object invoking the signal is not passed to the callback.
If you need to access it, you can use the implit ?self
Note that this requires activating the ImplicitParams
GHC extension.
onMenuItemToggleSizeAllocate :: (IsMenuItem a, MonadIO m) => a -> ((?self :: a) => MenuItemToggleSizeAllocateCallback) -> m SignalHandlerId Source #
Connect a signal handler for the toggleSizeAllocate signal, to be run before the default handler. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to
menuItem #toggleSizeAllocate callback
type MenuItemToggleSizeRequestCallback = Ptr () -> IO () Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
afterMenuItemToggleSizeRequest :: (IsMenuItem a, MonadIO m) => a -> ((?self :: a) => MenuItemToggleSizeRequestCallback) -> m SignalHandlerId Source #
Connect a signal handler for the toggleSizeRequest signal, to be run after the default handler. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to
menuItem #toggleSizeRequest callback
By default the object invoking the signal is not passed to the callback.
If you need to access it, you can use the implit ?self
Note that this requires activating the ImplicitParams
GHC extension.
onMenuItemToggleSizeRequest :: (IsMenuItem a, MonadIO m) => a -> ((?self :: a) => MenuItemToggleSizeRequestCallback) -> m SignalHandlerId Source #
Connect a signal handler for the toggleSizeRequest signal, to be run before the default handler. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to
menuItem #toggleSizeRequest callback